Inside Most Conservative Amish Home (Swartzentruber) 🇺🇸

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[horse trotting] All right, guys here's the story. When shooting videos in different subcultures there's usually a wall you hit. The more conservative you go say with the Amish or the Hasidic Jews the less likely you can bring a camera into that space. So I've hit that wall here. I'm with the Yesterday I was at a house and actually looking for a hat. I have a hat right now. This is a Dan Amish hat but it's sort of poking on my forehead. It's a little tight so I decided to have a custom-made hat made. And there's this Swartzentruber family through a contact that said we can do it. So we went to their home. The woman measured my head. Very, very nice woman but I can't bring a camera into these environments. I'm gonna get the hat and maybe I'll have a story for you. So the Swartzentrubers have no electricity. That's the traditionally-minded Amish. So when people think of Amish from the outside world they usually are thinking of Swartzentrubers. Toilet outside... I think they have toilet outside. No electricity. No phones. Like I said guys, I would love to bring the camera in here. Their house is really cool inside. Everything is made of hardwood a lot varnish on everything all the furniture is hand-made. And I'm going to have to bring the camera down out of respect. Got a guard dog here. So you made all these hats, yeah? Yep. Swartzentruber hat made by the finest hat crafts-lady in the world. [giggles] [giggles] Fair to say? Hey, it's the only hat that's fit me in Holmes County. I've tried on like 50 of them. You're full-time job is making hats? I'm liking the Swartzentruber homes all the hardwood. You make all the furniture, right? Yeah that's where I live. My wife and I moved from California to Florida. -Oh, I see. Oh, it's so hot, yeah. Are you husband and wife? Okay. Do your parents live here too? Your brother, okay. Why are you moving? Ah, your parents miss you? -Yeah. They want you back, huh? Oh, you're taking over their farm? Oh, you're taking over their farm? -Yeah. So that's how it works, right? So you grow up... That's great. I love how your gardens, everything you grow yourself So you got a classic stove here. and you made this? This furniture piece? Okay, can I open? -Yeah. -It's really well varnished. You guys sand this a lot and... Yeah, sure. Let's check it out. I'm keeping you off-camera though. Yeah, okay. Just so I know. You don't mind? It's okay? It's okay? -No, not if... If you're completely off. -Yeah. So you got all your china in there. You got great old hardwood floors. That's a family clock? -Yep. 13 brothers and sisters? -Yeah. and she's got... Can I show it? Yeah, if that's cool. All right, just making sure not to get you in it. -Yeah, it's... -This is very nice. -Yeah. -Okay, so you have a desk to write. -Yeah. Classic chair wood stove gas lamps So at night... This is oil lamps? So at night this is what you're using? And what is this? Is it a sewing kit? -Yeah. -Sewing Machine, yeah. Your birthday present? Your wife bought it for you or she made it for you? She didn't make it, okay. She bought it for you? -Yep. This is your birthday this year? -Yeah. Everything is so solid here. -Yeah. You know, in the outside world a lot times the wood is hollow just to make it cheaper. -Yeah. You know, I've noticed in this world everything is... It's all hardwood, huh? Yeah. Instead of a couch. -Yeah. So when you're together when an Englishman like me meaning an outsider comes in you speak English obviously but when you're together you're speaking Pennsylvania Dutch all the time, right? -Yeah, we do. -So you don't speak English much during the day? You know, here and there we get an English word. That you use in Pennsylvania Dutch? What's an example? Now? -Now. Yeah. Now is nah... Some words are almost English. Okay, how do I say... let me think of something I love the hat. Ik leuk de houd? -Yeah, Mm-hmm. Ya, ik leuk de houd. -Ya, ik leuk de houd. I is ya, right? Okay, [German] You understand that? -What? [German] It's German high German. It means "It's okay, it's cool." [German] Yeah, yeah. [laughter] It's okay if I... You're sure? -Yeah, just come in. -Okay. How many How many kids do you guys want to have? -Well it all depends. Okay, gotcha. Everything's up to God, right? -Yeah, I guess. So yeah. I don't have any kids either. I've been married one year. Definitely late to the party -Yeah. -But we've been together four years. That's unbelievable $250 for rent here. It's two levels, how many rooms? And then no utilities. Water you have on property? -Yeah. There's a well out here. -Okay, electricity not happening. The gas I guess for the lamps. That's all the gas we use