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Well I didn’t need the list that badly I guess...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nuffin_stuff πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guy always seems so manic to me. But β€œBookTubers” generally annoy me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rbeavs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Who is this guy?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fue_la_luna πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey hey now don't worry it's dullknife I'm not going to die now really it is this very very dull so I died a lot of people commenting on the last video where they're like hey I look sharp I mean it doesn't look sharp but it's not it is metal though but unless I like directly impaled this through my head I want to be fine hello everybody and welcome to another top 10 list right here on the Daniel Green Channel it's been a minute since I've done one of these and I've read quite a few series some of which will surprise you that will now be in my top 10 series of all time I I haven't really put many constrictions on here what I have done is shaken off all worries about trying to appease people who are gonna be mad that some classic isn't on here this is purely the top 10 fantasy books I've enjoyed or respected the most I I have no worry about trying to impress no one no more we're just going for the real raw Daniel appeal give you a good little look into my taste because that's what I try to turn these top 10 videos into just a little up take a little check-in on what my taste is and how you can compare it to your owns that when you're watching my reviews you watch my hot takes and opinions you can know how it'll contrast with yourself because nothing I say is fact it's all subjective where's my water bottle I need some of that coffee quarantines getting to me alright well let's go ahead and kick off this top 10 list with a little bit of honorable mentions these are just a few I want to throw on out there is being stuff I really love and it's worth checking out pretty much everything here is gonna be on the must read list for me and I've been working on a video where I literally go over everything fantasy sci-fi related I've ever read it's surprisingly hard to go back through and remember everything you've ever read in your life I keep discovering new things and eventually there will be a video on this channel where I go hey listen here's everything I've ever read but as of right now let's go ahead and kick off this list and jump into some honorable mentions Joey we have wizard of Earthsea this was a reread for me this year that made me appreciate it so much more Ursula kala Gwen accomplished what she set out to in spectacular fashion there's something special about reading wizard of Earthsea where you as the person consuming it will just have unavoidable feeling that this is the best possible execution of this idea and I guess this also takes the award for me I guess these are also a little bit of awards here don't know why for if you're a parent with a kid who needs something to read to them pick this one up you can get this big old thick boy here I'll show you this is just the complete works of The Wizard of Earthsea it's a thick chunk and that should last you at least until puberty I would think if you're gonna read a little bit of it every night to your child so go ahead and go get this I highly highly recommend it look when look when you're you're an angel of fantasy and I love you up next we have one that's probably to be shockingly low for some people and that is Discworld but I do drool over Discworld Terry Pratchett once again master of what he wanted to make Discworld is absurdist fantasy in the exact form it needs to be it would be extremely hard to convince me that another author could do absurdist fantasy as well as is done here that being said this has maybe the roughest start of any series I have come to later on then love the first Discworld book is not reflective of Discworld as a whole and I plan on making a bunch of Discworld videos in the near future I just have so much stuff I want to make it's kind of hard to even find where to put certain things in you know what I mean it's like where am I gonna fit it I don't know but look for Discworld books coming down the road I've read 29 of them I believe I might have skipped one on accident I'm not sure and it's it's worth the ride I don't know if I'm gonna continue to read more because there's just so many and I need to read other things but yes Discworld in my honorable mentions for sure now on our next one we have into poliana canta see that I've had quite a few people pick up on my recommendation and almost all of them have thoroughly enjoyed it and that would be powder mage if you're interested in a magic system inspired by substance abuse this might be for you but more seriously if you're interested in Napoleonic vibes themes of warfare and sacrifice a father-son relationship and just something that's extraordinarily different for the genre powder mage is gonna be something you're gonna want to take a look at right there Brian McClelland has really accomplished something and I can't wait to read more of the powder mage I've only read the first main series but