Touring My First Stardew Valley Farms

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Hey everyone! Welcome welcome. My name's  Charlie and today I'm touring my first ever   farms in Stardew Valley. I did this live here  on Youtube where I stream every Wednesday and   Saturday and it was an absolute blast. If you  were at this stream, thank you so much for being   there and if you weren't, I hope you enjoyed  the shenanigans we got up to in this video,   Alright, let's get right into it. Notice  anything different? Yeah probably not but   this is Stardew Valley for the Nintendo Switch.  That is what I started playing Stardew on but   yeah all right we're gonna hop right on.  Those switch controls... oh actually I   really need to study that up. I have no idea  what I'm doing. Okay check, crafting, tool,   okay. All right we're on our own here. Alright I  guess this is my house .It's the 11th of spring.   Is this... how do I even... I don't even know  what's happening. Elliot is full hearts of course.   We've got Sebastian, we've got Alex and we got  Leah. Besides Alex I think that's pretty much   standard. And then Abigail down here at a cheeky  zero hearts. Love that. Okay so we know where our   priorities lie and they lie with Elliot always and  forever. Okay we have a galaxy sword, we have 414   random cranberries. That makes a lot of sense to  me. I'm immediately noticing: my house is entirely   upgraded, yet it's in it's also entirely empty  like there's nothing here to look at. Literally   what year is it i have no idea. Hello? Hello? I  have no idea but we have cheese, we have casks. We   are like pretty far ahead in terms of like profit  revenues. This is the farm itself? What the heck's   going on here? Let's unpack this. So we have these  random sprinkler spots, rare crows strewn about.   This is my little storage system over here.  What was this? So this is all cooked stuff,   fish... okay okay I see. I don't remember much  about this farm but I do remember being very proud   of this little storage system here and I still  kind of feel that. What is happening right now? okay okay okay okay This is just a random chest. hello. okay. I love how I've decided to use cheese makers  to finish off this fence. I think I got   really really annoyed with having to go  in and out so that's a choice for sure.   Architectural decision. This is Trongus,  Moomoo. I always name a cow Moomoo.   Guber. Why did I spell Guber like that? What  the heck? This is terrible. I need to sip my   ginger tea. These are terrible names. Who chose  these? Wellington, Pupu, Dumpling, Grernard,   Frarto. I think some of these are just  randomly generated and then some I was like...   this one's name is Gushers? Who made this  decision? I'm so confused. We got Gushers,   Perogie and Ravioli. Nutley, Wonton. What  the heck is going on here I'm so confused. Okay so most of these are just named after foods.  That makes sense except Gushers. Gushers really   doesn't make sense I don't even know where  that came from, what like corner of my mind   that crawled out of. So we got a single fish pond  and then oh what is this? Oh we got stuff popping   off over here. Is this... is this like a little  fruit tree farm? It is! Why do I. always put   my tree farms right here? It is always in  the top left quadrant of my farm, even since   my first farm. I don't understand. And why are my  furni so far away? Oh my gosh if you want to like   smelt a bar you have to go on a whole journey.  They're so far away. Why did i put these here?   I. was really dumb. That was that was not a good  move. I was not doing well on this farm. Oh dang,   except in the greenhouse. This is a lot of  stuff. I think we have some like kegs and   stuff too. So we have ancient fruit, four  strawberries, blueberries and then like   coffee and then cranberries. That's such  an interesting choice. I don't know why I   did that at all. That was a very interesting  decision. I have the same patented Charlie   make the fence with the egg mayonnaise makers  instead of the actual fences. Love that.   