Topography and Phasing in Revit Tutorial (Graded Region)

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what's going on guys balkan architect here and in this video we're going to be talking about phasing and how to implement phasing with typography inside of revit so if you don't know phasing is basically introducing multiple phases to your project it's really good when it comes to renovations because you have some sort of an existing building and then you have some new construction that you add to that so revit has the ability to divide that into multiple phases and this is really useful when it comes to topography because when it comes to your landscape you're always going to have some phasing you're always going to be changing the topography in order to accommodate your building so you always have your existing site kind of as is and then you have your modified new uh new construction site that you you that you have so in this video i'm just going to be going quickly over that how to introduce phasing to a landscape now this is a topic that i cover in depth in my site design and coordination in revit course i'm going to link it up down just below this video in the description and then also up in the cards above this is a course where i go kind of in depth slowly step by step explaining pretty much any anything and everything there is to know about site design and coordination inside of revit so check it out if you're interested also as part of that course i explained how to use the environment plug-in for revit this is a plug-in that allows you to utilize revit and building information modeling to a landscape architecture so i have extra two chapters inside of this course where i go over that and when you get the course you actually get an extended trial uh to this to this plugin now if you want to get the environment plug-in if you use the coupon code over here so just this coupon code you will get an extended license so you get the license and then it's actually extended by 55 days which is a really good offer so if you're interested in that follow the link in the description just below the video and then also up in the cards above and also uh towards the end of this video i'm going to be showing you how to use the environment plugin kind of in action i'm going to be showing you a couple of features how to randomly scatter trees on your site multiple types of families it's a really cool tool and then also how to show in your section view i can the difference between kind of phases uh and when you make some modifications to the ground so that's going to be kind of in the second half of this video okay now without any further ado let's jump straight into revit and let's now quickly explain how does phasing work with landscape so here you can see i have this landscape and then you'll see that for phasing and i'm not going to go too much into that i'm only going to be explaining how it kind of works with landscape so with phasing you can have phasing both for model elements such as this topography but also for your views such as this 3d view so for example this particular 3d view if i go down you will see that here all the way down here we have phasing and the phase is new construction so by default everything is going to be in new construction in revit just something to keep in mind and if i switch to existing and hit apply this is going to kind of disappear just because while this was modeled as new construction now if i select this topography you will see that this topography has been created in new construction and then the face demolished so if you demolish something it's currently set to none well i actually want to create this typography in my existing so i want to use this as the existing site so i'm just going to select that and turn that into existing and hit apply so now it turns into this kind of weird grayed out view and that's because currently we're in our new construction phase if i go back into existing and hit apply now it's visible over here kind of in the regular view mode okay so now how do we make the adjustment well we actually have to duplicate our topography and create a new tuple surface which is only going to be for that new phase so kind of the modified site so what you want to do is you want to go here to masking site and we have a tool that's going to duplicate your topography in order to accommodate phasing and that is the graded region tool so what you want to do here is just click on the graded region tool let's cancel out of this here it's going to ask you do you want to create a new tubo surface exactly like the existing one or do you want to create a new one that only has kind of the perimeter points which is kind of only the points on the outside here that would be just four corners i want to use this one and in most cases you're going to go with the top option just because it's going to give you more well it's going to give you the exact same surface and this was going to flatten everything out which in most cases you don't want so let's just go with this one and then you want to select that topography and this is what happens so now you get a new surface that has been created okay so now for this surface uh let's change that to new construction and then hit apply click finish and there we go so now let's see this is an existing if i go to new construction we have this one so let's see what's going on here so if i go back to existing okay so we have the original one that was created and existing and then it was demolished and existing i don't like this i like to demolish that in the new construction phase so i'm just going to change that to new construction so we have a nice little topography here and then when i switch to a new construction it's going to just show that new face actually it has two of these so if i move one out of the way you'll see that here we have two let me just go back here for a second it might look weird but if you only want to show the elements that are in that particular phase you just want to change the phase filter to show complete so it's only going to show you the final elements okay so now we're in the new construction phase and let's make a modification to this site so i'm just going to select this site and then i'm going to go to the site plan and what they like to do here in the site plan you can notice that they've added this arc so here i want to have my building kind of inside of this arc so i want to modify this topography so what i like to do for that is first select the topography go to edit surface and then i like to add multiple points just in order to ensure that the site will kind of bend to the way that i want to modify it so let me show you how that works you go to place points and instead of going with absolute elevation you go relative to surface when you go with relative to surface with zero elevation it's basically going to add multiple points without actually changing the topography it's just going to add additional points so if i just start adding points like this and i'm just going to kind of go all the way around outside of this arc so perhaps like that there we go now if i go to the 3d view you will see that we have added those points and they're just kind of in that same place nothing really has changed and that's exactly what you want to do now i'm going to go back to site hit the escape key a couple of times this point i want to delete because it's kind of in the middle and then i want to see so if i select this this is the at elevation of 3 meters so actually i just want to flatten this whole thing out inside of this arc so what i can do is just