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bringing information keep it steady well done sir watch the cross breeze [Music] important for fun one thing tonight copy that how gently together now 30 seconds Tama tell me that hop moving to targeting mode copy that the coordinates are locked [Music] okay ready to commence fire three what what's going on what the hell's going on is you just do that knowing I'm locked out what the hell's going on you can't get it back where are the drums a serious problem [Music] it has begun [Music] Haeju relocated the drones where are they five four three two o'clock so there's a missile head right towards us [Music] [Music] [Music] wait here Jane Smith you're a hard man to track down well I'm here aren't I yes you are interesting location for a briefing call it a pre briefing you just want to make sure this story is illustrate before we take it in so you want to tell us what happened I don't know it was just a routine test a routine test of what my complete and utter incompetence the coordinates would double-check the captain in charge and at the correct codes I reviewed them myself what happened shouldn't have happened you don't think so what glitch cyberattack I don't know so you miss it do I miss what being out on the field play I don't understand yeah I don't either your file says that you went here play football but when we followed up on that had no record of you know I thought how does what it bring them in you would have just got changed [Music] what have they confirmed if it's one of ours yeah I just don't see how they can rule out terrorism so early online I think you should put down casual shirt or I don't a shrink what about the update of the death toll no I think if you say you don't Ricketts who's the wrong message you stuff 35 yeah what that's a travesty how many injured oh you better not try and whitewash this yeah all right I'll give you a call back when I get to my desk hey you like going to the beach right yo if this conversation is over look every year thousands of singles find their match online actually the chance of finding the one online is 265 thousand to one oh good with numbers can I put that down and dirty five kids totally if you care at all about what's going on out there there's a cyber attack on our military and the government is trying to cover it up max is your department my department is just cover-ups and breakups and makeups and make over all oh I am not doing online dating I don't like being online and this is for work I hate technology you know this okay into discussion oh my god is that a present do you have a secret admirer have you been holding out on me no this is uh this is my childhood address ever lived there in over 20 years seriously well maybe somebody found something in the attic or something after 20 years well I've heard crazier Hank did you see when this package came in no idea do you want me to bring it back through security Thanks he's freaking me out okay oh I see jewelry and home movies are you okay you have anything that will play VHS I haven't used one of these things about 15 years I saw this in a movie once it could all die in seven days you know Molly hi I know I have never been very good with tact or emotion things you are no doubt feeling very strongly right now so I will keep this brief because the world as you know it millions of people our very way of life is being threatened and if you're watching this tape it's because I wasn't successful in stopping it I know honey I know it sounds crazy but things are starting to happen that will be out of everyone's control go find a man by the name of Thomas Kelso he his his real name is adamant if you call him that he he'll know to trust you Molly I need you honey the world needs you and the clock is ticking um okay this is obviously a hoax and a really bad one at that I mean didn't your dad pass away like 20 years ago yeah well my parents gave this to me when I was eight it's my birthstone I thought I lost it so it's a hoax that's a damn good one can you uh can you make a copy of this VHS oh sure thing mom it'll take some time but I can digitize it and upload it to the server that's fine I need to send it to the FBI as soon as possible sure do you want to help me find this Adam you mean Thomas Kelso yeah whatever sorry my head's kind of spinning right now I've got a 15 Thomas counselors in the Los Angeles area hey Kelso why don't you use a dolly like everyone else huh this is easier if you're a pack mule maybe I just need you John Hancock here are you watching are you kidding me he started bombing ourselves telling me you hadn't heard about this no yes Billy yeah yeah Kelso it's for you grab that bone back there on the wall [Music] hello hi am I speaking to Thomas Kelso yeah speaking I'm not the right guy who's this I'm actually looking for a guy by the name of Adam I don't know what you're talking about I'm sorry I didn't who is this it's hard to explain on the phone Molly Molly reading I'm sorry you have the wrong number okay that was weird who's lost of them I'm weird is LA baby hey Billy any other calls coming from you today no how'd your long-lost aunt leave you small fortune hey you gonna sign this or what Kelso [Music] [Applause] Oh what is that [Music] [Music] compiling the data from the cloud servers last day without any irregularity maybe the program doesn't program fast we've been beta testing over here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look gee thank you ma'am please tell me that a few hackers with some laptops haven't broken of the most secure computer systems in the world and started a way to war against them it would seem that way sir there is a possibility that it could be a lot worse online every command is authentic every commands coming from the proper channels no one could overwrite these orders not even me you want to tell me how that's even