2-Player Super Mario Party: FINAL BOARD!! *Bro and Sis Gameplay!*

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today we play the final level of the game Super Mario party with my sister playing partner party mode she is a little Kirby I am Dark Bowser and our strategy for this stage is extremely effective you have to see how cruel we are to the CPUs trapping them and destroying them while stealing all of their coins thank you so much for watching and I really hope you enjoy this video hey let's both get a six okay yay oh you got a six oh they got double on that's so funny okay so we won okay so you're doing great so far hopefully you roll sixes for the whole game I hope so too where's the star that we need oh and this one's tricky cuz you have to go up and down the floors and I think you have to land on an exclamation mark panel to be brought up to the next floor if I remember correctly oh and maybe if we get a big roll then we'll get to stomp on them a bunch okay so you know what I think I'm actually going to use the Bowser dice block cuz you don't have a lot of coins to start so even if we get minus three that's not too bad Bo we might get a big roll and then we'll be able to stomp over them a bunch and take a bunch of their coins and stuff I'll just use regular yeah that's a good idea yeah okay I'm going to get a big roll okay ready I only got oh no wait so maybe you could just go to the right and we can go like that I can stomp on them maybe you should get an item instead wait let's both get items oh yeah there that's a better idea yeah there now we'll have two items so that might help us out and we don't have any money but oh an ally phone that's a great start great yeah yeah you definitely want allies near the beginning very powerful item that instantly calls an ally we'll do that next turn it' be funny if you use an ally phone and then the person goes next I don't want to Jo I got one too so we both got an ally yeah that's really funny well we have to use the item to get an hour I wonder who we will get yeah and these are hard CPUs so they might be difficult to face off against hopefully they don't do too well are they using a Yoshi or Luigi dice block I can't tell regular oh they get extra coins wait what if they roll one in one the whole game cuz that's what they got on the dice roll remember that' be funny if they're cursed and they both go the same way they're like twins yeah they are they're the Green Team team that's why I made us play against Luigi and Yoshi you know why they're both green yeah exactly call order last time we did amazing at this yeah we have to spin our icon or we have to spin our joyc con yeah you know what I was thinking you know what we could do I think maybe you go first and you just basically Go the whole time try and go whenever it's good to go for the beginning we'll both go together but then when it starts to come up it'll be just you and then it'll be just me we try that I don't know if that's actually a good strategy not careful not to drop the joycon okay okay okay and you got to do big circles remember for you okay now I'll go this is a workout I'm triying so hard to spin uhhuh well you're doing little circles I think you have to do bigger circles I'll go now oh no maybe you go you go cuz we don't want two together like that keep going keep going keep going oh wait I don't know if that'll come over to my side oh I think we beat them wait careful we y finish oh Bo so weird how it's so branched off like that they look like they have two parallel trunks coming up we we have look it almost looks like it spells out ZX doesn't it kind of this video is sponsored by my YouTube channel so you know what I've never done a sponsored video on my YouTube channel luckily the YouTube advertisement that are just by default placed on the videos have been enough to be able to make a living doing this so I haven't done any sponsored videos but there is a crazy amount of money that you are potentially missing out on by not doing that there are a lot of YouTubers almost every YouTuber does do sponsored videos because sponsorships can pay quite a bit of money but yeah that's not something that I've done so let's both use the Ally phones here okay so then we'll both get an ally do you think you'll do sponsorships in the future is that something that interests you or you want want to focus more on just your videos and not take away from it you know what the thing is getting a sponsor and making a sponsored video that takes so much time I so much rather just spend that time putting in effort into making videos H now should I use the Bowser dice block you know what I will use the Bowser dice block again cuz even if we get a low roll then it's not that bad cuz we're kind of close to the exclamation mark up there and if we lose some money it's not the end of the world either yeah use your Ali phone I was thinking hm which item should I use hard decision do you think your ally is going to I got a Goomba which is pretty good Rosalina oh oh you got a little monkey wow those are probably like the two smallest characters Kirby and Diddy Kong they're so cute I'm Diddy nice to meet you Diddy Kong is now your ally a 50% chance of rolling a seven that actually sounds pretty good it does maybe you should use that now oh it's too late well hopefully I get a big roll you got a three I get a minus three coins yeah that's so sad so sad but how far am I 1 2 three away oh so I think I could reach here I can go up here can you land on anything nice I can stop on them yeah yeah just go like that and stump on them I think that's a good idea do that I'll come up here actually oh cancel I'm going to go no no go the other way so you stump on both of them yeah like that's better or I can get the coin oh you got yeah I got the coin anyways so special event oh wow my friends are picking me up Bowser's Minions are helping him oh he's all dizzy they should have put me down more gently King Bowser after all those red cloaks remind me of money Heist a TV show I never heard of that oh that's funny that Kirby ground pounded on Yoshi Yoshi looks so sad Kirby looks like he's giving Yoshi a pep talk like hey Kirby you know you got to listen to some Tony Robins and you know got to get your life and you got to get your life in shape you know it's it's all about just making sure that you have the mindset that lets you have the right beliefs that let you take control of your life and Achieve what you want to that's exactly what you need to succeed that Tony's impression where's Luigi going in a bunch of circles but he's eventually Landing there and he's coming up too smart guy yeah but they don't have a lot of coins because you ground pounded on Yoshi and I think you took five of his coins when you did that which is great yeah yes oh wait and I think there's a Bowser Junior minion right there if I can get the Bowser junor to join me that'd be great and we might be able to do that cuz we're going first so it's an almost guaranteed chance of reaching I think if we both use the regular dice block then it'll be a guaranteed chance py hard do you remember this one try hard oh this one I'm really bad at this game okay so I just explained how it works now you should know how to play are you ready okay so pick up a second pie to start uh-oh that was bad throw by me okay I actually had a really bad start there I'll try and do better oh I got nice ah was in the corner he still got me there we go got two good hits from Luigi there we got each other there we go and there we go that's what you want to do you want to throw and then when they're done being dizzy that's when you throw it a second time so you can get them with both of your pies ah throw wait throw again okay oh throw then wait throw again that's how you double get him cuz if you have the two pies and you can just hit him twice