Top Dressing Lawn: The Fastest and Easiest Way?

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have you ever done this before hey everyone my name is sam and i'm an average old lawnut so as i showed you it's that time of year again where the top dress bags go all over the lawn and it's time to spread it i do this a couple of times a year i spread the bags and then start opening them up and roughly spreading out the top dress where i want it and it's always very time consuming and it's always very boring especially if you do it like i do i mean i'm pretty pedantic when it comes to this stuff i want to spread it evenly a thin layer and i don't want and any of the debris that's in the bags that's why i am super excited this year since i got one of these a lensey a compost breader and i'm super excited i mean garden imports sent me this one to try but i've seen tons of videos of people using it and i always always wanted one and for this year i actually thought i would try it out and see if it will save me time and give me better results so my idea is i'm gonna do one section manually like i normally would do it and show you guys how long it takes and normally how i spread top dress and then on another section i will use the same amount of bags but i'll use the lansi and see how much time it actually will save because normally doing my entire lawn manually that would take me a couple of hours so let's do one section manually and one with lansi and compare the results and how long it takes i mean i've never used this thing i've only seen videos of it but i'm super excited to see how it works so i'll try to do it my normal way manually in this area with these three bags and then i'll use the lanzi for these three bags and then we can compare how long this took and how long this took and then compare the results and by the way this is how my lawn looks after a really harsh winter it's all patchy and some areas just won't grow back i need to reseed those i'll start a timer and do these manually the way i normally would do them any year and we'll see how long it takes starting it now [Music] now i normally just take the back of a rake and start spreading it around evenly [Music] alright so i'm done spreading it around and it's right about now i'm starting to think why didn't i do this with just two bags why did i have to use three who knows i could have just used two what i normally would do now is just take the leveling rake and start spreading it and avoid having any kind of areas with too much soil on them because i don't want to cover the grass [Music] uh i'm not in the best of shapes apparently now i would normally go around taking away all this debris i mean there's stones sticks all kinds of debris in there and if you reel more you really don't want all this stuff in the lawn because they will get stuck in the reels and they might damage them i'll just leave it for now i'm still going to use the brush for areas where there's just too much soil so even after the leveling rake is done i still want to use the brush for certain areas [Music] all right i'm done with the manual way of doing it and it took me about 16 minutes 16 20. so this is the way i would normally do it i mean i even cheated now a bit i haven't gone around taking away all the debris three bags roughly 16 minutes and normally i would have about 20 30 bags to go so i mean that takes a while but let's have a look at the results and see how it looks i mean it looks decent especially if you use the brush you don't have too many areas with too much top dress gathering but the part that annoys me the most is this i mean look at this at the end this is all just debris i mean it will decay over time but again if you use a reel mower this is going to get stuck in the reels i really don't like this stuff in the lawn so normally i would kind of do a rough raking and take away not all the debris but i mean as much as i can i would never leave it like this all right so three bags and 16 minutes later this is what i covered the way i do it this might not be the way you do it but this is how i do it and this is not top dressing for the purpose of leveling or anything like that this is mostly just to add some nutrients and some new life into the soil so i do this a couple of times a year so now it's time to use the lansi and this is the 24 inch there is a bigger one but i mean if you have a lawn as big as mine roughly around 2 000 square feet or smaller i don't think you need the bigger one but if you have a big lawn i would recommend you to get the bigger one but this is perfect for a mid-sized lawn like mine and there's no assembly needed it just comes like this you open that latches the handle is inside the unit just take it out take off the protective covers and then you just put the handle on like this and you're good to go there's nothing more to it i've been wanting to buy one of these forever since the first time i saw it i think ryan or use it i've been wanting to try one of these and i'm super thankful that garden imports sent me one don't tell them but i would have probably gotten one anyways this year alright so let's use the lanzi for these three bags and then we can compare the results and see how long this took i'll restart the timer i'll start now and let's see how long it takes all right so these bags are roughly 40 liters so i think i might be able to get two of these in alright it's not quite both the bags i mean you could probably just force it in there but i mean there's no need so i think right now it's about 70 liters then we're good to go [Music] now you might be wondering why isn't