Ranking Every Fantasy Series

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From someone who recently discovered their love of fantasy, I am infinitely thankful for all your suggestions.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/welsh10 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Confession time: I legit cannot understand Dan's love of Lightbringer. I WANT to like Lightbringer, but after getting through 1.5 books I just... it's not that great.

Brent Week's weird 80's style treatment of girls/women - having them fall into suggestive poses and constantly commenting on their appearances while the male characters ogle them constantly seems so outdated and the use of light for magic as well as the Chromeria seem so... cartoonish?

Somebody tell me it gets better/less creepy with the women.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/allpainandnogain 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

I feel weird replying to one of your videos on Reddit. Anyway, loved the video!

Definitely planning to read the Witcher. The show is giving me a push.

I also wanted to mention: the Earthsea series gets even better. It's truly one of the classics in fantasy IMO. It's something else. The next book, the Tombs of Atuan, is less than 200 pages and I hope you continue pickin them up.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/celebrimbor2 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

I know DG doesn't like the Chronicles of Narnia, but I thought he had at least read several books in the series? He's mentioned it several times. At any rate I was a bit surprised to see no rating for it.

FWIW, here's his rankings with my natterings in italics. Commenting (mostly) on the ones I've read. If there's any interest in me posting a "clean" list, (i.e. without my commentary) lemme know and I'll do so happily.

Rank S

The Witcher Saga - Andrzej Sapkowski

Have only read the first book. Based on that I'm not sure an "S" rating is appropriate. Too early to tell. Based upon what I read I'd honestly go B, possibly A.

Lord of the Rings – JRR Tolkien

Agreed. What more is to be said?

First Law – Joe Abercrombie

Lightbringer- Brent Weeks

Vehemently disagree. Readable but a solid B. IMO this one is all over the place. I am currently struggling with The Blood Mirror, but I thought the second book, The Blinding Knife, was fantastic.

Stormlight Archive – Brandon Sanderson

I have not read Oathbreaker or Edgedancer yet, but I'll go along with this based upon the two books I've finished.

Gentleman Bastard – Scott Lynch

Haven't started it, since the author takes a very long time between books. I realize he's had issues with severe depression, but six years from Book 2 to Book 3 and six years (and counting) from Book 3 to Book 4? Lynch did tweet that Book 4 was going in for edits, but with a projected seven books in the series I'll look at this when it is finished, circa 2035 or so. I'm already in the Martin/Rothfuss trap, thank you very much. I'm interested this one, have seriously thought about reading it, but when I think about that history, I just gotta take a pass for now.

Mistborn Era 1 - Brandon Sanderson

I have to think about this one. I'm not sure an S is appropriate.

Wheel of Time – Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson

I'm afraid I bailed on the series many years ago, circa book 6 or 7. In fact the reason I discovered DG's channel was searching YouTube for videos about whether or not I should re-visit and (hopefully) finish WoT. I won't directly dispute the rating, but I'm skeptical that this series is as original as DG and other WoT fans claim. The 4.4 million words also gives me pause, truth be told.

Rank A

Malazan Book of the Fallen – Steve Erickson

I only read the first book, and that at a very difficult period of my life. I remember not liking it, but at that point there wasn't much I liked. OP magic systems annoy me in fiction, and IIRC this one had that. Probably should give it another try, though. Based upon what I read I'd probably drop this to a B, though.

The Dark Tower – Stephen King

I would rate this one S, honestly. Yes, the middle books meander, but overall this series is a stunning achievement.

The Broken Earth – N.K. Jemisin

A Song of Ice and Fire – George RR Martin

In complete agreement with DG's analysis here. The later books are weak, the first book probably a masterpiece. See my comments on Rothfuss about starting it, however.

Earthsea Cycle – Ursula K. LeGuin

I'll agree with the A rating in terms of how ground-breaking this series was when it was published(first book in 1968), but in terms of reading for enjoyment I'd probably bump it down to a B. LeGuin's style of writing has never really worked for me for some reason.

Rank B

Riftwar Saga – Raymond E. Feist

I know I read this, I know I enjoyed it as I was reading it, but I couldn't tell you the first thing about it at this point. I think I read this series simultaneous with one of Eddings' series. LPT: Don't do that. Sounds like a decent work of popular fiction worthy of B. Or maybe a C.🤷‍♂️

Powder Mage Trilogy – Brian McLellan

The Dresden Files – Jim Butcher

These books just don't work for me. I like The Codex Alera and kind of like The Cinder Spires. One of those things everybody but me seems to like.

