Lethal Vows (1999) John Ritter | Marg Helgenberger - Full Movie

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I got the paper. I'm gonna go like a mom We're so late I'll be waiting downstairs. Okay. Yeah You gotta try and get having 14 it's right on the edge of the compound Beyond the bushes, what about the boys? Let me make you girls some breakfast Thanks, honey looks good What you girls so chatty about wilderness? Well, I was telling Danielle how when I went the animals came right up to it I remember yeah, there was that deer Teddy you named him that you wanted to bring home and I kind of what a great thing. That was Class is out in the woods. I hope they do that for you, Danielle They are doing that for me. I gave you the release form last month. You were supposed to send it in with a deposit check Don't tell me you forgot Well it is I Reminded you three times. What am I supposed to do? Write it on the wall whoa Well, keep it down the entire neighborhood does not need to know our problems. What's up mom? Always does this she was supposed to sign me up for wilderness school and poof right out of her head? I'll be the only one not going. No, you won't this confirmation letter and Receipt I saw the form sitting on the counter a couple of weeks ago mailed it on my way to work Look at this got your cabin 14 same as your sister have No problem Your mother does a lot for you and I don't think she deserves the kind of angry comments you were making you should apologize Oh, it's okay Uh, you want some breakfast already ate coffee? No, thanks. You guys almost done. I'm done and then come on out to the car. We got a lot of work to do Let's hop All right We'll be back around 4 o'clock. Enjoy your breakfast. Bye. Bye We're going to be canvassing the Upper West Side, I thought gran was coming with us No, no, no grandma went with the rain to pick up some more brochures and posters. We'll meet him at the house later. Hey, Dad How do you like seeing your last name on all these posters Hey, hey Lorraine, we're home. Hey Dad. I'm in here. Hey Graham, where's your mom? Hi honey, Hey, this ties too flashy. I need something more basic more sincere try the blue and red stripe So, how's Ellen? Same tired forget things the way you look after her Well, I may not be married to her anymore. But she's still the mother of my two girls. I Or a certain respect a certain responsibility That doesn't bother you. Does it actually it's one of the things that I love most about you Thank You Danielle, you know and you kids out there stumping for me, maybe I'll make it there someday Hello, Sarah. Hi. Thanks for helping out today Could you set the timer and the VCR for me I'm doing that cable access show with Bob tonight tonight tonight's the Kiwanis dinner I've been setting it up for a month Oh sweetie. I can't cancel on Bob. Gracie's council president. I know this is over 200 people Well you go in my place, you know, my speeches given that dazzling smile of yours. They'll love you Maybe I should wear one of your power dresses the blue one always makes a good impression. What? Nothing nothing. It's just that you put me in a position Hello, yeah, hi. Yeah, so what time are we meeting Bob? Well Blood work shows. Nothing to be alarmed about dad seems a little low But I can't find anything to account for the memory loss or your other symptoms There's just got to be something I I can feel fine for a week or two and then suddenly it all comes back And you've been to so many other doctors 26 26. Yeah, I mean since it all started 14 years ago. It was a lot worse then I Was in bed for months, I couldn't keep anything down. I had rashes all over my legs. I Just want to get rid of it. Okay? Tell you what get me all your files. I know most of all your symptoms Somebody somewhere has to know about this Oh Jared sorry, I didn't mean to scare you What are you doing here you said your showerhead was broken David? this is my home, please just You cannot just walk in here He's only trying to help if you want to help Hey Hey the child support I sent you a check last month David look at the house that you live in You know, that's Lorraine's money The university's only letting me teach three classes that way they don't have to keep me on staff pay any benefits I'm sure you're doing your best. Yeah, that's not good enough. They're my daughters. I should be paying all the bills I hate seeing you doing this typing other people's manuscripts Listen, I'm almost finished with my new book and if I can get it published no No Next time I'll knock I promise And most of the polls are starting to show returns in the 11th district Roberts Olmec appears to be leading But it's still early and many dozen st. Are still In the 4th precinct and come in Tom Meredith looks to be holding on to his council seat while in the 7th district Cheryl horn upset with 60% of the vote tabulated in district 3 projecting Okay, everybody as president of the City Council, I want to welcome laraine aboard I Will promise