Roasting YOUR Bookshelves

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throughout the internet my shelves are spoken of i am shelf goated there is no better shelves in the booktube game and that's undisputed but what i've challenged you with here today is to show me your shelves for me to review harshly i put it out on twitter and i said show me your shelves i want to review them harshly and you came back and responded as the full goblin horde and i want to say thank you for being willing to accept this roast before we get into it i'm putting on a character of an no one should ever feel bad about their shelves just the fact that you have a shelf and have books on it is incredible and you should just feel good that you're actually actively reading and being a part of this community don't ever feel bad for having a shelf that's not as subjectively good looking on face value as anyone else's but let's go ahead and get into the book roasts here because people were cocky people sent me some shelves they were like there's no way he's gonna not love mine your shelves are terrible let's get into it but daniel you're paid to have nice shelves you have an unfair advantage that doesn't matter i'm here to make you realize you'll never have a shelf like mine first up we're going to start with a shelf that i okay so matthias what are you doing here my god this is just a confusion i don't okay so first of all leaned books everywhere more books are not showing me their spine than showing me their spine i feel like you uh sir are getting a d minus you can't get an f because you actually showed me a full shelf and believe it or not the bar is going to be that low but dude take an afternoon and clean it is that just a stuffed animal put there d-minus mallory coming in with what i will say is a good-looking shelf i like your shelf but the layout of your books why would you do this what have i done to you as a person first of all it seems like equal amount books on their sides than on their satchel like standing no that is wrong anyone who thinks it's okay to actually just have books on their side and standing is not correct so big points off there and then you you disgust me you also have funko pops i just what i will compliment though good level of knickknacks it's not too many it's not too few that's an appropriate level of knick-knack and i appreciate that it's also rather an aesthetically pleasing shelf i can admit when something i look at it and go you've accomplished something there i would prefer more books standing you got the room for it so i'm a little confused what is is an aesthetically pleasing shelf the organization is i don't have no idea how you've organized this at all see a marna this shelf has a lot going for it but the higher i go the more i want to vomit so you start with some disorganized shelves and some leaning books okay already taken some off for the leaning why do we gotta lean in books here you have enough books to fill these out and then there's this abomination where it looks like this book is trying to die you were you knew it was coming into a roast and you decided not to even straighten these the lack of effort is phenomenal the knick knack is good until we get to these top shelves you just have four in a row of what the hell i don't there's a good collection of series it's a nice like fine vibe except for this top row which makes me want to join a cult a c plus because i think it's a fine shelf i think there's some good books here and you know what it's going down to a c because that top i can't i can't not take it down to a c we're gonna be honest that's the most satisfying thing ever it's a c i j f this is a d that's your d keith's coming in hard he has the low to the ground shot he also has these two standing shelves and then another standing shelf and i respect the shelves themselves you have good shelves what you failed to do though was keep your shelfage up with your book collectionage because while you have fine shelves you're violating my eyes with these side stackers you then just have this tremendous pile of homeless books who look like they need a hug and they've been left out in the cold and then to top it all off you just have more lining the side here with what appears to be no organization i respect the collection and the poster of casablanca good taste behind but dude what buy another shelf all you need to do is go to ikea spend like 60 bucks and get another shelf b minus because you have a bit of an alternative shelf here but you're getting all those points off just because you did not stack them well like you could have even just stacked them better like there could have just been a more appealing stack to have but you didn't take the 20 minutes to organize them out and stack them in a more appealing manner you seem like the kind of person who puts their dishes in the sink even though the dishwasher is right there and dirty and you could easily put your dish in the actual dishwasher you know what you made me mad c-plus all right anita you said behold you were rather confident and cocky i see so i will be harsher damn that's that's really aesthetically pleasing you've got some ciders here but you have a lot of really nice series going on you've put them in a manner that's incredibly aesthetically pleasing and you've thought it through i actually i like the knick-knack level it's a smaller shelf but it's well thought out this is an a minus i'm gonna give you an a minus i could have been harsher but with the level of like what actually seems to be time taken to organize and lay them out in a nice way i'm gonna give you the respect you deserve and especially our last guy should take a note gavin said don't judge the carpet in wallpaper please decisions were made okay i won't i'll respect what you've said here and purely go off the shelf you have full shelves and it's pretty impressive the aesthetic is laid out and thought out the knick-knack egypt top is a bit much but it's it's not overwhelming as i'm scrolling through your shelves i'm also impressed by like the concave you have going on it's it's good it's good then we have olaf you said i couldn't judge the carpet and walls you didn't say i couldn't judge cardboard cutouts no i have