Top Ten Video Game Psychics

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[Music] up [Music] [Music] [Music] it's finally time the day we've been waiting for since 2016. welcome my faithful friends to weapons month five [Music] this series has a lot of sentimental value to me weapons month 1 was one of my first major undertakings on this channel it's where i started developing my style of odd topic detail-oriented countdowns and where i got my reputation for being a giant chatterbox i did it three times the list's getting more and more elaborate each time and then i mixed it up with an element's theme fourth installment but for fear of it getting stale i put the series to bed until the day might come that i reach my fabled patreon goal and that day is today the time is now and that month is weapons month five though let's be honest i'm never going to get all five videos out in one month that's more of an honorary title what i can promise is that the next five lists will feature new tools of destruction some being highly requested by viewers like you others hopefully a bit more surprising i like to think my videos have improved in quality and focus since the last decade but we'll just have to wait and see i mean i'm not the psychic one here while the rest of the topics this month will be physical weapons sometimes the only weapon you need is the old noggin especially if your noggin can remotely detonate a man's head psychics are a broad category in video games and fiction as a whole and since its definition fluctuates depending on a game's universe i'll need a moment to set the parameters first of all how do we distinguish psychic powers from magic oftentimes psychic powers are just a writer's way of injecting a full magic system into science fiction giving a character mysterious powers without making it sound too whimsical there are numerous abilities typically associated with psychics but i managed to divide these supernatural stunts into three major categories first you have kinesis where a practitioner can manipulate the physical world around them just by thinking the most common type here is telekinesis moving things with your mind but this can also include energy projection or elemental powers like pyrokinesis or cryokinesis it can be tough to identify whether some examples count like endeavor from my hero academia he controls fire but i wouldn't say it's a psychic power as it's not really brain related however gene gray from the x-men creates fire with her mind in addition to levitation so that totally counts the second category is telepathy when an adept mind interacts with the minds of others this can be as simple as speaking without words or it can be much more invasive reading people's thoughts tricking them with illusions controlling them or just shutting their brain off and this is not to be confused with our third category clairvoyance which is the ability to know the unknowable these are your oracles and psychic detectives seeing the future gazing into the past or scrying through the present this is the hardest category to use offensively but it can be done such as shulk who gets glimpses of incoming attacks and reacts accordingly so with that established let me get a few more general weapons month rules out of the way since it's been a while these lists are about fighters who use their weapon or in this case their power to come out on top in a fight so as much as i love maya fey her powers aren't a weapon even if she is accused of killing people once a week we tend to favor characters that specialize in the weapon of the day so while shulk's precognition is notable his sword mastery ultimately landed him just short of the top 10. we're looking for the best fighters but also for characters that best represent the weapon exhibit what we love about the trope and if possible do something unique with it so with the intro already too long who could have seen that coming let's put our minds to the test these are the top 10 video game psychics [Music] [Applause] yeah i'm just as surprised as you to say this but psycho mantis probably the single most famous psychic in the medium just barely squeaked in at number 10 heresy i know but before i explain why he's lower than expected let me illustrate why he absolutely had to make the list mantis comprises a short but iconic segment in the original metal gear solid and immediately demonstrates his mental mastery he's able to levitate and throw objects in the room has incredible cognitive influence letting him mind control capable soldiers like meryl and seconds and possesses what appears to be illusory powers i think that explains why he's impossible to damage at least until you befuddle him by changing your controller ports sure that's a pretty easy way to disrupt his powers but then again snake might never have defeated him without the help from beyond the fourth wall several games later when ocelot's calling the evil shots he must have felt nostalgic for his shadow moses days because he hires a mercenary contingent with the same animal naming convention this includes screaming mantis who's a mighty mindjacker in her own right with a creepy marionette theme but after defeating her it turns out that she and the entire beauty and the beast core have been controlled by the ghost of psychomantis this whole time that's right [Music] wow psychic energy from beyond the grave sheesh unfortunately he can't really