her this we are gonna work your tail off Oh I don't feel useful You know, I really appreciate you coming tonight oh Let me sit the three bean salad was a big hit Thank you Oh, congratulations I voted for you well, thank you. Thank you I'm gonna get back. Oh stars Are you coming to bed in a minute, sweetheart? Oh, okay earrings. Oh That's boring that's really boring wait I've got something you look so hot Like a teenager no offense you think I hadn't been on a date and Really oh Gosh honey. I kind of want to look nice not show up on radar I'm glad you finally decided to go out with me. First. I wasn't sure you're asking guess I'm not too smooth in this Tell you the last time that I had it yeah Alan David I thought that was you what are you doing? Here is the rain with you. Ah, no I came here alone There's a book I needed for some research. Well the books through the university. None of them had it. Hi. I'm dr. David Ferris. Oh You're Ellen's first husband. Well, they're only one so far and you are joke joke Petula nice Um, I talked to Danielle. I'll be picking her up Saturday for soccer. Okay? I thought maybe I'd come by a little earlier. The garbage disposal is crying to meet some new bearings Hey Those earrings they look good Thanks Okay, then Jim nice meeting you Joe How long did you say you've been divorced 14 years Well, you say we walk along by the theaters see if there is a movie we might want to catch okay Hi Sorry, I knocked I guess you didn't hear me. I wasn't expecting you to Saturday. Hi gram. Hi, Alan Saturday still on but I Have a favor to ask rains not feeling very well. She's not all the parties running around. She just wore herself out Anyway, I have to give a lecture tonight. Would you watch Graham for a few hours? No problem Thanks So he started dating again It's about time don't you think So Joe what's his story? He owns the copying service I use He been married before any kids I Really don't think it's a good idea discussing my dates with you Well, if he's gonna be coming over the house hanging around my daughters then I would hope you'd trust my sense of judgment. Okay, okay I'll be back to pick up grammar around ten o'clock. All right, all right Hello, yep, oh Love rain, I didn't even recognize you you sound horrible I'm sorry Well, you know what I think you could use some of my soup Yeah, I'll bring it by tomorrow no, no problem I'll see you then It's really good Most of what I've been eating I haven't been able to keep down I I just feel so weak. I can't shake this these horrible headaches So have any of these doctors come up with anything? To say it's allergies one says it's a virus in other words. They don't know well, there's anything that I can do just You've done so much already It's just When David and I Got married So soon after you divorced you could have made things difficult to buy to the families But you didn't However hard it's been you've you've always kept things really warm and open and for that. I'm really grateful Eat your soup, it's making me warm Okay Yeah, sorry To estimate the mean of an inverted gamma Distribution one uses the harmonic rather than the arithmetic mean of the data thus one inverts each observed value calculates the average Then of course inverts the result. Is that clear enough? If anybody has papers to turn in now is the time. I'll see you next Tuesday Hello ho Oh Ellen this is Catherine Marais Catherine. This is Ellen my first wife who might have seen each other at the election party Catherines considering giving the grant to the department. I'm shamelessly twisting her arm knowing it can only improve my standing here great Nice to see you. Can I just have a minute? Sure? About Lorraine all these headaches and nausea That's exactly what it's done with headaches and nausea are pretty general could mean a lot of things, but just to be safe I'm setting up some blood tests over at Scripps. Well blood tests didn't find anything. They can't pinpoint it I'm checking into some clinics Ellen Trust me. I'm on top of this No, no, I was completely surprised. I did not expect her to be So your first wife is concerned about your second wife's health That's very evolved. Well, you have to understand that Ellen is a bit of a hypochondriac years ago She came down with some kind of illness. I took her to all the best doc There's a none of them could figure out what was wrong with her and it went on And on and it finally just became her whole life and destroyed the marriage Now all Ellen has to do is see somebody sneeze and she thinks it's terminal Well professor doctor actually doctor you were very impressive in there. Could you tell I was showing off? Yes But it was very charming and I'll let you know about the grant. Thank you, and I'd really appreciate it. So good to see you drive carefully. Okay. Thanks I know it's years away, but I want to start saving for a car now Dad says he'll match me dollar for dollar but you're gonna have to pay for the insurance Are you listening to me? I'm