Harry Potter – JK Rowling

Sounds about right, though I guess I might bump it to an A, largely due to the series' cultural significance.

The Poppy War – RF Kuang

Forgotten Realms – Various Authors

His Dark Materials – Philip Pullman

I thought this series was great. Until the second half of Book 3. We get it, you're an atheist. Make your point with a feather, not a sledge-hammer. Ironically mirrors my thoughts on the Narnia books, which was also a solid series until the crazed Jesus stuff in The Last Battle. Somewhere or other Pullman claimed he was trying to write the anti-Narnia. Guess he succeeded as to the form.

Mistborn Era 2 – Brandon Sanderson

Rank C

Doc Savage – Kenneth Robeson (pen name for numerous authors)

The Broken Empire – Mark Lawrence

I haven't read this, but I'm enjoying Lawrence's Book of the Ancestor series. Seems almost YA.

The Licanius Trilogy - James Islington

I read the first book, didn't hate it, didn't love it. Never bothered getting the sequel from the library. Seemed very generic, though I don't remember the narrative issues DG cited. C works for me.

Kingkiller Chronicles – Patrick Rothfuss

I'd probably bump this up to a B, with the thought that an A rating is on the table if the third book is well-written. If it ever is written at this point. Meaning, despite bumping it up, I'd advise anyone looking to start the series to proceed with caution. Currently eight and a half years from Book 2, with no Book 3 anywhere in sight. Might as well just keep waiting.

The Dark Star Trilogy - Marlon James

Rank D

Sword of Truth Series - Terry Goodkind

I almost want to read this. Evil chickens with rape on their mind is certainly unique, if nothing else. Nah, I actually had a Randroid phase in my misspent youth and have no real desire to revisit it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/VacillateWildly 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

Great ranking!

