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hi there everyone so for today's video i wanted to share with you guys it seems like lately i have been thrifting and diying so many lamps so i wanted to make a compilation video of 10 different ideas that you can use different light fixtures that you've either thrifted or they're from ikea or some of them are even free so i hope you guys liked today's video with that being said let's go ahead and get into our first project [Music] for the first diy lamp transformation i found this buffet style desk lamp at the heartfelt thrift shop for just seven dollars and i know some of you might be thinking that seven dollars is a lot but i actually found this exact lamp and it's over a hundred dollars if i were to buy it brand new online however this lamp did have quite a few scratches and i didn't like that the electrical part on the front the cool part about the lamp was so evident so i thought the easiest thing i should do is just to give it one coat of black spray paint and this is by far the easiest thing you can do to any thrifted lamp is to just simply change the color i did however just want to keep one little section of gold so i just taped that disc off so that way that color would stay gold and everything else would be a matte black to spray paint the shade i just put a canister in the middle so then that way it would be really awkward to like tape the inside of it so i felt like this was just the easiest way to get a nice clean finish because i didn't want the inside to be black just the exterior and when it comes to spray painting anything not just lamps it's so important to just do several very light coats and i know it takes a lot longer for the project to be done but over time it really does give the cleanest finish with no drip marks and everything is really well evenly coated overall i probably did four very light coats of the flat black spray paint by rust-oleum and then all that's really left is to remove any sections that i had taped off for the next diy lamp transformation this one is actually going to be a floor lamp this floor lamp i found many moons ago at a goodwill and it was 20.99 and i think for a floor lamp that's actually pretty reasonable but we just moved into our new house and we actually just had our floors installed and our floors have like a slightly gray undertone so i'm really trying to like eliminate all of this like orangey wood that i've had in the past so i'm going to share with you just a couple really easy little tricks you can do to kind of remove some of that orangey wood tone if you're having a similar problem so the first thing i did was i just taped off that top section of the lamp just because i wasn't sure if i was going to spray paint it or not and then with the legs i just unscrewed them and left the bottoms separated from the tops of the legs so i just taped off those screws poked holes in the bottom of a box that was flipped upside down and placed those bottom pieces of the legs on the top of the box and with that step completed i just used that same black spray paint that i used in the first project and just applied it all on the bottom one third of these tripod legs and my initial thought was i wanted to make the top of the tripod legs in this like leather tape that i've been loving recently but i just couldn't get it to work so maybe if you guys have any ideas it just was creating so many bubbles and i was doing the needle trick and i was trying my very best but i don't know if it was because they were tapered it was giving me a lot of problems so i decided to nix that idea and go with my backup plan which was to do a combination of two different types of gel stains i have not worked with gel stain in the past so this was a lot of trial and error for me but the first thing i knew i needed to do was besides clean the legs really well i then took some 220 grit sandpaper just lightly over the top two thirds of each tripod leg the first gel stain color that i went in with was the ebony color and i didn't love the way that was applying um i think it just wasn't canceling out that orange yellow color like i really wanted to but i'm still glad that i used it because it's set in really nice into the grain of the wood but this walnut color was the one that i would recommend the most and gel stain in general i think is so much nicer because it applies so much more evenly and i feel like it makes so much less of a mess [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for the next project it's actually extremely random but i wanted to share it because i loved these lights so much and somehow when we moved one of the two of these lights does not work anymore but i love the shade so much so i wanted to give you guys a couple different options on if the situation ever happens to you or perhaps to kind of rethink what you could do with a shade like this one so ikea does sell this as a table lamp but i wanted to just try out a couple different things that you can do with this lamp so the first thing you can do is take a hemalite fixture from ikea and actually turn this into a pendant light instead perhaps that works better for your space i think it's a different take on maybe you don't need a table lamp but you really like the ambient lighting that this gives and a pendant light just happens to work better for you in your space and another idea i had if you didn't want to use it as a light altogether was to make a woven or retan vase so what's nice about this is it's not a typical basket because it has a hole at the bottom so all i did was i took a dollar tree vase you can use any vase mason jar whatever you have on hand and stick that in the middle instead and fill that with water and stick whatever florals you might want maybe you cut a tree in your backyard and i think it looks really beautiful and a different take entirely and kind of a similar take on that instead