SODA KAZUICHI: Character Analysis

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Hey guys, Weeby News here, so today I'll be doing my Soda Kazuichi analysis And I was super excited that a lot of you guys requested him because he's honestly a character I really love and I really feel like is under appreciated it a lot So I was super excited to make this analysis, and I hope you guys enjoy also I have gotten several messages from people talking about If I could add subs to these videos since I know a lot of people that watch my videos They don't speak English as their first language, and I actually have the subtitles enabled So if anybody would like to add subtitles to the video you're free to do that since I have the caption thing enabled So if you do decide to add that to any of the videos just shoot me a message And let me know so I [can] go through and approve it I also have all the analysis portions of the character analysis videos or at least most of them on my computer so if any of you guys are thinking about doing this and you think having that would help or if nobody does this and You guys just want me to post the scripts up as a Google document I could do that as well but anyways, I just wanted to talk about that really quickly because I knew it was something I read about recently in the comments section, but anyways without further ado Let's go ahead and begin the analysis so like with most characters first. I'll be talking about his history in his free time event He reveals to Hajime that he came from a poor family they ran a bicycle shop But since they had trouble selling anything they ended up only having customers who needed a flat tire fixed their air pump It seems like he was more than likely the one doing the grunt work on these repairs Since he states that he's the genius of the family and that his father was hopeless And he was the one always helping out at the shop he also states that growing up He was constantly around tools in junk, and he would use these to put things together and take them apart again something else I'd like to talk about regarding his past is his relationship with his father which I believe can be interpreted several different ways and I Actually disagree with the popular opinion regarding this so the popular opinion seems to be that his father was regularly Physically abusive while he was growing up the reason being because at one point Kazuichi Expresses to Hajime the before Monokuma showed up He was actually excited about the school trip because he had never gone on one before When Hajima questions him asks why he didn't go on the one he had in Middle school He implies that the main reason was because his family was poor and that it would have cost them too much money for him to Attend so he faked being sick and ditched the field trip then he states But my old man found out later and beat the crap out of me this seems to be the line that most people think implies That Kazuichi's father was physically abusive but I think that you can look at the context of this whole story and Argue that this isn't the case so I'll break the whole scenario down as I interpret it So the main story and in his free time events it's implied and even flat-out shown the Kazuichi craves Relationships with others and that he really wanted to go on a school trip so I think his parents knew this and although they knew They couldn't afford it They still wanted him to join his other classmates since they knew that it was important to him a line that implies This is my damn old man He knew better than anyone else that we didn't have any money so I believe when they found out that he faked being sick and didn't go for their sake they're upset with him and That was why his dad as he says beat the crap out of him I think he probably did physically hit him because of this and I'm not in any way trying to justify it But based off of the little information, I know regarding his past and the context around the scenario I think it's more than likely that his father did care about his son and wanted him to participate in school so that he could build a better future for himself and that the line beat the crap outta me referred to a spanking or Something along those lines so some evidence that he didn't receive physical abuse on a regular basis Is that he acts drastically different than other characters in Danganronpa That are confirmed to have been abused growing up such as Mikan and Fukawa he mentions that growing up He was naive and too trusting of his friends in school. It's also implied that other than his best friend Who I'll talk about more in a bit he did have other friends that he hung around so this is actually Contradictory to how a child who is supposed to be abused would act since online I saw that one of the most common signs of physical abuse and children are a lack of trust and relationships difficulties since if you can't trust your parents Then who would you be able to trust but since Kasuichi mentions that he was too trusting of his friends in school this implies To me that this was more than likely a one-time thing Probably just a spanking or something along those lines like I said before and it can be noted that he is Untrusting of others when he's older but I think he would have shown signs of this as a child, too If this was the case and that has