Toph & Katara's Best Moments Ever ⛰🌊 | Avatar: The Last Airbender

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stop AA stop it's not that bad qara it makes a great wig and a great beard I'm just glad we finally have another girl in the group because you two are disgusting excuse me does anyone have a razor because I got some hairy pits [Music] [Applause] [Music] so tough usually when setting up camp we try to divide up the work hey don't worry about me I'm good to go well actually what I'm trying to say is uh some of us might fetch water while someone else might set up the fire pit or put up the tent even Momo does his fair share qara I'm fine fine I can carry my own weight I don't need a fire I've already collected my own food and look my tents all set up well that's great for you but we still need to finish I don't understand what's the problem here never [Music] mind sorry hey Toof I wanted to apologize for earlier I think we're all just a little tired and getting on each other's nerves yeah you do seem pretty tired I meant all of us well good night good [Applause] [Music] night there's something coming toward us what is it it feels like an avalanche but also not an avalanche your powers of perception are frightening should we leave better safe than [Music] sorry what is that [Music] thing land sweet land see you guys in the morning actually can you help us unload really you need me to help unload Sak's funky smelling sleeping bag well yeah that and everything else you're a part of our team now and look I didn't ask you to help unload my stuff I'm carrying my own weight that's not the point ever since you joined us you've been nothing but selfish and unhelpful what what look here Sugar Queen I gave up everything I had so that I could teach Ang earthbending so don't you talk to me about being selfish Sugar Queen did you just slam the door in my face how can you be so infuriating should we do something hey I'm just enjoying the show okay okay you both need to calm down both I'm completely calm I can see [Music] that the Stars sure are beautiful tonight too bad you can't see them Toth hey how's the guy supposed to sleep with all this yelling and earthquak that thing is back well how far away is it maybe we can close our eyes just for a few minutes I don't think think so [Music] Saka seriously what is that thing and how does it keep finding us I don't know but this time I'm going to make sure we lose [Music] [Applause] [Music] them okay forget about setting up camp I'm finding the softest pile of dirt and going to sleep that's good because Toof wasn't going to help anyway oh I didn't realize baby still needed someone to tuck her in bed come on guys there's something after us and we don't even know what or who it is it could be Zuko we haven't seen him since the North Pole who's Zuko oh just some angry freak with a ponytail who's tracked us all over the world what's wrong with ponytails ponytail This Is A Warrior's wolf tale well it certainly tells the other Warriors that you're fun in perky anyway whoever's chasing us they couldn't have followed us here so now would everyone Just [Music] sh no Momo sh sleepy time oh don't tell me that's impossible there's no way they could have tracked us I can feel it with my own two [Music] feet let's get out of here maybe we should face them find out who they are who knows maybe they're friendly always The [Applause] Optimist [Applause] what's going on AA fell asleep wake up buddy Opa is exhausted okay we've put a lot of distance between us and Them the plan right now is to follow opa's lead and get some sleep of course we could have gotten some sleep earlier if Toof didn't have such issues what all right all right everyone's exhausted let's just get some rest no I want to hear what qara has to say you think I have issues I'm just saying maybe if you helped out earlier we could have set up our camp faster and gotten some sleep and then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation you're blaming me for [Music] this no no she's not blaming you no I'm blaming her hey I never asked you for didly doodah I carry my own weight besides if there's anyone to blame it's Shetty over here what you're blaming Opa yeah you want to know how they keep finding us he's leaving a trail everywhere we go how dare you blame Opa he saved your life three times today if there's anyone to blame it's you you're always talking about how you carry your own weight but you're not he is Opa is carrying your weight he never had a problem flying when it was just a three of us I'm out of here wait [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] tough aren't you going to get ready for the [Music] day I'm ready you're not going to wash up you've got a little dirt on your everywhere actually you call it dirt I call it a healthy coating of Earth H you know what we need a girls day out do I have to it'll be [Music] fun the fancy Lady Day Spa sounds like my kind of place are you ready for some serious pampering sure Katara whatever you say as long as they don't touch my feet [Music] [Music] [Music] oh well that wasn't so bad I'm not usually into that stuff but I actually feel girly I'm glad it's about time we did something fun [Music] together wow great makeup thanks for a clown don't listen to them let's just keep walking I think she looks cute like that time you put a sweater on your pet poodle monkey good one star let's go Toof no no that was a good one like your poodle monkey you know what else is a good one now that was funny those girls don't know what they're