2012 Supernova | Full Action Disaster Movie

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Even though your title is clear, it’s confusing upon first reading, haha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YJCH0I πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

i don't think i have come across a movie with an IMDB score as low as 2.2 ...if it is that bad, i might just try it.

with user reviews like "Worst movie ever!"....."Do yourself a favor and avoid this movie"...."How is it possible for this to exist? "...."Worst movie in all history and most likely in all future" and the best one...."Supercrap!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wwwhistler πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Illeazar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh, it's an Asylum movie. I'll pass :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/arashi256 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah what already yeah that's that's that's too far ahead of schedule ah Jesus yeah I'll be right there yeah I'm coming right now Laura Laura Laura what we gotta get to the base somehow in the car in five minutes I'll get Tina [Music] maybe five minutes five minutes meet me in the car did you see what's happening outside what should we do I just stay calm I need you to pack an overnight bag we're going to the base how long are we to be gone not long so I don't pack that much [ __ ] look I don't know baby I just give what you can and maybe even come back for the rest but I got to get to the base as soon as possible I want you there with me okay okay my lord let's go [Music] what's kelvins ETA somebody give me an answer ASAP I got a force launch going in this base loaded with nukes way ahead of schedule now why is he not in here his locator shows him nearly 60 miles off site I'll get an escort and get it to him now yes sir sir that blasts came out of nowhere another one like that might take our lock systems offline recommendations faster it gets up there the sooner it comes down and gets reloaded convinced countdown copy that dongdong come in [Music] Gordy's up sir now get him in here Ryan can you slow down I guess I shouldn't even bother asking why we're going to base I just can't Laura you found out why then I wouldn't do my job thanks maybe that's very reassuring you're unbelievable unbelievable is that one of yours [Applause] oh my god are you kidding me right now who was that why would people be after us not sure now sir cuz you don't know we're not sure cuz there's another stupid government cover-up I'm not sure because I really don't know and I don't want to find out with the to you in the car everybody hold on the tires what oh my god gonna have to make a run for it right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] go back go down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on go go great dr. Calvin what are you doing with nuclear weapons dr. Calvin in the last year you have made seven trips to the International Space Station armed with bombs why look if you got it wrong okay we're all in danger the whole world yes by your action what took you so long got here as quick as we could sir don't worry mrs. Kelvin I'll have agents taking care of you and your daughter before this project is finished I'll make all the arrangements myself get him to the base they'll be safe there yes sir I can't believe we're in danger and you didn't tell us I didn't know honestly nobody outside the project is supposed to know anything well baby obviously somebody found out I just I just how long tell me when it's gonna be over and we're gonna be safe a month one month one way or the other will be over I promise okay ma'am I'm agent green my partner agent Dunn we have a car waiting okay ma'am sir white my daughter myself whatever these guys found out for myself would have killed us afterwards you know it's one thing for me to put my life on the line whoever side the project leaked the information out will plug the lead well please do before he gets more out of hand before he gets out to the public before it causes worldwide panic professor Kelvin Captain James moto Air Force Office of Special Investigations hi I've been assigned to go through your computer systems emails IMS blog post you know anything containing information leaks you know enough about the project know what you're looking for well yeah well I know that small bursts of radiation they've been hitting planet Earth for the past couple years it's supposed to be a prelude to a full blast supernova that's coming in all of us no supposed to be about it based on the analysis we've been getting from the Spitzer Space Telescope there's gonna be enough game of radiation for a planet killing catastrophe I need to go check on the space platform climate ergo haywire everything controlled by electricity we fried munication water in the unit yeah the earth Oh turning a radioactive baseline that's how long we have until the blast hits us there's nothing can be done to stop it that's what this project is all about another hand to help us with our calculations cap tomorrow lab professor Guan Yi of China the People's Republic of China professor suzunskiy of Russia you know the People's Republic a hook he and I have been going over our calculations for nuclear missile launches and I think that we will have to alter each launch by a few milliseconds in order for a pattern to sustain cloud you have to reprogram the US missile launch codes in order to match a timing of ours just let us do it yeah I'm sure my government would be about as happy about that as yours road but message me the new codes what a shame more so much at stake you think we could make decisions that would benefit our own mutual interests perhaps it's in our own mutual interest that we study all the data and make our decisions based on that Bouchet but I don't care I just hope that when we launched those nukes