Trying 25 Of The Most Popular Trader Joe's Items | Delish

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- Oh my god, oh my gosh, I really like that. That's really delicious. I'm actually really surprised, (beep). What's up, everybody? Welcome back to Delish. I'm very excited to be back in the studio. And I'm even more excited about this video today because, you guys, I am trying the most popular items at Trader Joe's. I'm going to be trying dips, appetizers, snacks, dinner, dessert, you name it. If it ended up on the popular list, I'm going to be grubbin' on it today. Without further ado, let's dive in. The very first round is dips. I'm very excited about this round because chips and dip are just one of those snacks that everybody loves. Okay, you guys, our very first product from Trader Joe's, the Cauliflower Jalapeno Dip. And I think it only makes sense to pair it with these cauliflower crisp snacks. So this has obviously, cauliflower, jalapenos. I'm imagining it's gonna be creamy and dreamy. (upbeat music) This is really creamy. You're getting those bits of jalapenos in there, which is really, really nice. It's light, it's not too heavy. This is one of those things where you're gonna look down and it's gonna be completely gone after you thought you only took five bites, but you took about 20. All right, next up we're gonna go ahead and do the Everything But Bagel Dip. So I imagine it just tastes like an everything bagel, but in a dip texture. It literally smells like a bagel from Starbucks. And then, let's go ahead and dive on it. You know that person that, whenever you share an appetizer at a restaurant, takes the largest amount of the dip, and you're like, "Um, excuse me, we're sharing that," that's me. I feel like you have to go big or go home to really get the flavors, you know? You could put this on a plain bagel and feel like you're eating an everything bagel. The flavor is spot on. You like everything bagel? You're gonna like this sauce, all right, or this dip. I love, love, love their dips. Buffalo Style Chicken Dip. It has white chicken meat with cream cheese, sour cream, cayenne pepper sauce, and shredded Monterey Jack cheese. Are you kidding me? This is what dreams are made of, right here. All right, guys, I wanna get some chicken up in here. Oh yeah, here we go. (upbeat music) Holy hell, that is (beep) good. Oh my goodness gracious. Ooh, oh, hoo, hoo! This almost tastes like a spicy ranch. Spicy ranch with big, juicy chicken chunks inside. And it's shredded chicken, so it's a nice chew to it. So far, I think this one is my favorite. Next up is the Green Goddess Dip. People are obsessed with this dip. Let's go ahead and dive on into the Green Goddess Dip, a creamy, zesty dip with sour cream, avocado, garlic, parsley, and basil. Whoa, holy moly. That one kind of punches you in your face. Yeah, this is a bold flavor. It's not subtle at all. You really taste the basil and the parsley coming through. It hits you as soon as you take a bite, this is the! Next up, we're trying the Buffalo Style Hummus, smooth and creamy. This is the first hummus that we're going to try. Not a fan of this one. I think it's something about the texture of the hummus with Buffalo. I don't think the two really go together, honestly. It kind of like has that expired type of taste, not gonna lie. You're just not supposed to mix Buffalo sauce with hummus. Trader Joe's is also known for their spreads. Cookie Butter is very famous at Trader Joe's. Cookie Butter in general, people absolutely love. So I had to try this. It smells like cookies and butter whipped up to make this beautiful concoction, hell yeah. And I have some strawberries down here. Let's get a big, juicy strawberry. Yeah, look at that, it's a big one. Mm, mm, mm, you know me. I like to take really big bites. Here we go, you guys, Cookie Butter on a strawberry. (laughing) Holy moly. You know? That's just really delicious. Cookie Butter is one of those best things in life. There's almond butter, peanut butter, cookie butter. And what's the other one? The chocolate one, Nutella. Those things with fruit? It's just the best combination. This is good, it's creamy, it's sweet, it's delicious. I recommend eating it with fruit. It's really nice. Some people like to eat it with a cookie, but you guys, this is, this is where it's at. I could eat this whole (beep) jar and not move on for the rest of the day. And that's it for the first round. We're off to a really great start. Man, Cookie Butter is in its own league in itself. I can't even compare it to the dips 'cause it's so sweet. So Cookie Butter, amazing, delicious. Out of all the dips that we tried today, as you guys know, I hated the Buffalo Hummus. That was my least favorite. I have to say my absolute favorite that I would eat the whole thing now, (drum rolling) Buffalo Chicken Dip, it's really good. You get nice, juicy chicken inside there. It's zesty, it has a hint of spice. That was really delicious. These are Trader Joe's most popular appetizers. So I