I've heard that the continuation from there just gets better and better so I'm excited to pick those up as well but man oh man is powder mage worth your time especially if you want some of the shoot banks we're gonna have more guns in this list but this is the most notable shoot bang type fantasy setting out there this next honorable mention is gonna be one that people are gonna be surprised to see solo because it wasn't my top 10 last year and honestly I will waffle on this one a lot because the ending well it has an infamous ending it's so controversial the fans of the series even are divided whether or not it's pure genius or it's horrible but all of them agree on the fact that it's ballsy and that's the Dark Tower the ending here we're not gonna get into spoilers we never do for lists like these but I don't blame people who don't like it honestly like I get why you could read that and go that was crud and I think there's certain aspects of this ending they're not handled well the final climax with one specific antagonist magnificently disappointing like wow that was flubbed but on the other hand it's Stephen King and there are things done in Dark Tower I can confidently say no other fantasy authors ever going to do they're not gonna do it because Stephen King is very willing to just go alright let's just let's have me in there it's weird vibes Dark Tower is not gonna be for everybody but I love it man do I love it the cop Tet one of the best fellowship fantasies I've ever read it's just divisive it's all hell and this next one is one that has dropped in my rankings a little bit as well I still adore it I think it's one of the best modern fantasy epics out there and it's Lightbringer I think I've finally fallen on that I'm not a fan of the Lightbringer ending I've really tried to go over it and look at it from all different angles of how can I appreciate what Brett weeks was going for but for me personally as a reader I'm not completely satisfied that being said I still really really enjoyed what he's done here and I think that Lightbringer as a whole is still worth reading and I also think there's a good chance you're gonna be one of these people who thinks the ending is extraordinary but it just wasn't for me I will go ahead and maintain though it's one of the best mod magic systems of all time some of the best gray characters of all time some of the best character development in all a fantasy period weeks work with character is improving exponentially it seems with every book the guy crafts he is just improving and improving and whatever he puts out next again I will be first in line for I'm a big week's fan there's there's dogs barking at each other outside okay we're good now let's go ahead and jump on into the actual top ten let's create a lot of honorable mentions I'm sorry about that guys have a lot to say about fantasy big surprise but at number ten we have a newcomer to my list a series I've just started this year but I will maintain as probably one of the most enjoyable reads of my lifetime in terms of just so much fun and that's going to be the band or more specifically kings of the wild and bloody rows by Nicolas Eames it was Eames is obviously a friend of the channel here he's been on repeatedly now and I enjoy him as a person but the band's series soon to have outlaw Empire as its third entry is so great and I'm largely waiting this list by how much I just enjoyed these things and in terms of blending humour with humanity and having an emotional impact I've seen kings of the wild make people cry from laughing and just tears of sorrow which is really difficult to do blending the spectrum of emotion that Kings of the wild does not a simple task but Nicolas Eames accomplishes it so boldly I'm such a fan I guarantee if you're a fan of comedic elements in your storytelling and he read Kings to the wild I will put my reputation on the line that Mook will be one of your new favorite comedic characters ever there is respect paid to the fantasy genre while parodying it a good amount and then adding this weird idea that just works where the bands are actually like a reinterpretation of modern-day rock bands from different music eras just so strange but it works so well good job Nicholas and I I adore what you're doing there well let's go ahead and move on to number 9 which is going to be a fantasy series that has fallen a little bit I can't entirely say objectively it's just because of the quality of the material though I have finally finished the series than the last year it's also just because I'm I'm having a bit of fatigue of it and the fan base itself has watching it from like the outside someone who's not deeply ingrained in this fan base just go at it it's been entertaining to be quite frank but the Witcher series still on my top 10 absolutely just obsessed with Geralt as a character in his relationships it's so well done but I am just a bit fatigued so I think that's why it's kind of dribbling down a little I'm not taking into account the adaptation don't worry that is still completely separate when it comes to these top 10 fantasy series lists but yeah Witcher is something I could kind of feel like I'm done with so well it's entering that part of my mind where I consider it to be iconic for the genre I am never going to disrespect the