Zuko TRYING To Be Good for 30 Minutes Straight πŸ”₯ | Avatar: The Last Airbender

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[Music] God why am I so bad at being good [Music] [Music] [Music] I didn't do anything I'm going back to my cell stop right there saying can't blow our cover uncle where's my uncle he's gone he busted himself out I've never seen anything like it he was like a one-man Army [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I'm not crushed you can get off me now I'll take that as a thank you who are you you don't remember her you will soon trust me foreign think back think back to your last raid on the southern water tribe I don't know what you're talking about please I don't know don't lie you look in the eye and you tell me you don't remember what you did it's not him he's not the man what what do you mean he's not he's the leader of the Southern Raiders he has to be the guy the man we're looking for you must be looking for yanra he retired four years ago [Music] do it that's it your father raised a coward next time you get in my way I promise I won't hold back can't be [Music] and [Music] [Music] we're almost there back off we've got the warden hmm let's go [Music] everyone in [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you stop I don't want you hunting the Avatar anymore the mission is off I'm ordering you to stop if you keep attacking I won't pay you all right I'll pay you double to stop thank you no lighting today what's the matter afraid I'll redirect it I'll show you lightning [Music] [Music] yeah zugo foreign [Music] what's going on are you here to rescue me I'll take that as a yes we need to get this ship to safety hey we must head directly into the eye of the stone why didn't you tell me about your dad's crazy plan sooner I didn't think I had to I assumed you were still going to fight him before the comet no one told me you decided to wait this is bad this is really really bad egg you don't have to do this alone yeah if we all fight together we got a shot at taking him down all right team Avatar is back air water Earth fire Phantom sword fighting the fire lord is gonna be the hardest thing we've ever done together but I wouldn't want to do it any other way [Music] [Laughter] head over here Zuko being part of the group also means being part of group hugs [Music] [Applause] hey I heard you guys flying around down there so I just thought I'd wait for you here [Music] oh God I know you must be surprised to see me here not really since you've followed us all over the world right well uh anyway what I wanted to tell you about is that I've changed and I uh I'm good now and well I think I should join your group oh and I can teach firebending to you [Music] laughs here this is for you why would I want that I saw it and I thought it was pretty don't girls like stuff like this maybe stupid girls forget it no one can make tea like Uncle but hopefully I learned a thing or two would you like to hear uncle's favorite tea joke sure I like jokes bring it okay well I can't remember how it starts but the punch line is leave me alone I'm bushed well it's funnier when Uncle tells him you were unconscious Azula did this to you it was a surprise attack somehow that's not so surprising [Music] um I made it the way you like it oh good look that was very um bracing I thought since it's so hot thanks this is really refreshing when my dad goes will you stay no I need to move on here I want you to have this read the inscription made in Earth Kingdom the other one never give up without a fight [Music] I'm bored I know I'm hungry so what so find me some food sure [Music] [Applause] thank you hey watch it that food was for my cranky girlfriend [Music] what are you doing stop talking to my girlfriend you need some help with that [Music] me you're okay they let you out of prison my uncle pulled some strings and it doesn't hurt when a new fire lord is your boyfriend so does this mean you don't hate me anymore I think it means I actually kind of like you [Music] but don't ever break up with me again [Music] so how do you like the city so far it's okay what do you like to do for fun nothing excuse me sir would you and your girlfriend care for dessert she is not my girlfriend quite an appetite for a girl um thanks so Lee where were you and your uncle living before you came here um well we've been traveling around for a long time oh why are you traveling so much we were uh part of this traveling circus really what did you do wait let me guess you juggled yes I juggled I've always wanted to learn how to juggle can you show me something [Music] I haven't practiced for a while it's all right we could turn back now we've already learned more about fire than we'd hoped no we're seeing this through to the end we're gonna meet these Masters and find out what's so great about them what if they judge us and attack us well we're the fire prince in the Avatar I think you could take these guys in a fight whoever they are [Music] thank you pretty clouds yeah fluffy [Music] what what oh I didn't say anything you know a friend of mine actually designed these war balloons no kidding yep a balloon but for war there's one thing my dad's good at it's War yeah it seems to run in the family hey hold on not everyone in my family is like that I know I know you've changed I met my uncle he was more of a father to me and I really let him down I think your uncle would be proud of you leaving your home to come help us that's hard it wasn't that hard really you didn't leave behind anyone you cared about well I did have a girlfriend May that gloomy girl who sighs a lot yeah everyone in the Fire Nation thinks I'm a traitor I couldn't drag her into it My First Girlfriend turned into the Moon that's rough buddy wait [Music] so calendar just like the fire stages have in their temples I bet that Sunstone opens the door but only when sunlight hits it at just the right angle on the solstice monkey feathers Souls this again we can't wait here that long no we can't but we might be able to speed time up let's see if we can outsmart the Sunstone [Music] I don't care what everyone else says about you you're pretty smart I'm so excited for you to see the firelight Fountain the lamps make the water Sparkle and reflect in the pool in the most beautiful way [Music] I can't believe it they aren't lit close your eyes and don't peek thank you okay now you can look oh wow what happened how did they light what did you I brought you something it's a coupon for a free cup of tea Lee this is so sweet don't thank me it was my uncle's idea he thinks you're our most valuable customer your uncle is a good teacher I have something for you too now it's your turn to close your eyes what's wrong it's complicated I have to go [Music] what's that smell Juke I'm sure you wouldn't like it actually it smells delicious I love a bowl uncle now that your fever is gone you seem different somehow it's a new day we've got a new apartment new furniture and today is the grand opening of your new tea shop things are looking up Uncle I know you're nervous but remember fire bending in and of itself is not something to fear okay not something to fear but if you don't respect it it'll chew you up and spit you out like an angry Komodo rhino now show me what you've got any amount of fire you can make oh [Music] maybe I need a little more instruction perhaps a demonstration good idea you might want to take a couple steps back what was that that was the worst fire bending I've ever seen I thought it was nice why is this happening maybe it's the altitude yeah could be foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] keep in mind these are dual swords two halves of a single weapon [Music] don't think of them as separate because they're not they're just two different parts of the same hole [Music] with this technique the dragon showed us Zuko and I will be unstoppable yeah that's a great dance you two learned there it's not a dance it's a fire bending form we'll just tap dance our way to victory over the fire lord it's a sacred form that happens to be thousands of years old oh yeah what's your little form called the Dancing Dragon [Music] there's one technique you need to know before facing my father how to redirect lightning [Music] if you let the energy in your own body flow the lightning will follow it you turn your opponent's energy against them that's like water bending exactly my uncle invented this technique himself by studying waterbenders so have you ever redirected lightning before once [Music] what did it feel like exhilarating [Music] but terrifying you feel so powerful holding that much energy in your body but you know if you make the wrong move it's over well not over over I mean there's always Katara and a little Spirit water action am I right actually I used it all up after Azula shot you oh you'll have to take the fire Lord's life before he takes yours yeah I'll just do that hello Zuko here but I guess you probably already know me sort of uh so the thing is I have a lot of fire bending experience and I'm considered to be pretty good at it well you've seen me you know when I was attacking you uh yeah I guess I should apologize for that but anyway I'm good now I mean I thought I was good before but now I realize I was bad but anyway I think it's time I joined your group and taught the Avatar firebending well what's your answer yeah that's what I'd say too how am I supposed to convince these people I'm on their side hey there fellow guard how goes it Zuko listen I asked around the lounge there are no water tribe prisoners I'm afraid your father's not here what are you sure did you double check yeah I'm sure no no I'm really sorry Saka so we came all this way for nothing I failed again uh what would uncle say sometimes clouds have two sides a darkened light and a silver lining in between it's like a silver sandwich so when life seems hard take a bite out of the silver sandwich [Music] maybe we haven't failed after all that's the spirit I can't believe that worked I didn't even know what I was saying no what you said made no sense at all but look it's Suki [Music] oh geez everyone's getting so upset about their characters even you seem more down than usual and that's saying something you don't get it it's different for you you get a muscly version of yourself taking down 10 bad guys at once and making sassy remarks yeah that's pretty great but for me it takes all the mistakes I've made in my life and shoved them back in my face my uncle he's always been on my side even when things were bad he was there for me he taught me so much and how do I repay him with a knife in his back it's my greatest regret and I may never get to redeem myself you have redeemed yourself to your dear I don't realize it but I already have [Music] and all he would talk about was you really yeah and it was kind of annoying oh sorry but it was also very sweet all your uncle wanted was for you to find your own path and see the light now you're here with us he'd be proud ow what was that for that's how I show affection [Music] your Zuko costume is pretty good put your scars on the wrong side the scar is not on the wrong side for so long all I wanted was for you to love me to accept me I thought it was my honor that I wanted but really I was just trying to please you you my father who banished me just for talking out of turn my father who challenged me a 13 year old boy to an agnikai how can you possibly justify a duel with a child did you respect it was cruel and it was wrong and no I've learned everything and I've had to learn it on my own growing up we were taught that the fire nation was the greatest civilization in history and somehow the war was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world what an amazing lie that was the people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation they don't see our greatness they hate us and we deserve it we've created an era of fear in the world and if we don't want the world to destroy itself we need to replace it with an error of peace and kindness your uncle has gotten to you hasn't he yes he has [Music] [Applause] uncle I know you must have mixed feelings about seeing me but I want you to know I am so so sorry uncle I am so sorry and ashamed of what I did I don't know how I can ever make it up to you how can you forgive me so easily I thought you would be furious with me it's never I was sad because I was afraid you lost your way I did lose my way but you found it again and you did it by yourself and I am so happy you found your way here it wasn't that hard uncle you have a pretty strong scent are you okay I'm doing fine Zuko told me what you did or what you didn't do I guess I'm proud of you I wanted to do it I wanted to take out all my anger at him but I couldn't I don't know if it's because I'm too weak to do it or if it's because I'm strong enough not to you did the right thing forgiveness is the first step you have to take to begin healing but I didn't forgive him I'll never forgive him but I am ready to forgive you you were right about what Katara needed violence wasn't the answer never is then I have a question for you what are you gonna do when you face my father [Music] I can't believe a year ago my purpose in life was hunting you down and now and now we're friends yeah we are friends I can't believe a year ago I was still frozen in a block of ice the world's so different now and it's gonna be even more different we'll rebuild it together foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this war is finally over promised my uncle that I would restore the honor of the Fire Nation and I will the road ahead of us is challenging a hundred years of fighting has left the world scarred and divided but with the Avatar's help we can get it back on the right path and begin a new era of love and peace All Hail Fire Lord [Music] all right [Music]
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Views: 490,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Avatar: The Last Airbender, ATLA, Legend of Korra, The Legend of Korra, LOK, Aang, Katara, Toph, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, Airbending, Nickelodeon, Korra, Bolin, Mako, Asami, Ozai, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Amon, Kuvira, Zaheer, Iroh, Uncle Iroh, Leaves from the Vine, Bending, Anime, The Last Airbender, Aang vs Ozai, Agni Kai, Avatar Netflix, Avatar Studios, Fight, Fight Scene, Minecraft, Video Games, Gaming, Genji, Legend of Genji, Avatar Full Episodes, ytao_atla
Id: UgZ6ufjwFN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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