was to do it as a lantern so you could definitely stick this on the floor or if you wanted to stick it on top of a dresser or some sort of a credenza and it does give really ambient lighting and it doesn't need any electricity to it so that's it one product but four different ways to use it so for the next project something that's really kind of i guess trendy right now are these little mini lamps and i found this little mini lamp for just two dollars at the heartfelt thrift shop and the first thing i did was i just removed um all of its pieces so then that way i could tape all the electrical down so then that way i didn't get any spray paint in there and i wanted to make it like an aged brass lamp um so i'm using this one by krylon in metallic gold it's the one i use pretty much all the time if i want to do a gold spray paint and i could totally have stopped here and i feel like it's literally the inverse of the first project with a couple little different tweets but i wanted to do something a little bit different as well and i wanted to give it like an aged or an antique look and one thing that you can do i know you've seen the mud trick i know you've seen the spice trick but i found this spray paint that does that exact thing and i think it works really really well so i actually really enjoy using the spray paint on certain things like this before you apply this glaze you'll want to make sure that whatever you've spray painted has at least sat for four hours just make sure it's on there very well and you can take the glaze and apply it to like a scrap rag first but i feel like that doesn't give you the best look so it actually works better if you just take the spray paint and apply it directly to the project and then take your rag and kind of wipe it off and i thought that this would be a good lamp to do this with because there is a little bit of these like extra little details that i feel like the glaze really sat into nicely but it wasn't so overpowering i really like this a lot though because it's extremely buildable so you could just do a little bit or you could really lather it on there but um it's very customizable and i think that you can apply this to so many different projects so it's just a good spray paint to keep in your arsenal [Music] and after i got the amount of glaze on there that i wanted i just sealed it with some matte clear spray paint by rust-oleum just to make sure that it was protected and it can stand the test of time [Music] [Music] [Music] the next one on this list was definitely a fan favorite for you guys and that is the branch floor lamp and that was done using the ikea hema light fixture which is very affordable i think you can get it for about 5.99 so the first thing i did was i found a very tall branch outside which right now is the perfect time to do it because the leaves are already falling off so you are in good shape to do this diy project so after i removed the bark i just spray painted it with a rubbing alcohol solution and then i let that dry for 72 hours in my garage and as that was drying in the garage i went to home depot and i picked up some cement by quikrete and the cement projects that you can do this is a very good like beginner cement project i think so i didn't have any special like mixing tools i literally used a piece of scrap wood which probably shouldn't do but it worked fine for the project i still have the lamp to this day so um i just stuck the branch in there once it was dry and then i took some more scrap wood and i kind of just like screwed it around the branch just to make sure it was going to stand upright and once that kind of just like solidified overnight i want to say i left it about 24 hours i just cut that plastic off one mistake i have made with cement projects is not being able to get whatever i just put the cement in so you want to make sure you're able to just kind of work with something that's going to give you the mold but that's going to be easy to remove as well so these little plastic buckets i also picked up like a stack of four of these i think at depot and i think it was about four dollars so about a dollar a piece and you can leave this as is if you're going to leave this though on your floor i would recommend getting some of those felt pads just so it doesn't scratch up your floor really bad um but otherwise i just took that hema light fixture and i kind of just like wrapped it all around the branches until i was kind of like happy with the way that it looked and it was pretty secure um i did not use any like zip ties or glue a lot of people asked if i had done that i did not so i just kind of kept swagging it around the branch until i was happy with the way that it looked so for under 31 it was a really fun project to do and i still have that lamp to this day and i think it looks just so scandinavian and rustic uh i found this lamp for it was originally 15.99 but make sure you check out your local goodwills because on certain days certain colors are 50 off so this was actually only like eight bucks so not too bad for a big lamp like this one and i loved the ridging on it and i knew exactly what i wanted to do with it which is like everyone's doing this hack right now to a thrifted lamp i swear but it does turn out so cool in the end and it gives a really nice texture and effect so the first thing that i'm doing is i'm just spray painting the whole base of it i've taped off anything that i don't want to be spray painted like the electrical and all that and the wire at the bottom so i'm just using some matte black spray paint by rust-oleum and i just gave it like two pretty solid coats and then you guys might have seen when i did this vase makeover and i decorate for free using nutmeg and cinnamon so i'm doing a similar thing to this lamp that i did with that piece but the thing with that piece that was um so time consuming was there wasn't already any natural texture happening