think I'm gonna dive in first with the meatballs. Meatballs are one of those things if you are trying to feed a bunch of people, they're easy, they're fast, and they're gonna fill people up. Crispy brown on the outside. Nice and moist on the inside. Let's go ahead and give it a bite. It's a little dry. It'd be nice if it had a sauce on top of it, but it's serving its purpose. The meat is tender. They have a really nice seasoning too, a really good flavor on them. You can't go wrong with the meatball. And turkey meatballs, you feel a little bit more healthier eating it. Let's move on to another ball, Mac and Cheese Ball. Mac and Cheese Balls are fun to eat. Crispy on the outside. And then you open it up and you have this nice ooey, gooey cheese with the noodles. So we put it in an air fryer, so we got that nice crispiness on the outside. Oh, that looks delicious. Let's go ahead and try it. Hmm, the inside is a little too gooey. It's creamy, and then the noodles are a little soft. I wish that it had a little bit more texture to it. I wish the noodles were a little bit harder. And again, if there was more shredded cheese than that creamy cheese. As you can see, it's like really mushy on the inside. So I'm not a huge fan of that. I really am excited to try these Philly Cheese Bao Buns. The bun on the outside is very pillowy and soft. Let's go ahead and open it up and see what the Philly cheese looks like. Oh, that looks good. The ratio is more of the actual bun than the actual Philly on the inside. So there's not a whole lot of meat. Weird, and I'm trying to decide whether I like it or not. It's really cheesy, which I like. And the inside has really good flavor. I'm not blown away by them. I think if they filled it up a little bit more with the Philly, this would have been more of an explosive bite. I'm actually really disappointed in that appetizer round, you guys. And these were supposed to be the best of the best. Spanakopa, wait, I can do it, span... Why can't, why, why is this happening to me all the time? Spanakopita, whew, I said right! Okay, next up, spanakopita. It is filled with spinach, ricotta, and feta cheese. Listen, spinach artichoke dip mixed up with nice, flaky crisp on the outside, this can't go wrong. We put these in the air fryer. It's really crispy on the outside and it looks really gooey on the inside. Let's open it up to see what we're working with. (spanakopita crackling) Y'all hear that noise. Oh, look at that, the textures are on point, man! That crispness is what I'm talkin' about. All right, so let's give it a try. Ooh, that smells good. (upbeat music) (applauding) Dang, that's so good! It's like a creamy spinach dip that you order at a restaurant that you're obsessed with, but instead, it's wrapped up in the tortilla chip. You don't have to dip it. It's all wrapped up in a little present for you for a nice surprise when you open it up. It's so good. I love the crispy flakes on the outside. It's so easy to chew. It just kind of breaks apart in your mouth. And as you guys heard, like listen to this. (spanakopita crunching) That's what it's doing inside your mouth. It's, it's, it's lovely, so tasty. This one has to be my favorite. My least favorite? These were really disappointing, they were really mushy. Although it was crispy on the outside, when you take a bite, just kind of like mushes and melts away. There wasn't enough chew for me. Alrighty, moving right along to the snack round. I love to snack, I love me some snacks. And I'm excited for this round. Fun fact, if you do not like one of the things that you try, they have a no-hassle return policy, which is kind of insane. I would say, don't do that, it's not good to return food, but for whatever reason if you don't like it, there is that option, which I think is really nice. First things first, we have Baked Cheese Crunchy, and they actually throw a little shade at the bottom here. It says, "40% less fat than regular fried "cheese-flavored corn snacks." You know who they're talking about. Y'all know who they're talking about. All right, let's try them. The thing I love the most about regular Cheetos, just gonna say, when you get the powder leftover on your fingers, (laughing) I don't know why, but there's something when you eat Cheetos, you just want that orange on your fingers to lick later. So that's the only thing missing from these Cheetos, but, not Cheetos, Big Cheese Crunchies, I'm sorry, if you want your Cheetos fix, but save yourself some calories, these are the way to go. Love 'em, delicious, crunchy. Next up on the snack train, we have Peanut Butter Filled Pretzel Nuggets. I always love that you can shake the peanut butter inside. This dessert kind of reminds me of daycare. When I was younger, they would always give these out for snack time. And I don't know why it's not bringing good memories back to me. 