trust issues that we see in him in the game are actually from a different Event that I'll talk about more in a little bit it also mentions Online that another characteristic of child abuse is a victim feeling worthless or damaged which we've seen in Characters like Fukawa or Mikan but Kazuichi mentions I he's the genius mechanic of his family implying that his parents more than likely encouraged and even praised his talents rather than Degrading him which is a common sign of an abusive parent, but as always this is just my personal interpretation on the situation if you think you have a good argument about him having an abusive Dad then feel free to type that Theory below but moving on the Instance that stands out the most from Kazuichi's past and what seems to define his character the most is the end of his friendship With someone in middle school that he referred to as his best friend. he mentions that they were very close and did everything together But one day his friend began begging him to let him cheat off of his tests and Kazuichi complied They ended up getting caught and the boy ended up blaming Kazuichi insisting that he willingly gave him the answers Soda says that he didn't mind continually giving his friend answers as long as his friend didn't get in trouble he even states said he didn't mind taking all the fault for him But after this the boy began completely ignoring him and the friendship ended Hajime believed the boy probably felt so guilty for how he acted that he couldn't even look at Kazuichi, and Kazuichi seems to believe the same now as well But at the time he felt used and was fed up with everything and decided to change his appearance by dyeing his hair buying colored contacts and although I don't think it's explicitly stated, but more than likely sharpening His teeth as well many people online also seem to believe that he did this as a way to fit in more But I believe it was more so that he wanted to make his appearance more Intimidating in order to prevent others from walking all over him since it's implied that he did have other Friends than just the best friend mentioned and because he mentioned that he was so naive growing up And that he's generally unable to understand others intentions for him and whether or not they're good or bad I believe that more than likely his other friends He was referring to also probably took advantage of his kindness as well And that his best friend betraying him was what really pushed him over the edge Since it appears as if this was his most significant relationship at the time and although I do think he Changed his appearance in order to no longer allow others to walk all over him I don't think he expected his old friends to completely avoid him either Which is what he says happens in his free time event I think this was a big contributing factor to his trust issues and fear of a trail as well since we see in one of the free time events that he Seems pretty offended when hajime says that he could imagine him hanging out with a bunch of delinquents another thing I want to mention regarding this is that although Kazuichi seems to have trust issues it also seems that he's unable to push others away from him by being cruel or standoffish himself since as I mentioned before it seems that he changed his appearance to Intimidate others into no longer using him rather than him just being mean to them this implies to me about he's too compassionate To be mean to those he actually cares about So he attempts to have an external force such as his appearance to do it for him another example Of this is in his free time event with hajime he states that he feels as if he's betrayed him since Hajime seems to trust Him so much without wavering while he has doubted him throughout the killing game So in order to make up for this guilt he invites Hajime to the beach and tells him to punch himself rather than them fighting Each other this scene was really confusing to me at first But I think I understand it now [so] as mentioned for Kazuichi hates the ideas of Others betraying him and this seems to be a huge fear for him and something that cut him really deep so in this scene When he felt that he had betrayed Hajime just as his best friend had betrayed him in the past He probably felt extremely guilty and maybe thought that he didn't deserve Hajime's friendship anymore So instead of pushing him away verbally or Settling it with a fight he asked hajime to punch himself for him Implying yet again that he has too hard at a time pushing someone away that he cares about but like I said this scene is Still a bit confusing to me, but this was the best interpretation. I could come up with for it So let me know if you have any other ideas regarding it in the comment section I do want to talk a bit more about his friendship with Hajime as mentioned before Kazuichi seems to crave relationships But it's also apparent that he has trust issues After what happened between him and his ex best friend and because of this a lot of his actions can appear Contradictory at first glance for example when he invites Hajime to hang out with him as a way to get in with a girls Specifically sonia he acts as if he's doing it only to make this run-in with the girls look incidental But he also seems to have attached himself to Hajime and the idea of their friendship