A lot of things I haven't read, this video will act as a "read this first" list for me :)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Synthetic_Synapses 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
okay everybody so I've done a lot of ranking videos before whether it's top 10 fantasy top 10 this top 10 that but what we're gonna do here today and I'm excited to do for you is rank every single series I have read regardless of how many books in the series I have read because every time I make a list I never look at the comment why isn't this on there why isn't that on there because I didn't finish it but I'm gonna go ahead and give in to those comments for this video I'm ranking every seat I'm ranking every single fantasy series I have read regardless of how many books in that series I've read as long as it's more than 1 or 1 as long as it's one or more that's what I meant to say or throwing it on here I am NOT including individual one-off books this is a series list I'll be doing another video in the future for every single like one off like war breaker but miss Borden's on here because that's part of a series I don't know why I made that distinction I haven't slept well recently let's just jump on and do it so we have the first book and I've only read the first book of the rift or cycle magician and I remember liking this one it was good it's not the most modern fantasy of all time but it's fairly modern and it's kind of in that like in-between awkward stage transition from classic fantasy to modern but it was pretty good and without putting too much thought into it I'm gonna say the writing style captured me I remember the world being really well done and the overall plot well many things like it have been done since then was fairly new for fantasy at the time and I'm gonna go ahead just throw it in be we're going be the actual real point of this video is to try and cut down on the number of people who ask me what haven't you reviewed you can see right here what series I have started and have reviewed so if we hit on it here damn well sure I have reviews of it on my channel so go check those out moving on we have malazan I've read 3 malazan books they were all spectacular in scope execution jarringly huge and I loved some of the character work I didn't like a couple narrative choices in terms of like spending a whole book following these people and jumping across the world over here to follow these other people like damn that's jarring and then jumping back for another book that was a bit odd but that's really my largest complaint and if that's my largest complaint good job we're gonna go ahead and put this in a tear it's a tear for me might get elevated to s tears I get further on in the series but as of right now how I'm standing with it solid eight here now we have Doc Savage moving on it's good pulp so it's C but it is complete pulp now we have packed the powder mage trilogy I've read the first book and I've got a little bit of work in the second one and it was good I liked promise of blood I think the author isn't bringing a whole lot that's entirely new to fantasy but he's doing a really good job of adding his own little twist on things here and there it's my first major flintlock fantasy outside of Lightbringer so that was nice and refreshing for me and I'm feeling good about it I think it'll let me get better as I get deeper in the series I have a good gut feeling on the series and Brian McClelland it seems like a good guy going being here right there and I'm thinking that's potential to go higher up Dark Tower this is an interesting one because me and dark powder dark tower have not always been the best friends I didn't love it but every single injury has brought it up if I was being honest and I was going off like the first book alone it might be C but after the next few books it clearly got elevated to be after the next few books yeah brought up to a and with the last book I'm still limiting for a for now but once again it's got s potential man dark tower Stephen King okay hot damn hot hot hot damn you did a good job there now we have Dresden Files notoriously on my channel I have a love-hate relationship with this series I think certain books are absolutely s tier magnificent and I think other books are as bad as like C tier to be honest not deep none of them have been deep I mean perfectly honest but I'm I really like Dresden and to me it's like a perfect balance in between hey meat cannot special shout out to you thanks for being tiered patreon good timing you're now in this video and I'll give you a special shout out at the end - honestly I'm hovering here between B and a tier 4 Dresden Files a couple of the entries do legitimately drag it down to B and I think I'm gonna leave it there it's good I love some Dresden books and I legitimately love a lot of the choices of the series and it gets me so interested in it and I so want to go further deep and I still want to go deeper into Dresden Files which I will be in the future but I'm leaving it in beer for now B for now and saying that's potential to go up or down depending on how the next few entries go although I've heard good things now we have Witcher first interview for s tear no question don't even need to think about it Witcher for me I'm I loved reading these books I have not played through all the games I highly recommend the books to people the author has a pretty interesting writing style it's kind of alternative fantasy and it's one that I think pretty much anyone can enjoy in terms of just appreciation of what the authors doing and doing so well fantastic character work fantastic relationship work some of the best world building that's out there in terms of like not the most elevated fantasy ever but it's still really great and I there's been a couple books that I wasn't crazy hot on but overall I think Witcher will go down as one of the fantasy classics let's go ahead and put lord of the rings a nest here do I need to say why it's The Godfather it's the it's the Big Daddy a lot of people consider the goat you know we don't need to really talk about that and now we're going on to first law which I'm also going to throwing in s tear the blade itself our first law really the whole trilogy I haven't read every book in the first law universe but I have read this trilogy and it was really what showed me what grimdark can be in terms of just stupendous quality so much character from the author coming through this guy's voice shines in a great way joe abercrombie and i cannot wait to get deeper into the first law universe it's gonna be a lot of fun are you guys ready to go look for the ride