material or the characters I just don't feel a need to discuss it as much anymore because I feel like I've said my piece and if you want to see more detailed thoughts about The Witcher series go look up my many reviews or deep dives or character examinations but yes I think it is absolutely worth the hype I am in love with the combining elements of fairytale fantasy with this gritty realism approach it totally works and the lore is some of my favorite in fantasy as well but beyond that I've kind of made my peace with it and might be doing some videos on in the future but those will most likely be in combination or in complement to other fantasy series videos that I'm working on at number eight is a series I used to talk about all the time but have neglected a little bit recently which has resulted in people asking me if I've even read it or I no longer like it anymore am i mad at the author for some reason answered all that no I still love it I'm not mad at the author and just haven't had a whole lot to say recently it's amazing how a Dedes on my audience is yes Jilla bastards still maintain one of the greatest fantasy series currently in the works Locke is young some of the best relationships currently in the works actually I would say the best relationship in fantasy right now getting a bromance right there Locke and Jean this is the Primo primo example if you want to see an example of what I'm talking about when I say we need to friendships actually developed in fantasy and not just told people or friends locking us all right there 10 out of 10 but I also want to talk about an element to the story that I feel isn't mentioned enough or praised enough here and that is actually the work with the more minimal magic system and achieving so much success with that in a time where big bold fleshed out magic systems to be forefront of your story are so popular sidenote the expression is fleshed out not flushed out please stop saying that oh they really flushed out that character flushed means to get rid of or send your poopoo down the to boot oops pipes through you I don't look the hell am I saying but yes the expression is fleshed out you are fleshing it out stop saying you flushed things away as and you realize them but it makes no sense anyway it's impressive that the magic system is not super in-your-face it's more not even central to the protagonist none of them can really do much magically instead it's about them as core people and characters living in a dark awful world and whatever magic shows up it's terrifying to them because they don't have any way to counter it they're just these rapscallions trying to survive and I'm addicted I'm in I'm invested Scott Lynch he's made something really special here it's falling again into that category of just extraordinarily different for fantasy which is something I'm coming to appreciate more and more the better I become read in the genre I'm looking for things from authors that are just outside the box really able to grab my imagination in a way that fantasy hasn't before and gentleman bastards is that at number 7 I cannot believe what has happened in the course of the channel with these books here it's going to be a Song of Ice and Fire and I agree with everyone that the last couple seasons of Game of Thrones weren't up to par last season was yeah it was a totally flubbed ending that's so bad that I as a mega fantasy nerd who knows a lot of other mega fantasy nerds does not know a single one of them that is bothering to rewatch the show while they're in quarantine that's an impressive accomplishment by the showrunner it's good job to flub that bad but that is absolutely no reflection on the books themselves and the people who are now trying to hate on the books because the show didn't end well are that is just zero excuse for that the books are still exquisite masterpieces I get that maybe they're not all of the exact same quality but Martin's writing on average is still leaps and bounds above most of his peers and I'm finding more and more people online are starting to crap on the later books and saying they're bad or something like that no they're not just I know I should make objective statements like that but even his most recent which yes was released so long ago been hard to hear and that I can't imagine not tired he is here a nap but even that one is head and shoulders above most written in the genre so I'm going to start maintaining that and that's from someone who when they first started this channel said some really dumb negative things about a song of ice and fire I don't know what I was talking about back in the day so man this this has been a journey it's been a fantasy epic in itself of how I got here but I'm here now and now I'm into Song of Ice and Fire Defender weird at number six we have first law Joe Abercrombie just continues to anatomy with his character work but I'm talking about that enough so let me talk about some other aspects of his writing that I think are worth note because I do think I've made a mistake of only praising the character working his books to the point where maybe it seems like that's the only thing he has going for him that's not the case yes his characters are so fantastic that the first book of the first law trilogy doesn't have a ton of plot for a lot of it it's just