Total Drama Plush Season 2 Reboot: Episode 15 Goofball Hide n Seek

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red red red can I talk to you for a second oh uh yeah what is it Frank okay I've been like really thinking about like what you said like a while ago about me not being like the best team captain do you think I've gotten any better well yeah you've definitely improved I seem I think that you have really came to your senses about being a real team captain you're pitching good ideas and stuff pretty proud of the progress you made yeah yeah yeah yeah i' I've just been really trying to be a better team captain especially since we started we were losing a lot I didn't I didn't want to seem like I was the main reason you know yeah makes sense makes sense I can't blame you for that one yeah thank you for your input Bud you're the best oh no problem I've been really really really really really really trying to be a B team captain and I'm so glad I can know it's working the more progress I make the better I'll be yay oh wa monkey but Waluigi gone we got to really lock in we need to get out Pichu yeah Pichu seems like a really big threat now that while Ouiji is gone and him being the main reason for it we got to find a way to get him out yeah I don't know how we're going to do it but we got to find a way cuz I'm sick of seeing that big headed mouse espe since now he's the reason that my brother's gone I ain't letting that slide no more I'm standing on business yep so uh how are we going to get him out I don't know cuz any anytime we go try to get him out he's going to pull out the immunity and I got immunity I got immunity and you're just going to do it every time there's only two more left on the island so if us one of us two could get him it'll be good oh yeah there is there was only three hm maybe one of us should try to find it yep I think that's the plan hand in all good with me if we cannot get Pichu out we might have a problem on our hands cuz he might go after Wario then he might go after me or he might come after me first especially since I'm on his team so we need to find a way to get him out stat guy do you have any idea when the merge is going to be yet man I don't even know you know I I think that would have happened already cuz we every each team is running super low on members but apparently not apparently we not the merge yet each team's going to have like 10 not even 10 each team's going to have like six people on it we're going to have a final 12 for the merch and that's too long for me I'm just trying to make it that far exactly like I guess for me I know I already beat like my record from the first season cuz got I got up first but it's like man I just want to make it to that merge already exactly I'm trying to do these team challenges I want to show that I'm actually a real competitor and I can prove myself I didn't get to last season I want to do with this one yeah can't blame for that one cesan challenge time well guess I'm mer not today either guess we got to go to hello dear my beautiful contestants y'all waai for today's challenge um not really my throat's kind of sore from all that singing dang it s I told you to drink some tea but you didn't want to listen I told you in my interview from the first season I don't like tea I would not drink tea freaking freaking hard anyways today we're going to be playing a classic game of hide and seek hope you guys all know the rules of hide-and-seek uh I've never played hide and seek remember I'm a Pokemon oh yeah fck you Pokemon okay so hide and seek you find a place to hide you hide there until you get caught one of one of me ginger Bo a little bear we're going to be seeking y'all we're going to give youall like 5 to 10 minutes to go hide so when they say go you guys will get hiding oh white yep oh white go go go all right to where are we going to hide at I don't know I don't know I think we just stay here though I don't think they expect to stay in here let's go I think some over here would be pretty good uh all right where would we go right over here I mean I guess this works a little bit don't worry they won't fight us here you sure yep all right guys we got to find a place to hide a place to hide quick I know I know where to go follow me we're going down the world ooh you see a space down there Michelangelo uh yeah behind the vacuum cleaner I think I should go back there I mean go for it there right bet you guys go somewhere else all right guys keep following me I'm going to season one flush be on these stairs all right someone can hide in these slippers um I guess I'll go some there just wait actually Sam you get in here I thought you wanted to go yeah but I can fly I can really utilize that [Music] oh all right I think I'm in all right good come on baby man all right I'mma hide here underneath right there so that'll be my spot you could go fly somewhere I know you probably figure something out oh yeah I know where I'm going nice all right Dad you took us to the room where we're hiding at I don't know you all got to figure that out I know where I'm going ah frick uh um let me go this way wait baby Maria he I'm go right here let me sit that with you wait you don't you think it'd be better if we separated yeah maybe but I don't I get scared when I'm by myself I got to stick with somebody okay every time I play hideand-seek with Baby Luigi he always hides with someone else I have never seen him hide by himself think right here in this Gap need some nice anime fig over here think I might just chill but maybe I'll right in bro where are you taking me you'll see bro where is this place listen is a part of the island I discovered last year while I was eliminated I got a good spot you'll fit right in but I don't want to man that gu off sh here meanwhile there we go this should be good oh guys that was a lot of work oh my gosh I need to find a spot I need to find aot quick where was that little squirrel going I'm F I'm going hide right here oh this place is Big I'm going hide under here it up it up it [Music] up all right climbing your gap down here me I'll take the gap or help me yeah okay that should be F here oh W All Right contestants we're going to start seeking now oh shoot uh how do I get in here all right boys which parts are we taking I take the basement gingerbread you take the middle the little bell