Changing The Hydraulic Oil/Rear End Oil Massey Ferguson 150

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all right I think I got time today to show you guys the process of changing the hydraulic or rear-end Ole Miss Massey Ferguson 151 35 a lot of these tractors it's the same process even with this tractor set out for several years actually didn't set out it was under a building the original owner had it under a shed but tornado took the roof off of that shed and I'm pretty sure that these boots were cracked somebody replaced these boots recently okay I've got the bolt out of the back drain there by the way that's an eleven sixteenths and yeah that is some nasty looking year old the gear all I'm going to be putting back in it is just snap off let's say I'm not going to set universal ole but it's a roughly a 20 weight Oh hydraulic hole it says so right there on on the can hits a tractor hydraulic and transmission fluid like I said it's roughly 20 weight and I don't remember what the exact requirements are for this tractor when it was original I said you know all has changed over the years but that's what my knife a guy recommended I use so I took his word for it well no I didn't take his word for it either I called Massey Ferguson dealer and asked him he said it needed 20 or 30 weight oil in it and we're not talking about the engine oil either we're talking about hydraulic transmission fluid all this transmission and rear end only smashley right here and a lot of Fords are the same way they it's uh they share an integral whole internal oil system month in other words same old that's in the transmission is the same oil that's back in the rear end and it also operates you're the same ol that's in your remote hydraulic air oh the same old it operates your three-point lift like I said it's an integral system so anyway those look nasty nasty nasty when that gets through draining there's another drain plug right there I'm gonna drain it all right I'll get back we loosen front right now and we're gonna there shouldn't be a whole lot in here since this is a waste all anyway I'm just gonna mix it in with this engine all oh yeah lovely there's a little washer right here by the way guys make sure you don't lose that that's a little copper it's like a crush type washer but anyway be sure you don't lose that when you take your drain plug out all right we got the drain plugs back in and I'm running out of daylight here I don't know if I'm gonna be able to show this whole process but anyway you got to take this cap right here off that's where you add your I draw that fluid err in fluid transmission fluid whatever you want to call it there anyway it takes eight gallons so I'm gonna go get a wrench and get that off and put eight gallons of the snap off I drawl it transmission fluid in and if I don't show you guys the final results today I'll show it in another video but much that I'm sort of running out a lot running out of time I need to get busy here all right I got the filler cap off right here this is where your transmission River in Greece all goes in I thought that was a one inch with its axle intention on 16 and I marked a little hole right here up under the lid with hammer and nail so whenever I poured this in that hole that won't go bug bug bug it should pour out smoothly anyway I'm gonna let my brother hold the camera here just for a second maybe you can see what I'm doing you may have to go to the other side keep it pointed down okay see if I can pull this without a funnel and I don't think I can go ahead and turn the camera off and I will get a phone all right we got us a funnel here and attempt to pour that in there man pull that with one hand this is two-man job here it sounds smoothly that pours it's because I knocked a little hole there with that hammer and nail under the lid and I'll show you that hole here in just a second holes except sit breathe anyway we're going to go ahead and fill this up and I'll get back with you in a minute there's that hole that I knocked on the top of that bucket if you can see it running out of light here but anyway there's five gallons down I'm got about three more to go takes about eight gallons okay it got dark on us here pretty quick but we did manage to get it filled no you're not going to be able to see that dipstick but it is full my other thing I want to let you guys know on some of these masses not on this one but some of them underneath the bottom here between the two old drains there's a little pan sometimes it has a screen in it it catches trash and shavings and stuff out the rear end and I didn't show it on video but those are two drains they did have magnets on them and they had just a little few magical metallic particles stuck to them but nothing serious but anyway I'm going to fire up make sure that they don't have any leaks at the three point and everything still works but basically that's how you change the transmission rear end all on a master Parkinson 150 so you
Channel: Rodder 204
Views: 172,609
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Keywords: Massey Ferguson 150, Massey Ferguson, Hydraulic Oil/Rear End Oil
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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