Funny RPG Logic Compilation - Part 24

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[Music] laughs ah hello adventure and welcome to the town of Honeywood I have an exciting quest for you yeah great tell me all about it and skip no details give me a little give me give me give me sure thing well I need you to play 14 bales of hay for my sheep if you do this I will reward you greatly all right is it anymore um call your old grandfather oh ah well you've actually already completed that Quest but thank you so much for being interested what do I do would you like to browse my where yeah uh yeah what is that gouda I bet there's a Brie yeah I I guess I'll take it I don't have any uh metric potion or no sorry just the brain oh yeah absolutely you found my sheep you won my heart I knew you weren't right from the start my grandfather's Soul you were so brave that last part doesn't really rhyme but I'm okay with that oh no it's beautiful thanks I don't have anything else oh sorry that's it that's all I got you don't mind I've understood for a minute oh I mean okay thank you you're there I guess I am gonna get going huh yeah I guess so thank you for being here [Music] remember me I'll try [Music] okay there they are you ready yeah you've got the right women's equipped yep potions yes spells in the Right Slots yeah if you equip the right talismans yeah okay good I think we're ready okay let's go all right oh no ah dude what's going on my controller just died oh my God dude I don't know how long I can hold that hold them oh sorry dude I'm trying I don't know where I left them dude hurry up oh I think they're in the other room come on man have you seen my spare battery for my controllers sorry dude I just can't find them oh good idea yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay where's the cable ah no that's 20 USB ah oh screw it I'm just gonna use my other controller oh come on no I don't want to sign into a new profile I want to use this controller on the game I'm currently playing no that's me I'm done no no no no no no no I'm nearly back okay I'm back let's go oh God nailed it yeah Okay so we've got the Cyclops eye of teleportation for lava Court we're set there's Paul Lever Rock actually buy a balloon I'm gonna make some more fire resistant potions oh [ __ ] what's up oh it's over incumbent me oh that's okay just throw a couple of things away and go go holy [ __ ] Brett what what is going on with your inventory oh it's full that's why I'm over and covered yeah I can see that why are you keeping all of this crap because I might need it but you might need 37 lightning resist potions 80 poison resist potions yeah Brett we just went through the cabin of doodong you won't need your 37 lightning resistance potions anymore you don't know that sir why do you have 400 arrows you're not a ranger you don't even have a bow right okay so what if there's a quest where I have to trade arrows for something Brett has that ever happened no exactly exactly it might be coming soon what you have no mesh grenade you have no much fire grenades why didn't you use those with Lord bone caller oh because I thought maybe there'd be like 100 boss that we needed to use them on later you thought there'd be a more difficult boss than Lord bone caller the end boss of the depths of Darkness okay no you know what oh my God we are going to clear out your inventory we're doing this we're going to Murray condo this [ __ ] ingredients at your herbalist no ingredients gone including your stupid Fireball no that brought me joy okay consumables it's goodbye arrows goodbye poison resist potions okay we're gonna keep your grenades and keep your health potions but actually use them oh my God you've kept all your odd Quest items yeah for sentimental value not Brit Gone Gone Gone yeah this is this is healthy okay no it's it feels good it's like cleaning a cleaning house right exactly yes this is good so gone yeah gone yes Gone Gone Gone Gone just go for it gone gone gone gone gone gone Goods gone yeah okay awesome vehicle doesn't it feel better yeah great now pull out the Cyclops site and let's portals a lava core oh what's up um you just a second ago said to throw away all the quest items sir no no no I said just throw away all the old Chris items foreign why would you throw away all your quest items obviously we'd still need the ones we're using yeah obviously right um so crazy thing that happened right cyclopsi is gone I threw it on sorry why would you throw away the cyclopsite because you told me to having to walk to laugh come on I'm a bit worried Bernard huh well I feel like we might be running out of ideas because I mean we've mugged everything at this point yeah with my heaps of adventurers we've mugged some other muggers yeah I mean we mugged a goose we mugged a dragon we even mugged a bloody wagon I I think we might be done no what about we can still mug things like what what we um oh what what about this Bernard there's a barrel yeah let's mug it what how oh maggot no Bernard I mean that's an empty Barrel you're not gonna get anything out of it I mean maybe if you scrape the bottom of it but I don't think it'd be worth it whoa I mean we're working bugger what oh oh what about us what no come on Bernard that is a dead horse yeah we'll mug it what how like a Mugger no Bernard what could you possibly hope to get out of that Bernard stop stop Bernard stop Bernard stop beating that dead horse Bernard stop it stop oh look at my game look at Mike where are we where are we looking oh oh oh oh them what who they're the people watching us oh them yeah nah I don't think it'll work hey what what are we we're muggers yeah yeah and what do maggots like my payment people yeah so let's go