that the cloud she will protect the earth as much as possible [Music] [Music] the magnetosphere is Earth's natural barrier against radiation but our data show that the incoming radiation will be too strong for the magnetosphere to handle so we're gonna help Mother Nature out there are two schools of thought on where to explode the notes inside the magnetosphere and outside the magnetosphere honestly unless we can get more nukes out there and I heard these plans are gonna cut it let me ask you a question trust these guys I have to I mean and then may and we're all gonna be up on that space platform together controlling the missile launches I wish we can launch them from down here by without the Earth's gravitational pull we can pinpoint the launches right where we want them and detonate it more quickly what happens if one of the bursts fries the platform's electronics well we've had them retrofitted with the radiation shield like we got on the Space Shuttle so let's hope that doesn't happen this is Calvin Tina are you sure you haven't seen it I thought you had it last mrs. Calvin mrs. Calvin what I'm not leaving here without our mom's necklace okay what we did you the courtesy of coming back here we are on a tight timetable and we need to escort you to base now ten more minutes and we're leaving you know you really need to cut him some slack he has some pretty big things on his mind you're right the only look and there you go my man well you know you equipments to be an astronaut okay two men loading the nuclear warhead on the shuttle now this is it last one let's do our part to save the ones again [Music] you see the nuclear cloud she'll be strong enough to last through the entire supernova burst we should have more warheads then with dr. that you're right III wish we had more but given the time constraint that we have and the fact that we only have three shuttles to carry everything to the platform yes yes I just wish we had one more load of nuclear warheads up there because at this point every shuttle especially this last one will make difference as to whether our little nuclear shield will protect whole earth or not I know we're just gonna have to do the best with what we got and hope that it works earthquake volcano in Italy back into activity now 2,000 years later Mount Vesuvius has reared its head once again burying hundreds of square kilometers in ash and pumice [Music] guess what I found pigs [Music] What's Wrong sweetie are you kidding me we almost got murdered this morning and now we're supposed to get in the car and go right back and do it and now I just I don't know what else to do why can't you just stay here with us why can't he just be here hard it's like you said he's just he's got a lot on his plate right now [Music] she know what to do yeah when's it gonna stop let's just hold on [Music] from here on out the stronger energy births going to hit Earth in and worse it going to get the shuttle [Music] please tell me the platform is intact I'm sorry dr. Kelvin but I'm not sure we're gonna be able to launch it there could be problems with a launch structure now but we don't have any other choice those warheads have to get up on the platform and parts of the earth are gonna go unprotected and destroyed by radiation okay I'll have the structure gone over again but I know I know everyone is aware of the risk I'll find out when the aftershocks are gonna hit so we can schedule the next launch all right good thanks I I gotta take care of something else now Ryan thank God yeah yeah we're okay the UM the the house was destroyed in the earthquake no no no we're okay yeah we're uh we're on our way there now the agents are right in front of us they've given an eye on us good good just just just do what they tell you and everything will be all right okay okay well love you too [Music] [Applause] raise yourself [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the tremors feel like is it over I think so Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan I can hardly hear you [Music] [Music] mr. Kelvin I'm sorry what the next aftershock won't hit for hours I spoke with NASA and the okay for launch structure so they're gonna go ahead as scheduled good it's pretty nothing else happens between now and then sir what is it we're picking up a major surge in energy particles about to reach the Earth's atmosphere that's almost four hours ahead of our calculations we'll have to get a hold of launch control see if there's any way we'd stop watching if this shipment of warheads is and make it up there we won't have enough to protect us against the full supernova Durst there's not much we can do about it no respond [Music] [Music] that flight had to happen we needed those warheads [Music] we have to recompute the missile-launch pattern now that we don't have as many as we need let's get an uplink I'll run a full diagnostic see if there's any damage on the platform that is if the energy verse will let us through he will recheck energy burst so I try to figure out who while we were so far off in calculating speed [Music] [Music] dr. Killman what based on our newest data that we are getting now our calculations on when supernova will arrive are off by more than 24 hours [Music] but it could change it could get shorter if the stronger blasts that come right before supernova are moving faster than we think and I think we should take another look at where we're going to do the explosions inside or outside the magnetosphere you know my feelings on this and the reason I believe we need to create the shield outside of it yes but I just did a new computer simulation of the nuclear explosions with fewer warheads and the molecules will stay more tightly bound together if the explosions occur inside the magnetosphere not outside it won't be as effective look and if we explode the warheads inside the magnetosphere we've run the chance of destroying the Earth's atmosphere changing