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[Music] [Music] I've set myself a challenge to restore a tractor something I have never done before I just need to find it [Music] boy this looks promising or not sitting whether to be pleased or scared whoa so with no mechanical experience whatsoever why am I doing this I moved through the country just over a year ago and I was amazed at the sheer volume of people who have classic trusters and of such enthusiasm for this hobby and I thought why can't I be part of that I've choosen a real classic a Massey Ferguson one three five now it's fair enough to say I do not know that much about tractors but I'd say this is in a pretty bad state that's my national opinion but then of course what's the point of buying a tractor with minimal work to do if I'm going to take this on I might as well go with a whole hog and dirt right now all I need is to get it moved so called a my met Eugene luckily he's come well prepared I'm jealous start up hopefully I the feeling that this will not be the only time on getting my hands dirty over the next few weeks I get a lesson in priming the engine okay [Music] oh she sighs right might and Lucas but brilliant [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I might look dead police as myself but in reality I don't really have a clue about the enormity of the task I've taken on [Music] [Music] so what have I bought and is it really feasible to restore it I enlist the help of tractor expert Wilbert Crawford who I'm sure will put my mind at rest or not I see - quiet Oh hope you have a good peg push you're going to have to spend about the money in that thing oh gosh don't depress me not that there's upside don't for start okay we're edge should be very mess way someday that's off at one stage and put on upside down I'm gonna look at that from here that's right not there as the smooth sides up there's no web jobs going on there I must admit I would notice that type of thing but it doesn't affect how the tractor acts I don't know it doesn't doesn't be any different here but as kiss Betty has the look of the thing and obviously it's all about looks because haha right there's a wee bit of a shake we're not front bearing there's a bearing a note side these are bearing on the inside they're not they're not very expensive but for safety sake you better replace them these boots here in the front axle hello one a short run and then of it no that's not he was even short again there's three different bouncing it shouldn't be this should obviously see them glance there there may be there do the job alright but don't look good they should all it seemed that this you've all the same none why they like that night some this collusion just they hadn't the proper ones and heap that I'm never change that he ever had it I mean I don't know what I'm doing here I need your advice but there's obviously other people like there you want start these things and I don't quite know how to do this I do know the foot fits their quaint goodly just I think they just need tightened up you ask wait it's pretty good they're not they're good grapnel on when you'll get no I'm lost there's quite a good way up there the - as tartly look we don't want a see that's just not a great best to work on you see you see you later that there's a putt up there as well so it's a thought you could spend a lot of time and money on that and still not come up to scratch so you're just about to replace that there yeah maybe a good second Harland you may get somewhere if some of the breakers are something out there the steering wheel you need to replace that that's badly warranty up there that's badly worn there and that would I'll be sure in your hands if you're doing a lot of driving all day if a Moines the rule do Mohamed turns don't you use your hand brake for doing the turns you use your foot brake we got a response I can't believe I'm totally joking and you're like they see the foot brake now there's two paddles there you can make you can lock them together to make both fighters but if you're doing a sharp turn you just keep them separate and then you pass one and that brings around you can swing around do hungry turn with that I can't believe I've just been given the tip on how to do donuts in a tractor doodoo yes yes moves out back yes slowly and you can see they where there's we're done there and there's where and they're not when they're so you'd have to replace those two to track row dams the coal loose you can see see aware of it so you can't nuts but definitely that needs to resist whose tree that's mud yard or mud wings that call them they that's a twist over this way yeah whether you had stand-up or not I don't know unit eight you see it's just quite really oh my gosh that looks a bit dodgy you have got a better lost we have heavy rough down there exactly lost up through note that I would replace that mod yard completely although if its original is that not good to have really at all the parents when you take it off and see how badly not there as rust up through your eating through but I thought there can be and you got set on there yeah and that there you can you can see in it so you way up the course north yeah urgent and original under safety aspect the same thing of course there's so many decisions to be made avoid everything thus here as original on these that these are there one three fives the later models haven't got this it was just a tongue thing here metal thing mister that's irrational but you can stop to that one your new mothers we can keep this met you kick that back we can value something you can have that you can keep that there the original till late were made by Butler there news aren't Butler there there's user experience or similar make miss tell you can get them those but no you can were you look at it it doesn't get any better looking no it doesn't well check that's PTU Schaffer help to start they help to start this vector to check out and I started roping on see what - night when I been doing the clutch pedal yeah not there should still okay [Music] so it's not it's not a and out something over that's another problem I guessing that's another problem and some more money not stop stop dad [Music] I'm guessing that's going to be a real problem if somebody is standing there for not there is running shafts gone if they're closed get there they go tighter see if they're reaching over the tractor there at the back the PTO shaft just catches your taters and just could leave East and you're under pump sticks and I in a very short time so it could be pretty deep not that'd be one of the least things we could do is a very fit that people tell a lot of people get killed with those people shafts so that really is something I need to I need it Thanks unless you're going to be the bearer of more good news what do I need to do then to fix it you have to split the tractor you splutter around here at the front they snuck that and rang out the clutch and then yeah you maybe have to replace this there's two clips on it to put the called clutch plates and you have to maybe replace them Wilbert i'm going to have to split the tractor yep doesn't sound like it's going to be an easy job it's not a major job but it's what you think you have to do that's here that's here as there's a lot of we're here they're wearing out there just quite a bit away or not that shouldn't be moving up and doing it you got there clear about that and then there's where and the shaft as well and at the back create a better we're a nap yeah see you out there and quit about wearing that there are quite a bit aware in that as well that's it has to sweep at the oil and mm-hmm the engine worn should the glue of smoke out there after the engine is good very little air comes in at all okay so we don't want smoke you don't want smooth English cross your smoothie mix moving it back to your health definitely okay I'm keeping my fingers are starting on here see what happens [Applause] I'm going to get a bit technical now and test the hydraulics on my baby when I pull back this lever you should hear a slight change in the tune and the sign of the engine and that means we have good hydraulics so keep your fingers crossed [Applause] that is a good sign though here the change this light change if that was gay that means there Thompson up good pressure so another positive yes mostly you're seeing a lot of money on the engine and the hydraulics and I can stick to Luke's that's obviously what a food that well you have a good looks yourself you happy oh thank you gosh I was fishing for that compliment for quite a while it was a long time coming but we were young and what tear done so you know and you looked at the girls fierce for the first thing you look they're all something their best so all you see and all you saw those appear so you always take the pecker as good want to see it as a good look they go to see yeah similar tractor when anybody can learn that tractor they come to the front and look at it from the front you need to look and well to get that attention the moment is like it took this wander yes no teeth with the news the right rail in front row but those that means put a new bonnet in that and you front on it makes a new job just transforms the whole thing even though we know what's what inside the kind that I knew she might look the best but as will verts confirmed all the basics are there and she does have a good heart I think it's going to take a lot of hard work but don't worry we'll not let you down time for the overalls [Music] this tractor is 45 years old so it's been around a bit you can see down here somebody's tried to hand paint it we know this is not the original gray and have to say they didn't do a very good job not on the wheel here you can see they've even painted it gray as well over this original red they should never have done that now if we're going to try and restore this back to its original glory we're going to do it right so we want to get the wheels back to the original red [Music] this is where the facelift begins I can use a steam cleaner I can even use a ratchet but if this is going to happen I'm going to need some help from expert tractor restoring enthusiasts first of which is using so we start to dismantle the tin work with the bonnet you need to locate two well-hidden bolts give them four turns each and then it should slip off oh yeah lovely but leave behind give it back back right [Music] next we take the battery out because any electrical shorts could cause sparks and that could lead to a fire we're gonna take the Wang off but to do so it's going to be easier to take the wheel off first so when we use this socket and bar no not [Music] hey woulda thought fixing up a tractor was quite for much fun [Music] okay slide it off that's not what [Music] I have a discussion with we'll vote about whether this wing was salvageable and as you strip the tractor down you get a far better idea in the different conditioner parts Eugene what do you reckon well it's a many years of abuse versus showing some rust some corrosion a few dumps and bumps around it you know it's a space eye and there's the some rust