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[Music] all right san leveling day the boys are here we're here we're here oh look at you at the beach are you at the beach yeah yeah let's the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and will not spread [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as you can see we're out of gas so this is six tons of sand and that is roughly four issued so a yard per thousand square feet is what you need for saying leveling anyway that's like the ballpark that you find on the lawn for it's really helpful actually there's a whole section of the lawn form calm that is all abouts and leveling people showing their projects how to do it and all this sort of stuff so it's it's actually awesome you check that out if you're thinking about saying leveling so basically we aerated and we're gonna put the sand out to level everything but also to fill those holes okay and fill those holes to get the sand down into the root system to where the lawn will be perfectly flat and also easier to keep nutrients and water there interesting on the cost of sand it is like ten bucks per ton if you go pick it up you want to get it delivered I got numbers anywhere from 20 well now what you gonna do I got numbers anywhere from like 23 dollars per ton delivered all the way up to $50 per ton so all these people are middlemen they're buying it from the supplier so if you go straight to the source which was like an hour and a half away from me that's we can get for like 10 bucks per ton so we sent a buddy down he was going down there anyway he went down there and drove like an hour and a half but was going down there for another job that he was doing he was gonna pick up saying on the way and he picked up the sand got all six tons in the dump trailer but half way back home we got this picture and he had a blowout on the trailer and also just had to like sit there forever until one of our other buddies go down there and take his big jack and get the trailer with it up so they get the spare tire on they're probably all together it's gonna end up costing me about the same as if I were just kind of delivered because I'm gonna take him out to dinner or something and kind of make up for it plus the cost of the tire head tonight not fun stuff so I think next time cuz this is gonna do my front yard I still have to do all my back yard which is way bigger but about 20 tons so it's gonna take to do the back yard in sweet Oak Hollow so if I get that delivered with the dump truck I was having to up at my driveway and do the little thing instead of trying to hassle with picking it up on our own Stan leveling loving my yar mean it's just mostly not horrible as far as you know being on a level but my yard has a bunch of tiny little dips in it so there's a little like little tiny ridges I think that just how uneven the sod was when they unrolled it and I did a little bit of leveling when we first moved in I put some you know top soil and places and leveled it spot level here and there but this is like the biggest leveling project that I've done front yards about five thousand square feet maybe a little bit less than that but the back so total I meant like sixteen thousand so I guess I've got eleven thousand left to go it's my eleven yards more of staying plus the sweet Oak Hollow is almost a thousand square feet so anyway I've just got a lot more work left to do as far as saying leveling goes and that's that's a big project I think we're gonna have to bring in the heavy machinery for that I want to wait until I can get that dump truck back right up into the field into my backyard dump it there I mean I don't know get like a bunch of people to come help me or something because it's it's a big deal now the the leveling drag that I built will be much easier to use in the backyard so that's that's one thing the front yard was just too small to like really drive around perfectly yeah just basically in circles so that will be an advantage having a bigger space that I'm leveling so I guess pros and cons but it's just gonna be a lot of sand moving not just good to you know couple friends and come out and buy and pizza I don't know I don't know am I gonna find any friends that are gonna help me but anyway yeah I just got another hole leveling project to do so look forward to that I think I'm gonna do that after my French drain I need to put a French drain it all the way around it's pretty dry right now actually and so if we can get that done pretty soon that would be ideal and then I can put sand and level it actually over the area where we dig for the French drain so that would be kind of cool if the timing works out that's all you know scheduling and weather never really works perfectly it'll rain or it'll be too dry or whatever you know exactly when you're going to plan to do it because when you have the weekend to work on stuff the weather has to cooperate just right so we'll see that's that's the plans though pretty soon going to be mowing sweet old hollow down to golfing height that'll be fun getting some tea boxes going so we can start playing on that so then we put down some fertilizer left tool was kind enough to do that for me got the spreader out and spread some fertilizer around on top of the sand and then we turn the sprinklers on and watered like crazy and switched around from all different directions movie sprinkler all over the place in this water a ton over the next few days so hopefully we start to see some results pretty soon no the grass popping up showing the drag would you say you're needing
Channel: The Lawn Tools
Views: 1,382,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: level lawn, level yard, leveling lawns, leveling yards, prevent scalp marks lawn, how to level lawn, diy leveling lawns, lawn is uneven, repair uneven lawn, conner ward lawn, how to level your lawn, connor ward sand, lawn care tips, fixing ugly lawn, ugly lawn, how to fix an ugly lawn, how to revive a lawn, reviving lawn, reel mower, leveling kentuck, sand, level lawn with sand, lawn care, lawn stripes, topdressing, top dressing, lawn top dressing, how to top dress lawn
Id: xhJXn7fz76c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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