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howdy folks welcome back to another top tumblr post episode today's episode 101 and it's a really great one i know you all will enjoy it we're on the road to episode 200. that'll be another big milest milestone maybe 150. you never know um i don't think anything else says then do the thing you know what to do like subscribe and comment now enjoy the video man the crazy thing about babies is that like some people would think that reading a baby a book about farm animals is teaching them about farm animals but really it's teaching them about the concept of a book and how there's new information on each page of a single object but really beyond that it's teaching them how language works and beyond that it's really actually teaching them about human interaction and really really it's them learning about existing in a three-dimensional space and how they can navigate that space but actually above it is teaching them that mama loves them confession when i was in high school my best friend used to steal a ton of clothes from the busted ass target in town and then walk across the street and sell them at plato's closet and she called it her job i'd be like where are you and she'd be like at work and i'd know she was just robbing a target blind lmao netflix here's another school drama with ordinary teenagers just like you you can and should laugh at your teen self but i don't think the hate people have for their teen selves is very healthy forgive yourself and move on capitalism is like resting is a waste of time eating is a waste of time sleeping is a waste of time playing is a waste of time living is a waste of time you must prove you're worth to live here and everything else is a waste and we are taught not to question it gay rats gay rights in southern accent and trans rats and trans rats i think it's ripped up that there are plants that decided they wanted to eat meat a plant's job is literally to just exist but the venus fly trap chose violence the soil itself doesn't have enough vitamins and nutrients so it has to survive what if i gently laid an uncooked steak on the soil for it to absorb for two bucks i will tell you something you would rather not know okay so rumors fit the definition of a scavenger species please discuss why else do you think we bond with them i don't know what that means obsessed with baby capiburus rat puppy unlimited i think the woke fleek congress people playing among us killed it overnight because ever since aoc's crew tried that crap i haven't heard a word about among us anymore except people calling it cringe caesar dog gentle gasp why should i be embarrassed about posting supernatural content on it's like taking eucharistic catholic mass it's actually weirder if you don't you should be addicted to shutting the frick up you wanna freak me so bad it makes you look stupid eating bread dipped in soup unlocks new emotions that 16th century peasant feeling my friend forgot how the meme went so he said i do not see it i'm closing my eyes and i was instantly inspired i do not see it i'm closing my eyes me eating dry cheerios my horrid cat who my love daily dearest mother may i have some of that which you are eating to not share would be cruel and unsavory behavior mother i beg of you to please grant me but a morsel of your food me this is not cat food you will not like it oh cat oh woe is me with whom my own mother cares not for i shall weep and sob lamenting my decision to love me you can have one cheerio give the cat another cheerio i had to i'm so private my own family barely know me yeah that's what it's like to be gay your underwear is much too tight and very revealing i said to my wife she said wear your own then i love when commentators alike if the goalie hadn't got a piece of it that surely would have been a goal like yes that is typically how goaltending works absolutely obsessed with this teapot from 1882. is he you know a teapot from 1882. hello my name is bertha and i'm 19 minutes older than my wife i found the best most weirdly specific shirt at the thrift store yesterday wtf is the point of the stock markets if you just get bailed out whenever you lose idgi yo ain't bitten that crap boys used to hold their titties or some crap everyone shut up this is the only inauguration related post i care about you don't deserve working headphones this may be the most hurtful insult i can imagine women want fish the shape of water you know marx would have killed you for being gay right heck yeah marx wasn't the leader of a country is a non-implying marx would just kill a gay person with his own two hands love wins men really do put all their personal information in their buyer like especially if they are 35 plus it's astounding how much i can learn about one man when i block him 43 ohio guitar player father ex-marine broke my left leg when i was 17 never walked straight since whiskey and beer are all i need divorce but still trying call me a hopeless romantic and good god do i love some big freaking honkers morning guys i hope you remember today that if you slip up you can rest out your day at any time you don't have to wait till the next day to start over just sit down breathe for a few minutes and start again oh sh here we go again i was so totally not aware that people didn't know that being sorted into houses was a real thing in uk schools it's not something made up just for the harry potter world it's a real schooling system i was in the saint george house at my school and everyone had the same attitude to prefects as everyone in the hp world did to percy weasley i can assure you how do you get the hat to talk we had them in my high school here in australia and let me tell you i wish we didn't i'm torn between my feelings about op statement and my feelings about your school's officially sponsored raunchy furry artwork the next time you think you're lonely just remember you have about 25 billion white blood cells in your body protecting your sorry little ass with their life you have 25 billion friends who would die for you no need for tears thank you osmosis jones my immune system tried to kill me though jordan just remember you had 25 billion enemies trying to kill you and you've survived them all take that you tiny gosh darn sons of beaches forgotten pinhole camera made from a beer can accidentally captures eight-year photo of the sun making it the longest exposure photograph ever taken okay it kinda looks like crap though