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oh I've got a question for you uh fellow side man okay what is 333 divided by three times eighteen divided by two nine nine nine no no it's nine nine nine not nine nine nine nine thank you donkey I've always [Music] a thousand IQ did he not say nine nines okay [Music] [Laughter] these these people have some serious genius level IQ to beat the system at its own game this kid could rob a bank in broad daylight without getting caught because he understands the power of acting casually yeah I like that I write the technology except his friends are gonna call him Spider-Man for the rest of his life so hard yeah I really like that hoverboards should be marketed as gardening tools it's actually genius yeah it is until one of them falls off Moses may have part of the Red Sea but look at this guy who can separate puddles with a leaf blower I mean it's cool who's leaving the house with a leaf blower yeah exactly oh yeah call this peak laziness I call it the ultimate engravement really the controller avoid knowing the one so badly this is quite cool from Circle technology from some aliens this man's a genius for working out how to use a treadmill to get less exercise oh yeah okay I think Jesse Pinkman said it best when he said oh what [Music] if you can remove this gold bar from the box it's yours but there's a catch it requires the hand strength and dexterity toxic trait is whenever I think I could do this yeah definitely not and believe it or not 99 of people fail this guy really doesn't want to get his hands dirty and thanks to this digger he doesn't need to I love it maybe an illegal moving professional cycling but it's definitely a way to hack physics to your advantage science never unpack the milk again when you can pull off this movement they say men can't multitask if this guy can work in exercise nah you know a fact I have it I have it I still have a chair here it's not comfy there'd be like he'd be playing Among Us just swaying left and right yeah yeah I'll see what's good for it's good for those like four hour gaming sessions it's just some kind of movement but yeah yeah some put it in the back and this kid puts it I don't like this this is never underestimated yeah man's abilities it may not be safe but he's probably doing this for years [Music] he's discovered a way to have fun with the kids without lifting a muscle yeah catch salmon in his sleep no one believed him no problem this guy mounted a TV box ride on Mower and got the job done anyway it turns out there's a use for your leaf blower even when there's no lease we've had two Hobbies chopping wood and biking but then he invented this talk about time management wow no no no no that's you know that's a [ __ ] uh Darwin Award waiting to happen like something's gonna go wrong there this guy has the skills to turn a bad situation around and I think it's flipping awesome oh wow wow teamwork and great fashion sense of course chips they've got one IQ yeah for it with teamwork and great fashion sense of course distinguished gentleman Shorty would still be easier to just put like lift it up and put some wheels under it yeah rather than having but that's why they have one iqh yeah yeah great fashion sense I mean traits in these Pringles though gentleman's method of feeding himself chips really in the best way possible I like it no one knows this guy's making sure he never has to buy his girlfriend a present ever again oh when you gotta drop a lot of wood and you're short on time you're too dangerous same swing three times one a minute ago you don't like that this is official this has gotta like this one yeah the Pringles one was yeah it's just because I could see myself hurting myself Simon that's why Pringles I don't see myself three times your head I think you hurt yourself if you want to get this is back again yeah over to an RC car problem solved see I just thought that the the force coming out the leaf blower would negate the power of the the RC no evidently yeah that's one way to get ahead of your competitors wow that's something that this Trick's going straight over there this guy doesn't have the world's best ball skills but he has the perfect skills to be a baller hey baby that green cushion deserves a raise and a promotion for all the hard work it's doing whoever put it there should become this company a kid like there's machines and it would be like a big like sequence of [ __ ] happening like the book could fall over yeah yeah I love that concert it's beyond me we could all do with one of these in our lives oh wow cleaning a building's exterior when you can have a drone do it for you it cleans everything in its path camera is included yeah right pretty cool wow this guy wanted to know exactly how this girl got so lucky who needs luck when you've got magnets oh my God wow did you see the bag one chance oh my God this looks so fun any packages these people had a strategy and it paid off how did he get so many what's that costing you to shop though what five coins modern solutions yeah brick effect with um whatever this thing's called