TOP GUN: Maverick--Best Scenes Explained

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all right that's most of uh Russia's kitchen  Fleet shots fired it smelled like no kidding   the best like Kentucky Fried Chicken ever inside  the cockpit like instantly I do think we should   hold mask briefings in the hangers around  the airplane today it looks a lot cooler You See Me Now do you guys ever do any  negative G stuff like that yeah we did we did   um inverted passes and things  like that I mean you're negative   one to 1.5 depending on you know how  you're pushing to keep keep altitude   um but one thing you know you know you don't  see is you're hanging in the straps you know   pretty hard just at negative one G instead  of be like hey do you see me now and kind of   have a casual conversation I mean it's uh you're  pretty concentrated yep yep some vertical scissors I mean this is somewhat realistic like  if you're doing pure vertical scissors   it's not quite that tight but I mean  it is right pretty cool to you know   when you're in another when you're in  a fight just spiraling down like that   right I mean you know lift Vector on lift Vector  in a in this rolling scissors I think you know   looks uh looks realistic yeah now the talking back  and forth yeah is a little bit and they're not   listening in the bar yeah and then clearly going  below the floor two thousand yeah one thousand well yeah you're not going to  use the actual ground as the   floor right there's no room for Arrow there right but I would say the dog fighting before is more  realistic than this like people always think dog   fighting through Canyons you're you know following  somebody and they hit the brakes fly right by I'd   say that the previous thing where they're in  the vertical scissors is more realistic agreed nine G's that's not bad yeah that's like a  normal day yeah but you know and if this is   a clear difference um with the F-18 seven and a  half G airplane yeah it's like the Strike Eagle   is a pretty you know you know in a fighter  yeah comparison a pretty low G airplane yeah   chest I mean that part is realistic just seeing  the world kind of shrink down like that yeah there   were things I thought they got right same thing  like if you lose enough uh blood you'll pass out   and I think you know from what I've heard  it takes about 30 seconds to regain full   control of situational awareness that  you can recover and it takes about the   same time to crash at the speeds you're fine  have you ever had a Glock situation airborne   no no have you it's yes it's it's extremely  scary it feels like an eternity when you're   talking to somebody and they're not responding  you know so I think this is very uh a little too   low to the ground you know as we've been talking  yeah you're doing everything you can to get the   person to come back you know using their first  name something that we hardly do as a fighter   pilot you're like you know it's my mom or dad  calling me like you know never never hearing   that so and then you come in and debrief uh you  know obviously declaring emergency chasing the   person back uh and then of course they're they're  like I can't believe this happened you know a lot   of times they don't even recall that they had the  g-lock situation yeah so somebody was so you had   a wingman I had a student out so were they it  was a high aspect or uh it was I think it was   uh ACM ride ACM right so you're just keeping the  visual and then all of a sudden they just their   lift Vector starts yeah I mean you're fighting  and then all of a sudden you it's like you   just see them roll out and they're not fighting  anymore there you go okay I know what happened   yeah yeah and the thing about high G and I don't  think we talk about this is it it doesn't it's   not really like a linear you know scenario I  mean it is you know eight cheese tonight but   the difference between like one g to five G's is  like kind of tolerable you know five to seven is   pretty painful seven to nine is like ten times the  the first half of the curve yep so you know that   real you know seven eight nine G arena is really  really hard on the body yeah it gets exponentially   more difficult yeah hey folks before we move  on today's video is sponsored by incogni so   everything I make goes towards the production of  these videos more importantly than that though   it's 2023. we're all getting spam emails and  phone calls even worse if you're like me you   get letters in the mail letting you know that a  company with your information has had a security   breach just think of the Equifax breach from a few  years ago all this data is then compiled by data   Brokers and sold across the internet sometimes  the results in just an inconvenience like the   never-ending phone calls and emails but other  times it's a lot more nefarious think scammers   and hackers incogni automatically reaches out  to these data Brokers and legally forces them   to remove your data if you have credit cards  social media accounts or part of any loyalty   programs you almost certainly have information  out there often there are hundreds of these data   Brokers selling your information instead of having  to contact them all individually to fight them on   your own incogni automatically does that for you  make sure to protect your information the first   hundred people to use the code hazardly will  get 60 off in cognu alright back to the video yeah that's definitely a  thing flying at low altitude maybe a little slow on the climb yeah for reaction  wise but for the move for the you know this is   temporal Distortion right so yeah when something  happens you're all of these things are happening   at once and your brain processes it in three  seconds feels like three minutes right have   you ever lost an engine I never lost an engine I  did have a couple bird strikes uh and I I had a   so the quick thing um we're doing a diamond  360 over uh the uh the water in the Chicago   air and water show and uh felt the thump but  the thing that you hear people always say   how do you know you had you hit a bird  smells like chicken I mean it smelled   like no kidding the best like Kentucky Fried  Chicken ever inside the cockpit like instantly   um and so that's how I knew you  know immediately that I had a bird it was a classic video right there yeah I mean that's pretty realistic for  one of the training range absolutely and then hitting a tot precisely it's