sorry, honey. What were you saying? It's Graham. Oh, yeah, we're gonna work on that website together. Actually. It's for Mom Hi Graham, I Tried calling dad. He wasn't at his office. Okay, Graham what's wrong with her? She keeps getting sicker and now she's got all this weird stuff on her legs. What kind of stuff? That Hey, why did she just give us a minute? By Oh, I'm sorry Graham call juries he's so upset It's okay How long have you had that rash um Yesterday it burns like you can't believe and the doctors haven't seen it. Uh, uh, yeah I'll have it everything that I do causes me be hain if I if I shampoo my hair I Get these excruciating headaches It's the same shampoo, and I've always used I put I make up an hour later. My eyes shut makes me nauseous And then My nails started coming loose Lorraine what's happening to you is what happened to me The headaches the rash It's exactly the same Oh, what is it? Why didn't they figure it out? I don't know I've been trying to find out for 14 years. I don't know I Just wanted to stop Stop Hello Yeah What's going on Graham called me over I'm scared for Lorraine. She's got the exact same symptoms that I had. It's been a long day She's got that horrible rash across her legs. It's a rash. It's a fairly common thing. Well, have you seen that rash Dean Allen? I don't want to go through all your ailments again Please we did that 14 years ago over and over and over it got us nowhere Because you thought it was all in my head when no one could find the source. Yes. It was psychosomatic You were upset about something me the marriage you even broke out in hives. So you think this is in Lorraine's mind? I don't want you scaring my ring. I don't want you putting in her head what you can't get out of yours Let me handle this Hello Yes, I'm sorry about last night I was in a lousy mood I had a fight with the department chairman, how's Lorraine She's I'm taking her to a clinic in Mexico I heard about Well, what about Graham is, uh, you need any help with him Doug Graham's coming with us the place is right on the ocean no phones, no distractions Well, is there anything I can do no, no, everything's gonna be fine goodbye Alan Hello Yes, this is dr. Addington, oh I Think I found an answer Hi hey Toddler office. I'm so glad you're back David I found out what had been making me so sick The doctor said it was a toxic metal probably selenium selenium Don't they sell that as a nutritional supplement at health food stores or some watered-down somehow? I was getting it undiluted you sure because none of the other doctors ever thought well, they didn't have the internet back there. Dr Addington logged on listed my symptoms and she found it. So you think that's what's making you sick now? Well, nothing showed up in the blood test she thinks it might be residual effects Anyway, I think that this is what Lorraine has if she were treated right there Big difference, huh? It's amazing, I mean they treated me medically but they also changed everything They put me on a on a health food regimen organic fruits and vegetables. I feel so much better No more headaches no more nausea that rash is almost completely gone I don't think you may have had selenium in your system. That's right. It's a mineral of some Lorraine I really really think you should have yourself checked I'm fine. All right, but just to be on the safe side please Okay Yeah Thank you. Mike mint. No, thanks. I gotta get going. Are you sure? Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. Okay. Bye Hi Mom this is so awesome. What do you see the rides in this place? There's this one that takes you up a hundred feet and drops you like straight down Thank you. Oh, you're welcome. You watch Max is gonna turn green. Well, you better bring your camera then Oh, yeah, and I think I'm out of film. Can we shop on the way to Max's house? Mom Jesus I Know it's hard waiting around like this, but she's gonna be okay 99% of the time if you get a person to the hospital fast enough the doctors can fix This this is the best Hospital in the city So wait here I'm gonna go see how so What's the matter Lorraine died 10 o'clock this morning. Oh my god Time for what? That's what they're trying to figure out. She just collapsed I Have to get back to the hospital. Can Graham stay with you? I'll be back as soon Mr. Ferris we just completed your wife's autopsy. I Don't know how to tell you this They found nothing Nothing out of the ordinary. They're listing cause of death. That's undetermined But how is that possible a 38 year old woman doesn't just I have nothing I don't know They spent three hours examining her. Did you tell them about the selenium? Did they find anything? I Didn't think to ask I'll call him in the morning and have a look Hey guys, we can't believe she's gone We are gathered here today to mourn the death of one of our longtime parishioners, Lorraine Ferris Well, share the memories of those who knew her best who loved her the most her husband, David Where's the casket there