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y what's up hey how you doing good hey guys sorry I'm late my computer shed its pants again to Heavens it's annoying yeah you guys ready for the boss uh yeah pretty much ready to be a damaged sponge like usual the thing you do best I will keep those heels on you this time by the way it's good oh my God Alan can't make it tonight so we're just going to have to queue with a rando hey what oh I hate playing with randos what's up noobs hey what's up do you have voice chat nope oh um okay right um so I guess the BOS should be pretty easy we just want to keep the pressure on and not allow anytime to heal yeah keeping the pressure on is super important I've actually been in this boss quite a few times Well must be nice every time I'm just teamed up with [ __ ] noobs okay that sucks honestly every time just selfish who won't listen Okay well I'm sure we'll do well if we keep up good communication yeah yeah we'll see okay remember to keep keep up the pressure okay on my Mark 3 2 1 let's [Music] go ow I need heals I'm focusing on the tank I see need heels soon okay just keep firing yeah good job tank you know you need to directly Dam right stop typing and start attacking what's the point in me attacking if I'm just going to die immediately cuz none of you are doing your job properly oh my god dude stop typing an attack we have to get the pressure on him damn it I said I need heals and I said I'm on cool down just my [ __ ] luck teamed up with another bunch of if you stop typing and actually attack we probably have them by now what are you talking about I'm the only one that's doing my fuing job dude what are you even doing you're literally just typing yeah I'm the only person communicating keeping this team together oh God fine okay here we go yeah B lad good that's going to do now that we've all basically lost help help help roll classic what an absolute Noob dude just stop typing in fuing shoes what's the point you guys have th this game already oh no he's don't close just shoot him just shoot him right now just f stop typing in shoots you know what I'm out you guys are eess he's a It's Over The Peasant for I have The High Ground and arranged weapon [Music] [ __ ] huh lucky Dodge but this time you Shall [Music] Perish you dodged again now you shall draw your last breath what what are you doing I'm trying to hit you but you're getting very lucky wait wait wait are you playing on a console why yes the mighty [Music] Xbox yeah they just opened up crossplay didn't they yes prepare to bow down before your Xbox Masters yeah you see thing is is that I'm playing on PC stand still [Music] peasant see I don't care what kind of game pad you got cuz I'm on mouse and keyboard and it's just objectively better look look in the interest of fairness I'm actually going to give you a free shot okay you've just signed your death warrant prepare to meet your maker prepare to feel the kiss of [Music] [Music] [Applause] death so close welcome to crossplay PC Master race [ __ ] okay this should be pretty straightforward uh Brit and I will go up the front and tank the damage Alan I guess you just hang back and hit him with your arrows and Adam just focus on healing us agreed but seriously you're going to focus on healing us 100% okay yeah what do you mean I just mean sometimes you get a little distracted trying to do damage when you really should just be focusing on healing us I mean I know how to heal that's why I SPC into heals uh now Adam I'm going to agree with Brit on this one we kind of didn't have enough heels last game so if you could just ramp it up a little bit that'd be wa guys I am feeling really attacked right now what's going on what are you trying to say we're we're not trying to say anything about you we're just saying that a few more heels would be appreciated well ran how about I flip this back on you how about you just not get hit by the boss so much so just to clarify I'm a tank my job is literally to get hit by the boss and take the damage and you're saying not to do that yeah how about you like use your Shield or Dodge out of the way or maybe just like don't stand and the fire pit that the Dragon created maybe if you stop trying to damage him with your stupid little dagger andless he tried to heal us we' win these battles oh that's unbelievable that's unbelievable R just to clarify you did get that we just want you to focus on healing uh Adam we're going to need audible confirmation that you are going to hear he's not even looking at me we need you to make eye contact Adam are you going to heal us mommy what does that mean what that what you what are you looking at what are you are you hearing what was say H yeah can you just confirm you're going to heal us like as the Healer I am a Healer can you just can you just say yes just for me can you just please can you please can you just do it for you Brett Adam look