Top yogic super foods explained by Sadhguru -(For high energy,stability, health and detoxification )

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of all the things are ground nut you know i'm particularly passionate about the groundnut because there was a period of my life when i just lived in groundnut and banana that's all because it has everything you need just soaked groundnut one handful this much of groundnut soaked overnight one banana my entire day would go and perfectly active more active than most people will ever imagine it has everything to sustain you [Music] it's a complete food by itself if you soak it for over six to eight hours it takes away certain aspects which are called as pitta you know what's pitta allopathic doctors don't look at it but the ayurveda is based on this it takes away the pitta and taking this soaked i'm not chewing it well and eating just make sure it's not some genetically engineered nonsense whatever one thing is it could be genetically modified they are no more declaring which is modified which is not another thing is you're pumping in fertilizers and pesticides to such an extent the groundnut is no more grounded just make sure it's a more organic thing [Music] if you want breakfast you want a recipe [Music] you take a handful of groundnut soak it in water for six to eight hours put it in the mixy if you want to add some fruit you add a banana whatever you like banana goes well you can add any other fruit if you want put some honey into it two minutes you have excellent breakfast ready it takes two minutes to do it and if you want it little water watery put more water into it and just drink it up you want it like porridge you make it thick and you eat it you will see easily it'll keep you for four to five hours and it's highly nutritious [Music] in karnataka there are certain tribes called jainukrubas jaina kurobas means they're honey shepherds some time ago i had the opportunity to live with them for a short while their diet is like this first thing in the morning one bamboo glass you know bamboo shoots sliced off like this it takes about three fourths of a liter three-fourths of a litre of honey in the morning that's all the diet you drink three-fourths of a liter of honey in the morning and then you're out in the forest in a day easily you walk 30 to 40 kilometers and you climb a minimum of 50 trees and get off up and down up and down the trees until evening there is no nothing else if you as you harvest honey whatever comes on your hand you lick that so in a day almost more than a liter later and a half honey you're taking in when you come back in the evening there is some cereal usually it's called jola that's java or you know it's like maize maize or ragi or something like this their main staple diet is honey and you drink this three-fourths of a liter of honey and whole day you are so active but there is no hunger you're just fired up like that they live on this they're called hani shepherds their diet is honey honey is one of the best things that you can consume psychological stability physical well-being vitality all these things can be greatly enhanced simply consuming daily honey [Music] honey is the only substance found on the planet whose chemical composition is very close to that of human blood you change a few things it's almost like blood daily consumption of honey can do a lot for your health especially people who have excess mucus problems it's very good for your heart it's good for your brains it keeps your mind alert and it's highly energetic the daily consumption of honey can do a lot especially if you have growing children they must consume honey on a daily basis it will do a lot for the development of their intelligence and everything even the ash god ashgar and honey together will make a wonderful diet for children in terms of enhancing their intellectual capabilities [Music] if you cook honey it'll become poisonous honey should not be cooked i know people are baking it cooking it in cakes and other things it's not a good thing to do certain part of the honey tends turns poisonous if you cook it you should put it in warm water not in boiling hot water if you put it in hot water it sets off a certain kind of enzymes behave in a certain way in the honey that it tends to take away weight from the body if you put it in cold water it behaves in a different way and accordingly it adds weight to the body it is not that a few spoons of honey that you're taking is putting weight to your body it is just that it sets off a certain reaction in your system that your absorption rate is such that you tend to gain weight [Music] so honey it has different types of impacts on the system if it consumed raw it has one kind of impact if it is consumed in cold water it has another kind of impact if it is consumed in warm water it's a different kind of impact we want to consume it in warm water here because we want the system to open up if you want to integrate the system just for help somebody is feeling uh what anime somebody enemy anemia means on one level the blood has lost its iron that means you lost your steel okay you lost the strength in the body you'll feel exhausted simply exhausted for nothing because once the necessary iron is not there your ability to carry oxygen through the body is less that means your body your heart your brain everything will be on a lower level of function because you don't have enough oxygen so to take care of this one of the simple things is you consume a little bit of honey in warm water on a daily basis and you will see slowly the rbc content will go up if there's more oxygen in the blood suddenly you feel a burst of energy suddenly everything is active the rejuvenation system in the body is going up the dead cells are being replaced quickly the level of inertia that you feel in the body is much lower the level of inertia that you feel in your mind is much lower so consuming honey will bring a certain balance to the circulatory system which is very very essential for a yoga practitioner because you're doing you're pushing the body in certain ways so keeping the blood chemistry in a certain balance keeping the blood pure will definitely happen with a regular consumption of honey and it's very necessary for someone who practices yoga and turmeric also does similar things it purifies the blood and it brings a certain translucence to your energies turmeric is one substance which not only works on the physiology it also works on the energy system and it is it is also true with honey that it also has impact on your energy system honey makes you more vibrant turmeric kind of calms you and keeps