Biggest Sand Leveling Mistake Ruined my Lawn!

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so it's not so bad i did 12 yards by myself [Music] we got three and a half yards of sand screened not like my other stuff on the lawn and earned the new lawn and today we're going to be using i got a diy level drag which is kind of basically like a pallet made that out of the scrap wood that i had from the deck we got the leveling tool a landscape break and we got the trusty allet with the brush attachment now the weather is not in our favor the cars are covered in rain right now you can see in the back skies are dark but i think we might be able to get this done before the rain hits i've been wanting to try it out is using this lansi there is absolutely no way that i'm going to do this whole project using this tiny little thing but i just want to see how well it works with sand because you know it spreads out dirt pmos compost and everything so let's give this thing a shot and see how well it spreads it out that's cute but uh i'm gonna put in a wheelbarrow and just throw it all over the place that's why i built that drag all right [Music] here we are 45-50 minutes in and i made a bunch of little piles as opposed to putting like humongous piles on there these will be easier to knock down and kind of work it in i think a little bit better this stuff is extremely heavy it is wet and i highly suggest that you take like a couple days off of work and spread this stuff out and let it dry out because the stuff along the outer edges that were dry were very easy but this is going to be a pain to spread out but it is what it is when uh you know you you work and have a family it's like you gotta work with what you got so all right i'm gonna set you guys down here we're gonna knock all these down [Music] all right we got it all leveled out it took about close to two hours hour and 45 minutes to get this all kind of leveled out uh and knocked down we got the drag over there it's a homemade drag which is almost kind of like a pallet i guess but i used some old wood from the deck project i did back in spring and it is five foot long by foot and a half width and cut out two little areas uh to hold these cement blocks or like patio stones to give some extra weight for when i'm dragging it around got a few eye bolts on there and this thick rope to drag around i only got 1500 square feet so i mean i don't need to you know hook this up to a machine i can just walk around you know with it so let's see how well this thing works [Music] do [Music] is [Music] [Music] well started raining i guess we'll have to wait now until it dries out a little bit because there's no way that using the outlet is on wet sand is gonna be really efficient so we'll pick this up hopefully maybe tomorrow after my throat surgery tomorrow so all right guys sorry all right so we got rained out this is what we got so far it's on there pretty thick kind of makes me nervous so we're gonna have to wait a couple days here let it dry out and then i'm gonna take the outlet to the top of it use a level tool kind of brush it all out but i mean i only got four passes done so let's wait a couple days and it looks okay you know i put down half the amount of sand i had to actually take some sand out it's sitting on the side of the house i only used probably about a yard and a half you know i had to over seed it took a long time for the seat to come in because of the seed shortage don't be fooled there this lawn even though it looks green and kind of thick we're going to chop it down and show you what it really looks like because this was a huge mistake rushing this stuff even though i didn't have time uh it's not worth it you gotta let that sand dry out because that stuff pancaked and it killed a good portion of this lawn so it's not always more is better you know so let's cut this thing i'll show you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah one third rule i don't think so [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there it is guys we are now back down from two inches to me it might have been even three inches down to one inch but uh you know this was a terrible idea putting this sand down the way i did it um i i forced it and forecast is calling for rain the seed was already the sand was already wet and i should have waited but i i couldn't i only had one day off and i had surgery coming up and that was the only time i had and it rained twice on it it pancaked it it dry a little bit up top it stayed wet down on the bottom it was real heavy i couldn't spread it i tried using the outlet and brushing it in i did it for like two weeks for the planet uh some ss9000 it came in late and it grew in and you can see over here it's uh it's lighter you know this is all brand new the xenia's killed all that by overhanging and then throwing sand on top it just uh it wasn't working out and then you can still see here it's thin there and there's a lot of other spots in the lawn that didn't germinate i don't know if it'll pick it up right over there also cool season guys and girls um this is not bermuda you know like bermuda thrives through that grows right through that this is perennial ryegrass you don't want to bury it you know and i couldn't unbury it once i put the sand on there and it rained it was impossible so learn from my mistakes everybody uh it turned out okay you know because we had a warm spell but uh you know hit that thumbs up it really helps out hit the subscribe button or at least consider it and going to gie so comment below if you want to see a certain booth and maybe i'll go live or something like that so all right thanks guys [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Neighbor Dominator
Views: 530,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sand leveling yard, sand leveling, diy drag for lawn, level lawn with sand, level lawn tool, allett electric reel mower, allett battery cylinder mower, allett battery mower, allett brush cartridge, allett brush cassette, lawn tools sand, sand leveling gone wrong, can you mess up leveling with sand, can sand kill your lawn, core aeration, sand leveling your yard, leveling with sand vs soil, leveling with sand
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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