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but last but last we are not reacting to ourselves it's myself Ethan and Harry reacting to Lucky discoveries that made people a lot of money you only lucky discoveries that made you a lot of money friendship with KSI has rendered a lot of GBP some people get rich through hard work and extreme Talent they're like us like the people we're about to meet in this video so jizzle's 240p vid number 10 the wall of coins all Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory the walls are made of candy in this Mountain Pennsylvania the walls were made of money it had been abandoned for 20 years when the children of the couple that had lived there decided to take a friend to go see what was inside within minutes of entering the house they found a small pile of coins on the floor by a wall as they explored further they found a hole in the wall recalling a distant childhood rumor about their parents storing loose chains in the wall they opened up the wall an unbelievable number of coins flowed out an auto full of cash once they counted all the coins it added up to eight thousand five hundred dollars that's not bad at all that's crazy yeah you take coins we take coins every day of the week however because many of the coins were rare collectors items between 1793 and 1857. the real value of their whole oh my God imagine fighting 200 Grand in your wall bro I'm gonna start smashing this gift just in case number nine things dug up in Australia we'll see it may be worth investing in a metal detector and a shovel because you can find some seriously valuable stuff underground down under an anonymous prospector was playing with his metal detector in Ballarat Victoria because of me in it 23 inches of dirt until we saw the unmistakable glint of gold as he dug the Nugget of gold got bigger and bigger found a Giants of them nuggets found a giant nuggets gold looks like that looks like a [ __ ] deformed potato but I would find that and not know what the [ __ ] that is I [ __ ] repel this bone or something this area had been explored many times before this record-breaking nugget would have been missed you've done a few records this is more than welcome bro yes [Laughter] it's found by an Australian Miner called Bobby not Bobby found it under a foot of dirt at the bottom [Laughter] yeah at the bottom of the same mine where he had won it's estimated worth is around 70. I'm sure Bobby enjoyed his retirement after that number eight I needed a good Imperial egg an anonymous man in the Midwest of the US was scraping a modest living by buying metal objects and selling them for scrap for fourteen thousand dollars he purchased a golden orb decorated with gems hoping to make a 500 profit when he sold it on this lump of unwanted metal was actually the third Imperial egg one of the 50 original Russian Faberge eggs only 42 of them were believed to have survived the Bolshevik Revolution and this one was thought to have been destroyed to an art collector for a staggering 33. no oh my God 500 that's worse than JJ when he gave his Red Octobers to the charity shop that is mental that is absolutely yes that's crazy bro what are the 500 profit made 33 M's was he X on that one set 2 357 X my God you take that spare a thought for the guy who sold it to him for fourteen thousand dollars oh pain can you do anything if you've sold so like no right none bro it's not yours you make the transaction boss it's like crypto yeah yeah exactly it's a risk number seven Mo Money no problems this is a story of how greed can cause a large Fortune to turn into a small fortune pretty quickly it's also another story of a wall full of money in 2008 Builder Bob kids was smashing up a bathroom when he found two large medicine chests hidden in a wall he opened his chests and to his surprise they were full of envelopes each one had a 50 bill in it the envelopes were addressed to the done news agency all in all there were 182 thousand dollars in there were initially thrilled but that's where their trouble began Reese offered kits 10 of the money but he wanted 40 and sued her at the estate of the p-dun news agency found out about it and they wanted a piece too eventually a judge split the money between Rhys Kitt and 21 descendants of mister I wish they'd kept their mouths shut now oh they [ __ ] it if all me even and Toby we're out we're out digging for Treasure I find the treasure would you expect me because we're on a mission together to split a bit with you have we traveled to a long very long yeah we traveled a long way to get we carried out it depends what the pre-existing agreement was we forgot to make one like have I helped you up some heels have I given you some water I hope you've been moral supporters I've been royal sport to you as well you could have found yeah yeah well it was fair man I think if I was to find stuff and you wanted it I might make an exception and if you was to I would hope that you would maybe I think I think I don't believe him he's just pulled the left and he's gone 1974 D penny when he died a Denver Mint employee left his son Randy a small coin collection Randy and decided to show it to a professional the expert was impressed and after a bit of research found that this was a 1974 D penny this Penny was made of aluminum as part of a test batch of only 10 coins I always thought that all 10 were destroyed after they were found and they wouldn't work in vending machines but this one still remained it was valued at 250 000 unfortunately for Randy the government got involved so it was actually their property after a legal dispute the red one is now displayed in a museum oh my God that's a scam did you see