at me are you going to focus on healing us fine fine fine fine fine fine fine yes great thank you okay so brt and I will tank the damage Ellen headit him with the arrows Adam Focus On Healing us okay on my count and 3 2 1 holy dger God damn it yo yo yo what's up dog what's up oh you're starting a new character yeah man yeah I'm going to try out being a bad guy oh really yeah yeah well all my other characters have been real good guys you know so I figure it's time to try being a baddy man you sure you're up for that what do you mean oh it's just being the bad guy is harder than you think I I tried it couldn't do it what why all you got to do is do some bad guy [ __ ] like stealing from the garlic farmer you distract him I'm going to pickpocket him okay man ah hello Adventurer how can I help sure sure what would you like to buy um oh [ __ ] what are you doing Adventurer nothing you stealing my stuff you going to call the gods no I'm not angry Adventurer I'm just really disappointed [Music] oh so how was your first uh evil deed yeah no good yeah it's really great a lot a lot of fun so enjoyed that you look like you enjoyed it yeah oh yeah I right ohly [ __ ] he just he just dropped a bag of gold free bag of gold my man oh hello Adventurer I've lost my gold and em and tracing my steps to try and find it can you help me no I haven't seen it sorry ah okay it should be right about here I haven't seen it so oh well that's the last of it wonder how much I could sell a child for on the black market need what hopefully more than last [Music] time what what I don't care I don't care that he has to sell his children you don't look like you care no well I'm a bad guy you're badass I'm a villain I'm I'm a I'm a I'm a big old baddy where's my next victim then actually there is a new NPC at the other end of town that you can victimize okay let's do it yeah do it bad guy [ __ ] you know little sweet old guy oh nice cool yeah I'm I'm a bad guy so oh this is this the guy that's the guy yeah ah hello Adventurer my poor son has become lost in the woods again and I I need someone to go and find him if you save him I'll reward you handsomely what do you say Adventurer accept ah thank you so much Adventurer okay sweet let's go maybe there's some more bad guy [ __ ] we can do on the way you know uh he'll actually have the reward on him now yeah yeah oh so I could like steal it off them like I did with Greg well no because you can only steal from merchants and he's not a merchant oh I wonder how else you get the reward from him oh no it's a bit extrem a bit severe I suppose yeah but you mean you are the bad guy though right I yeah yeah so that's what a bad guy would do right bad guys kill people no problemo they take their [ __ ] look at him though I am a bad guy you're the bad guy I'm a bad guy what are you doing Adventurer what are you doing but why my poor son he will have no one left please don't do this please tell my son I love him I look conf you yay bad guy pretty fun right [Music] yeah ah Adventurer you've returned with the saved children yes I have and I would like my reward Adventurer where are the other children you told me to save four children from the banit camp I said save at least four children from the banit camp well I rescued four children Adventurer there were 14 children of Honeywood abducted are you telling me you only saved four of them yes because you only asked me to save four of them at least four of them 1 2 3 4 Adventurer are you telling me you left 10 children behind in the Bandit Camp cages you told me to kill all the bandits and save four children so I killed all the bandits and saved four children you killed all the bandits yeah of course I didn't ask you to kill all the bandits I wanted their loot wait a minute you killed all the bandits yes well who's going to feed the remaining children at least the bandits would have fed them you left them to starve not my problem and sorry I don't see how any of this is my fault if anyone's at fault here it's you for not being more specific with your quest Now give me my reward this has never happened to me before most adventurers are kind-hearted Souls they look at the children and their innocent little children eyes and they say you know what I'm a good person I'm a good person I'm going to save these children well I guess I'm not like most adventurous no you most certainly are not if I was to grade you I would give you a d what's so funny nothing nothing just uh what kind of D like a big D the biggest D yeah good oh you're a monster I saved four children well I guess this is happening thank you Adventurer for saving the children of Honeywood their families sure will be glad to hear their laughter in the Honeywood Town Square once again the other families however will be crippled with grief not my problem unbelievable simply unbelievable oh man I'm so glad you finally decided to give this game a go I've been