DR2 Gundham's VA reacts to his character's death

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it's not this one isn't i knew he died i thought it was later oh good crap awesome okay cool who doesn't have an alibi nagito you're the only one yes awesome i you know obviously i've heard things about gundam but i knew it wasn't this one right nagito that's right nagito wasn't there so got some time with my boy it was just me gundam and fuyuhiko you didn't come out even though the alarm was going off like crazy you weren't in your room but no there's something's weird with noggins please say something who cares if you don't hurry up an answer in a suicide dive if i may be frank even if i wanted i couldn't you couldn't what do you mean it's merely the foolish talk indeed gundam not only did i not hear the alarm i never even heard that rumbling sound you're definitely [ __ ] lying however that is also true for me it is obvious that i did not hear the alarm in strawberry house but i did not hear the rumbling sound either is that not strange i mean everyone else heard it to be honest it's not just them the same goes for me too i was in a pretty deep sleep so i thought that's why i couldn't hear it but could it be chiaki it wasn't that i probably couldn't hear it at all couldn't hear it what does that mean you still don't know think about what the three of us who didn't hear a sound have in common and i'm sure you'll figure it out we're in the same house wait the girls were in what they were in um the girls are in grape house right and then the guys from strawberry house right okay the girls were in grapehouse girls okay cool oh my gosh g-r-a-p oh oh gosh ooh dexter um deodorant tell deluxe room ah sweet [ __ ] oh my gosh oh rooms oh god there's an s i thought it was done [Laughter] the three of you were staying in deluxe rooms right if i recall the deluxe rooms are soundproof thanks nat i think so too i'm glad they give you the letters the reason we could not hear the rumbling noise that's right it was because the deluxe rooms have superior sound insulation you actually notice that nice catch are you using your ultimate reserve course now that you guys must understand by now right the true identity of nekomaru's killer that one's like the shock pikachu face hold on a sec why does that lead to who the killer is why well that fact just now is a very important clue and a decisive factor in identifying the killer decisive factor i was just peeing he realized he was in a director deluxe room i'm back julio was the standard soda was in a crummy one and it's that stupid image of everybody with a rumbling alarm clock all right i really thought it was a later one i really thought it was at least chapter five why would he kill nekomaru you're the only one gundam there's something i want to ask you you rushed over there too right what's wrong with that if the bell of catastrophe rings throughout the night it is the universe's providence to stop it why were you able to hear it you're what i mean you were also staying in a deluxe room right nagito was staying in a deluxe room in the same house on the same floor and he couldn't even hear it look at sucks that's why why were you able to hear that alarm now that you mention it gundam there is only one possibility you weren't in your room at the time that's why even though you were staying in a deluxe room you still went to the lounge am i right gundam um you have some sort of explanation right gundam probably couldn't return to his room because of fuyuhiko me after you saw nick omaro heading to the tower you stayed at the lounge for a while but what am i correct why would gundam kill anyone started ringing right if you were in the lounge for that long the killer who had left earlier obviously wouldn't be able to go back even though makamaru's murder was a death trap that utilized the alarm in his chest the killer still needed to prepare the murder in advance like putting nekomaru in sleep mode and tying him up with the wire in order to do that the killer needed to be waiting for nekomaru at the tower how would he overcome him then which means when fuyuhiko witnessed nakamura the killer was already at the tower place one wrong time man once they tried to go back they couldn't because at the lounge he didn't tie up neko in their original plan the killer should have returned to their room before the alarm in the lounge went off and they were supposed to stay in their room they weren't planning to come out and go to the lounge which means they wouldn't have heard the alarm or the rumbling sound thus proving they were in the room just like us the best case scenario would have been if those two in the lounge had gone to check the deluxe rooms after all if they personally saw the killer sleeping in their room it gives the killer a stronger alibi unfortunately they failed to secure that alibi because i was in the lounge so the killer couldn't go back to their room and ended up hearing the lounge's alarm she doesn't explain the chain on the door but why'd you come out you should have hit till the excitement died down if gundam tried to hide and if those two went to his room to check on him he would have been found out that would have been the worst possible outcome that's why he couldn't just stay hidden if those two had just checked the deluxe rooms as planned that would have been ideal but how ironic the moment luyuhiko set foot in the lounge your plan was doomed say something please can you at least say something answer me this good including myself in my four dark davis of destruction how many ears do we possess ten the answer is ten that's right i possess ten ears that means i have five times the hearing of a normal human the soundproof system here may as well not exist is that your argument not the strongest bastard do you understand the situation you're in right now do not panic the truth shall now come gosh dude