you stay up here all right I'm coming boys wait I'll see y'all once the challenge is over oh yeah when you find someone just bring it back up here so they can watch us or I guess a little bear right sounds like a plan H I want are you serious right now monkey get down from there did you find me yes how did his little ass find me man man this freaking sucks Frank get down oh did your mommy and daddy not teach you to stand in high places you two should be ashamed of yourselves let me guess high place high place this is a long walk to L Jesus SAU oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God good Lord o oh ouch did did this slipper just talk man maybe I'm just going crazy oh my god let's see pile anybody in here any want to hide in here guess not let's see any hiders over here no one is chair and found you oh man was my hiding spot at least decent it was all right give me three all right let's see one of those contestants who decideed to try to come in here they probably think I'm not even aware down here goofy contestants those Silly Billy contestants oh my gosh should I guys cooked oh is somebody hiding behind here I guess not oh no he's coming oh I heard noise ooh see some fresh kicks no let go me like them like them sneakers they're bruts don't care you're going to the room no me getting caught it's all Boo's fault most definitely it's not my fault oh dang where where am I well hello there Yoshi who are you you can call me Professor rat or rat t for short um I've seen a lot of stuff you've been doing in the game recently Yoshi and I was really hoping you're going to go to that hiding spot in that little corner and it seems like you did so I have to talk to you about something no I'm a flut jump out of here not on my watch oh my gosh blooper in him my play Oh My Gosh e ew e you're G to talk buddy wait why are you even scared of you I could just y me squired anyways I'm not talking I'm about to leave and I'mma get saved I'mma get saved but this is a very high flutter jump not going anywhere now if you give me a moment I have some things to do why would he leave if he's trying to kidnap me here let's try this FL [Music] jump Yoshi I found you I don't even care anymore dang oi why so out of breath I don't want to talk about it all right Yoshi back to what where did he go oh no the boss ain't going like this one another one let go where to search next ohy kind of [Music] hungry a little bit of chips one one purple bag of Doritos later o I feel full all right back to looking anybody in here no want traditional Pizza cross okay bay max I caught you buddy nuh-uh y yes I did get down here no oh you're going to have to tag me first all right [Music] bet oh haha I'mma get you I'mma climb up there uh now where could someone else be oh wait my North G I haven't seen those in a while no no no turn around turn around big wet on my Fe ouch what was that oh ow ow oh well there a contestant you're just ignored my PID yep ow that really freaking hurt I get PTSD be in here it smells like onions wait a minute there's only one contestant that smells like onions it's Wario he might be over here no stop stop stop found you Wario P's over there P's over there that stupid little whack he's over there ah screw you Wario no screw you you fat rat hey stop all that arguing get out Pichu you come here well looks like I'm not in the clear yet oh yeah and [Music] Bob oh ouch Bob you're not sck I saw you oh man let see one two three four one two three four five looks like Bob te is currently in the lead Frank you better hope your teammate finding find the find the findable all right I'm going head to the other one dang Bo you got messed up blame Cookie Monster know the good thing about this hiding spot I get to watch The Little Fishies oh to be able to swim to be able to swim I really wish I was able to swim all right you got this three two gotta oh you're stuck with me boy oh man and for being a pain in the butt this is going to be your lunch once this challenge is over you suck you suck oh no sound like BX [Music] was uhoh SM [Music] Dusty Michelangelo I can't believe I walk past you the first time huh man both of y'all are [Music] done that vacuum was just a little bit done my fault y'all all right now I bet someone's probably hiding near my shoe collection hey little fish hey fishy hey fishy how we doing Sonic stop talking to the fish ah frick I didn't expect you to show up that quick and were you IR my shoe collection you better not be looking at my Tatum ones uh maybe you're coming with me boy oh man get your head out of here wait before you take me what Spencer's under there freak you Sonic no I don't want to go it's too late Bud my bad Spencer I had to do what I had to do man screw you all right it's starting to look pretty close we got you you you freaking stupid R thing you you you you and you so this looks like Toad and toasty are your guys last hope that better hope little B don't find and you guys still have snoopy W and ball Luigi Baby Mario and Baby Luigi out there oh you guys still got a lot of people time to go back to find him wait Mr gingerbread we still have Sam also oh yeah him too beon where the freak could he be at I'm keep looking all right let's take a little look see what is what you contestant is hiding in plain sight you know you wouldn't expect someone to look at the power of anime figures when you're playing hide-and seek so I thought this would have been a good spot but guess not just just take me to my team now contestants think are really stupid boys cuz I went upstairs and I H A Little M Snoopy who told you you could touch my baseball stop I was just in no get out you don't get to look at my baseballs my bad now you're going to back to the camp boy ow you keep hitting my head ow owie yeah dad stupid stupid stupid they're just baseballs ow they're more than just baseballs okay go I didn't know baseball was so important to him I I don't know what just happened to me all right so it looks like the remaining contestant or toad toi Sam and or Luigi Baby Luigi sorry running steps and bab Mario let's see who comes out on top all right let's see no one here no one here no one here H I know I need to see green somewhere oh no babe out here uh Little B's here I know just stay quiet green I see green oh looks like I'm cooked G me a Luigi a man was it a good spot it was all right