like that oh look Kirby has a beer yeah he's still won though good job evil Bowser innocent Kirby so we can afford the star they can't but they might be able to pick up some coins and get it uh yeah cuz there are two coins right there right oh and kamik is going to put down some rock spaces get it because kamik means Rock andish is that chain chomp going to escape oh I don't remember what the chain chump does yeah I don't remember what the chain CH a star I don't think so I think using the normal dice block is the best option right now should I use the Diddy Kong one uh what are the options for Diddy Kong no no no just use the normal dice block right now just so that I can basically guaranteed get close enough to the star cuz I'm five away six oh nice so now I just need an odd number give me a one please a so sad so sad well at least I can get this guy I can go like this get him get some coins wait is there someone down there to stomp on yeah so maybe just keep passing over him and see if you could end on an item space so you can stom in place and get the coins I can be one away from that or I can come up here H I don't really have anywhere good that I can finish so I can't land on any of these whatever one of these I try and land on I'm one away from everything I won't be able to get Bowser junor and get the lucky space oh I see you want Bowser junor yeah I want Bowser Jun I don't want him to take Bowser Jun I could go like this and then just be one away okay yeah that might be a good idea oh cuz look there's Rosalina on the right side so maybe if you get a giant roll then you can get to the Rosalina so I'll do this I would love to have Rosalina I know you would oh it's your son dad the two of us are going to be an Unstoppable team I wonder if now I can possibly get the bonus star for best ally joining you you know how everyone has an ally like that exactly okay so you're stomping on him twice and getting an item so that's good that we're taking some of their coins away oh so now they can't afford the star which is perfect oh and you can teleport up to me so that might be good right now yeah so I can come and get the next star yeah yeah yeah yeah but it might be a good idea to keep one person up on the top and one person down at the bottom cuz we don't know where the next star is going to be if it's going to be up high or down low five and six that's a big rooll wow so Luigi can land on this star wait can they afford it wait oh he's going up there oh he's getting Princess Peach to join him uh-oh I didn't realize Peach was up there and their item is also a warp box oh it almost seems like the same item is appearing twice in a row remember how we got two Ally phones and now there were two warp boxes in a row but we got one and they got one so now maybe it's going to be two hidden Block cards and on my first in my on my initial roll I rolled a six and then my first turn I rolled a six and they also rolled a one oh yeah that's kind of funny we're seeing a lot of repetition here yes what they say repetition is the mother of skill bumper brawl if you get knocked out you lose let's try and do this with zero casualties ready oh and oh no we lost one guy we lost Bowser junor so sad but he fell off right at then so it's okay y good job team Bowser yeah and you have a monkey with you too wait we're all animals there's no humans on our team they have two humans on their team Yoshi and Luigi Peach is an animal do secretly elephant Peach okay you know what I'm going to go with the Bowser dice block cuz if we get something big it might help you and I'd say just roll uh or wait you know what maybe you should use the warp box you can come up to me so at least one of us can get the star okay yeah and we'll probably be getting some items anyways cuz there are a lot of item spaces up here anyway do I get an item uh no yeah wait why are you using the Monti mold oh no cancel cancel I don't know if you can go back can you no I can't four okay well we got fine rules anyways and Ian even so you so you could land on the star wait wait wait maybe you could go and run and stomp Luigi first and then come down to the star or something actually yeah I could stomp him and then can you come back yeah let me go like that there we go okay great wait wait wait maybe you can get Oh I thought there was a coin back there there okay there perfect I got the coin excellent maybe I'll come through this way oh and there's a key up here I'll go get that key then see it yeah oh perfect and I'll land on the coin get the coin I am getting the coin I have the coin there two coins to the left can you get those instead yeah but then I land on a lucky space I rather land on an item space so wait can you go up this way like that uh no oh right yeah cuz then I don't land on the item space yeah items better than lucky oh and look there's uh Dry Bones right here oh yeah you want him so maybe get the coin oh there we go okay that works so we get dry bones another coin and we land on an item space and I'm up there assuming that I could pass by this swamp I think I can let's see I just have to pay him I guess he says pardon me but I need one or more coins if you want to pass and we can choose how many coins to make it oh that's strategic yeah let's make it four coins cuz we have a lot of money and I think we're going to be winning a lot of money so now by all means go ahead and pass now if anyone wants to pass they have to pay at least five coins I think cuz I think it goes up by one every time oh okay I thought what's going on did I to something Lord Bowser I waited for you I'm getting a bunch of Bowser's Minions to join me now I feel like that happens often yeah yeah I have a Goomba Bowser Junior and Dry Bones oh that's so nice that we got that key and what else do we get nice great now we're going to be boosted yeah now we can get a nice big dice roll if we ever need one and you are stumping on him getting some coins and now getting this yay our first star of the game and look we have 50 coins already let's see where the star is going come to my side that'd be nice oh oh up here wait am I there or is that behind me oh that's right beside beside you that's perfect yeah that's great good you went over there yeah it is and now maybe you could go down there to this key area cuz maybe there's a reason to go there does the star ever come to your exact location where you're standing I don't know if it can do that I don't know oh they keep getting same bonus matching bonus oh they get an extra five coins for that so wait maybe wait how far away are they oh they can't reach the star they can almost get to it though wait do they both want to go through if they both pay they're using up a lot of money yeah that's not good that makes sense yeah he says hand over five or more coins okay that it's going to be six oh my goodness why are you paying so many coins you guys aren't going to be able to afford and now he locked out his teammate his teammate can't make it through are they actually teammates or no you're not passing without cing up coins Yoshi looks so sad the other animal wasn't nice to Yoshi the thw Luigi oh tow the line what is this one ready yes this is such a cute game yeah I like how tied up let's see where we're going oh what we just practice yeah we just practiced this yeah perfect yay okay we did much better than that that's a good start next okay triangle like this perfect okay what's next oh uh let's go like this no no no you got to go over that one there we go finish all right that's nice that we got that one even with a little mistake like that let's clap our hands together so we get an extra two coins yay what if we don't clap our hands together then we don't get it yeah then you don't get the extra two coins oh it's all about teamwork yep like what toad says at the beginning items coins and love I hope for