playing it for so long okay this is Honeywood it's like my favorite town in the game uh I'll show you around okay cool okay so uh first up here we have Greg the garlic farmer his quests are pretty basic but he's probably one of my oh ah I have a bucket yes you do okay first lesson uh this game has a reputation system and doing things like that like stealing that lowers your reputation and you end up with a bad reputation and having a bad reputation makes the game harder like there's some Quest you can't even do I should know I've spent a long time developing a perfect reputation I'm sorry I didn't know oh no no that's all good uh so anyway like I was saying this is Greg he's got pretty basic quests um but he's actually what the you're starting to piss me you both are starting to piss me off a little bit come on man okay I don't know why you would do that when I just told you not to do that okay uh you're reputation just lowered again if it gets any lower the guards are just going to start attacking you and I won't be able to help you okay so in this game your actions have consequences just like in real life yes exactly just like I said okay so I have a perfect reputation if the guards come and attack you I'm not going to sacrifice that reputation just to save you okay you're going to get wrecked and I'm going to let it happen fair enough clear yeah sweet all right uh let's keep going [Music] okay and here we have Eugene he's a little bit annoying to be honest you what the hell are you doing murder is a crime punishable by death prepare to die put a pieace to the kingdom help me die murderer please I told you this was going to happen I'm dying please no I'm not sacrificing my reputation it's not happening but I'm pie kingom please a piece of kingom Mur murderer well so much for my perfect reputation you there you there you there Mur oh look Mor G you there yes murderer murder is a punishable [Music] here we are back in Honeywood thank you Adventurer you have finally defeated the evil eldrid Lich Lord gongren who has been terrorizing the Honeywood region for hundred our Bravest Warriors and smartest Wizards could not well it wasn't easy so I know a lowly fruit Merchant whose family has been terrorized by Lord gongren for Generations deliver word to Fred orchardson that gongan is dead and he will give you 10 ,000 gold 10,000 gold now that is what I'm talking about all right thank you Adventurer and I look forward to and he's gone great oh hello Adventurer how may I help you I'm here to collect my reward sorry what well I just killed the evil Lich Lord garan who's been terrorizing my family for Generations that's the one and uh baradon said that if I come to you you've got a reward for me so of course happy to oblige I have a big full sack of app with your name on it uh no no no no no no he said it was 10,000 gold ah did he he wants me to give you 10,000 gold mhm wow that's literally all of my savings plus more they'll ruin me perfect so's going to give you that 10,000 gold then yeah or instead of this 10,000 gold all I could increase your reputation in all of Honeywood right yeah I'm definitely going to take the gold yes I see your mistake there that seems like a good shortterm investment but our reputation will last you a lifetime generations to come will talk about you in hush tones and honey jwed Whispers I'm going to take the gold but a reputation could give you a single look in your enemy's eyes and that would respect you so much much they would kill themselves I'd rather just fight them myself so I will take the yes with gold can buy you many fresh kills but a reputation we'll kill any dark little rumors I might spread about you no seriously give me the gold oh you want me to B big I'll pick you no don't I please don't come on I'll do anything anything you say I'll do what oh that's an unfortunate Wing you know what that means I think I get what you're hinting at whatever you're thinking that's what it is and I do not want it please don't give me the gold not giving of the gold okay you want to know how little I care about my reputation I will stab you right here I will gut you in front of your own home if you don't give me that gold right now take the take the gold take the gold take the gold thank you I'm going to take this reputation and I'm going to let all onway what an assel you are stuck on some acidic so that's really good sorry I'm late guys I was just putting my son to bed of attum well we are waiting on a couple of the raay Clans still but don't let it happen again all right so most of the players have already HED down into the darkstone depth just to clear out those early stage mobs last time four of the eight tanks were actually speced up for depths of Merle with acid Splash protection uh as head tank I really need you to be across this all right we need to be speced up for fire protection yeah I'll make sure I check everyone uh and just