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[Music] you have sent me your random crap shelf they look sad that they're being weighed down by your dead flesh uh you get an f as a person i wouldn't know because i don't associate with those type of people for the love of god this is like my strange addiction worse [Music] i thought it would be a one-time thing i put out into the world that you should send me your bookshelves and i would give them a little roasting but you masochistic weirdos have made it one of my best performing videos of all time so that means it's not a one-time community event but a new series that's right i will be roasting your shelves here on the channel whenever i feel the desire to and if you'd like to have your shelf put into the mix all you have to do is follow me on twitter and wait for me to tweet on out that it's roasting time and i will get to it but now without any further ado let's start the new series goblin guy roasts your shelves cause you asked him to he feels guilty when he's too mean and is nervous about crossing the line but he still does it because it's fun and you like it the show and i will have a special shelf to roast right at the end okay we're starting off with james here james it's a bookshelf i like the aesthetic of it it's actually quite pleasing to look at but i have one major question is that a pig in bdsm gear because it looks like it is i'm not judging i'm only asking the questions the boat as well matches my boat that's up there right now i do believe mine is better fight me and you have a inclination towards justice okay nice it's a decent collection i get the feeling you're going to remove the nickage neckage as more books are added i would say right now it's a little jarring how much it's book then knickknack i would rearrange overall solid c plus mainly because the pig and bdsm gear is just very interesting i don't know where this is going and i'm definitely curious this is impressive i like this what we have is a sword on the wall to complement a fantasy shelf it's a little cliche it's a little overdone but i can't even judge that hard i got a wizard staff for christ's sake but it's an impressive collection decent amount of knickknacks no funko pops are jumping out of me i appreciate it some wheel of time some cosmere first law expanse it's dune got a lot going on i will just ask what's in the box what are you hiding what's in the box this is a b minus but if there's dead bodies in that box that's a solid s anyway so what's in the box mike you have not sent me your bookshelf you have sent me your random crap shelf you have an impressive collection of books but you have inflated its presence with a mixture of cds vinyl muppets clogged leghorn which i love me some foghorn lego horns star wars thingies and the only redemption i can say is there is no funko pop and okay again what's in the box why do so many you have mystery boxes i'm confused what's in a box d-plus because this isn't a bookshelf but there is enough books to like be bordering take your take your muppet star wars things out of the box like what it's not it's not a precious family take it out of the box okay aaron you have breach of peace pulled out and displayed to try and win me over and it's getting you bonus points thank you but i'm a little confused by the uh not just complete lizard creature but also severed head of an alligator if it was just the severed head i'd let it go but it's it's two that's not an accident what's your what did lizards do to you and a jar of fluid mary i um this is the worst way i have ever seen someone try and get extra space on a ship well actually is it kind of smart i ca i don't know oh you have funko pops okay you can't rise above a d-plus but it's kind of smart cause at least this way you see them all it's aesthetically very awful but in terms of practicality it tells me you're more concerned with actually getting the books out and being able to read them because you want to see what's there so i'm giving you bonus points and i'm actually gonna raise you up to a c minus the funkos are bringing it down but you've done something i have literally never seen before i respect it good on ya good on ya wow that's weird okay ben it's a minimalist shelf you have decorations behind the book which i'm not a huge fan of though aesthetically it's very pleasing but it's a little soulless it looks like this setup would be in an ikea in like those little mock-up rooms they have that are like here's what your room could look like and it doesn't tell me anything about you this is the beige of bookshelves it's very personalitylessness just i can't say words though so who am i to judge you what is there of you in your shelf or is there nothing of substance of you oh god that felt too harsh didn't mean to give someone an existential crisis well it's roasting louis still in the process of replacing or restoring my books damaged by a fire can't roast them more than that oh but i can you because you failed your books why didn't you run in and save them how could you they just wanted to provide you with entertainment you failed your books it was your son okay okay emma you're you're sending me mixed messages and let me tell you why you've put a lot of effort to making this aesthetically pleasing the green flowing into the yellow flowing into the red then down into the blue into the black back to red and white there's so much time to really try and make this nice and not a lot of care of properly stacking them in a way that's actually how books should be handled but i will say it's an impressive look and a good level of knackage but it's inside of a cabinet you close what kind of repurposed hell is this why would you ever close off your books from the world that tells me you leave them in shadow and darkness for long stretches i want to save your books from you d-minus i don't know the package is good and it's d-plus okay this is as confusing as your username so what you have is a spider-man flat brim next to a russian nesting doll next to a triforce next to a christmas decoration with a giraffe dog staring at me you've just like taken a shotgun of your life's and shot it at your shelf um for me this is d the best i can give you is a d dude dust take care of your home is my roast for you and they're not even all stand up straight they look sad that they're being weighed down by