the climate and destroying this planet as we know it oh please I think we need to concentrate on an immediate threat mm-hmm the supernova but we can't just trade off one form of the earth being destroyed for another that's only if we accept your theory you don't know what will happen anymore than I do [Music] I've been running through all the Internet traffic in on here for the past couple days I found where somebody sent out a message to a blind email account professor Ryan Kelvin is the one in charge of putting nuclear weapons into space for the US government it's no wonder they're Iranians came after me any ideas signed into this computer you did or someone using your name and password look somebody's being smart is there any way that when I might use her name signs in to use a program that we attached a voice ID and a password sure no problem oh one other I mean if you can I've been trying to get a hold of my wife all day and it's just nothing but static I can use an signal booster and an auto dialer see if that'll do the trick alright thanks because I'm just with the earthquake hey don't worry about it I'm on it right now it's stuck building surprise down just an aftershock got it Laura thank god I've been trying to get through to you agents were were killed in the earthquake where are you still on your way right we're trying we're trying to get to the airbase but but the bridge is blocked so we can't get through are you okay you sure yeah I'm worried I've been trying to get ahold of you hi so maybe uh maybe you shouldn't try to meet me here I I just I don't know what to do we can't we can't keep driving no no no what I was thinking is maybe you meet me at Patterson there's an underground secure facility there it's where all the shuttle launch computers are all the NASA higher-ups are going there because we had a special radiation treated maybe fall okay so well we heard on the news about a supernova that that's true yes I said me not talking you the last few years just there's something else I want to talk to you about but nom okay meet me at the fallout shelter okay um tell them to expect us okay maybe I love you [Music] when they get to the gates they're gonna use his name what I want you to do it's a sign of a secure living quarter until he gets there good man I got a set up now so anytime your password logs on to a computer somebody's gonna need to register a voice command before the computer doesn't he one less thing to worry about [Music] whose how you had to drive and heat is really climbing I can't believe that storm caught up to us hidden let's get out of here [Music] keep getting closer I've never seen clouds myself okay don't touch anything anything that'll be electrified it's okay I think we'll be alright the cab's like a Faraday cage you are your father's daughter aren't you interesting maybe a ride alright go there the trees they shred light from the most feelers we're gonna be okay okay we're gonna be okay [Music] great launch computers on the platform not responding I can communicate with the other systems on board just not those good thing we have backup it's his functioning huh don't we I'll go over it to make sure that it is but it's gonna have to come on board with us on the shuttle wait it needs to be programmed with latest data and you have to run the test fire simulation to make sure with launch capabilities the speed of the energy butter city's increasingly heating us means that launch computer will have to reconfigure a time-space and location of missile launches in destinations second by second [Music] we are almost just guessing how fast supernova is really moving in until it is right about the heaters [Music] moto look I'm gonna be down in a 13 do me a favor will you keep trying to get a hold of my wife Kelvin Ryan project head all the electric power turned on in the platform markup yes sir heard you had a problem kind of makes me wonder God wants us interfering with his plans right now I'm wondering how the grapevine around here knows all about mine [Music] come on baby I don't need any more problems let's check the control panel ideally see where diseases remarks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] Kelvin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nobody's me enroll come on you got any idea who attacked you no I just what they are after just someone dressed in black and kicking my ass in a real professional way how long was I out 20 minutes maybe somebody wanted to sabotage his project they could have destroyed this or the replacement panel or they just wanted to get rid of you it's got to be so inside this project but after what where's moto he's dead it's game looking for you with a message and he ran into your man in black instead [Music] it is desperate do whatever you get yes by [Music] where's you does a simulation work you both been here the whole time since I left I was gone a few minutes to pick up some sandwiches good why didn't model find you you saw moto he was here he was looking for you he said your wife called and that she needed your help desperately he was throwing [Music] looks like the Lightning stopped for right now how are we gonna get to the pace howdy you'll get lost tell them fires burning everywhere because of the heat enlightening hey do you have another phone we can use sure do if it's still working its heat the two of you must be pretty desperate to get somewhere to be out of this on foot we had a card about this storm we're trying to get to my dad before he takes up on the space shuttle he's working on that big project Ryan where are you why haven't you gotten to Patterson yet what listen we're uh we're okay for right now but uh I don't know if we're gonna make it to Patterson you know I'm coming to get you guys know maybe you can meet the project now I have to see you maybe and I want to see you too more than anything but it's and I know that you have to do what you're