isn't one Giving That's the one word that comes to mind when I think of Lorraine She gave as a wife His mother She gave in her public service She was always thinking of others less fortunate Blessed The word I think of for myself then gram and for all of you blessed for having known the rain Hey grant I know how you're feeling but You need to start looking for a way. She can go out with your life. Your mother god bless her would have wanted you to So come on. We need to go back in there. Come on Know that you know, he was he was born. That's right. Excuse me. Yeah, I Don't quite understand why they had Lorraine cremated. Well, that's what she wanted it was in her will oh Well, it's just that there's so much left on the answered when you went to the pathologist, did he find anything nothing and and I told him about the selenium he looked again that wasn't a trace he found nothing I Think it's time for us to move on Excuse Dr. Murkin Hi, I'm Ellen Ferris. My ex-husband David was married to Lorraine Ferris I'm sorry to bother you, but David spoke to you about looking for selenium during the autopsy One said anything to me about selenium David Ferris didn't call you Yeah, he called me but that was just to find out how quickly we could release his wife's body for cremation Are you sure? Doctor I'm sorry. Um All right So you weren't looking for anything, but had there been an abnormal amount of selenium would've found it So there wasn't anything unusual in your findings When we first opened the chest cavity there was a smell of chlorine just a faint whiff not enough to have harmed her Indicating what nothing that I can see? I mean I checked all the literature Chlorine is not indicative of anything now if you'll excuse me I'm in here Ellen give any idea where that old metal cooler is I have no idea. Would you come down here, please? What is it I got a call from the pathologist this morning He was a little puzzled as to why my ex-wife was questioning. My deceased wife's autopsy well Do you realize how sensitive this is a City Councilwoman dies when you run around acting like a loose cannon? Then why did you lie to me? Why did you tell me that you had spoken to the pathologist when you hadn't forget you off of this she died of natural causes There are no natural causes that kill a 38 year old woman. I want to know what happened. Are you suggesting I know? You lie about the pathologist. You rushed to have Lorraine's body cremated Which is supposed to mean what I don't know I'm asking you we're getting way out of control Listen, if you want to make yourself sick with some phantom illness fine, but I'm warning you Do not go another step further with Lorraine. Let her rest in. Peace Just drop this right now Alan are you okay? Sara mr. Paper you're working on Wait wait, I think that Yes, yes, yes, okay now see if you can if you can find this part Yes, that's it that's it right His current rectifier converts alternating current to direct current coated with semiconductor So many This is what you're looking for Mama drama Can I help you, yes I'd like to report a murder just a minute He's on his way back Helen Ferris Rick Mouser homicide They said you wanted to talk about a murder Who's been murdered a Woman named Lorraine ferris Councilwoman ferris relative of yours In a way, she was married to my ex-husband. Okay, I start from the beginning Who do you think killed Lorraine Ferris? Mom something wrong. I Need to talk to you girls about your father I Found out that he's done something really awful And I know how much you girls care about him, so this isn't gonna be easy to hear Back when you were little girls and when I first started getting so sick the reason Was your father was feeding me poison and he did the same thing to Lorraine I Believe that's what killed her and Last night I went to the police and I told this is crazy Danielle oh My you sure Wouldn't make an accusation like this if I did it for good reason if I didn't have proof Why would that ever want to hurt you Before I got so sick, I thought the marriage was okay And then we got divorced I just Assume david webb because my illness was so overwhelming, you know Deliberately poisoned me and lorena petal. I don't understand it Is that--do you into police They will soon enough Oh, excuse me, mr. Ferris, dr. Bun, dr. Ferris, oh, sorry, dr. Ferris Detective Mouser I Was wondering if I could speak with you now certainly detective about what I see you got the place up for sale Too painful of stale too expensive Lorraine and I needed both our incomes to keep it up That's too bad no insurance on Lorraine to help you through no no insurance You got a new place lined up apartment near campus. Is there a point to these questions detective? Well, yes your ex-wife. She stopped by the station and I guess Ellen my neurotic hypochondria She did admit to being ill Seems to think you might have had something to do with it, which is why I divorced her The woman is a borderline recluse She stays in her room