what I did there take a look at these photos of really amazing discoveries what are they stick around till the end of the video and see if everyone worked oysters or clams or something right rare paintings what's in your attic junk there's always the attic of Norwegian businessman Christian Nikolai mustad or so he thought in 99 goth however artex birds at the time told him they'd actually bought a forgery because it was not signed incensed Christian banished the painting to his attic never to be seen again when Christian died his descendants discovered the painter and found out more about it in 2011 art experts decided that this painting called sunset at Mont major was the real thing oh my god oh my god well not as famous as Van Gogh Martin Johnson heed is renowned in art circles for his flower 1990s an Indiana man was playing masterpiece a board game about art one of the questions in the game showed a picture of a painting that looked remarkably similar to one that was on his wall covering up a hole he could have been there for years and cost next to nothing curious he contacted some art experts it turned out this whole cover was a lost painting by heed and was worth 1.25 million dollars I'll fill it with that number four Action Comics number one Comics are worth peas Action Comics number one was published in 1938 and is the Holy Grail for comic book collectors as it features the debut of Superman only around 100 exist and a top condition copy is worth more than two million dollars like I wish you I could go if I could go back in time I'll just make sure I get everything in pristine condition all my Yu-Gi-Oh cards all my comic books because you're just [ __ ] David Gonzalez from Minnesota bought an old house for ten thousand dollars with a view of renovating it selling it and making a bit of cash while he was smashing down one of the walls he came across a Dusty old comic hidden in the wall insulation Comics number one I actually tore the cupboard during an argument with his wife's Aunt a few days after finding it David put the comic up for auction eventually Landing 175 000 for it it's not a bad profit on a ten thousand dollars I've got some walls to [Laughter] I was a horde not a hammer in 1992 when Peter Watling a farmer in Suffolk England lost his hammer he asked the friend Eric laws who had a metal detector to help him find it wasn't his it was a small silver coin intrigued Eric dug some more he found a gold necklace and enough coins to fill two shopping bags wow archaeologists in after that the Hawks and horde as it became known that doesn't look [ __ ] expensive yeah that looks ridiculous valued at around 15 million dollars containing 15 gold bracelets a silver bust of a woman she's a bit clapped [Laughter] but like the frame so remove the picture to put a new one inside however under the painting was an old document this turned out to be a mint condition copy of the Declaration of Independence from 1776.25 that were made at the time oh wow for 2.4 million dollars same document sold again in 2000 foreign by his purchase he decided to get it looked out by an expert it's turned out Michael had bought a lost 1820 copy of the Declaration commissioned by John Quincy Adams one of only 36 existing copies when he sold it Michael netted just under half a million bucks number one Coke shares garage sales after you hear this story you might want to go more often in 2008 California Man Tony [ __ ] paid five dollars for a box stuffed with random documents when he sorted through the papers he found a stock certificate for 1625 shares in the Palmer Oil Company you can just buy one of those things and then you own the shares I guess so yeah Palm emerged with another company who had merged and merged again until they were bought by the Coca-Cola Company lawyers told him he now had 1.8 million chips left around 130. oh my God Jesus outrageous non-institutional shareholder Cola a Coke obviously was not too pleased they dismissed Tony's demands calling them absurd and called in the lawyers right unfortunately Tony never got to live his dream of right now when he died in 2010 his family carried on the case but were unsuccessful and apparently Tony's share certificate was not the real thing no no they scanned him now back to those vibrant orange organ looking alien Stone creatures what are we thinking these are by the way I'm gonna say they're [ __ ] it makes sense to be some sort of some kind of pearl or some [ __ ] holy pearly fishy clammy and why are they relevant to this video well these are known as piora chileensis a sort of living Rock they're filter feeding sea creatures that live on the rocky coasts of Chile and Peru okay raw or cooked with salad because apparently they're delicious interestingly they're born male before developing female organs which means they can breed with themselves so why are they in this video well if you happen to come across a colony and realize they're more than just simple Beach rocks then you've won a mini are expensive and can reach hundreds of dollars at high end rates too much of it because abnormally High concentration of vanadium which it filters from surrounding seawater and can be harmful to humans if we eat too much of it okay I'll just sell it then oh wow yeah well I'm shot in that right well thanks for that time I feel like I've learned so much today you're welcome anytime thanks for watching guys [Music]
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 1,921,868
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Keywords: Sidemen, Sidemen Reacts, SidemenReacts
Id: _kXibyiV5ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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