finally fixing *that* ikea lamp

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I've literally never seen that lay before I don't know why I don't recognize it okay I know that there's a lamp there I just it doesn't look like the lamp so this in next DIY is the easiest one of this whole little series we're gonna be making some speakers wow I just wasn't gonna offend some people like everybody that is this lamp hi everyone I use Kelsey hi my name is Becky we are the sorry girls doing all sorts of hand things today why not um today's video is a video that you desperately need in your life probably low key but you didn't know you need it so we're gonna show you how to make things that you already own I love that cuter yeah cuz also like so many people think when they're trying to redo rooms I need to like replace everything no no you don't you probably have so many good things out when we go like to see your rooms makeover were like okay what do they have already mm-hmm like what can we give a new coat of paint that's gonna be cuter buy a new thing yeah exactly so we're gonna show you some hacks to turn things that you own already into better looking things yeah Before we jump into it make sure you guys are subscribed cuz that's what makes us smile alright go ahead okay okay so the first item we're gonna try and make a lot cuter is this over the door hanger a lot of people only is because they're like so no mess no fuss way to put hooks up if you're renting you're in a college dorm maybe you probably have one of these they just go over the door and they hang things but they often just look like this but usually silver or in this case white very basic and just like I don't know not that cute but instead of buying a new ones and honestly I don't even know if there's super cute ones like this anyways we're gonna work with this guy and try and make it a lot cuter so when I was trying to brainstorm ideas of what I wanted to do to this guy I was reminded of this Ames piece which is a furniture designer you've probably heard of them from the Eames chair they make this over the door thing and here's an instant photo of it but to buy this it's roughly $300 which that's a little expensive for over the door hanger so we are gonna try and upcycle the one that we've already got into something that looks like this in soapy so like in the photo the plan is to put wooden knobs onto this eventually but my first step is gonna be trying to remove the existing ones just so that the wooden ones can go on a little bit easier so we went through multiple different techniques and attempts to do this in the easiest way using different saws and pliers and after all that I know exactly how to do it and it's pretty simple all you need to do is use a little hacksaw and just essentially make two indents on either side of the metal ball so it weakens it you don't have to saw through the whole thing because that takes up so much time and then with some heavy-duty pliers all you do is kind of pry it and because it's weakened it should just pop right off pop off go off this alright last one baby whoa yeah okay so now we have something that looks like this and don't worry if these are a little bit sharp because we're going to cover them but before I do that I want to paint this whole black it's a little cold today so I'm hoping this will drive properly but we don't want stripping in our office because fumes those give us a go [Music] so all that paint dries we're gonna move on to the wooden knob so we're gonna add on to the hooks so to do that I picked up these little they're like beads with flat bottoms from the craft store and I got them at two different sizes a big one and a little one and they already have holes but these are not big enough to fit on the bars so I'm gonna use a drill bit to just make the holes a little bit bigger and the trick here is gonna be making all of the holes the same depth so they sit evenly so to do that I'm gonna add a little bit tape sheíll the drill bit so I know when to stop early so all the little knobs now have the holes drilled out and these are the same size as the hooks on the rack so next we're just gonna put them on I'm gonna put a little bit of hot glue in there and then place them on top so this is how it's looking it's so cute I'm just thinking like where can I put this in my house I gotta find a place for it but one thing I will suggest doing before this is actually finished it's going over the wood with a clear coat gloss because if you're using this in the shower or you're putting wet towels on it we don't want the wood to get all gross and wet so that's what is protective but once you've done that this is such an easy upcycle Haag - your basic same basic the basic beep over the door towel holder so hope you enjoyed this line [Music] so this in next DIY making things you already own cute is the easiest one of this whole little series and probably the most affordable out of this whole series so make sure you listen up what we're going to tackle is those not so cute soap containers and plastic hair conditioner containers all that plastic you have in your house that you use pretty much daily and we're gonna make it cute how we do that you ask well we're gonna use some apothecary type bottles here you can get amber glass ones you can get tin ones if you're afraid of glass breaking and say the shower there's also plastic ones that you can get from Muji but they're like reusable plastic so you feel a little bit better about it and you guys might remember that we actually labeled these guys in our kitchen oh gosh this is either in a loft vibes episode I meant to look it up before we started filming but here we are we're filming now is either in Allah fives episode or in maybe some kind of kitchen organization episode but I actually have to even superglue on this embossing label that I've made because the dish soap kept washing off the label but this is how we're gonna solve the problem you get containers like these you can either pour the plastic that you already have into these but better yet when you're moving on and you no longer buy the single use plastic dispensers you can get bulk refillable such as something that looks like this or you could even go to a bulk store that sells like bulk conditioner hand soap dish soap etc it's in a pretty exciting time