Margo no no I'm sorry Bernard I love you mate but I just don't [ __ ] work I mean I mean what are we gonna mug off them well we could mug um oh we we can mug their time whoa yeah we can mug like two or three minutes off them oh you know what banana I think we just did oh oh oh got you looks like you just lost a bit of time oh to a shitty little skit a shitty little skit that has no ending no ending that's it doesn't mean anything I enjoyed your time calorie free that's it yep that's the end of the [ __ ] skip yep ah damn it looks like the bandits have already gone away damn it not another one of these quests they're not that bad are they oh screw it okay let's just get it over and done with um all right let's have a look the quest says that the Caravan was heading towards owl to keep really nothing about the bandits useless um right looking for Clues um okay uh all right that no it's just dirt really you couldn't give us anything to work with nothing [Music] maybe there's a clue over there what are you doing oh I don't know Ben uh looking for clothes what are you doing well I reckon they they probably went that way oh do you yeah um oh yep or they went that way or that way or that way there's really no way to know let's just fan out and do a grid search like normal what no Rowan they definitely went that way how would you know that Ben pretty easily just follow the footprints what Footprints those Footprints right there what are you talking about what footprints the footprints right there like on the ground where Footprints wait wait wait hang on are you in detective mode what do you mean detective mode like activated detective mode in the game what's detective what are you talking about press R3 what do you mean R3 doesn't do anything in this game are you serious click R3 right now click your own thumbstick it doesn't do anything what are you talking about click it what are you clicking fine fine I'll press R3 whoa what was that detective mode hang on is that some sort of new feature no not at all how long has that been in the game wait wait wait hang on hang on are you telling me you've played this entire game without using detective mode oh my God that would have made things so much easier how have you done like anything oh man it wasn't easy I mean the honey would murder it that took me 18 hours what the [ __ ] that's like a five minute Quest you like you you get detective mode in like the first Quest do you I mean I guess I missed it it's literally a core mechanic of the game and I can see why so you but that means hey my God I'm baffled but I'm actually impressed like I'm impressed you've got this far thank you I mean okay I'm glad I know it now yeah because that sucked oh my God what a noob okay shall we track the bandits then I I guess so I mean oh wow you've got Footprints yep yep yeah yeah oh I've got footprint yeah yeah again core mechanic of the game yeah one other thing a jumps off Cuban [Music] except [Music] uh what would you like to buy purchase out of the way I need your exploit oh well I never foreign [Applause] foreign 16 minutes and 23 seconds oh my God that's my fastest time to date that's my fastest time yes I'm so fast oh my God I'm so fat I'm fast as [ __ ] boy fastest time to think for the sub what what who are all these people hey Greg Hey Barry dude ah oh we should probably potion up before we fight the monks right oh that's a good idea I will buy us some actually don't waste your gold I can make them you can make a diamond potion of protection I just learned I mean if you're confident yeah uh yeah no the recipe doesn't seem too hard okay so the first ingredient is our spring water so let's bring water there we are that'll be perfect are you not going to use that are you yeah why it looks a bit rancid it'll be fine yeah I don't know if that's what the recipe had in mind by Spring Water if the game developers didn't want me to be able to use it would I be able to do this ah there we are look at that oh that's foul oh it'll be fine right now some fruit here we are ah let's get this guy in there eh um [Music] now we need some dirt easy here yeah oh yeah I gotta get that good stuff huh yeah just get it right in there and now frog puss oh hey buddy how are you doing how do you know how to do that I went to amphibian School I don't know that about you oh oh let's get that in there [Music] Focus yum okay now lastly we need Goblin [ __ ] and have you seen any goblins around Honeywood no well luckily I'm a bit of a collector there we are for such an occasion [Music] that in there and there we are yeah do what you want uh but I am not drinking that well why not why not those are the most disgusting ingredients that I have ever seen oh Brit come on it looks like literal [ __ ] so no it doesn't you put literal [ __ ] in there now you're just being crass I'm being crass I'm being there is definitely a big old waterborne disease in there Adam what do you know about waterborne diseases are you an ornithologist or something are you uh Dengue malaria typhoid botulism scabies just in there waiting for an atom-sized host okay well if you think it's that bad I'm gonna prove to you it's not I'm gonna drink it right now don't drink that Adam don't drink that don't drink that stop it stop don't do it stop [Music] um foreign delicious see it's absolutely fine I'm all good oh little Brit don't use it don't drink that oh oh do you want to see something awesome sure check this out a little far enough lancana what since when have you had magic yeah I decided to multi-class ah yeah I've actually been thinking about multi-classing into a mage just so I can have some magic stuff it looks like a lot of fun honestly I highly recommend it like actually it's