talking about it's okay one of the good things about being blind is that I don't have to waste my time worrying about appearances I don't care what I look like I'm not looking for anyone's approval I know who I am that's what I really admire about you Toof you're so strong and confident and self assured and I know it doesn't matter but you're really pretty I am yeah you are I'd return the compliment but I have no idea what you look like thank you Katara [Music] [Applause] [Music] ow okay I'm ready for some training [Music] good job Twinkle Toes visualize then [Music] attack maybe you should take your own advice Toof what's the matter can't handle some dirt Madam fussy [Music] riches oh sorry sorry did I Splash you mud slug are we taking a break Sak attack Saga sneak attacks don't work if you yell it out loud hungry for a mud pie I'll give you a mud pie [Music] uh guys I thought we were supposed to be training me very well pupil I believe we've had enough training for today while guara cleans up let's go have some fun yes guys I think these scams have gone far enough if you keep doing them something bad is going to happen could you for once stop being such a Sour Puss and just just lighten up oh I'm sorry you think I should be more like you like some wild child yeah maybe maybe then you'd see how great we have it I mean look at us we're traveling around the world making Easy Money having fun with no parents to tell us what to do ah I see you're acting like this because of your parents whatever they were controlling over you so you ran away and now you act like your parents don't exist you act like you hate them but you don't don't you just feel guilty I do hate them I don't think so I think you miss them but you just don't want to deal with that so instead you act like this crazy person look I ran away to help Ang you know what it doesn't matter these scams put us all at risk and we don't need that we've already got some thirde eyed freak after us speaking of that third-eyed freak I think I've come up with a name for him what do you think of Sparky Sparky boo man just think about we have enough money you need to stop this I'll stop when I want to stop and not when you tell [Music] [Applause] me speaking of money I'm off to spend some see you guys [Music] later hockey welcome to team Avatar my name's Saka and I'm your new owner and as such I should warn you that there's already a lemur in our group so I don't want to see any fighting good little Meer hockey who's got pretty feathers you're right hockey this is [Applause] bad Toof when I was in town I found something that you're not going to like well it sounds like a sheet of paper but I guess you're referring to what's on the sheet of paper it's a wanted poster of you they've nicknamed you The Runaway a wanted poster that's so great The Runaway I love my new nickname is there a picture of me does it look good well yeah actually it does look pretty good but top you're missing the point maybe qara was right these games are drawing too much attention to us don't be such a worry wart like your sister think of it this way now you have plenty of money to help with the invasion plan well that is true I had this idea of making armor for Opa here's a little extra so you can get yourself a nice map of the Fire Nation you know what make it an atlas I do like expensive atlases of course of course you do and that's why this wanted poster is going to stay our little [Music] secret Saka tell me you didn't buy a bird not just a bird a messenger bird now we can send messages all over the world even to gr Grand wow how does it work H uh I never actually thought about that hockey grand grand South Pole I think he gets [Music] it hockey make nice bad [Music] hockey well look who decided to join us where have you two been off scamming again yes we were and I suppose you don't think what you're doing is dangerous at all no I don't really yes really well then what what's this I don't know I mean seriously what's with you people I'm blind it's a wanted poster of you The Runaway is that what you're called now are you proud of this where did you get that it doesn't matter where I got it the fact is you went through my stuff you had no right your stuff was messy and I was just straightening up and I happened to stumble across it that's a lie you're lying qara fine it's a lie but you've been so out of control troll lately I knew something was up I knew you were hiding something and you were don't you walk away from me while I'm talking to you oh really Mom or what are you going to do send me to my room I wish I could well you can't because you're not my mom and you're not their mom I never said I was no but you certainly act like it you think it's your job to boss everyone around but it's not you're just a regular kid like the rest of us so stop acting like you can tell me what to do I can do whatever I want I don't act that way Saka do I act motherly hey I'm staying out of this one what do you think Ang do I act like a mom well I stop rubbing your eye and speak clearly when you talk yes ma'am I can't be around you right now well I can't be around you I know hockey why can't they just get [Music] along so let me guess you brought me out here to tell me your sister is not as annoying as I make her out to be nah she's pretty much a pain she's always got to be right about everything and she gets all bossy and involved and in your business yeah I don't know how you can deal with it actually in a way I rely on it I don't understand when our mom died that was the hardest time in my