you easy morning you are having a little bit of honey neem and turmeric so consumption of neem and turmeric with a mildly laced honey water it should be very mild mildly laced honey water together acts as a wonderful way of cleansing the system dilating the system that when you do sadhana one thing it brings flexibility to the muscles another thing is because the dilation brings flexibility to the muscle and that flexibility as a consequence becomes a way that you slowly build the system into a more powerful possibility if you want to bring a new level of flexibility one thing is a lot of toxicity has to go from the system if you just go on water diet or honey and water diet which will keep you energetic enough if you are not already bone thin if you can afford to use a little bit of weight if you put honey you won't lose weight also if you add enough honey or you take spoonfuls of honey you won't lose weight if you do this for seven eight days the amount of toxicity that you expel from the body is tremendous if you do this then you see suddenly you find your body so much more flexible just experiment don't believe all this so honey plays an important role people who are doing yogic practice it is good to consume honey in the yogic culture we classify foods into three categories positive chronic food negative chronic food and zero chronic food positive prana means it adds a certain chronic energy to the system when you consume negative prana takes away energy from the system zero neither adds nor takes away it's eaten for taste and lethargy so if you eat positive chronic food energy will reverberate in a dynamic way [Music] particularly some of the things were very very positive are the ash god the ash god is very very highly positive you i think these days you're only hanging it in front of your house or breaking at three corners of the road and giving it to the buffalo but you are not eating it no this is to be eaten because the vegetable has such high chronic energy you put it in front of your home so that there is nice energy but if there is so much energy to it isn't it good to put it into you it's good to put it into you especially if you consume there are many experiments on this if you consume a glass of ascot juice every day the number of cancerous cells in your body will dramatically come down and you will see clearly the sharpness of your intellect will enhance itself especially children must drink asgard juice daily consumption of ash gourd you will see distinctly your mind seems to be clearer and sharper this will be noticeable within a few weeks of consumption of ash gourd you will see morning you drink coffee it gives you energy with agitation you drink a glass of ash gourd juice it gives you enormous amount of energy at the same time it keeps you very very calm one should consume it as much as you can but those of you who are asthmatic who are susceptible to coals and coughs such people if you consume ash gourd juice you may immediately have colds because it cools the system so if such a problem is there such people should always add a little bit of honey or pepper to ash or juice and consume it this will neutralize the cooling effect of the ascot to some extent when we were eating for survival we eat whatever we could lay our hands on now that we have choices we have to choose what's best for the body if we don't choose like this then we will somehow live on goal all these things are relevant only for those people who are constantly striving how to better their life how to perform little better how to open up another dimension of life if these concerns are there then what kind of food or fuel you put into this machine is very very important horse gram is one among the lentils it is the most protein rich lentil found on the planet it's very high powered so that's why race horses are fed with this gram which is called as horse gram today in the market it's unfortunately called horse glam it's called kolo in tamil and uruli in other languages [Applause] [Music] so this is a very good thing it's good to sprout it if you sprout it you digest this much more easily you can keep it in a bowl in your room take get one white cloth put it in that soak it in the water for about six to eight hours then tie it in a cloth and keep it closed in about three days it'll sprout if it's sprouted you can just eat it raw if it's come out about half an inch out of the seed you can eat it raw it takes a lot of chewing and eating you chew it and eat it it's very good now this will increase heat in the body today's sun is up and suppose today you drink color or eat cold when you feel too much heat then you must balance it by eating green gram sprouted green gram will cool the system oh is this all so complicated can't i just eat my meal [Music] [Applause] i'm only asking you to just eat it i'm not asking you to perform any ritual but right now you are just performing the ritual of eating you are not eating as a human being should eat if you just go and watch any of the wild animals they're just chopping from chomp chomp they're eating but they're not eating indiscriminately just like that they're rejecting what they don't want they're eating what they want just to observe a spotted deer you can see it it will be grazing you'll just see what it eats what it does not eat it just knows just like that by the feel of it it knows what to eat what not to eat for today tomorrow it may be eating a leaf that it does not eat today but today it knows what to eat for its body and for the atmosphere around it so you also need to develop that a little bit because this is the intelligence of the body so consuming this horse gram will generate heat in the body if you find it's causing excessive heat how do you know excessive heat is you will notice your eyeballs are hot or you want to go and pee you want to pee it's full but it won't come out it hurts that means there is excess heat such a thing happens you just drink some ash gourd juice or eat some green gram or take some castor oil and apply it on you know either inside the navel or the anahata the vishuddhi this place and these two spots behind the ears if you apply instantly within five minutes the system will cool down go to the bathroom everything will happen without effort so the body has to be managed even now self management is happening but if you consciously manage it it'll function better it's as simple as that if you want to use the system at a higher dimension of performance then you have to watch it live and die then nothing matters eat whatever no what does it matter even if you eat garbage you will live but eating with care and watching