shared between teammates wow so I'm two away from the start that's quite good timing or quite good placement I think a normal dice block might be the way to go oh or yeah Goomba yeah so I might get some coins cuz even if I roll zero then my teammates might be able to give me enough to make it reach right yeah no point in using the golden thing yet maybe you should try and head Downs I did the wrong dice block that's fine it doesn't matter four oh and we get matching we get even more coins that's so funny I just need even numbers here no I got an odd number should I come to you or no uh see if you could land on the exclamation mark how far away is that oh no you can't land on that cuz then you'll have one left well I can stom on Yoshi a bunch of times and land on an item space like that wait see if you can come up here and get those red coins can you do that cuz the red coins are worth five each yes I can but then I don't land on anything so what if I go like this and then yeah land on an item space that's good like that okay or wait what if I go here what's this event space here uh I don't know what that does maybe try landing on that see what it does okay yeah and I think I'll land on this item space here and I'll stump on Luigi also just so they have one less coin okay I think that'll be a good way to go I have a feeling if we land on this enough times maybe I can get a star yeah I think maybe there's a chance of getting a star or an item okay so let's see what item we get oh nice wait does that let us steal coins yeah move one steal one coin from arrival each time they move so they don't want a big roll now yeah they don't want a big roll that turn hey let's see what this does special event capsule machine won't work unless you have capsule tickets okay so now we know oh I wonder if that's something that we could buy from the shop I hope they don't get matching bonus if they get matching bonus then they can actually afford the star let's see oh my goodness wait but he can't reach it yeah yeah cuz he's only going two the farthest he could go as four yeah and he moved three so you can probably get the star before him hopefully oh wait unless uh wait let's see what Luigi gets here maybe they'll get a bunch of coins here but Yoshi's about to pass by the th and Make It Rain coins around you oh so they might actually be able to get some more coins now they're being lucky here yeah hand over nine or more how much are you going to pay okay just nine all right Yoshi's a lone poor guy yeah oh and they get item okay a golden Dash mushroom you think it's going to be fruit forecast we haven't had that yet I'm surprised oh making faces what is this one you have to pull the face oh it's this one this is such a fun one oh cool and we're making a Bowser face so I should know what my own face looks like right you think so I think so yes okay so let's bring this eye to here how do you think that is good you think that's good yes stay like that I think ours oh there is his starting to look pretty good but I think ours is better oh no oh ours looks perfect perfect yeah should I go down and tiny bit no I think that looks good yeah I think that's good ours looks better than their previous there's oh we should have got a bit to the right I think okay and wa let's see uh tiny bit to the left yeah that looks perfect I think should I go up the tinest bit just a bit yes fin all right that looks pretty good there's like a Picasso painting it does wow 96 almost perfect yeah not bad winner did you forever get 100% with this game I don't remember ready oh let high five I was almost not ready to high five you always have to be ready to high five for two coins high five now well if you just keep high-fiving each other you make two coins get us world record of high fives bouncer's laugh sounds so evil and Kirby so innocent he's like hi I think I'll use the Goomba dice block in or you know what I think the Bowser dice block would be nice now cuz if I get a big roll I could collect all of these coins yeah but if I get a low roll it doesn't matter cuz I'm only three away from the start let's see what should I roll or use the peepa use the peepa item or wait should I use it peepa oh yeah that's the seal their coins yeah four I'll use the oh yeah that's true they only have four coins but you know what we don't want them to be able to afford the star right this is so funny oh do I not choose who to use it on I guess it just automatically got used on Luigi okay maybe if you used it it would have automatically been used on Yoshi yeah the normal dice block should be good for you hopefully you can get that red coin hey nice I got a 10 so you can definitely get the red coin give me odd no they gave me even well at least I could collect a bunch of these coins here where should I go uh go down can you make it to the item or sorry not the item the exclamation mark down there see if you could just make it straight down to the exclamation mark down down all the way down can you reach that oh yeah no no cuz you'll be one off oh yeah so just get the five coins then get the red and then just come down to wherever see if you could land on anything nice yeah you could land on that item space right here yeah that's perfect yeah I can go like this and then I'll land on an item space I'm just going in a bunch of circles basically collecting all of these coins so that they can't get any stomping on them to take a coin and then coming back down to the item space and getting poison mushroom h so it's nice that we are able to stop them from getting so many coins wa look at that the city in the background that looks so weird that does look weird it almost looks like it's from a retro game oh we might have to throw away at an item so don't hit a yet don't hit a okay I'm let's see what we should get rid of uh get rid of poison mushroom maybe yeah I think the same yeah cuz what's the point in slowing them down we could just steal their money oh look at the peepa around Luigi did you see it no oh there's a peepa above him in they're using Oh I thought he'd used the warp box okay why are you using that now you guys aren't going to be able to afford the star most likely not able to afford the starless they get matching bonus and Yoshi collects both coins okay okay they didn't which is good unless they stomp me a bunch no but even then yeah they only have three coins right now and Luigi's losing some of his coins forever space he moves can you get a triple bonus if their Ally gets the same number they roll or no uh no no no no it doesn't work that way let's see it is receive Five Points oh I didn't think of that happening and Yoshi might be getting some money here on they're not stomping on me are they oh oh just stomping not Landing though okay they have seven coins so maybe now they'll be able to afford this star let's see yeah receive wow they are lucky wait I think are both of them on the same spot I wonder if I land on them if I gr pound on both of them so I could take 10 coins that turn oh that would be great it would be remember remember when we played lit potato and we had like 10 people on our team and they got out in one rounds that was so funny they all exploded we're like oh wait a second yeah we went in a single round so we don't extremely outnumber them but hopefully we can still do well so I have to pass as quickly as possible because my partner to my left is a [Music] Goomba and and how are we we have three of us two of them okay okay not bad so now I can play more strategically I can hold it yeah here so you hold it get ready pass now Pass Out Pass Out Pass pass pass pass yeah good job D wow we had a good little monkey on our team he did just hold it explode yeah it looks like their team is missing Mario doesn't it Mario looks like he should be on their team it'd be so funny if you got Mario because then it would look