'Cause like, I feel like they never gave me a glass of milk when I was eating these. And they just handed 'em out to you during snack time, and your mouth just gets all dry. You can't eat these without milk on the side. Next up, Spicy Mango Chili Dried Fruit. Let's go ahead and give it a try. I already know I'm gonna be obsessed with them, 'cause I eat 'em all the time. Dried fruit is so much better to eat sometimes. It just almost feels like candy. It doesn't feel like you're eating a healthy snack. I love the sweet chili. It's like the sweet and chili mixture together. You can't go wrong. I recommended trying all their dried fruit. So good, a healthy snack. You don't feel super guilty eating it. Like, look at this back here. "Calories 140, serving size, a half a cup." Look at this, "Zero, zero, zero, zero, zero." Okay, so the next one are these Mochi Rice Nuggets, which are really popular. They have a bunch of different flavors that everybody really loves at Trader Joe's. This is a new flavor that has rolled out. Crispy, Crunchy, Spicy Mochi Rice Nuggets. It's just so fun, I just love, look, look how happy they are on there. I love the packaging, they're smiling at you. They're like, "You're about to enjoy this." Now, when you pull 'em out, they look a little crazy. This is my first time ever having these, but I know people are obsessed with them. Let's go ahead and try them. (mochi crunching) Wow, these remind me of the corn nut texture. It's crispy, it's crunchy. And then you get all the spices there. This is really fun to eat. The spice is starting to kick in, woo, very spicy, but these are really delicious. They're light, they're fun, they're crunchy and good. And then you have that little kick there at the end. Fun to eat, tasty, but just have some water next to ya, 'cause they're gonna kick ya in the mouth. Next up, Inner Peas, a delicately crunchy, baked, green pea snack. (peas crunching) Ooh, that texture's nice! The texture reminds me of those hot Cheetos fries, where when you bite into it, it just kind of dissolves, and crunches down, and all collects in your teeth. I really love the texture. The texture is nice. Flavor-wise though, you're not getting much of a flavor. It's kind of like bland. And then you get a hint of the pea flavor. So it's just one of those snacks that you just like, you could keep eating one after the other. And it's not, it's not full on flavor, but it's still fun to eat. All right, you guys, snack round is over. So I would say my least favorite are these, don't kill me. Those who are watching. People are probably like, "What are you talking about, "Jackie, those are the best!" My mouth just got so dry that they weren't really enjoyable to eat. And I have to say my favorite, I'm biased. I love me some dried mango fruit, delicious, sweet, with a hint of spice. These are so delicious, so good. Favorite snack, least favorite snack. You guys, we are on the dinner round, and the smells that are coming my way are just so beautiful. I don't know where to begin, where to look. There's steam coming off plates. I am ready to take on this lovely dinner. I think I'm gonna go ahead and start off with the gnocchi. People are obsessed with their gnocchi, and they have so many different types that you can get. But specifically, the cauliflower and kale, people will buy them in bulk. They won't just get one bag. They will buy four or five bags in fear of them being sold out. So again, fan favorite. What I ended up mixing mine with is just some butter, and salt, and pepper. So I'm really gonna be tasting the gnocchi minus some sauce. So here we go, Kale Gnocchi. Let's go ahead and take a bite. Wow. That texture is it. And you know, sometimes when you eat kale, it's like too much of that greenery taste. No, this isn't too much of the healthy taste. It tastes like a nice, spongy, healthy snack. And all you really need, I could eat it just as it is. I just, again, put some butter on it, and some salt and pepper. Holy crap, oh my gosh, I really like that! That's really delicious. Okay, let's try the cauliflower. Cauliflower, it looks the same. Again, I just put some butter, and salt, and pepper on it. Let's go ahead and try some of this Cauliflower Gnocchi. Oh God, I hate the texture, I hate it so much. I don't know if I overcooked it or what. That was really hard to get it in, the flavor's good, but the texture kind of scares me. I love the kale more. This Mandarin Orange Chicken is top of the top of the top of the top. Out of everything that we've tried today in today's video, people will rave about this. And then they give you their orange sauce on the side that you can drizzle on the chicken yourself. Look at that, crispy, and shiny from the sauce. High expectations on this one. (upbeat music) Holy moly, the flavor is on point, the texture's so good. The chicken is tender. This is bomb. This feels like I'm transported into a restaurant eating really good food. This was incredible. And I understand why everybody's obsessed with it. Great flavor, great food. Holy crap, I'm like super impressed. I don't taste a frozen chicken meal from that. All right, you guys, moving right along. I think it's starting to