rather quickly calling him his sole friend at one point and buying them both matching swimsuits It can also be noted that Hajime seems to be the one that Kazuichi considers himself to be closest with but he also Seems to be the one that he doubts the most as well, this could be a side effect of his relationship with his old best friend since that relationship at the time seemed to be his most significant one and Hurt him so badly because of the abrupt ending and betrayal so it makes sense that he would be the most Doubtful of Hajime being the traitor if he is the one that he considers to be his closest friend since that betrayal would hurt Him the most so I think the reason he does doubt Hajime so much is as a way to protect himself from being hurt yet again by someone he considers to be his best friend Also at the end of Kazuichi's free time events We do see a bit of development in his character as well he tells Hajime Thanks, because of you and understand now what I really hated all along wasn't being betrayed I hated myself for being too weak to believe in others, whatever happens I'll believe in you that is what being friends is all about this shows that he finally did realize that although He was betrayed in the past It doesn't mean that he has to constantly fear betrayal now as mentioned before it is implied that Kazuichi does crave both romantic relationships as we see with Sonia and Friendships as we see with Hajime and that he's very compassionate when it comes to helping his friends the deaths of the other characters seem to affect him more deeply than many of the others and we see that he's always looking for ways to cheer up those who are hurt emotionally or physically for example when he may be Mechamaru doll that he gave to Akane and Also in Chapter 3 when Fuyuhiko is injured and in the hospital He actually spends his free time with Hajime looking for a book to bring him to help him with his boredom while he recovers So all this implies to me that he does crave friendship, and he wants to be close and trust others But since he was still holding onto that baggage from his past He wasn't fully able to trust or believe in anyone And this was making him miserable and before this conversation with Hajime I think he was blaming his misery he felt on others because he felt that all Humans are creatures who will eventually betray you but through his friendship with Hajime and seeing how Hajime stressed for him had never wavered or Changed even after he had doubted him plenty of times he realized that he was in fact Creating his own misery and that he needed to learn to trust again next I'd like to talk about his obsession with Sonia and why I believe he seemed to focus, so Exclusively on her so as I've mentioned a million times previously. I do believe that Kazuichi does want relationships with others, but that he also fears betrayal, so if we keep this in mind, then in a way Sonia is his perfect dream girl but only if she stays in his dreams The reason being because Kazuichi believes that all humans are creatures that eventually betray each other and that secretly Everybody has bad intentions since as mentioned before he states that he was unable to tell if he was being used or not in the past So I believe the reason he is so obsessed with Sonia is because to him She is this unattainable Princess that he can imagine is as perfect as he wants her to be since she's like a celebrity in a way that he probably thinks will never be able to form a significant close relationship with her since he probably believes that she is just so out of his league so because of this he considers her to be a step above everyone else and this is why he Refuses to doubt her as he does the rest of the students some evidence for this is that he constantly treats her differently because of her status and Emphasizes the fact that she is a princess stating things like she can't do this or that Since she's a princess it also appears that his attraction to her is very shallow And is based solely off of appearance and her status since it can be noted that he actually seems to be turned off a bit By her actual personality traits such as her obsession with the occult It's also interesting how as mentioned before Kazuichi doubts Hajime the most although He was someone that he seemed to consider was his closest friend to him But with Sonia it's as if he's regressed to how he describes himself in Middle school being too naive and trusting One example would be that in the fourth Trial, Sonia is very Obviously being cruel to him by openly hoping that he's a murderer of the case and shooting down his ideas rather bluntly Several times during the trial at first he seemed upset But then comes back asking her to be cruel to him again assuming that she's teasing him this is exactly how he describes himself when he was younger in his free time event and How he was unable to tell whether or not someone's intentions were bad or good he also refuses to doubt her even if it makes sense for Suspicion to fall upon her in example being in the first chapter when the ultimate imposter mentions that only the Tegami Family, the Kuzuryu clan or the Novoselic Kingdom would be able to pull off Creating the killing game to which Kazuichi response that he or the Kuzuryu clan could be responsible But there was no way that Sonia could