that we live in where we can go to a grocery type store and refill your everyday usable but once you have your bottles here you're still gonna need to label them so you and any of your guests don't get confused loke in my shower right now I have a bigger bottle and a smaller bottle and that's the only way I know okay I guess also the color shampoo is clear conditioners not clear but anyways I it's a fun guessing game of which is which and as you just get more and more reusable things you're gonna need to label them so to label them we have created a template for you some really cute designs we did three different designs as seen here and you can print them out from our website and there's also six different labels like hand soap and lotion dish soap body wash shampoo conditioner our templates are made for these Avery stickers we tested these to make sure that if they got wet the ink wouldn't run and these are good for LaserJet and inkjet printers his laser adjusting are just those laser laser and inkjet printers which is good because I know we all have different printers so we will link these down below and we got them at our local store but I'm sure we can find them on Amazon for you then you can go ahead and print out one of our labels that you've downloaded from our website and here I have two of the different kinds ones a more romantic script once more cute basic and then our third one is actually a dark label with white writing so it's as simple as that I'm gonna go ahead and put these on the bottles and we just made our ugly plastic into something cute I'm sorry that I don't have the before but it's because we actually don't even own those because we got rid of those a long time ago shout out to Becky for designing these labels and this one's even her own signature so oh my god this would be like the Becky signature line yeah I think these are so adorable and so much more luxe looking and you're gonna fool all your friends into thinking that this is a brand and you don't just refill it from the bulk store you're so sneaky and I love you for that that's all I had to say on to the next one all right so next up on the things you already own that we want to make a lot cuter we're gonna be making some speakers not actually making the stickers from scratch to making a cute AF cover for some speakers so this idea actually spawned from one of you guys I think it was when we were talking about redoing this background and Kelsey found can you even see these walk with me Kelsey found these amazing invented speakers at the thrift store like I live for this great cover on the front the wood like it's so beautiful but maybe this isn't as practical for everyone because it could be hard to thrift another set like this plus they might not even be great to use because I'm sure they're not Bluetooth enabled and all those other fun features we love about speakers today so that brings us to what we're gonna do so I'm sure a speaker like this is not foreign to you guys they're basic they look like modern-day electronics but I don't know if there's cute as we want them to be but buying new ones or cuter ones is also like a super wasteful and not budget-friendly if something you have like this already works so what I'm gonna do is a cover that can fit over any speaker that you already have that might replicate a look of these vintage type speakers so the box we're going to make to fit over this is kind of like a glorified Kleenex box cover in the fact that it's not gonna have a bottom because then that involves like making a door speaker coming in out this is just like an easy thing to place over and cute defy the speakers so we're gonna deal with the front of it last but to start I'm gonna make essentially a three sided box but really it's like two-sided it's gonna be the top the back and the sides we're gonna work on building first and I'm gonna make that out of this wood it's like craft wood you can get in the hardware store and it's quarter inch by five and a half inches wide the quarter inch is what you want to look for but as for like the actual width that's gonna matter based on whatever speaker you have so as you can see this is like big enough to cover the speaker that's what we're going for so I'm going to start by cutting out all the pieces to make the top the back and two sides [Music] car deceivers hunt feel like logo it's like a grot it's like a ball circle so now all the pieces for the top of the back in the sides are cutouts we have them here and it's gonna go together something kind of like this you will like your sad house salad but before we actually assemble those pieces let's talk about what we're gonna do for the front so my first thought was to actually replicate something like our insula speakers here oh we did kind of like a wooden trellis on the front with speaker fabric underneath what I actually just learned is the real thing it's called grill mesh or grill fabric and it's special fabric that allows sound to go through like no problemo and we even found it you can get it in fabric land but then my friends we found this what do they call this aluminum sheet Wow okay this is like a sheet of aluminum that we found in the hardware store and I it's probably used for like great covers or I don't know really anything but this little pattern is so cute it's like painting like woven cane if that was translated into metal it's just so precious so I was thinking can we not just use this for the front of our speaker cover so we brought it back we tested it with the speaker and placing this in front actually really didn't affect the sound quality coming through at all so I think we're gonna try and use this guy just cuz it's so beautiful so before we attach this one thing I want to do is use something wooden trim to make kind of like a picture frame around this so it'll be easy to nail to the rest of the pieces so I'm using this plain wood trim piece and cutting four angled pieces a miter box and a miter saw is a super simple way to cut wood on an angle but just make sure you're cutting it the right way you can angle cut no it needs to be this kind of angled cut not this kind of angle cut I mean I hope me why dontcha good DIY is oval track water so round two baby either cut that way anyways you see there's a difference the angles are kind of on different sides of the