Top Ten Video Game Beastmasters

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[Music] [Music] welcome back my fellow sapiens the green scorpion here now rest it up for my big top 50 project but no time to dawdle in the past there's a mountain of countdowns that I need to get to I get a ton of suggestions from subscribers that I usually can't make time for but today's unique specimen was hard to ignore at least a Reyn I actually made me this finely crafted pixel model of HA needs one of my new favorite characters don't judge me and mailed it to me with the request that I make a video about beast masters needless to say my interest was piqued and how can I say no to that face since the Neolithic Revolution humankind has tamed animals to help further civilization we've trained livestock to work pets to do tricks and in a few examples we deputized noble beasts to fight for us at worst this could be for entertainment like dogfighting and such yeah no good but in other cases it was just a dangerous world out there and it helped to have a trusty canine by your side fantasy has since romanticized this motif with characters best known for their companionship with the local fauna either they have a deep bond with a singular friend that follows them through thick and thin or they are so in tune with nature that they can recruit any monster they meet and pit them against bigger monsters whether it's an overwhelming stampede of natural power or just a helpful bird that scopes out the area beast masters excel at strength and versatility now approaching this topic proved a little difficult on the one hand I could view it as a character trope searching for upstanding examples the same way I did with Assassin's berserkers or robots on the other hand these characters all use beasts to fight animals are their weapons which could make this an unofficial weapons month list I decided to treat this list as a hybrid of the two considering both prowess and interesting implementation of story and mechanics even then with so many different approaches to beast mastery not to mention so many kinds of animals they might utilize this can be a case of apples and oranges or antelopes and orangutangs plus some candidates might recruit dozens of minions some just stick to one some might let their beasts do all of the fighting some might use the animal to support their own fighting style personally I favor those who fight alongside their beasts but there are many ways to go about this so let's make a few quick Commission's right now if the animal is only used as a mount it probably won't crack the top 10 it's got to do more than just carry its master also I know there's a history of witches and wizards using familiars as magical conduits but that's not really what I'm going for either additionally the Beastmaster does not need to be human but they should be a higher level of sentience than the beasts their commanding for example I wouldn't call banjo a beast master for weaponizing kazooie those two are partners but I might consider someone like cream the rabbit for using someone like cheese even if she herself is an anthropomorphic rabbit lastly I want to draw a line between beasts masters and summoners these Masters use creatures that you can find in the wild it doesn't have to be a species we might see in our world it can be a dragon or a chocobo or whatever but you know pulling a spiritual Esper of flame out of thin air doesn't feel like the same kind of thing so yeah there's a lot to feel out here so just bear with me alright these are my top 10 video game beast masters [Music] [Music] animal husbandry is usually pretty streamlined in video games you might need to meet some requirements to capture a creature and maybe level them up so they learn different commands but as far as getting the animal to listen to you come when you call it not eat you that much is a given usually but Team Ico is far from usual and basic obedience training is the central element of the Last Guardian it's a classic boy and his dog story but in this case the nameless boy narrowly escaped the ritual sacrifice while the dog is a chimeric dog cat bird hybrid with horns also he shoots lightning the boy finds himself in a cave next to this imprisoned Griffon thing and while he's scary at first the boy wins over this fantastic beast with snacks and pets naming him Treecko it's then up to Treecko and the boy to escape the valley and get the boy home okay it's starting to annoy me just calling him the boy I'm starting to sound like Christopher judge Riaan boy you know what from now on let's call him Stuart so Stuart needs to find ways to use Treecko size and abilities to progress but Treecko is his own beast and while you do eventually learn commands to more directly navigate him he just kind of does his own thing sometimes this caused some players to ultimately reject the Last Guardian as buggy and unresponsive but I kind of loved how unpredictable Treecko is it makes it all the more rewarding when you pull off a daring catch it's all about figuring out how to command him if you get frustrated and start mashing