no problem with olaf that's fine it's it seems like almost too much effort but i can't be mad because look at mine so this is actually gonna be an a i think this is gonna be an outstanding shelf that it looks like kids are gonna enjoy as well the series collection is impressive it looks well organized i can't hate this is an a good job varback just starting out the collection okay immediately we have a well prominently displayed wheel of time respect uh we got a little sanderson action for the level of books the knick knack is a bit much but it's not overwhelming but what i would say would help balance it out is dude get some art on your walls you just have this stark wall behind the bookshelf put a sanderson print up there get a lord of the rings piece i don't know anything beyond that aside from that though this is not bad and i think this is like what i would say someone in their what is behind your books here what's happening here what is this what is that i can't tell you're hiding things behind your books now and now i dude and also i just noticed you have hydration bottles up top why now i'm confused this seems like a multi-purpose shelf where you're also hiding things you don't know what to do with is that the case you're going in the same category as the other guy i'm going to say you're getting a punishment build another shelf where you're putting these other things stop mixing matching in with your books and lower the knick knack a little bit and of course up the like art around the shelf don't let it look so stagnant i don't hate it though c-plus lauren wow um this is beautiful there's a couple incompletes here i see you have jade city no jade war i'm a little bothered by that but that's not a big deal it's a nice sturdy looking shelf looks like i could fall into it and wouldn't actually break it some really good books here it's it's not it's a little under knick-knack debatably but i think it's at no no that's the right level that is the right level for this maybe like a highlight light tucked up top would look kind of nice overall though this is just really really nice it's not a huge collection but i feel like i get the vibe every book in here means a lot if i tabulate everything coming together here this is a solid b plus charlotte letting me know what i'm getting into here with the my i don't have enough space bookshelves oh i'm gonna be mad okay so you just sent me a bunch of pc and wii games as well as some ds and playstation you failed the assignment right away now i'm getting a bunch of buffy i stop it no movies and games do not belong on your book shelves i oh my god books that are just sitting up top i get it i'm guilty of that as two i'm not going to judge you too harshly but then there's this gap there's a book right there that could fit in this gap oh my god and you're double shelfing you how can you do this i'm afraid to go to the next one okay there's one thing i'm gonna say for some reason speakers and books look good together i've always thought that so i'm not too mad i don't know what the hell that is in the top right it's a little disturbing but i'm not upset by it this one's not as bad although you i'm seeing book asses and i don't want to see book asses if with a little bit of effort this could be higher if i tabulate all my thoughts here you got a solid c with some effort could be a solid b eric let's see what you're bringing me here the shelf is actually the shelf is pretty simple and nice i like that you have a book out to the front laid down but it looks like it might be too tall to fit other places i understand that i'm not going to be too harsh i've struggled with that myself the knick-knack egypt top unacceptable too much why do you have a coke bottle that's stop it there's also a picture of i'm assuming your dad he looks like a nice man i'm not gonna comment on your dad magic the gathering cards get that away from your books i don't want that on your books but it's a good collection the knick knack is over what's happening at the bottom do you have a blanket why do you have a blanket on your you're struggling for space and yet there's suddenly all these gaps in the bottom and a blank i don't guys you knew you were sending them to me take four minutes to clean and organize before you do you have a nice collection i will admit that i'm frustrated by a lot else c plus yeah it's a c plus but dude four minutes of effort could have been a b he also sent me this one you brought your video games in with your books unacceptable and also dude give your playstation some room so it can cool down a little bit uh now you're down to a d because you mixed in the video games and the books and as someone who plays games don't do that all right austin my wheel of time books would normally be on top but i'm loaning them out right now you're a gambling man i can tell because you didn't just loan out one book you loaned out a series to someone what are you gonna do if they die you have to awkwardly go up to their relatives and be like hey so i'm sorry for your loss but give me my books back i don't know what your plan is there but i respect your lack of fear i will say though overall aside from a rather basic shelf which there's nothing wrong with that you want the focus to be on the books sometimes this is really outstanding well organized good level of knackage good series i the board game blending board games in books i understand i'm not going to mark it down it's okay this is a solid a minus i'm giving it an a minus i'm not home this is the best picture i had it's very small since i mostly use kindle but i like to display my favorite authors in the shelf a plus shelf clearly a plus a i don't even need to tabulate this a-plus from serendipitou great name it's not at full capacity since my fiance made me put half my books away end that engagement now um first of all it looks like it's dear full capacity so maybe he made the right call i don't know how much this shelf was overflowing i'm not sure why i'm looking at a man who looks like he just got and kicked in the crotch like that that's what it looks like we have hello kitty that's fine a board game not sure what that is uh good little collection of books not a lot of series cohesion going on