wood this is the one we want the goal is to make the wood picture frame be the exact same size as the back piece I cut earlier Yoda is gonna be so freaking cute so now it's time to assemble the frame together as well as all the other pieces I cut earlier with some wood glue a little hack is to use a stapler to hold your wood angles together while the glue dries and then they're super easy to remove after it's completely dried [Music] [Applause] [Music] so once the box in front of the frame or dry I'm gonna stain all the pieces with a dark brown wood stain all right now we're gonna jump back to that metal sheet that I keep wanting to call like a woven Kane metal even though it's not woven it just looks like that we're gonna use this piece now to make the remaining front bit so what you're gonna do is take that picture frame piece we had made and lay it on top and trace out that size and then cut it down you can actually cut this stuff with regular scissors that honestly cuts like butter but the only thing is I'm thinking it's probably gonna dull your scissors a little bit so don't use your favorite pair for this I know you have a favorite pair I have a favorite pair it's like get your knives so you have like a favorite kitchen knife to use [Music] paper prices are still probably don't use those ones for this and then I'm gonna take this piece outside and spray-paint it gold once the gold paint is dry I'm in a hot glue it to the back of the wood frame [Music] then once that is dragon and take this whole completed front piece and use some wood glue to glue it to the remainder of the box that we assembled earlier okay and once that is completely dried this is how the new speaker cover looks this is so much nicer I love how the gold and the wood go together so well so all that's left to do is now place this over are not so acute speakers and have them be super adorable and I also want to show you guys how much the sound quality of the speakers doesn't change that much at all once we have this okay I'm gonna play it just with the speaker as it is [Music] [Music] not bad right [Music] [Music] so for our next DIY something that we all need to make cute is this iconic lamp I swear I had one from Walmart when I was in college this guy's from Ikea I don't know why but is this 15 popular lamp that everybody has wow I just wasn't gonna offend some people like everybody that is this lamp but I think that it doesn't look very unique since a lot of people have it but it's also very affordable so I understand why you purchase the lamp because you're like wow I can buy that lamp it cost me $10 Wow it costs me less than a nice meal so I'm going to absolutely lose so my plan for upcycling this it's not fully fleshed out so you're gonna have to come along with me on this journey but my plan is to basically swap out these shades and maybe add some kind of like intertwined table elements to make the whole thing a little bit revamped and also less random because I feel like this arm is random like I guess like this lights up your broom and this lights up your like a specific area I don't know but we're gonna take to it so I think the first thing to do is to take off these lampshades and see what we're working with so I don't even know how you do that maybe let's take off the label blessed be the light bulb so we actually already picked up a new light bulb which I just want to see it where did it go oh oh oh I don't know if either of these are gonna work no this guy looks too small oh my god we just started this there can't already be a crisis I hate when the light bulbs are not standard like can we just go to the hardware store and get a light bulb for this yeah that's too small no this is regular which is too big it's somewhere between a regular bulb and a baby-boom but meanwhile let's move on to our second light got one oh dusty great okay easy it's already looking better that's saying a lot so what we also got from Ikea we're upcycling is IKEA products with more IKEA products but you could do any kind of lamp shade or something what we need is this cross piece so that we can attach it to our hole here so this could either go like this having this you literally birria see the light bulb so it's gonna go like this which is pretty cool it makes it like tall and substantial [Music] no my problem here is that the little screwy bit won't fit over the top of this and sometimes the lightbulbs can hold everything into place but it looks like that's not the case like yo just like sits on top and then usually this would screw on to like hold everything in place this is too small to fit over this whole thing which means I can't screw this on to hold it tightly in place which is weird because that's usually how IKEA stuff works you don't know what they were thinking but now I need to think of a solution hopefully we have the proper lamp here I think it's like a search for camp anything from hunting don't sketch um hello defuser hello sage defuser they put it inviting they're like what is this okay so this is what I was looking for it's super vintage but it just clips onto the light bulb that'd be so easy but as if I'm gonna put this lampshade on it so I can i hack this okay so this one could kind of go either way and it has the same mechanism the IKEA one did I just don't know if it'll fit over it I don't know what this one this one's brand new it doesn't have the right attachment but maybe this attachment can be used with this attachment like I feel like this is kind of my frontrunner right now so I'm back from my travels and what ended up happening is I picked up this lampshade which I'm only gonna use for it's a little metal Clippy thing inside because this is the only one I can find it looks kind of DIY elbow but honestly this is $2.00 and it's like the right wire so I'm gonna use this and also I picked up this new shade and in combination we're gonna make a new gorgeous lampshade so let's hack these objects together to make a really cute lampshade so I've used some wire cutters to cut off my little light bulb clip off of my small lampshade and then I bent the wires upwards flipped it through the top of my other lampshade and I was able to wrap those wires around the remaining poles and secure them with electrical tape now I know this might look a little bit sketchy right now but I saved a lot of