Top Multiclass Builds for Baldur's Gate 3: Vol. 2

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if you are looking for even more powerful  multi-class combos to try out in Baldur's   Gate 3 or if you want to learn more  about the differences between bg3 and   DND 5e or if you just think casting four  Fireballs with one character in a single   turn sounds fun then I think you're going  to want to watch this video Welcome to D4 thank you hey everybody so here at D4 each week  usually I take a deep dive into just one character   build for our favorite role-playing games most of  the time that means Dungeons and Dragons I liked   etherecraft about them usually I crunch numbers  about them and I stick everything in a spreadsheet   not because I like to tell you the right way  or the best way to play a certain character   but just to explore one potential way to build a  character that's both really fun to play but also   powerful so if you enjoy creating characters for  your favorite role-playing games almost as much   as you enjoy actually playing the game itself  or if you're just looking for tips or ideas on   how to build something that you're thinking about  playing then welcome home this is where you belong   I'm so glad you're here thank you for watching my  name is Colby really quick a lot of you have been   asking if I do a write-up for my Baldur's Gate  3 builds so that you don't have to go back and   re-watch the video or take notes and the answer is  yes I do it's something that I've always done but   it's something that I do for channel members and  I'd really appreciate it if you'd consider joining   there's a little button down there that says join  it's only a couple bucks a month and then you get   access to the library of write-ups that I create  for every single one of my builds it's a great   way to save yourself a little bit of time and also  to support me and the channel huge thank you to my   channel members you guys are fantastic and for  everybody else huge thank you to YouTube just   watching and liking and subscribing and commenting  and clicking the notifications Bell these are all   great ways to support the channel and I'm super  grateful to you for just being here and for doing   those things so thank you and a big welcome to  all of my new viewers and subscribers I hope you   like it here I hope that you'll enjoy going back  through all of my old 140 plus d d builds and   finding ones that you could tweak to make work in  Baldur's Gate and yeah FYI I think for the short   term at least I might try to sprinkle in some bg3  content with my regular DND 5e stuff and maybe   going forward I'll even try to spend like a minute  in the final thoughts of those you know strictly   5e builds to mention how I think you might be able  to take the build and make it work for Baldur's   Gate though that won't be the case for next week's  video which is awesome and super cheeky by the   way but I already recorded it and edited it and  uploaded it to YouTube I'm just waiting to release   it until next week so yes um did my first Baldur's  Gate 3D video a couple of weeks ago check that   there if you haven't seen it um the video did so  well that I feel compelled to do another one but   I'm not just doing this for the views admittedly  sure I'm motivated but I really love this game   it's so much fun and I love the playground  that it gives me the fact that you can not   only multi-class in the game but also respect your  character for a nominal fee and you don't have   to meet minimum ability score requirements for  multi-classing just really opens up the playing   field for some fun and Powerful combinations now  if they just add blade singers so I could make   that blade singer palette and I've always dreamed  of it's the closest thing to play DND that you   can get in a video game especially when you play  with your friends which I'm doing right now for   my first playthrough and for that alone I love it  anyway let's talk about four more fantastic fun   and flavorful multi-class combos for bg3 I wanted  to do five more but the script was getting really   long and I really want to keep this under an hour  I think I go into more detail at later levels on   most of the builds today compared to last time so  I figured four is still a good number one for each   party member right oh but first a word from our  sponsor magic spoon you know what the best part   about having magic spoon as a sponsor is every  time they sponsor a video they send me more cereal   I have a secret to tell you but you have  to promise not to tell anybody I've been   cheating cheating on my other cereals you see  usually I have a couple of low carb days every   week Tuesday and Friday on those days I've been  eating magic spoon cereal because it only has   four to five grams of net carbs per serving which  is really low for cereal and like 13 to 14 grams   of protein per serving which is really high for  a cereal on all of the other days of the week I   usually eat other cereals but lately I've been  cheating on my cheat days I'm sneaking in this   magic spoon on like Wednesdays and Saturdays and  because it tastes so freaking good especially   Maple waffle oh my gosh that's so yummy I can't  keep my wife from eating this one actually she   keeps stealing it and it's making me mad but  the other flavors are just as fantastic in fact   um I have been mixing Maple waffle with cinnamon  roll lately which makes a really good combo but   blueberry muffin cocoa peanut butter fruity  frosted anyways you guys should totally check   them out scan the QR code that's kind of up in  the corner there or just go to D4   I'll put that in the video description of course  um if you do one of those two ways that they'll   know I sent you so I'd appreciate it if you do  that and at checkout use the code D4 and you'll   save five bucks off your order Magic spoon is so  confident in their product that they back it with   a 100 happiness guarantee so if you don't like  it for any reason they will refund your money no   questions asked so you've got nothing to lose try  it for yourself and see how delicious it is Big   thanks to Magic spoon you guys awesome and let's  jump into the builds as soon as I'm done eating   all right build number one today I'm calling this  one the blender so I kind of mentioned this in my   little update to my first bg3 video uh that I  put out at the end of last week where I made   some tweaks to those builds from that first video  right based on the full release of the game but   here's a harsh reality about DND 5e it's difficult  for two weapon fighters to keep up damage wise   with two-handed heavy weapon users and ranged  weapon users and the reason for that is simply   due to the existence of some important Feats for  two-handed heavy weapon users it's the combo of   the great weapon Master feat with the polar Master  feed which would let you add plus 10 to damage on   three attacks every single turn the extra attack  for two bonus action attack for a third right   and for ranged weapon users it's the Sharpshooter  feed combined with the crossbow expert feed which   basically lets you similarly get three attacks  with a hand crossbow on your turn that again you   would add 10 damage to on each now while the pull  arm Master great weapon Master combo is Alive and   Well in Baldur's Gate 3 once they get polar Master  working right that is more on that later very   surprisingly for me the crossbow expert feet got  nerfed into the ground for Baldur's Gate all it   does in bg3 is let you not suffer disadvantage on  ranged attacks if an enemy is too close and then   doubles the duration of gaping wounds if you use  piercing shot for 5e vets this is a big difference   between Baldur's Gate and 5e each weapon if  you're proficient in it gives you additional   things you can do with your weapon attacks in  addition to just attack