focusing on these characters and it does such a good job that you're just hooked and intrigued and gripped grappled other words but the reason that works so well is Joe is also a master of working with atmosphere and having a consistent tone go through his entire story really everything here comes together exceptionally well I would say maybe the weakest aspect of his writing is his work with plot but most readers aren't so plot based or focused readers they're not gonna notice that much because he just makes up for it with every other aspect of his writing and I think that criticism entirely goes away once you get to is later on books yes I'm reading the first lost and alone now chill stop messaging me about it but yeah Joe is a master craftsman everything he does seems to have this meticulous approach and I'm in love with what the man writes not the man himself I've never met him have no idea what he's like I really have made a mistake of focusing too much on his characters and praising his writing really he's a well-rounded author and I want to point that out and really hammer it home there's a couple criticisms you can level at individual books but I've yet to see a weakness from him as a writer that is consistent throughout his entire bibliography and his most recent work a little hatred was so good I would borderline call it flawless you cannot like it for subjective reasons but there is nothing I can think of to point out and say that was a problem with it at number 5 we're in the top 5 these are the real things that I'm gonna be constantly picking up and rereading chapters from all the time because I just can't get enough and that numbers importance or some reason the poppy war okay confusion already probably because I just said this is about books that I enjoy the most or like I think are you know the most respectable and the first one of those two poppy war not the most enjoyable read and there are criticisms you can level at poppy war that I think are just true it doesn't have the most sophisticated prose in fact it borderline reads like why a outside of that though not many complaints you could have this is one of the most important fantasy trilogies being worked on currently because of what it's doing for the genre it's doing a lot different and that's neat but these are things I feel need to be done I'm not saying all of fantasy forever needs to follow down this path I just think what Rebecca Kwang is accomplishing is important she is hyper focusing on the victims of warfare she refuses to glorify violence but instead just focuses on the ramifications that chaos the evil that will result from the political ambitions of those in power yes many fantasy authors before have gone we need to do a more realistic look at the results the aftermath of warfare martins even done it it's popular to do now but none have done it as unforgivingly and realistically in my mind as Rebecca Kwang still these authors who are yes we need to focus on the ramifications of warfare we'll do it from the lens of their protagonists who are not on the front lines they're not weak peasants Rebecca is doing that she's putting you in the to hear the stories of the people who have gone through some of the most awful things in human history because this book is largely inspired by real human history thank you for driving by without your muffler on you small peepee dum-dum I cannot imagine being that selfish and desperate for attention and that's coming from a youtuber I heard other authors say that what Rebecca is doing will go down in the history of the genre and be something that is discussed in academic circles and I agree and I'm sure there are people who have not read these books who are saying everything you said Ben's done before there's nothing to trust me it hasn't at least not as graphically as her approach now I'm not going to insist you'll love these books I personally do because I think outside of her just overall goals and author as really getting this reframing of violence across Rebecca's also just proved she's a rock solid fantasy author this would be a total misfire and no one would care about what she's trying to accomplish if she wasn't able to just actually be a great storyteller as well her work with character atmosphere mythology world building magic systems all proved that she can throw down with the best the genre currently has to offer even without the alaaf t ambition on top of trying to make you rethink how violence is written so overall super special side note of just saying well done good job I don't know if it'll stay in my top ten forever but currently as I'm sitting now as a fan I just absolutely appreciating what she is doing and the fact that she's younger than me and accomplished so much jealous at all not jealous me talking about at number four surprising nobody who's been paying attention to the channel over the last however many months is book of the ancestor mark Lords won me over with this trilogy and just shot and do one of my favorite current working fantasy authors . the man how do you have a sentence that starts your trilogy that is so intriguing that just immediately I go yep murid this all the way to the end probably know however many books I got I gotta go all the way now you have badass assassin nuns do I need to say that again