your dead flesh and also what's this tarp put put that fold it up and put through it d-minus okay can we address the fact that some people don't understand that a bookshelf you need to be able to get the books out from the shelf and i don't want to have to rearrange action figures for five minutes just to do so so this again d minus for the love of god monitor your knackage i'm conflicted by this okay the funko pop made me much more certain in my evaluation aesthetically pleasing it's not the most impressive collection but i get the feeling you've read all these books unlike a lot of people who are posting shelf full of books they have never read and these all mean something to you i don't like that it's next to a bunch of electronics i do believe in separation there you've got a funko pop but then there's like a good just overall thought out layers to this it's next to video games i'm gonna give you a c i'm feeling generous for some reason this is a c don't put creepy ass dolls on your shelf it looks like the books are trying to get away from it because they agree with me it's the severed head of what looks like a baby or a woman i can't tell that is genuinely horrifying also get your cable management game up what are you doing d also organize whatever's on top here god you're no you're sending it to me put five minutes of effort into straightening out books in cabinets again what is wrong they want to be in the light they want to be red and to breathe you're putting them in a sarcophagus of pain ugh and there's another mystery box you gotta show me what's in your boxes now i'm just concerned you tell me you tell me it's gonna try i'm gonna be thinking about it tonight i am very confident in diagnosing this person with attention deficit disorder d i i for some reason feel like this bookshelf reflects your heart quite well largely empty and full of capitalist crap okay we have a clear hardcore fantasy fan here uh they have swords adorning the top of the shelf i can appreciate that it looks like some classic fantasy art wheel of time section you're buttering me up i enjoy it some more things a good level of knackage you know what this is the first one i'm feeling pretty good on this gets a solid b this feels like it reflects the person it's not overly manicured this is a b shelf good on ya luke another solid entry i like the layout in books more than i like the physical shelf i found the physical shelf rather boring but you've done a lot with the space it's crowded but it's not too crowded respect this is going to be a b-minus jack the fact that you put gideon the ninth next to a field of funko pops uh you get an f as a person s tier i i for some reason just actually love this homemade by your dad this is magnificent i don't like the animal skin on the wall i hope that's fake but aside from that very aesthetically enjoyable shelf a large collection of quality content i don't know what some of these things are but overall i'm impressed in the fact that it's made by your father a whole other layer of appreciation i'm going to give this an a this is a solid a approach and aside from some side stacking which makes me want to violently vomit it's it's good this is s tier i i'm not even talking about the shelf it's just the cutest cat and i love him and it's s t r i'm not even i don't care about yourselves that's nest here i want you to take a day for yourself i just look at this and i know in my core that you need a day off very impressive a decent level of board gamage i will accept a nice layout of the books good knickknackage bordering on too much i like your shelves this is nice solid a plus this gets a plus from me though i will say it's coming off kinda tryhard i don't know why i feel the need to say that but i do this is so much i feel physical pain and a weird sense of enjoyment there is love here there is a passion for literature but there's also pain looking at your second photo i'm not entirely sure if you understand how shelves are supposed to work but i i have a strange amount of affection for what you've crafted i'm gonna give you a b plus and and just make more shelves out of the books you got that's the best advice i can give you because dear god and donate some that you're not gonna read again that's fine i didn't you i take back everything nice that i said and i hope that you die in a vat of melted funko pop f minus that's actually gonna start being advice i give to more and more people one die in a vat of melted funko pop and two donate books guys people need books and that's a great thing to do okay you told me it's organized by author last name and you felt the need to lead me arrows like i would be incapable of figuring it out um i feel talked down to but this is a solid c plus shelf i i know how left to right works thank you this is a very impressive shelf but i spotted your double stacking immediately and you get a c minus for that good god uh wow all right um this is just a lot if i walked into a room i would immediately approach this shelf and begin exploring it like it's the jungles of the amazon i'm not sure how i feel about the amount of dangly lights and what you've chosen to do with them the knick knack is a bit much but i'd be lying if i said this wasn't a very impressive shelf solid b i feel like the owner of this bookshelf has great taste in literature but has never truly found themselves as a person it's a b-plus shelf ah someone who seems to have forced their cat into the shelf this is nice this is nice you're not the best photographer but that's fine but what we have here is i like your layout for what i think are clear favorites um it's a little disorganized you have snacks uh mixed in with the books which is a it's the first that's a first i like it and this just strikes me as my book collection when i was a lot younger uh so i see the chaos but i see seeds of greatness you're at a c-plus now but i have a feeling in the future you will have a great shelf this is immensely aesthetically appeasing this is beautiful there's a lot of personality i like how your highlights kind of come along the edges you have not mixed in your cds don't love the side stacking but i get why it was needed here it's actually for spacing reasons oh you did the double stack god i thought this was gonna be really good a b plus is the best i can do 15 minutes and you could make this look a lot better c-minus