the buttons you're only going to confuse him more and for overcoming this adversity Stuart deserves some serious credit time and again he needs to stop to feed Treecko cajole him into jumping into a lake or clear the field of these stained glass eye symbols that Treecko was previously trained to fear and it pays off in spades any time Stuart is in trouble be it from these reanimated armors or other chimeras Treecko goes absolutely ham these nights don't stand a chance and Stuart can either ride safely atop his death machine or take a more active role either by pulling spears out of treecko's hide or use a reflective mirror like a laser pointer which tells treecko where to shoot his plasma blasts make sure to calm Treecko down after every fight though he gets a little worked up the story is vague in the usual team ICO's sense but we know the game's narration comes from a grown-up Stuart reflecting on his adventure with Treecko and it's clearly made a huge impact on him at the beginning of the game you see these sketches of all different animals even mythical ones leading up to Treecko maybe Stuart grew up with a greater interest in zoology after all this and helped catalog the local wildlife for his village it's expected that a story like this is going to pull at your heartstrings but be ready for some hallmark moments in this game you will believe that a dog can fly [Music] at number nine we have a meal cast on yay from the spin-off sequel game Tales of Symphonia dawn of the new world well maybe I should say we have Ratatosk from dawn of the new world it's complicated and it'll be harder if I get into spoilers so just remember that the rabbit hole goes even deeper than what I'm telling you and me'll starts the game as the biggest wuss you've ever seen seriously he follows a mystery man named Richter into a dungeon and nearly gets killed by tadpoles until he happens upon Tenebrae the Centurion of Darkness who imbues a meal with the spirit of Ratatosk the lord of monsters now anytime of meals in battle Ratatosk possesses his body with crazed ferocity in actuality Ratatosk is a summon spirit similar to the elementals Shiina summons but way more important Lord Of Monsters doesn't begin to cover it he basically controls the way mana flows through this world and created all monsters as a way of balancing the energy flowing through the realm his powers were stunted from being sealed away for 10,000 years as well as a lethal wound from Richter and Lloyd screwing around with the balance of the universe but even a weakened Ratatosk is one to be feared by reuniting with his eight Centurion minions he gains the power to channel different elements through his sword he can use this to alter the element of the battlefield which allows him to make pacts with any monster the party encounters on their journey yeah this game has an actual monster taming mechanic it's simultaneously shallow and convoluted especially since all of your favorite characters from the first game return and often take the party slots reserved for your monsters anyway regardless being able to tame any monster of eight different elements is a big deal with some training he can even evolve them into new forms and devolve them again sometimes has completely different species honestly it's all really confusing and I'd rather just use genus and rain again if only the returning heroes didn't all have arbitrary level caps but despite my complaints Ratatosk is a pretty powerful guy he's basically a god but that's also part of why I'm keeping him solo really the beasts mastery is a small aspect of his overall ability Ratatosk is the master of mana spirit of the world tree he as limits but at full power he can simply rewrite the universe to make the flow of energy work differently and while his magic menagerie has some pretty strong and interesting creatures Ratatosk doesn't do much as far as commanding them they fight alongside each other and there's not much team synergy the monster is just another less interesting party member I don't know maybe my dislike of this game is clouding my judgement it's just very okay still with Dragons golems yetis and manticores in his catalogue this is not a spirit you want to mess with should have never gone against me so a primal deity of wildlife magic and energy itself for number nine for number eight a twelve-year-old girl don't laugh animes taught me not to underestimate 12 year olds with magical powers though here in the States Maria run arts power went unrecognized for some time Maria premieres in Castlevania Rondo of blood which was originally released on the turbografx-16 or should I say the PC engine because this little gem never released outside of Japan it was remade or more like D made as Castlevania Dracula X for the Super Nintendo which watered down the quality and deprived Maria of her playable status so you know Richter Belmont you know the guy that got into Smash Brothers you know that guy well he didn't defeat Dracula alone he had this crazy tyke by his side a distant relative to the Belmont clan Maria has latent magical ability which manifests in full