assassin nuns is it corny and campy and dumb uh-huh it's gritty realistic and brutal if I was going to adapt these into some kind of adaptation I would have the violence portrayed in like the Jason Bourne style that's the vibe it gives off its these quick impactful deadly assaults on these characters that just the violence here oh man it reads well to me this is the kind of violence I really enjoy reading which after just talking about the popular seems like a cynical bad thing to say but you know what I mean on top of that Nona my favorite protagonist I've read in recent memory outstanding realization of character you will be so attached to her because of how well you just can fundamentally know who she is you're like yes this is no no she's written in a way were you as a reader go I can before the decision is made because I know her think oh she'll do this occasionally she'll surprise you because people should be able to do that but overall man the core character there that has never broken but instead developed upon and grown to a full-fledged oh wow one of the best fantasy characters I've come across and it's not just the main character though and again I've made a mistake of only talking about the main character of this story to the point where I think people are probably doing the impression that oh if you just are willing to get hooked on one character this is the series for you but I need a full well-rounded cast you're gonna get that here all the sisters just so personality filled punctuating is one of these books as well that just has these one-liners where you just like well audibly after you hear it or read it go oh that was spicy mark Lawrence is a master of dialogue he's a master of making characters become clear to you as a reader through what they say and their small mannerisms and their confidence their behaviors a lot of authors struggle even the popular experienced ones writing dialogue to make a clearer image of who this character is to you as the reader Lawrence seems to be able to do just jump rope with that all day just having fun doing a little hopscotch pop with oh yeah she's gonna say this and that's gonna make you know she's that and implied this and all these subtle things about just mannerisms and by the end of the book you feel like all these people are as well known to you as the cast of friends if the cast of friends were a bunch of nuns who knew how to kill people very very very well as a strange path that went down but I'm gonna stand by it it's a book at the ancestor if you haven't already go check that out check that out right now go to your local library and pick it up it's not there go to a local book store you know support local business if it's not there go to go to go to like a big bookstore like Barnes & Noble and try to find it if it's not there then go to Amazon sorry that's a lot of driving but you know it supports small local businesses and libraries do you guys miss borders still that bookstore I miss borders was great at number 3 we have the glow-up yes this is the series that has spiked in my top 10 the largest amount from being not on the list at all to number 3 and I bet a lot of you can call it that's right it's The Dresden Files The Dresden Files whoo Oh The Dresden Files starring David Schwimmer as Harry Dresden sure is the story of a chicago-based wizard in the modern world going about his life trying to exist in a world with our modern day problems taxes you know climate change general chaos and on top of that we also have you know the Fae vampires demons Dark Lord's comin coming at you fool and originally when I started this it kind of was like in my head like oh it's a pulp detective knew our story and I'm gonna keep it in that Lane in my head and I started like resisting it as Dresden began to evolve I was like no stop trying to grow into something bigger than like a pulp detective wizard story that's what I really liked and I wanted to stay there but then things happened the story became borderline no it is just kind of epic fantasy in a way and now I am so ashamed that I ever resisted Dresden growing and shaking off those there's a little pulp noir genre roots it hadn't and so already it was probably in my top ten list then I read changes changes is the 12th I believe Dresden Files book and at this point it skyrocketed from being oh this is one of my personal favorite fantasy series to me thinking no this is flat-out one of the best fantasy series ever written Harry Dresden might be the best realized character the fantasy modern genre has to offer yes you spend 12 books with the first person for respective with him so he has a lot of time to develop but you also have to realize between a lot of these books a year of time passes some by the time you're at the 12th 13th 14th book you've watched him grow up in a way and it really lasts with you it stays with you have you seen him mature and grow beyond his young bullheaded roots to his adult bullheaded growth period what am I saying there are two types of Dresden fans for me there's the people who have casually read the first few books and I go I like Dresden but you know feel they need to go deeper and then there's the people who went deeper and they got to the 12th 13th 14th book and they've gone through that whole journey where suddenly you realize