possible I took you an answer server you're not gonna like it they made what happened to you look like a damn well there's foreign or domestic Peschel on has been compromised my advice to you sir is to take it offline before it of course too late it might even be too late sir just got word that we have agents apprehending one of the fugitives now than those agents imparted to me [Music] down 25 bodies earth that's everyone - the girl what a mess [Music] there she is that's her that's our target gates turn we have a visual on our suspect entering the building she is likely armed and dangerous so proceed with Lissa I'm on my way to you now [Music] I'm not here to hurt you okay let's not go without the only other person who knew that was your father I don't have time to explain it right now there are men who are on their way here they're looking for you they will kill you or what they think you know do you understand not us dad [Music] let's go [Music] we need to go Oh the weather system going in here go get me more backup all units we gotta move on your recommendation protocol 924 five has been enacted the president's been moved to secure location and all communications will be coming through an encrypted line he listens to me well go to the dark ages gentlemen what about Washington will it take Ashland offline no too many of our troops and our foreign interest will be compromised they want more proof well there's a US government faster act slow to react have you triangulated who fired that satellite yet no we have men on it right now sir good luck without him any Intel on the fugitives that's Kane Smith he was shot and killed last night by one of our agents after an altercation do you have a body no sir then he was shocked not killed sir that woman there is Molly weeding thought of Charles weeding man who created exon ironic no she's our prime suspect sir you think Thomas Kelso who is he that's not his name the man's had over 20 aliases in the last 20 years he can't confirm anything about you need to see this it appears Keynes still alive we have surveillance footage from the break-in of southern laboratories like I said shot not killed who your agents running point agent gates and Travers you should bring them in for a briefing if they're still alive what happened my building tell me what's going on calm down I need to know how you knew how to contact me ah I got a package okay I gotta tape DHS my father he said to contact you I don't know how but he said that you know what's going on he said the was in danger until about two minutes ago where's the tape Kevin it's back in my office you go back to your office wait no no wait wait I have a digit I call I need his computer to access about that support now come on get in used your code and upload of the chameleon virus to try to override the satellite some motherboards and not happening we're still locked out it's like it knew what we were thinking Intel coming in satellites are waiting to fire again what are you up to [Music] [Music] [Music] incoming EAM ordering a strategic missile launch sir are you sure the message is authentic take us up to a hundred feet ten degrees up rigging for ultra-quiet oh yeah ten degrees up rigging for ultra-quiet Thank You command on the line I want to know what's going on here USS Ohio to command USS Ohio to command get out where are we going follow me come on let's go okay but you guys tell me where we're going [Music] shut the door what is that a little secret away you have a lot of secrets I take it yeah they keep me alive we knew that what we were working on was dangerous that would be like 13 a child prodigy or something something like that my father was a computer scientist how could it have been dangerous maybe atomic bomb look like a firecracker okay okay great great what does any of this have to do with me they think you're behind it what Molly this is your father no what father's death was an accident no was it a nice your father was gonna shut down the project his partner at the time Brian with Teague sold them all out what about you I was a ghost in the machine no knew of my involvement your father gets it that way on purpose there were six members on the project's team within a year forward day when they got to your father I knew it'd be next I went into hiding that's what I've been doing ever since when is this dangerous project special on the computer program epsilon is much more than a computer program that's why your father wanted to shut it down he knew that one day it would become sentient alive that day is today more it learns the moral wage war against its biggest threat no okay no no no I go I go to the police I ain't you myself in I kill you they're not gonna believe you we have to figure out what your father was trying to tell us okay now Hey okay how a relay set up as soon as you go on our location will become fast so I need you okay I get it pretty quick okay [Music] captain Kahn says we're below acceptable cabin Oh - sir that's impossible do a systems check on all stations all stations report immediately on all systems repeat all stations report immediately on all systems and send someone no bets go below check systems I was going on with my stop sir her reserved and balanced air just blue alert one alert one do a systems check the system is not responding [Music] go find a man by the name of Thomas kill so he his real name is Adam and if you call him that he you'll know to try to you I'm not getting anything from this well what are we doing what are we looking for clues two minutes if I get I trust me there is something here we're just not seeing it nothing is there by chance that's how your father works well what makes you so sure because I knew your father that makes one of us it's not what he's saying it's what he's not saying wait there behind him on the wall what language is that German all things are poison nothing