Top Ten Video Game Mech Pilots

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[Music] up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everyone how's the weather down there i'm the green scorpion and welcome back for part three of weapons month five and we got a big one for you today mex mecha whatever you want to call them one part transportation one part high-powered armament mecha is a genre into itself with kids jumping into high-powered robots to defend their city from aliens and monsters alike there are a lot of variants in what a mech can be and i know more so than any other weapons list i've done that my entries here won't satisfy everyone there's a lot of distinctions and caveats i have to make so let's just go down the list here first of all what makes something a mech rather than a spaceship or a tank they can have the same wheels treads cannons wings or thrusters as other battle vehicles but i think the defining feature of the mech is limbs they can be humanoid animal-like or a metal ball on stilts but regardless most mechas have some sort of arms or legs in addition to other weapons and features they also come in a variety of weight classes from small personal walkers going toe-to-toe on the streets to moving space stations that can only do battle in the upper stratosphere sure size matters on a spectacle level but i don't think that the skyscraper juggernaut should have an assumed advantage over the little guys different situations call for different tiers of mech you can't just level a city block every time you have a problem the point is how good is the pilot at using the mech that they have that said i want to draw a line between mech suits and power armor you don't wear a mech you pilot one so characters like samus and master chief need not apply speaking of piloting it's okay if mechs have some automated functions or work remotely and some x even have ai or even a soul but if the mech is able to operate completely independent from its driver said driver won't make the list and notice that this is a list of mech pilots not just mechs having more impressive equipment helps but we're looking for specific characters who specialize in this sort of thing so as cool as the great sacred treasure is pit is not a mech pilot by trade that's just the thing that he did that one time and i know there are die hard fans of the mecca genre and i haven't played too many of those types of games so i'm really sorry if you're not impressed by my game choices still you might be surprised by some of the franchises that manage to sneak in a mech character so with all that out of the way let's proceed with a list that will pierce the heavens i am the green scorpion and these are the top 10 video game mech pilots controlling a machine to blow up the bad guys sounds like you're playing a video game right well at least that's the logic of overwatch and their premier mech specialist hannah song better known as diva diva was a pro gamer at the top of her league in mech guardian 5 but when evil omnic threatened to destroy her home diva hung up her controller and picked up well another controller but this time bigger joining the mobile exo force of the korean army or mecca turns out her mad fps skills carried over beautifully and by the time she was 19 she became an integral part of the crew not just as a no-scoping pilot but also as a mechanic and weapons developer diva's mech toki is an 8 foot tall micro mech heavily modified to fit diva's kawaii style it has the flight power for prolonged dogfights but in game you'll be stretching toki's robot legs as infantry and i actually like the interface here for a nice compact design diva lies down in a chassis and has a holographic heads-up display and apparently it's also a gaming console like a tesla that can kick her ass toki's arms can fire shotgun-like fusion cannons with no perceivable limit on ammo and with a defense matrix they can be set to automatically shoot down all incoming rockets great for covering your non-mechanized teammates diva's got her own miniature missiles to respond with and boosters that can give her movement a great sense of momentum diva is classified as a tank but leans towards offense playing best as a gank master if you can master her maneuverability and if you need some more firepower the biggest gun you've got is the mech itself diva's ultimate allows her to eject prompting toki to self-destruct in spectacular fashion and don't worry there's plenty more where that came from diva's got her best friend daihyun ready to send her a backup at a moment's notice and while she waits for delivery she can make do with just her light gun she's actually a pretty fast runner considering her dorito mountain dude diet actually a lot of diva's gamer stereotypes are just a front projected by her country's media to instill a sense of confidence in reality hannah takes her job very seriously and spends every waking minute ensuring that both her and her bots are in top fighting shape i know a lot of gamers would like to think that they would do well in this sort of thing but diva puts her money where her mech is one character that keeps missing my countdowns is clockwork from sly cooper i wanted him for top 10 robots but he used to be organic so i reconsidered him for cyborgs but there's nothing organic about him left neela controls him in slide too so would that make her a mech pilot i guess but all in all she doesn't spend too much time in the driver's seat or in the hate chip in this case it's a real shame clockwork is pretty intimidating i mean just look at what it did to bentley poor guy's in a wheelchair now at least it's a cool mechanized wheelchair equipped with tools and