and arguably maybe the best character in modern fantasy in glocca glutes cock-block duh he's so deep so nuanced so evil and so lovable I I cannot get over how much I appreciate him on a wider scale really he's damn I can't I still like just have moments where I'm reading other books and they're not quite as good at their character work and like my my go to in my head is just to go to first laws character work because it's so next-level I'm I'm I don't know III appreciate it and I think if you have not read first law and you're a fan of grimdark go read it although what what a lot of grimdark fans will disagree with me on is I think if you're not a grim dark fan don't go read it because it's weird there are a lot of people who like grim dark fantasy who just insist it is for everybody I'm not in that camp if you find yourself not like in grim dark fantasy don't read it it's not for you if there's a weird thing and like grim dark fans are like no trust me you like this one some people don't like it I like it I'm becoming to like it more and more still don't love it though like Prince of thorns let's go ahead and jump to this one I'm saying see I understand a lot of people say I've only read the Prince of thorns I know it's the broken Empire trilogy I've only read Prince of thorns I didn't like it that much I don't think it was bad because the author isn't in crazy talented author but I just hated the character and the perspective given to me so I didn't and this is based off enjoyment I didn't enjoy it that much so for me it's see and I'm also putting the caveat in this one it certainly has the potential to rise well above sea and being the bee maybe even the a and from what a lot of people are telling me they're hyping me up it could certainly be there but I really did not like Prince of thorns although I'm hoping broken Empire as a whole does get better as I come back to it months down the road but let's go ahead and jump in the next one here Harry Potter of course I've read every Harry Potter book I'm a millennial it's just like a part of our community it's a part of what we are as a generation it's in our blood I'm gonna say Harry Potter solid be it's good it didn't bring it didn't revolutionize fantasy like a lot of people think it just brought a lot of things that have previously existed and fantasy to the mainstream it also brought why a fantasy to a level it had never been at before the closest probably in terms of why a fantasy getting to Harry Potter before Harry Potter level before he probably set the Harry Potter level was probably earth see at least in my mind I know a lot of people say His Dark Materials was why a that was a marketing decision it was not written to bya so I don't I don't know but I think Harry Potter is solid it's it's so much fun and it has a great world but outside of that I don't find anything to be spectacular the characters are good the villains are good but it certainly doesn't elevate the whole genre and I didn't enjoy it or I still don't enjoy it going back to it now on an AS to your level papí war goes into the I respect the crap out of it and I also enjoyed it but man is it darker than I typically like my fantasy having this like semi historical fantasy is something I haven't had a ton of experience with but I really liked and it was bold I liked a lot of things done here I like the poppy war and I'm definitely interested to see what this series brings next for us overall I'm stuck between BNA I think I think I'm gonna go be for now well I do love this book I can see myself getting burnt out on stuff that is just this dark and I like the author's writing style but Italy only having read the first book and not seeing any real influence or anything from this permeating all of fantasy I don't think it's quite earned a status yet and I think this one of any of the books I've put on here so far has the highest potential that shoot up or drop down because I've seen a lot of fantasy series with a very solid first entry and then they just tape her down from there speaking of unpopular opinions which we weren't but I'm going to say that as a transition shadow of what was lost was the most disappointing books I have picked up on fan recommendations I'm going to go ahead and say I'm stuck between C and D here now it's not it's not that sort of truth that it's C um I just Wow was not the the biggest fan of this I found a lot of just errors it seemed like in the storytelling narrative I think most notably in my review and I'm not gonna go over the full review here but there was like a scene where these kind of innocent young kids have someone murdered in front of them and then they're left in the room with the body for hours and then they just continue on their merry way after that and it's not talked about and I'm like are you kidding me these kids are not like hardened at all they've they're on an adventure they're scared about and we're having them witness horrific things and you as an author or like let's go to Nuala turning that just completely took me out the story hundred percent and I found multiple instances of stuff like that or it just completely pulled me out of what was happening which is a shame because I found almost everything else in the book to be on the scale of good but I am very unforgiving when it comes to authors not considering ramifications of what they're writing and accommodating that because it just completely ripped me out of the story there's a lot of examples of this happening in writing where characters see something horrific or experienced something or even like good things like oh this was good and then it doesn't have like any ramifications of the story or on the character at all and I just I hate that it's one of my biggest pet peeves light bringer light bringer for me I'm putting solid let's go gosh this is tricky I'm gonna go aids here for light bringer I really love the work he has put into this so far in tweaks I'm so excited for the next one I'm this one is so on the edge for us I'm ah ah let's go ahead and say screw it I'm going next year I'm going to asked here for Lightbringer it has its problems I'm willing to admit that Lightbringer has its problems I've mentioned them in the other reviews burne weeks is not the best at writing women he overly describes bodies and a couple other minor flaws but damn he's good at writing magic combat story character relationships so many other things that I'm all about sorry I've got texted about lunch hold up cool lunch all right so now we have storm light archive yep that's going this year one of my favorites I've made that clear I absolutely adore Brandon Sanderson's work