20 Outlook Web Tips and Tricks | Microsoft Outlook 365 tips for Email, Calendar, Teams & more

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i'll be showing 20 tips and tricks for outlook 365. outlook for the web includes boardview email calendar and a whole lot more so let's get started to get to outlook for the web i'm on the office.com homepage and i'm going to click on outlook here the first tip is the new outlook board view first go to the calendar in the upper left here next go to the upper right drop this down and you're going to see this new board option click here and this is going to let you keep everything in one place boardview is like a nice project management tool built right into outlook so click left start now by default i get a set of parts so i've got a calendar part tasks a note and some tips and i can move these around the screen so if i click here maybe i want to move this over here i can go and remove this one i can drag my tasks around maybe i want to resize this right here make it a little bit bigger so it's like this little project management board what's also nice is you can zoom in and out so down here i can zoom out a little bit and now i've got this canvas by which i can click and drag stuff around i can also add things to my board so maybe i want to show all here i want to add a clock i got a clock here we'll add a city in bellevue and we'll zoom back in a little bit you can change the colors of things so maybe for note here i want to change the color and make it purple like one note and maybe i want to go over here and add one more thing to my board let's add a goal so here's my goal finish this video and i can set a date and all sorts of fun stuff now i'm not going to go through a full demonstration of the board view but if you want in the upper right i've got a much deeper dive of how the board view works and what's nice is this just overlays on top of any of your calendars so if i go back here in the upper right i can go back here and choose week and now i'm back to my normal week view the second tip is one of my favorites and it's called snoozing your emails so there's a bunch of mails from bill lumberg here let's select these and you know what he's kind of annoying i want these mails to disappear from my inbox at least for a couple of days so i've selected them here and if i go up and i choose snooze i can say you know what i want them to come back next week now if i choose this they're going to disappear temporarily and then monday at 8am they'll reappear so i can have a more relaxing weekend so let's click this now all those bill lumberg mails are out of my inbox and they are snoozed away another nice thing you can even choose custom dates if you want on when you want those snoozed emails to reappear now if you wonder gosh where did those snoozed emails go what if i want to get back to them don't worry there's a little folder here that's called snoozed and if you go in here hey there's all my bill lumberg emails the third tip is to delay sending of your emails by a certain amount of time so let's say i've got a new mail message here now i have a mail here that i want to send to bill lumberg i want to impress him and make him think that i was working all weekend and it's going to go out on a saturday night so i'm going to go here and drop this down and choose send later and i'm going to choose saturday and we're going to set it to 10 p.m so bill thinks that i've been working at 10 p.m on these tps cover sheet updates now when i click send this is going to basically delay this until 10 pm and then deliver the mail to bill so let's click send now that mail is going to sit on the exchange server in the cloud and only get delivered at 10 pm so lots of options for delaying your emails the fourth tip is using emojis and animated gifs in your emails now i've got a boring email the bill here about our tps report off-site and i want to spice it up a little bit so if i go down here and click the smiley face insert emojis and gifs so we'll open that up now maybe i want to add a nice gif choose the spot where you want to insert it and i'm going to search here i love this gift from saturday night live freaking amazing now i've inserted it it's a little more exciting and maybe i'll add a little emoji as well so click on emojis clear that out and let's give a nice little hearts on the smiley face okay close this and my mail to bill is ready let's send it the fifth tip is the immersive reader in outlook for the web the immersive reader is an inclusively designed tool that can help all people with reading it has many accessibility improvements and things like text to speech and other options so i've got a message selected here and if i go to the three dot menu you can see this show an immersive reader so let's click this you can see we reduce page distractions makes the font much bigger down at the bottom i can hit play and read it out loud we are thrilled to announce that the immersive reader has fully roll you can also change the voice speed right here faster slower male or female voice some people want to read with not a white background maybe i want to make it black or there's other colors that i can choose lots of options here you can make the text size much bigger i can scroll it up like this i can also do things like line focus so maybe i just want to look at one line at a time there's various reasons that people need some of these extra supports when reading the other nice thing is translation so i'll make the font a little bit smaller here let's say i want to translate this mail to another language click on reading preferences drop down translate and we support over 111 languages so maybe i want to go here and choose spanish we'll scroll down and then choose document the entire mail is translated and now when i read out loud so all of this is built right into that immersive reader go back to original here and then i can close this by clicking the little arrow to exit the sixth tip is enabling teams by default for any meeting that you create in outlook now i'm going to go here to the calendar and i'll go up here to the gear drop this down and then choose view all outlook settings now on the calendar what you're going to do is go to events and invitations and there's an option add online meeting to all meetings turn that on and then click save and then close now let's create a new