you'd look like crap if you were left forgotten in a beer can for eight years too don't be freaking rude people making typos in group chats and then getting wailed on is extremely funny unless i'm the one making the typo in which case you guys are not funny and being very immature me telling my story how i survived a plane crash and lived on a deserted island for a year it was crazy friend who once got a text from me where i accidentally called the grinch the grink was the grin there t.i.l calvin cleans cologne obsession can draw big cats like tigers jaggers etc from as far as half a mile who then proceed to taking long sniffs and cuddling against the source savoring the smell much longer than they savor even their meals not the cougar i thought i'd attract but i'll take it fun fact my cat and i are both blind so we accidentally run into each other sometimes but because i'm much louder than me is when we get close to each other he chirps to warn me he's there thank you for sharing this is beautiful solidarity hello i wanted to personally thank you did you guys really use my son as your personal therapist for his entire adolescence without telling me just because his mom happened to be a person of importance in your lives you gave him a messiah complex cheers to my housemates for drawing the gems for me for this comic jesus the french flag for some reason crying girl jesus punishes a sinner by making her french gene's dark origin story so back in high school i was in the class for troubled kids and there were like maybe seven kids in there there was one punk kid in it and i remember him when i got my first denim vest he got excited and just ripped a patch off of his and was like here is something to add to it and i always thought it was so sweet and wholesome and now years later we were just talking and he was like i've always had a thing for you like gosh dan where was i for this why didn't you tell me hello he did tell you what did you think ripping a patch off his jacket to give to you was that's not just being nice the existence of this aerosol can not being allowed on planes implies that 911 has happened in the animal crossing canon til some of the most popular surnames 100 years ago like daft balls meal death and shuffle bottom are facing extinction due to their rude undertones the use of the name [ __ ] is down by almost 75 percent world in shambles accidental events to a friend great now i can never speak to them again i still haven't played among us petition for a doctor who episode where the doctor travels back in time to meet arthur conan doyle and accidentally happens to mention how popular sherlock holmes is even 130 years later and poor ocd almost breaks down crying doctor before you leave just tell me one thing what's that my books the sherlock holmes books do they die out no arthur people love them they carry on for hundreds of years done it gosh darn it frick it's exactly the same as the ending of the vincent van gogh episode except instead of being happy he just loses it your church going god we're sipping sister adopted a small child and you're excited to see them but when you do the child is a menace they are throwing things everywhere setting furniture on fire with seemingly nothing chanting in latin to summon demons but the weirdest thing is that your sister doesn't seem to mind you literally adopted the antichrist dan what the frick yeah i knew when i saw him at the orphanage i figured if the kid had some decent freaking parenting that we could avoid the whole revelations crap nasty business that george whose name has been kindly changed from damien approaches his new mother with a huge spider in his hands it promptly bursts into flames good job love now go find the rest george's face makes no expression but his eyes shine when he receives a pat on the head for his efforts as the months go by george seems to settle down he adjusts to school friends and a positive reinforcement and gives him she encourages the good he does even though the powers he uses aren't good when she gets calls from the school it's about a rambunctious boy that won't sit still not a destroyer of the world and innocence it's at christmas dinner that you let slip your amazement to your mother how good an is for him and how he's improved a lot still summoning heck hounds four games of fetch though oh he'll forget how to do that when he falls in love the first time your mother laughs smiling white how do you know that you ask bewildered because you did okay so someone please write the story of the family of super loki holy warriors who have made it their mission to locate the antichrist in every generation because when one gets spoiled they try again and adopt the man love them into not being the antichrist anymore thus perpetually delaying the apocalypse delaying the apocalypse via good parenting i love this tumblr should remove the sign up and delete account buttons no one gets in no one gets out people with more than one account imagine a black market for a legal tumblr account sold by people with multiple accounts thank you all so much for watching episode 101 i hope that you all enjoyed it i did use eye drops to give myself make it look like i was crying because you guys always say that it looks like i was crying so i did this during the intro um just as a little thing don't worry i wasn't crying but my eyes do get red and it's because there is some uh there's some crafting of the mind going on back there so that's like i do work and then i play video games so my eyes just get dry so don't worry about me working on the q a doing streaming you all already know this so i hope that you all have a wonderful morning evening afternoon night whatever time of day it is for you thank you all so much for watching today's video again i really really appreciate it keep an eye out for tomorrow's video and i will see you all then peace out guys you
Channel: Tumblr Central
Views: 14,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tumblr, tumblr memes, dank memes, r/tumblr, top tumblr posts, hot tumblr posts, best tumblr posts, tumblr reads, tumblr trophies, cowbelly, tumblr awards, tumblr central, text posts, tumblr text posts, hot memes, best memes, top memes, cowbelly memes, dank, memes, meme, funny, lol, comedy, humor, best of tumblr, funniest tumblr posts, tumblr compilation, tumblr posts
Id: frpmZJAuQuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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