he just moving this further away that's just because i'm stupid [Music] so that took me about nine minutes now let's just compare the results and see how it looks so it's not exactly half the time but almost half the time spent all right so this is the area i did manually the way i would normally do it and this is with the lansi i mean it covers almost twice the area of this with the same amount of bags and this is kind of how i want it i mean top dressing for this purpose is about getting a thin nice layer without debris on the lawn just to add some nutrients and life to the soil i actually ran out of space here so i had to go all the way over here the top dress you have lasts quite a bit longer so you won't need to use as many bags as you normally would now you might argue that i didn't do this properly or anything like that but i mean this is how i normally would do it exactly like this and this is how far three bags of top dress reached for me almost half the time cover twice the area now if you would want to add some more top dress i mean you just do a double pass and the best thing is i don't need to brush this in it's such a nice thin layer i don't need to do anything with it i'm done all right so this is what i ended up with in the lansi so this is all the debris that is left i mean look at this since this is three bags just the same as i used over here so i mean all this is in the lawn right now where i did it the way i normally would and i mean i don't want this in the lawn now you might say this will decay so it's fine doesn't matter and i mean that's true enough but i mean i don't want these hard things getting stuck in the reels of the reel mower i mean that's why i have to do backlapping all the time i get stones and sticks getting stuck in the reels kind of damaging it and if if there were any negative thing i would say about this thing is the handle the handle works good for me but i mean if i were a little bit taller i would maybe want the handle to be longer or if you're shorter maybe you want the handle to be shorter and exactly the same deal as the gardena manual reel mower i mean if you're doing a handle like this why not make it adjustable i i just don't get it i don't know maybe it's hard to kind of build that i have no idea but that's the one thing i would say i would have wished that you could make the handle longer or shorter that's the only thing other than that i mean this is exactly what i thought it would be since i've seen all the reviews on youtube other people using it i can't imagine it to be this good but i'm pretty excited that i've tried it out for myself now and actually confirmed that it is all the things people say it is i am definitely going to use this as much as i possibly can because it does make top dressing so much easier especially if you do any kind of over seeding every year you want to have a nice layer of topdress or soil on top of the seeds i mean this will make it so much easier is the lansing worth it there's no denying that the lanza is pricey but i mean for me at least it's the same deal as with the gardena leaf and grass collector that one is also kind of pricey the things i spend money on when it comes to lawn care equipment it's mostly about saving time for me i mean i have a normal nine-to-five job like anyone else so during the weeks coming home and having spent two three hours on getting top dress out i mean i'm just not doing it i'm i'm exhausted by then so that leaves the weekends don't get me wrong i love lawn care but i don't want to dedicate my life to it i mean there is other stuff i want to do during the weekends i just don't want to get stuck in the lawn for a couple of hours every time i want to get top dressed out and normally when it comes to top dress i usually push things for a couple of weekends because i just know how long it will take i always end up putting top dress out maybe a week or two later than i had originally planned so for me it's all about time i mean what is your time worth and i mean for me the bonus is that i'm getting a far better result with it as well that's just an added bonus for me primarily i would get this thing just to save time because i mean i value my time more than anything else so even though it is pricey i would still get one maybe you want to share it with your neighbors get one together and then you can use it both and share the cost i mean usually that's how i decide which equipment to get or not to get it has to save me time it has to give me better results i mean not always some things you buy just because they look cool or just because you want them but primarily it's for saving time and better results and this does both so i'll put a link in the description below for one of these as i said buy one with your neighbors or something like that and share it and that's it for today i hope you enjoyed the video and found some value in it and i'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Sam's Lawn
Views: 14,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: compost on lawn, fastest top dressing, golf course lawn, how to top dress a lawn, how to top dress lawn with sand, how to top dress your lawn, how to topdress a lawn, landzie, landzie compost & peat moss spreader, lawn care, lawn care tips, lawn overseed, lawn renovation uk, lawn top dressing, peat moss, reel mower, spring lawn care, spring lawn care uk, top dressing, top dressing lawn, top dressing lawn uk, top dressing with compost, top dressing your lawn, topdressing
Id: aOSk85tKio0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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