all day curtains drawn living in her fantasies and if she got you to buy into one of them I'm afraid you've wasted your time When a young and otherwise healthy city official suddenly dies That's not anybody's fantasy. Is this a formal investigation detective? No Otherwise, I need a warrant to come walking in here. Now. This is just Two guys standing around talking. Oh Well, as long as it's just us guys Did Ellen mention anything about the? $30,000 I owe her in alimony. No No, she didn't of course she didn't she tends to leave out little details like that She wouldn't want you to think there's any kind of agenda behind these accusations 30,000 that's a lot of money Yes, it is, but I know where I can get her real fast Sued the city for harassment and that's exactly what I'll do. If you pay me any more these little visits have a lovely day detective Thank You Excuse me, how dare you? How dare you send the police to my house? Detective Mouser seemed to think that there were some things worth looking into Well, of course, he'd love to pin Lorraine's death on somebody. You just handed him a target. You know, how you poison me David? I saw you that night in the garage, you know I did is that your new thing recovered memory syndrome you did this to me. David wasn't some Psychosomatic mystery ailment you did it to me and I wanted a why You are really sick, you know that You make any more of these wild accusations. I will reopen our custody agreement the police aren't gonna find anything because there's nothing for them to find and once they've finished I will have proof just how Delusional you truly are and I will use that to take Danielle Sara's too old, but Danielle's not so keep pushing Alan Just keep pushing and I will take her from you What else I checked on dr. Ferrets this woman, he's gonna be moving in with captain Moray They filed for a marriage license last week. His wife's body in even cold. There is no body Had a cremate, you know what I mean about that other thing smelling chlorine during the autopsy I email Noreen asked if she could figure any reason for it. This is what she sat back And II get on the phone, that's the corner if they were sent tissue samples from Lorraine Ferris if they had You tell him they better take another look I'm not gonna hurt you. I would never do that. I Just came here to apologize. It was a stupid thing. I did today. I just And I just lost control David I want you to leave this room now can't we just talk like two civilized human beings? There's a part of me that's still very attached to you And I want you to know that I forgive you for sending over that offensive detective you forgive me You forgive me Get out of here get out, or I'll call the police What are you doing here? I'm sorry. I know I'm just trying to apologize. I Want you to take care of your mother, honey. She needs help Just go Get out of my house Tavares is awards that you're among gentlemen. Yeah, what's going on here? Don't worry about it. They'll be gone soon What's the problem detective your attorney will explain it to you under arrest, dr. Brenda's right sandy has gonna remain silent Lucy I Hope they made you comfortable virus. Can I get you anything now coffee water? Thank you. No one fun You realize you have the right to have your attorney present. I have nothing to hide detective I Spoke with your son Graham. He told me how he went to call the ambulance at warning and when he came back You had the door to the study shut wouldn't let him in Any reason for that his mother was dying Would you want your child to see that? Did you love your life dr. Farris passionately No problems between you Your husband and wife have their problems ours were no more than ordinary. Nothing That would make me want to ever harm Lorraine and the selection thing Lorraine running for City Council, no Resentment or jealousy there? None whatsoever. I worked very hard on that campaign. I helped her win So you loved your wife passionately? But apparently you're already planning to marry someone else Not much for grieving period are you Do you know anything about my knee Mining Not really know Mrs. Ferris, I'm assistant DA John Hodges. Hi. Hi, so we go into my office. Sure I'll be prosecuting the case against your former husband if it goes to trial You know detective Mouser This is our toxicology expert Noreen summers I'm trying to put together the case against your acts we confiscated his computer hoping to find something anything Financial records journal entries the good doctor erased everything wiped it clean We're seeing if we can retrieve anything off the hard drive We do have a cause of death cyanide was found in samples of Lauren's tissue Cyanide. Yes, we think. Mr. Farris switched poisons Looking to speed up the process cyanide has a very distinct odor and he used chlorine to mask it When Lorraine was unconscious in a study, he probably fed her a water purification tablet my god Well if you found cyanide Wasn't there any? Selenium well when they went