what the body needs will enable the body in many ways a conscious managing not becoming a health freak being you know stressed about what do i eat what do i do this how do this know that itself is damaging just being conscious how much of what what is body's requirement today that's what you do the uniqueness of name especially when it is taken along with turmeric any kind of parasite life which is there all these things get eliminated it facilitates that that your transmission of energy is evenly across and once you start noticing this then by choice you can move your energies where you want so the neem and turmeric together has the power to break down the sperm cells and make it into another level of energy which is called as ojas once every cell in the body is encapsulated in ojas you will be a glowing human being [Music] so in the yoga center the day starts with a small marble-sized ball of neem and turmeric there are many aspects to this of what impact it has on your system but first of all the neem tree which is generally all over india today probably being grown in another 10 to 12 different geographical locations around the world but originally by nature indigenous to indian subcontinent is one of the most complex leaves that you can find on the planet it is supposed to have over 150 complex chemical patterns within it there are both health aspects energetic aspects and spiritual dimensions attached to this so about health the fundamental mistake that modern medicine systems have made is kind of absolutism about health that this is health this is not health now they tell you your whatever whatever chemistry blood chemistry must be this this and this then you're healthy believe me most of you or many of you may fit into those parameters and still not be healthy because health is a certain reverberance it is not an absolutism you may be perfectly healthy right now in 10 minutes you may not be if certain things happen in the system well 10 minutes may look too much by this evening you may not be healthy it's possible it's very much possible this idea that you can define health as this is it and you define it in chemical parameters and say this this this you're healthy no many things can fluctuate within the system without you being unhealthy or many things can be stable without you being healthy so having said that what the neem does to your system well in more tangible terms one immediate thing it will do is it will keep your elementary tract clean when we say clean this is a region this whole digestive process is a region where you have maximum amount of [Music] other life within this elementary tract there are a whole host of microorganisms many of them have turned friendly to us we are living because of them we are able to digest food because of them many many functions in the body happen because of them but still there are many who are harmful to us the uniqueness of neem especially when it is taken along with turmeric if these two things go together largely those things which are not necessary for the body those things can that which can harm the body any kind of parasite life which is there all these things get eliminated a clean colon is very vital for health if you go to see or consult any traditional doctor like an ayurvedic doctor or a siddha-vaidya or eastern medicine largely whatever your health problem first thing is they will purge you because they want your colon clean for your physical and psychological health they want your colon clean if you just become little more conscious about how you eat what happens in your body what happens in your mind can be greatly influenced see if you build any structure there is a design to it this is an architectural design but there is also a part where the quality of the material and the execution efficiency of execution are involved just because the design is great it does not mean the building will turn out great the quality of material that goes into the making and who makes it makes a world of difference that goes for this also with this the design is perfect it took millions and millions of years to perfect this design the whole evolutionary process took that long to arrive at this design but execution and the material that you use to build this is very important too so what kind of food you put in it's not just about your culture cultures might have evolved according to the survival needs of that place cultures in different parts of the world have evolved according to what was available in that place and survival needs how the economies were what was happening what was the main form of livelihood accordingly cultures have evolved cultures are never perfect unfortunately people get super identified with this and think their culture is perfect no culture in the world is perfect because the mess that you do in this generation is tomorrow's culture hello and you think you're doing this mess very consciously no it's just happening isn't it whatever rubbish you do today next generation picks it up or rejects it and does the reverse of it whatever but it is a consequence of this generation's culture which breeds the next generation of culture so culturally what you're eating is not the point what goes best into this system what is this machine designed for what kind of fuel knowing this is very important so if you look at this look at it this way keeping the body in a certain level of balance and efficiency of digestive process very important how much food do you need to maintain the level of activity you wish to maintain in your life we are talking about fuel efficiency for all our automobiles you've seen the 1950s 50s were a little better 60s and 70s cars in united states if you break down 10 cars you could build a battleship that's how much metal they used to build a car well now they're getting sleeker and this why one important aspect is that fuel efficiency to travel a mile how much are you consuming well we're thinking ecological terms think in terms of your health terms that is to process let us say one unit of energy how much food do you have to eat means that much excessive load on the system so if you don't have your own sense every day in the morning if you eat a little bit of neem and turmeric on an empty stomach and drink some maybe tepid water it will bring that sense to you because body will respond to food in a certain way it will tell you when it's enough you're not able to figure it out yourself every cell in the body will speak because neem and turmeric together creates a certain access to the cellular level that when you generate energy how is it distributed well people have been asking me to talk speak