i left my room to go to the bathroom by coincidence i heard the alarm that's right that's all it was the world is always so simple are you saying it was just a coincidence isn't that timing a little too perfect and yet i'm being suspected by all of you it seems it was actually horrible timing on my part yeah i see you're still holding out well you don't have to admit it we're going to decide who the killer is with the majority vote anyway so why don't we just go ahead and start voting it's obvious that gundam is the killer hold on a sec you know hajime this class trial this killing it's merely the opening act you know hey what do you mean the class trial is just the opening act perhaps i should say it's just a farce just a boring farce so boring so stressful i'm so painfully bored that i might develop stomach ulcers seriously let's just hurry up and finish this before i collapse from poor health nagito something definitely happened to you didn't it i bet you were the cause during the investigation your behavior became even weirder what what actually happened did you discover something well let's just leave that fun for later and finish this opening act already you said opening act again please hold on [Music] i was simply at a loss for words after being dumbfounded by your pathetic assumption in fact i shall deny the very basis your assumption has been wrong since the beginning since the beginning based on your assumption i hung nekomaru from the fourth floor of the tower and made the floor descend to the first floor from there after returning to strawberry house i was present when the alarm at the lounge went off correct although going to and fro is busy enough as it is how would i be able to travel between both houses anyway i see the contact elevator was broken as i recall the killer tampered with the grape house control panel which shut down the elevator plus the stopped elevator should have been facing the grape house side if so the human who used the elevator would have left it you went through death house you did this for these reasons it's an indisputable fact that the killer destroyed the elevator at grapehouse and what's wrong with that if the elevator was broken at grapehouse he wouldn't be able to return to strawberry house however i was already at strawberry house i was present when the alarm in the lounge started ringing which means your assumption is clearly wrong are you serious and here i thought it's already been decided because he's the ultimate weapon have you learned your lesson pitiful humans you cannot overcome this contradiction what's that hot tonight yes sir that elevator was the only means of travel between the two houses as long as that elevator was broken your assumption collapses plus the elevator was broken at grapehouse if the killer cannot return to strawberry house since i was at strawberry house at that time there's no question that the following crime is impossible it would have been different if they had an accomplice or if there was a secret passageway how much longer do you plan to lecture me why don't we stop this already secret passageway that elevator was the only means of travel between the two houses as long as that elevator was broken your assumption collapses secret passage broken at grapehouse if the killer cannot return to strawberry house since i was at strawberry house at that time there's no question that the following crime is impossible it would have been different if they had an accomplice yes there was a secret passageway how much longer do you plan to lecture me why don't we stop this already that elevator was the only means of travel between the two no that's wrong no there should have been another way to move between the two houses without the elevator such a method does not exist you went [Music] you're the only one nagito you should know huh what are you talking about don't play dumb you appeared so suddenly that one time because you use that method right there's a secret passage connecting the first floor of strawberry house to the third floor of grapehouse obviously gundam would have went in there there's no way he's gonna turn out challenged like that isn't that right he's a man once again i let the reserve course show up shut up but you're right there's a door on the floor of the octagon which is on the first floor of strawberry house after i opened the door and went down surprise surprise i ended up in the monokuma archive which is on the third floor of grapehouse meaning the third floor and the fourth floor are actually connected plus once you've cleared the final dead room once you can pass through it as many times as you want if they use that secret passage they could have gone between the two houses as much as they wanted infinity unlimited flame there we go however what if the killer was unaware of the existence of the final dead room there's no way they didn't know that is merely an illusion you have fabricated from your own suspicion if you value your life you should stop with your scrutiny there's no way i can stop cancer [Music] you say don't make me angry you wouldn't like me when i'm angry i already proved the secret passage exists the secret passage was at the octagon know the limits of your own reasoning you say the killer went to the octagon don't bark you car oh god if you don't want to drown in the maelstrom of blind confusion at least pray to the key which dwells in the light know the limits of your own reasoning you say the killer went to the octagon don't bark you car one though what's a drowned in the mail from a blind confusion at least pray to the key which dwells in the light oh yeah that's right the broken doorknob right here know the limits of your own reasoning you say the killer went to the octagon don't bark you cur if you don't want to at least probably which dwells in the light god all right oh gosh um know the limits of your own reasoning you say the