like we kidnap their team Mario would match your red eyes h uh yes I think I will just use the regular mushroom cuz there might be a star for most items used and we're probably going to be getting another item very soon yeah oh wait you use the regular mushroom I just won't use an item this turn so you're not going to use the golden mushroom no not right now not right now there isn't a point cuz you're kind of close to down there so you just use a regular mushroom okay yeah just to use it up [Music] yeah regular uh yeah just use regular dice block you're 19 away from the Star so if I get a 10 and you get a six then maybe you could actually reach oh 96 wait so if he gives you a one or wait a two wait you can reach the star I think 20 with the mushroom wait you have 20 oh no so you can't you'll be off by one so will I not again yeah that's that means they might reach the star yeah so I'll just stump them a bunch like this I have 20 well I can't land on them I can just keep passing over them what should I do should I stay up here or uh see if you could land on the exclamation No you're off by one again there's no way wait see if you could land on that one down there can you reach that one down I go through down oh now see if you could reach it the exclamation mark see if you can reach the exclamation mark yeah you can you can yeah I think maybe that's a good idea cuz then you can get down there and then you can explore that area down there yeah and I can get like Monty mole or sorry that's Wario you look like a mole I'm Monty mole yeah okay so let's do this I think this will be a good idea let's just keep taking their coins oh smart at this h took almost all of their yeah took all of their coins and I'm still stomping on them wow oh I'm pretty dizzy from that and you get an item great a golden Dash mushroom very nice it's an upgrade from the regular mushroom we see every day yeah I think oh look we have 111 coins yeah so just pay 10 whatever the minimum is 10 yeah he says you're clear to pass yeah and now it's going to be very difficult for them to get anywhere to get onto the left side or to get on to the right side yes because they'll have to pay a lot of money to go across at least for the top swamp not for the bottom one for the bottom one no one's going across yet right you know what I mean yeah but maybe we can go down there to make them more strategic and yeah exactly then we like lock them in one corner on the board okay so both of them are really close if they get a matching bonus there's a chance that they could stom me stomp me a bunch and then make it I don't see that happening so Yoshi can land on the star Luigi can't but oh they have to get really lucky with a lucky space and they didn't even stomp on you wait did they also not try and land on the star yeah or on a item space what is Luigi doing yeah Luigi could have landed on an item space that's odd let's see what they get several Dash mushrooms not going to help them much if they can't go anywhere or SE oh Dash mushrooms I got golden mushrooms for some reason well help them a bit because they don't have allies ha yeah let's see what the mini game is fruit forecast finally first time today yeah okay and you're on the top wait do you want to switch controllers I'm okay yeah I kind of want to but I think we should stick with our joycons yes okay so our goal is to get double their score let's go yes give me these fruits that's great getting a lot over here yeah make sure to stop them so that they can't get a lot oh wo yeah Yoshi finally came over to this side oh I missed out on a few but that's okay oh finish oh 114 to 75 okay nowhere near double their score cuz we would need 150 but this is the most points we've gotten I think yeah that was really good I got so many fruits at the end of the game yeah whoever was above me I can't remember if it was Yoshi or Luigi I just remember that it was someone green but they were letting a lot of fruits pass pass down great green great green they only have two coins we have they have zero stars and two coins man when we can stomp on them a lot like that that really hurts them yeah now they can't afford the star for another turn probably yeah wait let's look down to where you are oh look if you step on the hidden switch by accident it'll let the chain chomp loose I don't know if the chain chomp will attack you and steal all of your coins or something if you're in that area maybe that would be bad wouldn't it yeah imagine if we lost 100 coins that would be incredibly sad yeah cuz we work so hard for these coins yeah so maybe I shouldn't rest in here maybe I should try and rest up here if I'm not by the star yeah okay so you can get Rosalina right there maybe you could also get Wario up here okay I definitely am getting Rosalina this turn uh-huh and then you could work your way up to here possibly if you land on this you can get an if you have the door key and then there are a bunch of coins that you could get this is basically 20 coins if we need I think we should only try going here if we get this star though for now you should just try and get these allies okay so I'll just do a regular roll because we want to get you some nice uh oh yeah and use the golden Dash mushroom that's the perfect time to use it yay now we need a big number yeah to collect my allies yeah so you can go and get some allies cuz right now you only have Diddy Kong right right one oh just one that's good but I got a five so that's good and you got plus two and plus five so that's great wait I can't land on the star still oh I can get war and land on item this perfect number that's fantastic hey I'll just stomp on these guys to take the their two remaining coins and go land on an item space up here I'll do this nice there we go and maybe now we can get another nice item okay just a regular mushroom that's fine maybe you can use it next time maybe yeah we'll see so you get Rosalina you're happy about that hello I'll work my hardest to bring about our Victory yay and out of this this world di that makes it easy to get coins well collecting coins isn't a problem for us and on the way back you can probably collect all those coins too no time to waste let me at the treasure 6666 yeah you can roll a lot of sixes oh now wait careful with what you throw away don't hit a cuz it's not going to give you a warning before uh yeah I think regular mushroom either that or warp box maybe you can take the warp box back to me and then we can guarant no we can't even guarantee that one of us reaches the star but you know what we're so far ahead that there isn't even a rush to get the star right now even though they're so close well we only have one star we're not that far ahead but we have a lot points can they even reach they can't even reach the star they have zero everything right yeah they both just land on empty spaces why though they could have got an item yeah yeah yeah they could have that's kind of funny stake your claim oh this is a difficult one I like this game yeah this is a crazy one this is so much fun yeah cuz the areas they aren't like very blocky uh maybe the top one's good this one or the right let's see yeah I think the right oh yeah not bad not not a bad start see I like this one AR the right oh what if Luigi wins uh-oh okay no maybe I'm good Luigi got it oh got it above me oh okay oh I like that one oh Luigi's looks good too again right okay I beat Luigi this time yeah and you just beat me oh look this 10 10 10 and there are 10 seconds I'll take this one oh and this is the final round I think okay let's see okay I beat Luigi yay oh and you beat me too I beat Luigi oh this is the final round okay uh I like this one oh the bottom one looks amazing too yeah yeah yeah I like Luigi's Luigi's was better I yeah noi won by one we both had 60 wao your face was for a second did you see it I didn't see