about and so on some corrosion I think I think that it's flexible I think we should fix it because it will make the tractor much more valuable if it keeps the certain wings cool great of course we'll have the wheel off so I can get it this not this is my first restorations or really Lockheed of access to Eugene's well-equipped workshop and therefore always having the right to under hand [Music] this screw probably hasn't been turned for decades for this job you need the right tools one impact driver hope that was easy right to the brake drum what do we do now well we're trying to get the brake drum off so that we can examine the the brake shoes okay that's been on for years no we don't want to use the hammer against the metal because it could damage it what I normally do is I just get a piece of timber I put the hand up go hmm gently right each its quarter oh all the way comes off nice even late all the Rays will stick and it's starting to get this it's starting to get this tonight mm-hmm so they can hopefully persevere up but they come off nice and even nice even pressure yep and there it is okay we can see there's there's lots of cobwebs and dust and say this brick assembly and what we really understand here firstly as the condition of the brake shoes the lining is attached to the black shape with these rivets we pick out some dust you see that they were well-worn doing very very close to their Abbot's so it's worn right down to almost there of it had mm-hmm well as that we can see that the linings themselves are scored and they're they're really past their past now this is a vanished tractor and you may get away with just using these learnings but I think I think we should replace them we want to do this right so I reckon change them man yeah brakes are important I think we should put on you great Lighting's careful okay now we're looking here at an oil leak on the bottom side of the hub caused by a war noise still around a half shaft and that's causing oil to get them to the braking system they always seeps into the brake system onto the brake linings makes them very very smooth that lose its friction and it loses its efficiency so we need to fix that when fast beginning to learn is that there is a lot aware of moving parts in a new attractor the Wilbert told me that there is where on these track road ends and then I can actually feel the wear on these wheel bearings and I can see the wear on this spindle shaft and in fact actually when I lift the wheel you can see it even better just in there oh so now I know what the problem is I will fix it [Music] makes the problem with where we must remove the tracker all downs Hey okay we take off this nut this is a special tool for taking off the track rod and put it in here had a good sharp crack with a hammer and there it's off next to come up with the wheel bearings I'm through that remove the hubcap yeah from the hub okay the clean the grease of that and you can see here there's a split pin that locks the catalytic not the reason we call it Catholic nut was because there's these little pieces cut out of each spheres okay that holds the split tongue and keeps the whole thing tight found we can top that eight fiddly isn't it hmm my poly depend okay I'll try and bring all the site together in one place so we can leave it here on the examiner first we left out the washer and you can see there's an extrusion here on the underside of the washer that corresponds with the slot on the shaft so when the washers fit that can treat it and the whole thing can be held nice and tight waiting then we did our bearing we give it a quick clean so is that what's causing all the wear well that's part of the problem not that bearings worn you can actually feel the wear it's like filling our roughness when you turn the inner part of the bearing against the rollers here so there's somewhere on this bearing and really that's it's as better if it's reduced yeah okay so now we've taken most of the Grays out of the UM say as a hub yeah we're gonna turn it over under move the inner bearing and hope they should follow easier and there it comes so we've got that first of all the sail an awesome pretty nasty ship definitely replaced yeah the GAM will give the bearing a little thin and have a look other and it doesn't look very healthy to me no expansion worse than the other one yeah and you like your field office when you move the inner part against the rulers yep yeah totally master it's rough so this needs replaced as well yeah that's part of the SAP that we're going to buy for the the front wheel okay we've removed the wheel bearings we're now going to take the spindle arm from spindle shaft and hopefully a spindle shaft will drop down out of the housing and now we can how will I gotta take the nut off and here's one for your little box the nut on the spring washer okay thank you I'm down it comes and studs quite tight but it was coming okay and there's the stud and you can see that's been there for a year or two and you look at all the all rounder thread so that is back of the little box so we'll take up an old screwdriver we put it in the slot here and we give it up poverty like this and we can see right and see the clamp just starting to open plate things starting to listen night what what I also do here is I'll just give this a tap on the fears and if you look carefully you'll see the spindle are starting the fall died just a nice jump out yeah jump they dog all the time okay let's turn it round a little bit here we go stop will apply even see your little seal here to keep all the dirt light mm-hmm this is the Woodruff key it's little square key yeah which Keys they spend alarm to spindle shaft and keeps the two of them living together okay so we just top it off it's gonna follow it hopefully this time I see it Oh lovely quillion spend alarm and you know looks so nicely to be in fairly good condition on here yeah just told it the shaft up up there so I can try and get this key I okay that's it I think it's going to come out like there it is yay there's our draft key yay well we have to replace this or does that go back in no we can use us again this wasn't good condition this hasn't been damaged so we can use that one again we'll just give it a good clean night the spindle shaft should fall down nice and gently onto the floor and then we can have a good a good look at it here we go somewhat recondite there not a good sign so there's your spindle shaft so what we'll do we'll give it a bit of a clean and we'll have a look at it and see what what needs to be done well obviously I know what's wrong with it we just need to really do good what do we need to do I guess what Charlotte this is the thrust bearing I'm there's movement there and that's the movement you saw earlier yeah when you examine it so take that bearing off jump like just easy I said take it off right off the top and give it a clean give it a clean and give me your assessment of it okay don't I'll see is it yeah just turn the inside and it's just the of you fail even though you know that feels quite rough astonished yeah it's not smoother to it okay that's an all-new part so you're talking about eight parts in total for this one side and presumably about another eight parts with you can't see these and bearings for the other side I mean is that normal oh yes that's normal that's that's what we need to put this thing right you know if we we do that we leave the steering like new brilliant really that's what I want so that's possible - now when you're restoring a tractor it is brilliant to have a great range of sockets and spanners uneven toys like this air wrench but I can tell you that two of the most important bits of equipment you should have are a clear plastic box on a marker so that you can record and store as you go along cuz then when you go to put it back together it's going to make it much easier to find all the small bolts and bits and pieces [Music] and it is essential to take photographs before on during this entire process so that when you go to put it all back together you have a reference right moly Eugene is sent me in an errand for some spare parts and of course I know exactly what I'm told and avoid hi there I'm after a brake lining spindle bearings from table bearings on an oil C for a rear ha shaft on a need an inner and outer thank you very much what is it for what's the model it's a one three five one three five right can you tell me how is it a bent axle or a street axle oh I was trying to act like I knew it was talking about there and you just you fought me off at the first one do you know what I've taken some photographs off the tractor maybe of a picture the axle right a lot no an exponent next time are that right yeah sub M axle okay okay if every customer was late loud I'll make our job easier I was sent up here to an independent by Eugene because as somebody starting out you know I've never done this before in fact like lots of people starting out I think building up that relationship and having that personal touch because then I'm not going to feel really stupid if I'm asking for what's this part do you know what's this bet that type of thing you know yeah oh no I know rightly where you come from but that's just that's the problem that people tend to be very smart you get Newell's out there who think they know it all namely pop the customer under pressure yep the customer then doesn't know what to ask for and sometimes he's rushed out of a shop and he doesn't he's gone home with half the stuff but usually if you have a good manner with somebody a customer will keep common bike tear that's the secret absolutely I mean guys like your sales I think you know there are a lot of people on there new to this game you know like myself and it removes the embarrassment factor I think as well you know if I I'm not really sure what I'm talking about but you know you guys can then explain what I need you know oh and you also should get this part because it will help you down the line know exactly I recognize this part cuz we've just removed it from the tractor yeah that's the bearing yeah yeah that's right now the only other thing I mean you might need as there's a bushing goes along with this for the spindle if there's where in there spend you would need to replace that but now if we can get a bush in there we'll show you you should replace the bushings along with the bearings and try that way limits we cannot well how's things going in the restoration area such a first-timer there's total first time and it's it's such a slow process you need so thank you you need so much patience with it you know my learning curve is like this at the moment I'm just gradually working my way through it and it is it's enjoyable and I'm loving good in the effort and time into something that you know hopefully will be just spot on it well that's you would need to be enjoying it because it's one of those things as Sloot about yeah and there'll be many innate you'll be seein just saw a wished I could get rid of this and done be done with it but if you do love it and you do have the understand it as a great pleasure at the end the day because when every of the