get me. The food is starting to hit me, you guys, I'm getting a little full, I'm not gonna lie, but I am going to march on and try this food because it smells so good. Chicken Tikka Masala. I just had this the other night actually, with my friend Naz, by the way, it's really good. When you're going through a hard time with either a boyfriend or a lover, this will bring your spirits back up. It's the perfect comfort food. Let's go ahead and give it a try. (upbeat music) Damn, I'm so impressed. This is fantastic. The flavors are there. The seasoning is there. Chicken again, is very tender, and the rice is like, it's not hard rice. It's nice soft rice. It's really good, the flavors are amazing. Love it, love it, love it. All right, last but not least, we are going to be trying these Steamed Pork and Gender Soup Dumplings. So when you bite into them, you're gonna get the soup and the meat, and it's gonna all fall out, so you have to be careful when you eat these. Let's go ahead and open one of these up and see what it looks like on the inside. It's kind of perfect for a mouthful. You don't have to take little miniature bites. You could pop this whole thing in your mouth, but just be careful that you don't burn your mouth while you're doing it. Ready? Cheers. (upbeat music) Holy crap, me and June just made homemade dumplings not too long ago. June taught me how to make these at home. It's so good! - When she starts dancing, it's a thing. - These, while they weren't as good as our dumplings, but they're like neck and neck, they were right there. Of course they're not gonna be as great as if you make them homemade, but they're damn near close. You could taste the ginger in there. The meat has so much flavor. These are really, really, really delicious. I'm actually really surprised. The dinner round is incredible. Again, you're getting all these different flavors, all these different culinary experiences, all these different cuisines at a grocery store. And the best part about Trader Joe's too, are their prices. They're not expensive at all. Really, really cheap. My least favorite had to be the Cauliflower Gnocchi, only because the texture freaked me out. It was a little too gooey and chewy. My favorite, holy crap, honestly, I can't really pick. It's definitely in between the orange chicken and the dumplings. I can't pick a favorite, I'm sorry. They're both really good. Wow, this was a great round. I'm so happy, but you know, I'm about to be even more happy because y'all know what I love the most out of anything is dessert, and I love chocolate. Let's get some sweets. You guys, we are on the dessert round. I love dessert, I love chocolate. And from the looks of it, it's all chocolate. Well, at least some of it has chocolate in it. First things first, we have to try the fan favorite, Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups. Trader Joe's actually has this list where it is Customer Choice Awards, and for the 12th Annual Customer Choice Awards, this one reigns supreme and was number one, the customers loved it. I just think that's hysterical that Trader Joe's has these Customer Choice Awards because everybody wants to talk about it. Everybody wants to be in on what's going on, what's the best desserts, I gotta try it, I have to get my hands on it. You can't go wrong with some peanut butter cups. They're just these cute little, miniature, peanut butter cups. The perfect amount that you could just pop it in your mouth and go. Mm, dessert just makes me happy. It makes me wanna dance. Any time I take a bite, I just feel like I'm in my own world. Chocolate makes everything better. These are frickin' delicious. We all love Reese's Peanut Cups, but add dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate, holy cow, it's so rich. The peanut butter is so creamy on the inside. And the best part about it, it's so small, you could just pop the whole thing in your mouth and be on with it. All right, next up is the Tiramisu. Now, you guys, don't judge this. My Tiramisu looks a little sad. It's because it's a little melted. It's been sitting outside for a little bit, but I feel like we're still going to get the flavors, okay? The fact that you could just go to Trader Joe's and buy a whole thing of tiramisu, it's really coming in clutch at your next little get-together because sometimes you don't wanna go through the hassle of cooking a whole tiramisu. So you just want a whole thing yourself. Ooh, it's creamy. Wow, that just happened, yeah. Woo, that's good! I love it, I love that it's soaked in coffee. Tiramisus to me are just those decadent desserts that don't feel super heavy. You can low key, take the whole thing out, and just plop it on a plate and just pretend that you made it, just saying, and people are gonna fall in love with you. Do I have something still on my face? Anybody? Okay, great. Next up, S'mores, these are so cool. I actually tried these for the very first time at a friend's house. It's basically a S'more in a little, covered, chocolate bite. Oh