Can a Fighter Pilot Win vs. A.I. Enemy DOGFIGHT in DCS?

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hey it's Hazard and today we're going to fight an AI adversary in DCs so I spent the majority of my career flying the F-16 So today we're going to see if it lives up to the hype we're going to see it buy skills translate over and how it compares to Flying the real thing before I get started I want to thank Jackson action Singleton for getting these set up with my rig I didn't realize how much of a science project it was so shout out to him all right let's get started so first thing we're going to do is just a free flight so we have a flight lead out in front of me I'm gonna see how close it is to uh the real thing just blind formation then after that we'll get into fighting an adversary all right here we go all right so we got cult two out there so I guess I'm the flight lead um Colt one but I'm flying formation off of him typically we don't fly close formation too often only when we're coming back home into the pattern up initial is when we fly close but still important skill set we'll also fly close when we're doing what's called a battle damage check after pretty much every sortie so we'll go and get started with that nice Mavericks that's kind of a legacy weapon I did get a chance to shoot one of those in a training exercise full up round high explosive uh you can say armored personnel carrier which was pretty awesome all right so you can see got a pilot induced oscillation here it's not quite uh at least what I'm used to flying it's going to take a while I think to get used to the gains but this is kind of a battle damage check so you just want to look underneath the jet make sure there are no pulled panels we're pulling upwards of 9gs hopefully not with all those bombs on board but pulling a lot of G's to make sure there's no leaking fluids things like that and then you want to go over the top right there make sure everything's good to go and after that go back into a close formation position and then he'll do the same thing with on same thing with me so pretty realistic right there you know as much as you can be in the Sim there's a lot of inputs that you get from flying by the seat of your pants so that's what we'll transition into now more of uh what we call HC Advanced handling let's just start off doing something simple doing a loop so for clouds are going to be fine with that so 460 knots that's 0.9 Mach so we're flying just a little bit faster in Airline speeds right now and engage afterburner and then pull up so you can see the AOA bracket on the upper left hand side you want to fly What's called the green donut so I'm pulling a little bit too hard right now there's the green donut I think that's 11 AOA otherwise you're bleeding off too much air speed so what I can notice here is that um I'm gonna have to keep my air speed a lot more in my cross check than I would in actual jet because you don't get that uh you're not feeling the G's you're not feeling the buffet of the Wings your only input is going to be the uh the air speed so that's gonna be a little bit of a challenge when I'm dog fighting what we call bfm but overall pretty pretty realistic amazing graphics I have a head tracker that's uh tracking where my head is so that I can look around see off the wings look at that old school 500 pound Mark 82 bombs there's only one time in my career maybe two times in my career when I flew with them six mark 82s one was in the B course you go and drop all of them on a Target called H.E Hill high explosive Hill and then in Korea there's this small training island called jigdo so me and a flight lead went by the call sign Grizz amazing fighter pilot he we did two pop attacks with six Market eqs each which was pretty awesome to see so overall pretty impressed with this let's uh get to fighting an adversary all right so here we go offensive bfm Mission overview offensive bfm for an F-16 block 50. enemy aircraft is at your 12 o'clock maintain an offensive posture and gain the kill you are intended to start with a clear Advantage experienced players may find it a useful exercise to delay firing and see how long they can maintain the offensive position going up against a su-27 so that's a big old Soviet era fighter good performance big aircraft so I'd say what we call a nice tennis court size Target for us to gun so this first one we'll just kind of see how the adversary reacts will do kind of what it recommends find a useful exercise to delay firing and just kind of analyze how the AI pilot performs all right here we go so tally he's one and a half miles in front of us airspeed's looking pretty good so again we're just going to follow him here we're not actually trying to gun them yet it's like a good reversal nose counter right there flaring all right so looks like he's in Max afterburner this whole time which we could easily kill him right now with a box too but we'll hold off on that we'll try to just kill him with the gun require the lock he's one mile away he has 100 knots advantage on us kind of back to where we started right here so one mile that's way too far for the gun you can see this would be an easy kill with the fox 2. he's flaring those off all right so there we go I'm getting slow it's easy when you're not feeling the actual G's to let that go out of your cross check but I'd say he's he's doing a good job going vertical down a lot of fighter pilots have issues with vertical maneuvering as you're going down right here you're using radial G so gravity is actually helping your turn performance and then when you go uphill getting a little fast look at that little gray out right there so he's doing a good job of getting out of sync with me all right so let's restart this let's actually go for the kill all right so here we go based on what I saw he is not trying to create very much closure but he does a great job of timing his reversal so we'll make sure to keep the power in and see if we can get him with that already going downhill come on do better g-strain you can see his afterburner cooking he's going to go into the clouds oh there we go nice 6 000 feet above the floor let's go down in the clouds obviously you don't want to mulch yourself on the floor yourself all right not bad we got him so let's go move on to a high aspect can setup before we do something like this all right Mission overview High aspect bfm we're an F-16 block 50 again and enemy aircraft is at your 12 o'clock achieve a offensive position and gain the kill as quickly as possible threat again is su-27 