force after she's kidnapped by Dracula's forces once Richter rescues her she can take on the castle herself with a ridiculously useful double jump and the power to control small creatures her basic attack is a flock of white doves which her family raised for spiritual protection and the fact that you can beat the forces of darkness by pelting them with doves is just amazing whereas Richter picks up axes and holy water to round out his arsenal Maria's sub weapons are Cardinals cats and a mother freaking dragon then to turn it up a notch Maria can use this game's item crash feature to summon a fire bird a tiger a bigger dragon and a great tortoise spirit and if these seem familiar it's because they're the Shi Jing for guardians from Chinese myth that represent the north south east and west the Renard family has a pact with these ancient spirits and can call them when necessary which admittedly overlaps into some inner territory now that I think about it so maybe give half points for those but full credit for the smaller critters she pulls them out of hammer space but that's a common mechanic for Beast masters in this sort of game when they're not being used I don't think she actually conjures these small animals I prefer to think she carries a purse full of cats at any rate Maria is the obvious power pick and Rondo of blood the game clearly intended her as the easy mode her victory screens are very cutesy almost like the game's mocking your casual play style by making you play as little girl nice try Rondo but no matter how you slice it Maria's a badass and I'm not gonna feel bad for picking her not in this game at least Castlevania judgment on the other hand yikes I've said time and again this game really ruins some of the characters designs but I think Maria is the greatest victim look judgment if you don't like Rhonda's cutesy visuals that's fine and dandy but she was already redesigned in the PSP remake and there's an older version of her in Symphony of the Night this I don't even know who this is I like the pet owl I guess it references her concept art and symphony but they took this confident kind-hearted Spitfire and turned her into an air headed idiot who spends half her day comparing her Anatomy to other women in the game sure Maria was always comic relief but she still had some dignity the girl made a fool out of Dracula faster than any Belmont ever could show some respect [Music] one way to separate Beastmasters is by quantity Stewart here has one animal best friend that he uses for everything while Ratatosk and Maria don't really play favorites they just grab any b/c they can find the great thing about Hani is that she can do both she captures and commands monsters she meets in battle but also has her own lifelong companion Lind a a snowy leopard super cool animal companion choice by the way snowy leopards in the wild are actually extremely independent only interacting with others either to raise kids or make them honey must be pretty charming to keep this one around though if I'm being honest I can totally see why don't judge me one of the last members of the remote Sparky clan honey was born and raised in nature and trains under her master to be the best hunters she can be maybe not the best career for endearing yourself to wildlife but the Sparky take two the more ethical side of hunting rather than poaching or hunting for pure sport octopod traveler emphasizes the importance of hunters to the ecosystem controlling the population of certain species and keeping dangerous carnivores within their own habitat where they can't hurt innocent people in fact Han eats first major hunt is a night beast that's been forced to relocate by another unnatural predator the abhorrent red eye at the beginning of her story honey to master went to slay red eye to end its havoc but when he fails to return honey grabs her axe her bow and her Kitty friend to finish the hunt as a fighter honey relies heavily on her bow for special abilities but her most unique trait is that capture mechanic most monsters you fight have a chance of being captured made more likely if you can get them to low health or otherwise disable them once caught honey can call that monster in for a special effect and like any other ability in the game honey can pay battle points to make her pets attack more potent this makes honey extremely versatile while each class has one or two weapon types and some elemental magic to work with han eats personal menagerie gives her access to any weapon and element in the game making her one of the best at hitting an enemy's weakness only caveat these attacks have a finite number of uses before the animal returns to the wild so there's some upkeep to use his power to the even without additional troops Linda is always available with attacks that function like a sword or a lance so right off the bat honey has four weapon types covered some of her captures can even cast spells to buff or heal the party or deal elemental damage and if you manage to capture a boss monster you're in the money it's like a nuclear warhead shaped like a wolf and this gets admittedly fun