with them very similar   to one dnd's weapon masteries in bg3 if you're  using a great ax you can potentially cleave for   example or yeah a bow will let you piercing shot  which does damage but then puts a debuff on the   enemy called gaping wounds that says for the next  two rounds attacks against them do an additional   two piercing damage right stuff like that and I  mean with crossbow expert sure making game vaping   wounds last four rounds instead of two is okay  but very few enemies in Baldur's Gate survive your   party Focus firing them for more than a couple  of rounds right so yeah crossbow expert kind of   sucks in Baldur's Gate quick note from the editing  room I hear that you can however dual wield hand   crossbows in bg3 I haven't tried it yet myself  in the game but supposedly yeah this lets you   um still make a bonus action attack with a hand  crossbow you just have to have two of them does   that bonus action attack apply the minus five to  hit plus 10 to damage from Sharpshooter it seems   like it would or at least should so there is still  a great way to be a high damage ranged weapon user   and you should probably anticipate a build around  that from me in the near future all of that said   some of us just really love the fantasy of being  a slicer and dicer right get out of here with your   halberds I want to go into battle with a couple of  short swords or scimiters and just deal Death By   A Thousand Cuts well if that were my goal here's  how I would build it at level one as with my other   bg3 builds vid I'm going to just say pick your  favorite race and background they will all have   some impact on your mechanics and what you can do  sure but generally speaking any of them will work   with these builds so just go ahead and pick your  favorite but as for our starting class however we   are going to go ranger here now when most people  think about Rangers I think they think about being   a ranged character right and probably having an  animal companion with them something like that   well not this Ranger this Ranger is more like  paragorn if Aragorn had two narsals instead   of just one anyways as for our starting ability  scores just make sure that you get a 16 dexterity   a 16 Constitution and a 14 wisdom you might want  to flip that Constitution and wisdom around better   wisdom will let your Ranger spells work a little  bit better as well as improve your wisdom saving   throws and your perception checks and stuff like  that but we're not really here on this build to be   spellcaster we're here to get into the thick  of things in melee and want more hit points   and the better concentration check from that  higher Constitution score I think as for the   equipment that we'd want to use on this character  we're going to go for the best medium armor that   we can get as an aside medium armor with its  plus two cap bonus from dexterity is usually   going to give us a better armor class than light  armor with an unlimited dexterity bonus until we   can cap our dexterity at 20 at which point it's  a wash but of course with light armor you're not   going to suffer disadvantage on stealth checks so  choose accordingly but then we would want to grab   two scimiters or short swords for our weapons  and in case you didn't know any character can   dual wield in this game or use two weapon fighting  the only requirement is that both weapons have the   light property if they do then you can use your  bonus action to make an attack with the weapon in   your you know offhand right alas you do not get to  add your ability score modifier in damage to that   offhand tack not yet but anyways but it's still a  decent little damage increase regardless if you've   got nothing better to do with your bonus action  now we want short swords or scimiters because   they're also finesse weapons and as such that  means we can use our dexterity modifier to hit   and damage instead of strength right now at  level one Rangers first up get favored enemy   this is very different than it is in 5e here it  lets us choose between five favored enemies and   then we get some little bonuses based on what  we choose these basically are going to give us   a proficiency or two and or a spell none of  them are going to have a huge impact on our   damage or our play style so go ahead and pick  your favorite pyf we also get natural Explorer   as a ranger one and again very different than in  5e and again I'll just say pyf here this is going   to either give us a spell a proficiency or like  some damage resistance all will be useful none   will greatly impact what we're doing in combat  at level 2 Rangers get a fighting style and yes   we are going to pick two weapon fighting natural  actually this tells us that now we can add our   dexterity modifier to the damage that we do with  our offhand attack meaning that our bonus action   attack will do just as much damage as our action  attack and that is pretty cool and important for   this build Rangers also get spells at this level  and while there are plenty of decent support and   utility-based options the one I want to focus on  here is Hunter's Mark you cast it on an enemy as a   bonus action it requires your concentration and  thereafter whenever you hit that enemy with a   weapon attack you do an extra D6 of damage you can  transfer it to someone else with a bonus action   when your target dies and blessedly it lasts until  you take a long rest making it super efficient so   yeah it works very similarly to the warlock's hex  spell now yes people often complain that Hunter's   Mark and hex for that matter are actually not a  super great spells because they're always eating   up your bonus action to transfer them right but we  will have something to soften that blow a little   bit very soon because at level 3 we're going to  take Rogue levels many people are going to say   that you'd be crazy for multi-classing out of  a marshall class before level 5 and that very   important extra attack feature right but that  is actually not going to be the case for us I   mean in a world where you can respect whenever you  want I guess it's kind of never the case anyways   but regardless it makes a lot of sense for our  blender of a character here and we'll get into   why in just a minute also though let me say this  yes I would plan on making this character like   the primary scouty lock picky roguish character  in my party with this build and for that reason   you very well may want to start off at level one  as a rogue you get more skill proficiencies that   way and would have that rogus utility right from  the start as well as comparable damage even early   on thanks to sneak attack which we get at Rogue  one this tells us that this tells us that when we   hit an enemy who is either standing next to one of  our allies or that we have advantage against and   we're making an attack with a finale or ranged  weapon which we are then we get to add a D6 of   damage to that enemy once per turn and that scales  with Rogue levels we also get expertise here which   lets us double our proficiency bonus in two skills  that we're proficient in and yeah if I'm acting as   the party's scouty skill monkey I'm going sleight  of hand and to make me better at picking locks and   disarming traps and pickpocketing and perception  to make me better at seeing those traps and hidden   doors and things at level 4 we would be a rogue  two and that means we get cunning action which   tells us that we can use a bonus action to  disengage Dash or hide that's always handy at   level 5 we would be a rogue three and that means  we get our Rogue subclass and we are going to go   with the thief and for those who don't know the  thief is way better in Baldur's K3 than it is in   DND 5e mechanically at least and is arguably the  most powerful Rogue subclass for one reason and   one reason alone and that is because they get fast  