What are you guys? Okay that rabbit's name is  Always, Bill, Toka, Bok, Stuart. I Sorry. What.   the heck does that mean? Bing. I do not remember  these names. Jernard. Also Jernard. We got   Jernard the duck and Jernard the chicken. Is  there no originality in this farm? I'm pretty   sure we have a Jernard the cow too. Gosh no decay  on mayonnaise fences you're so right Arrow this is   like revolutionary. Take this design and use it  to your advantage because that is the smartest   thing I've ever done. Who are you? This is this is  Benji I think, right? Yeah a little rascal, look   at you. And then oh my god stop. Stop. Tell me I  didn't choose a mushroom cave. Tell me I didn't Whose farm is this? Oh my god. I did  not do this. I don't even understand.   Who did this? Why would I choose mushrooms?  I've never chosen mushrooms. I'm having a   crisis right now, a crisis of identity.  I don't even know what's going on.   Why would I choose mushrooms? Maybe I chose it  and then I realized it was a really bad decision   and never did it again. I. bet that's what  happened. I bet I. learned from my mistakes. Well yeah this is my farm. I Just saw somebody  say "this farm is not pretty" and I think you're   right. I think that pretty much sums up what  we've got going on here. This farm is kind of   underwhelming, you know? Oh, this is  actually the question: Did i do Joja   or did I do community center? I think I did  community center? I have no idea. Hydrating   out of fear. I think I did community center. If  my first farm was Joja and mushroom cave I'll   probably cry. What is that- okay okay so I was  working on the community center but I just hadn't   gotten there yet. That means this was about the  last thing. What did I need? What am I missing?   Are you kidding me? A. single fiddlehead fern?  That is the last thing I'm missing? Are you   joking? I'm gonna get a single fiddlehead fern and  we're gonna finish this because that's bothering   me so much. That's not even that hard. What  the heck. Not the truffle, not a red cabbage,   a single fern. We don't even have that in like  a chest somewhere? Are you really saying that to   me right now? Oh my god, okay you know what? I'm  gonna sleep and we're gonna get that fern in the   community center and that's gonna be a little  win for us today. I even have a steel axe so   like I had access to the secret woods. I think  I was just bad. I need this near the door for   speedrunning reasons. Can we please... please...  oh got it. Can I. please place this down or...   okay there we go, there we go. At least you're not  married to Abigail? That is so true. I was kind of   hoping I. would be married to somebody. I think  it seems like I was gunning for Elliot honestly   because he's the top one. I just think I didn't  know how to date people. So we're just gonna sleep   until the summer we're gonna forage it, and that  is gonna like... you know it's gonna complete me   I think. For my 22nd birthday my gift to  myself is gonna be to resolve this tension   of the fiddlehead fern. The fiddlehead tension  inside me. You know, I'm just gonna go check and   see. I know it's probably not there but whatever.  Look at this. I had access. What? What's going on?   What is happening right now? Is this the  honey cut- the maple syrup cut scene? I   don't even have maple syrup... or do I?  Oh apparently I have maple syrup, okay.   The bear has blessed my birthday, you're so right  lemon pixie. I should like stop being ungrateful.   There's also zero fiddlehead ferns and I should  have known that probably but I had some hope. Oh   there's one right there! There's one right there.  There's one right there. There's one right there.   Guuuuys this is the best birthday gift ever  is completing the community center for my   first ever Stardew farm. I am so excited. Thank  you all for being here with me for this moment.   How many candles? Oh my god that's such a good  question. I'll have to check the candles. I. will.   After we complete the community center, I'll  go check the candles and see if Grandpa's   disappointed in me. I've been waiting  for this for years. I started this farm   in 2019. Today is the day that it is finished.  Oh my god, this is actually a lot of pressure,   I'm actually really excited. Okay. 3, 2, 1...  oh okay that doesn't work on switch. Okay   bundle complete. What's our gift? A pink  cake. Three pink cakes for my birthday!! Oh my god this is so perfect. It's kind of  beautiful I might cry a little. That was   beautiful. Wait why is there a cursor? Ew that's  disgusting. That's adorable. This is great.   