yeah, look at that, mm-mm. You have the marshmallow on top, crispy Graham cracker on the bottom, milk chocolate on the outside. And then they drizzle a little bit more chocolate on top. What does it say? "For a traditional S'more treat, "place S'mores in the microwave for four to six seconds." Is the microwave running? (beep) Oh guys, it's like the S'more without the fire. So if you, if you're missing that camping experience, and you're at home, and you take a bite of this, you feel like you're just in the middle of a forest somewhere camping. Let's try it, ooh, look at that, that looks good. Melted marshmallow, yum. Okay, this is gonna get messy, I already know. Oh my god, (laughing) that completely changed the experience of eating that. That feels like a real S'more! Holy crap, that was amazing! It doesn't take a lot for me to be amused, obviously. (laughing) It makes me so happy. That really does give you the experience of eating a S'more on a campfire. Next up, Organic Dark Chocolate PB and J Minis. So it is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. But instead of the bread, you have chocolate slices around it. I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I can imagine they taste just as good with chocolate instead. Oh, cute, they're packaged in these nice individual pieces, which I think is great because, especially during COVID times when you wanna be safe and you wanna share with your friends, it's just more sanitary that way. Who wants one? Do you guys want one? One for everybody, there we go. We'll eat that after we shoot this. Ooh, okay. This is like hard, like sturdy. It almost feels like there's nothing on the inside, that it's just like a solid brick of chocolate. No, no, I don't like it. I can't stand those assorted chocolate boxes that have like the flavor on the inside. I'm just not a fan of like jelly-filled things. I don't know what I was expecting with this. But I, oh no, mm-mm, I keep getting notes of the jelly, and it really triggers me. It's beautiful to look at, but taste-wise for me, not, mm-mm. Last but not least, the Lava Cake, a delicate chocolate cake with a creamy chocolate center. The lava cake is nice and warmed up and hot, and it's supposed to be moist, gooey chocolate around the cake. And on the inside it's supposed to explode with decadent, creamy chocolate. I love that they put them in these little containers. You could either take it out and eat it on a plate if you wanna be fancy, or if you don't wanna do dishes, you could eat it right out of here, it'd be fine. This kind of reminds me of, I don't know if you guys know those family dinners, where in the top left corner or the right corner, they had that little fudge brownie, so this kind of reminds me of my childhood a little bit. But this one's gonna be oozing. Oh, oh, did you guys see that? Oh, that's what I'm talkin' about. That gooey, gooey. Oh, oh. Now I get why they say lava cake. Look at that chocolate just oozing from the inside. That's beautiful. Let's go for a bite. (gentle music) Just give me a minute, this is just delightful. Holy hell, I have to whisper because I just need a moment. Holy, holy, this is just... I just got emotional. I don't know why I got emotional. (scratching music) The cake is so creamy and moist. And then you have this warm chocolate sauce. It literally melts in your mouth. Chocolate lovers, this is for you. This is just beautiful. This is the end of the dessert round. And I'm really sad about it 'cause I really enjoy this round. As you guys know, my least favorite was the dark chocolate peanut butter bites, just 'cause I didn't like the jelly, but all in all, it's a solid snack if you like PB and Js. I think my favorite has to go to the lava cake. Holy crap, you guys, it melts in your mouth. So decadent, so delicious, so frickin' good. Grab one today, that was delicious. All right, you guys, I cleaned up all of my mess. I ate all of the food, the snacks, the dips, the chips, the chocolate, the food, ♪ And I feel wonderful ♪ This is why people love the place so much. You get so many unique, interesting food items. I know I did not eat all of the most popular food items from Trader Joe's because it was impossible to get my hands on them all. But if I missed any that you are obsessed with, let me know which ones are your favorite in the comment section below. And I'll see you guys next time, bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Delish
Views: 538,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: delish, food, food hacks, trader joes, best trader joes snacks, best trader joes desserts, mandarin orange chicken, jackie iadonisi, trying best trader joes products, trader joes fun facts, taste test, trader joes tastee test, trader joes haul, trader joes hummus, trader joes pb cups, trader joes frozen, most popular trader joes snacks, favorite trader joes products, snacks, appetizers
Id: G8jmXVkGlyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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