My Top 10 Fantasy Series (As Of 2020)
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Channel: Mike's Book Reviews
Views: 158,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Review, Reaction, Reading, Books, recap, top 10, rankings, lord of the rings, tolkien, cosmere, stormlight archive, mistborn, brandon sanderson, dark tower, stephen king, first law, joe abercrombie, wheel of time, robert jordan, dresden files, jim butcher, harry potter, jk rowling, a song of ice and fire, george rr martin, game of thrones, chronicles of narnia, cs lewis, witcher, andrzej sapkowski, demon cycle, peter v brett, lightbringer, brent weeks, inheritance cycle, riyria
Id: JVqOtBBF7sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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