hands I will be shocked if larion doesn't Nerf   fast hands in a future patch hopefully not before  this video comes out but for now fast hands simply   gives us an extra bonus action every single round  and yeah at the time of recording this video at   least you can use that bonus action to do pretty  much whatever bonus action you can do including   making another offhand attack if you're too weapon  fighting and that's amazing and it's also why we   care more about getting to Rogue three once we've  got the two weapon fighting style than we do about   getting to Ranger five because with Ranger 5  sure we'd make two attacks with our action and   one with our bonus action so three total but with  Ranger 2 and Rogue three we make two attacks with   our bonus action and one with our action all of  them doing the exact same amount of damage but   with the added benefit of getting an extra 2d6 of  sneak attack once per turn and I think my favorite   thing about the two bonus action thing actually  is that that it makes dealing with Hunter's Mark   feel a lot less painful sure we are sacrificing  an attack either way to transfer it but it just   feels a lot better to me if we have to transfer  Hunter's Mark to transfer it with a bonus action   and still get an offhand attack I still wouldn't  use Hunter's Mark against enemies with really low   hit points who are not likely to live more than  around but I like having the option and the great   thing about the spell lasting all day is that I  can easily choose when to use it without giving   up very much once I've cast it at the beginning  of the day right all right at level six now that   we've got fast hands and some sneak attack damage  it's time to go back to Ranger so we'd be a ranger   3 so that we can get to extra attack among other  things including importantly here our subclass and   you know what we're going with don't you yeah  we're going gloomstalker now gloomstalker is   awesome both thematically paired with a rogue I  think especially is just great and mechanically   though it's admittedly a little bit weaker in  5e which I'm totally fine with for the record   sense in 5e it's arguably overpowered the main  reason it's probably overpowered is for the dread   ambusher feature which we get here this gives us  a lot of great benefits first it increases our   initiative by three next it increases our move  speed on the first round of combat by 3 meters   or 10 feet especially useful for a melee combatant  right finally it lets us take an extra attack on   the first round of combat and that attack deals an  extra deity of damage amazing so now on the first   round of combat we're making four weapon attacks  potentially adding 2d6 to 1 and a d8 to another   or probably better yet casting Hunter's Mark and  making three attacks since getting an extra 3d6   of damage on our turn over three attacks right  with Hunter's Mark will typically outweigh the   D6 plus three that we'd get for a second bonus  action weapon attack right note here that unlike   in 5e this doesn't give you an extra attack  every time time you take the attack action so   in 5e if you took two levels of fighter and had  action surge well you would get that extra glim   stalker attack both times here you just get one  extra attack on the first round of combat the end   still great gloomstalkers also get Superior dark  vision here which lets us see in the dark up to 24   meters away that's a big range in this game and it  would let you take say a human or a Dragonborn and   still enjoy dark vision that's great and then they  also get umbral shroud which is much weaker than   umbral sight that we get in 5e and again  kind of okay with these gloomstalker Nerfs   umbral shroud just lets us use an action to  make ourselves invisible if we are obscured   and it ends early just like with the invisibility  spell if we Attack cast a spell or take damage   so situationally useful at best at level 7 we'd  be a Ranger 4 and that means we finally get our   first feat and we would want to use it to bump our  dexterity no question increasing our damn damage   and all of our roguish utility not to mention  saving throws and initiative roles at level 8   we'd be a ranger 5 and thus we would finally get  extra attack meaning now we would be able to make   four attacks on all of our turns potentially and  up to five on our first round of combat slicing   and dicing we also get second level Ranger spells  here gloomstalkers actually get Misty step for   free which is incredible since it's a very good  teleportation spell that we can use with our bonus   action of which we have to but aside from that  while pass without Trace is good to give your   entire party a plus 10 flat bonus to their stealth  check making it super handy to creep past enemies   who you can't otherwise find a way around as are  lesser restoration and Spike growth I think I'd   plan on keeping my concentration for Hunter's Mark  here most of the time so I'll just say again pyf   then from levels nine on I'd probably just go back  to Rogue personally the rest of the way as I don't   think that the upper level Ranger fee features and  spells are all that great to be honest while more   Rogue levels on the other hand would get us more  sneak attack damage and some nice roguish utility   and defensive abilities alternatively you could  always go a couple levels of fighter to get that   action Surge and that would mean up to seven  weapon attacks on that first round of combat   which is glorious but I probably wouldn't go that  route until I had at least capped my dexterity at   Rogue four personally alright on to build number  two this one we're calling the Gish or the spell   sword okay so DND 5e vets know that when it comes  to overpowered subclasses the hexblade Warlock   is very near the top of the list it's a subclass  that I've used a ton on my DND builds in the past   and every time I build a charisma-based character  who uses weapons the greatest Temptation that I'm   often trying to resist is dipping into hex blade  warlock just like on my video last week right the   Knight of naves the main reason though there are  several is because hex blade warlocks are the only   subclass in the game that lets you make weapon  attacks using not your strength modifier not your   dexterity modifier but your charisma modifier when  I first found out that bg3 was not going to have a   hex blade option I was pretty sad but honestly  partly relieved so I didn't feel compelled to   take a hex blade dip on every Charisma based  character that I played but then a few weeks ago   I was thrilled to discover that larion is doing  us one better they're simply giving all warlocks   the ability to attack with their Charisma modifier  thanks to pact of the blade so yes as opposed to   5e packed with the blade not only lets us make a  weapon our packed weapon and thereby give us some   little perks and open up some invocations to us  but in bg3 pact of the blade just flat out tells   you that you use your charisma modifier to make  attacks with your packed weapon that is so awesome   elegant but simple I love it and for this reason I  think warlocks in bg3 probably make the best Gish   for those who don't know Gish is an old school  d d term derived from the gith Yankee actually   that has come to mean a character who has both  a weapon wielder and a spellcaster a true spell   sword gishes are my favorite kind of character to  play in d d next to monks I suppose and I've built   a ton of them on my channel and sure swords bards  make pretty good gishes and paladins are sort of   gishes by default and even the Eldritch Knight  fighter and Arcane trickster Rogue are kind of   gishy but I think the pact of the blade warlock  is better than any of them and here's how I would   build them at level 1 yes to start out we're going  to take warlock for our class and we're actually   