killer went to the octagon don't bark you car if you don't want to drown in the mail from a blind company oh gosh crap know the limits of your own reasoning you say the killer went to the octagon don't bark you cur if you don't want to drown in the mail oh gosh the wire used to string up nekomoro's body the hammer that looked like the weapon and the chain on the door in the tower those are all the items that weren't in funhouse where did the killer obtain the only place i can think of is the octagon last minute first try there were various weapons and tools there i'm pretty sure i saw stuff like wires hammers and chains too since those items were used in the crime there's no doubt that the killer went to the octagon if that's the case they obviously know about the secret passage too right oh gosh that's not a good look this is the end normally we'd end up listening to hajime lecture us with a very long summary of the case but there's no reason to waste any more time on this opening act so i'm going to end this right now hey what are you first of all by messing with all the clocks in the building gundam tried to lure only nekomaru the elevator was probably broken by that point thanks to that nekomaru wasn't able to go to grape tower which was supposed to be the meetup point so he tried going over to strawberry i do this just like we did when we found out the elevator that's when i click and put the things in the graveyard man at that time we didn't know the two towers were the do you wanna look at the comic book also the button in strawberry hall wasn't broken so he was easily able to enter strawberry tower but surprise gundam was waiting for nekomaru's arrival hold on if nekomaru didn't go to strawberry tower what would the killer have done then their plan was a balancing act of uncertainties but even if they failed they probably wouldn't have minded they can just greet everyone the next morning as if nothing happened and come up with a different plan and without such a risky plan they wouldn't have been able to lure him at all i'm going to continue summarizing the case okay through this gundam successfully even get some music for it there's no way he could fight head-on with the robotic nickel maru so by pressing the good night button he rendered nekomaru powerless without fighting [Music] hold on you what did you just say that i didn't battle hmm what's wrong with that don't mess with me don't mess with me i cannot ignore those words why are you angry all of a sudden you fools do not understand you don't understand at all you make me laugh after all this time you still don't understand anything at all i don't understand anything what does that mean it appears i cannot finish just yet maybe i'm just a human destined for hell however i cannot finish just yet i cannot finish what do you intend to do it's obvious i'm going to destroy your illusory assumptions are you saying you still have more you still have room to argue your words you said i pressed nekomaru's good night button however that button was on the back of nekumaru's neck to press it i'd have to get behind him it's not easy to get the drop on coach nekomaru it's even more difficult if it's a one-on-one situation just as i thought truly frail succumbing so easily to this simple argument it was just a mere illusion if you want to set me up as the killer at least surpass your own human limitations that's wrong gundam you're the one who's wrong such a wonderful line however i cannot say that i'm satisfied listen well i shall teach you two tips for making someone admit their defeat first you must crush them with your own overwhelming power and as for the other you must provide a reason that will persuade that human you have not fulfilled either of those yet i won't let you for the tanaka empire with her crush that david prophesies i won't let you or the tanaka empire wither crush that david prophesized show me the cadaver shoot i that david prophesized for the tanaka empire i won't let you or the tanaka empire wither crush the graves prophesies i won't let you for the tanaka empire wither crush that david prophesies show me the cadaver i won't let you for the tanaka empire crush that david prophesies i won't let you for the tanaka empire crush that david prophesies for the tanaka empire oh shoot i won't let you it's nekobaru's back do you really think i can hit behind him so easily this is the end before dark davis they did it guy even if you didn't get behind nikki maro you should have been able to press the button on the back of his neck long as you have the power of the hamsters you keep with you defend the dark davis at least you can do that are you seriously saying he used his hamsters to press the button on the back of nekomaru's neck in fact we saw that with our very own eyes right um skyline lamentation art of the demon mouse your destiny indeed now that you mention it after ibuki was killed in the music venue one of gundam's hamsters retrieved the piece of wallpaper from the baton lighting right yeah they're talented hey with your friends and their exceptionally smart brains it must have been possible to secretly get one of them behind mkhimaru and press the button on the back of his neck how about it gundam [Laughter] not just myself but you actually brought up how splendid my subordinates are i have no recourse but to admit it admit it did you say you admit it it appears i've obtained a one-way ticket to hell fine then you must trample me underfoot and advance victory can only be built upon a foundation of corpses you cannot find peace without sacrifice anywhere now trample this life tremble it as though it were mere trash on the side of the road pull the curtain strings of this worthless performance with your own two hands i thought nagito did this crap hmm it's a bit rougher than i thought guys i haven't been talking uh oh my gosh murder oh oh god here's everything that happened