attack you directly because the ps3 hardware is more complex than the ps1 or gamecube or maybe the ghost of the sorrow was chasing him away things with mantis are never really explained that all changed in metal gear solid 5 which bridges the gap between the prequels and the original games here we meet a wee lad named mantis and it turns out that he's more powerful than we could have imagined but also not see that gas mask he wears isn't just to hide his train wreck of a face it's a blinder because psychomantis is so empathetically sensitive to the world around him for instance just being in the same medical ward as colonel volgan's corpse vulgan's residual murder vibes actually affect mantis and lull him into volgen's raging vengeance so mantis in turn physically reanimates vulgan into the man of fire and has him stalk big boss to no end a similar thing happens when he meets a young liquid snake mantis sponges up all of liquid's evil inclinations and that right there is why i'm hesitant to put mantis any higher he's monstrously strong enough so that he can use a metal gear as a puppet but he also has no resistance to the wills of those around him he's a vehicle a tool for the evilest person in the vicinity but a heck of a tool he is like an industrial-grade pile driver with mind control i was surprised by the number of psychics i found in fighting games for a genre all about hand-to-hand combat there's an awful lot of brain blasting going on you have mortal kombat's kenshi making up for his blindness with telekinetic throws or the street fighter series where psycho power is a running plot point contributing to many characters move sets the one that stuck out to me though didn't do so by being the most formidable but for being the most irritating to fight athena asamiya from the king of fighters series i know putting athena over kenshi or m bison might sound insane but hear me out first of all athena uses her powers more exclusively kenshi relies partly on his sword and m bison on his big bulging muscles of course and while athena is a master of wing chun kung fu it turns out it's a good compliment for her extra sensory powers wing chun puts a lot of focus on meditation and attacking with a clear mind making it easier for athena to access her average abilities mid-combo these often take the form of psionic energy empowering her attacks in a similar way to bison's psycho charges but in a pleasing pink hue she can also fire projectiles put up reflective barriers bend space to teleport and even heal herself in the hands of a skilled player or a cranked up computer she's a real headache to deal with and now fun fact athena as a character has deep roots in the snk history first appearing in psycho soldier where she defended the world from aliens in 1987 and a year before that there was an arcade platformer just called athena though this seems to take place in ancient times whereas athena asamiya is from modern day japan there's a reason for this though at the end of athena the titular princess ascends to the heavens she might just be a loose adaptation of her namesake the greek goddess of tactics and wisdom athena asamiya is believed to be a spiritual descendant of princess athena her psychic gifts transmigrated to her from this divine figure she's basically a reincarnated goddess in addition to a martial arts master and weirdly enough a pop idol a renaissance woman i respect that i honestly wish you spent more time on tour though and less time kicking my ass i'll be happy to never have to hear the word psychoball ever again athena spends most of her energy fighting martial artists with varying amounts of power but when your main adversary is a full-blown superhero you'd better be ready to take it up a notch infamous the static shock reboot i always wanted is about electro-kinetic cole mcgrath as he navigates a city after the recent mutation of its populace at first cole's powers are attributed to the activation of the ray sphere that ripped empire city a new one but in actuality coal is what is called a conduit his powers already existed in his body they were simply dormant until now and as it turns out there's a whole contingent of conduits who have been honing their powers all their lives not the least of which is the telekinetic alden tate alden's father richard ran a radical group called the first sons an underground society well aware of conduits and as a boy alden was recognized for his predenatural abilities and primed to one day lead the first sons to supremacy over the normies but when big bad kessler took over the first sons he cast alden out before his powers could fully bloom now homeless and alone alden was forced to survive on the streets where his powers manifested big time he started his own gang the dust men and was already an imposing threat before the race fear blast which only made him stronger cole had everything set up for him to gain powers but alden's been working for his whole life though in actuality he's just trying to reclaim the silver unbent spoon he was born with before it was so rudely taken from his mouth privileged or not alden gets results athena can throw people around sure but alden's telekinesis is at bus lifting and junkyard mecca levels his favorite material to work with is the metal and debris of the city at times using it to form an animatronic shell around him sure it might make him a bigger target but hell if it doesn't look