going to be here for quite some time so get comfy  4-Hour starting abilities we're going to want to   go 16 Charisma 16 Constitution and a 14 dexterity  you could go 16 dexterity in 14 Constitution   instead sadly there's no warlock subclass or pact  or envelope location that gives us medium armor   proficiency so you might want to start with a  higher dexterity to get a better armor class   or you could just start with a single level of  Paladin here which I am going to be picking up   later anyways that way you'd have heavy armor and  martial weapon proficiency right from the get-go   but just know that until we have three levels  of warlock we'd be relying on our strength or   dexterity for weapon attacks so your first few  levels will look very different thank goodness   for respecting assuming we started warlock though  yes we just have to be content equipment wise   with the best light armor we can find for now and  then just plan on standing at the back and casting   spells until level three as for what those spells  should be sure I'd go with The Usual Suspects   Eldritch Blast for some decent sustain damage hex  to add even more damage to the Aldritch blast when   we cast it and for our other attacks when we get  those later of course armor of agathis is a good   spell here to consider as well to increase both  our survivability with some temporary hit prints   and even return damage to our enemies when we get  hit warlocks get their subclass right at level one   and we are going to go Arch Faye this is important  for one main reason really but that's not going to   come until much later for now archface simply get  the Fey presence feature which tells us that we   can use our action to make enemies within three  meters of us make a wisdom saving throw or they   are Charmed or frightened our choice until the end  of our next turn not a bad little bit of control   there and I'd usually choose frightened as it  gives enemies disadvantage on their attacks and   ability checks while they can see you they  also can't move as opposed to Charmed which   means that they just can't hurt you and that you  have advantage on Charisma checks against them so   great for out of combat stuff of course at level  two we get Eldritch invocations and I would take   agonizing Blast for now which adds our Charisma  modifier to our Eldritch blast making it a really   potent can trip and then either repelling blast to  keep those enemies pushed away from you when you   hit them without blast or maybe armor of Shadows  assuming we started as a warlock not a paladin   this lets us cast Mage Armor at will and that'll  give us a 13 AC plus our dexterity modifier which   is much better than what we're getting from any  light armor that we've probably got at this level   at level 3 though we get our packed Boon and like  I said we're totally going back to the blade and   it's awesome it lets us bind a weapon that we're  wielding or summon a weapon if we're not wielding   anything and we can choose from a nice list  including a glaive if we haven't found one yet in   game and make it magical most importantly yes we  can use our Charisma modifier for our plus to hit   and damage instead of our strength or dexterity  and this makes us very happy also importantly even   if you don't typically have Proficiency in the  weapon that you're summoning or binding turning a   weapon into our packed weapon gives us proficiency  with that weapon at least that's how it worked   in my own testing we also get second level spells  here and while going the darkness Plus devil sight   invocation is great fun in 5e if Annoying for  everyone else at your table to give you advantage   on attacks against targets and disadvantage on  their attacks against you because they can't see   you and you can see them right well that doesn't  really work in Baldur's Gate in bg3 darkness   imposes the blinded condition so even if you can  see in magical Darkness you still get the blinded   condition when you enter the area of Darkness I  know it's weird what's more you simply cast it   in a static area not potentially on like yourself  or your weapon for example so it doesn't move with   you right so yeah Darkness devil site that's out  but yes there are some other good spell options   here hold person Misty step cloud of daggers  nothing I plan on using in combat necessarily   to replace hex I think so pick your favorite at  level 4 we get our first feat and we are going   to take yes the Polar masterfeet Polar Master is  one of the strongest Feats in the game at least   it is when it's working properly so polar Master  lets us make an opportunity into the attack when   an enemy simply enters our reach not just leaves  it and especially since pole arms have a 10 foot   reach you'll actually trigger this quite often  even better though it lets us make a bonus action   attack with like the butt of our pole arm now this  only does a D4 of damage but like I discussed in   that short last week updating my first bg3 builds  video and actually in a lot of other videos on   this channel I guess in DND with as many ways as  we have to add damage to our attacks the actual   damage die of our weapon is like one of the least  important things for us to care about right now   our attacks are doing plus our Charisma modifier  plus a D6 for hex that adds up to be a lot more   than the weapon die itself whether we're hitting  them with the d10 sharp end or the D4 blunt end   right and when we get great weapon Master later  it gets way better in theory anyway because I   need to note this in my own play testing of this  for some reason when I use polar Master with my   pact of blade Enclave the attack with the sharp  end works great but the pull arm clout that's   what they call the butt attack or butt action  as I affectionately call it oddly was using my   Charisma for the plus to hit but my dexterity for  the plus to damage so lame it also in tests is not   adding rage damage as a barbarian just my strength  modifier I've heard I haven't tested this yet but   that it doesn't add like the great weapon Master  damage if you take the great weapon Master feat   later it does correctly add the damage from hex on  the hit so that's nice but yeah I have to assume   that this is not working as intended and will  be patched but maybe help me be a squeaky wheel   with larion to get that fixed please and thank you  right at level five we get to pick a third Elder   chin vocation and there are lots of great ones to  choose from and I'm not going to say that there   are any that you just have to have here our spell  slots become third level spell slots right now and   there are a lot of great ones to choose from most  of which require our concentration things like   fear hypnotic pattern which are also nice control  based debuffs or counter spell to foil the plans   of enemy casters I'm just going to say go ahead  and pick your favorite most importantly for this   build at this level unique to bg3 warlocks gets  something called deepened pact which essentially   just improves whatever pact you took and for  those of us with pact of the blade that just   means we get extra attack now and again I kind  of love how larian essentially made all warlock   subclasses potentially strong Marshalls with this  one pack it's pretty fantastic at level 6 as a fey   touched warlock we get the Misty Escape feature  and it's pretty nice once per short rest when   we take damage we can become invisible a great way  to help prevent additional damage to us so nice to   use in a pinch what's more on our turn we can then  cast The Misty step spell which lets us teleport   30 feet away as a bonus action though doing so  will break our invisibility or we could simply   make an attack from invisibility which yes will  also break it but at least that attack will be   made with advantage since the enemy can't see us  right at