Site Topography In Revit: Complete Revit 2024 Tutorial

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hello and welcome back to the channel in today's video I'm going to be showing you how to use the Topo solid tool in autodex rev 2024 to create a landscape terrain so this is like a sequel to the previous version called too surface in autodex rev 2023 and the previous version so it's just like a new advancement in autodex Revit in the aspect of landscaping so if this is your first time on this channel make sure you subscribe to the channel don't forget to hit the like button make sure you share it with your friends also hit the notification Bell to get notified once we release new videos like this with that said and let's jump right into the main content of this video all right so as you can see we are going to use this project now and we're going to be creating a landscape terrain for this project firstly we are going to look at our level so if you go to this elevation here we can see all the levels we have the natural ground level and the basement level and the DPC and the first floor so we're going to be going to the basement level and draw our Topo surface from there going to go under this tab over here we're going to go to m and site then we are going to go to and click on this toos solid so previously in review 2023 and the previous versions it was called too surface but now I think they have given us a more flexible tool we could use so let's go so under this too solid we're just going to click on this drop down icon you can either choose to create it by sketching or you can choose to create it from import so let's just click on create from import so you could see that you could create from a card file and you should could create from a CSV file so if you have an autocard file that has um some coordinates of some site you could use it to import it and get the coordinates replicated on top of solid so you could also do that for a CSV file that has records of all the coordinates so we're going to click on Escape then we're going to go back to this too solid we're going to click create from sketch so now we are just going to use this two modify to and we're just going to draw a simple rectangle okay and we're just going to click finish so if you now go to this 3D view we are going to see what we've created so as you can see you can see the terrain is basically a 1.2 M thick kind of slab but it's not actually a slap so to start modifying it we could go to click on this modify sub element so in this modify sub element we can choose which point you want to elevate so let's say we click on this point now and we maybe let's rotate the 3D toggle and let's increase it so let's say we increase this height to about 3.6 tons so if you click on Escape we're going to see that the topography has elevated with the site so we are going to go further and modify it more so we're going to click on this and we're going going to click on modify shape so in this modify shape we could add some points so once we add this point we could either choose to add it along a surface or we could click on absolute what this absolute means is any digit you put here or any data you put here will be absolute from the project base we let's say we put um 3.4 and we just place it here you can see that it has elevated at this point so let's just try and add some random digits and interplate here and here okay this is too much I'm still going to reduce it we could just change this to let's use 2.7 so if you click on Escape we could see how this thing has form so as you can see this too surface is currently overlapping our project so we're going to work on that now so but before doing that we are now going to go to basement level so under this basement level we are now going to start doing some Line work so we'll know what we are doing so we're going to go to annotate we're going to go to detail line so we are just going to use a box line to just draw the base of our of our site so after this base of our site we are just going to click on offset and we're just going to click on three M to offset this so let's just offset this and offset this lines just over here okay so now we are going to sketch some sight features and we're just going to sketch some basic site stuff like we're going going to draw the sight boundary at 12 M we are going to draw some green areas let's say we start from here [Music] all right so now we are done with the line work okay before we just conclude let's just draw where the ramps will be let's draw the ramp from here to this point from here to from here as well all right so now we are done with the sketching of the site profile we are going going to be modifying this too solid so to do that we're going to click on this toppo solid we're going to click on modify elements so now what we're going to be doing is we're going to be adding this point so for this point if you remembered we put this toppo surface we put this too solid at our basement level but the issue is once you are using this absolute and the elevation base is the project base you're going to be putting this values in relation to the project base and according to the project base our basement level is atus 3 m so so we're just going to start with it first so now we are going to be using the minus 3 and we're just going to be placing the point here we're going to look for this point you just go to always note that you zoom in well so you'll be able to see the points well so now we have placed minus 3 m at the base of our basement where we want this topple solid to be at we are just going to make this elevation value at zero so we now put it at the natural ground level now and we'll put this point to at zero also going to to do the same for this point okay currently we forgot to use lines to draft the ramp at this other region so we're just going to click on this line and I'm just going to click on mirror and I'm just going to make sure it's set out copy then I'm just going to mirror it to this point so I'm just going to continue modifying this toppo solid so I'm going to click on the toppo solid I'm going to click on modify element then I'm going to click on ADD point so under this out point I remember I'm going to make sure it's at zero because we are using the project base as a reference point so we're just going to place zero here Place Another Point here we're also going to place a point here okay so we're going to place another Point here absolute add Point absolute absolute and we just going to place Point here Place Another Point here all right so now I think we have placed some basic points some of these basic points so we'll go back to the 3D View and we're going to see what we've done