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hey thanks for posting these. I also just today noticed that my user flair was updated here (which I don't remember doing). that is pretty cool.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/IWishIWasAGoomba 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
howdy folks welcome back to another top tumblr post episode i hope that you all will enjoy it if you do enjoy it feel free to drop a like comment and subscribe to the channel i'd really appreciate it without further ado please sit back relax and enjoy the video caption of the year a university of minnesota student crossed university avenue in shorts today he wouldn't give his name because he said his mom would be mad at him i just need you all to fully appreciate the hilarity it was -25 fahrenheit that day for us europeans that's approximately minus 32 celsius four texans that's legally popsicle i can leave the door open while i'm cleaning my bathroom i reason to myself surely my beloved cat meatball isn't dumb enough to try and jump into an open toilet full of clorox i caught this tiny little full mid freaking air i watched him start leaping in time literally slowed down and then he had the audacity the nerve to beep indignantly at me for ruining his plans his name is what his name is meatball when trains were introduced in the u.s many people believed that women's bodies were not designed to go at 50 miles an hour and that their uteruses would fly out of their bodies if they were accelerated to that speed and say this is this is not right this is not cool this is [ __ ] bored i have so much respect for historical women not murdering every man they know dear humans you get mad at me when i work you get mad at me when i don't work sincerely confused alarm clock you never can go wrong with a badger and cream cheese get out of here stupid bear girl i piss like an excellent handmade chinese teapot short horror story old picture of me me at 176 years old you'll just wait on my glow the concept of hannibal turning himself in because all rejected him came from hudensey and mads mikkelsen who conceived the idea together and pitched it to brian fuller are you kidding me they really said not gay enough i love it when you call me big chunko why is he say stuff like this til albertines dean was a real person i had always thought he was only a theoretical physicist are you stupid jeff please we are begging you to change your url plot twist she falls into his titties finally my friend once told me your wife and daughter looked like twins i replied yeah well they were separated at birth damn it jeff what have we told you about your name just found out the guy who made tito's vodka is literally named to toba verage tattoos vodka tattoos handmade vodka is a vodka brand made by fifth generation founded by totto beverage in 1997 in austin texas nominative determinism i wish there was a way to tell companies that i dislike an ad so much that i will actively avoid buying anything from them because of it when you love something so hard but the fandom consists of approximately six other people under shoelace when you think about it though pliny the elder is kind of the funniest guy in the world like he wrote all these books about natural history that he was wrong about where he confidently claims things like some animals only have blood during certain parts of the year and then when mount vesuvius erupted and destroyed pompeii and her killer name he said oh mount vesuvius is exploding let me go check it out and then he died the man was committed to science he wasn't very good at it but he was committed when you're a kid one teacher walking into another teacher's classroom is the biggest crossover event reality has to offer my physics and english teacher hated each other and the physics teacher made a habit of getting grades back to students as quickly as possible and one day he just walked into her classroom and started handing back tests while she was trying to lecture your character's backstory your own trauma guys i don't know if you know this but if you wake up early there's so many more hours in the day but at what cost sitting on and touching warm rocks now that's the good stuff are you a reptile what are you a cop mind your business mind your own [ __ ] business with mind your own [ __ ] business you'll be able to grow the [ __ ] up and act like a decent [ __ ] human being on the bus ride to my planing qatar a man was wearing a marilyn state flag booty mask and hat so naturally since i grew up there as the door opens i holla go maryland and he just looks at me like i'm the unusual one i really don't know much about my home state whoops last time i wore a baltimore hoodie at the airport and middle-aged couple yelled obama so maybe i should just holla merrily next time don't worry we mean you no harm what the frick is this that's shark tale too frequently bought together do not separate them start a pokemon in ohio no i didn't skip that song because i don't like it i skipped it because i don't have the emotional stability to listen to it now i've come to the conclusion that none of you fear god me addressing the huge freaking geese sleeping and crapping in front of the entrance to my college it's reptile hours good s towers earthquakes are the weirdest things like we are floating in space and our planet just decides to spontaneously do the chimichanga yet another unrealistic standard for cats i don't think the joker chemicals really did all that when he fell in i think he just wanted an excuse to be like that batman pushed him into the joker chemicals by mistake and the chemicals washed off a cool temporary tattoo he managed to preserve for a couple weeks by not showering and now he's on a warpath to revenge and chaos does anyone else do that thing while reading where your eyes are like three lines ahead of where your brain is do you mean skipping to the next paragraph and not being able to stop yourself from reading a few lines but then you have to go back to where you were before and try really hard to read in a linear fashion but it's boring now that you know what happened next yes oh you are me my child is fine your child is eating ice chips your child hasn't treated anemia why did you respond to yourself i have untreated anemia if domestic housewives exist that implies there are feral housewives okay miss rona wrap it up ho may 2nd 2020 at 10 23 pm honestly if the plant from little shop of horrors can be referred to as she he and it have a traditionally feminine name and traditionally masculine voice without anyone saying anything about it non-binary people should be allowed to do whatever they want without getting crap for it no gender