thing vanished is sitting there in a sleep in too upset and Shane and and drivin Leah sweetie you just we just think it was all worthwhile I'm just going to remove the steering wheel here I just have to take the dome head nut off and then lift it off really easy I've heard people taking a hammer - I've even allegedly heard that people have tried use a forklift truck but it's not easy it's never going to be easy and if you don't do it properly you could do some serious damage unless of course you have a very clever idea like our Eugene here whose improvised using a puller on the chain how does this work well it's important to draw off the steering wheel and the lane with the shaft which sits on an angle to the vertical you don't want to damage the damage everything shows gotta come off at this angle mm-hmm what we've done is we've we've wrapped at CNRI in the spokes of the steering wheel we've presented the pillar to the chiyan attach the two together I'm now you're going to screw the top and left the steering wheel straight off the shaft okay okay I'd start out for you okay thank you okay you're going back up yes keep going he's gotten tighten up daddy/daughter you see how important it is to draw it off and lain with the shaft because it ain't gonna come in the other way yep all of this is really working brilliant so something like this easy to get hold off the who loves you the chain people have changed yeah but the toliman you're gonna find at Olin then a garage or a workshop that's just a question of isn't your little weave up and putting the two together to make it work yeah oops yay good job oh and certainly see why it was difficult to get off all the rust right there yeah you can see the rust around the word rough key on the shaft so you can see where it takes so much force to get it off this is our wing looks like we are going to be able to salvage it which is absolutely brilliant because it has the original aluminium grips here at the front okay it is going to take a bit of work as you can see but that's fine the problem I'm going to have is with the bonnet but this is a dilemma you constantly have to weigh out when you're restoring tractors do you put in the effort and restore the authentic pieces do you go out buy new pieces affecting the value of your tractor or do you start to search for authentic decent secondhand parts and if so where do you begin your search so my search for a replacement bonnet begins with the man who owns these beautifully restored tractors along with a great deal more which are waiting for the same love and care and attention in this day job forever Bertie Dunlop is always on hand to advise and share his vast knowledge at Dunlop tractor spares you're obviously somebody who is passionate about their factors yes very enthusiastic a bit writers from I was so high in fact I was on the seat of my tractor before I was at school if my father had any nothing to do with it I probably never went to school I would have just helping hammered at the farm but I am very passionate about idlers it seems that enthusiasts wife's there may be very passionate about tractors sometimes you do have to weigh up when you need a bit of help or if you're going to maybe restore an authentic piece or go for a replica I mean there's I'm finding there's all these dilemmas that you constantly need to assess and weigh up in your head yes you're always faced with a problem they'll buy a new part or do I fix the old one yeah we would have people on a regular basis calling us up for instance a boy would ring us up and say what places are bought for a one three five and you would give them an approximate figure and you would hear sharp on takeoff breasts at the far far end of the phone and I would say to him next and are you sure you need it all could you not repair some of it yeah and then some kisses boys would round perhaps a Kurd duck could repair this part may be the top part might be all right and they could just get off with new Said's new grilles and a new bottom panel and repair the over top and they could see it for half of the price of the bonnet and have an original bonnet we could look at this tractor here's an example where welding was done on the rear mudguard those those rear mud guards could not be bought we couldn't source them anywhere for the age of its writer let's protect our mud guard has a unique overlapped seam here and the new bond guards you bind I don't have that and that's couldn't be good so that was the original mud guard and had holes down here that had to be cut eight and the patches welded then also the two struts at the back that comes up to support they the mud guard were completely gone whenever we were looking at last year you can remove the mud guard and a few inches so we had to cut away the books and at the back here and set and make a new books and set on and tidy up the whales so an ibly look and anna's we are they couldn't see anathan that had been replaced the funnest job is absolutely first-class and you know choice in the matter because obviously you couldn't get a replica for this silver you had to put in the effort to do it but if it can be done here it can be done anytime really that's correct I think a lot of replacement was an unnecessary yeah other whereas in many cases but in some cases it would be unnecessary it's a better time and effort on patience and sometimes a professional and a professional take for instance this nose cone and a stripper Dexter yeah these protect their powers are not third word but that's an original but at Hut a hole and the side here were they the two panels were overlapping and the rust had gone under seaming the other say - but that stage was the worst you could have put your hand right on three yeah the hole was so big we set a piece on edge to edge welder that buffed down the welds on both sides overlapped in the same way as it was done before and shipped around and you can tell no looking at that well that I've been such a good finish although you can get replicas no I still would fix the the original part and leave a job that no man could ever tell never been repaired as I look at that tractor I can have the pleasure of saying unto myself that all the parts an outsider are original now with my one three five I'm really lucky because I'm able to salvage the wings unfortunately with the bonnet haven't been so lucky my options I guess are to buy a replica or to search for a decent secondhand one and if I do that where do I begin where do you begin the search well I suppose the first thing would be search for a secondhand one you would need to be lucky to get one but my advice would be to buy the magazines there's plenty of magazines advertising parts buy those and have a look through the for sale ads there another good Avenue for searching would be a friends of Ferguson heritage club or perhaps even they the Ferguson Club themselves yeah I know a lot of good people are not and they're very enthusiastic about their tractors and they know a lot of what's here and there but a lot of it I'm hearing is maybe down to luck as well I mean if you're looking for the second a decent secondhand part yes there is poise okay I see them at the current are there from time to time and it amazes me how lucky they have been to pick something up perhaps very little money yeah really just being in the right place at the right time were hearing of something that would be suitable to them LF you draw a blank the only thing for it and as to buy a brand new bullet and they're available they're not perfect and anybody at at one will gladly agree with that when you're getting you and you still would have about a preparation before they the job would be finished and smooth and level and of course so even only one you're going to have to maybe pay a little bit of money you're gonna have to level the motor but they're not particularly they're not particularly smooth they're made from new tooling and a lot of people don't know with us they just simply thank us never all telling us brought any service again so there's work of a buy a new one and there's going to be work if I source a secondhand one if I can't restore the original no I think for the authenticity I'm going to search out for a decent secondhand one and just expect a lot of work and keep my fingers crossed for some good luck well you can't be lucky as I say to people there's no one three five s been scrapped no ideas no man and the rape main would Scrabble on c5 so you're lovin for someone's were scrapped years and years ago one has been celibate it turns out we have been lucky mother all the stuff is just lying about is it something else until people he's on the rest Anna myself and my friend Wilbert have made endless calls looking for a one three five bonnet and believe it or not we've been told there's one lying under the bushes in this farmers backyard honey you're not going oh I could see one three five budge only five yes definitely we will upload tougher about it yeah seems like you take up okay could you go sorry go ahead bears down there how much your head yeah all mi no headlights no Lana oh that's a good sign isn't it does I you don't have your bonnet perfectly don't have the middle part of the grille either you are bonus Oh your flan dotto class I love the lights please be good to see what scientists and enough yeah first I said enough kid fine wait let me but recovering all you holy that's no Lana none years us here that is well that's original great no very good so it's good that's a good a good strip got many dentures arena and then last is young but reliable yes and all the hinges no they that's hang is here that's as a very if you had not on at night I don't know where he get a replacement part for that at all that's that's original kinds there for that but if it didn't have that hinge there the original hinge like for such a small part that could compromise the whole bomber what sure is up mister that's a real addition to it there that there again not there and you would have some very good yes work I know us a spring-loaded nor that's another spring here you see ya good thing it's just it's just makes her about vas deferens to the to the bonnet so does have another honor and it's good we'll have the barge as well as I said the metal badge they're difficult to get you're gonna replace us it'll be the original program brilliant mm-hmm you have your top ghrelin old here and your buds bar no a lot so I think they're very fortunate any of their these original layers no alone it and they the covers nor for your lights put hurt very useful as well yeah it's all more original stuff brilliant all these cuts here those old release rubber parts that's quite a good bond we're going to salvage this wing we have these rare original aluminium hand grips which is great these are alien so they're going to go we're going to source original Butler taillights down here that concerns me a bit because we can see it's fairly bad it's pretty rusted if I turn around here see the tool box is perforated but we'll get a better idea of the condition of this wing once we send it away to be par blasted but before we do so it's very important