weapons to help bentley battle his way through wait is is bentley a mech pilot oh wait let's go over this it's got extending axles that effectively let it kick it has go-go gadget arms with hands dexterous enough to pick pockets it interfaces with the binocucom and any other computer bentley wants to hang into and comes with a swiss army knife of other gadgets yeah this chair is a mech just a tiny one built for burglaries and stealth ops leave it to the einstein of the cooper gang to put this one together the same guy who once hacked the windmill to act as a giant shuriken oh my god bentley that's not how windmills work but his engineering and computer skills all went towards perfecting his greatest invention himself bentley's development is one of the most rewarding parts of the sly trilogy in sly 1 he's content to stay in the hideout and advise his foster brothers from afar only getting directly involved for this abstract hacking minigame towards the end he's so nervous for his first field op in sly 2 and i can kinda see why his sleep darts are great and all but he doesn't have the immediate usefulness of slyer murray he proves himself by rescuing the others from the contessa's prison but hits an all-time low in the literally crushing cliffhanger at the end of the game so seeing him back and better than ever in sly 3 is just triumphant murray has to be convinced to return to the team being so stricken with guilt over bentley's injury but the guy who was actually paralyzed no convincing necessary he operates on pure brain power now all of his old gadgets the drones the sleep darts everything now integrated directly into his portable throne am i wrong in saying that this is the single most badass paraplegic character in gaming and if you don't like calling his wheelchair a mech well then let's look at thieves in time even if the twist is done spoilers ahead bentley's girlfriend penelope possibly tied with bentley as the world's greatest technician is using her scientific superiority to terrorize medieval england her black knight armor is a little too tough until bentley dismantles her fake animatronic swamp monster and repurposes it as his own alien parody engaging penelope and live action rock'em sock'em robots for an extremely messy breakup and oh my god the shade bentley's throwing during this fight you call that vector analysis despite his fractured vertebrae bentley is not only the brains but the backbone of the group [Music] planet robobot is easily one of the best of the modern kirby games and not just because of the mech suits but oh okay yeah largely the mech suits it's an excellent central gimmick for a kirby game the robobot armor actually builds on kirby's regular gameplay in satisfying ways but like i mentioned with pitt kirby spends far too much time outside of the mech for this list as great a mech as it is if only robobot introduced another character to represent this style of gameplay for the rest of the series [Music] when we first meet susanna patria haltman yes seriously that's actually her full name she's a secretary for the haltman works company an interstellar corporation that is now taking over entire planets like google in five years susie plays the part of a submissive robot assistant but not only is she not a robot i'm surprised by that too she's actually the daughter of the ceo president haltman long back story short she was warped through space and time by an ancient wish-granting relic and her father no longer recognizes her kirby lore is nuts susie only has one boss fight in the main story pretty early on too utilizing a giant machine called the business suit oh man i love that the business suit is basically a giant drill bit but with a number of projectiles and explosive drones on board it goes down pretty easily same for the 2.0 form in the extra modes but then again this is against kirby one of the most op characters ever to grace portable screens so cut her some slack other than that she prefers to delegate boss fights to cuborgified meta knight and clone dedede not the most impressive showing until you get to kirby's star allies here susie is one of the many dream friends that kirby can recruit and depending on what translation of the game you're playing she's either rebranding haltman works company as a space charity or continuing her late father's goal of metal coding the universe yeah maybe watch out for that english dub but either way she's back in the business suit and better than ever not unlike diva suzy has a pedestrian form that utilizes a little ray gun but she can also materialize the suit at any time and spin to win star allies is already considered easy by kirby game standards but when suzy pulls out the business suit she's basically just like i am the blender you are my breakfast now chop chop let's go i have a meeting in five minutes that's five green scorpion points for anyone who gets that reference she also solves pretty much any collectible puzzle you encounter and for added lulls her allies can empower her with any one of the elements star allies really doesn't care about difficulty balance does it here's your team comp one susie and three friends who do nothing but hand her elements from time to time she got her ride back from the shop and now it's even more broken than ever [Music] we'll get to some bigger mechs soon but first this one is just too good so there's a powerful korean family named kum but the patriarch dies leaving his daughter hyun as the sole heir the problem is the family is very traditional other branches of the family start moving in to seize the throne saying that a woman can't hold the seat of power this might be where you expect the 12th night slash mulan naoto style