but i understand then we get down to the anime face and i might have a controversial opinion here i don't like how uniform anime looks they tend to have just mirrored spines and it can be overwhelmingly uniform but i'm not going to dock it down that's not your fault and that's totally my personal preference this is a rather nice shelf it's simple it's small b minus words and whiskey god damn that's a good shelf that is a very good shelf it looks like it was custom made for the room which i will always appreciate great series cohesion fantastic layout you have the personal reflection of something inside you with these weird boards up top everything here looks damn fine uh you also have your computers in front of it like mine meaning you want to work near your books respect it this this isn't a this is an a plus shelf i'm not gonna lie this this this is giving me a run for my money that's a damn good shelf i can't even pretend i'm gonna roast this pick me from josh uh josh why would i first of all you're blending your electronics with your books no overwhelming amount of knickknacks for three possible shelves and then just buckets you got buckets in there and a salt rock i don't i'm confused by this it's not well organized i'm gonna be mean you even have jade city in jade war but they're just on different shelves josh josh you had take 30 seconds to organize you could have gotten a better rating d you are the kind of person who would take a dirty dish out of the washer and put it in the sink from wyatt i think weighty wyatty i don't know i'm bad great wheel of time layout fantastic collection of books a high level of knick-knack but not overwhelming art i've never seen before of the wheel of time that is very well done kind of cliche art above that but i'll excuse it and then you ruin it with the funko pop the typewriter has decided to be generous the funko pops are only going to take you down to a b-plus you would have had it higher if it wasn't for them rethink your poppage in the future from chase chase is this even a bookshelf to you when you load the dishwasher do you just throw them in i feel like you just throw them in chase a d i love you though you're probably a good man i can't be mean it's not in me i can't do this it feels weirdly wrong i said send me your bookshelves you've sent me books scattered throughout your house you didn't do the assignment resting glitch face we have the kind of floating shelves are becoming more and more popular they're not my taste but this is a well done version of it the highlight light is a bit of an odd placement but it works it's cool and aside from some sighties i got no problem with this you got a strong b here at first glance i loved it and then you fell apart on me so we have a very aesthetically pleasing shelf but a critical eye finds problems i'm fine with you putting your board games in your bookshelf as long as it doesn't become a board game shelf and you have done that here and it's not even consistent if you brought the board games over and made a complete board game shelf on the side i would have given you credit but it's mixed in it's odd i don't know you and your friends look very wholesome i like you i would hang out with you is that a did you bring the ai dystopian future into your bookshelf here this is supposed to be a place of peace and relaxation i like the sanderson shelves they're very nice but they're giving the illusion of more books than you actually got here i'm a little bothered by this although i like the lion up top [Music] c plus marsh marsh what the dude there's there's like four books here meh this is a g fuel and funko pop video game shelf f f minus why do you have g fuel all over why are you keeping mtg fuel are they i don't even pretty cramped okay i agree with you pretty cramped but it wouldn't be if you utilize space a bit better here peeve uh i don't hate it i don't love it i like the dune on display you know what looks good and you're displaying what looks good strategically that's smart it's the best you can do with what you got you're a clever person you probably built a machine to auto load your dishwasher well i'm gonna give you a b because you did the best oh the funko pop mother b-minus the most impressive collection yet exquisitely well displayed i am genuinely oh you mixed in your video games to inflate your shelves you just you couldn't be happy with just the books oh if i see a funko pop here is there a funko what is that it's not a funko pop you're redeeming the video game inclusion by having some great knick-knack and just a phenomenal display i don't love that the games are there but i see no leaners anywhere and it's just stunning it's honestly given me a bit of hesitation for saying i'm goaded i'm a little curious what this shelf here looks like from the other side but i'm gonna give you an a plus this exquisite okay you're showing me your bedroom and you have a lamp that looks like the death star sneezed it out uh now you're showing me your shelf i don't i didn't want to see your life and then that's really cute that's that's cute i want more books in there but that's cute uh i would take your favorites from this shelf and put it in this shelf but overall well done oh so many funko pops that you've spent over a hundred dollars minimum on funko pops and like you could have given that to charity i they don't stop it i also see movies in games throughout a lot of lineage this is getting the award for it could look the best but you've ruined you've soiled it soiled it this is nice this is uh you funko pop mother um it would have been really high up without the funko pops you also have art you need to hang on the floor i don't know why it's on the floor but aside from those horrific violations this is pretty good i like the procrastinate now i like the pokeball i like the collection overall you got a leaner this is gonna be a b-minus and if you just clean it up a little bit and get rid of the tacky ass funko pops you'll be in better shape dude what the hell have you done here this is a blight unto god are these hanging by strings you put a nail in your shelf to hang tubes you've littered it with funko pops and deliberately put books that could be standing just on their side like they