with hah needs provoke action someone will let you into their house SiC a bunch of animals on them it'll be fine if there's anything holding honey back it's how many other avenues of battle she employs a lot of her kit is about shooting arrows and making extra attacks with her axe and with the secondary class system she can do just about anything else the game has available but no one else has a giant deer spirit on standby making that what thou willst [Music] one idea I've had in the pipeline for a while now is top ten dogs I already did cats and as much as I love Costa I've always seen myself as more of a dog person I'll get to that list eventually but thinking on it I could fill a whole list with just human slash dogs super teams mega man and rush Fiona and Hughie shadow and interceptor why are there so many teams like this well it's pretty obvious actually dogs are believed to be the first animal ever domesticated by humans as early as 15,000 BC and few characters symbolize that timeless relationship more than the hound master one of my favorite classes from darkest dungeon once a law man charged with seeking out missing persons the hound master discovered some unholy corruption in his precinct and left to pursue mercenary work and he's taking his dog with him interestingly enough his big character portrait depicts him with a blood hound note the rounded ears and big floppy face he looks mean but I bet he's a good boy but in-game he's accompanied by an Irish Wolfhound also when developing the game the Red Hook team referred to these two a shag and Scoob the hound master even brings dog treats on missions that can raise his power and accuracy how master takes is somewhat supportive role in battle but leans towards offense his most basic skill is hounds rush sending the dog go ahead to bite any target regardless of their positioning not the most damaging move but it has a chance to cause bleeding damage so your key target can get a head start on dying or there's the less direct hounds Harry hitting and possibly bleeding all enemies at once there are faster ways to bleed out opponents like the highwayman 'he's knife but it's a great opening move and completely wrecks bosses like the inchoate flesh and with target whistle he can mark an enemy for follow-up attacks while also lowering its protection a critical move in some encounters the dog's general love ability can also be used to lower the party stress and he can guard an ally from damage and with lick winds he can even heal the hound master to get him off of death's door pretty low-key compared to honey heck most of these entries would kick his ass but I like how focused his moveset is on the dog the only attack not involving the dog is this Club which would probably make a good chew toy even in camping situations it's all about that pup acting as a therapy pet for the party scouting ahead for traps and terrors and hounds watch which fyz the nighttime ambushes I always use skills like this when I camp getting attacked when you're trying to recuperate is the worst get those two on a team with the Bounty Hunter or an herbalist and you're sure to have a good run well as sure as you can be in this game even when things are at their worst there's solace in seeing this man's devotion to his little friend oh I think they're both good boys resistance the howl master is great in a turn-based sense great use of dog but like I said before I love it when I can see man and beast working together in battle you know like Kiba from Naruto well I don't have anything quite that crazy but gaming has its own dog ninja no not quite shadow an interceptor I'm talking about gal fer dweller from samurai shodown created for the first game in the samurai shodown series gal furred was inspired when SNK decided they wanted another ninja in the roster after hattori hanzo but what will set this one apart make him American and give him a dog after his dad was shot by an Old West outlaw gal furred pledged to become a superhero of Justice he took the bullet that killed his father had it forged into his new weapon but justice blade and moved to Japan to study the samurai though again his final style is much more ninja than samurai with teleports kunai and the power to channel electricity to his sword his greatest asset of course is poppy his Siberian Husky and interestingly there is some precedence of this in real life ninja arts ninja had a whole discipline called gouken jutsu where they would slowly endear themselves to enemy guard dogs and eventually sneak by without them barking but this is on a whole different level it certainly didn't include combo attacks like this poppy can dash in when least expected forcing opponents to consider multiple angles of attack at once she can also hold someone in place for gal furred slower moves and the two can teleport into one another so gal furred can keep his distance by throwing kunai wait for poppy to slip in and then quick step right on top of another fighter and I love hearing gal Furcal to poppy every time he does I think he's just saying puppy and it makes me smile Honorable Mention Tanaka