to remove these aluminium hand grips because the main body is still there aluminium so they use two different blasting methods so that's what I'm going to do now now you may be inclined to go at it with this socket but trust me your best not you could share the bolt you could damage the aluminium or worse still hurt your hands what you need is a bit of patience if you got it with a wire brush what I'm going to do is try and scrub away a bit of the crowd and the surplus rust that's built up over the years between the nut and the aluminium I might make it much easier for the easing oil to get into the space as well it's really worth taking your time with this quick spray of oil so waited a few minutes for that to silk'n and I'm going to go to it with a socket now I can't emphasize strongly enough it is so important to invest in a really decent Imperial socket set as opposed to a metric one now a metric one might look like it will fit but there is a difference and you could end up totally destroying the bolt head and then your stuff oh let's come to way well fairly easily [Music] and there we go to halt the preparation was worth it job done well what do you think Molly impressed you in preparing the Wiis for sound blasting we need to remove the knots and then tap the ball tends to remove the center after blasting this wind Center will be repainted to the original red because I want everything about this tractor to be as original as possible the wheel rims can now be sent of the towers removed before blasting the counting everything [Music] but remove the exhaust here to give you better access to the fuel tank because we're going to drain the fuel out of it it's obviously very important to do that before you do any welding or grinding or anything so to drain the diesel over here we need to detach this main fuel pipe is not right yes just take off our plate okay boy I'll set them to come off of your fingers man yeah cool when you get the paint off or pull it through the other side okay where the top is Graham okay thanks Eugene okay you got it there yeah just pull it that's it lovely oh yeah don't play does it ah yeah there we go leave it or you up this yeah that's fine that's not miles okay how long should this take well the parentsí much feels in the tank I guess there's about five liters in there about five minutes pupulji MLA what are these because there seems to be fuel in there - well this is really old part of the fuel system the fuel comes through the first primary filter which is a southern pool on the bottom to catch any sediment that may be in the field due to the second sack new filter and it's filtered again through this pipe to the fuel injection pump where it's pumped under pressure up into the injectors and then to the engine we need to replace these at some stage but not yet because we need to protect the system from blasting so we keep the old filters on until the blasting operation is complete and we replace them obviously with new filters so while we're waiting for the fuel to drain we'll remove the dashboard [Music] where did it where did the book it didn't seem to binds very much so it must be close oh there it is I can see it in there just go fingering of it here try this Oh for lint what is that it's a magnet oh I love it just bolt comes out next but before you do that I suggest you take the grease nipple light because allow easier access to the bolt yeah we also want to out before blasting because these things are easily damaged so we'll take it out and I and replace it with a quarter you laughs bulb okay we'll put that in the box I'll hold it the rubber back for you just carry on so lovely like a washer as well yeah tell you water okay so we disconnected all the pipes wires and lead so she should come off Mike okay yes that's carefully up it goes careful that's up gently lovely we've got it Oh maaan paste night yep I bring this way with us the dash is a bit pitted but it is salvageable some of the dials are original and some of them aren't but we're going to keep all of them to try and get original ones is virtually impossible we're going to remove them all before it goes for blasting we're going to remove the light switch here on the starter key switch and I've just noticed the RS on the clock 1510 ours is that not remarkably low for attractive the sage the fuel is drained from the tank so we can set about removing it from the tractor [Music] once again we stick strictly to our labeling system for the knot spools and washers [Music] okay CEO the field turned off yes I'm switched off for these other things up here there D touched yes and I have all the books off from underneath near the backboard so let's go gently up [Music] she's starting to look a bit naked niasia yep and there's more to come off every daters next okay [Music] [Music] I'm annoyed almost there a day [Music] these are we centers know this has been finally shot blasted for the back for the front but we could have bought brand new replica wheels but we didn't do that we could all this effort because these are authentic and you can tell that by the details like such as ooey rivets here and such attention to detail has gone into these wings look at the sealer here I'm not attention to detail it's all thanks to Danny and James hey there what stage of the process you have at the moment Danny well that's well here has already been stated the same as the front winds there that's the stop at Roskam and three three you know an aging process that's all completely robbed and just finishing off the back of the wheel here that was very rough so follow that up the smoother eight stores whenever the jib designer doesn't call the chip GM's here if you have a look he's actually finishing off the process of the cylinder it's a lot of trouble to see every joint what happens if you don't do that well if you don't do it three three time and the actual wheel itself the the water gets trapped down here then starts to rust your pian I'll start at parity and the raw screams three the cause the waves are actual silver must with the raw setting on top of the whale you know what's noticeable from a great distance especially the you know the brainier Ostia color on a nice bright silver he just you know for ten minutes work I would say if you know a lifetime ur a hospital basically and that's why we do and so it's done with every single joint every single joint yet the eighth Seder Spacely and tell top of that there you'll see this it's done on the inside as well because you know you have to seal it all there's no point yeah so tell me you hear the char work oh gosh here are hard taskmaster I'm here to work absolutely well there's a song paper there's a rough track on [Music] the Fortran II older I have to give these today not tonight so okay sorry also sounding by hand how come you're doing that not like with the machine well the palm Sandler what I have there you can see it's a large flat surface for one you know you can't get on all these ages here so basically all you get yourself a Ishida sound paper the curves here on the the axial aid to the will you can be Robin and that's curve here you can also put your finger there and that will rob you know rob this curve down and all the way around you're killin all three curves in one you know once whip plus your get my natural field for the middle to keeps it you know a red so I probably could have saved me a lot of work of a just box like you replica wings buckle yeah what a sea of now by law hassle but are they on the end of the day you've got a way of marking the Senate area will hear that wailed mark you know if you buy a new wheel it's not there that's that's completely different markings you take the tractor to show you're gonna lose points because it's not an original will your your ages as well are also ruled when you're with the replica wins whereas these are a flat age yeah and again that would lose your points as well because it's not the original and it's nice to have them sort of original qualities about the thing absolutely yet that's what we want look the state brought no evidence on the Dane the male works basically ready 4 p.m. tonight but because we've been sounding on them there's there's been mental rubbed off them there's dust everywhere so we need to let me at the dot so crackle tell me if I'm being too fussy or you can never be people CMS Jo I like your thinking job done now we have the pre panel with them as they take any grease or you know oil or anything that's contaminants from our hands like a fifth if you've rubbed your face or grease in your face you contaminate the wheel well okay whenever we go to Penn Nana's corner in the peon job so we have to eliminate these problems first so what do you days don't get a pump pump it up once it's wet you start wiping it on you've got the dry cloth there and you have to wipe off dry dead on and I just going from you want to happen becoming us a square millimetre is if you do I'll show it is you when you paint it there's any Euler recipe or stuff on I will show 300 blade 3 2 p.m. once that the cloths are direct just discard them and use a clean one again yours is totally normal yes cuz you're not working hard enough oh dear this is going to be a long process [Music] [Music] hey you seen how you doing you're going to show me how this is done just remember every restorer will have to employ the services of a par blaster Eugen Dixon of Maine surface finishing is the man for me he demonstrates daily grit blasting let Sara Hammond Louisa was still blasting basically because the mud guard was in such bad condition and a lot of heavy corrosion at this part and basically to excite any of the rust and there's some pregnant and the surface of the metal and as the best media we could used to blast as well this here is still great blaster yes at any psi of pressure to give this finish using the same when you sound blasts something you can really see the condition of the metal in this case I'm not quite sure that's such a good thing it looks a bit pitiful there do you think it's salvageable well it has received quite a bit from the blast and now as you can see here the blasting just exposed it no have to make some sort of an assessment as to what we were going to repair this part here possibly cut some of it out and well the new panels end and then re blasting again what with this is what is what is to run again just to leave the perfect profile for the subsequent definition phone so you might would you just do the hole and mudguard I'd use instant grit blasting we wouldn't use steel grip blasting on this part of the mug guard here because the material is quite late so therefore we can cause distortion on this here we would use either soda blasting or aluminium oxide blasting both at low pressures so if you want to again there and I'll show you some sort of blessing [Applause] [Applause] Emma Louise this here is the pseudo blastin we've done in this mud guard the reason again way we've done this is basically to gently remove the pimp unexposed underlying surface and this here hasn't caused any distortion on the mud guard whatsoever there's no this wood as far generate 30 psi