Can't I get like a little... I need to get  the little cut scene where Marnie's like   you know rocking out. Well we can check how  much I got for the candles at least. We can't   see the perfection tracker but we can see the  candles. Okay diamonds, clearly I didn't know   about the staircases in skull caverns.  Oh my gosh this is terrible. Oh my gosh.   This... why didn't I put paths down? Who... oh my  god I'm gonna scream. I'm actually gonna scream   I can't even get to the candles.  Okay what are we at? We're rocking...   what is this? Is this three? This is the  big reveal. Is it three or is it four? It's three. It's three. Um yeah, okay. Oh with the  community center it's more? Yeah I should get a   re-evaluation. I think you just need a diamond  right? Let's get re-evaluated. Let's see if   finally at the ripe age of 22 I'm  finally perfect. Tell me grandfather. Hello? Oh I guess it happens  when you sleep. I gotta bass,   to flower dance, all these events that I  skipped because I don't care about anyone.   Everyone around town has been talking about  your great generosity lately. Apparently   packages have been appearing in people's houses  containing items they posted about years ago   on the community center bulletin. Packages are  all addressed from your farm. Thanks for going   out of your way to do something like that. All  of us in town are delighted. Oh... I mean I'll   take the credit but that definitely wasn't me.  I just slept through like a whole month so...   oh there's Marnie. Look at her shakin' it. I  love that. Look at this. All these people in the   community center. They're never gonna come back  here after today BUT look at them all. Look how   happy I've made them. I really wish the people  came in here after but that's okay. As a way of   saying thank you I'd like to present you with this  town's greatest honor: the Stardew Hero award.   Ooooh my god I'm a hero of Pelican Town. Wait  what? Voice grumble grumble... wait literally   what's happening? I haven't seen this cut scene.  Sales have been plummeting. Where have all my   customers gone? It's Morris. Oh my god. Walking  around and being a menace. All my customers here?   Oh my god spending time in the community!?  Oh my god, how- what- this is terrible.   Let's be reasonable or let's settle  this the old-fashioned way? What is   the old-fashioned way? I kind of want to  see. I think it's time we settled this one-   what is this? What's happening right now?  I've literally never seen this. Oh my god.   Primitive? Are they like freaking throwing hands?  The way you throw punches is just like Joja.   Quantity over quality. What the heck is happening?  Look at Robin's face right now, she's mortified. OHHH Pierre just pulled a me! He just yeeted Morris.  Is this real? Oh my god. That's so funny.   Pierre yeeted before I did. Like I don't  like Pierre that much but dang. Here,   wait wait wait wait Abigail... here have some sap.   There, ha ha idiot. I got a whole trophy. I didn't  even know that this was like a thing. I still have   one other farm that I wanted to go over because  that farm is actually... I did it with my friend   and it doesn't look ugly to my recollection. Like  I think we actually made it look presentable,   unlike this farm which is terrible. Like this is  my genuine first farm like when I watched Call Me   Kevin play Stardew and I was like "wow that game  looks really fun." I bought the game the next day   and this is what I created. I think Kevin would  be very disappointed in me. I'm gonna be honest.   Can we get the candles? Let's see. That's  good old grampy descending from the heavens.   My dearest granddaughter. I'm glad you  summoned me. I was perhaps a little too   harsh with you last time. It's okay it's been  like three years I'm over it. Like I don't even   remember. Forgive me. You've been working very  hard and I'm proud of you. Is that like four   candle talk? I can feel it now, my spirit is  finally put to rest. Bless you. WOooow grandpappy Come on. Four candles! We really just came onto  this farm and we crushed it. We came, we finished   the community center, and then now we have  four candles and according to our grandpa this   farm is perfect, even though it's very clearly  not. Wow thanks to grandpa, thanks to all the   Grenards or whatever on my farm, of which there  are like 12. Thank you to to everybody who made   this possible. Alright, I think that's probably  the most that we can do on this farm. Oh we   said we wanted to date somebody too right? It's  okay, we could date Elliot or we can save that.   