Bookside High E01: SCHOOL BULLY Paralyzes Student | Dhar Mann Studios

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all right we're [Applause] [Music] here oh look there's a library right down the street extended hours that's nice right look I know this isn't as big as our other place but that just means that it's nice and cozy right can call a dump like this [Music] [Music] cozy I've got [Music] [Music] it okay oh hello there are you guys just moving in yeah I'm Naomi and this is my son Kalo well welcome to the building I'm Pastor Paul if you need anything at all please don't hesitate to ask I'm just uh away God bless he was really nice not like our old neighbors can you please just unlock the door true sweetheart I liking the new place like like is a strong word place is a dump can't be that bad yeah maybe not so the homeless people camping outside the building wasn't for me we'd still be in our house across town my mom's trying to be all positive and stuff which only makes things worse but she's miserable too [Music] don't think like that man your mom loves you yeah sure she doesn't love paying my medical bills [Music] though enough about me can't believe you guys made it to States you must be stoked oh uh I actually don't think I'll be able to go what why not coach said we all need to pay our own way and uh my Pop's just lost his job so we don't have any money to fly me out my parents didn't even have any money to buy me a new pair of cleats for football this year so I've been I'm wi open hey watch it oh hey yo my bad man did I mess up your sneaks oh I mean you look pretty terrible already hold on hold I think you actually po to S back in a place J your goons got anything better to do Dom uh did you guys hear something I thought I heard something for a second just get lost oh just because you've got Daddy's money doesn't mean you're better than anybody hey oh man you scared us I didn't even see you down there yeah me neither nice ride man was that four Drive hey uh um maybe even a backup camera that's not funny guys get out of here with that crap you know I know what's funny is the KH here thought that he could actually go pro one day looks like he learned his lesson the hard way swear if I had my legs I or else what huh or else what calm down calm down little I'm just messing with you hey hey remember how you got in this chair H couldn't do anything about it back then sure as heck can't do anything about it now oh uh by the way I told Coach that kid was too scrawny to be on the team anyways so better luck next time buddy oh my bad man did I mess up your sneaks going toet are you serious dude the game this week come on did you just purposely run over Dominic's foot no Dominic I know you're going through a lot but you can't take it out on other people seriously thanks oh my gosh I can't believe it took you this long to come home I told you that I could have Pi I can take care of myself I don't need you to Baby me Mom you're right I'm sorry oh honey could you do me a favor we're out of salt could you ask Paul if we could borrow some no no I'm not doing that please I madej your favorite sausage talini but it needs some salt it'll take too long for me to go to the store would you please just do this for me please [Applause] please khil what can I do for you buddy my mom wants to know if she can borrow some salt sure come on in oh those are some kids I used to work with over at the church used to landlord just kept raising the rant I couldn't keep up and uh ventually I lost the [Music] church do you like football supposed to get a full ride maybe even go pro that was a dream at least but it's all gone now I'm really sorry to hear that but you know what they say when one door closes another opens sometimes the most painful moments in life are actually blessings in disguise right because my career being killed overnight and my legs not working or really just some kind of blessing in disguise how are you so positive man I mean you lost your church that isn't haunt you I may have lost my church but that didn't keep me from helping people and working with kids did you ever try to play any other sports since you're kidding right in case it's not obvious sports or kind of out the window for me oh but that's not true there's so many other things that you could still do like archery wheelchair basketball chess do you know how to play yeah because that's a real sport it actually is you should check it out there's a lot of strategy involved As you move across the board kind of like [Music] football let me know if you need anything [Music] else thanks and when you give your mom the salt why don't you give her a little sugar as well uh figuratively I know you're going through a lot but remember it's hard on her [Music] to oh perfect Tim thanks honey okay and a little bit of this and a little bit of that now let's eat going to eat this in my room oh come on KH you always used to have dinner with me yeah and I also used to be able to use my legs something [Music] change if you want you can pick me up from school tomorrow okay it sounds good [Music] [Music] honey you sure you don't need anything else before I go back to work I'm working a double tonight so I'll be home late I'll be fine oh why don't you go to the library maybe they have a computer you can use oh don't forget I can't pick you up tomorrow I have to work and I will let you use the car but until we get it adjusted I I'll figure it [Music] out hey watch it sorry I didn't realize I'm so sorry about that Gavin's still getting used to his Cane it's no problem this uh having recently uh well a bully out of school thought it would be a good idea to whale a ball out his face