of pressure so it's exposed on the line corrosion and to the metal but we mated us here back in again and to some aluminium oxide blasting to gently remove this the socialisation on the surface of the metal so how come you wouldn't have just used aluminium oxide on this in the first place well the main reason is for using sort of blasting is to expose the surface so that you can make an assessment at that point as to how much blastin is actually required on the part but in this case where you can see the pimp has broke through icy reinvestigate of each stage you're gradually working out the condition of the EM yes that's correct I know where we see this this has been exposed we only to this back into the blast room and do something slightly more aggressive like aluminium oxide to clean up these areas of rust here and remove them within finish [Applause] okay so there you go this is the blast and no credit with aluminium oxide the pressure of 60 psi and as you can see this has totally removed the oxidization and rust on the surface of the metal so now you Basin on out there we will note this mudguard back in again and sort of last first and then finish off with aluminium oxide for any corrosion that's great it is really smooth didn't yes it is a good finish and that leaves a very good profile for the paint finishes that we'll be getting after we're finished blast in the mud guard well I didn't get dressed up like this for nothing can I have a week by all means come on this way [Applause] [Applause] oh gosh that was immense that is one of the coolest things I have ever done just look at my handiwork yes yeah like a Joe Perry i'ma Louise oh it is really satisfying you know when you see just all the paint being blasted stripped away it's it's oh we call it therapeutic it is really therapeutic and it just feels really cool I think I got a bit carried away I know you were maybe just after me to do the toolbox but once I got started it was like ah I have to do this to this it's fine that's an excellent job well done thank you I win centers have a new look what's happened here well after your tag drag them will put on a sulfate in primer the sulfates and primer is what and actually holds a pen on to the wheel itself that's the key for the primer if you doesn't put that on through tain you know be a couple of weeks a couple of years that the pin would start a flake off it's got no adhesion this is what makes you know naturally the primer stick to the wheels it's green in color but it's very it's like a worry substance yeah and it's really sticky by you [Music] not too shabby a [Music] that's okay but for the first attempt was it okay not too bad happy I'll think of you [Music] [Music] [Music] Eugene you look like you are really enjoying it yes I enjoy tractors that's my Hobbit strike when did you first get obsessed I mean interested in vintage tractors I was interested in this type of tractor tires 5 in fact when I was 5 I was on a tractor and this very Liam oh yes that's over 50 years ago it's the whole nostalgia thing is well isn't it yes there's a bit of element but I also enjoy buying tractors enjoy restoring tighteners enjoy the challenge of making them run and they can look well and enjoy all the friends I meet top tractor oh is this your pride and joy well this is one of my tractors that's probably my favourite one because I like the way it drives I like the way it starts illegally it the way it runs and I just like it as a tractor this is a 1943 model but are really popular try to raise a young lad grow up growing up around this farm I like working with it sometimes I play sometimes I mow and sometimes I just go for a drive that's great you actually use your tractors you know for it's not just for oh it looks great you know you're actually getting out there and using it yes and you'll often find my a tractors with dung and mud on the wheels and they're really working we're in tractors I mean you put in ours and restoring tractors and ordering parts and it's it's really that's more than the whole pacing like a career well it's a real hobby but it's a full-time hobby I know people who spend hours and hours playing home and people who found ours marznap help I just seem to spend hours and hours flexion contractures that's my hobby I entitled this is obviously my first time restoring a tractor do you think I'm a totally hopeless case or any redeeming things you have in your tire you're a real Trier I mean I've watched you over the last few days and you're certainly taken understand what you're doing you're prepared to accept that face and that's very important if you're stuck ask someone or get someone else to do enough that's what I do that's what we all do there's some stuff I simply can't be I've got to get an expert I wasn't even fishing for a compliment there well not half as a compliment or not yeah true mm-hmm you need a lot of help as all enthusiasm new skill that's kinda watching would you know seeing you drive down that Lane and obviously the pleasure on the smile on your face you're like a kids you know and I can that's what I have to you know keep my head I can see it's all worth it when I see the enjoyment you get from it yeah it's always good to have a focus and have a margin a picture of your finished tractor at the end and just keep focusing it not all the way through and it'll get you there believe me I might need to borrow the Hat though well the hut goes with the tractor you get yourself a tractor and you do it up you're bitten by the bug so you might get yourself another tractor you may even diversify and begin to restore a vintage car or a 1959 police water cannon [Music] we're going to go firmly fit yes but I've got school okay very good fun [Music] [Music] remember we find an oily gun here the eye licks from the rear axle into the bricks no to fix that we have to remove the brake shoes and the assembly remove the backplate remove the half shaft along with the hub this is a big job it's a biggest job but the minutes with that well within the capability of the average enthusiast and to start we go back here and there's a little snap screw and here on the the brake activating shaft so we're starting to hit this little set screw here it's coming out nicely night right it comes there we are okay we're taking the springs off a good pull maybe are maybe we can remove these pulled down Springs these hold the brake shoes to the back clip give it a turn off of comes the spring on the back washer okay now it'll come off in one piece here we go there we are okay so next we took off this row of studs around a the back of the hub the trouble is they says there's too much pimping rust remind them that it's out we're just to get a socket done so we'll stick with a spanner okay we're ready to remove the back clip along with the hub and the half shaft night mate come but a feeling it's gonna need a little tap at the back yep top that's all nice daddy started go here go okay it comes jump lash sound play there's a half shaft wind will turn it up on us and like this okay okay we took off they the shed was first it should be two maybe three here it's too and take off the back clip right we're going to remove that so I'll seal it sit at the back here but in order to do that we have to remove the bearing the bearings in here and the hub from the half shaft first we've got to remove this collar yeah this collar is pressed on manufacturers pressed on very tightly Coosh was manufactured so LTS collar off they put up the anvil making firm we put a chisel on the fear soffit and we give it a good lower T with the hammer what is that - we're trying to do here to spread ight they the collar and listen it so it slaves off right off the shaft okay I'm guessing you're not going to need that color again certainly not this one's finished okay one final one let's see it there's yep we're in business love like okay just okay there goes cool you can take it off look that Boulder huh okay so we took the collar off here off here right you see they the whole hub moves freely in this direction but I'll never left off so even with the collar off we still can't get it off certainly not that's been pressed on and it really needs some some help to come off this what is this well lift us something I'm here yesterday uh that's really a modified pillar all it all it comes off as a flying piece of paving weld up to four holes I was three at the top Brigadier secrecy in order for Eugene special gizmo to work he'd earlier removed all but four if the stubs from the hub assembly screw it right down the right top nice and flush look for a nice even pull on the hub so it all comes off nice and nice and smoothly hmm that's okay so I'll tighten this here late in the spray and that will push the shaft wait that that direction and bring the ring along with okay and you should see that hey it started a fight yep Brayan works ingeniously device fools when you're doing this type of project it is good to think outside the box when it comes to reinventing that will help you along your way so to speak well it's difficult to find the right tool sometimes so you really have to make something I mean there's nothing on genius oh great that's really it anybody could make it oh yeah you'll find it make it from a few pieces grout the sign right in the workshop yeah a welder a drill and we also unit I think I can feel the pressure go on officer you give it a little poke there your planet Oh come out okay coming oh yeah okay good for you just pull it on it love it okay good great lovely good what right have a knife go ahead how's that you just put it down the work Lee on the bench in the meantime level I got it okay get the bolts off and just take a light and you'll say okay no burning here it's fall night Sam that's okay it looks in good condition I think what we'll do first is what will give a good wash with paraffin oil and pike with you great before we refit up that's great we can save this okay let's look at the hub here and here's the oil sale that's the troublemaker that's the troublemaker all right this causes the original leak height under the brakes spies the brakes so we're going to take it out and replace it with us nice new one here it is unbelievable that just this one we small piece we had to go to so much effort in such lengths I mean would most restores go to such efforts I'm not sure today my experience most people that restore trackers don't don't go this far suppose for peace of mind well but how it had to be done we're gonna do it right oh yeah so we've cleaned the whole booths paraffin no I just give this light cops yes fine got stubborn to just keep going you're good it's coming right yep that's up no man so anyway our get you there does us Lakota Doherty rat I love this time it reminds me of The Wizard of Oz you know the Tin Man but yeah just put a wheel over here okay I just drop that right yeah okay leave it there on something soft all right you want to make sure it was under nice and plumb nothing it's nice and even right right yeah okay it's a very complicated piece it's an oil scene bidding and contraption so people wait it's not as an oil seal assertion - that's