here I think della gnar is one of the best characters and one of the best backstories in the history of Fantasy Caledon is a great entry character for the first way of King's first entry and I I can't think of a weak point for Stormlight it's so ridiculously rock solid there were a couple choices in the third book I personally didn't vibe with but overall I don't think they're like objectively bad it's just minor minor personal preference things so I'm gonna go ahead and say that's s tier without question we everyone here probably loves Brandon except for like the one guy's gonna leave a comment now like I love it but I think I think I think wave Kings I think storm live as a whole is gonna be remembered as a fantasy classic if not already clearly on nearly that level gentleman bastards another s tier one of my all-time favorites I know there's a lot of s tears right now but trust me there's gonna be less there's gonna be less or less being thrown up that high I am a big fan of gentleman bastards its water it's maybe the best alternative fantasy series out there in my opinion again some of the best relationship work maybe the best relationship work I've seen in recent years I love what Scott Lynch has created here some astoundingly good world building for a very small self-contained setting which right now we're in the the peak of grand epic fantasy make your worlds as big as possible Wheel of Time malazan Song of Ice and Fire make them huge make a big bigger bigger and gentlemen Basterds goes against that it's it's very contained in this incredibly well realized City and Scott Lynch just per me this smaller world with atmosphere that just helps you immerse yourself in the book if the first third of the first book doesn't vibe with you I recommend you push through until the end at least give the first book till the end because I truly find this to be one that has right now it's not the biggest I think it's a borderline cult following because it's not huge with in the fantasy world right now but I think it could get there it could heat that barrier where suddenly it explodes and becomes one of the most popular of all time once people realize what they're missing out on for not reading gentlemen bastards broken broken earth I'm going to go with a tear well I read the first book which is I I feel uncomfortable putting anything either the first book and s tear I was incredibly skeptical about some of the choices that the author took as I read the story but after getting to the end I understand every single one I respect them immensely and I cannot wait for the next entries if you are the kind of reader who likes to see an author do things that you have not seen before and take risks I can't think of a better series to recommend right now off the top my head the broken earth because wow not every single one of them pans out but most do it really impressive ways I am a big fan of what was done here and I will be finishing the series soon I've only read the first book of this one now we have I'm just doing Forgotten Realms as a whole Forgotten Realms is tricky to put because it's so huge it has entries from multiple authors and it's this sprawling just everything series I could have broken it down into the individual series that take place within forgotten realms I really could have done that but I I'm going off are a Salvatore's work and I think he is so strong at some things and constantly getting better but if I'm taking the full context of everything Forgotten Realms and I can't bring it above B's here I can't because there are certain books there are certain stories that are just not that strong they don't pan out there are absolutely stories or then Forgotten Realms that reach st r if you go with just the dark elf trilogy that was called yes the Dark Elf trilogy that is sta in my opinion but the full context of Forgotten Realms brings it down to be and I think people who have read most of Forgotten Realms will agree with me on that because it's um it has its problems and when you have multiple creative voices coming in like you do with Forgotten Realms I think some of the problems Forgotten Realms is now suffering from are unavoidable in terms of some inconsistencies and tone and I don't know handling certain characters it's rough it's rough name of King killer Chronicles I'm gonna put that right there I am constantly fluctuating on how I feel about this I think if I was in my best I've ever viewed it I might consider beautyrx the worst I've ever viewed it it probably would've gone DT I'm rounding those to just say C tier comfortably put it there I have issues with Patrick Rothfuss this writing style a lot of his choices and I am one of the people who was of the opinion that this guy currently has no idea to and end it with his third book I think he's going to if he if he's were if he's done I will be shocked if he has a satisfying ending people were really dig and the guys made comments that a lot of people find controversial I was just since um those earlier today by another booktuber he's a interesting guy and his books are interesting as well as I've said before it I'll say one last time here I regret being so hard on the first book I wish I was harder on the second book because Kingkiller Chronicle has its issues Song of Ice and Fire ah gosh I'm gonna be cause controversy a matter where I put this the later books are not as strong as the earlier books they're still great personal preference wise I'm feeling a I think A Song of Ice and Fire is wonderful well absolutely remember doesn't absolute fancy classic it clashes in writing style and tone with my own personal taste enough that I really don't think I can in good conscience put it in the S tier so for me in the scope of all this s being the best fantasy series of a read D being the worst fantasy series I've ever read it's gonna go egg and it's gonna be comfortable in a a is great hey look look what it has its peers in a dark tower amazing malazan amazing broken earth amazing from what I've read I'm gonna go ahead and say yeah Martin you earned a and maybe down the road when your influence is broader and I have more appreciation for what you're doing and you do land the series ending it strong you'll get bumped up to s His Dark Materials loads of fun marketed as y-a now which I can make a whole video on that I don't like how publishing companies just decide to do things I think a lot of the fans think it starts stronger than gets weaker and weaker I'm think it's pretty solid all the way through I think there's some weaknesses that come were apparent later on I'm shocked to learn there's new books coming out in this