event here give it a title my status meeting invite some attendees and as soon as i add an attendee you'll note that this turns on teams meeting by default so i don't have to always remember to turn that switch now i'm ready to send it out with the teams meeting enabled let's go and right there is my status meeting i click here and i can immediately just join that teams meeting from the flyout if i need to the seventh tip is shortening by default the start or end times of your meetings especially during remote work or remote schooling having back-to-back 30-minute meetings or hour-long meetings can be rough to do this we're going to go to the upper right click the gear down at the bottom choose outlook settings then go to events and invitations now go here and check shortened duration for all events so for example i want to end events early maybe for an hour-long meeting let's end it at 50 minutes instead of the full hour so i can set it by default for 10 minutes maybe i just want to end five minutes early less than one hour so for example 30 minute meetings i can choose also let's say five minutes i want to end early you can also drop this down and say hey i want to start my events five minutes later that means by default in this case if it's less than one hour when i create that meeting it's going to start it five minutes later so let's see how that looks click save and then close so let's open up a new event here now look at the start time for this 30 minute event instead of starting exactly at 11 o'clock it starts five minutes after the eighth tip is teams meet now built directly into the outlook web calendar in the calendar here in the upper right you'll see this meet now and if i click this it takes me immediately into the teams dialogue and i'm ready to start my team's meeting the ninth tip is bolder colors in your calendar now you can see here that i've got my outlet calendar these are the standard lighter colors i've used if you go to the upper right and click on the gear and then choose outlook settings down at the bottom look at calendar under view here you'll see event appearance by default it's light i'm going to choose bold maybe i want to have my calendar pop a little bit more now click save and close now you can see that these colors are much more bright and bold some people like this they stand out just a little bit better in your calendar make it easier to see things the 10th tip is onenote integration directly from outlook web in the top upper right you'll see this little notebook icon which is the onenote feed i can click this and it loads up all the notes that i have across onenote sticky notes and samsung notes now you can filter right here as well so i have onenote pages samsung notes or my sticky notes i can also add sticky notes directly here so if i click add note remember to do my tps report redesign and i can close this and that sticky note is added this feed also shows up inside of onenote and right here you have onenote pages so if i click here this is a problem of the week it launches me right into onenote for the web to this page which is really handy and also in onenote for the web here is this feed so if i click feed the exact same notes feed loads here and there is that yellow sticky note that i just added back in outlook for the web so really nice integration between outlook and onenote the 11th tip is to do bar integration in the upper right you're going to see this little to-do bar icon and i'm going to click this for my day this opens up your to-do bar right here on the right-hand side and this lets you be able to see your mail your calendar and your tasks in one place so right here you can see my calendar and everything is in a nice little compact view i also have my date picker here and you can see calendar right at the top and it's showing me i can also drag things as a task so i can drag a mail in so here's something that's super interesting from alex wilbur i'm going to drag it in to add as a task so now i've turned that email right into a task and you can see that to do right here is where i can have my tasks i can go here and i can change the title if i want i can star it as a favorite and then also if i want to go back to my calendar view i just click right here and now i'm back into my compact calendar view you can even join teams meetings it has this right here so if i have a teams meeting coming up i can easily stay in my inbox here and not have to switch to my calendar and go back and forth the 12th tip is one of my favorite new features for outlook and the web and it's being able to auto check for people's calendars so i'm going to go to my calendar here now let's click new event we'll give it a title and let's invite a couple of attendees alex ella and henry now this suggested times is really nice it says hey everyone's available at this time and that time or that time and what's really cool is i don't have to open up their free busy and parse through all that information outlook can automatically figure this out so let's say i want to choose friday at this time it also shows it right here on my calendar it says everyone is available great i'm going to just send this out just saved a bit of time the 13th tip is themes so i want to change my theme it's kind of boring here i'm going to go to the upper right choose settings and there are a bunch of themes right here let's click view all got all these different themes so if i click one you know unicorns and rainbows one of my personal favorites there's some legos a cat waving there's some basic options but you know crayons i like to be yelling at heart so let's keep the crayons and keep it colorful i like that theme looking good the 14th tip is customizing your outlook web toolbar so right now i've got a set of buttons right here in my mailbox for example i can click the three dot menu right here and i'm going to choose customize this brings up the toolbar customization menu and i've got a bunch of options let's say that you know i don't use sweep very often i want that one to go away i really like immersive reader and i like the ability to have flagging right in my face okay let's click save and now i've got a customized toolbar the 15th tip is dark mode dark mode is great for accessibility needs or if you just want to look a little bit cooler put yourself in the dark mode so i'm going to go to the upper right here click