cool he can also accelerate particles of steel to the effect of machine gun fire and superheat portions of iron to simulate breathing fire but perhaps most impressive are his scrap men in terms of game development they're just more humanoid creatures that can use the same ai but when you really think about it he's shaping the material into people and basically giving them autonomy able to fight coal even when alden isn't around with telekinesis that sort of breaks my mind honestly alden basically uses psychic powers to play dungeon master dropping mobs and finally a big boss encounter on coal i don't know if it's the most practical use of his skill set but the fact that he can do it begs consideration and to think there's a timeline where cole didn't unlock his powers right away and kessler never kicked alden out of the first sons it makes you wonder what alden could have become a big hurdle to writing this list was deciding what powers are psychic in nature my general rule is you know when you see it but sometimes it's not that simple for instance there are two last minute franchises i had to meditate on the first is the world ends with you where protagonists neku can use a wide variety of powers by equipping different pins these moves are called sikes so they seem to fit the bill but they can range from elemental attacks like air slashes to just drinking a soda to heal sorry but chugging cherry coke doesn't exactly feel very psychic to me joshua is more thematically psychic casually dropping cars and bikes on enemies but even with that in mind his fighting style is pretty passive compared to bus tossing alden and while it's implied that he's a lot more powerful you don't really see this power in-game which is probably a good thing but makes him a shaking candidate for this list but on the opposite side of the rpg spectrum there's mass effect with the asari think blue elves with hentai hair who utilizes a system called biotics biotics are performed by manipulating dark energy to create mass effect fields that reproportion gravity in physical space in short it's what the writers called psychic powers but they also wanted to be cool and spacey about it it appears naturally in certain advanced alien races and can even be utilized by humans with the use of brain implants so on the one hand we have a game that calls everything psychic and on the other hand we have a game with perfect psychics that refuses to call them such given the limited space on this list however i went with the space self that can lift robots like she's hailing a cab as an asari liara to sony is biologically gifted with her blue-wushy psychic powers and has an extra long lifespan to get acquainted to them and although she is considered young by asari standards at just over a century old liara is something of a prodigy even among her people with techniques well suited for gunfights she can levitate objects to create cover cause enemies to float off the ground by slapping her signature singularity on suckers and can even hold them in stasis fields making them convenient receptacles for bullets and she can even do this in rapid succession with a simple flick of a wrist or thrust of her palm no hardware necessary she's a pretty interesting character to boot the daughter of a powerful asari matriarch basically super old asari that act as the council of elrond she was still often stigmatized for being pure blooded both of her parents were a sorry a big taboo in their society for health reasons regardless she still excelled in both biotics and her field of study archaeology specifically involving artifacts from an ancient alien race she's like a starry eyed psychic indiana jones however she doesn't stay sweet and innocent for long after the harrowing events that occurred at the beginning of mass effect 2 liara began delving into the shady underground world of information trading from sorting through information to sifting through artifacts she also got way more ruthless growing from demure shy girl to cut throat badass threatening to flay someone alive with her mind talk about a 180 and that's not even getting into mass effect 3 where without spoilers she gets a massive upgrade in responsibilities and leads the charge for one of the galaxy's greatest think tanks to combat the unfolding apocalyptic events you know that recurring trope in star trek likes where the captain has a second consultant on deck to stoically report the vague emotions of the enemy liara is that if she then threw kirk through a window for being incompetent and then led the mission herself now that's what i call mind over matter or mind manipulating matter in her case it's no use i can already feel the migraines starting well it doesn't get much more straightforward than the gotta go fast series sonic psychics weren't really touched upon much in the franchise for a while just some beyond the grave messages from takal and it's mentioned a few times that amy does tarot readings but then the concept was devoted to silver the hedgehog in everyone's favorite game sonic 06 i guess if you're going to make a third playable hedgehog in your game fourth really considering amy you better have a gimmick in mind and silver's is telekinesis and that he's from an apocalyptic future apparently when you're a time traveler psychic abilities are pretty low on the please explain list now i could justify the entry right here by saying that silver is not