only plant i was part way through a post about charles dickens a christmas carol when i realized i'd inadvertently swapped bob cratchits and jacob molly's last names when writing it up and the notion of bob marley being a character in a christmas carol so thoroughly derailed my train of thought that i forgot what i was going to say people looked down on mcdonald's employees but failed to realize that if all these folks left mcdonald's and pursued better careers your ass wouldn't be able to get a mcdouble with an aurier mcflurry at 3am you can't demand a service while simultaneously degrading those who provide it for you i love bears they are so freaking big and dumb i thought you were a lesbian i'm talking about the animal this is kind of the opposite of straight people forgetting gays exist do you like ever lose something that's super super cheap and easily replaceable but you get really upset because it's like yeah but it's my super cheap thing do you ever wonder about how you an author would describe you in a novel not only your appearance but the way you talk and laugh and hold yourself and all the expressions on your face and then there's this [ __ ] girl you're a jerk me i know you know when you're overwhelmed and you just stand in the middle of your room like this yeah speaking of it's been a minute since i spell inked in the baby names discussion facebook group the admins of that group banned me because someone asked good middle names for a kid named saint and i answered bernard why should lgbt spaces cater to trans and non-binary people that's the t sis i just spat out my tea my tea oh my god if i'm a bi girl and i frick a buy guy it's literally gay shrek's btw like pemdas or whatever like it cancels out does this count volkswagen beetle side fenders convert into motorcycles imagine thinking these are crappy tumblr tumblr is your destination for tumblr related discussions our [ __ ] hypno hypnosis media that turned participants into shrek c cox or king c's apparently a tetris battle royale came out and in addition to that just being funny on its own we've also got twitch streamers getting pound by like retirees who have been playing tetris for the last three and a half decades they are getting blown up live by people with handles like elena and love my kids72 that is so incredible thank you for this news joseph the stalin how to talk to short people wrong correct saw this meme on twitter and could not stop thinking about the two of them yes i'm a gatekeeper and a hater i'm also god's favorite princess and the most interesting girl in the world i swear to god you buy a pair of poor prince ox once and your recommended products become nothing but cat ears headbands and made outfits forever inspired by your shopping trends girl help assigned catboy at checkout my definition of productivity is finally watching the movie that i hadn't gotten around to watching oh my god the duke of normandy is marching troops towards hastings since you've been gone how long have i been out destroy the idea destroy all ideas and all cognitive processes to reach perfect tranquility achilles heel is just once in my life i want to throw a molotov cocktail don't forget that it's all about it own is a man decadence baby i'm really just really tired you know just so tired my mom and i would sit and meticulously go through leonard cohen and joni mitchell lyrics together even from a young age i remember her being like i'm playing this leonard cohen song called famous blue raincoat and when it's done i want you to tell me what's going on in it she would give me a fake glass of wine when i was eight and i would listen and be like i think there was an affair me as a mom i feel like it needs to be said that this is a quote from carly reed jepson whenever media wants to emphasize how extreme a characters off brand drug uses they always just name drop a big animal like oh he takes horse tranquilizers if you really want to get the point across i think you should go with an unexpected animal instead like that powder he's snorting it's only approved uses treating shrexual dysfunction in burrowing owls we have no idea what it's doing to him but it can't be anything good shout out to the person who reblogged this and literally the only thing they tagged for content warning was the owls i'll forever choose revenge i'll heal in heck literally destroy the idea that i will ever calm down i didn't know double texting was such a big deal i have a lot to say i can't be friends with people who are chill with the bug being in the room because it isn't doing anything to you like i can't be messing with that type of toxic mindset when i have love for myself why is a graveyard the safest place in quarantine everybody's six feet away omg haven't seen you in forever let's stand in everyone's freaking way i pulled the sword from the stone but got shy and put it back hope nobody minds you eat stupid eggs hey me eating a book on newton's laws of physics constitutes me do it to them krugs i've seen hell i'm literally an artist who doesn't create anything no i can't explain it to you the red river hogs ear tassels really need to be appreciated up close thank you all so much for watching episode 120 i hope that you all enjoyed it again if you did feel free to drop a like comment and subscribe to the channel i'd really appreciate it i hope that you all liked that little intro that was a suggestion from the comments i do try to keep the intros different so if you have a funny idea for the intro please let me know keep an eye out tomorrow i should be streaming um now is it better for me to stream later in the day like towards the afternoon and night or is it like later in the afternoon i don't know let me know what time do you think is best for me to start my stream um i'm gonna try to keep it a little bit longer and i'm gonna try to add background music and a couple other things to it so it's a little bit more fun for you all i don't think i have anything else to say so i hope that you all have a wonderful morning evening afternoon night whatever time of day it is for you and i'll see you all tomorrow with episode 121 peace out guys you
Channel: Tumblr Central
Views: 13,861
Rating: 4.9372549 out of 5
Keywords: tumblr, tumblr memes, dank memes, r/tumblr, top tumblr posts, hot tumblr posts, best tumblr posts, tumblr reads, tumblr trophies, cowbelly, tumblr awards, tumblr central, text posts, tumblr text posts, hot memes, best memes, top memes, cowbelly memes, dank, memes, meme, funny, lol, comedy, humor, best of tumblr, funniest tumblr posts, tumblr compilation, tumblr posts
Id: aolUSNxbQ0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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