due to another showdown character with a pet Falcon the birds cool and all but it's a much more passive part of the fight poppies in the thick of it with you until the timer hits zero or someone falls I probably would have let this character pass me by if not for the 2019 series reboot these two easily have the best Super in the game how do you even teach a dog to do that go ahead and award these two the ribbon for Best in Show and best in showdown [Music] a lot of credit to canines today but let's not forget how useful birds can be not go doodoo from samurai shodown mordecai from borderlands sky from shantae this could almost be its own list there generally date to your combatants compared to old Canis familiaris but it's also a lot easier to keep them out of harm's way they come in do what they need to then await further orders just above frame more of a support animal but then again I wouldn't want those talons up close and personal which is the conceit of league of legends Quinn the wings of demacia been a while since a lead character got so high up on one of my lists but Quinn's buddy valor always helps her ascend the ranks before valor Quinn was a border guard in the town of oh and Dale working to keep bandits and beasts out of demacian territory her passion for the job was snuffed when her twin brother caleb was slain by a ravenous beast called the Tusk war but on the anniversary of his death while set upon by the exact same monster quinn was saved by the azurite eagle and the two quickly formed a close bond quinn fashioned a new repeating crossbow out of the Tusk boars horns and she and valor went on to become de Macias greatest ranger knight Quinn's job title has her traveling the wild and hunting down criminals which is precisely how she plays while Quinn fires at enemy minions and champions valor will intermittently swoop down and swipe at targets making them more vulnerable and no there's no way to stop valor from targeting you this way birds gonna bird deal with it vulnerable targets will take extra damage from Quinn's arrows and Quinn consent valor in manually with blinding assault which makes the target both vulnerable and well blind and while Quinn isn't a jungler in the meta she does well out of Lane in the mid game thanks to heightened senses which has valor reveal an area nearby and preventing surprise ambushes also valor can give Quinn a boost to help her vault at targets even jumping over terrain features to do so then there's her Ultimates behind enemy lines after a short Channel valor attaches to Quinn and carries her around for the next few seconds now boasting crazy movement speed and in certain situations it's great for escaping a bad situation but more often than not you're gonna use it to catch up to a fleeing prize and deal the finishing blow when Quinn's done riding valor she'll hop off and fire a shower of bolts that land all around her with so many approach options blind slows and general map awareness Quinn's a hard Raptor to escape from this was also the first time riot pushed a champion as a duo for a while before her release Quinn was listed in the champions notes as Quinn and valor kind of like Rosalina and luma in smash this was also back when nunu was just knew knew before Willem had any billing the menu just shortens it's a Quin now but everyone knows that Quinn would be nothing without valor she may not be my favorite marksman in the game but I'm always gonna be extra careful when laning against her you never know when the hunt will begin now here's where the ranking gets a little iffy Pokemon in a way this should be number one recruiting and training wildlife is the entire crux of a franchise and with respect to the rest of the monster taming RPGs sub-genre your Digimon monster rancher spectrums fossil fighters yokai watch etc I think most of us agree Pokemon is the best at putting you in control of a wide variety of memorable creatures on the other hand calling a trainer the best Beast Master feels I don't know cheap somehow I mean gal furred and Quinn are in the thick of it running with their beasts through dangerous situations Pokemon battles are sterile in comparison requiring little interaction from the human participant but on a third hand let's just say we're dealing with him a champion couldn't you say that that's the best kind of Beast Master one who literally doesn't need to fight just issues orders the recent games have award bonuses based on the trainers relationship with their Pokemon - and considering trainers can use items in battle or make strategic switches Z moves using wacky poses yeah I could argue either way with this so let's just stick a trainer at number three the question is which one not to be a gen Warner but I'm going with the og red from Pallet Town protagonist of generation 1 an impactful boss in Gen 2 onward red gives us the most to work with he's also the only player character in the series to show up outside of his own games with any real impact on other regions he's the enigmatic master atop mount silver he's the contestant in the Pokemon world tournament and in generation 7 he showed