so as you can see you can see that this stuff is actually at the base of our basement level even though it's all green area we're still going to work on that and you can see how the site muffed around the modified area we just modified so we're going to go back to this basement floor and we're going to do something we're going to click on this too solid and we're going to click on subdivide so under this subdivide we are now going to draft out the area of our site we want to use like the site plan so we're just going to draft this or we could use this select line too and just pick this from this line pick this here pick this lines here because it will make this green area pick this pick this pick this pick this and pick this so we're just going to use TR I'm just going to tr this and we're going to click finish so now we are going to go back to this 3D view so now this is like a separate entity now it's not really like a separate it's just something we can modify differently now so we're going to click on this and we're just going to make the subdivision height at one because personally I would have preferred to use the minus value on it but since we can't use it currently we are just going to make it one then we're going to add some assign some m so we are just going to make this interlocking St Stones okay so now we've made this interlocking towels we're going to go back to this basement plan so we're just going to click on this too solid and we're just going to click on edit subdivide so now we've click on it we're just going to use undraw our profile now so now we are just going to trim it all right so now we have done that we are just going to assign some material we're going to assign grass because we want it to be green area and we now going to to put the subdivide height to be 50 okay 150 since it's a green are okay so we're going to go back to the 3D and we're going to see what we've done again so as you can see our green area has come out so we're going to go back to NL and we're going to be sketching out the roads now so in the same fashion we're going to click on this toppo solid we're going to click on subdivide then we're just going to try and draw our profile let's go back to basement level I think there's a conflict in the line work here so I'm just going to click on this click on this and just draft out the main road so we're just going to trim this trim this here and we're just going to trim this as well all right so we're just going to click on finish and we are going to we forgot to edit it before clicking finish but that is no problem we can edit it now so I'm just going to click on this I'm going to change this subdivide height to one and I'm going to assign an asphalt material to it and this is looking good so as you can see you can see how the road adapted to the terrain or the slanted terrain of the site this is just the advantage of using top toppo Solid in autodex Revit so we are going to do one more subdivision we are going to do that for the workways or the interlocking pavement area so we're going to click on it we are going to click on subdivide so we're just going to start using our modify lines to create our work qu so we're just going to click on offset and we're going to offset [Music] 1.5 I'm going to offset this to so now we are just going to close in our loops and we're going to make the subdivision heer 75 and we're going to assign uh let's just assign another typee of material to it let's just assign analytical panels and click okay I going to click finish so if you go to the 3D view now we're going to see that you can see how seamlessly this workways have created so the next thing I want to do now is I want to apply some CS to this Roots because we need CS in our workways so it will look more refined we I also need caps for this green area so what I'm going to do is that normally if I was using slabs in Revit I will have just gone to architecture I'll have gone to floors I will have gone to slab Ed but the issue with this kind of toppo surfaces too solid is that if you're using slab Edge for instance and maybe let's use this one and try and place a slab edge here but it's going to place at this at the Lower Side so it's kind of useless so we just going to delete this and we're going to use another method and the method I want to use this I want to use railings because railings can adapt to too surface so to do that we are going to use to create a c so to do that we are simply going to go to file we are going to go to new Under new we're going to click on family so under this family we are going to look for rail generic rail okay profile Rail and we're going to click okay so under this profile rail we're just going to click on lines and we're going to draw our railing profile so we're just going to okay currently it's at Imperial so we're going to use un to change the metric the system the measurement system to metric so we're going to click on this length and we're going to change it to millimet and we're going to click okay okay so we're going to go back to create we're going to go to lines and we're going to just be drawing the profile for cap so we're going to be making it 225 mm deep then we are going to make the thickness 125 and we're going to just draw 150 from here and we're going to also draw 50 from [Music] here okay so we're just going to join this now so now we we are going to save this family and what we are going to save this family as is we are going to save it as main [Music] CS so we're just going to click on save so now we've done this we're just going to click on load into project and close so now we have loaded it into this project so now we are just going to go back to the basement floor or rather let's go to DPC now so in this DPC we just going to draw our use a normal railing so we're going to click on this railing icon over here so now we are just going to select the typical railing we used to use 900 mm railing we are going to click on edit type we're going to duplicate and we're going to name this 01 main cap all right so we're going to click okay so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to uncheck this top railing and we're just going to click on edit so under this edit we're going to click on insert insert new railing we're going to click on default we're going to change this to the railing we imported that is main railing main C sorry so let's look for it main caps okay so this is it so this is the raing profile we just um created now so we're going to assign a material we're going to assign a material for the Caps let me just use this one caps and I'm going to click okay so now I've done that I'm going to click apply I'm going to click okay so I'm going to go to this