unbeatable in sonico6 unless you figure out how to cheese the fight he'll just grab you out of thin air launch you skyward then grab you again before you even hit the ground he'll also stun lock you forever if you're not careful making it impossible for you to recollect your lost rings for a guaranteed death or worse force you to recollect your ring so that his attack goes on forever dear god silver really commits to using this power for everything too he doesn't even run he just pushes himself through the air making him the slowest hedgehog sadly but this also does let him pick up environmental objects form platforms in context-sensitive situations and even stop bullets out of the matrix if i'm being honest silver is kind of awesome if only he were in a game that wasn't so you know what i'll complete that thought when sega completes this game but then silver comes back as a boss in sonic generations and boy howdy is it nice to see him in a great good competent project he can now comfortably float through crisis city at mach speeds keeping himself ahead of the blue blur at all times and can blast sonic with garbage in rapid succession instead of just blasting us with garbage mechanics oh alden can lift a bus please silver's playing katamari with route 66 now if we could just play as him in another mainline title i know most of the ancillary cast have been blacklisted from the series while sega re-tools how to make sonic work what the [ __ ] is a sonic but whenever he's around i kind of love him now that the darkest timeline is prevented silver's treated like this awkward exchange student in sonic team racing he's failing to learn the art of trading quips i'm so gonna own you silver okay no you're supposed to say in your dreams sonic in your dreams sonic too late the moment's passed and in the comics he's geeking out over plants what a freaking dork for real let's give this guy another shot he's a good boy and more to the point an omega level psychic that can glide around at the speed of sound just as for silver guys it is not no use [Music] perfect [Music] i'm willing to bet a lot of you guessed this one when you saw the content warning it's time for first encounter assault recon aka fear aka alma wade there are a ton of horror game creatures that pick at the sanity of the player but almost strikes a perfect balance for this list being explained well enough that i know for a fact that she's psychic but still incomprehensible enough that she's eldritch and foreboding i mean for starters in many ways she's already dead let me back up a bit there's no real origin to her powers alma was born with this miraculous potential so dad of the year harlan wade decided to offer her up for weapons experimentation you know at the beginning of stranger things when they run tests on 11 it's like that only so much worse the armachan technology corporation starts by picking and prodding her to find the limits of her powers and when alma becomes reasonably upset and voices her frustrations by killing people with flesh-rending brainwaves they lock her in a metal sphere and induce a permanent coma so that they can still experiment on her all when she's eight there are a few more steps to this that i don't really want to talk about too grim dark for me but in time the scientists remember that as a psychic alma doesn't have to be awake to wreak havoc on everyone in the vicinity so they pull the plug on the experiments and alma this successfully kills her but leaves us with an irate psychic ghost whose mere existence forces a neighborhood evacuation and that's not all armacham's experiments allowed them to develop a clone army because clone armies are always a great idea hi star wars and also give psychic powers to one paxton fettel who is appointed to remotely control these perfectly insync replica soldiers but the ghost of christmas alma simply takes control of paxton which means she controls the soldiers so now baby grudge has a synchronized murder squad at her beckon call great we've been focusing on telekinetics thus far on this list but lest we forget how op a murderous telepath can be at first it's just the occasional scare as almost childlike avatar flits around your peripheral vision but in time she'll be strutting her stuff in her adult emaciated body and spawning nightmares that endlessly chase you down all of this in the first game in fear 2 newly reconstituted alma is catching up on her missed adulthood and she kinda has a crush on you that is the nicest way i can say just how screwed up this game is no more teasing alma is constantly on your tail now with hallucinatory barrages and telekinetic smackdowns for anyone who gets in her way you can try to hold her back with bullets but she's done the whole death thing already and she doesn't really care for it i wouldn't call alma the most powerful character on this list but seeing as she's basically the only psychic and the game's player characters are just soldiers with slight cranial improvements it's one of the biggest power gaps between a hero and their main adversary and while she's somewhat vulnerable to the evil personalities of those around her much like psychomantis she is definitely acting of her own free will in these games i like that by switching between generic protagonists throughout the trilogy alma remains the main character of the story getting revenge for the unspeakable things done to her and trying to move on in