up at the battle tree now ten years older but still with his famous team that team was combined from the generation 1 starters and certain event Pokemon from red and blue you got the fire-breathing pseudo dragon the walking forest the sentient pressure washer the Loch Ness monster the impenetrable snooze Lord and of course Pikachu czar of lightning still holding the record for highest level Pokemon of any NPC by the way that's a pretty well-rounded team as far as types go more so when you remember his psychic type Espeon from the original golden silver on top of that his being a former protagonist means there's 100 forty-four other Pokemon players have seen him use ghosts like Gengar giants like onyx three legendary birds and series badass Mewtwo himself if you're going with the pokémon origins version read did have all 150 and if you expand your scope a little further you see things like his mega venusaur in let's go and the legendary beast trio in pokemon stadium - good lord wasn't he powerful enough already there's other worthy contenders I considered Cynthia for being the coolest champion and studying the lore of this world's actual gods then you have N who was raised by wild Pokemon and changes his team completely with every meeting becoming one of the few NPCs to canonically catch a legendary but I think in variety and achievements red is the best choice I can make at least if you want like an actual character on the list I could just say that each generations protagonist is the best Beastmaster because with each new region the maximum number of different animals that they can command increases but then we'd have to talk about the whole national dex debate and i don't have the energy for that right now as a legendary figure and an overwhelming challenger red I choose you [Music] off-the-beaten-path of my usual games we have the Far Cry series starting with Far Cry 3 the franchise asserted itself as a great example of open-world gameplay with first-person combat and very hateable villains but one of the most interesting aspects to me was its use of wilderness not only do you have enemy gunmen to worry about keeping to the high brush is likely to get you attacked by one of the islands dangerous predators Ubisoft expands on this aspect with Far Cry primal set in the year 10,000 BC we play as Takhar a hunter of the whinger tribe trying to reunite his scattered people after losing his entire hunting party to a vicious saber-tooth Tiger being a first person shooter character in a world before guns - car has to make do with Spears bows clubs and traps until he meets a shaman named Tensei who kindly offers 2-car a magic potion and by kindly offers I mean he shuts it down to Carr's throat this gives to car a trippy vision of an owl spirit after which he awakens as the beastmaster oh wow they actually call him that cool guess we have to list him now from this point forward - car contained the various critters he meets on his journey through Oros you'll need to build a skill tree to recruit certain animals but once they're available to you taming a wolf or a panther is actually very easy you just do the whole Chris Pratt Jurassic world thing for a second and bam best friends except for a few special beasts that require some battle beforehand including that saber-tooth that killed two cars clansmen glad to see you're not bitter - car I do wish there was more variety though even with the beasts mastery tree completed your crew is mostly limited to predatory mammals I would love to command one of these mammoths or the crocodiles that would be awesome but your animal buddies are extremely useful we're in older games you might find a hill overlooking an enemy camp and start sniping the bad guys now you can climb the hill find a good place to sit and release the bear and the Badgers do not screw with the Badgers every other animal is scared of them and they should be but the most useful animal in your repertoire is easily the owl we gets two whole skill trees devoted to it to car and the owl have a special connection that makes two car privy to anything the owl sees giving you this sort of detective vision and letting you mark prey from afar even better - car can craft poisonous bombs and pass them to the owl for expedited delivery dominant-strategy give the owl a berserk bomb drop it on the biggest beefiest guy in the camp and let him kill all the other guys then strut in and finish off his tired behind it's the Mesozoic era Fair Play hasn't been invented yet [Music] we've seen critic electors we've seen warriors with battle pets but let's get to the heart of the issue what's the first thing you think of when I say Beastmaster for me it's that 1982 movie with mark singer that's probably not what you thought of but that's the kind of character I imagined Conan with animal friends I want a beast master who can recruit most any animal he sees master of mammals birds maybe even reptiles who keeps a few personal favorites around and gives them dorky names indistinguishable from an animal himself and there's only one video game character that I feel best fits that example