baller placement and click edit so right now I'm just going to click on all these baller families here and I'm going to change it to none I'm going to change this to none as well all this baller families none or this B family no and click okay then I'm going to click okay okay so now and I've done that I'm now going to draw our really so I'm just going to click on this pick part and I'm going to pick this workways for instance I'm going to click on toab to select the whole line to see if I can select this whole line okay since I can't do that let me just pick here pick here pick here pick here and pick here let me just pick here and use okay so now I'm just going to use this trim tool to just trim everything together trim everything together to this point trim everything to this point all right so now what we are going to do is we're just going to click on this pick host and we're just going to pick this walkway we want to assign this railing to so we're just going to pick it then we're going to click finish so we are now going to go to 3D and we're going to see so as you can see you can see how perfectly the railing just fitting or railing slcs so we could also click on it and just and modify it by editing the part and just doing it and dragging it to this point and we could just see how perfectly it has formed so we're also going to do the same for this green area so it will be looking good we're going to go back to DPC we're going to go to architecture we're going to go to railing now we're just going to pick the part so currently it's currently set at DPC I'm going to change this to NGL and I'm just going to pick part here okay it doesn't matter which level I set it as far as I'm picking host so I mean let's go so I'm going to set click on pick host and I'm going to pick this then I'm going to click finish so I'm going to go to 3D and as you can see okay you can see the thing is actually placed iners so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to click this and I'm going to zoom in and see this two-way icon and I'm just going to click on it so as you can see this railing has come out so finally we just going to do this before rounding up we're going to go to railing going to go to pick railing we are going to pick here pick here pick here pick here pick here so pick here as so and we just going to drop this and just fill in here all right so now we're just going to click on pick host and we're just going to pick this walkway once again and click finish so as you can see we go back to 3D you can see how refined and how adaptive and good this is looking so now we are just going to add add some side features so we're just going to click on this 3D tole to go to the top view we're going to to go to massing and site once more we're going to go to packing components and we're just going to place one or two packing here so we could just rotate it okay if you are not seeing the packing well okay see the packing let's Place another one here and one more somewhere here so as you can see you can see the packing space and we are just going to place some GRE side components like some greeny so I'm just going to click on this and I'm just going to be changing some nice trees so as you can see if you if you now rotate the 3 you can see the trees here you can see how good is looking so you could even change some of these threes let's go to side components change some of these threes and let's look for some bigger ones okay so now we are done placing some of these components we don't want this topography to be interfering with the flaw and the components of our main building so we are going to resolve that now so firstly we're going to be working on this individual topography divide so we're going to be going to this basement floor and we're just going to click on edit sketch so now we just going to draw the profile of the building just to remove this envelope here and we're just going to just click finish so as you can see this interlock has been edited and the thing is not more interfering with the building so now to resolve that for this main topography we are just going to go to architecture we're going to go to components we're going to go to model in place under model place we're going to look for topography so we're just going to select topography we're going to click okay we're going to click okay again we're going to go to this basement level basement floor level so now we are there we're just going to click on void forms we're going to click on void extrution then we're just going to draw our profile here so now we are done with that we're going to impute the value we're going to make it 8 m high so we'll be a able to see it then we're going to go to our 3D view then I'm just going to click on cut I'm going to click on Cut geometry I'm going to select the void form then I'm just going to select the toppo solid all right so as you can see the too solid is not more interfering with the floors of the building so you can see the whole depth here we could if you want to edit this void form more we could just drag it down to make sure that it's even below so as you can see you could see how hollow this thing is and it's not more interfering with the floors of the building so we're just going to click finish and we could also go to the basement or any Flor plan and we could just draw a section just to confirm let's just say we go to views and we just draw a section here and we draw a section across this so if you click on the section we are going to see that it's no more interfering and this place is just empty so we will just going to close to 3D View and so I think that is the end of this video you could see how we started from nothing on this terrain and we created this basic landscape in autodex Revit and you can see how the topography merges with the slope of the building and the basement floor of the building and how you can use this in your projects in autodex Revit so if the video was helpful make sure you hit the like button subscribe to this channel for more content like this also hit the notification Bell to get notified once we release new videos thank you and have a nice day
Channel: Architect Piperr
Views: 3,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: topography, topography in revit, how to create topography in revit, how to create toposolids in revit, toposolids in revit, toposolids in revit 2024, topography in revit 2024, site topography, site topography in revit 2024, site plan in revit, site plan in revit 2024, toposurface in revit 2024, revit tutorials, revit, revit course, revit 2024, architect piperr
Id: klAfqe30gG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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