level 7 we get a fourth invocation and   again I'll say pick your favorite lots of good  ones to choose from though I wouldn't plan on   taking any invocation here that gives us a spell  that requires concentration because we also at   this level get fourth level warlock spells and  that means we finally get the thing that was   the main reason we went Arch fate in the first  place because Arch phase uniquely for warlocks   get access to the greater invisibility spell  and it's absolutely the best spell that we'll be   taking here and using our concentration on going  forward so yeah I've said this before but it Bears   repeating often getting advantage on your attacks  is one of the most potent and important things you   can do as a damage dealing class in DND 5e it just  really boosts your average damage especially for   those of us who are using great weapon master or  Sharpshooter like we will be soon and probably the   best and most reliable way to get advantage in the  game in my opinion is through this spell greater   invisibility you turn yourself invisible and  now instead of like normal invisibility you are   invisible for one minute and nothing save losing  concentration will break that invisibility so now   you can Attack cast spells Etc and enjoy advantage  on your attacks and give your enemies disadvantage   on their attacks against you until the spell  ends giving up the extra damage from hex since   it requires concentration too is a little bit of  a bummer but to just always have advantage on all   of your attacks and your enemies disadvantage on  theirs against you is totally worth it plus it   keeps our bonus action free all the time right we  don't have to worry about whether or not we should   be using our bonus action to transfer hex anymore  we can just make that butt action attack every   time but at level 8 though I really want to get to  those promised Paladin levels we've got to stick   with warlock for One More Level to get that feat  especially now that we have reliable Advantage we   want to take yes great weapon Master which will  if we so choose give us a minor S5 to hit but a   plus 10 to damage and that is just going to send  our damage to the moon now don't forget with great   weapon Master we also get to make a bonus action  attack if we crit or get a killing blow on an   enemy which means that you should use that bonus  action attack instead of your butt action attack   if and when it becomes available for a little  more damage d10 instead of a D4 and for a lot more   damage until larion fixes it because it definitely  will add the great weapon Master damage but then   yes at level 9 with our two most important Feats  under our belt and greater invisibility it's time   to go Paladin though yes like I said you might  want to have started out as a paladin for the   armor and weapon proficiency if nothing else to  make those first few levels a little easier at   this level adding Paladin would give us medium  armor proficiency but not heavy unless of course   we just respect and took Paladin as our level  one and then the rest of our levels in warlock   so I probably would do that if I hadn't already  and then we could even lower our decks austerity   if we wanted since heavy armor receives no benefit  to Armor class from our dexterity mod letting us   give ourselves a little more wisdom or strength or  whatever your call now paladins get their oath or   subclass right at level 1 in Baldur's Gate 3 and  I'd say go ahead and pick your favorite no option   will affect our damage all that much and this  might actually be a really great place to try   out that oath breaker you've been wanting to try  you started off as a paladin but then made a pact   with an otherworldly Patron sounds like something  that might cause you to break your oath anyway   um paladins also at Pali one get lay on hands  which is a nice little heel and then Divine   sense to give us advantage on attack rolls against  fiends celestials and Undead but at level 10 we   would be a pally too and this is the true Promised  Land because yes that means we get Paladin spells   first up go ahead and pick your favorite there's  some decent support and utility focused options   especially but of course we will be using those  spouse thoughts for you guessed it Divine Smite   now Divine Smite Burns a spell slot when you use  it though it does an extra 2d8 radiant damage   plus 1 d8 more for each level higher than a first  level spell slot that you use so right now we have   two first level paladin spell slots that reset  on a long rest and two very juicy fourth level   warlock spell slots that reset on a short rest  that would do the maximum amount a Divine Smite   can do 5d8 extra damage on a hit unfortunately yes  we probably want to be using one of those spell   slots to cast greater invisibility on ourselves  each combat to get Advantage but when we need to   we can pack a really big punch here potentially  even smiting on all three of our pull arm attacks   and just to add up the numbers if every attack on  our turn landed and we burned all of our smites   on those attacks we'd be doing a total of 2D 10  plus 1d4 plus 98 plus 36 damage for a whopping   total of 90 damage on average that's wonderful for  levels 11 and 12 on this character I'd probably   stick with Paladin so I could pick up another  subclass feature and get that third feet so I   could at least raise my Charisma to 18 by end game  yeah not having custom lineage or variant human as   racial options in Baldur's Gate 3 is painful all  right on to build number three the non-bear tank   in my last Baldur's Gate 3 video I made what I  called the ultimate tank with the Barbarian right   the moon Druid Wild Heart Barbarian I still  think that build is good though until larion   makes it so that you can do more things while  wild shaped than just the things that the wild   shape form can do things from your other classes  that you might have or your race Etc it's not as   good as it could be but also maybe you want to be  a tank but one who wears heavy armor and a shield   and just stays in humanoid form could we build  that in bg3 I think so but it is a little tricky   again as I talked about last time there aren't a  lot of ways to taunt enemies in this game right   and I think the moon Druid bear form has the best  taunt in game as it's usable every turn and has a   big area of effect to hit multiple enemies who if  they fail their saving throw are yeah just forced   to attack you but yeah I think we could get there  with a character in humanoid form and I think it's   primarily through the combination of fighter and  Paladin so at level one I'd probably start off   this build as a fighter you could certainly start  Paladin there are pros and cons to each but we   get a more frequently usable taunt from fighter  and if the main purpose of this character is to   protect our allies first and foremost and do  damage and heal and things second then yeah   let's start Fighter for our ability scores we'd  go with a 16 strength a 16 Constitution and a 14   dexterity we'll want the strength so that we can  hit reliably the Constitution because yeah we're   trying to get our enemies to attack us so we need  to be super durable that's what tanks do we also   will eventually want a good concentration check  another reason to start fighter actually because   they get Constitution savings about proficiency  Paladin's and then yeah that dexterity is nice   primarily for the initiative bonus on this build I  think but it will also help our armor class in the   early game until we find some solid heavy armor  as for our equipment yeah we're going to want to   try to get the best heavy armor we can find use a  shield and then just equip our favorite d8 weapon   right long sword battle ax Warhammer Etc at level  1 Fighters get a second wind that tells us that   once per short rest