so it's really hard to get that color from the cinnamon and the nutmeg to stay so with this project it was actually very easy because there was so much already happening on that vase that everything turned out so beautiful in the end so for me personally i've seen so many people who use mud or dirt really dry dirt instead of using spices but for me i would rather smell i guess spices than mud but whatever works for you make sure you just do that um but the mud technique i think it works a little bit better in terms of just working a little bit faster so um with this you have to do kind of like a couple coats and then you want to apply some matte uh clear spray paint to make sure that every layer that you're applying is adhering to your surface [Music] i was gonna go the extra mile and make some little clay handles as well but when i was finished with the actual just like spicing process i really love how it turned out and i don't feel like it needs it [Music] for our last ikea hack for this video i really wanted to make some interesting pendant lights and i've seen this done so many different ways but i've never seen it done this way so i wanted to give it a try and i am using these ordnance holders from ikea they're mainly used for utensils or really whatever you want to put in them they're great storage um containers but and they're so affordable they're only 2.99 i think for the small ones and i think 5.99 for the bigger one so also you can order these on amazon which is where i ordered the two smaller ones i already had the bigger one so and also from the dollar store i ended up picking up one of those wire basket hangers um only for one dollar so super affordable there and i'm just breaking off certain pieces from each chain so i want one chain to be very short one chain to be kind of in the middle and then one chain to be very long because i have three lights that i'm trying to create and because my clip would wasn't big enough so i had to add one of the chain links directly onto the top so then that way i had something to attach it onto so the silver's fine but i don't really have silver in my house so i decided that i was going to use um some gold spray paint i'll make sure i link it in the description box below and then i'm also going to spray the chain as well so there's not really a great way to spray paint chains like this so i just kind of laid it out as best as i could and then i had to just keep flipping it around to make sure that i got all of the areas and then i flipped all of those cans upside down to make sure that i got the inside really well as well and i probably had to do two solid coats of everything to make sure everything was really well covered and then i ended up doing a poly acrylic coat as well because i wanted to make sure nothing scratched off and after the spray paint had all dried i just attached that chain to the canisters and i wanted to kind of see how they were hanging if i needed to readjust something i would have but it actually kind of worked out well so i ended up doing a smaller one the longest one and then a smaller one as well at the bottom so i felt like this looked the best i think it would look even better if i had five canisters and really kind of like was able to hang down but i was content with the three so now was the big thing how do i make these lights right because i can't feed a cord through every single one of these so i decided i opted for battery operated lights i'll make sure i link the ones that i use they're from amazon they were really affordable and they actually worked really really well and gave off the prettiest lights so definitely recommend these ones they take three triple a batteries i have no idea how long they last because i just got them but so far so good and they come with a remote which makes it even better because this is up very high so i just hot glued all of the bases of these lights to the inside of the can and then i just pop the lights in there and i think they give off the coolest light and it's actually amazing that there's no cord attached to it for the next diy lamp transformation it has to be the tin can desk lamp and if you've been here for that long you are a real og so i appreciate you so much for being here this whole time and this project was something i did when we were in the thick of coven when i first started my channel and i made this lamp out of a old table lamp that i wasn't using and a tin can so i'm going to show you what i did i just took an old tin from a baseball game that i got and i just found the center of the bottom of the tin can and then i believe i took a one inch drill bit and i drilled right through the bottom into some scrap wood to remove that bottom piece um and that worked out really well like shockingly well so so with that little metal ring removed now things started to get a little crazy and i took this old lamp that i had lying around and it was plastic and i lost the shade for it at some point so i needed um the electrical part of a light so i decided i was just going to take an old light that i had because like i said we were in the thick of covid you couldn't order anything pretty much even on amazon like this so um i was just trying to be resourceful obviously now things are different use whatever is going to be the easiest for you and with that electrical removed from that lamp um i just needed now to create a opening in the back of the lamp for the cord to go through so i could plug it in obviously so i just took that same drill bit and i drilled right through the back of it so then that way i was able to feed that cord right through but before i fed the cord through it i wanted to just give it a coat of black spray paint so i just used the same spray paint that i always use even to this day and it is by rust-oleum in flat black [Music] [Music] and the supplies that i needed from the dollar tree were this light here it's just