universe now I need to get around it reading those but I'm gonna comfortably put it in being you know I like the story here especially in the characters that's that's without question I think the three strongest things going for His Dark Materials are a couple the characters are incredibly well realized and are easily good enough to carry the story all the way to the end of the trilogy I think the world built is fascinating and very different from a lot of what we typically get from fantasy which on its own is enough to really drag a lot of new people in I think that's why this book series was so commercially successful and yeah the world really really grabs people it really does what I said another thing let me think what was it it was had to be relationships now whatever I said that to I'm really tired and we're gonna jump on out Earthsea another book when we read one off but that one book is the best ye ever read I'm not a big why a fan but it was great it changed how I viewed what ye could be and I have more respect for the genre as a whole because of it definitely aids here for that alone I can't put it an ass cuz when we read one of them but at what that one entry rock solid rock solid I'm a lot of respect there a lot of respect now I'm going off enjoyment so black leopard red wolf this is going to be tricky because so much respect for Marlon James did here he took such bold left turns and if it was like if all of them paid off like it did for broken earth I would be putting this in a RS tier not all of them paid off because he took more extreme left turns than NK jemisin did but not all of them paid off in my opinion stylized writing to the point where it becomes detrimental and it's hard to get through I rarely come across people who have read this book who will not say it's great it's so different so original struggle to get through it because his writing style is so extreme I can't wait for the adaptation that's coming down the road already because I feel like this will be a story that is better to tell in live-action I have so much respect for it but I just the further away I get from it the more I realize how much of a slog it was for me to get through I think I would honestly say black leopard red wolf should be a must read for mega fantasy fans to see what a truly creative mind who's willing to step outside of what we typically get what the genre can bring to it but oh my gosh it was just not for me so I think it's going to be the top seats here and have a Canasta risk next to it that it's quality is a RS my personal enjoyment brings it down to a C so it's like weirdly hovering I wish I could set this to just hover back and forth and go up and down but that's what it is right now now we have Mistborn era one miss board era one is a very easy s to your pick for me it's one of my all-time favorites I think a lot of fantasy fans will have a list that's similar to this where it's like a lot at the right top because a lot of us love a lot of these stories but I can never ever stop loving the first Mistborn trilogy for being such a wonderful introduction to brandon's works for me it's the first thing I ever read by him and I just remember just oh man this is this is the true disciple the true continuer of Jordan in my mind Brendan to me has picked up and continues to bring what took to phantasy what Jordan did and he's getting better all the time and he started great and I think Brandon in a few decades will be someone who we talk about in the frame of goat not yet he's not there yet I've never said he's there now I'm saying he has the potential and miss Bourne trilogy spectacular but the second error goes right in the B tier because I didn't like it that much I liked the world because it's a Brandon world I like the characters somewhat but I just didn't I think it was not nearly enough sustenance to be three books and apparently there's more coming and I'm just shocked by that because there's just not enough here to continue on I don't know I'm Way more interested what's gonna be happening with Miss Bourne era three era two to me is just suffering in a lot of ways and I don't know it's just not on the same level I know a lot of people love it but for me I don't know I wasn't as big a fan and I just think there's not nearly as meaty as a story a zero one not even close and now we're gonna put it Wheel time in the D tier now I'm kidding that goes right up in the S as well it's my personal favorite I don't need to talk about that much more at this point we all knew was gonna go there it's it's my goat my greatest of all time and I'm I'm very convinced that we're gonna see its legacy evolve and change and be reconsidered for fantasy and the near future this is my current ranking of every series I have either started or finished so far for you guys here on YouTube it's been a blast I plan on doing another one of these with like every individual one-off book which will be heavily Stephen King and Brandon Sanderson but also a lot of other things and I'm curious to see what you all have to say about my list did you love it did you hate it did you understand did you not understand why there's certain things and I would love to see your own rankings for your own series I know it's kind of strange to me to put in stuff here I haven't finished but with people constantly getting upset with me for not including things like malazan even though I've read three books here's what it looks like what I do include it even though I finished it it doesn't arguably get the position it shouldn't get higher up because I'm hesitant to put it higher up that's all yeah okay well I can subscribe if you have not already hit the patreon if you want to support what I do here and have a good one y'all peace special shout out to three new high tier patreon all of which have names I am about to struggle with let's go ahead and jump on in to them cannot PA n ot I think I got that Jirka bead dozed off whiskey beads ill key is Oh Sookie I don't know I'm making it Russian I'm assuming Russian and let's go for the last one here Juliano neil hughes Dutra why okay I think I actually didn't do terribly on those so let me know if I did or did not in the comments down below have a good one y'all peace
Channel: Daniel Greene
Views: 821,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top ten fantasy series, fantasy series ranked, ranking fantasy series, best fantasy series, top fantasy series, wheel of time, a song of ice and fire, earthsea, malazan, cosmere, stormlight, mistborn, broken earth
Id: AKQ25nAaRp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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