disguise right maybe hyhun could cut her hair speaking a lower voice nope this is korea the mech capital of the world apparently so she elects to live inside an eight foot tall old man robot and this mech knows martial arts god i love fighting games though lacking in practicality this is exactly the kind of madness i boot up guilty gear to see you've got this wisened old coot named jung ryoku with his distinguished voice and hyhun's just well i'm not even sure how she's situated in there how tall is she is she kneeling or are her legs inside of jung ryoku's legs like a spring trap suit i can't tell you how long i've spent looking at this character art and laughing oh my god the big stupid levers but don't be fooled by the silliness he's got virtually no delay on his moves this lifelong model decoy goken can hold its own against any of the fighters on the roster i mean sure compared to other characters high human speed is on the slow side the mighty glacier type character but not by much and get this the bot can use ki part of the reason the coomb family is so powerful is that they hold the ancient secrets of tuning allowing kum to perceive the ever-present energies of the universe all around her and play them like a harp this lets comb channel key through the metal casing to control its finer movements allowing for ridiculous air combos and powerful launches that loop into themselves and perhaps it's because jung ryoku can't feel pain that you're able to mash out of many combos and there's the enlightened three thousand palm strike reversal super if you're stalling out one of her most unique attributes are these tuning balls hyhune can have token out as they can bounce off the walls and be manually controlled while also controlling your character doing both at once requires ridiculous coordination but hyhun learned to do it and so can you maybe those are arcade six she's using in there rocking at old school respect with her instant kill she can even halt her opponent's energy setting up her excavator bearded grandpatron to give him the finger so she's a mech pilot and a key based martial artist and kind of a musician fighter this is way too crazy not to rank they say behind every great man is an even greater woman but this is on a whole nother level [Music] finally moving up to the heavy class with some building size mechs and the 14 year old who builds them tron bond from mega man legends second oldest of the bond pirates tron cruises across the seven seas in search of riches with her older brother tesel bond an overzealous lunatic with occasional moments of brilliant clarity and her baby brother bonbon he might actually be a baby but you never see him outside of his suit so i'm hoping he's actually just a robot and i don't have to call child services not that it would be the least of their crimes the bonds serve as the main villains for most of the first legends game racing mega man to the various ruins around cattle talks island in their mad dash for an ancient treasure but they're the fun kind of villains with some really strong team rocket vibes they're mostly harmless often needing to be saved from their own schemes they're surprisingly quick when it comes to devising new contraptions and it's perfectly okay to blow them up because they'll always come back and when the real evil threat shows up they're willing to help you out all three bonds are fun but tron was the real breakout character here partially due to her cute tsundere crush on mega man she also hits the perfect balance between bumbling idiot and devious super villain after the first game capcom went all in on the tron train and gave her a game of her own the misadventures of tronbon which really defined her unique style amongst the group mainly tron fights by commanding her lego minions to serve bots and writing her vehicle of choice the gustav a multifaceted bipedal panzer this baby comes equipped with a minigun bazooka and grabby hands that can lift heavy loads she'll use it to assist her servbots and bank heists navigate labyrinthian tunnels move enormous crates in puzzle mode and she brought it back with the tank and hover variations in mega man legends too and more famously she rides a green variant in marvel vs capcom two and three with the head removed so tron can get some much warranted screen time while tron is pretty low on the tier list as an overall character she's fairly popular as a support her sonic cannon is bar none one of the best assists in the game and enforced into the fray she can command her servebot minions to run interference while she aims for a devastating command grab and in ultimate marvel 3 i love her unorthodox rotational fighting style and her level 3 hyper hits that same sweet spot of impressive but also kind of a disaster but haven't we seen enough of these indoor mechs i did promise we'd get to the big guns soon and tron has us covered combing over the legend series tron has a nice selection of metal monsters many of which she threw together in a matter of days and all with awesome germanic names there's ferdinand a fire-breathing octoboss [ __ ] wolf an avian aircraft balkan garat built out of boats and driven voltron style by the siblings together and my favorite theodore bruno which translates to armor of the gods it's not enough to build them and drive them tron also knows how to name them for any problem big or small tron is an expert in the driver's seat which is good because everywhere else she's a total mess [Music] in a similar vein to tron and her all size fits one approach to mex bowser jr no really i'm dead serious you may think i'm putting too many joke characters on this list but bowser jr absolutely deserves his place in