this entire cast of characters feels like a family all of them have their own independent stories going on and somehow Jim Butcher is able to tell you everyone's story from Harry's perspective just from him interacting on a casual basis suddenly you realize Molly's been off you don't even notice she is maybe but she's been off just growing and changing into a badass doing her own thing don't again the spoilers but it's pretty dark and just through a few scenes you really understand the growth of character there then from a first-person perspective or Jim Butcher doesn't have that wall of you f mail even follow this person you experience Harry's growth and it's subtle book by book there's never a humongous moment except for a couple occasions where he makes drastic decisions where there's a flip switch and the character changes because I usually don't like those moments it's annoying to me when a character can suddenly just evolve and into some other thing they weren't before Harry don't do that Harry's a human being he's a wizard and he's gonna live for hundreds of years but he's a human there's quotes from other authors who have gotten through The Dresden Files where even they are endorsing Harry Dresden as just one of the best of the modern genre and I completely and wholeheartedly agree with that praise it's subtle I think a lot of people are guilty of writing off Dresden Files because they don't put the time in to really look at what's going on and I get it cuz twelve books sounds like a lot but most of them you can burn through in a weekend and I am more excited to read the ending of Dresden Files as peace talks and battleground comes out followed up by the apocalyptic trilogy Jim butchers been talking about that I I'm literally like salivating over them give them to me and now at number two I'm gonna cheat a little bit but I feel like people are gonna have a problem with this and number two I'm gonna put the Kazmir the Kazmir as a whole I am putting into the number two spot which means miss Boren Stormlight archive war breaker the Kazmir feels largely like a cohesive narrative in several ways to me because not only are we having these different elements appear in each other's stories but there's something bigger here and the more that I go back and reread and experience the Kazmir the more in my head it is all connected in some way obviously it's not far enough down the road yet like Stephen King's universe where you can really see every connection and begin to see the larger inter connecting web but it's getting there and so for me at number two I'm gonna do the Kazmir because Stormlight archive Mistborn war breaker Elantras and burrs soul even all of it is just this gigantic tapestry before your eyes and as you have a clearer and clearer look you're able to piece it more and more together as the fog fades away you really can appreciate the larger picture and so breaking it up into different spots one wouldn't allow me to talk about what I think is one of the most appealing aspects of the Kazmir and that's that it's an investment into something beyond a single epic fantasy series instead it's a universe that you are going to become lost in and that is the greatest gift and author can give to you in my mind that's not even talking about the more detailed things like how'd Eleanor's journey in the third store my archive book is Brandon's best character work to date . i get Khaled ins the fan favorite for a lot of reasons and he's awesome he's badass a lot of people are gonna pick then as well for doing full cosmere or kelsier which i don't understand that one as much then is cooler than kelsier to me that's just my opinion but Dallin are is his masterpiece so far and if this is a sign of what is to come Brandon I think is really locked and loaded to just blow his fan base out of the water and we as fans can just feel like among cosmere fans you can feel the anticipation all of us are sitting at what feels like just the beginning of an amazing ride we've already really enjoyed getting here and now we're going to spiral off into God knows what direction who could ask for more than and now at number one my favorite fantasy series right now pleasure to read before we get into that I need to have it word from today's sponsor no I'm kidding today's video is not sponsored that was funny though I will say before I get in number one spot I have in number zero spot which means the one above all the king the magnum opus the one you could all see coming and that's Wheel of Time yes rocketing it into it Wheel of Time zero number one and greatest look perfection greatest fantasy series everything great spin ever put to paper the greatest creation of human creative mind ever . anyway let's go with number one because we got zero out of the way as soon as I hit number two and it was Kazmir everyone's like I love number ones could be Wheel of Time now it's not and I can delay and make you wonder oh you're gonna fast forward don't you hit that fast and number one we have Lord of the Rings I have picked up Lord of the Rings again within the last few months and gone through it and I find Lord of the Rings to be something that as I become more knowledgeable in fantasy which really this last year for me has been an outstanding education I appreciate Lord of the Rings