doing there's there's too much at stake for you to leave now I can't leave you out there unprotected Laura so well we'll be fine really well you know that cave w went exploring out during our vacation okay we'll go in there though they'll be protection okay we'll be fine honey I haven't told you my part it's up on the space platform launching the missiles any part of the supernova burst makes it through to the platform look honey if I haven't told you enough lately or if you ever doubted [Music] and doesn't you know I love you so much how you dad hey kiddo hey if you guys can't make it to the base in the next couple hours I need you to find some deep cover okay in a mine shaft or a cave or something I understand yeah I will I will have I'm gonna do what I can I need you and Laura to find a safe spot okay dad you know if you want to get to that cave it's not gonna be a good idea for you to try it out on foot that old truck of mine ain't much but it ought to get you there okay what about you come with us you're not gonna be safe here oh how am I gonna go I've lived here my whole life died here so this is the truck I was telling you guys about thank you so much money we had the help and uh you know I was having a seven-second idea here well I'm thinking maybe only one of you should go I think maybe she should stay excuse me I mean there's no reason for both of you to go really and well I'd like for her to stay besides with the weather the way it is who knows the people we have tomorrow so what do you say I think maybe you know I can maybe get to know each other [Music] I'll call you back things bad or worse than expected I just faced my own mortality yeah a little quicker than I wanted to I'm not too happy about that I feel like Atlas with the world on my shoulders only the world is crushing me listen I want the leek I won whoever killed Mota found all right sweep the place bugs taps on my computer everything yes sir we lost more time huh based on the speed of these latest birth this rate we will have to make launch to space platform more quicker than I thought a lot more quicker and I better finish the simulation on that replacement panel you're trying to Justin I'm in the platform mock-up I want remote surveillance no security actually inside the hangar someone wants to come after me find something out that's fine we need to find out who they are and what they want as soon as possible but we were running out of time Kelvin Brian project head like the apocalypse is coming well what's happening I guess keep picking up it's like flying into a headwind how much longer till we get to this cave we're going to we should be there by morning I hope it's not that way oh my god if we can't get off here when we have to turn around maybe we should do what they're doing and uh go back we can't go back that way we'll be trapped okay but do you see a cut-off or anything look around I'm looking I'm looking but there I can see why [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no attacker well we're not gonna get another chance we got the word moved into the shuttle off-site in one hour see atmospheres get more stable body out so if we don't go up now we might not make it to the platform any luck on getting ahold of my wife and daughter sorry too much interference alright you better pack up the computer replacement panel get everywhere was she's in skiing [Music] hey buddy okay gonna be fine it's a hell of an earthquake yeah get a medical team down here right away watch that all right somebody's gonna be here just become yeah [Music] [Music] are you alright where's insky in the control room we've been getting ready to leave [Music] all right they're always satellites are giving us data are gone the only place to do measure supernova is platform area if we gotta get ready to go there there's no telling what time we have have you been here the whole time I try to get signal through the platform but could not we've got problems mark that earthquake was centered 30 miles off the coast it may have destroyed shuttle platform all right let's finish get packed up just uh get us some transportation run away hey you okay we did it not being yet see you can fix this I will see there's only so much that can go wrong eternal combustion engine we go in the back and see if there's a screwdriver or something careful [Music] try it again try again go ahead and try it one more time [Music] I've already told you there's no way we can do it the launch is scrapped the shot is on the launch pad it can be launched and we got no other choice except to try that's just a problem it can't be launched the electromagnetic storms every terrific about havoc on all our systems so it's a control panel gone nothing's working I still got power don't you well the emergency generator system all right well then hook it up directly to the shuttle create a makeshift control panel and get ready to do it manually you got to be kidding you know how many variables are involved with the rocket firing sequence just keeping them stabilized is difficult enough come on you people that fire off enough shuttles by now we'll be able to do it in your sleep take the training wheels off and do it manually the earthquake could have damaged the launch structure too I mean I don't know it scares the [ __ ] out of me too either way if we don't go up there we're gonna die anybody else have a better idea [Music] still believe in the hand of God Jasinski God's great hand sweeping across the universe to destroy all the mankind why don't you just let me enjoy seeing it before I go blow myself up in that machine [Music] [Music] if they can't complete this soon then doesn't matter anyway she is very correct just using acceleration factor of birth so far is baseline I would have to say that we have only about eight hours till supernova burst it's too bad our People's Republic space program wasn't further along because we would have done