died why is spider-man and ash ketchum in front of game of thrones the shelf itself was fine until you stabbed it your collection could be very impressive and nice if you displayed it properly i like the frog i'm going to end it with i like the frog this is a d this is interesting this is the oh my whoa i just realized fully what this is these are cinder blocks and you got gotta funko why is there so consistently funko pops i'll take away the funko pop penalty because you have dusty wheel stuff going on and that i can appreciate very well displayed wheel of time stuff some guitar things which i don't know weirdly work and are these games and dvds and cds you got your music i i'm very conflicted about this i'm gonna average it out to a c plus because it's got a very different aesthetic it's fun it's wonky why are people by and keeping in the box like there's some sacred artifact funko pops okay the bart of the red hand this is like the most standard i see it in everyone's homes kind of a shelf to the point where you even have the lightsabers i see everywhere got no huge issue with this no funko pops finally thank god uh and i would just say this is a nice appropriate shelf though i'd like to see some more series cohesion going on very middle of the road c-plus okay another floating shelf i don't know why you've just get book ins get book ins you don't need to do this dijon but i like the series i like the layout but you really did not need to do that and it messes with the flow buy a don't even buy a booking put a soda can there i don't care just anything but that this looks like a lot of shelves i've seen from people who really love reading this is a standard book obsessed person shelf no funko pops thank god uh really well laid out got a lot of side leaners but they're clearly strategically chosen and it's still aesthetically nice i think fine with that i think dolls are creepy as hell so that bothers me a bit but this is good this is good give you a solid a minus i like this shelf my camera just overheated so we're going for round two continuing on ally i genuinely just saw your shelves and immediately thought you're a booktuber and then i checked you're a booktuber followed you back yeah that was pretty apparent you like me put an insane amount of effort in because we don't have lives outside of that jay from captured in words um very good shelves well laid out you don't have an o.j you dirty dirty man you you funko'd me i trust you late you did the cover of my book you bastard okay jeffrey are you also no this isn't a booktuber layout but this is high effort but i hate how high effort it is and then once you get to the bottom it's like you stopped trying why would you have this beautiful case with all these things on such wonderful display and then not adjust the shelves to properly have things standing and of course just at the bottom you're like ah i'll toss it in what happened here jeffrey did you quit uh ky the lights up front it's gonna hurt me to look at i love the wheel of time juniper show off flex well done but the lights in the front hell no that's that's a c minus i'm sorry it really hurts but i like the june ah the juniper's gonna this is looking better dude just get rid of the lights up front god those are detracting in my opinion i'll go be minus best i can do you gave me cats tori i i gotta love the cats i love that they're on the shelf it's clearly their hangout spot i'm gonna give you an a cause you gave me cats and that's wonderful mark lawrence just put up a picture of his shelves uh let's watch mark lawrence's video here i did not expect that i like the collection but you need to start with the wide shot and then go in you can't just start going through close-ups i can't get a picture here of what's going on although it's it's it's looking like a good collection i should expect nothing less your mark lawrence the you got a front to back issue going on are you double stacking no you're not double stacking but i need the wide shot mark let me fast forward do i get the wide shot mark give me a wide shot man a very respectable collection broken down in your blog but it's going too fast for me to register it all okay are we getting the wide shot finally mark mark oh you're double stacking you're double stacking but you're knick-knacking well you're knick-knack and well it's a lot up top but i expect nothing less you're an author you got a crazy mind i kinda got the wide shot it's pretty good i'm gonna give you a b minus maybe some more lighting would make it you know get some lights built in there that adds a lot but well done well done hillary i like your shelves very nice you're trying to buy me off with the cat it worked a shelf c2 g sharp three minus uh this looks like a shot from a crime scene i can't even make out what books i'm looking at um that's that's a little scary moving on birch wonderful outstanding layout beautifully done i don't like some of the height inconsistencies but trust me i get you can't avoid that this is an a shelf great job l l i'm gonna end with you here i it's an impressive collection but you're double stacking there's knickknacks just blended in everywhere their side top front plants this is so overwhelming for my brain i can't it's just scattered it's just scatter shot what is happening right now organize and get another shelf i wanted to like this but it's just like you have wonderful lord of the rings and then just poppy wore cover in it you have great editions of books just shoved into corners covered left and right get another shelf properly display oh my god all right we're gonna we're gonna close it up we're gonna close it up here i can't i can't go any further um i'm gonna say there were some nice shelves but the typewriter gods have decided no one out-goaded the goat shelves like and subscribe if you have not already hit the patreon support what i do here and have a good one y'all peace [Music]
Channel: Daniel Greene
Views: 277,577
Rating: 4.9585862 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, books, bookshelf tour, comedy, roast, daniel greene, bookshelf, booktuber, booktube drama
Id: XpAaH87yBcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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