making sure you've upgraded horrific cleave we need you to activate that every 3.2 seconds across the 6our raid 6 hour raid yeah man darkstone deps can be anywhere from like 6 to 8 hours depending on how well we do oh wa no no I promised my wife I was going to watch a movie canc that's not going to happen hey really quick can we get those wipe stats from you okay now the Fire Bats of underbelly Kevin we're doing about 149 dot per second last raid that means anyone with armor spec over 557 is going to get about 9 minutes per fire B yeah whatever I just want the shoulders to strike from the crusher so as long as we there far uh no according to the loot schedule the shoulders of strife were claimed by Alex if they drop oh what no I need those if you loot steal me bro I will you up yeah okay man chill I will you up he'll you up he will you up have you even seen the loot schedule no man I've been working all day I'm tired I just want to chill and play some games do you think this is just a game no I don't think it's nobody thinks this is just a game Rowan this is important work we're doing here you have an important job do you understand your position Rowan you a head tank look man this is a great opportunity to really Step Up all right in 6 to 12 months you can even be Clan affiliate I know I know this is all stuff I know think about all the perks you'd get you get the extra gold the in-game storage and the respect of the clan this is a big deal Rowan this is a big deal you're just going to work hard for it okay okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry jeez why do I even play this game sorry what was that uh nothing nothing um super excited about the raid about the yeah good good now get in that dungeon yep woohoo wow no respect no respect no for superiors [Music] exactly oh yes yes Quest quest Quest quest Quest hello Adventurer y my she no oh sorry were you trying to do that Quest shade away where are you where did you go stop killing him please I just want to finish this quit where are you where are you yes ah hello Adventurer my sheep have run a muck if you can help me find no oh did you want that Quest shade away you piece of don't do that stop it Where'd you go yes give me is that where my sword went sh stop killing out yes yes yes yes ah hello adventur oh [ __ ] I just want to complete the quest hello Adventurer I'll you you piece of [ __ ] my sheep sh no sh shade away shade away H have you gone thank you okay thank you very much hello adventur my sheep have run them up if you can help me find them I sure would be grateful yes accept I bet you didn't see that coming [ __ ] away oh hey what's up hey oh hey didn't see you there what's going on oh nothing just hanging looks like you've got some new armor and you're trying to show it off to everyone oh this s thing I forgot I was wearing it what you're jealous I am not jealous oh I think you're jealous you're definitely jealous you're jealous aren't you you're jealous I am not jealous in fact I think this entire thing is a little bit stupid you think this is stupid yes I do and in fact I think there is no one else in the entirety of ezam who think what are you doing on my corner a peasant who the hell are you peasant that's my corner peasant where did you get that armor peasant oh this old thing nowhere special just cleansing the furthest reaches of the dark lands peasant please you're no match for me peasant oh aren't I peasant where did you learn that move peasant from a master much greater than your own peasant well what's this then peasant well what's this then peasant what's this then peasant what's this then peasant what's this then peasant what's this then peasant what's this then peasant what's okay I'm just going to get back to question what's this I'm going to go this is so stupid no literally no one okay what's this then peasant what's this then what's this then peasant what's this P what's this thing P okay well thank God the uh the prolog's done cuz that was boring as [ __ ] let's get on with some questing oh what class did you end up choosing oh assassin cuz it's badass oh that sounds so cool I had such trouble picking cuz you can't change later on it gave me mad anxiety exactly so what did you pack I chose herbalist herbalist yeah like gardening a [ __ ] yeah like you want to be a gardener well I heard they have really cool quests later on so I thought I mean sure if you want to go and pick 10 yellow flowers from Al that sounds like a bunch of fun you kind of [ __ ] up oh you think I mean unless you want to do the prologue again not really well when you get bored of playing in the dirt and picking herbs I'm going to be over here being a badass assassin shade away okay do you want to meet be here and the sick yeah enjoy picking flowers dude [Music] okay yo Adam check out the sick assassin robway unlock doesn't look badass oh that's so cool man I love it wao wo what's all this