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hey guys Lavinia is here so today I'll be doing the unused executions from Superdog Robert Sue and before it was planning on doing a character analysis video but I was working a lot this week and honestly it would have gone up a lot later than this video so I figured I would just do this one first so hopefully that doesn't bum too many of you guys out I'll definitely do a character analysis next week but it seems like a lot of you guys enjoyed the last video so I figured I might as well go ahead and do this one next since I actually understand all of the trivia relating to it now as well I did a ton of research and to my knowledge the super dark pits ooh visual fanbook doesn't actually contain descriptions of unused executions like the diorama one one has but there is a dish in G by the pixiv user Orma who created their own summaries and made fan art to go along with it the fan art in this book is included along with the fan art that they created for the direful one unused executions which did have official descriptions with them the artwork for this and the descriptions are not actually on their pics of account but they do have a post that advertises for the dojin and they also have a link to where you could want spy it as well unfortunately it looks as if you can't actually purchase it at least on that link that they provided but you can't actually go on there and request that the artist resells it so I'll link that down below if anybody's curious as to what that is a lot of people including myself thought that these were actually official descriptions of the executions because someone a while back translated this page that was actually from the DOS gingy but a lot of people mistook it as it being from the official fanbook which led to people posting these descriptions and the art all over the internet without sources causing a lot of confusion and people believing that these are official so I just wanted to get that out of the way to clear up any confusion although I will say that a lot of the information I've gained regarding this has been from me Google translating Japanese pages or based off of information I've seen other people who actually own the official fanbook saying that the descriptions weren't actually in them so I don't own the fan book myself it's not in English to my knowledge and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in any of this information but I spent a long time looking this up and I'm like 99% sure this is how it is but moving on I also want to mention that matsuda and Nikes unused executions will also be included in this I planned on actually including Nikes and use execution in the last video but once I realized that the description for it was fan-made I decided it would probably fit a bit better in this one so I decided to take that one out last minute also before I start the video I do in a mention that several characters in this list actually had Canon executions in the game and other characters that either survived or were victims like akane Ibuki saionji and need I don't actually have unused executions that were included in this work but anyways with all of that out of the way let's go ahead and get on with the video so number 10 on this list is Sonya never minds execution and it is called princess Sonya Sonya is made into a Snow White puppet by monokuma as the plot continues Sonya ate the Apple but did not wake up again the story ends with a happy ending where monokuma a snow white stepmother lived happily ever after I do like this execution I love the princess theme and can Tesla imagine monokuma being a little [ __ ] and dressing up as a stepmom and giving the villain the happy ending kind of similar to what he did with The Wizard of monami in chapter 3 so the whole idea of that is super funny to me and I think it's a cool execution based off of her talent although I will say I do think it would have been really cool if her unused execution would have had more to do with her interest in Freemasonry or with the occult specifically Freemasonry because then her execution could have been a mixture of her interest in the occult and her talent being a government figurehead as well since there are so many conspiracy theories linked to Freemasonry next up is chiaki's unused execution which is o X life-or-death game trapped on a Sukkah Roku board Nanami was made to move the steps determined by the dices she managed to avoid a dangerous tile but monokuma changed all the tiles and to death tiles without any choice Nanami stepped on electric tile and was electrocuted from the feet up so if you guys were like me and you weren't familiar with this game it's basically similar into snakes and ladders and it's when you roll the dice and move a number of spaces based off of the number of the dice it's a really simple game it's played by adults and children and they also saw online that in Japan it's actually traditionally played on New Year's Day which strangely enough is the same day as Hajime his birthday so you don't have too much to say about this I do like this execution the only reason them it's kind of ranked low is because I just loved her actual execution so much seeing her in mana me basically fight for their lives that whole execution was really dramatic and cool to me but as for this execution I do think there could be some symbolism with suger Roku being related to January first I was thinking it could symbolize a new beginning since after this trial you do enter the sixth chapter where you learn the rest of the secrets regarding the second killing game and when you begin to really see the overall theme of the second game which is creating your own future next up on the list