life our family was a mess but qara she had so much strength she stepped up and took on so much responsibility she helped fill the void that was left by her mom I guess I never thought about that I'm going to tell you something crazy I never told anyone this before but honestly I'm not sure I can remember what my mother looked like it really seems like my whole life qara has been the one looking out for me she's always been the one that's there and now when I try to remember my mom Qatar is the only only face I can picture the truth is sometimes Qatar does ACT motherly but that's not always a bad thing she's compassionate and kind and she actually cares about me you know the real me that's more than my own mom don't ever tell her I said any of this hey my lips are sealed hi Toth um I want to qara stop you don't need to apologize I was the one being stupid these scams are out of control and I'm done with them actually I wasn't going to apologize I was going to say I want to pull a scam with you what you want to pull a scam not just any scam the ultimate scam what do you say to just me and you one last go you in you know I'm in now what's this idea of yours wait it's a trap really no kidding is that why we're sitting in a wooden cage right now gee how' you figure out it was a trap not for us qara we're the bait he wants a oh I can't believe I was so stupid see this is exactly why I'm against these scams I knew this would happen but this was your idea I know I wanted to show you that I'm not so motherly I wanted to show you that I can have fun too Katara you are fun if nothing else you're at least fun to argue with I know your relationship with your parents is complicated and I shouldn't have said what I said it's okay I was really mad when you said that because well because maybe it's true I try not to think about it but when I left I probably really hurt [Music] them what are we going to do I don't know I wish we had some Earth or water we need bendables what about your meteor bracelet you can make a saw I left it back at Camp I was worried they would take [Music] [Applause] [Music] it um qara are you okay just fine well what are you doing I'm making my own [Music] water Katara you're a genius a sweaty stinky genius top what happened my feet got burned oh oh no what happened I just told you my feet got burned I meant how well I kind of went to see Zuko last night you what Zuko I just thought he could be helpful to us and if I talk to him maybe we could work something out so he attacked you well he did and he didn't it was sort of an accident but he did fire Bend at you yes see you you trusted Zuko and you got burned literally it's going to take a while for your feet to get better I wish I could have worked on them sooner yeah me too Zuko's clearly too dangerous to be left alone we're going to have to go after him I hate to go looking for a fight but you're right after what he did to Toof I don't think we have a choice he's crafty but we'll find a way to capture him maybe just invite him back here he's already offered himself up as a prisoner once yeah get him to come back and say he'll be our prisoner then we'll jump him and really make him our prisoner he'll never suspect it you are a master of surprise [Music] Saka Ah that's the stuff now I know how the rest of you guys feel not being able to see with your feet stinks so far this intermission is the best part of the play apparently the playright thinks I'm an idiot who tells bad jokes about meat all the time yeah you tell bad jokes about plenty of other topics I know at least the Saka actor kind of looks like you that woman playing the Avatar doesn't resemble me at all I don't know you are more in touch with your feminine side than most guys relax Ang they're not accurate portrayals it's not like I'm a preachy crybaby who can't resist giving over emotional speeches about hope all the time what yeah that's not you at all listen friends it's obvious that the playright did his research I know it must hurt but what you're seeing up there on that stage is the truth well here we are in the earth Kingdom I better have a look around to see if I can find an earthbending teacher this is it this must be where I come in I flew all over town but I couldn't find a single earthbending Master here it comes you can't find an earth ending master in the sky you have to look underground who are you my name's tough because it sounds like tough and that's just what I am wait a minute I sound like a guy a really buff guy well Toof what you hear up there is the truth it hurts doesn't it are you kidding me I wouldn't have cast it any other way at least it's not a flying bald lady so you're blind I can see you doing that I see everything that you see except I don't see like you do I release a sonic wave from my mouth there I got a pretty good look at you
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Views: 2,232,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nickelodeon, animation, anime, avatar, avatar the last airbender, atla, avatar on netflix, netflix, the last airbender, aang, toph, team avatar, avatar studios, zuko, toph beifong, full episode, full episodes, live action, netflix avatar, avatar the last airbender netflix, netflix avatar the last airbender, avatar netflix, avatar netflix trailer, avatar netflix clip, avatar netflix live action, avatar netflix cast, daniel dae kim, katara, azula, Gordon Cormier, Ian Ousley, animated
Id: hTPO0oCsDho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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