about internal combustion engine so how distribution of energy happens which in an automobile is called transmission determines how efficient a vehicle is and how much fuel it consumes to generate the same amount of power power in the engine is one thing power at the wheels is another thing completely different today the top racing machines in the world are just 2.7 liter that's a cap they've set for the formula ones but they're the fastest machines because power of the engine and power of the wheel the loss is limit very very minimal well we have pickup trucks here which generate 700 bhp at the engine but what goes to the wheel is another matter so there is something called as transmission so what you generate in your stomach where all does it go to what extent does it go is a very important aspect which in today's world people are simply not conscious of if you want to facilitate this well there are yogi practices but even to assist that this neem and turmeric can be a tremendous process because it facilitates that that your transmission of energy is evenly across and once you start noticing this then by choice you can move your energies where you want when i say you can move your energies where you want right now if i say this people will start imagining all kinds of things so let me limit that but anyway right now i want to speak if i have my energies focused in my throat consciously it may happen to a whole lot of singers and others just you know by natural entire you know inclinations but if you consciously there you will see your speech will have a different kind of impact if you look at something if you move your energies to your eyes not that everything the dominance is in that place then you will see your look has a power which everybody has eyes maybe they're 20 20. no no no i'm not talking about the year i mean to say the vision oh we must be careful about using this number huh 2020 means people go so you may your vision may be normal but doesn't have the same power will not grasp the same things will not penetrate the same way like this there are various aspects you want to do something with your hands if you can have your energies focused in your hands your touch will be another level of touch all together so if this has to happen first and foremost thing is the transmission of energy in the system is smoked neem and turmeric as a combination on an empty stomach does wonders in this direction wonders so those who are doing sadhana of some kind for them it's very important there are other dimensions to this that is if we use this name and turmeric on an empty stomach one aspect is it has the power to transform one dimension of energy within you to another in the sense in the yogic culture this must be understood with proper perspective the doctors say that if you consume excessive neem it will destroy the sperm cells which is good proof for what we have been saying for thousands of years that is see there are various kinds of cells today modern science is beginning to recognize how significantly different they are what is on your skin what is in your bone marrow what is in your sperm what is in your brain these are different kinds of things almost like another life though there is a common thread of information in all of them they're very very different and what it takes for the body to generate an epithelial cell and what it takes to generate a sperm or what it takes to generate another cell neurological cells are very different level of energy involvement with the body well a lot of people will question this but they will arrive at it in under 25 or 50 years time yes i'm telling you so one dimension of human life is see i want you to understand the miracle don't think about the sexuality of it just with a single cell two all right but just with one single cell you can ignite a new life which sits here like this is it a small thing i'm asking because people are too sexually messed up in their head they are not looking at the miracle of it just with one cell just look at the way life has sprouted and what it's become isn't it so we populated the whole world we need to do something on that that's a different matter so the neem and turmeric together has the power to break down the sperm cells and make it into another level of energy which is called as ojas when every cell in your body slowly gets wrapped in ochas if you're doing sadhana and your transmission is good and even across the body when every cell in the body is encapsulated in or just when i say ojas what is it show it to me in my blood blood work they said no jas all right in your blood work there's no life also i want you to know there's only chemistry nobody ever proved that you're alive hello you have to prove so ojas will encapsulate every cell once every cell in the body is encapsulated in orders you will be a glowing human being in every in every in every aspect of that word you will be a glowing human being within and without you will be like that this is something everybody needs to work at because this is not enlightenment this is you created a platform upon which nothing can go wrong body and mind or platforms how you function on it what kind of dance you do on it is up to you but having a perfect platform which doesn't throw you off is important you need to understand this body is not the end game this body is the platform this mind is a platform if you make it very energetic and stable then exuberance and stability people don't understand this they think exuberance means freaking all over the place stable means being dead to be exuberant and stable if the platforms are like this now you're free to dance whichever way you want in this direction neem and turmeric are very important elements it's not that without it you cannot do you can but when there is support why not use it so there are many many aspects to this in terms of both physiological and psychological health so this is a possibility one is about using something that supports you another is using an atmosphere that will soak you in a certain kind of energy that your body not like full body like this every cell in the body should have ojas the protective layer of urjas then you live this is free you live trouble free wall you remain exuberant and stable at the same time
Channel: Smarter By The Day
Views: 369,807
Rating: 4.9076991 out of 5
Keywords: Yogic diet, spiritual diet, positive pranic food, negative pranic food, yogic superfood, sadhguru on food
Id: 0mYwsA8Ajks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 36sec (2196 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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