satisfying really good chopping what is the perfect piece you know like when you see bricks on the side of houses not actually the houses made out of brick they just put like a brick like yeah yeah like a little thin brick on the side yeah that's a bit sad this has never been faster it's quite good actually yeah I like that why row your boat gently down the stream when you can pedal with this sucks wow all right that paddling's efforts this guy's the definition of working hard this is cool Gardener with Mad Max again bro we need one people have discovered a win today I've got any noise unless someone calls the costumes why I I think why what just have a party stop being [ __ ] idiot because the noise find somewhere to have the party I can also say this Ethan firstly you can't have the noise secondly there's normally multiple stations people listen to the music they like it's us but you could enjoy it if you had your own Tunes but again would I would I I wouldn't I'd rather not be there there's really quiet music normally when DIY meets maximum efficiency you get the ultimate redneck invention nothing to see here just a guy who turned his car into it you seemed like a drunk person yeah I seem like a short person when you go back to guns hits maximum efficiency you get the ultimate redneck invention nothing you know you're a boss when you discover bait that makes two fish fight over who gets to be Hawaii first time I've ever done yeah next time you need to sand a ceiling just make your own automatic ceiling scene like this guy who's never looked back because he can't with so much dust in his eyes if you ever want to have this seat next to you empty this guy has a trick just be super weird about having company and people will leave you alone awesome wow oh wow plows clear an entire highway right before rush hour with skills like these I hope he's getting a job promotion oh wow oh wow even though electric vehicles are all the race again about this twin turbo wind powered bike powered by four leaf blowers the incredible Mr this is sick by the way problem solving skills for minimum effort so flipping 14 sausages at once is the biggest levels Teamwork Makes the Dream Work especially if the dreams to clean escalator glass in record time oh nice wow mowing the lawn with this it's a glass desperate times call for desperate measures who said a broken arm was a disadvantage the chairs look warm and dirty just grab a big old blowtorch and torch them clean just don't do the same thing he's not crazy it's not just like melting the dirt into it yeah but maybe that I mean it would come off it's melted into the plastic right yeah and let's be honest you sit there and then you you leave it just doesn't matter if it's done in dirty looking people fair enough hang for 100 seconds win a hundred dollars with a solid method in place that's what I like to call the old switcheroo well there's that's not IQ that's yes hold your body weight with one hand for ages yeah yeah fair enough smarter not hard he's definitely wing places nightmare he was today years old when he discovered graders go up and down simple yet effective do they I don't believe it I don't believe that yeah relaxing while those kids play ball yeah smart Dad when you ride this low you don't need to worry about a parking ticket judging by the car so many times he bends for no one because the elements are his friend and the wind is on his side wow synchronized shoveling is a small sport but it's looking for recognition on the world it just looks like a Disney film or something what begins as a dangerous piece of wooden wall art suddenly transforms into the most space-saving oh you have seen this this is this is stack of all time wow when removing the excess snow off your roof becomes oddly satisfying make me hard as well we do think maybe that cat needs to be paid for his work you've got Jorge genius brains this should be the only oh hey genius brain is that his name surely setting this up would take like longer than just because he keeps the doctor that's what I'm saying a short like you just just cut the [ __ ] head like fence surely it'll go ahead and when you peel it with a drill it'll keep everyone else away too soon and with lasso skills like that I think we should call her Ted phantos say goodbye to burnt pizza forever I can't sign that one off sorry about the pizza [Music] I'm sorry but it is I could see you doing that no Harry's more of it he likes burnt toast yeah I just eat that you know what people are good sometimes have what lovely note to end on thank you for watching boys [Applause] you asked we answered you in London with sixty thousand other people not 50. not 30 not 20 but from the small price of eight pounds do not miss the greatest event in YouTube history the Sideburn charity match don't miss the drop sign up now
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 1,276,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sidemen, Sidemen Reacts, SidemenReacts
Id: OQ2xaS1a50M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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