Oh you mean this this armor and [ __ ] oh this is all of my herbalist unlock armor koola you get herbalist armor yeah I befriended an Elvish hermit in the woods and he makes me handcrafted Enchanted herst armor oh wow yeah plus I helped out a tree spirit and as a reward he gave me this dope stuff it's his leg cool man oh and finally look up there that's my animal companion he's a hawk named Bobo isn't he cute hey mate hello what you get an animal companion how about you you must have some awesome assassin perks right oh yeah man yeah I got some great stuff like what oh like like a like um oh like I get this awesome robe oh man that's cool it's like a black like kind of black or like off black like robe you got yeah and what else oh uh I got this this ability so what's that so I get like a 5% stealth boost when I crouch oh yeah it's like it's kind of hard to see you yeah 10% of it's a full moon cool man that's something cool is it yeah like you're slightly harder to see like when you're it yeah like there's a marginal difference that you're slightly hard to see oh but what what about your quest like you must have an amazing assassin Quest right oh yeah like yeah man my quest are dope like what like you're out there like slitting throats and like hiding in the shadows and like firing off arrows and stuff well yeah it's it's more kind of like it's more kind of like poison based quests oh I get you so you're like slipping poison into people's drinks like poison arrows poison D well it's more kind of like like ing the ingredients for the poison do you know what I mean it's like kind of like you know you collecting mushrooms and and like herbs and oh like poison ropes and stuff oh yeah um cool oh oh man uh the the forest is calling me um so I I actually need to go now for one of my quests oh like where are you going oh it's a quest where I help the tree Spirit people of Darkwood against the industrialist capist develop keep it's going to be cool oh sweet let's go oh sorry it's herbalist only like it's a herbalist unlock area uh so you can't come oh I actually ride there on a spirit elk oh that's that's cool I actually cuz I've got like kind of some my own quests some pretty cool quests to get on with and stuff well I mean good luck bro yeah man cool man see you [Music] bye [ __ ] this where's Rowan we need to get this Quest started the whole thing takes like 10 in-game days to complete oh I think he said he was going to try a new character with a new class yeah he was hating the assassin class cuz of the pick and herbs and flowers and stuff so he's starting again again oh no oh no no oh God no no no ah hello guys you didn't what do you think of my new look I like your parasol No Brit don't encourage this but I I like it though Rowan we spoke about this you know that the vampire class is the worst in the game what are you talking about it's basically unplayable oh please come on look at this cloak okay maybe we just do this Quest without him wait wait no that is so unfair no Rowan what's unfair is you make making us wait for this Abomination that is so rude but not unexpected vampires have always been society's external Target for their internal fears I can't I actually F fine fine fine fine fine please please please come back let me be a part of the party let me be useful come on I mean yeah we like haven't played together in so long you know okay okay but look we are not carrying you through this understood okay right well the first part of the quest is like a 2-day walk to go dawn what days as in daytime yes Rowan many day times H that is no good for me oh okay so what do you propose we travel at night duh no ran we're not stumbling around in the [ __ ] dark just for you I already said we are not carrying you through this okay Ben Fine oh my God calm down Jesus Christ I will find some Shadows to slink in oh my God okay okay great great um where was I um not wait so does that mean we have to cross that the river yeah we have to go past Al the keep river ah what now large bodies of water are no good for me holy scary H can't do it oh my God wait wait there's like Rivers all the way up there yeah I know it's fine we could go north around Delan I guess yeah why not just add another 4 days to the quest days oh bro I am this close okay fine Ben fine I will chance who I am as a person to accommodate who you are as a person you insecure little man now does anyone have a weapon for me what no Ben Ben Ben calm down calm down for the love of God he can have my silver dagger oh my God okay I think you tricking his vampiric Rage or something what the keep wiping out of s already Rowan stop oh my God Adam [Music] Adam whoa whoa whoa easy easy you friendly okay so no mic but truce okay you want to help me with these Orcs okay let's do it nice uh well I'm hitting that way you ah okay well thanks anyway I mean I've been struggling on this bit for a while so it's nice to get