the mech table and i'm gonna prove it to you starting by addressing a critical misconception so first of all this is not bowser jr this is baby bowser as in bowser as an actual infant he mainly only appears in yoshi's island yoshi's story partners in time and other games that take place in the past though i don't know why baby mario and baby luigi get to ride go-karts with their adult counterparts in the present but hey life's not fair also this is not bowser jr either this is a koopa kid a young bowser acolyte that helps the big guy terrorize the first eight or so mario parties bowser jr is bowser's biological son and made his first appearance in super mario sunshine and while baby bowser has been known to spit flame junior has dealt almost exclusively in technology in sunshine he uses a stolen e-gad invention to impersonate mario and run amok but as soon as he's unmasked he resorts to mecca bowser a haywire theme park attraction with flaming breath and homing bullet bills even in the game's final boss he assists bowser with a bill launching battleship though junior's next appearance in new super mario brothers sports an uninspired moveset he gets his groove back in the weak wool where he utilizes a smaller version of the koopa clown car first ridden by his old man in super mario world since then bowser jr keeps his copter everywhere he goes tennis matches 3d adventures and of course super smash brothers i wouldn't be surprised if he's forgotten how to walk he's in this thing so much and who could blame him it's tricked out to hell and back boxing gloves drills cannonballs deployable mecha koopas giant forks giant tongue he can even convert it into a mario kart and it makes funny faces what's not to love unless you think junior is a one-trick turtle he's commandeered plenty more mechs there's his dice rolling pod in mario party 9 very festive and he's supporting his zero dad in the galaxy duology usually aboard an airship or some other war machine in particular there's a mega hammer a missile launching space bruiser with questionable looking weak points and the boomsday machine i admit this one's more of a tank but it's one of the best fights in the game and i really wanted to say boomsday machine bowser's baby boy doesn't breathe much fire but he does breathe new life into the koopa army [Music] world-renowned villain and genius with an iq of 300 and a hard-boiled physique nemesis of sonic the hedgehog and perhaps the greatest evil genius of all time dr ivo robotnik aka dr eggman eggman's played the mad scientist game for a long time chasing after his vague dream of conquering a planet so that he can either turn it into a theme park or have everyone worship him for his intellect for how often we've fought and defeated him it can be easy to forget that eggman has approached and even achieved world domination several times he enslaved the wisp race dominated the lost world blew up the moon he even broke the earth into pieces once and in forces he's taken over as the planet's only form of government and has the happy tree friends hiding in bunkers sure he's got seemingly limitless resources and an ever expanding army of robots doing his bidding but he didn't earn his reputation just by sitting on his ass well okay he was sitting most of the time but he was sitting in one of his many mechs with no exaggeration hundreds of calamitous contraptions designed to ruin that radical rodent not all of them are soundly designed such as the hot mobile sub that effectively destroys itself over time but defeat means nothing to eggman he'll try as many times as he needs to most of his machines are compatible with the egg mobile a multi-purpose hovercraft that acts as an escape pod if one doombot's defeated he simply ejects and floats away he can be in his next craft in minutes from goofy gimmicks to murderous masterpieces eggman's ongoing rivalry with the blue blur is a montage of throwing ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks or throwing weapons at a hedgehog and seeing what kills quantity over quality is just how this egg rolls there are bosses by the dozen so let's go over some of my favorites there's a death egg robot which is basically a giant egg man the egg viper with his concept barrage of flames the egg walker he spends the whole game in this thing the egg dealer because i guess slot machine makes her a thing now the egg service and egg wiper and that year the egg man was taking himself too seriously the egg drip goong which flies circles around sonic and is just a damn cool design the gotcha pandora which dispenses scaled down versions of past eggman vehicles the boringly named eggman met from rise of lyric awful game pretty decent arsenal and a time meter a space-time temporal entity that eggman converted to fight hedgehogs which requires a co-pilot so eggman hired the best operator he knows himself and sure he loses a lot but he also just battles a lot the man seems to have unlimited resources at his disposal so he has little to lose and everything to gain you miss every shot you don't take and you know what that has to count for something he may not be the greatest villain in gaming but he is definitely among the most tenacious i just figured you'd like some more janky and over-the-top mech bosses what do i look like in imbecile of course i want more bosses i love the way you make them [Music] piece of cake giant robots aren't just central to the world of xenoblade chronicles they are the world long ago two titans battled each other in an empty sea dying upon each other's swords over millennia new life formed upon them like planets there's bionis full of organic creatures and mechanus teeming with synthetic beings in time war