a nine and a half years that's a normal nine  and a half yeah that's a that's a normal bfm right   I mean that the bombs impacting  is also pretty realistic for   ones that don't have explosives in it  totally agree yeah I I love that scene I do think we should hold mass proofings in the  hangers around the airplane system it looks a   lot cooler yeah we've tried to shoot videos of  people briefing and it just doesn't come out well clearly a tactical formation right I don't think calf Pilots are allowed to fly in slot I think  that's like honestly wouldn't want to who would   want to totally agree like I don't want my wingman  within a mile of me right go do your own thing I mean this part is actually very realistic very  having uh you know jazzms whatever cruise missiles   coming in to saturate the iads now one thing we're  not talking about is resell tactics I mean this   is something you may want to do all right back  yeah back in the day yeah but I mean you know   how many missions would you send four f-18s and  that's it true wouldn't they see the boat coming   too because they can't get that far away from the  boat without a tanker but let's not stealth vote I mean that that's pretty realistic the  targeting five lasers are having issues   yeah especially with that that type of  maneuvering you know getting wrapped up yeah 9gs here it comes now to me [Music] this is  where it really gets Hollywood yeah clearly flares aren't going to help there  that's right and the number of flares that they   have you know is uh pretty astonishing yeah  it's like an action movie where you just never   changing Clips that's right yeah all these Sam  sites they would have just shot them all down   absolutely I mean they're in such a predictable  flight path in this you know high G then vertical   scenario uh super predictable for those Sams  to to have a good engagement were you ever did   you ever do the uh block 50 yes Mission yeah I  mean I think that's that's what was overlooked   with this movie is finding a way to defeat the  iads and take out the Sam sites that's right   yeah maybe you know try to make it more  about the pilot than about the technology   was was probably a key theme for writing  it this way that's right I mean this is   what we spent most of our mission planning of  finding ways to defeat The Radars and the Sam   sites and so that they can't get uh you  know missile shoot you down that's right   but if you're in game like this  yeah that's gonna happen right all right so this is Maverick's  third ejection ever at least here they come all right that's most of uh  Russia's pitch in Fleet right yeah shots fired now something that's never discussed  is you know Fighter Pods we do say   everything twice say everything  twice break left break left yeah split throttles that I do know is for Real yeah now you know just bringing some tactical deception  in with ground clutter which is decently effective   I guess you know maybe not with the Fitch in  aircraft but right definitely back in the day   yeah yeah they're incredibly low there yeah I  guess I guess if you're in that situation might   as well yeah you've get the rest of your life to  figure this out now we just went to Idol right   but then he doesn't holy be it was the hidden  breaks oh yeah it always works that's right well I'm glad at least the enemy flares worked  against their missiles too just to be fair yeah   I'm glad that uh and this will  even work off that 14 right it's all high aspect pass yeah I mean  that part is pretty realistic right and   going into the training rules thing  like in training you're not going to   have those High aspect passes but in  combat I think you definitely do that also getting outrated like that's probably  realistic yeah but this part isn't where   you're just kind of slowly getting picked off  with the guns I think right we'll be surprised   that you only have like three to five seconds  of gun like it shoots all your bullets pretty   much at once the other thing too is you know  it's a cannon so by definition the projectile   is exploding uh it's not just the no it's not a  hollow point or something like that that's just   going through metal and high explosive incendiary  rounds just takes a few to take down an aircraft   and then the other thing too is from a structural  Integrity thing you know when you're going four or   500 knots like that and you have 50 holes in your  airplane you're probably going to start breaking   apart pretty quickly yeah and then after all that  hey I'll see you on deck I'm out of here good luck   I guess the argument would be that he had  to safely recover so that they could now   crash the effort yeah I guess it's  going to close down the carrier had to do the the pass yes there is honestly  I would probably do the same thing yeah if I   if I was shot down got another aircraft  shut you know how many aircraft did he   shoot down like absolutely he's an ace now he  knows he's not flying ever again this is it   um yeah it would have been great though  if Jon Hamm's character had the cup of   coffee just to for Maverick to  finally get one over on there yeah I think this that part  might have been realistic yeah all right I hope you enjoyed slick and  I having some fun reacting to top gun   Maverick if you did make sure to like the  video share it and then let me know in the   comments what you want to see next also by  the way this video was filmed right before   we went into the centrifuge and pulled 9gs  so if you haven't seen that video yet make   sure to check it out I also want to thank you  for making my book it just debuted a few weeks   ago a Wall Street Journal bestseller and the  number two best-selling Business book in the   country I really appreciate that so thank you  all right stay safe and I'll see you next time
Channel: Hasard Lee
Views: 470,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day in the life, fighter pilot, f-35, f-16, professionals playbook, Justin lee, hasard lee, hasard, pilot, upt, usaf, top gun, f-22, A-10, Usafa, afrotc, pilot life, supt, aviation, flight school, real fighter pilot, upt 2.5, upt next, fighter pilot requirements, how to become a fighter pilot, Usafa requirements, supt 2.5, fighter pilot vision, jsf, joint strike fighter, f-35A, f35, force, fighter pilot day in the life, takeoff, jet takeoff
Id: En4mUyoPk0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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