Toph's First Time Meeting EVERYONE from Avatar 👋 | Avatar: The Last Airbender

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to make things a little more interesting I'm offering up this sack of gold pieces to anyone who can defeat the Blind Bandit what no one dares to face her I will go in Avenge the boulder do people really want to see two little girls fighting out here I don't really want to fight you I want to talk to you boo no talking don't Boo at [Music] him somebody's a little light on his feet what's your fighting name the fancy dancer where' you go please wait there you are [Music] ah please listen I need an earthbending teacher and I think it's supposed to be you whoever you are just leave me alone [Music] wait here is your tea you seem a little too young to be traveling alone you seem a little too old perhaps I am I know what you're thinking I look like I can't handle being by myself I wasn't thinking that you wouldn't even let me pour my own cup of tea I poured your tea because I wanted to and for no other reason people see me and think I'm weak they want to take care of me but I can take care of myself by myself you sound like my nephew always thinking you need to do things on your own without anyone's support there is nothing wrong with letting people who love you help you not that I love you I just met you so where is your nephew I've been tracking him actually is he lost yes a little bit his life has recently changed and he's going through very difficult times he's trying to figure out who he is and he went away so now you're following him I know he doesn't want me around right now but if he needs me I'll be there your nephew is very lucky even if he doesn't know it thank you my pleasure sharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life's true Delights no thank you for what you said it helped me I'm glad Oh and about your nephew maybe you should tell him that you need him too [Music] what are you doing here Twinkle Toes how' you know it was me don't answer to Twinkle Toes it's not manly you're the one whose bag matches his belt how did you find me well a crazy King told me I had to find an Earth Bender Who listens to the Earth and then I had a vision in a magic swamp and what Ang is trying to say is he's the Avatar and if he doesn't Master earthbending soon he won't be able to defeat the Fire Lord not my problem now get out of here or I'll call the guards look we all have to do our part to win this war and yours is to teach a earthbending guards guards help tough what happened I thought I heard someone I got scared you know your father doesn't want you wandering the grounds without supervision to those three girls from omashu we can take them three on three actually to there's four of us oh I'm sorry I didn't count you you know no bending and all I can still fight okay three on three plus [Applause] [Music] Saka well we wanted to find out who they were and we found out now let's get out of here ala yip [Music] [Applause] yip hey I heard you guys flying around down there so I just thought I'd wait for you here I know you must be surprised to see me here not really since you followed us all over the world right well uh anyway what I wanted to tell you about is that I've changed and I uh I'm good now and well I think I should join your group oh and I can teach firebending to you see I uh you want to what now you can't possibly think that any of us would trust you can you I mean how stupid do you think we are yeah all you've ever done is try to hunt us down and capture Ang I've done some good things I mean I could have stolen your bison embossing se but I set him free that's something APPA does seem to like him he probably just covered himself in Honey or something so that APPA would lick him I'm not buying it I can understand why you wouldn't trust me and I know I've made some mistakes in the past like when you attacked our village or when you stole my mother's necklace and used it to track us down and capture us look I admit I've done some awful things I was wrong to try to capture you and I'm sorry that I attacked the water tribe and I never should have sent that Fire Nation Assassin after you I'm going to try to stop wait you sent combustion man after us well that's not his name but oh sorry I didn't mean to insult your friend he's not my friend that guy locked me and Katara in jail and tried to blow us all up why aren't you saying anything you once said you thought we could be friends you know I have good in [Music] me there's no way we can trust you after everything you've done we'll never let you join us you need to get out of here now [Music] I'm trying to explain that I'm not that person anymore either you leave or we attack if you won't accept me as a friend then maybe you'll take me as a prisoner no we won't get out of here and don't come back and if we ever see you again well we better not see you again feeling better where am I what happened I was hoping you could tell me I found you passed out in the mud how' you know I was out there I'm pretty tapped into the goings on around here what brings you to the swamp anyway a spirit led me here and told me I was supposed to find someone is that you beats me but if your avatar senses called you here you should probably listen to them wait you recognize me in a manner of speaking we were good friends in your previous [Music] life I can't believe it to nice to see you again twinkle toes Kua tore down all the domes why would she do that she's got a whole Battalion of troops stationed there there's no way we'll be able to spot anything useful from here we'll have to go in for a closer look don't bother all the prisoners have been moved uh hey chief hey chief Grim aov you were only up to my waist the last time we were together oh man I can't this can't be happening what do you have to pee or something no well now maybe you're my hero my name is Bolan I'm dating your granddaughter I mean kind of I may have screwed that up but that's why I'm here and you're my hero oh I said that can I have a hug to what's up with him he's an actor so you already checked the city for Sue how did you know she was captured I've been living in the swamp and keeping watch on zalu through the vines sure okay makes sense by the time I got here they were gone I snooped around town and heard that they were taken away to some nearby prison camp where would that be there is a factory and re-education facility not too far away how do you know that Bolin used to work for Kua how did you end up dating the kind of dipstick who works for Kua used to it's not his silver tongue I can tell you that please please tell me this attitude isn't [Music] hereditary you give metal Benders a bad [Music] name what
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Views: 233,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Avatar: The Last Airbender, ATLA, Legend of Korra, Aang, Katara, Toph, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, Airbending, Korra, Bolin, Asami, Ozai, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Amon, Kuvira, Zaheer, Iroh, Uncle Iroh, Bending, Anime, The Last Airbender, Aang vs Ozai, Agni Kai, Avatar Netflix, Avatar Studios, Fight, Fight Scene, Video Games, Gaming, Avatar Full Episodes, Netflix, Avatar Netflix Trailer, Avatar on Netflix, Zuko vs Azula, Final Battle, Braving The Elements, ytao_atla
Id: k-4wTeyMBSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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