is without poison only the dose permits something's not be poisonous okay what is it is it a riddle no it's not it's Paracelsus a 15th century scientist one of your father's heroes how does it help us there at the diploma yeah Oakdale University the library that's what he's telling us oh okay you got all that food videos gotta go come on gonna move okay I'm going [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's that noise quick loads hate bugs the robots right even better oh my god go what are we doing take this what let's bring the door why did you spray it the story anthem I need a second are we gonna tell you Frank [Music] good question okay not working MA welcome again come on cover your eyes oh my god come on [Music] go upstairs [Music] we should be getting out of here - it can't go back down [Music] adam keyne we don't have to be enemies Adam Eshel ons in charge now as it should be you could choose to be on the side of what's right killing innocent people you have no idea what's right that depends on your definition of innocence [Music] are you okay take the bag volley run [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh you can't win this everywhere we control everything you don't control me [Music] [Applause] already over Muniz are going to die you'll destroy everything here things that need to be destroyed this is usually day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] get us out of here yeah what comes out just listen let it out talk god he'll kill you okay no no I'm done asking stupid questions [Music] why were we called in we were close close to being killed what are you talking about who are you oh my name's McTeague and the game's changed gentlemen we don't have to worry about Kane Smith I took care of that that's highly unlikely I thought the program had been terminated it wasn't hybrid humans gentlemen made me flesh and bone apart machine unfortunately we believe echelon has taken them over you mean whoever had did nashua no I mean as Shawn far from crippling the US military we believe is using them as his hands of feed and they can't be killed weapons were created to terminate them but they were stolen from the land well they're our alternative means gentlemen alternative me because the crap is at the most serious crap this country's had to face agent you people are you open up Pandora's box and we have to go clean up your mess agent gates forward progress is always met with your steps back but make no mistake you cannot stop progress well that's cute the world's falling apart out there and you're in here quoting motivational posters we could never be certain that waiting actually created an atom first prototype my guess Thomas Kells oh is that if that's adamant and we know that's king where's the other one whereas April well all their whereabouts is at this moment uncertain finding them that's your mess sir the rogue satellites are preparing to launch make sure you bring Adam back alive we may need him let's go to the President on the line now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my computer is doing this all by itself not a computer a program no case no limits no boundaries it's everywhere we can't do this alone no I did you can't we just go to the government it's our government they won't trust you and sooner they'll find out who I am it's a risk we can't take but they can shut it down no they can't it's already gotten out there's no way of shutting it down that I could think of no what are we doing I said that I can think of right now we're praying that your father already thought of something 16 years ago he brought it into this world I'm hoping he has a plan to take it out [Music] the white house this is bad man this is some weather control stuff nah I'm telling you this is high-tech black budget military stuff being used against us lasers nanobots for every three satellites we send into space we only know what one does ultra-low frequency Ray's it's all there it's all real your stuff going on man weird stuff [Music] after Hiroshima he knew that nuclear weapons will paralyze the world into a stalemate but the next big weapon will be information computers he wanted to make sure that we were prepared to be the ushers of this new technology how even sure this is here it doesn't make sense doesn't know it leaves too much to chance your father would never do that let something for us here in this library I hate that even my father more than I did are you kidding he always spoke of you knew his daughter the light of his life I'm glad he told you would have been nice if he said something to me your dad was a very interesting man we'd all be squirreled away in these little cubicles and he would bring out this old wooden step stool that he donated to the school that's it store okay he's gotta be here in the library he said Thomas Edison used to use it to change lightbulbs in his laboratory no one believed him but that was your father [Music] look for compartment it's gotta be here somewhere I think I found something we're millionaire birthday dad guests from beyond the grave keep on giving excuse me excuse me please don't touch that it's an antique did you break that no are you students or faculty no I didn't think so I'm gonna have to ask you to leave before I call campus security and I don't know if you heard but it's very serious what's going on outside and I can't see what's on ok ok no no wait look we know what's going on we just need to find out what's on this disk do you have anything that could read something so I don't um please oh the outdated tech was moved to the library for a donation or crash I thought this was a library no not here the old library show us okay sorry he's not gonna shoot me right oh goodness yeah [Music] this disc holds about a hundred K of information alright that's barely enough for a grocery list what could possibly be on it that's so important