we can use a bonus action to  heal ourselves for a d10 plus our fighter level   it's a pretty nice little self-heal to really  help our survivability and because it only costs a   bonus action and resets on a short rest it's super  efficient and will probably be able to use it in   just about every fight we also get a fighting  style and as far as what we should pick I think   the question here is do you care more about being  hard to kill yourself or protecting your allies   more reliably if the former take the defense  fighting style to bump your armor class by one if   the latter take protection to impose disadvantage  on an attack made against your allies now to use   this you have to be within one 1.5 meters of  your ally or five feet right and it costs your   reaction which kind of stinks because you'll be  giving up a tax of opportunity among other things   potentially but it's a pretty decent way to help  keep your allies safe if that's what you're going   for at level two we get action surge of course and  that lets us use two actions instead of one on our   turn once per short rest more actions are always a  good thing though for those of us focused Less on   damage it tends to be slightly less impactful  still nice at level three we get our fighter   subclass and we are going to take Battle Master  as a Battle Master you get three superiority dice   that are d8s think of these like spell slots for  Fighters you spend them to improve your attacks   usually by adding a maneuver to those attacks and  then you get all of these superiority dice back   after a short rest so kind of like warlock  spell slots you get to pick four different   Maneuvers from a nice long list and there are a  lot of good ones that you should consider but the   most important one for us is goating attack I was  worried they weren't going to put this in the game   because it wasn't in Early Access I don't think  anyway but yes this is our first taunt though it's   kind of a soft tone it's not a true taunt like  you might see in other video games or like even   the bear Druid gets it doesn't Force enemies to  attack you but when you hit an enemy with it it   both gives an extra d8 of damage your superiority  die right and it gives the enemy that you hit with   it disadvantage on attacks against anyone other  than you it only lasts for one turn unfortunately   but fortunately yeah you've got three superiority  die that reset on a short rest so you should be   able to use this fairly frequently in a fight  and it ends up being a really nice way to help   keep your allies safe but at level four again if  you're more concerned about doing more damage on   this character stick with fighter if you're more  concerned about increasing your ways to protect   your allies like any good tank is I'd take some  Paladin levels now because at Pali one we get Leon   hands which is a great way to heal your friends  or yourself I guess as well as Divine sense like   we've talked about advantage on attacks against  fiends undeads and some celestials for a couple   of rounds I mean that could help ensure that we  land our goating attack if nothing else if we're   fighting one of those creature types right and  then we also get our subclass and on this build   yeah I think I definitely would go oath of the  Ancients as it has that nice little heel option   feels appropriate on a character built to protect  and defend then at level 5 we would be a paladin 2   and the main reason we wanted to jump into Paladin  so soon is for the Paladin spells that we get here   at this level because while there are a lot of  good options the best one for tanking is going   to be compelled dual this spell is actually a lot  better in Baldur's Gate than it is in 5e here the   spell actually just straight up compels an enemy  to attack you they can't attack anyone else and   there aren't any like if you attack someone else  or if someone attacks them then the spell breaks   wording in here either like in 5e it lasts  three turns and requires concentration and   it only takes a bonus action to cast so good now  now the enemy does get to make a wisdom saving   throw against it and that will be impacted by your  charisma modifier so at this point I think I would   respect probably to go 17 strength 16 Charisma  and 14 Constitution personally I'll explain why   the odd numbered strength score in a minute I'm  assuming we've got some great heavy armor by now   and so you know missing out on that dexterity is  not as big a deal and then yes at Pali 2 we also   get Divine Smite here if we wanted to spend one  of our precious spell slots on damage but yeah   on this build I think I'd really try to save  those spell slots for compelled duel we also   get a fighting style as a paladin 2 which is  great so we get another one and I'd probably   just take whichever one you didn't take last time  between defense or protection at level six there   is really good reason to go back to fighter you'd  get a feat at Fighter 4 and at level 6 which is   unique to Fighters and in a game that only goes  to level 12 and does not have custom lineage or   variant human I almost want to go fighter 6 on  every character but in the end I think we bring   more protection for our teammates from Paladin  so I'm going to stay here for a bit so at Pali   3 we get Divine Health that would make us immune  to disease nice as well as Channel Divinity which   tells us that once per short rest as an oath of  ancients Paladin we can use either Nature's wrath   which lets us use an action to try and restrain  an enemy keeping them from moving and giving our   party advantage on attacks against them as well  as giving the enemy disadvantage on their attacks   this is actually pretty nice both for control  and for the extra damage it could lead to and the   reduction on damage to your allies that it could  lead to it lasts for 10 turns though they do get   to make a strength save against it or we can use  Channel Divinity 4 turn the faithless which is   sort of like the clerics turn Undead except that  it works on Fey and fiends instead right forcing   them to run away from you for three turns if they  fail their wisdom save against it situationally   useful at level 7 we would be a paladin 4 and  that means we finally get our first feet and   this is actually a really tough decision I think  I could see us doing a number of things buffer   Charisma to let us land our compelled duel  more reliably as well as our Channel Divinity   abilities and in a minute to improve our Aura of  protection right increase our constitution for   more hit points and better Constitution saves and  concentration checks maybe taking the tough feat   to just straight up give us two more hit points  per level but my favorite route on this build   at least is actually going to be to go with the  heavy armor Master feat first up this is a half   feet increasing our strength by 1 to 18 and yeah  that means we're going to land our attacks a lot   more reliably and that's important not just for  the damage but to make sure that our goating   attack soft taunt hits right but then this feat  also decreases damage from incoming non-magical   attacks which is most of the damage that you'll be  taking in bg3 by three every attack that might not   seem like a lot but it really adds up especially  if you're effectively getting most of the anime   means on the battlefield to attack you right it's  going to add to your survivability more than you   might think at level 8 we would be a paladin 5  and that means we get extra attack so now we can   potentially goad more enemies on our turn or at  least have more chances to land a goading attack   on the one we're really trying to deter not to  mention the increased damage of course but we   also get second level Paladin spells here which  means sure more castings of compelled duel and   I really really wish that