what are those he said love let's go up nicely cool nice yeah pretty good that's very good [Music] when reassembling the half shaft the bearing will need to be pressed on using a vertical hydraulic jack by using a mild steel tube longer in length than the half shaft Eugene is able to apply constant and even pressure on the bearing [Music] when refitting the caller Eugene uses a blowtorch to heat it red-hot this is a term known as sweatin that means it should tap on with ease [Music] another sale in here yeah this is the antenna royal sailors part of the problem that's giving us bad breaks huh the oil excite through this into the brake drums so we'll take the old oil see light and felony room never do ya here's another tool for you it's just a pair of pliers so you just take it in there and I'm leave it leave it right up overnight that's it yes that's uh sorry I thought you got it bang Jax yeah spawn Jackson Lee all right but you see if I it has to be tight to hold the oil bag on here yeah so it's gotta be real tight fat [Music] when we set the noose it is important to remember that the lip on the rubber part goes towards the oil and the axle [Music] there we are [Music] you've got the heavy bit I'm gonna try and line this up for you here all right I'm lined up here yep I'm a boy excuse me Molly excuse me back so when you're doing that I put the brake Trump there we are um we won't replace the brake shades until after a plastic so that was a good day's wear it wasn't it great not buy the toilets tomorrow we're not so the steam grit blasting has really shown up how bad this toolbox is I mean it's bad in fact it is beyond reasonable repair so what we're going to do is cut there might in fact actually when I lift it you can really see how bad it is there so cut those out and if you come over here we are bought shiny new wings well ah but we're not going to use these oh no we are just after the tool boxes so we have cut them right thank you James that huh and we are going to fit them to the original wing is that a fairly good fitting Oh considering that these is donor tool box is actually quite a good fit so we shouldn't have any great difficulty and the tightness to there is knowing brilliant so and then what's next after that the next stage as on the original toe box there was a band of Steel ran the whole way around the owner of the toe box so the donor one doesn't have this so we're going to proposed to attach a piece of metal flat bar around the outside of the still box here to try and keep us as original them as possible definitely keeping it authentic yep but do you know what I do notice the original toolbox has been strengthening ridges and I mean it's not going to be a big problem because obviously they're not in the donor the donor one has you quite right to say it doesn't have the strengthened register this part here is actually still quite signed yeah so what we're going to try and do as snot right this part here and try and offer empty here and weld it and please is that going to be worth it do you think well to keep everything as it is no yes it is worth it well that's what we want that's what we'll do okay the my C flat bar is easily bent when heated to fit round the shape with the two logs because of the the way their daughter toebugs has been manufactured there's a gap here along the corner mm-hmm but we still can fill that air with whaled coop still still be okay you want to have a go why not well Dame's what do you think that's very good very good honestly yep huh this rocks I'm pretty pleased to file actually oh another new skill huh that's very good that's well done I was expected to be worse but it's okay thank you I was expecting it to be worse this way [Music] just stripping my second time volunteer I've already removed the grill so far removed one of the badges these are priceless just working on the aluminium lights here these ratchets banners are worth their weight in gold our original aluminium light now the lamp in here isn't an original it's been replaced with a Lukas our original would have been bottlers England no this actually came from the other light which is a total result of course the problem now is I've got to find another one of these it's not going to be easy but you know what we'll manage it the other lights been soda blasted it's less aggressive than sandblasting but it's what you do when you're working with aluminium you can just see the difference there so what we'll end up with is our two original lights both with mutlar lamps [Music] [Music] okay thanks away if they corners is all weld at night so we're using a not a traditionalist grained and discuss here as a multi flap desk which is a degree in mascius so it's a nicer finish so it's a great smooth finish nice surface it doesn't leave they dig gauges on it the way I drained industrial tools that's better for for appearance so that's we're just only polished off all the whales name [Music] seems I could see when people are restoring tractors why they might have just gone for a whole replica wing because I know you still live more to do but there's so much effort has gone into this yep definitely but we're still not even finished up some of these areas here to cover you up and of course the boats rusty cost effect when you're happy enough for the moment to attach the box and yep I think we're ready to see how it I get fats here and put it onto your possession yeah I just have to make sure that that's the lane here remains straight because this part here remember was cut away from the original toolbox so once we get this here spot it in place then this here will be weld er done again so we have to keep us here straight and that makes contact donut they do the two of the boats here so there is a slate slate gap here as you can see donate the far side here yeah it's just there's a difference and they Pro fade up the cut of the the tow boats today it's just in wing but weeks Telkom we can work with out there that's achievable okay so the toe box is spot well done take possession they're in hiding but I just want to check one thing I just want to check it over the body to make sure that it looks okay from the other side as you can see that's just where they original spot whales were that hold held on the the old tool box but we can use them to our advantage now we can weld through these here to attach the wing to the new tool box as well and sand them off flat again then renew our panel and at the bottom here open to the interesting wing here so we're halfway there they're still too wanted to do this and you've two wins you still have the other one to do another mom with a lot to do is Danny or painter and panel beater extraordinaire the second hand bonnet which we find under a bush in a scrap yard may have had all the original parts but it still needs a lot of panel bleeding before it ever sees Danny's paint shop well that's better Street yeah now we need to get this back massage Dundee please because it's it's John night that's actually doing the way so what we wouldn't have to do let's put let's put the dolly as close here as we can as possible and start tapping here and that's all bring it down and now we'll do the see them or flick it over their top it down about and we'll just beside you under please okay okay right now you need to come around that side see the way you've got a yeah right you need to come around the other side and then have no words I get it here say I'm starting to ship on this one this is one of those things it's like I thought it would be so easy but it's just you not I'm not seeing anything happening it's difficult it's a slow process but I am I'm used to doing it you're not you know what I mean mmm it just takes time a long time unfortunately but once you get the hang of it it's not too bad so many facts s we don't wanna move on in our always because I think with like the welding and grinding you see an immediate effect there's something you know yes whereas this is no [Music] yeah it is old smooth you've done this before you've given the game away yeah I've done it before great you see here Emma Louise we'll go out then and the way okay like something is fell onto the tractor some of our masts hop now we can get the dolly onto here to try and beat it then I yeah okay but unfortunately I can't get a hammer around at the back yes a hammer off the way so what we can do is we can spot weld where you roll it on here okay I'm pulling on the power port do I do that yeah fine okay all you have to do with us hear us it goes on like that right whatever you push it down that's where it gets his heart that's ring here actually touches the nail and then that's back blues okay we also want to learn about spark up okay yep push it down towards this flower on the nail okay okay and then just press trigger hum you know three lifts up just let go okay cool right never I've got a rod on and Louise mm-hmm I need to get that song that's the slide hammer yeah okay you take now down that's on tape okay there's two ways you can do this yeah you can either how'd it like this great we're just gonna pull up me out a lot pity up because we're closely a curve here Emma Louise if I on top of our look out there it's going to pull out on here spear lane we don't want we want to keep the natural curve on it so if I hold it up and put pressure Wells open the bonnet down and you have redness area here you'll see it raising up okay lot quicker than what the other about there's no okay so if you want you wanna have them start tapping just gently yeah a bit event arun from okay i'll start pull up run this side more - yeah okay we'll just take this off how about we check and see their their stuff you're still a very very small dump left left behind but that's common undershoot nice work so we'll head up one one or two more hats yep you [Music] very nearly there just here [Music] you very nearly a great know that we've got the rod removed and we've grown the back to flat you can see here there's still a very small dumpy yeah okay great we're gonna use this dolly because whenever we put it on in a curve I might as unlace low okay William okay and why I'm going to need you to do is head up from the inside until it pushes it down tight for us at all come a night doesn't date that's good enough I mean that we then took well took me a wee while to get out how long do you reckon it'll take you to do the whole bonnet to get it ready to go into the pinch shop for a coat of primer after it's been blasted probably four days four days four days yeah cheekers it is so labor-intensive you can see why people were just going by a brand new part but that's the easy option and that's what most people choose to do but we want our resin also absolutely that's what we want it feels like everything is just growing to a halt and what hasn't but when you're stripping the tractor you've all the excitement and you get these instantaneous results was at the moment everything is so slow and laborious and there's just so much to do it is completely overwhelming unhhhh seriously scary and I have to say credit to the guys who are doing the work the experts who are doing each different separate