it gave him a cataract and we're trying to come up with the money for surgery to remove it since insurance doesn't cover it but the procedure is expensive to say the least hey uh Gavin believe me when I say that I can relate to you in more ways than you think I'm C by the way hey CLE sorry again for bumping into you it's all good I live nearby so uh hopefully we bump into each other again come [Music] on hey see you're into chess uh we're actually going to be hosting a big chess tournament here next month and in case you're interested in signing up there's going to be a pretty sweet grand [Music] prize hey so have you talked to Coach about the situation with State no not yet but honestly I don't even know if I want to go and it wouldn't be the same without you and I don't want to be stuck with oh oh uh are you both riding home on close's wer be quiet D you know it's really sweet of you to give Miguel here a ride just because I'm not sure his shoes can hand on the walk home now vroom vroom don't youever get tired to run in your mouth at least I can [Music] run that hey [Music] hey C well I must say The Faculty here is really impressed with all the work you've been doing with the after school program I'm delighted to hear that the kids have been a joy to work with right this way um I spoke to your mother on the phone and she's not able to join us for the meeting however she is very very concerned about your behavior as am I what do you have to say for yourself young man you threw a rock at Dominic's car what on Earth would make you do such a thing considering the incident in the hallway and now this I have grounds to suspend you whatever all right if that's the case then yes Pastor Paul I'm in the middle of a meeting right now I'm so sorry to interrupt but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation I'm kalil's neighbor and I know he's going through a lot please please give him another chance please I can work with him on my own time after school's dentor him please considering your track record with the other students I no no I don't want to they'll say yes or you'll get suspended just imagine how your mom will feel I know you care about her [Music] I appreciate you giving me the chance to work with you not like I really had a choice well let's just jump right in then most of your frustrations understandably so stem from your injury I think I remember you saying it's from football do you want to tell me a little bit more about what happened [Music] F fine my fine [Music] fine clear KH I don't want to talk about it I completely understand I'm not going to pressure you however I would like for us to look at this situation in a different light when terrible things happen to us it's easy for the negativity to take over our lives that's why it's so important to see the positive because sometimes the negatives are actually blessings in Disguise come on man enough with all that positivity crap I'm serious khil you can look at any bad situation that happens to you and see the good in it like that church example that I told you about before all right and tell me how losing our house and moving into this busted building is secretly a blessing in disguise well I met you as my neighbor and I got you out of getting suspended I'd say that's a [Music] blessing you being injured will likely make you more sympathetic to others with disabilities that are going through a tough time you may be even able to coach them and like I said before there's no reason why you can't find other things that you're good at or more passionate about than football did you look into chess a little bit but um I don't even have a chess board to practice with more computer too [Music] broke here you're going to have mine for real yeah I'll even show you how to play during our sessions how does that sound needs having here your lecture so these are the ponds this is the king [Music] queen Kalo dinner's ready just leave it outside they said Son let me tell you a story when I was young I had dreams of Glory all these mistakes seem to come like a flood until my days my days they were done if I don't want to feel like wishful thinking pick myself up move to the beat of my heart and my soul sing a song for the [Music] dreamer I see r Let It Shine That Glory like you were youngo and then it's ready whenever you're [Music] hungry wishful thinking pick yourself up and move to the beat your heart and soul sing a song for the dreamer [Music] oh I'm waiting for you yeah I'm waiting for [Music] [Music] you Cleo food's [Music] [Music] [Music] out [Music] mind if I sit with you not at all I'd be honored to sit with the world's newest chess champion in the county don't do that don't do that so it seems that you found something new that you are really good at that you enjoy yeah yeah it's weird I actually love chess like even more than football all I never would have known that had I not gotten injured I guess it's true what they say when one door closes another opens sometimes life's most painful moments are actually blessings in this case I'm listen to you Mr positivity all right whatever so have you thought about what you're going to do with the prize money like maybe buy yourself a car that you can drive actually I have something else in mind oh hey sorry before you go got something for you what is this can't say go get that surgery [Music] khil oh my God oh my God Kevin it's a check for $10,000 you can your [Music] surgery [Music] yeah [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 3,019,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: z5DG1VgH4As
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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