you could upcast this  spell to affect additional targets with a higher   level spell slot I don't know why they don't allow  for that in either DND or bg3 but also I probably   would snag Aid and lesser restoration for a nice  heel and party buff with Aid as well as a cure-all   for Afflicted allies with lesser restoration at  level 9 we would be a paladin 6 and yes this means   the almighty Aura of protection which is just  really really good especially for us concerned   as we are about protecting our allies above all  it simply adds our Charisma modifier fire three   at the moment to all of the saving throws for us  and our allies within 10 feet or three meters and   that will do wonders to Keep Us Alive it will also  make everyone want to stand really close to you   all the time so I hope you're okay with a lack of  personal space at level 10 even though if we went   back to fighter now we'd still be able to get  that extra feat at fighter 6. I feel like we've   got to go at least one more level of Pally because  oath of the Ancients paladins get Aura of warding   which is just such a great tank and protection  buff it also works in a 10 foot radius but gives   you and nearby allies resistance to damage from  all spells so now you have a fantastic way to   mitigate both non-magical damage and spell damage  you are super hard to kill and just a fantastic   protector on the battlefield for the final two  levels then on this character I'd probably just   go palliate and Fighter 4 to grab Feats and yeah  good luck choosing because I want them all I think   I'd honestly probably just take Charisma to 20  right to really get the most out of your Paladin   features but bumping Constitution or strength  or taking the tough feat wouldn't be terrible   choices either alright for the fourth and final  build today we've got my favorite of the day the   Tactical nuke okay so last bg3 video I did an  ultimate Blaster right that was a burst damage   focused long-range single Target spellcaster  who fired out a billion Eldritch blasts in a   turn for big damage right well what if we wanted  to build an area of effect Blaster sure single   Target damage is great and tactically sound but  sometimes you just want to blow up an entire room   full of baddies right right now perhaps the  easiest and simplest solution would be to go   evocation wizard in that case evocation is great  because it lets you sculpt those hard-hitting AOE   damage spells like Fireball so that they don't  hurt your allies letting you more consistently   place the Spells area in a way as to hit as many  enemies as possible without worrying about where   your friends are in relation right and maybe  if you wanted to get really fancy you could   take a couple levels of fighter so you could  Fireball action Surge and then Fireball again   casting two Fireballs in a single round that  would be awesome but what if we could cast   four Fireballs in a single round the crap in What  scenario would we even need to cast four Fireballs   in a single round with one character I don't  know but it sounds freaking awesome doesn't it   so let's do it at level one we are going not  evocation wizard though that would help keep   our allies safer but sorcerer for your starting  abilities make sure you get a 16 Charisma 16   Constitution and a 14 dexterity Charisma is going  to make our spells better Constitution is going to   help us survive and make our concentration checks  and dexterity will improve our Armor class and   initiative among other things now we are going to  take fighter levels eventually on this character   so you might want to start Fighter for that heavy  armor and shield proficiency but I'm just planning   on b-lining to the best Caster stuff on this  character I'm going to try to survive with my   squishiness so as for equipment just take like  the standard stuff we have no armor proficiency   it's not a huge deal try and stand at the back  and stay behind your tanks Sorcerers get their   subclass at level one and I think being the  fireball Maniac that we're going to be here   we've got to go with draconic bloodline we'll be  choosing a dragon type that we are descended from   and we're going to want to take either red gold or  brass to be associated with the core corresponding   fire damage type though that won't actually give  us a ton of benefit until later this is also going   to give us draconic resilience which is nice for  those of us not cheating with a level one Fighter   start it gives us one more hit point per level  and a base Armor class of 13 plus our dexterity   modifier so it's kind of like having Mage Armor  on all the time when we get sorcerer spells here   of course and I'd probably just take the usual  suspects sleep is pretty nice at early levels   anyway for some decent control fire bolt decent  can trip feels on point thematically as well as   burning hands right for a nice early game area  of effect spell Thunder Wave is good for that too   magic Missile for some guaranteed damage ice knife  is a decent little single and multi-target damage   option actually Shield one of the strongest spells  in game for defensive purposes have fun with it   pick your favorites but at level 2 we start to get  sorcery points we get one per sorcerer level they   reset on a long rest and we use them to enhance  our spells in a variety of ways via metamagic   options and we do get to choose two metamagic  options here unlike in DND and I'm just going to   say pick your favorites there's lots of good ones  twin spell is great for single Target spells I'd   probably grab that careful spell can be nice for  our non-evocation wizard Fireball slinging selves   to at least ensure that our allies make their save  against our spells if they happen to be foolishly   standing next to our enemies when we turn them to  Ash but yeah we're more interested in options that   we get at the next level for metamagic because at  level 3 we get more metamagic options to choose   from and yes we want quick and spell this lets  us cast a spell that normally has a casting time   of an action as a bonus action and again in bg3  there is no prohibition like in 5e against casting   a spell with a bonus action and then casting a  non-can trip spell with our action giddy up now   in bg3 quick and spell also costs three sorcery  points so it's not cheap but don't forget that   you can turn sorcery points into spell slots and  spell slots into sorcery points so that will let   us potentially burst more often we also get second  level spells here and not to be boring but again   pyf scorching Ray can be a decent single Target  damage dealer web is a really great control spell   or hold persons even better for humanoids for  single Target anyway pick your favorites at level   4 we get our first feat and we are definitely  going to bump our Charisma to 18 make us making us   more likely to land our spells but level five is  the promised land for us because that means third   level spells and while there are a ton of good  options to consider we want to focus on two first   of course Fireball that quintessential Blaster  spell Fireball erupts in a 20-foot radius Sphere   for 8d6 fire damage to all in the area who fail  their dexterity saving throw against it and still   deals half damage on a successful save it is our  bread and butter as an aside lightning bolt can   also be good in the right situation it does the  same amount of damage but lightning based and in a   line instead of a sphere not bad to keep it in  your pocket depending on how the battlefield lines   up but usually you'll be able to get more baddies  with a fireball as for the second spell that we've   absolutely got to take here it's haste now in  DND haste is one of the best Buffs in the game   it increases your move speed increases your armor  class by two and then gives you one extra action   but you can only use that