some help and it's nice to meet a friendly player for once so many people in this game are just so [Music] toxic you stabed me [ __ ] oh you're going to take my [ __ ] oh man that is so annoying oh [ __ ] my actual life I'm wearing all my legendary gear so that's gone not to mention all the potions and the gold and I've got so much stuff on me I just did a raid I you know what this this might be it this might be the final straw that gets me to stop playing this game yep yep that's it I'm done I'm I'm so angry I can barely even think man it took me so long to get all this gear so many hours so many quests just down the drain we crouched man we crouched no stop stop nodding stop nodding you son of a [ __ ] you you broke a sacred PCT today a game is truce man I used to get so much joy out of this game you know I loved it and players like you you've ruined it why do you do it why are people always [ __ ] all the [Music] time you don't even care do you finish me off okay so mer all the Punisher has given us trouble in the past does anyone need anything from him or sorry I I kind of need M's heart for my heart's of evil achievement sorry Sor okay look well then what we'll do is I'll go in first and taunt the mut goo minions I will cast intimidating shouts so they'll scatter them so have to fight them all at once yeah and I'll cast Divine Globe over the party to protect us from the AOE attack of the monu goblins and I calculate that should give us a 32.3 333 recurring of course chance of for well that is a lot better than we usually all right jumps let's do this let her go son just let her go that joke it's over 10 years old shush shush it's okay it's done now Let It Go son it's old it's overdone and it's unoriginal Let It Go okay let it go everybody watching this video knew what was coming okay now piss off excuse me yeah see you bro sorry about that Lads now uh before you continue on your quest I am a blacksmith J oh oh God he's going in sck no no I can't cast that [Music] goodby [Music] [Music] hi oh hello how are you pretty good thank you yeah you look new at this I'm playing on my girlfriend's account I want to surprise her by learning the game oh that's cute can I do anything to help actually yeah I want to learn how to equip the sword how do I do that uh well for that you'll need to open your inventory okay yep how do I do that uh you push ey on a keyboard okay sweet uh there's a big window open with items in it right now list all of those to me okay there is the sord of thei that sounds cool I mean it's yeah it's really good and also the shield of mergo wow that is really good okay and the armor of Gago yeah amazing now they're all orange as well what what's that that actually means that they're all legendary items yeah really oh wow Sarah has such a good account you want to equip a a weapon yeah yeah I do so click on it okay drag it outside the box and then let go of the mouse button okay oh oh that that's on the ground now is that supposed to happen uh yep that is that's good now to use it yeah uh you're going to have to do the same thing again with your Shield right here we go oh now the Now The Shield's on the ground too is that right yep that's normal that's fine uh you're going to need to do the same thing again but for your helmet okay uh dragging it over oh and the helmets down there as well now great good job and uh once more just uh on your entire suit of armor um uh okay uh really good job well done just checking how much gold do you have uh there there's a little icon for gold that says just over 400,000 that that seems like a lot right so what you're going to need to do with that is you're going to have to drag all of that out as well okay oh and now that's on the ground too really good job well done oh you you you took it all away I have uh and here's why you seem like a really great guy and I thought that I would upgrade all of that stuff for free for you oh my God that would be such a big surprise for Sarah she would love that yeah she will be real surprised oh thank you you're so welcome so I'm going to go see my guy he's over there somewhere and I'll be right back okay all right thank you see you thank [Music] you oh oh no oh you want to go kill a son no what I mean you're the bad guy I that's what bad guys do come on let's got to kill his son okay please subscribe and hit the balance St
Channel: Viva La Dirt League
Views: 869,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NPC Man, PUBG Logic, pubg real life, pubg, pubg logic supercut, pubg movie, pubg parody, Viva La Dirt League, vldl, epic npc man, pubg mobile, pubg skits, viva la dirt league pubg, pubg funny, pubg live action, vldl pubg, gaming, online gaming, gamer, playtech, bored, game logic
Id: 52emKgA5rfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 40sec (2500 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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