to Mexico, mr Ferris probably stopped dosing her and by the time the autopsy was done it had already run through her system None of which we can prove But I know that he killed her I know that he poisoned me you you can't let him get away with this If I go into that courtroom Without any direct links to David he will get away with this Lorraine She can't take the stand which means you're going to have to you were going to have to tell that jury. Why why he was trying to poison I Wish I could tell you that Well, he must have had a reason we're just going to have to find it You couldn't get bail, how could that be? I have no criminal record. I'm a pillar of the community They have no direct evidence. It's all circumstantial My heinous nature of the crime Lorraine's position in the city. I thought you said he was the best Dr. Ferris I've accepted your case because Catherine asked me to if you have no confidence in my ability They have me caged like a dog. I'm bunking with crackheads and thieves I want you to get me out then you need to start listening to me. You take no more conferences without me present What was I supposed to do? Don't think I'm guilty They already think you're guilty. That's why they arrested you Do you know where you are is any of this getting through you don't speak to me that way You find out what they have you follow what I say and I will say both our reputations Girl girl let's go. You're gonna be late Man how could you do this? How could you send my dad to jail? You lied? My father would never hurt my mother You're a liar. I think you're jealous. You want to ruin everything with fire? Just leave us alone Just leave me and my dad alone. All of you. Just stay out of our lives I Think we may have a motive in your case. Mrs. Phares. I need you to tell me again. How did David in the rain reach? Well, I'm not exactly sure but I think it was in a university fundraiser if he wants after we got divorced Lorraine's father was on the board of regents and David was still teaching in the junior college And that's the story David told you Yes Let's talk in my office It's just not fair, you know Grandpa hates us because of what you did. I lost my best friend, you know, he isn't calling isn't talking to me He's blaming me like I had something to do with this after what happened. He probably will never talk to me ever again Danielle this is not about what I did. This is about what your father did I Just found out from the police this morning that your father Had been seeing Lorraine long before we ever got divorced. They checked his bank records. He'd been keeping an apartment for her Her name was on the lease That's why it was poisoning me so that he could leave us without ever having to tell the truth And he could blame me and my illness which he created for the divorce yet, he could still remain the hero to his children He lied to you he lied to me and I'm sure that he lied to the ring This is ugly I know it happens to be the truth Somehow you're just gonna have to accept it 20 years in my life thought been a lie Ellen David's attorney filed for dismissal something they found in Lorraine's medical records. What? As you can see your honor the deceased went to the Cordero clinic in Guadalajara, Mexico As part of her treatment there She was administered laetrile IVs. The significance being a LAN trail is used to kill aberrant cells it does So by releasing small amounts of cyanide into the bloodstream This would account for the cyanide found in mrs. Ferrars's tissue samples Mr. Hodges There's absolutely no way that the laetrile treatment could account for such a concentration of cyanide in mrs. Faris's tissue this was a lethal amount and Besides that the treatment was given three weeks before mrs. Ferris died. The effects of the laetrile would have passed from her system We have doctors who will argue otherwise Your Honor Mr. Hodges Do you have any evidence that ties? Dr. Ferris to the cyanide found in his wife's tissue? We're working on that your honor Well, when you've established it you may refine as of now this case is dismissed Dr. Ferris you're free to go That's it you need to find more evidence eligibility to tears And are you David take Catherine to be your lawfully wedded wife To have and to hold from this day forward for richer or poorer in sickness and in health till death. Do you part? Then I now pronounce you man and wife I Don't recall inviting you when I heard you were getting married. I couldn't believe it so I came to see for myself I think you better leave. Oh, this isn't over David. I promise you this is not over what's going on nothing, sweetheart She's leaving right now. That's all Barriss Often you get like this. Well, we could do without any pain and son little hit Mrs. Phares are you doing I? Wasn't expecting you for another hour. We were just on our way to lunch Oh I I know it's just that I knew you were gonna be calling and I hadn't heard anything and I just got a little nervous The case is coming