is the washing machine. For the lamps. -So that's normal, $250 rent? -Yeah, that's kinda... -So this is a family and they're just renting out part of their home? Which is like a separate home. I don't want to go to be honest. It's like... It's been very relaxing here. -Yeah? -Yeah. You guys... Look, everyone's got their problems doesn't matter where in the world. Everyone's got problems but you guys you guys don't have some of the problems of the outside world right now. You don't have any crime here, right? I mean very little, right? Doesn't exist. -Yeah. You don't watch the news or anything. You're completely removed. -Yeah. So you're just completely in your own world. You got your family. You got your land. -Yep. -Wow. So you have no clue what's going on this last year in the United States? [laughter] Good for you. Yeah, I mean about this pandemic. We found out. -Oh, you know about the pandemic 'cause that's everywhere but as far as the news what's going on in US cities or what's going on with politics. All right, I gotta learn from you guys. Wow. That's great. Everyday, what do you guys talk about? You talk about just the nature, the seasons... Just simple. -Yeah, I guess it's... We don't even, You're just used to what you're used to. That's how life is, yeah. Right now it's nice, summer you know and birds are chirping and everything and fall begins. The leaves start change color then winter, I like snow. -Yep. And well then we're always ready for spring, you know. How do you get around in the snow with the horses and carriages? Okay, how's that? Oh, 'cause the wheels go right through? -Yeah. and the horses, they pull it. -The Swartzentrubers have steel wheels and the old order have steel wheels. -Yeah. Well, we are old order. -You're considered old order? -Yeah. -You're not Swartzentruber? We're Swartzentruber but that is old order. -Oh. It's so confusing. -Old order is from Swartzentruber to Tobe or whatever it's... Are Dan, are they old order? They're old order, yeah. So Dan, Tobe, and Swartzentruber are old order? -Yeah. And then new order... -New order, that's new order. -Beachy? -Yeah. Beachy Amish are new order? -I'm not quite sure what that even is. They're almost like Mennonite I think. -Yeah, I guess. That's probably what I... They drive, yeah. Okay. I like your hats the best. [laughter] -I like that. -You guys have the best style hats. I gotta say. Straightforward. Is this the biggest size you've ever done? Out of how many? Oh my God. It was fun to make for the shape of my head? 'Cause it's more like an egg? It's not round? It's all about the stretcher, huh? What time do you go to bed? I like 'till 8:30 but not always. 8:30 to 9:00, maybe 9:30. What time are you up? 3:30 3:30 in the morning. -Off to work. Two hours after I get up I'm at work. -How long is your commute? How long do you have to go? -Half an hour. So we just did a custom job because I have no hair. We put a little padding at the top. Oh yeah. That's the fit and it feels good. It feels good, it fits good. Thank you so much, you guys. No people? -No people. Then we're good, okay. Thank you so much. Best of luck. -Thank you. -Best of luck with everything. -God bless. -God bless. And I hope to see you both once again. I hope one day. -God willing. -Yeah. We might be farming, okay. Yeah, sure, sure. Thank you so much. And again, it's okay if I just take a (video) of the front of the house? -Yeah. -Wow. What an experience. What a cool couple. Well guys, one of those experiences in life that You can't put into words. You can't put into... You can't measure with money. Such nice people. I'm sort of like in awe at the moment to be honest. And this is what I love about the United States. It's everything. It's so mixed up and diverse. And the deeper you go down the rabbit hole like I've been doing this last year It keeps expanding. A true honor to be let into that experience. I think that's about as close as I'm gonna get to the Swartzentrubers. At least with you. That's a little insight a little in roads to a world you probably have never experienced. All right, guys until the next one.
Channel: Peter Santenello
Views: 314,341
Rating: 4.9699655 out of 5
Keywords: amish, amish documentary, amish people, amish life, mennonite documentary, meeting amish, breaking amish, amish lifestyle, amish people lifestyle, peter santenello, amish people in america, mennonite lifestyle, mennonite usa, amish paradise, mennonite vlog, amish country, amish religion, amish culture, amish ohio, who are the amish, amish culture and beliefs, amish culture in america, conservative amish, old order amish, swartzentruber amish, amish home
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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