I want pick Luigi's but slow by one second Kirby was upset for just a fraction of a second his line became a face then he snapped out of it oh they only get eight coins for that okay so I'm going to have to stomp on them a bunch to make sure that they can't afford the St let's use an item use your let's look at the board definitely use a golden mushroom or I could you know what I could because that way I can make sure to stomp over them a bunch and take a bunch of their coins and you can basically just come down here and try and get an item space or a lucky space and maybe you could collect some of these coins what do you think's in the lucky space uh well you can either get coins make coins rain around you make uh rival lose coins all kinds of Lucky things and I'll just use the normal dice block okay I'll use normal as well yeah just use the normal dice block maybe we can get matching bonus and get some more coins cuz we really need that oh wine again can you finally reach the star I can okay that's great and I could also stomp on them a bunch okay I can get a lucky space right here so I'll get that oh you can get a lucky space yes okay there I'm stomping on these guys a bunch so we're taking a bunch of their coins and then landing on the star I hope I landed on the star I think I did okay how many coins are they down to one they started with eight wow we are really destroying these guys imagine playing online with somebody and beating them like this that' be so sad yeah they'd be frustrated mhm got their CPUs they don't have feeling Che GPT would like to know your location you ever thank chat GPT when you give it a request I always thank chat GP chat GPT is always so polite it's something that chat GPT says when you ask it to do something is certainly certainly it's so polite which is so funny that's like Siri I always thank Siri and she's like not a problem oh that's so nice not a problem hope you have a lovely day happy programing things like that when you asking for help with coding yeah Okay cool so you got a mushroom for us that's very nice now where's the star going to hopefully it's by you oh look at the city yeah it looks so retro looks like it's from a retro game bottom left or what oh yeah bottom left so the opposite of where you are yeah okay so when you go by the swamp make it like 10 or so coins to get by so that they won't be able to make it across so even if they come down then uh maybe I should make it more like 15 yeah you could yeah me it doesn't matter yeah let's see cuz oh and they get matching bonus wow they're getting some coins now good for them yeah and they might be able to go down to the lower level now yeah uh most likely I'm assuming so let's see probably one of them Yoshi's not going to she's stomping on you to get some money back oh is he wait stomping on me finishing on me uh no I think he's just stomping in you twice just passing over me y okay let's see what Luigi gets from the lucky space yeah wa a golden Dash mushroom Lucky them now they can get a nice big roll W to bet they're stuck up here and it's that both of them are stuck up here it's almost like we trapped them in here let's see Yoshi Stomps me once one coin and oh just once yeah okay could have been worse could have been much worse lost in the shuffle train and pain is such a fun one oh do you know how to play this one oh yes I do yeah so we have to collect these and you can carry more than one at a time because look it's based on how many teammates you have oh wow I can carry a lot then huh yeah and then we come together and they just all group together like that perfect let's do it we have the advantage yes yeah we do have the advantage because we have so many allies yeah so call out how many uh you have okay okay let's see I going to have four okay I'm getting a fourth okay bottom come bottom amazing okay let's go get some more oh have two three have three come okay uh middle good job yay ha I got it before him two three I'm about to get a fourth you can come to the top okay have four as well a are we're doing pretty good okay I'm going to have four at the top okay me too oh watch out for the Za zappy good job it's so close to the Wario it doesn't zap them only if I run into it I think it does I have four come middle okay good job yay we have so many points yeah we have a lot more than them huh 1 2 three I don't have bottom bottom okay ID oh I don't have the fourth either so it's fine okay why did you say oops okay just come to Middle now with one you're going to the Bott of 22 to8 more than double their score half times their score roughly that's great to have a lot of allies in this game for sure uhhuh I think it's almost impossible to beat someone if they have more allies than you in this game well depending on how good they are if they play reasonably well or if they keep bumping into that spiky spiky with the electricity on it then yeah that's crazy that we got more than 2 and a half times what their score was okay so what do I want to do you know what I mushroom I could use the warp box and come over to you okay but there isn't really a point in that maybe just stomp on them take their nine coins only yeah I think I'll just stomp on them you know what I think using the Bowser dice block right now is good and an item use the regular mushroom I think you should use the regular mushroom so that oh you became the line did you see it use your regular mushroom okay yeah because we want you to go over to the left side and get this starn the th some money sounds good yeah and do the dirty deed of pain yes I got a nine that's amazing good one yeah and you get 17 you can almost reach the star okay let's go down this way I'm just going to keep stomping on Yoshi should I get an item or end my turn on top of Yoshi I think I should get an item because I'm not worried about their coins right now and an item might help us out more so I'll just go like this I could have stomped actually on Yoshi ending my turn on him but look at how many coins they have left yeah one coin there wasn't really a point in that uh all we get is a poison mushroom though that's okay yeah I feel like our strategy is so good at this game we're unbeatable I think we have to play against Master difficulty next time yeah you know what I think getting that oh and pay about 10 coins okay oh five is the most you can pay okay yeah that's funny that you can only go so high right maybe on the last term it's like No Limit well I'm assuming that you can only add a few coins more than what the current limit is but it's funny cuz there are some other Mario Party games where that isn't the case why are you using a mushroom you guys have one coin where are you trying to get rushing to get down towards the star maybe they just think that there's a bonus star for most items used so they go hey we might be getting another item so we should use it right yeah that's a pretty big role but where can you go a 14 what are you going to do with that are you going to come up and stop me nope no he's trying to stomp Yoshi he's trying to stomp his partner oh no he landed on an it space okay the golden pipe would be nice oh that'd be so lucky for them actually yeah but they have one coin yeah they have one coin you missed the item spot by one you did can't take pancake math some Oh I thought it'd be that that's why I said can't take pancake I thought you just saying it for fun yeah the last time we played this game we had this mini game hey do you remember how it works yes we are on the left side we need three ingredients so I'll get a tomato yeah let's both get a tomato did I get it no you didn't oh I have to click a I have to click a here and I got the bacon move okay what's next we need lettuce I got lettuce if we need it no we don't okay I got tomato you take bacon get bacon there we go okay do we need lettuce yeah I got lettuce