together They've managed to recover some of the files on dr Faris's computer what we have already explains why he wanted those files erased? He believed his wife was having an affair with a city council president. The man was obsessed with it How do we know Here's some supers that sounds great. Thanks Did you make it no, well somebody gets happy Danielle She's lost a lot of fluids vomiting diarrhea Well keep her on IV overnight. She should be back up to full strength by tomorrow lab analyzing chicken Salmonella If he did put it on one of your plates, he didn't leave any prints. There's no way we can connect it to You feeling any better oh Good dad toothfish. It was meant for me honey. How could he do to anybody? I'm so sorry. I didn't believe you Danielle hi, hi Sara called and told me you guys were here subtitle Can I talk to her a minute sure I'll just be right outside So How's she feeling I? Hope you don't think that you're going in there. She is my daughter. Oh you are not going in there It's a terrible thing isn't it when people intrude into your life Disrupt the most precious parts of it Let's just pray that this doesn't ever happen again except either one of us Okay And it can be tampered with baguette people, yeah I got Now only your pressure for take-out you don't see me buying it in handing it to you Don't touch it and yo dude you to the hospital These are just bought You're going to keep all the medicines in here Open it up. Take what you need Ellie Yes, did your children drink this coffee No, just me You told me you have some short-term memory loss along with the other symptoms Every now and then yes, Rick just a can for prints and run the contents through the lab Telling I think we're gonna have to do a biopsy Mr. Marwat detective, I just see it you'll need that Watch yourself in here We've been closed out for quite a while wait for the price of gold we come back Dr. Farris was a partner Yeah, yeah you put in about $5,000 like to say he owned part of a gold mine Did Did he ever come up here? Oh, yeah Yeah couple of times did you were using the standard procedure to separate the gold from the ore that's right We got kind of a low-grade ore You may have with this This is the stuff that used yes The doctor Ferris have access to this. Yeah, he could have gone into Mrs. Bowser and John Hodges The reason none of your doctors could find anything they were looking in your bloodstream But that's the wrong place We found a concentration of selenium in your kidneys Your ex-husband has been giving you tiny doses on a regular basis we have dr Faris's prints on the can we have selenium in the coffee and we have proof that he had access to the cyanide So we have our direct evidence Rick what do you say we arrest the good doctor? Of course Feel good come with me I need the room Dr. Farris, I don't feel you've been candid with me and that is a very big mistake They've taken a lot of files off your hard drive as you know, some very damaging material I'm still not sure what we're gonna do about that. It's simple I'm gonna get up on the stand and explain What? Absolutely not. There's no way I'm letting you take the stand all those ramblings on your computer The jury will believe what I tell them. It's a matter of interpretation Interpretation. What are you talking about? You've given them a motive. It's all there in black and white Would you relax I'm telling you that's why I need to get up there to explain what all that really means They have a coffee can with poison and your prints all over it Do you honestly think I'm going to let them question you about that? I mean if you're looking to destroy yourself, it is not gonna be with me as your attorney. Do you understand? You're gonna quit on me in the middle of a murder trial well, but the State Bar say about that What would the media say Attorney abandons client in final hour? I'm gonna have a word with the judge There's no way you're taking that stand I pay you to listen. Yes. Well that very well may be but I'm gonna have a Congress Your Honor for my next witness, I would like to call my client, dr. David Ferris On the Bible raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do Dr. Ferris you are aware as the defendant in this trial you cannot be forced to testify Yes, I am aware of that and yet you've uh volunteered to do so to forego your constitutional rights Why is that? The prosecution is claiming that my wife was poisoned to death I've come to believe that it's true. You've come to believe that Lorraine was poisoned. Yes by whom Shortly after Lorraine was elected to the City Council a man came to her contractor She never told me who he gave her information about rigged construction bids Kickbacks to certain members of the city administration and Lorraine began looking into these allegations putting herself in jeopardy We received numerous Late-night phone calls death threats. I begged her to go to the police But Lorraine wasn't sure she could trust the police and where is this