money by not buying one of these things off of Amazon this is like exactly what I needed for the situation but I was able to hack it together and you're not gonna see this because it's like way up there so unless you're like 7 feet tall he won't see it I took like a moment of reflection insert my moment of reflection here [Music] and I decided that this little arm here is going to get a paint job and this is going to be matte black and therefore I hope hope it doesn't look this cheap just because I can replace the light bulb here but this little plastic piece I don't really know how to properly remove and I think that would look weird if the light bulb just like came out of here and it was naked you know so that's what I'm gonna do there so with my lampshade here and some cork that I found in our drawer because that's what we do when we need to be inspired we just look through the drawers I'm going to add a cork detail to this lampshade and it's gonna bring the whole thing together into being so cute so that's what I'm gonna do now I taped up any parts that I didn't want to be painted and took it outside and gave it honestly one coat it was super easy yeah I think that's a one and done once back inside I took all of the paper off and it's now drying and I'm gonna move on to the lampshade now can I get an office pull thanks I get into a quirk accent show you this top edge or bottom edge of quark quark great like a third or like a half thank you office Paul you are dismissed okay so for my lampshade I'm gonna do cork on the bottom third I came over that idea all by myself like India so I am confucian rolling don't ask question just roll with it I don't know why you guys are hating so much like measure once you attempt late once then cut once because the lamp has this curve to it I need to make a template with a curve you can't just cut out something straight so now I'm measuring four inches down from my curved edge I think that will work [Music] yeah see it fits if I were to cut straight it went to fit so now I can use this my cork [Music] but that looks cute we are into this so I can easily clip my lampshade onto the bulb here and I think this looks really chic and then I have my little spray-painted arm here and I think the key is to have it in this position because this is what's gonna work with my next step I think some of the reasons why this lamp looks a little weird is because this arm is like this weird limb this is gonna work really well if I put it in this position and do my next DIY which is this kind of wonky cool tray from Ikea I'm going to actually turn it into a little table and it's gonna be a nesting table that sits nicely with the lamp which means that this little arm is gonna be it's like own table lamp it's gonna be so my first step I think is cutting my legs and for that I picked up some dowels here and what size are you an inch and 1/8 that's how big bear I'm gonna cut them to two feet and I'm going to be using three legs in total so I drilled the hole to the top center of my dowel making sure that it was very straight and I did it so that there was maybe like an inch left of the bolt side showing and then I was just able to screw in the rest of the bolts using some pliers to just turn it it's in there nice and tight and I did this three times and they fit nicely into my little plates here so they go the way go days way rookie mistake I bought small wood screws thinking that I could screw this to the bottom of my tray but spoiler alert it might it might look like it's a thick tray but it dips in so this thickness is not thick enough to screw into so I'm gonna glue these but before I get to that part I have to make this a nesting table because I want it to snug and hug my lamp and to do that I'm actually going to drill a hole in the center that's just a little bit bigger than my lamp pole and then I'm going to take my circle saw and cut two straight lines to meet the edges of that hole which then makes this slit that my lamp can now slide it to the center of my table and then I went ahead and chiseled off the feet that were on the tray just because they're gonna get in the way of me putting on my own feet so I have my legs here with my furniture plate attachment so I'm actually going to be doing three of these I'll do two on either side of the slit and then one at the top I want to put these as close to the edge as possible to make sure that it doesn't get in the way of the base of the lamp and like I said before I'm gonna have to glue these with some good old construction adhesive and some clamps since I can't really screw into this thin ply so I've let this dry it's fully cured now so I can it and I think if I were to do this again I would not cut such a big slit because I feel like that's compromised like this tray a little bit made it a little bit wonky so if yeah if I were to do it again I think I'd make a smaller hole and also not have this slit go in as far all right I'm just gonna use an exacto knife to clean up some of the construction adhesive here and then my next step is to add some corks to the bottom of the table legs just to bring in the whole cork element as well as to finish off these legs in a nice way and the very last thing I did was cut out two little squares of the cork put them sticky side together and then trace out a mug to create a coaster so now my whole thing is complete I have my lamp here I have my table that's gonna nest nicely into it with a matching cork coaster um overall I think this is pretty cute and I think that there's overall I think that this is really cute and I think there's a bunch of different ways that you can customize a lamp base like this this is just one way so let me know do you have this lamp and what would you do to it because I feel like the lamp shade is especially a place where you can get pretty creative [Music] [Music] thanks so much for tuning in to this week's episode if you like this and learn something from it give us a subscribe why am i holding ruler I don't know how much fun did you have in today's video this much fun okay see you next week [Music]
Channel: TheSorryGirls
Views: 745,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, the, sorry, girls, thesorrygirls
Id: PC55U-gosTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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