for example select this point go to copy and copy it multiple times so i can place it here i can let's use the tab key there we go so i can just kind of start placing this all the way around inside of that arc just like that there we go hit the escape a few times and now if i go to the 3d view this is what that looks like so you can see that i've added these points on the outside in order to control how this surface is going to bend if i didn't do this if i didn't have these points so if i delete these see how weird it would be it would go all the way out to the next line of points and i don't want that i want to control where i make that kind of where i dig into the earth and there we go so now we have made that modification if we just hit finish this is what that looks like and now finally if i go back here to properties if i go to phase change to existing hit apply it looks like this in existing and if i want new construction apply this is what that looks like also you can change the face filter to show all and now it's going to kind of overlap those two surfaces and here you can see with these dashed lines where that kind of original surface was so you can use this for presentations but it tends to look a little bit silly with these overlaps it looks like kind of like a bug so i don't like using that too much so just keep that in mind okay now as i've promised in the beginning okay now as i've promised in the beginning of this video i am going to be showing you some really useful tools and features from the environment plugin so let me let me show you that uh what i'm going to do here now is i'm just going to switch this to show complete just like that and also i've applied a section box here so i'm just going to turn that off so we can kind of see the entire the entire site okay anyways now let's go to the environment tab so when you install the environment plugin you get this environment tab and here you get all of the tools and features that are available as you can see there are quite quite a few of them there there are many and then uh what i want to show you is the area scatter tool so the area scatter tool allows you to basically scatter area elements such as trees all over your topography so if you want to mimic a forest instead of kind of going and manually placing multiple trees obviously that would take a lot of time you in a lot of cases you just want to kind of scatter it randomly and that's exactly what this tool does so i'm just going to click here on area scatter that's going to bring up the area scatter menu so first we want to select our topo surface here as you can see you can either select the surface or you can select a scatter group in this case let's just select the surface and apply that selection next we have the scatter selection so you can either pick out trees that you already have on your model in this case i don't so i can either pick that out here or alternatively if you want to use multiple families you have this advanced selection option and that's going to bring up this menu that allows you to pick out multiple tree types so here i can select i'm just going to be using these architecture design trees these are actually part of my part of my template so if you want to check these out they are available as part of my architecture design template so anyways i'm just going to select these trees here we can set up the ratio i'm fine with having the ratio basically same amount of all three of these then we can apply this and before i apply keep in mind that you can add or remove elements so you don't have to have just three you can have two you can have five it's really up to you anyways let's just hit apply here and then here we have the scatter settings so you can kind of type in the distances here but what i prefer is the irregular method so it's just going to kind of scatter them for you here you can specify the number of elements so i can say let's go with 20 trees at the placement level obviously we want to host them on the surface not one of the levels and then finally you can add an offset and you can combine them which kind of creates the assembly out of the whole thing so then you can kind of select the scatter group later on in order to edit it and and so on so i'm actually quite happy with these settings as is so i'm just going to hit apply and it's basically going to apply that scatter and this is what that looks like as you can see it's pretty cool it kind of uh uh basically places those trees all around our site so i really like the i really like this and then uh also if you're not happy with this for example you see what it looks like and then you're like okay maybe i can fit a few more trees i can say okay let's try 25 and then hit apply so it's going to give you another kind of scatter so you can play around with this a little bit until you can figure out the the best layout for for your scatter so let's just hit finish and that's then going to kind of save that save that scatter also one more uh really cool tool that's available especially when it comes to phasing and that is this here tool so it's grayed out it's called surface profile so we have to be in a section view to see that so let's create a section view so i'm just going to create a quick section view here so just like this okay something like that let's see if i don't cut through any of the trees okay and then i can extend it all the way out okay so here we just have a simple uh a simple section so what you can do with this with this tool the surface profile what it does it basically generates a detail line that follows uh the topography now it's usually really useful because then you can host your uh you can host your spot elevations there so you can kind of add spot elevations which just don't go to just don't go to typography cannot be hosted on topography but also it can be used with phasing to show what it was like before so let me show you if i go here and if i just go to my face filter go back to existing hit apply this was kind of back in existing now if i go here to environment if i go to surface profile here i can select the surface hit finish it's going to bring up this little menu where we can select which line style we want to use i prefer hidden then we click ok and now basically here we have that hidden line see we have that dashed line over this line and now when i switch the phase filter to new construction or the face the new construction now you can see that line over here and also as a bonus you can host your spot elevations wherever you want because now you have something to host them on which is this detail line which is really really cool so there you go those are just a couple of tools that are included on the environment on the environment tab with the environment plugin okay so i hope you have enjoyed this video if you want to learn more about site design and coordination i would like to encourage you to check out the entire course as i said it's going to be included just below this video in the description and also up in the cards above thank you for watching guys make sure to check out my website for more uh revit courses there i have over 120 hours of content and i'm adding more each week make sure to subscribe for more videos and also i've added a video over there that might interest you as well
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 35,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, BIM, building information modeling, autodesk, site, phasing, graded region, landscape
Id: b7zLvjO6dj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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