information now gone? Gone I discovered it missing the night after the police searched my house Mr. Hodges You may proceed you were questioned by homicide detective Richard Mouser During that interview. You said that you loved your wife passionately Sound accurate. Yes, isn't it true? You believed your wife was having an affair. No Dr. Farris These are the journal pages that were retrieved from your computer's hard drive and they clearly show a concern for your wife's fidelity But before we get to that, this is an entry dated May 14th of this past year Would you mind reading where it is underlined, please? Our love-hate relationship has now turned into pure hatred there will be a drastic change coming and soon Is that what you meant by a passionate relationship with your wife pure hatred? Every husband or wife has moments where they become angry at their spouse. That was one of mine it passed quickly That's why I chose to delete it. Mm-hmm. And the phrase a drastic change is coming and soon that would refer to My own behavior. Pardon me Lorraine and I had not been spending as much time together as we had in the past Due to the demands of the election holding public office. I Resolved to be more attentive to her more supportive. Oh That's what you were doing that morning holding your wife's head as she was dying of cyanide poisoning. You were being more attentive more supportive You can make light of that moment, mr. Hodges because you didn't have to live it To see the person you love the most dying in your arms There is no pain on earth greater than that I'm gonna be out of here soon Graham and it'll be just like old times All that stuff that we said we never did together. We're gonna do I promise remember that sailboat I talked about again How did mom die Well son you were there you saw No, I didn't you locked yourself in the study with her. Remember Graham I need you to think clearly I'm going to ask my attorney to put you on the stand. I Need you to say that mom had been sick all morning. It wasn't all of a sudden or anything like that You know, son You never really knew my dad your grandfather I'm gonna tell you something about him he was a very very selfish man It was always about what he wanted He didn't care that he hurt me that he humiliated me the time after time He let me down Nobody's feelings mattered but his nobodies why I made myself a promise to never be like that I've always been there for my family for you and your mother For Ellen and the girls and now all I'm asking you Is to please be there for me? Don't be like everyone else Don't you betray me I don't want people to believe these vicious filthy lies Don't cramp cramp Don't do this to me Let's go Mrs. Phares It has been suggested that the reason you're testifying against your former husband is that you are angry with him for divorcing you and marrying Lorraine and That now you are using Lorraine's death to get your revenge Is that true? No Not at all After the divorce, I was angry. I was resentful but as time went by I grew to really like Lorraine And when she came down with the same illness that I have I felt very close to her It's just very hard to understand what this illness can do to you and I don't mean just Physically, it's really depressing not knowing what's wrong not knowing if it'll ever end in Lorraine Faris's case the symptoms caused by the selenium poisoning faded away, but Yours never have why is that? I've been poisoned for too long And what are your doctors telling you That my kidneys have suffered irreversible damage and that the poison is spreading throughout my body The tomatoes and the onions, please Well, I'm still getting the hang of this grill. So you can either have your burgers burnt slightly burnt or dripping red gram I'd rather have mine cooked by Sarah. I can't say that I blame you. Well, thank you Wow, I understand it's sunny in your part of the state are you enjoying your day? Actually, I am the kids and I are having a barbecue Graham's there as well Yes, he is Good for him. I Thought you'd be interested to know my appeal starts next week I've got a new attorney and he is very confident if everything goes well I'll be home in a few months. I Can't wait to see you again. I Miss you well, you'll just have to get used to that feeling because your appeal is gonna be turned down just like the last one and the one before that Don't expect a Christmas card Let's go Oh Good how do you need this?
Channel: Jesus wept.
Views: 1,610,490
Rating: 4.6587157 out of 5
Keywords: lethal vows, 1999, john ritter, marg helgenberger, full movie, tv movie, megan gallagher, lawrence dane, drama, mystery, thriller, foul play, poisoning, cyanide, suspicion, evil husband, sabotage, divorce, malicious, paul schneider, true story, crime, richard k. overton, poison murder, holy critic
Id: QNWpinQsHHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 7sec (5407 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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