in this case let's first go over the many tricks the killer prepared before they committed the crime this suck why would he do this though first they destroyed the contact elevator this separated nagito and the others from our great house next they lured nekomaru out by himself by turning back all the clocks in the fun house by two hours great additionally in order to secure an alibi the killer went to the strawberry house lounge and set the wall clocks alarm to 5 30 am after finishing their preparations the killer went to strawberry tower with the necessary tools in hand they obtained these tools from the octagon which you can enter once you clear the final dead room this means the killer discovered the secret of the funhouse faster than anybody else he does have the best poses that secret being strawberry house and grapehouse are actually the same building on the morning of the incident nekomaru woke up and headed over to great tower for a specific reason there fuyuhiko who was at the lounge by coincidence witnessed nakamura according to fuyuhiko's testimony it was around 5am but by that point the killer had already messed with our perception of time in actuality fuyuhiko witnessed nakamura at 7 00 am that's also the same time monokuma tai chi begins nakamura went to grape tower to participate in that so we have what soda left however because the contact elevator was broken nekomaru was unable to go to great tower gun of dodge killing one of the best characters so he decided to try going to strawberry tower but the killer was waiting for him there with the power of our hamsters they were able to press the good night i am proud of the dark days this forced him to enter sleep mode rendering him immobile from there the killer began preparing to use the ultimate weapon first they set the alarm in nekomaru's chest to 7 30 am so he'd wake up then they tied them up with a metal wire tied the tip of the wire into a loop and hung it on the door knob after leaving strawberry tower the killer then destroyed the door button to strawberry hall they did this to keep us from entering strawberry tower and to keep us from discovering the secret of the building's structure that they used to kill nekomaru there was no despair disease this time then they used the secret octagon passageway to travel to grape house after arriving at grape hall they pressed the button to open the door to the tower when that happened the elevator-like floor of the tower began descending and nekomaru's body was still inside dangling upside down in mid-air from the wire the killer entered grape tower to see if their setup was successful i don't doubt the floor to look like the weapon that's not true chain around the back door like that struck another record this was done to make us falsely believe we couldn't enter with this the killer finished their setup and tried to go back to their room using the secret passage so they could craft their alibi when nekomaru died from the fall but sometimes expected fuyuhiko who saw nick amaro earlier was still at the lounge as a result the killer couldn't return to their room and with no options available time ran out the lounge's wall clock alarm started ringing at 5 30 well actually 7 30. to avoid a worst case scenario the killer was forced to appear in front of fujiko with the others when the wall clocks alarm rang that was also the same time nekomaru was waking up he woke up while he was still hanging upside down so he couldn't help but sway his body powerfully originally the loop of wire was only supposed to slip off the doorknob but because there was a heavier load than expected the doorknob ended up breaking nekomaru fell from the fourth floor all the way to the first floor it crashed into the pillar which decapitated him on impact and died the sound of nekomaru's impact echoed throughout the fun house however by this point the killer's plan was about to fail thanks to the broken doorknob and fuyuhiko meaning the killer is someone who wouldn't have heard the alarm if they were in the deluxe room they also wouldn't have been able to return to their guest room because fuuihiko was at the lounge that someone is gundam tanaka i can't think of anyone else but that was splendid for a mere human you did quite well stop stop it already stop using weird words to avoid the truth or i'll freaking kill you myself i cannot believe it i just cannot believe you you killed the kamaru i cannot believe something like that you don't wish to forgive me do you feel regret then finish it cast your impure votes for gundam tanaka my beloved deadly foes let the voting time begin yeah we did pretty well now it's just kind of upsetting because it's like well now i'm really dead like you know i had a lot of fun like doing all his lines with y'all and voice acting as them you know wait do we oh that was i thought that was an a for that one i was like oh we got an a no it's a b this result isn't all that exciting now then please pull the lever in front of you and cast your vote do it who will be chosen as the blackened will you make the right choice or the dreadfully wrong one please good hmm nice now then jeez fall my tears why do you want to talk to one who has lost the loser merely leaves it would just be unnecessary for me to say something listen well is what i would like to say but for honor's sake i shall correct one thing you guys said i made nekomoro powerless without fighting him that however is a great mistake [Music] fine nekomoro did fight that is no mistake and because he fought he lost and died damn it this too must be the will of causality if he was just trying to cling to life there are many ways he could have done so however he did not allow that you fine then and i shall reveal it all let's make history within the final dead room i discovered the secret of the fun house and i devised a killing plan utilizing that secret by tampering with all the