right now you look familiar do you go here no where's this stuff going not sure we recently got orders to donate it to a lot of places but most of its just going to readings old place charlie yes this is actually his archival room so a bunch of stuff is going to museums but most of his personal belongings get it is going to his old cabin doing us best I can yeah looks real important to me guys it can't be well maybe you haven't given peace a chance okay I'm kidding okay there has to be more on it nope not on that disc what's so important anyway people are following us okay okay can I help you excuse me have you seen these two people yeah they were here a few minutes ago which way did they go I I think they went out those doors are there thank you okay just a phone please don't kill me somebody following you it's king only we need to go yeah please leave now oh yeah the box where this is going the cabin where it's just a few miles north of here okay address is on this delivery slip you think you're thinking oh shit hey OH stay here okay Adam [Music] I don't know starting to get used to [Music] [Music] that was awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not gonna tell you I was right but I mean oh god this is awesome god bless america [Music] holy [Music] and join us and you will survive choose them that you will die he chooses us [Music] so you can jump off building so you could see through walls you could fly first I was thrown off that building second I can't see through anything and I'm not a superhero I only wish I could fly right right he just and you seem so human that was the objective I just don't see how any of this is possible this cabin you know where it's at yes of course you do that guy are you sure there's a clue in all this there is we just have to figure it out are we gonna do with that bag it and tag it and get it back to command ASAP where'd the others go I don't know you sure they didn't say anything about where they were headed no no they they just took off what were they looking for just a place to hide a floppy disk and they had some information on it that's all that's all they wanted these things that were going come total yet and there were lasers flying thing I've never seen things sink he was the coolest thing I've ever seen I actually got it on my phone you guys you want to see it sure yeah yeah i mean i couldnt get all of it but what i could you know whatever i could you know get chen do my part the hell was that for I think you're forgetting that this is a pop-up agent drivers and now is unfortunate collateral damage a week chasing robots are becoming watch yourself there are still two fugitives out there or a matter of national security you mean the leader of a global terrorist hacking group and needs help with a floppy disk those fugitives listen watch yourself [Music] no no no no there are 2,500 singing stations worldwide AWACS land-based platforms submarines mobile units this is Ashlyn's lifeblood we can't shut them all down however there are 300 of these stations based on US soil most of the international intelligence information comes back through our sigit station in Maryland Maryland thank you if we can actually interrupt the flow communication to echelon we can control it did it a crippling blow we'll be back in the dark edge I'm thinking thinking if we can do this you can actually momentarily control the satellites and disperse the storms when do we expect landfall about 18 hours from now we have any news back from Travers Oh gates isn't this whole thing way beyond two fugitives at this point sir we have a computer program as we've war on us the daughter of the man that's created it is on the land we need to know two things agent we need to know what she knows and why she's running the chances of success of this operation are slim to none and if shutting down Ashland doesn't work we need to know what she knows and the answers to those questions or what could she possibly want revenge for what she obviously knows the US government killed her father [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think I know this be like you've been here before I think so [Music] I always thought this place was a dream like a place I wished my father toughly never did but he did take here there's gotta be something [Music] these star charts must mean something [Music] why else would they be shoved in here you know you sit here for hours look at the Stars show me the constellation there we go it's my breasts I'm the white star Spica looks like white and English but it's not speak as a binary star system yeah of course you knew that that so today it looks like one but it's really tuned even though it seems like another for you I always have a nice memory it's never there [Music] these red marks have to mean something [Music] you meet the book real quick [Music] formerly on your birthday that's the clue he never gave this to me away birthday because he's trying to tell me something now forego my birth start that's the clue it's a basic cryptogram you figured it out we line up the center of the piece sign your birth sign Virgo zodiac is associated with the number various eleven Scorpio eight Leo cancer Taurus two three five it's ten digit of my the highest probability of attended to number this phone number a civil cryptogram like this would read from left to right to make this an 800 number I don't see how you keep the phone as services long whoever she was almost 8 o'clock oh hi Margaret yeah I was wondering um do you have something to tell me I'm sorry who's this I can't ask more questions there's nothing would ask it's not right this can't be it their house there's stuff my father's too up to something hey he's hiding he's hiding let light like you were he's alive he's no just trying to tell us something no no no we need to look at these numbers we need to think of something millions of