and then if we kill that his wingman is going to come in which is going to be a MiG-29 so we'll try to kill him too so what we're doing here before we are starting from a position of Advantage behind the adversary now we're going to go Peak to Peak at about a thousand knots about 1200 miles an hour so let's give this a shot and so I always want to get the power in quickly 350 knots all right the so this is more of a training setup Unwritten rules you don't shoot until you're past three nine so a little fast there look look like you went up over the top right there come on so it's getting a little fast I'm Gonna Keep sight that can be difficult when you're pulling this amount of G I mean it's in the real world that g is crushing I weigh 200 pounds 220 with my gear on that's about two thousand pounds of force on your body fighter pots have a lot of neck and back issues all right so we're doing pretty good right here we're now in a somewhat offensive position key here is to just keep reeling reeling him in 480 knots all right g-lock all right so he's doing a pretty good job of getting out of sync 350. get that power in a little slow all right so same thing here we could easily kill him with a fox tube but let's see if we can kill him just with the gun now unfortunately bfm dog fighting is really only about 10 percent of being a fighter pilot these days but High aspect bfm what we're doing right here is called the uh the sport of Kings it's still important to be able to know how to do and it's it's a lot of fun all right yep there we go he does not get too slow there it's amazing how many flares the su-27 can put out they're almost like bombers a little bit aggressive here ah come on there we go all right so that worked out well it's gonna lock 3 400 feet yeah these guys just do not try to cause much closure come on 2 000 feet that's looking pretty good oh little uh jet wash right there damn it gun Mech isn't on point those are that I've probably jammed the gun in real life but I'm trying to save as much ammo as possible oh there we go nice looks like he's still alive though so it's destroyed all right while we're waiting for the adversary today's sponsor is Masterworks you've lost your engine what's your first move you want to stay calm fly the plane and continue to make good decisions while you try to solve the problem however even with a good game plan you can still find yourself in a bad position low on options that sinking feeling has hit many people this year with what's happening to the economy portfolio's savings and 401ks are dropping now the news may be saying recession but there are always options like one that handed back a 13.9 net return to investors just last month from Masterworks that's right even in 2022 Masterworks last three exits returned 13 17 and 21 net fortunately this isn't crypto or nfts you can read the SEC documentation for all offerings in the description and at Mass Works has over 600 000 users and offerings have sold out in minutes but you can get special access at the link below all right so we're a little bit slow here is a mile away we're in a two Circle fight F-16 is a phenomenal rate fighter it was designed in large part by you might be able to see over my right shoulder John Boyd his vision stripped down hot rod no extra fat it's a lightweight aircraft lots of power as long as I don't bleed off my airspeed although we in the years since the 1970s we put a lot of things on the jet so Boyd probably would be rolling in his grave when I was in Afghanistan there would be times when we would have to tap afterburner while we were on the tanker just because we had so much crap on our wings carrying gb31s 2000 pound bombs carrying agr-20s those things are like trash cans out on the wing but right now two Circle fights doing okay actually he's doing a good job of pointing so let's continue to pull looks like there's a second adversary out there this isn't gonna end well or is that a missile from when he launched before sure I'm getting a little slow all right so he's slowly walking away from me which isn't great we still have altitude so let's use some of that so he's shooting at me this isn't going well see if we can see if we can reverse this and hear the low speed horn because I'm at 160 knots all right so he's shooting missiles so good thing is there's not a training floor here makes a lot easier makes it a lot easier to know where the floor is as opposed to having it constantly cross check your altitude 227 can carry a lot of Ordnance it's reverse they look like reversal cues yeah these guys just don't know how to slow down come on lock them up I don't think I got the tone all right nice all right we killed him perfect let's watch them go in nice all right so there we go that was pretty realistic so I would say overall um you know this is about 75 percent uh flying the real thing now obviously formation flying feeling the G's feeling the buffeting that's not realistic but actually the the principles of bfm and maneuvering in relation to another aircraft that was realistic now we typically don't use simulators like this for formation flying or bfm which is what we were doing today more prepared or ground and long range air-to-air but uh yeah this was a lot of fun now that I have my own rig I'm planning on fighting against some people out there so if you want to fight against me just drop me a line Instagram is probably best or in the comments let me know and we'll set something up but uh yeah this was a lot of fun oh also uh I'm gonna be giving away a flight in a real l-39 so I wrote a book called The Art of clear thinking it's on decision making so you can pre-order it now and uh to throw your hat in the ring to win that flight all you have to do is to pre-order a copy of the book I'll make sure the link is in the description and then when the book comes out we'll announce the winner go and check that out and I'll see you next time
Channel: Hasard Lee
Views: 312,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day in the life, fighter pilot, f-35, f-16, professionals playbook, Justin lee, hasard lee, hasard, pilot, upt, usaf, top gun, f-22, A-10, Usafa, afrotc, pilot life, supt, aviation, flight school, real fighter pilot, upt 2.5, upt next, fighter pilot requirements, supt 2.5, fighter pilot vision, jsf, f-35A, f35, force, fighter pilot day in the life, takeoff, dcs world, dcs, dcs viper, viper pilot, ai vs pilot, dcs sim, dcs real pilot
Id: 1Eu0aAlMMMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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