this much better for us not to have problem at this they have had better planning but you know what still need Russian engineering in order to do better as long as we're talking about planning I'd like to re-examine where we're gonna explode the warheads that has already been decided it's already been decided based on numbers the electromagnetic and molecular interactions but not in how the magnetosphere works we already know what you'd think about how it will affect the earth I'm not talking about climate effects alright I'm talking about the best way to use it as a shield all right look we'll have two shields against the supernova burst the magnetosphere and the nuclear cloud shield alright based on molecular interactions with constant warhead explosions the nuclear cloud will definitely be the stronger of the two against a supernovas gamma radiation and I agree but based on numbers it'll hold together a little more strongly if we position it inside the magnetosphere okay but but how the magnetic field works it's self-sustaining okay it can take smaller energy bursts and recover quickly all right which means with the cloud shield outside of it then the magnetosphere will act as a constant second shield to catch the radiation the cloud shield business all right but if the magnetosphere takes the fall bursts of the supernova first disrupting its flow it won't be able to regenerate and and all that will be left is the one shield the cloud shield to protect the earth this is what's important the number supported the scientific community agrees I don't think we should change things now even if we wanted to there's no time to program the new sequences into the launch computer I still have no less sticking with the plan you ready no that's not gonna stop us all right if you really want to do this get your gear [Music] all systems Kappa president ten point two point oh five exterior temperature 134 degrees I'm supposed to launch if it's over ninety nine C yeah we don't even know if the platform's if they're that's the least of our worries we're all set [Music] I'm proud to stand along with you and Irina we have never encountered we sit on the brink of annihilation and I speak to you now not just as your president but as a fellow citizen of the United States and the entire world but now you all know of the ensuing supernova in the cotton quarters it may bring it is an event this world [Laughter] remember hope remember your loved ones and those who came before us remember the legacy and what they have given us and if it be God's will [Music] control guiding us Emma please get back increasing the thrusters to get us through the ionosphere electric storm platform [Music] what is it we ran out of gas alright now let's see if we can get some hey hey we ran out of gas can you help us out [Music] there's no escaping this is there we're all gonna die bro stop it stop it stop it listen to me we can make it we have a really good chance of surviving but if we're gonna do that we need to do it together okay I need you to be strong gonna need your help could you do that you can do that right okay [Music] [Applause] time before energy first hitting us destiny will be him [Music] No how long what minute let's hope this place still has 28 minutes left [Music] well it's fried they're still Jews ok I think I got it go ahead program you launch codes while I get my laptop up and running section B's not just free she's gone I gotta close out but don't tell her which one's next okay you're frozen the missus doctor deploy let's enqueue it manually I think I got it then she had the firing sequence she's it's gay [Music] choose at skin [Music] [Music] [Applause] we'll never change the launch secrets honey you deserve a ball [Music] [Music] [Music] Kelvin Ryan project head switched a lot scenario B it's a time and distance outside the magnetosphere [Music] I can't [Music] recalculating biyo malfunction recalculating eight seven [Music] [Music] [Music] here open a channel to ground control going on rope well can you read me this on my hand [Music] my systems are haywire up here you have ordnance readouts yeah how many did not deploy [Music] she'll still may hold so you need to confirm that wiki is an entity decide have an unknown [Music] we both know the shield's as weak as it is know what we have to do got my wife and my daughter I love him all right Kelvin what are you doing both calmly time to impact [Music] well I Jessica's been I'm hungry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] miss Kelvin I had to come myself there's someone you have to talk hello right right yeah supernova an exploded star the genesis of life itself on a collision course with our planet Kozinski once told me it was like gods great hands sweeping across the universe intent on destroying all mankind a cosmic broom meant to clear the way for sending me God's will or not it came from deep in space and we felt the terror isolation of being alone what does a man do when his back is against the wall he tried to change the codes to protect the eastern atmosphere more heavily helping to ensure the preservation of her people thinking back it's hard to blame anyone for that when I returned to a hero's welcome I said and ye Angie's insky died saving not only my life but the lives of billions we weren't prepared we didn't see it coming but we found a way a nuclear shield held but not without its own consequences the world has changed but we're still here and stronger for it when all the pretense melts away you're finally able to hold on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 468,029
Rating: 4.5006585 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, Full Action Disaster Movie, Brian Krause, Heather McComb, 2012 supernova
Id: xgoPYiK4UTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 3sec (5223 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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