tasks they're doing a phenomenal job and they're the top of their game and I know I will be pleased with the end results but we're just at the point where everything is just so gradual and laborious and you need just bucketloads of patience and I don't have that but I know it will be worth it and I know I'm doing this because I will be able to stand back and be so proud because we will have restored this tractor to better condition than it was originally and that will be amazing and that sort of have to keep my head clearly I need a shot of enthusiasm from somewhere so I go to my first ever tractor show see what other restorers have achieved a fun Easter story about five years ago anakin reckoned up because again to my wife for her 10th wedding anniversary and myrrh for 15 years married nativity five years a dear wife named Valerie Valerie Maurel Arts heart tractor I'm lucky she's letting me take it out she was she's very good worked out up for about four years I just don't understand her stick man then you get you get the periods where you had strapped down and then it lies flat for a while it can so relate to that because just there's so much to do it's got to the point where it kind of I dipped a bit it's like oh I just see you need everything to get it down you need to be best to get it go on but I hate some brochures and you can buy DVDs on on tractors and stuff new different shoes so you go it shows you look out them you set at night in the hearse new one up the brochures and you look at the brochures and you see what that's can turn it like so that gives you a burst you look at the brochure and think I get that there keep that image in your mind keep that I'm in their lane not that's what you keep going for [Music] Robert I am so impressed and you're only 16 yeah I was 16 when did you begin the restoration and why did it all come about well I've always been interested in frontage tractors since a very young age and three years ago a to say that I'd buy of an extractor and have it ready for whenever I get my license at 16 and they can take it to the guy over her shoe I see it up for two years my investment sent today about it was to get it to the garbha Horse Show and I got it affected finished up at two weeks two weeks ago I polished at last day and the man painted my name on and the prides immense to see my tractor shed here as well as any other ones Robert what was the most challenging part of the whole project for you well the most challenging part was probably get an engine effected because there were so many or leaks and there was so much trouble give him an engine I took a long table and a lot a lot of timing a lot of money and a lot of waiting around in new parts to come but eventually we've got it we've got it here today so well congratulations honestly that is so admirable and you're only 16 and you've done this and the finish is brilliant [Music] know this I recognized 135 just like my own but I'm kind of at the stage where it all seems so daunting there's so much to do so I cannot imagine what it must be like to do briefs like this where when you restored the 1 3 5 and the 180 did the one a date take a look longer generally longer because some of fact it was more rare so the parts aren't as easily available the four-wheeler tracks in the zone last factor wasn't a Massey Ferguson rational animal son another dog ain't a Maccabee purchase on parts of harder night day to fight for it and why are you so passionate about restoring tractors what is it about it I don't know I think I just started I just think I guess it just creeps up on you you get one then I think you want another it to be benedicted I liked about the word I [Music] it's nice getting all original parts that's what you're looking for and it becomes a hump for them and that hump for the original part is good fun and a space whenever you get that but you cherish it you bring everything cut savvy be able emily's I hear your Genova tractor I absolutely am I'm jus Novum rc-135 fingers crossed we're going to just get over this we difficult pets and I just have to keep seeing the pride that you have and seeing how happy you are with the job you've done and I think if I keep that in my head love see me through I brought mine here after year so I expect you to have yours here that's time next year gosh no pressure then Tonie light out or we may trouble II do need 16 he gets lead to break well Robert can do it so can i I guess I've got to stop feeling sorry for myself and just get back to work and maybe I'll be able to show off my tractor at next year's show [Music] you my most mechanically minded enthusiasts should be able to handle the spindle shafts here at the front and the half shafts here at the back moving on to the hydraulics if you have a problem with your hydraulics you're going to have to remove this lid and you're getting into the whole hydraulic system here most people are going to realize that they're going to have to ask for some specialists help because that's just we however know thankfully our hydraulics are fine we tested it before with Wilbert now we do have some wear on our hydraulic cross shaft here and our lift arms so we're still going to have to remove this lid now that may seem like a daunting task however it's going to be made much easier thanks to all of you geez wonderful gadgets [Music] before we use a hoist to lift the lid off there's some things we must be other ways we can cause serious damage first of all we're going to remove this left arm there we go I have the other one off in the other side please okay the next thing we must do is to remove this cover plate to hate the two studs okay okay we remove this cover and the papers okay now if we didn't take this side no we'd have probably damaged it and we try to lift the put it off but you get I don't know well let me out next we need to take away the response control plate another latest access them to the side of the hydraulic system so we remove this little clip first scary do we really want to go in there well we're careful and we're what we're doing you'll find will come out they'll around intact afters all about okay and there's the lip it okay a few studs to come off here but we have to make sure first of all we took all the oil light oh yeah well is it the real mess coming around us shortly and there's the kit before we take the lid off a little thing in here so foul back to getting roller the table it's a draft control as phrase small in the spray federally but and there's no room in here so if need to be careful taking it off you can see here that's not a person that's trapped as long as the rollers in possession and we don't take a right we can cause some damage when we left the lid we don't want that one up around here we go I've just got at night I'm here we are how did you know about that we bet how would other restorers know that that's such a vital piece to take out well suppose you consider me more of an enthusiast and an expert and I think a point needs to Amir that I'm prepared to ask people at new legal record I'm prepared to go on study carefully the workshop manual yeah I'm just sure they're sort of a self learning process I'm not prepared to go at without I mean I don't these things that are not capable doing quite comfortable to deal with thing things like this having solid vase you're having a fairy tale manual you could really have done some serious damage if you hadn't enjoyed that and tried to yank it it sure they'll believe us BP some and side and the paladar organ history yep yeah hundreds applying to the talent yeah scary isn't it yeah I'm glad I had your knowledge stop delightful in book yeah [Music] clowns rectus moves forward and since they're okay hey quick these workbooks don't come off because they're they're holding on are that they draw like system underneath okay just start lifting Alois please I'm doing it gently yep keep it going Noblet that's perfect perfect keep it going up you go keep it going keep lifting that up keep it going oh I'll let cup write up a set that's not thanks that's okay stop there okay lovely create so there you are there's the hydraulic system I can also see why I would not be going near it it looks quite scary yes but a couple of things when we must be there's a little plunger here this one we're going to tie that down with a piece of wire so that when we turn they the whole system upside down it won't follow it we can change the filter here this filter looks very very clogged and dirty so one of the lid off will just put a new filter we're not gonna do much health in there that's really a job for an expert but anyway we don't need to do they draw much you're fine great okay and you can see why we we take the lid off to get the shaft if3 doesn't all this stuff would fall down on today the bottle oh yeah not on there and I can see why you tied this V piston on obviously because it would have fallen off when you turn it over yep there's there's not just a piston there there's a spring and there's a little bit that bits and pieces on there we tempt us with a challenge to put together again smoothing good it's going either yep just take it all the way yeah I like lovely Wow so we have a new replacement shaft to fit and while at first it looks identical all is not as it seems looks identical doesn't yeah but not quite the cause shafts got one hole to hold on the the book to hold on the left arm they all shouts got two holes Oh God let me help the water okay so you can say that we put the new shaft down that's gonna look like this yeah but it's not original the old shafts could this washer with two holes so we need to modify the new shaft this to you that it holes to accept this writer down elects original so you are telling me that people would come along and we were do you say that the new washer they would come along and they'd say immediately all right this is an original it's about that yes of course the word Alice not original we want to keep our tractor perfect on original I know we do but it's like extremes yes but that's not easy it just takes time and patience and effort so this is obviously a problem that faces loads of restorers obviously not just with this part of presumably you have to modify loads of different parts because they just don't make them as they were once where yep and we're going to find all our parts in this tractor that they've modified brilliant that's something to look forward to oh so how are we going to get these boards well that's a job for a precision engineer because we've got to make sure these holes are precisely boards where they should be and thread it takes out the bolts so we'll take it out to engineering shop and you're not done okay we can't continue on with the hydraulics at the moment because the cross shaft is away having holes or into it so we're going to move on to splitting the tractor well remember when I first was chatting to you we had our initial assessments and you mentioned to me this idea of splitting the tractor and I was totally overwhelmed completely daunted you see at this stage I think I've seen everything nothing surprises me however I think the sensible thing to