you get tomato move toad okay and I'll get bacon okay let's see exuse me toad excuse me okay I got the lettuce you get the Tomato okay I got the bacon now do pretty good we need lettuce no we don't okay I got the Other Tomato whoever's first get the bacon get the bacon I'll come over here in case we need lettuce and okay I got a lettuce he I'll get the other lettuce I'm closer you come by the lettuce too just in case we need lettuce later don't pick it up yet though hey that's nice Luigi moved out of the way do we need lettuce yeah we do two lettuce yeah we won't make it six complete not bad I think that's better than last time last time I think we got five and we got double their score this time we only got three we did yeah that's very nice the green team has a green Hut as well ha I played Mario Party with some friends in real life we played Mario Party Superstars not this one and we were all using joycons because there were four of us and you know how when the boo steals from you you have to mash a to fill up that bar yeah uh hold on what should we use I was think it'd be really cool to do some more meta Quest games vam hold on hold on that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about the turn right now uh hold on let's use the poison mushroom on Yoshi well doesn't really matter yeah let's use it on Luigi there we go yeah but um what was I just say yeah and you know how there's that bar that you have to fill in when you're stealing coins from somebody yeah or when someone stealing coins from you in Mario Party Superstars he was able to fill up that bar by mashing the a button uh don't use an item just roll normally oh yeah cuz you're right by the star so hopefully you can reach that you have a bunch of allies ni attemp so you need an even and yay oh no that's odd yeah yay oh no hey they have three coins so I can stump on Luigi a bunch but then what I land on an item space okay where do you want to go collect this coin and come around here oh yeah that's perfect okay yeah sure get an item uh I'm going to get an item too so we're probably going to have to throw one away so hopefully we can get we can just choose whichever items better hopefully they're not both the same they're not both like War zero coins we keep jumping on them yeah make showing them no mercy yeah what I was saying was my friend could oh that's amazing that we got that my friend could fill up that bar where you mash the a button even mashing a joycon wow yeah that's crazy I find it so much easier to mash a controller cuz you can double thumb mat but he mashes with just one finger and he can fill up that bar wow yeah oh coin okay wait uh throw away the war box be careful to not throw away the key warp box yeah not the hidden block card okay we could get a star oh yeah yeah and you know what maybe a smarter move would have been to throw away the coino because these guys have basically no coins true but we can guarantee oh yeah true like yeah warp Box's pretty convenient yeah cuz maybe we teleport to each other and both try and get the star but we're pretty far ahead so I'm not too concerned about that oh lookus 2 and plus 5 for Lui there cuz both of those are active don't eat so many mushrooms Luigi wait and they have zero coins so there's nowhere that they can really go everything in moderation but look at how trap oh you're telling Lui I get it he's smart he landed on a item space this round oh double star card maybe we could get something that can steal that yeah yeah maybe we'll get an item so that we can steal that that'd be so nice if we could steal that it's not nice to steal it's so funny that they have no coins though for almost the whole game cuz I'm so close to them they're basically trapped so I just keep stomping them oh I guessed that in my head I was waiting for you to finish talking I was going to guess flight school okay so you move your joycon you tilt your joycon to move okay ready ready yes cuz whoever survives to the end W the winnerow uh-oh Oh no I got hit I didn't oh boy oh it's just me and you now okay let's see who's better let's see who do you think is better move I wonder if we'll reach the end let's try reach the end oh I didn't get hit at all fin yes I didn't get hit at all I wonder if that was the end right there mine's broken because it I I think I died right before the end yeah only eight coins is that because I didn't make it to the end no no you normally get eight for winning like that uh and we didn't high five that's why we didn't get the plus two yeah cuz it isn't a two vers two mini game right okay so let's see yeah use an item let's see what you have okay I'll use the hidden block card and let's see if we could get a star that'd be nice a just coins well we don't have enough coins so it's nice to get some more 169 nice so many and you know what let's just use Goomba block because oh K's face what blocks do you have I don't know yeah you could use coino I guess cuz or we could save it in case they get some more coins I was going to say check what blocks you have oh cool we got matching yay but do you know what I mean by check what blocks you have yeah which dice blocks oh there you can reach oh wow wonderful okay it'll go like this and I can stomp them both and I can get another item there we go there zero coins stomping them all a lot and oh another coin another maybe just get rid the other coin NATO yeah maybe yeah we might as well use it even if I wonder if you can use it if they have zero coins yeah wait but even if you lose a mini game you still get two coins right yeah okay I wonder where the star is going next let's see we're racking it up yeah we have 166 coins they have zero zero coins zero Stars yeah that's so sad yeah we need to play against the harder difficulty yeah I think we just got really lucky at the start and because of that uh since we are good since we do have the skill to keep winning the mini games and we do have good strategy we can keep doing well have you ever heard the expression a fool and his money will soon be parted yeah yeah it's funny someone was saying if you give everyone in society the same amount of money then they think that a lot of people who were more well off would end up being well off again like obviously there are Exceptions there could have been some people who just inherited their money and don't have any business or money maintenance skills and then maybe they wouldn't end up with more money than what they started with but a lot of people with spending habits that make them use up a lot of their money would make them end up the same way they would end up parting with their money who originally said that quote I wonder who that's from but look at these guys coming down here so this is what is happening that's exactly what is happening to these CPUs right now that we started evenly but we've been very lucky and we've been able to take them out right there's a possibility they could beat us there it's still a possibility but it's unlikely yeah cuz there are some coins for them to collect there they might get matching bonus they might win this mini game yeah and what if at the end they get both of the bonus Stars yeah oh tall order again okay right you ready yes he I'll go you go I'll go you go I'll go you go oh this is great I'll go you go I'll go you go you're doing great yeah just a few seconds left that's the rest of mine yeah and oh boy that might be one of the highest ones we've ever made we did great there 20 me I don't know about that no a just under 17 I think we might have gotten over 17 before that just seemed really good it did yeah I have a tiny bit of ice still left in mine I wonder if you could go all the way into space well there's only so high that you could go cuz there's only so much ice that you have right wonder what the highest score for that game is probably 16.98% it's funny