The £1500 Porsche Challenge | Top Gear | BBC

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back in the summer the producers of Top Gear gave each of us 1500 pounds which was a nice gesture very nice but then they said we each had to go out and spend our money on a Porsche that meant going through a eBay and auctions and so on and buying a proper Porsche for less than 1,500 quid yes and then when we've done it we all had to meet up in the city of London without porches and we'd be set a series of challenges to find out which one of us have got the best deal here's what happened this is Exchange Square in the heart of Europe's biggest financial district it's the spiritual home of hedges stocks futures and of course Porsches they're probably not ones like this it's what I bought though a 23 year old 9 to 4 the Porsche that was designed for everyone I didn't spend 1,500 quid on my 90 for the name spend per gram 750 quid from the Porsche 750 quid on the lights pop up I was feeling pleased until I saw what James had bought you've got a nice bar for in white this little looks all right for like a really big distance what I mean from a distance looks all right person cycling this has got a 2.5 liter 4 cylinder engine it's a proper Porsche developed engine whereas I think your car has an engine from a VW bats is negative on this facing him he got one of those to be honest we won't fact his nibs had been rather more ambitious haha he's got a 9 to 8 only a nine to eight no every man Porsche for me this one has a 4.7 liter v8 or a most timeless classic a proper Porsche Jeremy you got a nine to eight on our budget they need this rather faded ruined ruined exterior he beats up mass of pure arthritis now that have a look at this Oh have you never look at this table young no no these are the water bottles of which are a little bit necessary ah got yet in order to make it kind of big may have overreached yourself of it well I've seen one for more than this advertised as spares can we have an envelope please thank you very much thank you veteran cars can make it from London to Brighton but can you no no absolutely do Oh five points alas for each time you have to open the bonnet on route but throw the bonnet away your grand debut on the seafront to receive your next challenge assuming you make it dark jeremy wide range of warning lights on already we are on the way to Brighton in our porches oh my god I've got steam Jeremy breaking down guys have got a lot of steam coming out of the bonnet the dear Jeremy's car doesn't this be genuinely broken haha its I can't see anything I've had steam from the front water from underneath and now I've got smoke from the back an hour later we were just outside Brighton and guess what's missing from this picture a rendezvous point was the seafront where there was still no sign of Clarkson I think he'll still turn up why don't we have a look at the next challenge yeah work out whether or not he's likely to be in it never challenge man thank you very much thank you okay challenge to its max Porsche time you must use the change from your 1500 pound budget to modify your car and generally improve it reconvene at the top gear base where an independent adjudicator from the Porsche owners club will judge your work a change have you got any change I've got a bit of change yeah very confident Jeremy has got a check I really doubt it and speaking of the devil the past mr. cars been all day but still using more fuel and mining and sitting on there what have you got to say about your car the bullet hasn't been up well there are three shapes there so presumably Jeremy's car made it but let's start by seeing what changes James has made it looks exactly the same this button though it's bathroom okay so the interior was a Homebase bodge job but my secret weapon was the gleaming condition of my engine bay how did you clean it with a man he's just spent his money on a man you think that the Porsche judge man coming down it's just gonna be interested in concourse Ani yeah I'd forgotten it was a Porsche judging he'll be that the old Pringle probably been thinking ahead Ian right probably done that in fact Hammond had given his nine to four sporting credentials it didn't deserve did those with a bit help from an art college friend you see there the golf racing colors let's see what jeremy has achieved with no money blackboard it's Jeremy it's locked you're supposed to put the under seal on the bottom of the car you know there's old Capri the black pump that's what I was going to I thought I'd copy it right only I went over a bit but laughing at each other was not a scientific measure our efforts had to be judged by the chairman of the judges of the famously fastidious Porsche owners Club of Great Britain while the judges retired to do their scoring he dived into the next challenge all your cars have a sporting pedigree each Porsche must set a lap time in the hands of the Stig you will gain a point for every second under 1 minute 35 lose a point for every second over 145 the smoke there James yeah well it was like like the only of two cylinders left so it's gonna be a bit lighter so he did it for three 1:43 that's faster than good all of that effort yes all of those low-profile tires yes slower than his his briefing left it standard it would've been a lot slower on another next challenge is called elevenses each driver must use his porsche to see who can create the longest number 11 skid mark on the track that is 31 feet amazing hi give me the end it is 35 feet he's beaten you the region of China just near Tibet North Face guy you'd let me go or someone write a Avant this is all just rubbish that's not an 11 is it 39 40 41 42 yards the judges would have to decide on Jeremy's Asian number 11 but in the meantime we had our final challenge to think about we hope you enjoyed owning your forces each of us to sell your cars and poets will be awarded for the money you make over the fifteen hundred pounds you originally spent this much this course here we go so after all of that after the in Evans is and his Tibetan squiggle was disqualified no points Arabic this is where we stand with this course James and I separated by just two points on 27 and 29 then there is a bit of a gap he's struggling - 120 - surely everything to play for here really it kind of depends on how much we got when we sold the car so James how much did you sell you 944 for 1,400 pounds the news you lost a hundred pounds that's a hundred points off there so that puts your - 73 - 73 so what about you haven't really not haven't sold it haven't or couldn't bit about a suspect nobody would buy it from you so well the point is I think I'm about to lose 1,500 I sold mine for 1,800 pounds nobody bought that heap of young I sold it espares I got 1200 pounds for like the wings and the doors and that was their bit short so what I've did what I did well you're not gonna believe it okay are you ready for this ready yes and I've sold these already that's what you sold 600 quid look Jackie cards your living room yes you
Channel: Top Gear
Views: 14,989,709
Rating: 4.8772287 out of 5
Keywords: Top Gear, Top, Gear, BBC, Autos, Cars, Vehicles, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May, £1500, Porsche, Challenge, Race, Hot, Auto, Video, Car, Funny, BBC Worldwide, Topgear, Motoring, Jeremy, Clarkson, Richard, Hammond, James, May, The Stig, second hand Porsche
Id: _jPaYnaKVDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 15 2008
Reddit Comments

Hahaha. Pffft you mean noughts and crosses

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Dc1888 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2016 🗫︎ replies

What episode is this from?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zombie_barbarossa 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2016 🗫︎ replies
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