clocks in the building i succeeded in luring nekomoro to the tower and this is what happened nekomoro and i were alone in the tower standing face to face with one another i should say i expected as much from nekomoro he sensed my subtle killing intent and instantly understood the situation and we had ourselves a stare down in that situation if he wanted to run away it would have been easy for him to do so he could have run away or even called for help but he did not turn his back to me [Music] instead he chose a fight that risked life and death that is let me tell you this he was serious too he gave it his all to try to kill me huh [Laughter] if i had died instead the mystery surrounding the case would have been even more complicated you would never know why i the victim went to the tower by myself i can see it nobody would know that the victim me was actually the one who planned the whole thing could it be sensing even my subtle killing intent as expected of you nekomaru this scorching stinging tense atmosphere i've been a team manager for so long i've nearly forgotten this this is great what a comforting atmosphere that's a great one and what is your reason do you intend to resolve this situation by killing me i am the warlock gundam tanaka heroes lords of darkness and even the gods themselves flee from me i'm not cling to any trivial reason i'm simply going to kill you because your very existence is an annoyance you'll drench your soul with evil until the bitter end huh splendid in response to your spirit i shall kill you with all of my might i won't go easy on you don't even think about holding back don't waste your breath on cowardly tactics give me everything you got nekomoro need i your blood will drench the foundation of my empire that is i will not argue i have no intention of forcing my values upon you let me tell you this however i must say this what's the point of living if you're just waiting until you finally die you weakling there's nothing courageous about that that is abandonment a mere feeling of resignation fall my tears ever since we were locked inside that building everyone had been dominated by that feeling of abandonment however nothing is born from resignation that is simply a reason to give up if you flinch you will die giving up on life that's just an insult to life itself let me ask have you fools heard of the term dog eat dog fine in zoology cannibalism is commonly observed phenomenon many creatures at some point in their lifespan engage in cannibalism listen well that is what it means to live i shall engulf this world if you say killing for the sake of living is evil then what would you call giving up on life itself if a world would consider that justice then i will fight that world with every last fiber of my being giving up on life and choosing death is nothing but a blasphemy toward life i renounce you it is a violation of the natural order it is the arrogance of humanity damn it fine that man had the courage to die when he needed to die that is why he challenged me to our battle regardless as i've already said i do not intend to force my values upon you fools i have betrayed you all that is the absolute truth fall my tears but even so don't you think it's a better alternative to slowly starving to death here oh you let's make history unlike nagito i only did it once but compared to my battle with nekomoro that was mere child's play well i can't believe you would ask such a foolish question my name is history's greatest monster my cursed existence is feared by all mankind there's no way i'd sacrifice myself for the sake of you fools fade like dust in the wind not in a billion not in a billion not in 10 000 billion years in the name of pandemonium it is impossible now then let us be rid of this foolish talk it's about time the fun started monica let us begin yes indeed huh how pitiful sonja an act is unrefined is stopping a man from going to his death does not pathetic a noble such as yourself [Music] fine yes i do not mind however what is it my four dark davis of destruction are you worried about me oh my feared for dark davis of destruction that is not like you at all however there is no need to fear in this world i am only a temporary visitor i was simply visiting for a moment and now that my duty is complete i must return to the darkness that is why until the very end right conceit courage insolence fearful of nothing daunted by nothing let us laugh uproariously [Laughter] that is gundam tanaka i shall stick with my evil until the very end open sesame pandemonium i shall fill hell with true hell [Laughter] let's give it everything we've got it's punishment time so hmm [Music] um um thanks fox sleeve good job that was that was a lot damn it i am sorry for your loss take this can strain telephone in his honor well thank you thank you i appreciate that telephone string cans we'll always have that the worst well thank you dustin that was uh oh that was something i'm glad i got to do that thank you bone knuckle welcome you are right i appreciate that everybody it was fun to to kind of live that out it was something a lot of people don't get to do so i feel very honored to be able to do that that's right sonya thank you everybody [Music] nice trash bud nice clockwork thank you everybody um any final thoughts on uh gundam i like that him and nekomaru decided like we're not gonna get out of here until someone dies we gotta do this no one else was gonna do it gundam won and yeah this stream has been a really big part of my life past few months and i'm glad that i got dealt with everyone and i like that he went to heaven instead of hell with all his animal [Music] friends
Channel: Chris Tergliafera
Views: 219,420
Rating: 4.9869719 out of 5
Id: pzRETkbCXF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 29sec (3989 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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