What does "do it do it do it please" What did I  say? Was that about Elliot? Get married? Okay,   we can get Elliot and then we can hop on the other  farm because I think that that one is kind of   funny and actually I made some progress, so yeah.  But all of these farms were done before the Ginger   Island stuff came out so I didn't know Ginger  Island was going to be a thing. I would have   prepared. Willy's ship is still you know broken  or whatever and I don't have the materials so we   probably can't go to Ginger Island unfortunately.  Oh okay bouquet. Are you joking? Are you joking?   Are you joking? Oh okay, okay, we just need  to wait for a certain time. Hello Elliot!   It's been a while since I've seen you.  You still look just as beautiful as ever.   He's so cute, he's so cute. Okay I'll accept  this, thank you. I didn't know you felt the same. Sometimes when I lay in bed i  can hear a distant foghorn... What!? Okay? Alright that was like really cute and  romantic and then he's just like sometimes   I hear fog horns. Like okay. Imagine  you ask somebody out you're like...   how do you ask somebody... "would you like  to be my my boyfriend?" and then they're like   "yes oh my gosh I didn't know you felt the same!  Sometimes I hear fog horns when I'm sleeping"   Like huh? Okay? Um go off I guess? I don't  really know what that has to do with anything.   I thought that we were going to talk about  like you know our relationship, the future   of us together as a two of us as a couple.  A we. But no, we're talking about foghorns. I'm going to enter this farm. You are going  to see how extremely weird and cursed but   also beautiful it was. This is how you  move it. You can... this is the thing...   OH MY GOD. What the heck's going on here? Okay  so this is me. I'm Hoogle. I'm on Boogle farm.   My dog's name is Doogle and then my horse's name  is Beula. What is going on? Okay there's a single   path. Okay um yeah so this is- we got the- oh we  got the wall flower pal right here. That's fire. This is my little jam spot. [pure sonic perfection] Yep that's it. That's... I don't know. I. just  got carried away there, got lost in the sauce,   sorry about that. This is the kitchen.  As you can see, we have the dinosaur legs   here and the torso all the way over  here. No idea why. "This farm is pretty   well-decorated it looks great. Proceeds to  open up a house with decor of a migraine"   What do you mean? This is the peak of interior  design. What do we got going on? We are level 10   everything except fishing. Classic. Our  best friends are Linus, Pam, the Wizard,   Marnie and Krobus. Yup that makes sense.  Abigail still at a hearty zero hearts. Love   that love that. This is kind of bad. I love  this one light bulb dangling in the corner,   like what the heck is going on? Okay, sorry,  I should go. Alright let's see the farm.   Look at that. This is an improvement. You can't  say it isn't. It's beautiful! We got a little   bench area here. You can chill out and look  at your your shrine thing. Look at how pretty   this is? Okay we have our little bench area as I  said. You go down from the bench area. Now we've   got our little- oh my god I had a Junimo Hut?  Wow pop off. Okay this is the little crop area.   We've got miscellaneous crops that I forgot.  Look at our little Junimos. They're so cute!   They're just harvesting, running  around, doing their thing. Okay,   this is this is pretty. This makes me feel  a lot less bad about the inside. And then,   this is animal town, right? Yeah, let's  let our animals out. Let's see what we got   cooking. What are your names? Tell me. You're all  angry at me but all I want to know is your names. Okay. The Mistake. Okay. What are you? ~oOooHhh~ What was that? No? Botony? What the heck is  going on? what's in this shed? This is... oooooh   this is like my crafting room. Okay this is  my chest with- guys, there's a fedora here.   We kind of got a theme going. Yeah that's another  thing we haven't addressed yet is that my entire   character is purple. I got Lewis' shorts,  I got this shirt I don't know, a cone hat.   I'm dripping right now. But yeah, I have like  a crafting table here with all my stuff so if   i want to craft things I don't have to get  them out individually. That's pretty handy.   I definitely didn't put this together, this was  definitely somebody else. But I do love that it's   on this farm. Oh my god, there's more? Jeezum I  have so many animals. What's your name? Mutler?   