really boring doing all that melee [ __ ] yeah yeah actually do you want to try it what do you mean what if we stop Steam login dates then we can play as each other if you want oh really you sure yeah man to be honest I've been kind of keen to try out your moonbeast build uh yeah yeah okay sure yeah I'll message you my dates yeah cool cool all right whoa right let's give this a go um so whoa whoa whoa whoa hang on what Rowan Rowan what do you play with inverted controls yeah of course I do Ben do you not whoa no you don't clearly not holy [ __ ] oh God this is horrible how are you supposed to play like that what do you mean inverted controls is way better than this [ __ ] this doesn't make any sense what have you taught Ben it makes perfect sense just imagine you're flying in an airplane oh like when are you ever flying an airplane Rowan don't be dense Ben here look this is how I think about it it's like you've got a lever on the back of your head and if you want to look up you press down on the lever and if you want to look down you push up but oh God or if you want to look down you could I don't know press down like a normal person yeah okay bro okay this is ridiculous I'm changing your city whoa whoa no do not touch those settings I've got them exactly how I want it how am I supposed to plan on this road it's easy you'll get used to it just try the magic look look look there we go there we go there we go easy easy okay now just look at the top the top of that trip and then push RB for magic RB okay hang on the Thunder from Connor whoa hey there you go okay yeah yeah I did it I did it okay hang on hang on okay hang on okay I think I've got it yeah same I've yeah I think I've got it okay up down again okay okay okay I think I've got it I think I've got it equilibrium all right down sweet okay okay I think I think I've kind of got it all right okay I think the next Quest is this way yeah yeah let's go okay let's go do you play with left and right inverted of course I do Ben that is outrageous okay so the board then should be just through here shouldn't take long I just need to kill two of them and get their hearts okay whatever man just hurry up oh okay is that how it is I'm not the one who forgot to get vampire resistance potions when we left Honeywood and now I'm making a potion for you oh and for that I am eternally grateful Adam okay well help me kill a couple then we'll get them [Applause] okay there you go hurry up I want to get to Darkwood vampires okay I'll just go loot them [Music] it appears quickly [Music] I mean I guess potion making is not too difficult it's not going to take me that long to make you a potion of vampire one what's going on let's bore it doesn't have a heart what this this board doesn't have a heart why doesn't this poor have a heart one of the others might hurry up but there is two arrows and and a scarf why does it have two arrows and a scarf inside of it add those to your inventory and then loot another one this board doesn't have a heart either come on man loot another one I want to go why don't the boss have hearts they were alive two minutes ago we saw them we were the ones that killed them Adam it doesn't matter just loot another one you just don't understand he doesn't have a heart but he does have a health potion in his chest why does he have a house potion he's a boar come on man just grab a heart and let's go I'm trying but they don't have hearts yeah so just go loot another boy but why don't they have heart selling I don't know not all boys of Hearts I guess not all boars have hearts yeah not all boars have hearts I don't know what you're finding so difficult to understand here Adam me like the crazy one Bulls need Hearts to live Ellen yes I don't but apparently not these ones oh God if this next board doesn't have a heart I'm gonna lose my [ __ ] this one better bloody have a heart okay so this one doesn't a chair a big old chair that makes sense doesn't it yes Adam boars have cheers inside of them go get some delicious little fruits well you can Adventure what do you think of this a unicorn help me make it Adventurer will you escort me to the pixie Dance Festival ah hello wonderful Adventurer I have a lovely little quest for you find me five fuzzy bunnies and I will reward you with the rainbow a rainbow yeah you serious no God this game is so cute it makes me physically sick is this easy mode or something Santa's slider what's a sensor slider I can't see what you see [Music] you want some just 20 gold adventurer hey Adventure I got something to show you uh come here I'll show you hey [ __ ] face my [ __ ] ass holes around a muck you find me my [ __ ] ass hoe and I'll hook you the yeah you're you're watching I said my [ __ ] ass hoe face now go on get find me my [ __ ] ass hoe where oh where did my [ __ ] ass hold up Adventurer you look like you could use a good time do you want some uppers Jesus Christ yeah Ventura what do you think of this yeah hey eventually [Music] [Music] you better catch that hoe oh sorry come on no this place I hate it get back in [ __ ] you little [ __ ] come here hey guys you want outtakes like that patreon it's the place for all the outtakes quality outtakes like that ends and better and worse
Channel: Viva La Dirt League
Views: 1,672,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NPC Man, PUBG Logic, pubg real life, pubg, pubg logic supercut, pubg movie, pubg parody, Viva La Dirt League, vldl, epic npc man, pubg mobile, pubg skits, viva la dirt league pubg, pubg funny, pubg live action, vldl pubg, gaming, online gaming, gamer, playtech, bored, game logic
Id: iuzI6yRBe18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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