do is still believe this job to you guys so when Alastair observed from afar technologies all these stubs out very much holds us together these old Bell hosing under their belt hosing yep see I am helping even if it's a very small way now we're spreading the tractor because we want to get into the clutch yes yes on the rear oil seal see it from a knife yeah oh yeah [Music] oh there we are let's say that's not that completer well that's here is a clutch here and these are called fingers and there's adjustment screws and are those and a very laying she doesn't release the PTO shaft on you but there's lunch don't ya the cheese which is a set that's later on the bigger one that's a PTO shaft there so those have taken off and put a toll on them to set them set them all out and legal Dustin's like when we hover step there's a thrust bearing on here can you see it there see this here oh yes yeah there's a we roughness on that yeah rather than put it together and then sometimes it on half just button again to put that under a few minutes with the tightly done so when we're doing would you do that as well great the rear crankshaft oil so I'm going to press up because remember the first there's oil yeah okay from right up here right here yeah and that was the oil coming out of the back of the engine and and open ons are going nuts we'll get that Leon the Conway when we last here of yeah [Music] when we get the clutch off we find that the clutch plate was stuck to the flywheel which confirms the oil wars sleeping on to it from a damaged crankshaft scene you can see it see the way there and not there it's all just covered those sucked hunter and one soil gets onto that that's external punished if your clutch plate is sticking to the flywheel your tractor won't stop when you put your foot in the clutch this is called carrying the clutch plate I suppose if you were working harder this tractor that would certainly happen it's going to spew it more oil definitely won't stop any of the plugs up nope yeah so when you take the place of that plate that's here is worn as well as weird as they most important thing out there that's for that test dummies there either we're not there that's clear there's worn down unto us that runs an upstairs warn be none there about there's another clutch pit here in the middle that's contaminant Lee hit though it as way off and these Springs need replaced not there there's a better way or not there's that clip I don't know you can see it that's moving back forward not there that clip is moving oh yeah removing that and then there's these screws here credibly like you can see it there it's one more than that and then that makes I don't even know about our knees going to have to we have to face those on the other hand you can buy a whole complete unit when you have to replace too many parts new clutch gotta buy a new unit and yeah it's just what if a sudden just report it on with that then saw right our PTO so take your PTO approval kazi's these are the usual screws here adjustment screws and their laws rule anything and others really just it just ready Stan you have to buy those you haven't device lose fingers of the world as well yeah the connecting links here who died just you better there's no question I definitely I would advise you on away what is the point not buying all the different components to take time and effort and work when we could just buy the one post economy yes that that's you want your honor you you're not not they're definitely going to do if it's sitting there complete nuns are boy yes to get up the crankshaft seal that's causing the whole problem we first take off the flywheel and then remove the studs from the seal housing does that whole disk there come off no they have the crankshaft that's a person's clay that round rain around that makes the whole thing go little boy one day is cherubic doing in the pond up looking up that's make a staggering up wash our horse tomorrow bye and the man looks up me says custom truck and they're waiting nice to us piston very good growth even with the studs removed from the housing you'll find that you won't be able to get into the scene until you remove the flywheel housing first let's just say boy here was calling all the trouble let that in the oil out of the engine that's only how we hope since oh yeah no that's that's what there's one of the one who was in the bottom another goes in the top you had you'd the tractor take off the flake the clutch tee off the flavor will to guard up and to get anything they're not it's perfect but had been annuity was a little curly oil from gone on ta the del hosing the factory and up nods the grain and now this is the other half and the bush cept over the end of the crankshaft the bay and the crankshaft we out there yeah poreless he'll see knowing that after a full day's work with the engine on the gearbox rejoined oh this sealed was warden and letting oil into our clutch assembly so we replaced the ceiling we replaced this gasket we ended up replacing the entire clutch now why we were out that we took a look at our starter ring gear now it's starting to show some where it might last another few years but we thought why the tractor split better to replace this noise unless the bearing in the flywheel now when you replace the clutch you also replace the thrust bearing and the bell housing here and when we took out the old one that gave us access to replace the very worn clutch pedal shaft here bushings and also the brake pedal shaft ambitions down here why would we go to all this trouble because whilst we want our tractor to look really good we also wanted to be mechanically signed and drive as well as it did when it came out of the factory over 40 years ago Susan fairly unique in that I'm restoring a tractor and I have never ever driven one nobody was mad enough to lend me a sparkling gleaming restored one so they've lent me this bad boy and how else would I have along with me but my good friend Wilbert you're going to show me how it's done hopefully look at me right ho ho okay to see how we get on right right first thing you have to do is make sure the tricky levers and then you draw that's healthy between backward just put onto that one there that's er no not something yet well there's barns to see him that's that that's up there okay okay make sure the stoppers on that's that done so I'm guessing that's pretty important to pull out when I want to stop you want the story to stop and that button there yes grant okay so if you turn the key the most important thing to know about your break and system yes great system here okay that's these two bigs battler look together the best thing here that's mechanism here you can use them under regular if you're running the farm and you want to pick a quick are torn oh okay using one break that's like a comic turn things a device Joe do nut job puffing here on the road or anyone else keep them locked together since you big goof is one time okay it doesn't know about deadly touch push on your push on your store starter this is pretty cool okay it is slow but I'm driving a tractor let's leave her here that's the same as your accelerator in your car if we start the tractor you start the site try again just starter they're not running them startup keeps out their back her get off back [Music] [Music] [Music] yes that really is me I've graduated top of my class no more 135 I've moved on to the monster that is the Marcy 1150 [Music] from never having driven the tractor to get on to this like massive massive tractor it is immense have done pretty well huh you're done very well don't worry bud right some favor oh very confident madam eh oh thank you know that I've got to drive a tractor I am determined that the next one I Drive in will be my fully restored one three five better get back to work then well back working at the hydraulics because we have our new hydraulic cross shaft back with the freshly drilled and tapped tools so I can discard this old one because we're going to fit this okay yeah but they pushing on first just a little oil to make a ring Slade Slade easily some oil no it said as well just makes it that little e little bit easier yeah okay so the bushings all of the sound here hmm hope to hear all right let me start them present the shaft there's some outer plating up there arm with the shaft like this I get it off on these plans like that right I'm ready for a little top will set the bushing on the other side all right helping off with that so this is a little tool we have for driving bushes on a right this fits inside the bushing and the age catches the edge of the bushing and it just puts unlicensed clip doesn't damage it doesn't damage it sorry another great gadget okay yep yep yep so it's flush on this side yep and it's come out the length of the Splane an outside - pushing needs - to move on so anymore a few more tops oh yeah perfect well nearly I'd say that's so steady we're there um we need to top in the bush on this side as well perfect okay that's you yeah you put the rubber seal on next and we'll put the left arms after we refit this led to the tractor we're ready to put the lid back onto the hydraulic housing now we change the oil filter way down there and this is why look at that so banjaxed the underside of the lid is already greased we're going to just grease the top here and yes we are using grease as opposed to some of the other modern compounds available because 40 years ago they would have used grease so that's what we're going with this will keep the gasket soft and make it all seem better here's the gasket we're just going to put this on over these guide bolts and we're using the gasket because again that's what would have been used traditionally 40 years ago just before we put this down I have to tell you we've taken off our quadrant plates and levers just from here these are going to be sent away to be cleaned and gold passivated zinc plated have you got that gold passivated think plated sitting are you going to be guided in well I do the control I'll do that right on okay look it's nicely lined up yeah very gently laying originally on to the on to the gate bolts first jump made us at the time okay dialing close to it by just nuts that's nice keep it going mijin gently that's it this machine is not it is because okay bear yep turning it keep it going that's it oops was that it we're there remember we take this little piece here right it's a valve actuator roller for the draft just remember the space here tricky okay I was gotta go back and again we're trying to get that that piece in there mm-hmm and those holes put falls down on here I got you the lid off to find it no can't fall just come fall I won't call this one of my best inventions it's just something a piece of masking tape to hold it so that if it does slip we can retrieve it and have an article it's a good tip oh no we don't have to take that off again you
Channel: Stephen Todd
Views: 240,561
Rating: 4.6905537 out of 5
Id: VBTiw_sqTt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 26sec (7526 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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