her own emotionally stunted way i almost didn't list her because for weapons month i like to focus on how characters fight but then i realized it just didn't feel like a fight to me because most of the time she's effortlessly winning um yeah you go girl preferably away from me why is it that whenever a government finds an absurdly high level psychic their first instinct is to run procedures and piss them off much like alma sarah kerrigan from starcraft was a psychic vunderkin and after accidentally frying her mother's brain and hospitalizing her father at the age of eight she was taken away by the terran confederacy to become a human weapon unlike alma who to our knowledge is the first psychic in the fear series kerrigan was born into a universe 400 years into the future one where psionic humans are fairly common and she still managed to be the most powerful ever recorded even at a young age her aptitude tested so high that they had to create a new standard of measurement for it and to the confederacy's credit a phrase that i thought i'd never say they did manage to keep kerrigan in line all it took was a neural inhibitor that made it impossible for kerrigan to disobey a direct order and so kerrigan began her career as a psychic operative or ghost designated as ghost number two four six zero one wait is that is that a lame miser rob reference thought you could sneak that one by me blizzard i'm on to you so even with a chip dampening her kerrigan manages to be the most capable ghost in starcraft teaming up with jim raynor as the two find themselves embroiled in a three-way interstellar war between the terran the hyper-advanced protis and the zerk a new alien threat that devours civilizations with its hivemind tactics well it turns out kerrigan uniquely was proficient enough to psychically overtake zerglings which the confederacy planned to use against its foreign and domestic enemies but fate worked out differently and kerrigan was killed holding off a zerg's swarm as jim raynor flew to safety or so it seemed it seems kerrigan's prowess was detected by the zerg as well and rather than devour her the overmind had kerrigan's body infested normally this would zombify a person but kerrigan passed all of her will saves and managed to retain her intelligence some of her personality and most importantly that magnificent psionic ability and with the neural inhibitor removed kerrigan is stronger than ever she can now command thousands of zerg at a time mind control people on other planets and after absorbing some essence from the ancient zelnaga race can harness celestial radiation into death star lasers she is frequently referred to as the most powerful being in the universe and it's hard to argue against it so why only number four honestly i might be lowballing her a little bit but if you remember how i am with weapons month i don't like to give high ranks to characters that use more than one weapon and while psychic powers are easily kerrigan's greatest feature i find it's oddly downplayed in many of her appearances oftentimes it's just used as a means of commanding zerg creatures that are already loyal to her so she uses her immense psychic power like a glorified pa system she's also playable in heroes of the storm but she's a melee assassin for some reason and her kit revolves more around blades now granted she is called the queen of blades and she's got to utilize those badass wing appendages at least a little bit it just gets further and further away from psychic in my opinion as cool as it is to call her an ultralisk don't get me wrong she's probably the second best fighter on this list a universal threat but these last three are a little more let's say exemplary of the video game psychic to me though now that i've dabbled in starcraft a little bit it does feel good to finally talk about her it would be a war crime not to [Music] psychics have always been a thing in pokemon it's one of the original 15 types and due to some poor planning and programming in generation 1 was a popular pick for your predetermined pack of 6. so you know we need a pokemon rep somewhere in past countdowns we've gone back and forth with our approach in this series giving spots to either a particularly strong pokemon or famous trainers who utilize that type for a team for instance koga was our number one poison wielder in weapons month 3 which made sense because at the time there didn't seem to be a clear optimum poison pokemon better than the rest whereas koga a ninja weaponizes poison throughout his entire strategy as a gym leader and elite 4 member however we don't have that same problem with a psychic type because as accomplished as sabrina and lucian might be mewtwo has always held a special place in the pokemon mythos the plot of generation 1 is fairly simple but they laid a lot of backstory on mewtwo even building him up using the notes in the burn mansion we learned of the seemingly extinct mew an embryo-like mythical thought to hold the dna of all other pokemon in terms of pokemon lore mew would have been the first to populate the earth after arceus and other similar godlike entities becoming the genetic ancestor for all 800 some species to follow unable to find a living specimen scientist mr fuji with help from blaine and even team rocket depending on the continuity you're following attempted to recombine and clone the primordial mod their efforts finally bearing fruit on february 