action to make a single  weapon attack Dash disengage hide or use an object   in bg3 larion just decided what the hell let's  just blow the doors off this thing and yeah they   made one of the best Buffs in the game even better  because here in addition to raising your AC and   move speed it just straight up gives you a second  action a full action every single turn holy crap   it's like having action surge every single round  that's Insanity yes it requires concentration but   it is pretty amazing so now if you wanted to on  round one you could use haste on yourself and then   on round two you could Quicken spell Fireball then  Fireball with your action then Fireball with your   hasted action three Fireballs wait a sec we don't  even have three third level spell slots yet damn   it okay fine but at level six we would and also we  need to stay sorcerer here because I kind of feel   like as this Fireball Maniac we should probably  get that sixth level of draconic bloodline   sorcerer first for more sorcery points and spell  thoughts but second because praconic bloodline now   get some benefits based on their draconic ancestry  right since we went with a Firebase Dragon we'd   now have elemental Affinity resistance and damage  for fire so for resistance we'd actually have to   spend a sorcery point when we cast a fire spell to  gain fire resistance probably not worth it most of   the time honestly but then we also get to add our  Charisma modifier to the damage we deal with fire   spells more importantly and yeah an extra four  damage to all our Firebase spells isn't nothing   especially when it's multiple Fireballs hitting  multiple targets each time that's going to add up   to a lot of extra damage now at level 7 we could  pick up a way to cast a fourth Fireball on our   turn sure but yeah we still need more Bell slots  first or what's the point so we're going to stick   with sorcerer for just one more level here that  means we get fourth level spells and spell slots   and banishment dimension door greater invisibility  polymorph and more are all great but who are we   kidding we're just going to be outcasting Fireball  with that spell slot anyways right but at level   8 you may be perfectly satisfied with your three  Fireballs on the turn itself I probably would be   maybe you'd rather get higher level Spells at this  point and want to just stick with sorcerer that   wouldn't be a bad idea at all or yeah heck maybe  take that two level wizard dip into evocation to   keep your allies safe from your Pyromania also not  a bad idea I like to explore the limits of what's   possible so we are taking fighter levels and sure  at this point feel free to respect so that you're   a fighter first getting you that heavy armor and  shield proficiency if you want it but as a Fighter   1 we'd get second win for the self-heal and then  a fighting style and I'd grab defense there for   the increased Armor class we're not using weapons  but at level 9 we'd be a fighter 2 and that means   action search so yeah once per short rest at least  we've added that fourth Fireball in a single round   beautiful one thing I failed to mention here as a  sorcerer seven yes we do have enough spell slots   to cast four Fireballs in a single round but  we have to keep in mind that the haste spell is   going to cost us another spell slot right of third  level or higher we could still do four Fireballs   in a single round but what we would need to do  is cast haste on round one on ourselves and then   with our bonus action that round convert some  of our sorcery points into a third level spell   slot and then on round two we could go Nova and  do four Fireballs now if the game went to level   13 maybe there will be an expansion we could take  three levels of thief Rogue here and then because   they get those two bonus actions quick and spell  twice on our turn so broken to get a yeah fifth   Fireball but the problem is we don't have the  spell slots for five Fireballs in a single round   unless we went with another level of full space  spellcaster which would only leave us at Rogue 2   by level 12 right so for the last few levels I'd  either just go back to sorcerer for more spell   slots and spells or maybe just go sorcerer to  eight for the feet and you'd want to either bump   Charisma to 20 or take the elemental Affinity feet  I think which you could have actually done last   time choosing fire as the damage type of course  which would let you then ignore fire resistance   on enemies and also make any ones that you roll  on your dice for fire damage count as twos not   a ton more damage but it's a little bump and  of course a big deal if you're running into a   lot of fire resistance but then yeah after  sorcerer 8 sure wizard 2 so that you could   sculpt those Fireballs oh and just in case you  were wondering let's say you were hitting three   enemies with each of those Fireballs on average  and they were all failing their saving throws on   that single round of Nova damage you would do  405 total damage across three enemies [Music]   tactical nuke indeed so much fun on that one  can't wait to try it out myself in game but   that is the video for the week I hope you  guys enjoyed these builds I hope you know   that I love you and how grateful I am for all  that you do for me for this channel I hope you   have a great day and a fantastic week and if you  don't then I hope you hang in there you've got   this but I also hope that you stay safe and that  you're kind and that I see you again really soon   but until then take care bye-bye [Music]   I know you wanna say no no no and it feels much  better in the summer well if it isn't warm where   you're sitting and kitten come on in out of the  cold cause all I know is when I'm a few then I   don't need anything else but I wanted you to  know is care things seem like nothing at all   get things make it better than it was 90s kids  favorite counting Crow song for my money it is   um that song kid things it's actually the ghost  track on uh this desert life their third album   so good it's such fantastic energy  I love it what's all what's up next question favorite Ted lasso character  gotta be Roy right I mean Ted's fantastic   don't get me wrong and for that matter  so is Keely and Rebecca and and Leslie   but yeah I think I think Roy's my fave greatest  show of all time of course if you haven't seen   it please please get yourself a free seven-day  trial to Apple TV and watch that show it is just   so happy as with my other build ads with my old  as with my other bg3 build vid don't say that   well don't say that but at level eight I mean sure  you may be perfectly satisfied with your three bio three biles but also I probably would snag Aid and   lesser restoration for a nice  heel and party debuff with Aid oh and when we get grape and grapen oh you know what I just  put out that updates video to   um to that first bg3 vid what two hours ago let's  see how it's doing you can watch with me live laughs 44 000 views and 600 new subscribers what  the hell it was just a little PSA update it's   probably because it's it's less than 10 minutes  long people people are like a Ballers Gate 3   video that's not an hour yeah I'll watch that and  they probably click on it and they're like oh man   I gotta go watch that other  hour long video anyway stupid
Channel: d4: D&D Deep Dive
Views: 601,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, baldur's gate 3, multi class, character, build, creation, dual wield, two weapon fighting, gish, spell sword, tank, nova, burst, damage, aoe, fireball, ranger, rogue, paladin, warlock, hexblade, pact of the blade, fighter, taunt, goad, sorcerer, thief, gloomstalker, dnd, dungeons & dragons, D&D
Id: 6DBOv0QC-Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 58sec (3598 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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