this is sleek this is someone whose brain is hyper-organized but you do not have an attention to detail on the level of some people and i know that because you have some leaners up here that you've left unchecked what are you gonna do about these leaners this is solid egg though this is a great shelf immensely aesthetically a pleasing very nice display i'm not as negative on the top stack as i am to the side stacking or the back stacking so i can accept it this is this is good best i can do is a solid b minus but it's good i genuinely want to know i want actual answers here do you think the funko pops look good i just like i don't understand so let me walk through what i imagine an interaction with someone who has funko pops goes like i wouldn't know cause i don't associate with those type of people you like walk into the room and your bookshelves there and someone's like oh nice bookshelf and then you go yes here are some of my favorite books also here is some cheap plastic weirdly large large-headed representations of characters i enjoy um and i've blocked the art of the book with this ugly plastic would you like to bobble its head what why what is the purpose of this i've never seen someone successfully craft their book addiction into a actual book mount doom but you've done that i feel horrible for your collection but you've done it yay deep plus because i'm kinda just impressed this is not fair you literally have a security camera watching your shelves because you know how much of an investment and piece of art this is obviously this is s tier but you're batting at a level that's not fair for everyone else you have a ladder you cheater okay yeah you get the s you should be happy with that but don't feel pride rachel go yourself seriously seek help for the love of god this is like my strange addiction but worse because you're like proud and putting it online i would leave someone's home if this is what they showed me and was like the centerpiece like this is your personality on display and it's like what's the centerpiece of my home up god this is just bland for some reason it's like you just did your job and you put them on the shelf but there's no love here there's no attention to putting any of you on your bookshelf it's it's just the minimal effort of keeping them organized and nice this is the definition of bland i feel like gordon ramsay and i'm saying like where's the garlic there's no garlic of you oh god i should not have said that there's no spice of you in here this is the definition of a c it's completely on the average stop putting creepy ass dolls in your bookshelf or i will stop this series i don't like it it's going to be at the foot of my bed in the middle of the night and it scares the out of me i uh no f your shelf is bowing it's about to fall to pieces get it build a bookshelf out of the books if you're that desperate because god knows you got enough man it's an impressive collection but you're not showing me any love or care for the bookshelf as it's cracking oh my god someone send this man a carpenter or something all right that's goddamn awesome that's a solid a plus that's just cool okay megan you wanted me to roast you and you've asked me to do it twice so i'm going to be harsh it's very aesthetically gorgeous right like this is outstanding but what it tells me is you care more about that aesthetic then the books themselves the level of time and craft to put these books in what let's be honest is a basically random order except the color how are you going to find the book you want to read or talk about that's not a priority your priority is the aesthetic so what i must ask is why do you collect these books is it so you can read and have and cherish their stories or is it for a backdrop i don't mean it i'm sure you're a great reader but also oh my god the level of effort here is kind of insane this is as much effort to have an aesthetically pleasing shelf as that other person put into having a army of funko pops watch them when they're in their home jackson ticker it's the fact that you kept what i assume is shampoo next to it that makes this a thousand times funnier and the fact that the shower is running oh my god s to your dedication to reading at all times and now time for a very special roasting my good friend murph how's it going murph it's time for me to pass judgment on you overall pretty good i'm not gonna hate too much it's a great backdrop for a booktuber obviously she's one of the biggest in the game and she's got a outstanding collection but what i will say is murph why are so many of them leaning you have these glossy ass covers glaring at me because your lighting is out of control and what is this what is this what i can't identify a single book here what is what is happening there i don't know do you even know i don't think you do you have some things on display facing outward but they're paperback so they're like flippity-floppit and out look at this gentleman bastards i see pages cardinal sin you're a booktube you're a professional and then you have like a lot of special editions come on do you need to rub it into people's faces that we as booktubers get all these nice books like what kind of booktuber puts their special editions on prominent display it's soulless it's flexing on people for no reason murph and i will not have it here in my community how dare you and then finally the person themselves in front of the shelf how dare you be so kind and supportive of my career how dare you introduce me to your family and your husband and child and make them an important part of my life how dare you give me a friend that i can talk to about my insecurities around my job how dare you be one of the best parents i've ever met how dare you set an example for every booktuber or parent or person to follow with you and your husband corey hi corey i love you too how dare you how dare how dare how now brown cow that's the end of the book roast anyway everybody like and subscribe if you have not already i'll probably be doing this like bi-weekly or something here on the channel and have a good one y'all peace [Music]
Channel: Daniel Greene
Views: 170,678
Rating: 4.9750729 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookshelf tour, bookshelf roast, daniel greene
Id: UjK0egFEhIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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