6th mewtwo was born yep mewtwo's an aquarius with the trauma of being made in a lab mewtwo not only became incredibly powerful but incredibly spiteful and after its escape spent most of its time hiding out in remote caves or in the case of pokemon the first movie organizing an ironic battle tournament to strike back against humanity i wouldn't call mewtwo a villain or anything but whenever spinoffs needed a final boss that's usually where they went and can you really blame them mewtwo is an absolute unit forgive me for being nostalgic but in that movie he's just untouchable i don't think he takes that hit throughout the whole movie and only mew forces him to exert any actual effort seriously i have no idea what ash was thinking in generation 1 mewtwo was just the best pokemon with the best type and the best stats since special was still one stat and all of the counters to the psychic type either didn't exist yet had no good attacks or were misprogrammed to fail and while the game is a lot more balanced now mewtwo still holds his own in the competitive uber tier with that devastating sidestrike attack you also get two options for mega evolutions mega mewtwo y specializing in psychic attacks and x specializing in physical and if that sounds like it makes less sense for a psychic type keep in mind that the physical special split means you can totally steal psychic punch mewtwo x is basically going the m bison route of psycho power mewtwo also made his mark in the smash bros series he was a little awkward at first in melee but wii u and ultimate really perfected his fighting style i love how mewtwo never actually picks up any items everything just gravitates around him i'm not sure if mewtwo is as powerful as kerrigan but the pokedex does state that megamew2y can shatter a skyscraper just by thinking about it not that the pokedex is always unrealistic so let's talk about base stats here combining all of mewtwo's stats it held the highest base stat total for four generations at 680 tying only with the top legendaries of each game eventually the higher forms of kirum and arceus the literal pokemon god beat it out but then mewtwo's mega forms reclaimed the title at a staggering 780 and to this day mega mewtwo x and y share the top spot with mega rayquaza and you know how broken that one is so yeah maybe mewtwo doesn't annihilate armies but it is more competitively viable than its universe's god and that has to count for something my only gripe is that like kerrigan mewtwo has many non-psychic attacks it has a very diverse move pool and one of its most famous moves shadowball is actually a ghost type but considering shadowball didn't exist yet when we first saw mewtwo do that in the movie i still tend to think that it utilizes some form of psionic energy while mewtwo has ice beam in the light for coverage options mewtwo remains first and foremost a psychic type the psychic type before number one we need to take a step back and talk about a character who true isn't as astonishing as many on this list but is in my opinion most emblematic of what a psychic is capable of from a game all about psychics what they don't expect is razz the psychonaut and and and then you'll make their heads explode no rasputin aquato is a pre-teen circus acrobat who discovered a knack for the cerebral arts and against his father's wishes ran away to whispering rock a secret government-run summer camp that trains similarly talented children to become mind-reading masters of espionage the fact that it got there without an invitation undetected should be a pretty good entrance exam raz is still in training and as such isn't the most powerful psychic even in the game he's from full-fledged agents such as coach oleander sasha 9 and mila bodello are demonstrated to be higher skilled they can even use their powers to fly a feat raz has yet to replicate but razz shows the potential to one day eclipse all of them in might he manages to hide his thoughts from those very three agents for one thing and manages to uncover a conspiracy to take down the psychonauts from within and instigate the next major war with tanks powered by children's removed brains think tanks if you will aforementioned agents nine and fidello fall right into this trap but raz is able to outmaneuver the saboteur oleander and even go toe-to-toe with him in various psychic competitions it gives psychonauts a very 90's nickelodeon kids rule mentality sure the adults are wiser but the kids have a fresh perspective that lets them see past the lies some take for granted not that any of the other kids are even remotely useful compared to raz he masters the fundamentals in under a week his progress measured by merit badges and corresponding powers before his first formal lesson he can already telekinetically double jump and punch enemies with giant force fists with a little instruction he can use pyrokinesis to blow things up cyblast for ranged combat force fields to deflect projectiles levitation to move fast and jump high and even clairvoyance to find secrets and see things the way others see them one of my favorites in terms of creativity is the confusion grenade boiled down it's just a way to stupefy your target but the animation has razz pulling the pin out of a question mark and lobbing it like an explosive i love it far and away raz's most impressive feat is where the knot in psychonaut comes in he uses these doors to enter people's minds