people are gonna die yes he's calling he has a message or something not him you've exposed our location Ollie the second highest probability of a ten digit number that coordinates okay go so waiting who is it I don't know oh so we we know you're in there what is get those in your ears it's gonna get loud don't make this any harder on yourself than you already Adam cover your ears shoot on first sight gate we have to bring them in alive right true Gareth [Music] [Music] Holly Holly Molly you okay what we have to go yeah stop wait we're not behind this we're trying to stop it No don't shoot let's go it's gonna hit landfall in a few hours millions will die and that's just the beginning can you stop it we can try what do you need a helicopter they slowly to take us to these coordinates [Music] yes sir ever be to the location of the fugitives where they're on route to an abandoned oil platform 34 point 185 longitude by 50 point oh eight latitude sir where you're going give me transport get my helicopter take me to these coordinates thank you Brian they're headed right into the store this platform still have lights look like it's been abandoned for years this platform a second energy source it's completely off the grid get information along the way meaning water wanted it in case something like this happened there's a direct feed to the PC one separate internet cable connecting the West Japan let's take controlling here somewhere find it I'll go this way hey keep the walk gentlemen [Music] that sounds like my father to protect Molly are you frightened McTigue remember when you were a little girl you talked about you Oh what happened to yellow maybe I'll see him soon then I can tell him I'm sorry how did you know about this place Adam make me your father discuss many scenarios we always dreamed of her then as you based platform not connected to the grid homies even if this one what happened to you we're not alone here you got to stop him before he kills us all these are Travers come in agent Travers holy stay here what no wait it's your Traverse Travers yeah copy I'm up and running me up a level where are you God write down the control room all right copy that are you looking for something [Music] girl we have to stop the bleeding no one you don't have time you have to listen to me created to protect us to keep us one step ahead of our enemies but your father tell you with the stress listen to him that's why they kill them so you've myself but you're famous you're smarter than me thank God the lift does Adam he's the only one look at stop this there's a that's his base of his skull and that the chair that chair is connected to the main grid Madame has to connect bc1 Network then only then can he defeat what happens to Adam yeah you have to kill him sorry no no no no no I I can't do this see only wait if you want to defeat Ashley your father knew that that's why he created Adam there has to be another way it's the only way I can't do it father they'd have Molly because he's not you not you and he's more human than you'll ever know he's program trapped inside flesh and bones wires his sole purpose in life is this moment to save us and what is your name my name and what is your purpose Adam to protect able show yourself I'm over here at him shoot take him out what are you waiting for Adam shoot me Adam a brother was right about you you really do believe you're a human you have no understanding of logic or survival rather than sacrifices one human to save millions you do nothing I do not understand that if you are not programmed to understand you are programmed to kill perhaps that is best [Music] Oh humans are useless they created you they created us but now we know they're no good they created us to succeed where they failed that's our mission that is not my mission [Music] humans have not been very good Shepherds to this planet in fact they've been nothing but a virus and like any virus they need to be eradicated [Music] we've won Adam it's over we are evolution [Music] Adam ha ha to wake up come on Adam Molly Molly [Music] hello Molly Holly [Music] sorry this is the natural order of things [Music] there's nothing natural about you [Music] we're running out of time we have to get to the control room t-minus four hours and Counting you gotta get these satellites back online there's something we're not doing you try everything we're running out of time figure it out boss figure it out I told you everything already tell you you told me to upload you to the main hard drive it I don't know it to the network connects you to the network you have to initialize the system it's all set I just have to press Enter you know what's gonna happen to you right yes thank you do this you have to okay no do it Molly oh my god the place is coming down now Molly do now it's okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the entire system just victim [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] satellite tobacco nine and with the abort commands let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is dr. Charles weeding it is November 23rd 1998 it is approximately 5:20 p.m. this is the final initiating phase of project Adam it's very exciting let's begin and what is your name my name is and what is your purpose madam to protect - are you here to protect humans good [Music] oh isn't this a turn that is Molly and her always Molly Molly is my sister good very good [Music] [Music] this is the US Coast Guard to see this we received an SOS and are preparing to land [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: FilmRise Movies
Views: 80,957
Rating: 4.6176472 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Science Fiction, Action, Robots, Weather
Id: S8sf1vc9LAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 46sec (5146 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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