is Masada is execution and like I said before although he is a character from DARPA zero I decided to still include him on this list since it is included in the fan book also there might be slight spoilers for DARPA zero so just go ahead and skip to the time I'm showing on the screen if you want to miss those but his execution is called black-white a tied at Monsta is transported into a dark hospital he ends up in the operating room and a group of monokuma doctors surround him the red light of the operating room lights up from the outside silhouettes as something drill light can be seen almost immediately the operating room explodes the explosion is big enough to destroy the entire Hospital inside the wreckage a few pieces of paper were found on them our hand drawing pictures that look like a monokuma doctor with a warning that he is a fake dr. Matsuda died in the explosion I like how this whole execution resembles his talent as the ultimate neurologist and once again I always think it's super funny to see these little bits with monokuma just being a little [ __ ] and showing a picture of him as a fake doctor my only complaint with it is that it does feel like it kind of ends abruptly and executions like this in my opinion it kind of takes out some of these suspense and drama around it I also would have really liked to seen Junko somewhere in the execution or just something implying their relationship together as well since she would be the one to actually make his execution next up is Mickey Ruiz execution and it is called real photo mahiru is left in deserted ruins beside her is a photo album with her name on it the picture inside shows herself in the same deserted ruins looking into the same photo album as she flipped through the pages a white hand starts to clamp around her neck and the final picture shows her lying on the floor while she isn't shocked a camera starts to begin to shoot when she tries to throw away the camera a white hand appears behind her without her noticing this is definitely a very creepy and mysterious execution in my opinion and it's a really cool idea going off the idea of her talent as well I love the idea of her seeing her death and photos right before it happens I can just picture the whole execution in my mind and imagine how disturbing it would be not only for me as a player but also further remaining students as well next up is kazooie cheese execution and it is called underground travels soda is forced into a drilling machine the door closes and the Machine starts to drill into the ground below it continues on drilling until it reaches the mantle of the earth and soda melts along with the machine similarly to my heroes I don't really have too much to say about this execution I saw some people online saying that it kind of feels like a reverse Jim Carrey Gary's and I have to agree with that I feel like it's a simple idea but it's very haunting and I feel like it's something that would leave a really big impact on me if it were included in the game also the same artist did create an alternate alternate execution which is included on their pixiv account so I will link that one down below if any of you would like to look at it number five on the list is Gundams execution called running tanaka Gundam is in a giant hamsters wheel chased by a giant monokuma ball he finally trips an e4 dark Davis of destruction fallout he rushes to protect them from being crushed by the monokuma ball but he dies with a satisfied smile and thing that has to do with Gundams hamsters dying or almost dying just absolutely kills me and I really love this execution because it really tugs at your heartstrings and I really liked the cannon execution as well I thought it was sad enough just having to watch his hamster see him in his dying moments but him actually going out of his way to save their lives and then die in front of them is just way way sadder to me so I actually think that I might like this execution a little bit better than his real one just because him going out of his way to save the hamsters raises the stakes a little bit more and also pulls at your heartstrings just a bit more as well at least in my opinion next up on the list is fee hiko's execution and it is called best battle kuzuri you is hiding in the midst of a gang battle a Yakuza style monokuma is involved in the fight as well mana kuma spotted a shadow which resembles Peko and made his way towards her sing this Kazuya rushed forward to cover her but was shot fatally Peko seems to notice this and turned around to face him it turned out to be another monokuma whose ru dies with a regretful smile similarly to peco's actual execution in the game I find this one absolutely heartbreaking and super good I'm not really much into shipping but I've always loved their relationship and how much we see that they care for each other and at first when I heard of this execution it seemed almost like his version of the Peko execution and I imagined it taking place in the second trial but on second thought I think it would be even sadder if this was an execution that took place towards the end of the game after we've already seen her death because then we would see his reaction to thinking he sees like her ghost or something along those lines because for that half second we would see him have that sort of hope that she still is alive and that his gut reaction even knowing rationally there's no way she's alive it would still be to protect her next on the list is Hodja mains execution and it is called scratch day Hinata Hajime is printed on a scrap paper monokuma picks up a coin and starts to scrape the paper while Hajime remains helpless after Hajime it's completely scraped off the word try again is revealed