cuz I still had a bit of ice left but it is actually possible that the best possible time that you could get ends up with a bit of ice being left cuz that ends up being like the best uh combination of effort yeah yeah but I think that that is actually unlikely oh and it's the final three turns oh look it's a chain chomp oh he looks happy uh-huh he does teth he says I smell Victory coming from Team Luigi wait what if he gives them a bunch of coins oh golden drink so every space that they move you get one coin wow oh and they have a double star card so they could possibly buy two stars in one turn oh what if they beat us at the very end yeah that'd be crazy oh and you can buy two stars oh I might use the coino on them soon you know what using the coin on them right now might be a good idea even though they only have two coins right now that might stop them from being able to afford this star maybe I'll wait one turn okay I'll use it [Music] now oh you can get him you're up there right I think I am oh perfect yeah hold on let's have a look at the board let's see cuz I think these guys are down here yeah they're both here 1 2 3 4 5 six away from the Star they have two coins that they could collect right here and they have two coins so I think it's definitely worth using a coin right now okay yeah just to steal their two coins wow poor Luigi man Bowers are taking my coins too bad there is no Mario we kidnapped him well not yet I'll just use oh look at Cur okay let's uh hold on how far away are you from the Star one oh actually not one I was one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 away um if you roll a 10 it's possible and wait you have three of those guys helping you out three or four how many allies three allies three allies roselina Wario and Diddy Kong I think this is a pretty good one cuz if we lose some coins if we roll just a one it's not the end of the world a too bad you don't have a mushroom though it'd be nice if you had a mushroom yeah it's too bad I'll just use this let's see what dice blocks you have cuz I think we should try and make you roll big let's see uh DD Kong might be good Rosalina no Wario might be the best cuz there's a good chance of rolling yeah let's do Wario then yeah let's do that Wario and [Music] DK okay at least I got a 10 that's okay that's great you got a 10 and you can get kind of close Okay so I'm going to get a character yeah you're four away oh wait there's Daisy here too yeah should I get Daisy or should I try and get this guy here uh maybe leave Daisy there because look these guys aren't going to be able to get here right right let me go like this so I can land on item space Oh and look there's someone to collect there on the left pom pom I can't reach oh pom pom all right yeah no just get just go through and get that guy okay yeah and you have to go wish I could stop here yeah hopefully that's not an extra bad luck panel I know is there any way to land here or no no so let's yeah I'm just going to get us an item oh and I'm getting Donkey Kong monkey man's joining me nobody stronger than me uh excuse me do you see how big I am let's wrestle so there's a 50% chance of getting a zero with Donkey Kong which is kind of funny oh this would have been useful the previous turn cuz if you had used this item right now you would have been reaching the star right now to bad we didn't get that sooner and you have to pay I think six or so coins to go across now okay and over six or more coins I'm going to do more yeah more how high can you go 10 probably yeah just make it 10 they clear to pass just to make it really hard for the others to pass I want to get Daisy so Rosina doesn't feel so left out all these you most likely get a five but even if you don't you might get three coins some of these dice blocks are so interesting the custom dice blocks yeah which one's your favorite M I really like the Bowser one okay I hope they don't get a big roll yeah cuz they might be reaching let's see what he rolls hopefully he gets a tiny is funny I never SE him yeah six away what do they get get something tiny using a normal dice block if they get an eight then they can afford it let's see oh yes thank goodness thanks for using Peach's block yeah and wait we stole two coins from them right so wait so how many coins would they have oh and they're not even going to collect those coins and he's the only one who gets the coins yeah yeah yeah and he couldn't reach the star anyways that wasn't very smart of them well no it was smart because if they got a big number then they would have been able to reach and buy the star that was basically their only chance wait I think they're a bit outnumbered here yeah right now it looks a bit Fair two verse two then you go hey I'm going to call my friends they have one friend we have this many oh no I fell oh did you yeah finish I was just knocking over a bunch of us over here but yeah we have a lot more people on our team than them they've had just these three for basically the whole game yeah we always have such a big crew yeah it's so important to get allies in partner party my first time that I played partner party I played it alone there's a CPU on my team and we barely got any allies and the rivals got so many allies we were really unlucky yeah I remember that's what happened to me and now to make up for we're always winning H yeah now we're getting lots of allies that's so funny how we both got an ally phone on the first turn oh and there only two turns left in the game oh yeah so I guess I should try and get the star and then get Daisy but I don't know if I already have Max number of allies I already have four allies well no Daisy doesn't matter at all just try and get the star okay yeah all use the coin here because they're at six coins I don't think that they'll be able to get enough coins but we might as well just take their coins just to make sure yeah and hold on how far away are you I am four spaces away 1 2 3 four yeah you're only four away okay so it doesn't matter what we roll so I'll just use this one to possibly get us some more coins okay do Rosalina okay yeah cuz there's a chance of getting some money yeah yeah we have so many allies okay you just need even all two come on guys oh yes that's even okay so you can reach that's very good so I'm going to go over here jump on them get these coins and land here okay perfect oh they don't have any money though but yeah you might as well stomp on them show them yeah just to show them there might be a bonus start for who gets stomped on the most or for who Stomps the most yes another hidden block card that's great maybe last round we'll get a star yeah maybe and depending on if the star is on the top or the bottom oh and you can buy two stars right now which is great yay I will do so yeah so one of us next turn is going to use the hidden block card and the other person's going to use the golden mushroom it depends on where the star goes if the star is on the bottom then you'll use the golden mushroom of course and if the star's on the top then I'll use the golden mushroom makes sense right because then you get more spaces that you could travel so it makes it easier to reach the star hopefully it's near me I like collecting the star Kirby looks so happy getting the star Kirby looks like he's dancing right now yeah okay let's see top or bottom what do you think bottom oh it's right by me wait no it's way up there oh boy I don't think we'll reach it this time yeah I don't think so you can try mhm I'll have to use the Bowser block to possibly get it yeah but there's no way they're getting it unless they get like a golden pipe this turn or something yeah well they've been really unlucky and they have no money right now they might stomp you a bit maybe get some money let's see nope they don't want to stom me they just want to go towards the star guys