broke out between the neighboring realms the humans kept the malicious metcon at bay for a time with a sword called the monado but with their second invasion emerged a new threat the faced mekong any of the faced metcon would make a good entrance they're basically unwilling reverse mech pilots humans kidnap them brainwashed their organs integrated into the machines to exploit a safety feature in the monado that won't let it harm humans every time a faced metcon shows up it's an adrenaline shot to the game's pace metalface makes his kills deeply personal zord refuses to stay down but all pale in comparison to their king eggil king of mekonus in his golden goliath yaldabaoth egyl himself is a member of the machina the native people of mkhanus who haven't been converted into mindless ravagers you could consider him a robot but no one ever said robots can't pilot their own robots he and the vehicle are two distinct entities so we're still following the rules here he is able to control yaldaboth remotely like the other face pilots and granted we don't see as much of goldface as some of the others but we can assume as the mightiest in terms of cannon and stats that it can do anything the other mekong can we see yaldaboth's power first hand in galahad fortress where egyl fights against another face nemesis even with nemesis's giant knives and main effects mocking a power blast yaldabaoth easily survives her attack and sends her korean into the sea yaldabaoth also comes equipped with the apocrypha generator a device of eggyl's design that radiates oppositely charged ether to render the monado useless the thing specifically designed to defeat mekong your final clash with egyil takes place in the meccanous core where he'll swing at choke with his massive arms and blast the party with pure ether to immobilize them and when egil starts losing he patches yaldaboth into the core and assumes direct control of the planet-sized mechanisms movements threatening to obliterate bionis and its millions of citizens with its monolithic sword so yeah eggil is now piloting the largest mech on this countdown mechanus itself and more importantly agile is a robot who pilots a larger robot in order to pilot a still larger robot how are we going to top that well we'll find out in a second but right now i'm still calculating the odds of two mech pilots with egg in their names falling right next to each other [Music] up next we have a character from a mecca game about freaking time scorpion we're only at what the number two spot well super robot wars isn't just a mega game it's the mecha game a series of tactical rpgs with over 50 entries dating back to the snes combining the characters and machines from all of the most famous mecha anime you've ever heard of and some from quite a few you haven't i'm sure mobile suit gundam super sentai ghetto robo mazinger z gurren lagann fully cooley it's all here no wonder most of these games stayed in japan licensing for this series must be a nightmare picking the best representative from this behemoth franchise certainly was obviously i didn't consider any of the anime heroes in these games but developer bon presto made a slew of their own characters for each installment story mode enough that they were eventually able to make an entire sub-series based off their oc's i had my work cut out for me but after many hours of combing through the wikis and consulting with experts i think the clear choice is sanger zonvolt the manliest man in metal sanger was first introduced in super robot wars alpha on the ps1 and has remained a fan favorite up until now he's originally on the villain side but over the course of the game is convinced to switch allegiances and fight against evil he then became one of the main heroes of alpha 2 piloting a gungus type 3 but in a particularly harrowing battle sanger's gungus sustains heavy damage while defending his fleet and to get back into the fight quickly he jumps into a new mech still in development the dynamic general guardian or deigengar for short look at this thing standing over 55 meters and 140 tons daigongar is said to be the pinnacle of mechanized warfare in another few months this one's weapon systems aren't online yet meaning it can do little more than move so sanger grabs a weapon from another mech the type 3 sanshiki sankanto and decides he's going to fight on anyway and in a battle of bombs and blasters sanger chooses to go in with nothing but a bf sword and massacres everyone with it daigongar's maiden voyage is a success and sanger decides to lock all other weapons on dykengar indefinitely he does not need them granted that sankanto isn't your garden-variety 80-foot sword its blade is liquid memory metal that can be reshaped to fit the situation which for zonvault usually means making it three times longer than the mag itself the alpha games even have data for dagengar's other weapons but sanger insists on swords only no cannons final destination even with a self-imposed limitation zanville crushes the competition like empty beer cans and with his cockpit's direct motion link system the diagon guard imitates sanger's every movement and guess who's a world class samurai while sanger plays vr red steel his mech imitates it on a colossal scale one need only watches special attacks over the years to understand this guy is so unbelievably extra and i love it notice he calls himself the sword that cleaves evil that explains zombolt's entire outlook a sword in the hands of a capable warrior is just an extension of their arm to zombolt his human-shaped death star is an extension of his bushido skills and hey when you're fighting alongside the greatest pilots in entertainment history you leave your