well Luigi's down got to go find the other two where could these other two be is Cookie moner really not going to look I thought this spot was going to be a little obvious I told you it's working now stay quiet so they can't find us that hi ex spot best idea I've had all season no doubt okay what a fre could Sam be I don't know I don't think he's up there I feel like little bear would find him already just a bad Seeker like am I a bad Seeker I don't I don't know I don't know I freaking looked everywhere I have looked everywhere I literally looked everywhere this man cannot be found he can't be found is he who his that no right here no where is Sam you know this slipper is very uncomfortable I really dislike this a lot but I got to do what I got to do for my team oh I literally can't do it I'm about to I'm about to quit I'm about to quit yes quit quit quit quit why is the slipper moving aha no get out of here oh finally some breathing air come here why you contest to keep trying to troll me today a here you go my section is clear I've searched everywhere oh aggressive much o we be down to a 2v2 and they're both brothers Toad and toy and baby Mario Baby Luigi let's see who comes out on top ginger boy go look for Toad and Toad okay they're in here by the way just tell you okay okay baby sounds like we're the last two left we can win this for our team let me scoot in a little bit I'm scared baby Maria I'm scared don't be scared please I'm trying I'm trying but I'm really scared oh crap they're looking for us now it's okay just stay quiet we got this where could those Baby Bros be where could they be at I don't know I literally search everywhere Frick um maybe maybe over there oh oh my god oh no baby Maria I put my pants you're lying I put my but oh no ew Baby Luigi oh it stinks oh oh we might be cooked oh oh no oh no hide me no no ew it stinks look at you two look at oh what one of you pooped it was me you're going to the changing Center well I found him baby Luigi has to get changed he pooped yep it looks like Bob's team wins again yay toen told you you can now unveil yourselves okay H I'm here what a nice get behind the seek guys I was about to find him they were right there there's no way there's no way well you didn't so we went oh shut up babybacks ow Ginger blit stop hting no contestants wait anyways Franks team LC y'all at elimination today hopefully with baby Luigi's pants un pooped Bob's team you guys can enjoy yourselves tonight see y'all later well that's way to lose a challenge I guess there's no way I got hurt for freaking nothing just for to lose what what the freak wh what the freak there's just no way there's literally no way there's no freaking way there's no way hey bro are are you okay no I am furious right now I am so angry I'm so angry I got hurt in that stupid challenge just for us to freaking lose we need to vote out baby Luigi now well we can't jump to conclusions how do we know baby Luigi's fault who got out first I don't know but I know Baby Luigi is the reason we lost I mean whoever got up before him I guess could also be the reason but I don't that just that's just so angers some I I just can't I mean I guess the proof was the thing but he was just nervous can't it's not his fault I know it's just maybe I should just relax maybe I'll just wait I don't know I I'll talk to you later I'm I'm too angry right now oh well bye then oh man this doesn't look too good oh hey guys I'm I'm back baby Luigi what was that bro like what literally what was that yeah baby Luigi that was a rough rough way to lose a challenge I know I I I don't know how to feel I'm really scared it's okay baby Luigi remember you have three votes with you no way you're going home today at least not in my watch you ain't going home I hope not I say I said we vote for Frank or bu I heard that buo gave Shy Guy a bad spot let's get rid of buo let's get rid of BU if we get rid of boo we get rid one shot Guys numbers and then we can get out sh guy next good thinking all right so we voting for voting for boo yeah let's vote for boo well flanks team is starting to look like you guys doing the twines oh how does it feel that lose another challenge it really sucks it really freaking sucks we're getting too close to the merge and we keep losing members we can't keep doing good point good point well I have one question boo did you guys a vote for me yes you know what screw that don't even matter no more four people got votes today and not time the W up never going to be five it looks like but we will see yall know the drill my call your name is safe and yeah whoever a B for today the people say for no votes oh baby Mario W ball Shard Sonic Wario Luigi and Snoopy everyone else here got votes flank you got to vote because you're the first found Baby Luigi you know what you did wed um I think someone just has a vendetta against you and Bo uh is a rumor going around that he gave Shaga a bad spot and if you're you Hur so bad stop moving your bandage it's moving by itself my bad next people say for one vote a piece is wed and flank botom to you last person save is no no no no no I better not get out I swear no no no no no boo good no NOAB no no I going to lose you andbody I know ah frick we lost another one y'all man Baby Luigi you good bro yeah I guess sorry Dad it's okay bab Luigi you know I didn't expect people to want me to get far again anyways I I made it to the final six last last time that's an achievement and I made it pretty far this time remember there's always a reason for everything there's a reason for everything that one of you guys go win this money I believe in you all right let me go to the Hat well baby Luigi got any last wordss this season was really fun I definitely had a lot more fun than I did last season so far a lot less drama and um I'm I hope I can rejoin and keep standing my ground like a big boy well with that another season one veteran and someone who made it pretty far is out of the game will Frank's team figure it out good G to keep losing and will Bob's team stay on top and continue that hot streak or will Frank's team actually beat him find out next time on total D Plus
Channel: Jalen’s Plush World
Views: 341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o7pHNZf1pvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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