you have no money you're not going to reach the St they're not going to be able to pay the thawab to make it to the left side maybe they didn't realize oh bottom RAC is toy lift haha why Toady cuz there are toads that lift them right wait no those aren't toads the CICS so it's like C magic Koopas yeah magic kamik uh Rumble fishing oh I think it's going to be making faces me too which face do you think we're going to make this turn Mario I think we're going to make Yoshi I don't think there is a Yoshi oh it's Bowser wow it's so funny that it showed Mario in the uh preview wait this time let's try and get a 100 go tiny bit left yeah maybe that's perfect it sounded like Kirby oh no yeah that's a bit much like that there looks good yeah I think so let's see a little bit crosy but that's fine a little left what's with the long [Music] face little right tiny bit uh finish oh that's I think we still beat them like Picasso again 89 last time it was 97 97 was much better I agree this time I maybe we're getting lazy because we know we're going to win well I wasn't I was still trying to win we wanted to get 100% but we only got 89 still like a B+ depends on where you go to school I guess right could be a minus a yeah could be a d 90 to pass could be a fail h okay final turn how far away am I remember to use your it4 is it possible even yeah if I get a 10 I get plus five I have these guys could give me up to eight more so there's if I get an 8 n or 10 there's actually a kind of decent chance okay let's see best of luck Bowser I'm going to use okay you use the item and then let's see what dice block you could use maybe Wario dice block might be the best okay it'd be so funny if I get like 25 or 27 cuz then it'd be big enough oh yeah too bad you get coins it'd be big enough for us to reach but it'd be an odd number so we can't reach so look through the dice blocks six or normal wait let me see the one with all fives no I think the Wario is the best okay let's do Wario yeah cuz there's a two and three chance of getting a six and that chance of a big number could help oh yeah so did I okay so wait no oh I said it'd be so funny if I get 27 and I did but you know what I get Daisy well you have to leave someone behind really yeah I could go over here I could have pom pom join me is this the last round this is the final turn okay so I'm going to get Daisy Le wa why does it look like I can't reach it says 24 away from the Star oh oh because I went like this they'll end up being one away look I can go like this oh just get pom pom then no but I I already have four people so what should I do should I get an item for Lucky space yeah might as well land on on a lucky space cuz you already have four teammates well I'm going to stomp on these people then here oh yeah just take the remaining coins that's a good idea can you how many oh you can stomp on him a bunch I was thinking I have to come stomp on this Luigi but I guess not I'm going to go like that I stomped on Yoshi a bunch of times and land on the lucky space here oh I was thinking of landing on this lucky space but I'm actually going to run here so that Luigi can't Stomp I'll just pay some coins just so that I don't get stumped so they don't get any so you're not going to get the character no I'm not okay I will see if I could land on a lucky space yeah I could land on this one here I could go like this but you can go to the character and be like oh never mind then then do they disappear uh no I actually I don't know why don't you try and cross over them I want to see what happens when we talk to her all right so we'll go like this then and then I'll land on a lucky space and I'll ignore Daisy and I'm going to just go stop on Yoshi yeah I'm going to pay however many coins to come over here max amount pardon me but I need 11 coins no I'll just pay 11 cuz it's the final turn just so that we could have some more money okay yeah and then hello pom pom let's see what your dice block is like probably an interesting one cuz you're an unlockable one zero all threes or eight not bad oh then you choose who to leave behind oh probably Donkey Kong no Donkey Kong oh yeah and then Donkey Kong just stays there so someone else can pick him up up a yeah anything nice here receive several golden Dash mushrooms would be amazing oh make the Rival Five Points they have zero everything yeah also you should have ran away so that they can't stump on you oh right where are you landing on right beside him wait oh kind of nearby yeah uh-huh let's see get several golden Dash mushrooms wait get rain coins around you would actually be bad cuz then they could go and collect some coins hopefully he doesn't stomp on me and he gets a very low number but that's so funny that they have zero coins zero stars is the final turn it's like we rigged the game but we didn't yeah and they get not even matching bonus 1 2 3 4 away okay so he can stomp on you but not on oh no he stomped on me once well so they're going to have one coin wow that's awful we wanted them to have zero yeah they won with a single coin that is so sad oh wait uh for losing the final mini game assuming they lose they're probably going to get two coins so they have three coins yeah probably one coin each for or does Yoshi have an ally or no no so their whole team each has one coin well and also they might be getting a bonus star two or three oh I think they're a bit outnumbered here yeah so you just Mash a here okay ready I was going to put turbo on there there is no turbo look how we go out so far that you can't even see the end we need your friend who can steal money from boo really quickly yeah well who can Mash a really quickly so that his money isn't stolen wait I wonder if we could have won that if we didn't even match if we just let the CPUs try to match for us probably yeah I think they're a bit outnumbered here that's a bit unfair for us yeah ready congratulations our team looks so happy yeah yeah it's like we didn't expect that we'd win yeah last turn is over which means it's time to announce final results they only have one teammate Peach Princess Apple princess Apple instead of Princess Peach okay let's see the bonuses what's the first bonus mini game bonus I wonder who wins that I have a feeling it's you yeah me or both of us oh cool so we get two stars then that's great both won the same number of mini games that's so funny the second bonus is sightseer bonus wait is this who traveled the most or who got the most exclamation marks who Trav that's probably one of us I don't think it's prob you cuz you got a lot of tens well it also depends on how many allies you have cuz if I roll a 10 you also get to move 10 okay go on announce it I wonder who a team with zero stars and three coins wait do they have three coins in one they must have three coins cuz I'm guessing you get two coins for losing the mini game let's see yeah they have three coins eight Stars 184 coins okay I don't think hard CPUs are very hard I don't think so either it seem easier than ever yeah I really recommend you watch my video where we play Nintendo switch Sports sword battles with my sister you will love that video If you enjoyed this one there's so much laughing and it is such a crazy video thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing Daye of you and take care everybody w
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 655,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, all characters, mario vs luigi, luigi, vs luigi, mario vs, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, evil mario, master cpu, lucky, unlucky, good luck, bad luck, mario party 10, luigi does nothing, bro vs sis, brother vs sister, battle
Id: BmBi1VD0Hic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 25sec (3865 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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