What does that mean? Wumbus. Okay these are  just auto-generated names. another Wumbus. Okay. This pig is named Bus, okay. Gumbus, two  Wumbusses, a Gumbus. This this cow is named   Charley. Why is this cow named Charley? Okay well  that hurting, but that's okay. Jungus. Okay we   have two Wumbuses, a Gungus... a Gumbus and a  Jung... two Wumbuses, a Gumbus and a Jungus and   then Joke. That pig is just named Joke. Okay okay,  and then a Bongus. What is with the -gus names?   Okay yeah, so we have two Wumbuses, a  Jungus, and a Gungus and something bus. Uh   okay. "Tag yourself, I'm joke" I think I'm  Charley? Not only do I have one Junimo Hut,   I have two Junimo Huts. Oh yeah, this side doesn't  look as nice as the other side. I think that this   is probably under construction but we have some  strawberries here. I don't know why this one   rarecrow, the Ghibli rarecrow is the centerpiece  of this entire farm. You know, I'll go with it.   Wow this farm is like... kind of put together.  It's intimidating. Oh my gosh, I'm discovering...   oh that's terrible. Who made this? Who made  this? This isn't centered. What the heck.   Who the heck signed off on that. OH my god. Double  who the heck signed off on that. What on earth?   Two out of two mushroom caves? Is this a joke?  I hate that. That's the worst thing ever. I also   have a mill. I don't... I don't know what  for but I'm happy it's here. It gives me   big Victor vibes. This is like really pretty  in the dark too. Look at- I got Lewis' statue   and I finished the community center in this  one. We finished the community center. I   didn't do it on my own but wow! Wow wow  wow wow. Wow wow wubbzy. Oooh jam sesh. [the epitome of musical talent] Tomorrow's the egg festival? Ew I'm  gonna be obligated to do that, aren't I? *gasp* Not just one but three   shipping bins? Who am I? I'm so put together.  Year four, wow okay. Spring twelve, year four,   jeezum. I got really far in these farms. Like I  played them a lot longer than I thought I did.   Why is there a single torch  on the beach? What is this? What is this? Oh goodness. The egg festival!  Okay I think I need to do the egg festival   and then probably I'm gonna go eat my cake in  real life. But yeah, we'll see. We'll have to   defend our title. There can't be an egg festival  that we don't participate in because then that   means that Abigail wins by default and we can't  have that. We know we can't have that. How's   this supposed to work? Okay that's not working.  Let's just get right into the egg hunt. Let's go,   let's stop dawdling. Aaaand go. Okay okay okay. Oh  my god this music is like giving me panicky vibes.   Alright alright, alright. Optimal pathing. Okay  thanks to Z I know there's an egg here. Run little   eggplant, run. Oh I got stuck. Okay okay okay  okay. Egg. That one is Jas. I know it. Oh that   was a bad move, that was a bad pathing move. [panic sounds]  Did i do it? I got 14! That's not that bad.   Dang 14. That's pretty good! The  winner of this year's egg hunt...  HOOGLE! woohoooo  Beautiful. I received money. Egg money. Eggy  money. New PB? I think so. I don't remember.   Well ,yeah, I think that's pretty much all I had  planned for today. I just kind of thought it would   be fun to see what was going on in my old farms  and like apparently resolve some sort of inner   inner conflict that I had. You know, like  inside me, I knew that my first Stardew farm   wasn't complete and today we have completed it.  I really appreciate you guys being here again,   thank you for hanging out, I hope you  found this entertaining because I found   it entertaining honestly. Alright,  goodbye. Have a good day! Goodbyeeee
Channel: CharlieBarley
Views: 99,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, stardew valley gameplay, stardew, valley, stardew valley charlie barley, stardew valley 100 days charlie, stardew valley expanded charlie barley, charlie barley, charlie barley stardew, stardew valley playthrough, stardew valley farm tour, stardew valley farm tour no mods, stardew valley farm layout, stardew valley beginners guide, stardew valley community center, stardew valley guide, stardew valley junimo hut, stardew valley lets play
Id: nM8RnEwUTfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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