disappointed monokuma throws away the paper hajime's existence is disappearing once again and dies I know I always talked a lot about how I want the executions to be more realistic and even though I know this one isn't even like remotely realistic at all I just love it honestly it's super weird and [ __ ] up but I think it's really cool I love how they based it off of the idea of his identity disappearing again like it did with the easier kamakura project and I'm guessing that's what the try again symbolizes as well also ARMA did create an alternate alternate execution for Hajime which I'll link down below and they created one for either you as well if you guys would like to check that one out too next up is Nikes execution and as mentioned before this was actually on my list for the direful one unused executions but since I found out these were all fan-made I decided to put it on this one instead but this execution is called one hundred swords Nagi is putting to a large barrel and monokuma closes the lid when he's about to escape a sword comes in from the exterior and graces his face while Nagi is shocked with fear more and more swords are thrusted into the barrel the barrel is wobbling in the beginning but after a number of swords it stops moving monokuma peeks into the barrel and closes it hastily he runs away and the screen blacks out I've always really loved this execution because to me it highlights Nikes Goodluck talent and a really simple but cool way by showing him just barely missing death with that first sword before it finally catches up with him and even though I know this is fan-made I do like to think that this could have been the execution that happened in the first game if the remaining survivors would have chosen to execute Nagi in the sixth trial and the number one unused execution on this list is comidas execution and it is called rope master kimeta is standing on a platform that resembles a circuses flying trapeze countless ropes are hung onto the platform monokuma begins to cut off the ropes one by one but all of them are not connected to anything frustrated he punches the cutting board and sets the platform on fire monokuma escapes Kameda with no ropes or any other way to escape dies I honestly had a really hard time choosing the number one for this list unlike the last one where I knew from the very beginning that issue Mario's would be number one and I really didn't want to choose comidas as a number one on this list because he is my favorite character and I didn't want it to come across as being too biased or I'm just choosing it because I like his character I really do think overall even taking my love for the character out of it this is my favorite execution out of these because of how cool I think the imagery is and how the execution sort of relates to his talent as well it seems like the execution might resemble his luck cycle which we learn about in his free time events so the initial bad luck being the fact that he's in an execution and the good luck being next that once monokuma begins cutting the ropes nothing falls and then of course the bad luck once again being about the platform catches on fire and kills him that way I also think the imagery is really cool in this art because you can actually see him smiling and drooling a little bit which reminds me of how interesting it would have been to see Kamiya get executed in the games since he probably would have been actually excited about being a stepping stool for the rest of the students I feel like a death by fire is one of the most brutal and probably mortifying ways to watch somebody die too so I think he would have been excited to die this way since he would probably think that this is an even greater stepping stool since the rest of the Ultimates would watch him die in such a despair inducing way Varma actually created an alternate alternate execution for Kamata as well which is on their pixiv account and I'll link that down below if you guys want to look at that one too but anyways that will conclude the video I hope you guys enjoyed I do think that out of all the unused executions including these fan-made ones issue Mario's is still my favorite and feel free to let me know what your favorite is out of all of these as well and thanks guys so much for supporting the last video it did much much better than I ever thought it would so I really appreciate that a few guys left really good comments about Sakura and tegami execution and how those could be interpreted the parts that I wasn't interpreting very well so I thought those are really cool too I'll put those up on the screen and ask for our next video like a said I do want to do another character analysis video I'll probably go through and actually just count comments and decide who I do an analysis based off of those after this one though I really do want to do a curri curri character analysis just personally so I'll probably do that one not this next one but the one after that and I'm planning on making another v3 Theory video to pretty soon as well since I know a couple of you guys were asking about those but anyways thanks again guys for supporting these videos and leaving likes and comments I really appreciate it and I just wanted to take some time to actually say that and I'll try to keep you guys updated on who I decide to do a character analysis video on next after I go through and count all the comments but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I will see you real soon subscribe to read the news for more hope-filled videos [Music]
Channel: Weeby Newz
Views: 1,677,482
Rating: 4.9249239 out of 5
Id: -obxqPFpKGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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