interpreted as enormous platforming worlds he can't exactly dominate people in this way like kerrigan or mantis but he can use this to search for information quickly travel through the collective unconscious to get to other minds and dramatically affect people from within he manages to essentially cure the mental illnesses of several prison inmates by confronting their inner demons he's like a psychology knot and razz does this probably better than anyone during the game's finale raz's brain gets pulled out of his skull long story and even without a body raz is able to telekinetically flick his brain around to the tank with oleander's brain creating a tangled mind world of shared neuroses that all the professionals agree should have resulted in complete ego death but instead raz manages to traverse the ludicrous mashup befriend oleander's inner child remove his penchant for evil and restore both of them to factory settings damn right you'd better promote rats to a full-fledged agent after that and well we've been waiting for a true sequel ever since it's been 15 long years for crap's sake i feel like i haven't even scratched the surface of what razz can do no game has gotten more out of the concept of psychic powers and razz remains the first thing i think of when you say video game psychic i wouldn't lie about this and i probably wouldn't be able to lie to razz about it either he's got the key to the brain vault [Music] i did not see this one coming when i first started writing the number one spot started as a deadlock of several characters from one series and by the time i decided which one of them should be included it was clear to me that this next entry was going to be our champion so let's talk about the mother series mother earthbound whatever you want to call it this bizarre trilogy did everything it could to set itself apart from other fantasy adventures giving the jrpg a more sci-fi tinge but not like final fantasy vi or xeno gear sci-fi more like suburban paranoia sci-fi twilight zone sci-fi if you will as such magic is swapped out for psionics and is usable by most major characters in the series ness was my first thought partially because of his performance in smash brothers chasing down thugs with pk thunder spamming the hell out of pk fire and oh god that back throw lucas deserves merit too just as much of a threat and if you consider the power creep from mother two to three probably better equipped than ness but when you think about it ness and lucas aren't even the best psychics from their respective games i mean what kind of psychic needs a baseball bat paula has the most psi damage in earthbound and kumatora is the specialist in mother 3. also pk starstorm nes and lucas's final smashes don't even belong to them ness is just borrowing that move from pooh and lucas from kumatora it looks like kumatora has the best resume here but it was paula's prayer that helped the team survive gigas oh gigas none of these pitiful humans would even have powers without gigas a member of an alien race that developed psychokinesis gigas was raised by two humans maria and george who had been abducted but allowed to live on the alien world they raised gigas as their own but george was secretly studying the science of pk and one day suddenly escape with it to earth this created a slight chance for any human child to be born with pk and geygis was tasked by his planet to reclaim what his foster parents stole the heroes of eagleton performed pk like an art form but to guys it's as natural as breathing his mere presence on earth creates most of the random encounters in the game where people animals and even inanimate objects are agitated enough to attack children on the street so if geiges is so strong why was he defeated twice uh because he kind of wasn't ninten's crew and mother one had to use the eight melodies which when combined form maria's lullaby gigas isn't being overpowered he just gets so emotional about his family's betrayal that he leaves but that inner turmoil only makes him stronger in mother 2. gygis is 10 years away from total world domination let's appreciate how many bones the plot of this game throws next to even the odds an emissary from the future has to spur ness and company to set out on their journey then ness has to go further back in time to even stand a chance against a less developed gigas and even then they're completely outmatched approaching gigas is like walking into a dimension of madness your mind dissolving you cannot comprehend the attacks coming your way he is so titanically potent we cannot hope to understand it paula has to use a prayer calling upon the good will of the world and even the player themself just to pacify gigas and even with him gone his influence lives on in the evil imprint he's made on followers like porky minch so the number one spot absolutely goes to gaius a god of thought that as a baby nearly soloed reality well that's our list let's take a little time to clear our heads before we go on to the next i can see the future of weapons month and it's looking pretty great i'm the green scorpion and i'll see you all next time be on your guard [Music] you
Channel: The Green Scorpion
Views: 27,153
Rating: 4.9971328 out of 5
Keywords: The Green Scorpion, greenscorpion64, video games, countdown, let's play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 5sec (2405 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.