more and more its influence yes is something that everyone is aware of but once you even can put that aside and look at what Lord of the Rings accomplishes within the text it becomes apparent that well its influence is huge it's really never been matched well Wheel of Time might have a bigger world with more cultures or malazan has entire continents compared to just the one from middle-earth it's not really rivaled in a way that's hard to label entirely middle-earth is special and once again reading summer iliyan reading fellowship to two towers to Return of the King Tolkien I don't know what he did to make Lord of the Rings but it's art in a way that literature rarely is from his prose to his vision it all comes together so beautifully and I know so many modern readers really struggle to adapt to his writing style I just need to stress that you got to you need to read Lord of the Rings because after you finish it you will understand I know so many people who have read fellowship put it down and go yeah it's not for me I can't adjust and these people I understand it's difficult it is a harder style to read the same way as a moth now is not exactly the most enjoyable read to go back to its dryer and it has these weird song breaks which I'm sure you're absolutely not used to but I don't know anyone who has gotten to the end who doesn't have a massive appreciation for Lord of the Rings and I do fully believe that the better read you become within the fantasy genre the more authors you get under your belt going back to Tolkien becomes more rewarding and I'm going to sound unforgivably corny when I say this and I'm sure people will roll their eyes but I think Tolkien put a huge chunk of himself in his writing in a way that very few authors ever really accomplished in doing so I'm not saying authors don't put a ton of effort and work in I'm not saying authors are not sacrificing because a lot of them are to finish their books but Tolkien did something when he was writing middle-earth that feels so personal almost Craig from the legendarium podcast I can actually thank for inspiring me to go back to Tolkien this the most recent time and elevating it even more so in my thoughts because he was just talking about his praise for The Hobbit in a conversation I had with him and it made me go I need to go read The Hobbit again and then I did that and read all of Lord of the Rings once again and it was special and it's something I'm glad I did at this point in my career as a fantasy book nerd because it just again in the third or fourth or fifth however many times I've reread Lord of the Rings recontextualized how I view the material and if you're able to change how I stand on what you've written the fifth time into it I don't know what's happening but it's incredible now let's talk about the zero spot Wheel of Time whoo oh man I've really tangled this knife up hold up was it bad to be physically attached to a knife I don't know maybe number zero my actual personal favorite that I'd want to make number one because it's a spoilery kind of like Oh Daniels gonna put that number one but you'll need to talk about this series help me get through so many rough times in my life and I plan on making a video fairly soon about how books can be escapes in times when we need them most and the Wheel of Time has assistant Leben that my entire life whether it's when my parents split or had a friend who I found dead I have always jumped back into the wheel of time as a way to process allow my brain a break from going over the stresses of the real world and I will forever be grateful for the creative minds behind it because of that the Wheel of Time I know as a community we're kind of divided a little bit obviously less so than many others but there is still people angry about various things or at each other's throats over various controversies for those you who aren't mega nerds yes fantasy nerds occasionally get into it but I think we all can agree on the sentiment that in terms of being able to just dip yourself in and completely get lost there is nothing like The Wheel of Time in existence to me that was a rather morbid note to end on so yes these are my current top tens right now with the zero spot reserved for Wheel of Time because I love you more than most people anyway like you subscribe if you have not already hit the patreon if you want to support what I do here and have a good one y'all peace let me know your top 10s in the comments down below of course please I want to see those because there's a consistent thing and everyone's top 10 that I've not read that's gonna make me go oh my god I need to read that [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daniel Greene
Views: 806,771
Rating: 4.9262099 out of 5
Keywords: Top ten fantasy series, top ten fantasy series of all, greatest fantasy series of all, a song of ice and fire, lord of the rings, the wheel of time, first law, cosmere, stormlight archive, Mistborn, Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan, Daniel Greene, top ten, fantasy series, fantasy recommendations, greatest fantasy books of all, greatest fantasy books, best fantasy books, best fantasy books 2020, wheel of time, fantasy books, fantasy genre, daniel greene, joe abercrombie
Id: -adQUlGouUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.