the gear and here is dark mode let's just turn this on oh look at that that is looking good go to your calendar same thing this is much easier on the eyes the 16th tip is hiding the attendee list from people you're sending out the meeting to for certain types of meetings and maybe their sensitivity this can be useful to do so i'm going to open up a new event here give it a title and invite some attendees now drop down response options and i'm going to choose hide attendee list right here what this means is that everyone who gets this meeting will not be able to see the other people who are invited to my top secret meeting so i'll choose a choice here we'll make it friday at 205 okay ready to send out we'll click send now i'll sign in as one of the attendees so you can see what it looks like when the attendee list has been hidden i'm signed in as alex now and here's that meeting from cara coleman top secret okay i'm going to open this up now i'm looking to see who else was invited so over on the right here's the organizer was cara and the attendees okay i'm alex oh the organizer has hidden the list of attendees for this event gosh now i don't know who else is coming the 17th tip is creating rules in outlook for the web now i'm going to create a rule that anytime i get a mail from bill lumberg i want to move it to a special folder and i want to set a tps category on that email first step is go to the three dot menu here drop it down and choose create rule now it says always move messages from alex i want to create a different rule so i'm going to choose more options and this is going to be for all messages from we'll change this to bill lumber now the first condition is when it's from and we're going to remove alex and instead type in bill there we go we'll add an action so first action is select an action we'll say move to now select a folder i'm going to move it to my special bill folder so drop that down there's the bill folder here we'll choose this now we're going to add another action this time we're going to say we want it to categorize that now i can select a category now there is no tps report category but i'll add new and we'll have it tps report and we'll make that bright green hit save so every mail from bill will get moved to the bill folder and we'll categorize it with tps report then click save okay there's my rule it is turned on i can edit it i can delete it but right now i'm just going to close this and now we'll wait for a mail from bill oh it looks like there's a mail that came into my bill folder here let's switch in there hey there's my bill lumber mail can you please come in to work this saturday ah and it's marked with a nice green tps report category the 18th tip is the sweep feature this allows you to quickly clean up your inbox with just a single click or two let's go to the toolbar right here and you're going to see sweep so click this now i've selected a message from alex and so it says for messages from alex i could say move all the messages from alex from my inbox folder to somewhere else by default it has deleted items selected i can drop this down and maybe i want to choose let's say archive instead i could also say move all messages from this and any future messages from alex that's kind of like a rule maybe i just want to keep the latest message from him and move the rest or maybe just i want to move anything older than 10 days that's kind of nice it's automatically archiving that stuff that's 10 days or older i'm just going to say move all messages right now so when i click ok all those alex messages will disappear so let's see what happens when i click ok there it cleaned them up and now i've only got cara message and allowed message if i go to archive right here there are the three aleks messages that were swept right out of my inbox the 19th tip is customizing your quick actions this is similar to what you can do in outlook desktop so i have a message selected here when you hover these little options like delete and mark as unread and flag and pin these are what are called quick actions and i want to customize these these are the default ones if i go to the upper right and click the settings gear then go down and choose view outlook settings under mail choose customize actions now here are the quick actions you can see delete pin mark is on red and flag those are the ones that are chosen let's say i don't want to see flag and i do want to see archive and i don't want to see pin these little icons are quickly updated so you can see what it will look like in your inbox so now i've got delete archive and mark as reader unread when i click save here now i will close now when i hover right there these are different quick actions so if i want to archive this from cara i just click archive and it moves it right into this archive folder there the 20th and final tip is weather location in your calendar so right now it shows 70 degrees this is in redmond washington so if i click this i want to edit this location we'll add another location let's add big sky then click add you can also choose to make it in celsius or not so maybe i want to show it in celsius and maybe you don't want to see the weather at all i could choose to turn off the weather completely if you don't want to see that in outlook but by default it's on we'll turn this on and click save and then close well you can see it's 13 degrees celsius in big sky right now and if i want to see what it is in redmond click the little arrow and it's 21 degrees celsius in redmond if you found this video useful give it a like now if you want to keep up with all the latest videos i'll be releasing subscribe to my channel and then just ring the bell to keep notified for all the latest posts
Channel: Mike Tholfsen
Views: 165,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outlook web tips and tricks, microsoft outlook tips and tricks 2021, outlook tips and tricks, outlook web tips and tricks 2021, ms outlook tips and tricks, microsoft outlook tips, tips and tricks, outlook calendar tips and tricks, top tips and tricks for outlook, microsoft outlook, outlook tips, microsoft outlook tutorial, outlook, outlook dictate email, outlook tutorial, mike tholfsen, outlook web app tips and tricks, outlook 365 tips and tricks 2020
Id: A-byTXnOj_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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