possibly be the mastermind even though it didn't make any logical sense at the time to exclude her from Suspicion in chapter 2 he mentions that he had always dreamed of dating a beautiful blonde girl so I believe that this could have been a Childhood dream for him to date someone like Sonia so he holds her a peg above all the other students that he probably Keeps in the category of creatures that eventually betray each other so he feels that he can't really love her in this category Since in his mind He's probably created this perfect version of her That's almost a god-like status this could also be why he initially seems put off by her personality traits but brushes it off rather quickly replacing it once again with how he Imagines her it be I also like to mention that I do actually think he's unaware that he's doing this and that he does truly think he wants to be in a relationship with her But thought it would only be the version of her that he's created in his own mind I think if he was ever to date her or get to know her as a Person this godlike version of her that he's created would die and he would begin to see her as a normal person and slowly begin to lump her in the same category as everyone else someone who can't be trusted And will eventually betray him but anyways this will conclude the Analysis portion of the video and next we'll be moving on to the trivia section and as always. I am getting a 99% of this information from the Wikia page firstly the Kanji for Kazuichi simply means peaceful one while his surname Translates as Rice field of dominance so being an expression Literally means left and right it could be that Kazuichi's name and surname are meant to have a bit of irony to them Considering that while he originally seemed to be very Self-confident and Carefree he quickly turned Hysterical following the appearance of Monokuma as mentioned in the analysis portion south of Ichi Originally had black hair and wore glasses before he has changed his appearance and it also mentions in his free time Events that despite becoming a mechanic who is an expert in vehicle machines Kazuichi has motion sickness? And this is most likely the reason why Kazuichi would rather take apart machines rather than ride them It's also revealed in one of Mahiru's free time events that Kazuichi never actually washed his jumpsuit it also states on the Wikia page that it's implied that Kazuichi might know how to read English Since he tells Hajime at one point what a sign written English meant even on the hardest difficulty Kazuichi's rebuttal showdown Arguments only take a single strike to dispel in chapter 4 it also states on the Wikia page that it was confirmed that in Kazuichi's official Spin-off manga that he can in fact sew and that he learned from watching his parents during chapter 5 after Discovering an email in the Monobeasts factory that discusses students causing a riot leading to the end of the world Kazuichi references the popular anime and Manga Series Death note stating that there's no way the events in the story are real because they are more impossible than a notebook that kills people just by writing in it. Lastly I'd like to mention that it can also be noted that many people theorize that Kazuichi was the one to build the Executions for Danganronpa one since his dream was to build a rocket ship which was used in Jin Kirigiri's execution and because in one of his free time Events he mentions that he was working on building a motorbike that could go up to five hundred And eighty-five miles per hour this could have been the motorbike used in Oowada's Execution it also seems to be implied in the anime as well that Kazuichi was in fact the one who built big bang Monokuma, but this will conclude the video I hope you guys enjoyed and as always feel free to leave your own opinions and theories in the comment section below As for the next video I would like to do a video on the unused executions But I really really really need art submissions if I do end up doing that There's only official art for some of them, and I really don't like using other people's art unless I get direct permission So if you are interested in making some art for that video Please please let me know you can send an email to the email shown on the screen Or you're free to message me on any of my social media accounts, really But please let me know if I don't get enough Submissions, or if I need more time to make it then I'll probably do like a top list or something I know I said I would try not to do that before V3 But a lot of you guys have requested like a top five couples or ships video So I may end up doing that next if the top unused executions video doesn't go through, but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the video like I said Kazuichi is a character I really love so I hope I did him justice, but anyways I will see you guys real soon Subscribe to Weeby News for more hope filled videos!
Channel: Weeby Newz
Views: 285,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, Souda Kazuichi, Soda Kazuichi, Hajime Hinata, Sonia Nevermind, Gundam Tanaka, Gundham Tanaka, Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy, Despair arc, Zetsubou-hen, Future Arc, Mirai-hen
Id: o2AxOsHGo2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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