I'm on the hunt I'm after you ah man I kind of hate talking about Warcraft I'm always afraid I'm gonna overlook something in annoy all the hardcore fans but my fear of embarrassment is no reason to deprive this worthy contender hailing from Draenor and yes I know that's not really how you pronounce it but bear with me Rex r is a member of the Mokpo fall clan having a mixed lineage of both orcs and ogres big lumbering bruisers that they are the MOT enough all took well to the wilderness and have been taming beasts for generations which made them valued allies of the Horde during the first and second wars well valued as a strong word purebred orcs don't actually treat half breeds with much respect but we'll gladly put them in their animal companions on the frontlines Rex are served the Horde with his black wolf Harappa alongside a contingent of orcish warlocks but after one warlock received a mortal wound he turned on rex r and attempted to steal his life energy her wrath of the wolf intercepted the spell giving her life for Rex ours it wasn't long after this that Rex Ark gave up on the Horde deciding that pitiful squabble between races and the concept but trails from demons and warlocks weren't for him he instead made like a beast and went to live in the woods and I couldn't find any confirmation on this but the black belt he wears over his eyes if that's supposed to be her otha like he wears it in memory of her and as a symbol of his distrust of organized society because if so that's pretty cool since then Rex ARS become truly one with nature without even his fellow machina fall for company just the flora and fauna surrounding him he never stays in one spot for too long and it's implied that anywhere he goes he knows at least a few animals he can call upon but he has some favorites that are always by his side most notably there's Misha a big-ass grizzly bear Rex ARS default strategy is generally to rush in side by side with Misha with her claws and his twin axes but for a more strategic approach Rex R has his own Hawk spirit who serves mainly for scouting the area but can really mess fools up with her talons have requested in Warcraft 3 Hawks even came with invisibility spells allowing them to search behind enemy lines without even being attacked wrecks are also has a ton of bores or quill beasts at his disposal the leader of which he's named hoofer in some games they could fire spikes to take out flying creatures and in heroes of the storm this Stampede serves as one of his ultimate and though it's not part of his main entourage wrecks ours been seen riding his wyvern Lee Ock whenever he's in a hurry he can't be expected to walk everywhere bees masters were actually a generic unit in Warcraft 3 complete with summonable bears birds boars plus a crazy ultimate with exploding Thunder lizards but Rex ARS got the spotlight in the Frozen Throne expansion starring in his own campaign the founding of Durotar while Warcraft 3 normally plays like a real-time strategy game the Durotar expansion is like a precursor to World of Warcraft instead focusing you on one hero and his friends though Rex R is a one-man army all his own you almost could play it as an RTS still doing the wilderness thing bricks are answers a call and gets himself involved in the Horde again helping the orc commander thrall unite a few disparate factions against the human general that would see them all wiped out and it turns out a beast master is the perfect ambassador when it comes to working with some of these less urbane races trolls ogres tauren even a traveling panda man all rally behind Rex are in appreciation of a strength because if you can earn a bear's respect surely you can talk some augers into helping out Rex are tells them all what they want to hear that they aren't banding together for the sake of politics and borderlines but for survival and in the game of survival it pays to have some friends you can fall back on that's why Rex R is number one he is shoe society not because he thinks he's above it but because he sees everyone as equals until they otherwise prove themselves he's not anti-social he just finds the greatest company in the woods in the wilds he can look at any being wolf pig hawk human troll or pan Darion understand their Worth and lead them to the greatest potential a friend to few but an allied to all deserving and a damn strong enemy if you piss him off oh and if anyone's wondering where Carrick is from dota 2 it felt redundant to rank him he's basically just a reskin rex are from the first dota though man r XR was broken in that game I'm the green scorpion and thank you for watching my video on the kings and queens of all wildlife although do tune in next time as we expand on the topic this one's gonna sting [Music]
Channel: The Green Scorpion
Views: 36,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: greenscorpion64, The Green Scorpion, Top Ten, Video Game, Beastmasters
Id: 8PbWyN2Kn6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 19sec (2239 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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