subtlety at the door i know this countdown won't satisfy all of the longtime mecha fans as i said i haven't played a ton of mecha games myself or even watched that much mecha anime but you know who has hideo kojima you realize when you're playing metal gear solid 1 that kojima is basically otakon an eccentric nerd who just really wants to make some big robots in 2001 kojima funneled that passion into zone of the enders a game most people only bought for the metal gear solid 2 demo bundled inside well if metal gear solid 2 was kojima's swan dive into madness zone of the enders is the warning sign nobody read rife with political intrigue psychological torment and bonkers fight choreography these mechs aren't your clunky power ranger suits these are the evangelion variety hundred story ninjas with perfect flexibility though still with that sense of incalculable mass zone of the enders zoe for short involves a war between futuristic earth and its colonies on mars fighting for independence and at the center of it are the orbital frames space capable centurions made from a rare resource called metatron which besides being very durable has strange metaphysical properties that can resonate with the minds and souls of pilots zoe 1 follows leo stenbeck a psychologically unprepared teenager who stumbles into the most important ship of the series that's pretty typical for the kind of anime that inspired this game this frame jehuty is a technical marvel blade and gun mounted on one arm plasma shield on the other with a variety of sub weapons or options at its disposal and a surprising pension for grapples mech grapples oh my god leo does a pretty good job keeping jehuty safe given the circumstances but at the end of the game he's forced to hide jahiri somewhere safe it's found again in zoe 2 by our actual number one pilot dingo egret man what a name so why dingo for number one well first off dingo is clearly the better of the two zoe protagonists he was a soldier of bahram in his misguided youth and has since been driving industrial mechs to mine ice so he starts his game with way more experience than leo he even fought leo once leo piloting a frame called the vic viper and if you get that reference you know konami made that thing pretty strong but dingo held his own and earned leo's blessing to keep jehudi which he kind of commandeered over the course of the game reason number two dingo remains a strong pilot no matter what he's controlling sure jahiri may be the most specialist frame ever but it's actually not in the finished state oftentimes dingo has to throw down with multiple frames at once or frames that are just better than his forcing him to find creative ways to get the upper hand take the recurring boss neptus for example its energy shields block all of dehudi's weaponry so what does dingo do he picks up some steel beams and pins neptus down yeah energy shields don't block a steel beam to the faceplate and reason number three the connection between man and mech unlike most pilots dingo gets to know his frame's ai ada on a personal level which allows him to fight as one think leto and chamber from gargantia and that's even before things get really intimate after a serious injury dingo has his life support systems connected directly into jehuty sort of like the face metcons though in xenoblade chronicles this is mostly treated as an obstacle for a certain party member in zoe this is a double-edged sword making dingo more in tune with his frame surroundings at the expense of feeling jehuty's pain when it's damaged this gets especially daunting when judy is upgraded with zero shift a space bending drive that enables teleportation uh yeah inject that straight into dingo's veins why don't you probably not great for his cholesterol but dingo and jehuty now respond pretty much one to one with each other and can dbz instant transmission behind people one shot most other frames and withstand all but the biggest attacks unscathed sure having hacks teleports gives dingo quite the advantage but it feels earned in this case because dingo had to grow alongside his machine most pilots wouldn't have the split-second reaction time to use this tech effectively and again dingo is fine with less if he has to fight jehoiadi's twin frame anubis with only a blade zero shift and a missing arm he'll do it and then absorb anubis power because the laws of physics are secondary to the power of fighting spirit dingo even convinced the frame's ai not to self-destruct in the final base overwriting its previous orders not by getting a passcode or hacking into the mainframe but by really loving his computer dingo egret hits all of the hallmarks of a mech pilot he's got that tony stark clever problem solving he's got the evangelion mind synchronization with his machine he gets that moment in every gundam story where he's in a broken down piece of junk but fights on anyway he even does the good and lagaan thing where he improves the power of his craft through sheer force of will he's the best when he pilots the worst and better when he pilots the best he made jehuty the top mech in video games because he himself is the top mech pilot in video games i'm the green scorpion and thank you for watching this intensely contentious but admittedly skyscraper spectacle countdown the fallout of which will surely be explosive next week we weather that storm as weapons month 5 continues better bring your umbrella [Music] you
Channel: The Green Scorpion
Views: 27,212
Rating: 4.9720063 out of 5
Keywords: The Green Scorpion, greenscorpion64, video games, countdown, let's play
Id: L7OrpPYlydQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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