battery operated and then i had these circular cork trivets they were originally from ikea but i got them at the thrift store for just 50 cents a piece and so the first thing i'm doing i'm just measuring how long it is across this cork trivet and then taking my pen i'm just marking the center point of the cork trivet so i know where i'm going to need to put the center of the back of this light that came from the dollar tree but first i needed to measure the backing of that piece because that will tell me where the back actually needs to go so it's right in the center one thing that i really wasn't crazy for was the color of the plasticy gold i wanted it to be more metallic brass looking so i'm just taking some painters tape and i'm covering all of the parts that don't show the gold plastic and that will give me a nice clean coverage on everything else for the gold spray paint that i chose i'm using this one by krylon in metallic gold it is my all-time favorite with the light drying outside i just wanted to kind of score the cork trivet using this tool i recently picked up at the dollar tree and i placed just like something hollow underneath so that way it would catch all of the cork pieces inside of there and it made it easy to cut through it i was excited to find this tool from the dollar tree because i couldn't really use my drill on a material like cork so this was a really handy thing to have for this project and once that centerpiece was removed i then took the light that was now dried and i placed it inside of that hole there now one kind of nice thing was because the fit was very tight i didn't end up having to use any adhesive to kind of connect the cork to the light which was nice and then i just took some 3m tape and placed it on the back and this is how it turned out another project that you guys really loved was the beaded basket pendant light and i have such a love-hate relationship with this project because it took so much time so the first thing you need is a large basket such as this one i found this one at goodwill for 4.99 and it was a really good basket to do this project with actually because it was actually quite deep because a lot of times you'll find baskets that are really shallow so i liked that for that reason and also it was completely woven so i wasn't having to cut through anything extremely difficult to make a hole for the top piece of my pendant light the first thing i did was i took my pendant light that i ordered on amazon i believe and i just traced around the top piece so i knew how much i was going to have to cut back of the basket and to cut back that basket i ended up using nail scissors here but if i were to do it now i would probably use an x-acto knife or maybe even a box cutter because this did actually take quite a bit of time and with the hole removed i'm just placing that pendant light and i just want to make sure that it fit inside there nice and snug and i didn't have to cut any more before i started doing the most time-consuming diy which was to add all of the beadwork around the bottom half of this basket i believe this project ended up taking about four hours to do everything from start to finish so i mean your time is valuable too right so it just kind of depends if you're looking at a light fixture online that you really really love and it's 200 is it worth your time to spend four hours doing it that's totally up to you and your budget and things like that but i'm gonna share with you guys exactly what i did if it is worth it for you so the first thing that i did was i ordered this huge pack of beads on amazon and it comes in about i think five different sizes but i only ended up using the top three biggest sizes and i kind of created my own pattern or sequence that i was really interested in so i used the 14 the 16 and the 20 and then um i kind of carried it back to be smaller so then that way it kind of like flowed nicely and once i finished one sequence um i then put something heavy on the other side so i'm just using like a book end on one side there and then i am going to hot glue the two ends to make sure that the beads stuck in the middle like i wanted them to so then that way they weren't kind of like moving about i wanted it to be a really fixed pattern and the reason that i ended up using thread instead was because i didn't want you to see like yarn or anything super heavy on the basket when i was attaching these bead patterns on there so um it did hold up very well as far as i know i ended up selling it on facebook marketplace actually and i did make quite a nice profit so it was definitely worth it in the end so after i went all the way around the basket doing that pattern i went in between those patterns again doing that same sequence so then that way it just kind of seemed to encase everything really well and there weren't just like u-shapes it was kind of more blended [Music] [Music] my and that is all that i have for you guys today thank you so much for watching if you liked today's video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and hit the subscribe button because i post home decor and diy content on this channel as much as i possibly can and i will see you next sunday for a very exciting collab video bye you
Channel: Fia Garcia DIY
Views: 286,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, DIY IKEA HACKS, IKEA DIY, DIY IKEA HACKS 2020, DIY Room Decor, IKEA Room Decor, IKEA, DIY IKEA 2021, DIY 2021, DIY Marathon, Compilation, 2021 Inspiration, IKEA Home, Do it yourself, Room Decor on a Budget, DIY on a budget, Affordable, Minimal, DIY Furniture, DIY IKEA Furniture, IKEA Hacks 2020, DIY Desk, DIY cabinet, DIY stool, DIY End table, Aesthetic, DIY 2020, IKEA Furniture hacks 2020, diy hacks, 2021 Goals, 2021 Decor, diy lamp, diy thrift flip, thrift flip lamp
Id: ReIpE0YoHMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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