Top 6 Best & Worst Type Pairings in Pokémon

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[Music] what's going on imperials it's emperor cubone here we all love pokemon types and i certainly love the intricacies of what happens when you combine different types together and while we haven't seen all combinations just yet we have seen a great many type pairings represented in pokemon however something to consider is that certain types together yield better or worse outcomes based on their natural strengths and weaknesses so let's see which dual typed pokemon out there got the short end of the stick and which ones were dealt the best hand of cards now we did do this before but those were only with unique typings in that only one pokemon line had them so for the literal hundreds of comments asking why not this person it's probably because there was more than one of them and they'll end up here but we won't be doing any repeats from that list and it is worth noting that we will only be discussing types that have been officially done within the franchise so here are the top six best and worst type pairings in pokemon number six worst ice and flying yeah it's probably no surprise that we're already seeing ice but let's see what this thing is all about ice and flying results in weaknesses to fire electric steel and a quad weakness to rock and it resists grass bug and is immune to ground that's it i guess it's not bad all things considered with most types reacting in a neutral manner however if you ask me grass and bug are not exactly the most impressive resistances to boast ground immunity is good but losing half health on stealth rocks always gives pause especially when even a rock throw from the weakest of dwibbles will take it out electric and fire are also some powerful special types to watch out for and offensively it's not much of a better story since they don't really cover much with stab moves outside of ground flying bug fighting and they overlap with grass so you can really kill grass if anyone's stupid enough to use it against you but you can't even reliably take on fighting types since they usually have decent rock coverage as well and the fact is when you look at the actual ice and flying types we have you've got delivered with its horrible move pool of present and its kind of mood anyway but there's also articuno that drastically raises the potential which is why it's here at the bottom of the list but the only reason articuno even has a chance is because it's a legendary and otherwise the easily exploitable frailties of the ice and flying type would hinder it to the point of uselessness number 6 best dragon and steel look just to start off we have to acknowledge that steel is an incredible type defensively speaking at least so this is not the only time that we'll be seeing it and dragon itself has been called an overpowered type in the past to the point where they invented a counter so paired together these types resist water rock bug steel electric flying normal psychic quad resist grass and is immune to poison that is great but its only weaknesses are fighting and ground and the good news is that dragon actually helps steel become neutral to fire and the steel makes it so that dragon is no longer weak to fairy ice or dragon itself offensively isn't quite as impressive as it only hits dragon ice fairy and rock with stab moves which is okay but still leaves most targets with the game of simply spamming your strongest move and hoping for a crit but i think that's a game that they could win even with common susceptibilities to ground in fighting having five times as many resistances will allow you to sit on the field for quite a while especially considering the only pokemon we have that possess this typing and you know interestingly the type pairing of steel and flying also share the same numbers of 2 and 10 with some of the types shifted in the results of course but i think the offenses there are even less valuable which is why it doesn't get in its own spot on the list but looking in both categories we can see that these are some pretty consistently solid pokemon and even legendaries so it may be irritating that it's usually hard to get these typings but that decision was likely intentional number 5 worst bug and flying if you were to look back at the earliest pokemon gins you might see some patterns start to develop like water and ice normal in flying grass and poison really common types to be put together but another that we've seen time and again is bog and flying and while having these types together does make sense it's just not good bug and flying resists bug and also quad resists grass and fighting and is immune to ground so that is pretty good but on the other side it's weak to electric ice fire flying and quad week to rock just like last time and with an average defense for this typing maybe being around the mid 60s rock is once again the downfall here bug is already considered a weak type but adding flying really does nothing for it other than resisting itself and adds more weaknesses granted flying is probably the better offensive option but the heaviest hitting moves like brave bird and sky attack aren't even on the table with precious few even getting hurricane there are some pokemon that squeak out over these downsides to be fairly useful but the fact that this type pairing represents some of the weakest fully evolved pokemon you can imagine and that they've been avoiding the creation of any more in recent generations tells me they've caught on and aren't going to try and push this typing anymore number 5 best dark and ghost commonly when the question comes up about the best typings ghost and dark come up the most with the biggest point being it has no weaknesses well these people are either ignorant or stuck in the past because for years now dark and ghost has been weak to ferry in fact i'm convinced that the reason fairy and ghost are neutral towards each other is specifically so this type combination would have a weakness so only having one weakness is phenomenal for any pokemon and this combination also resists poison and then rolls up with three immunities to fighting normal and psychic so that is all very impressive and the current pokemon that have this typing can use it fairly well and not just because having fairy as your kryptonite is outweighed by three times as many immunities but that doesn't hurt spirit tune was probably the most common pokemon brought up in the unique typings video even though sableye was here first but the reason this pairing isn't higher is because there's a lot of big neutral hits that can eat away at it but more important is the offensive end see for some reason dark and ghost overlap hundred percent in the types they hit super effectively the only types under ghost are psychic and ghost itself and those are the only ones that dark can take down as well there are some differences in resisting the types but honestly as useful as it is for defense ghost is just redundant and used to attacks when you already have dark but as we mentioned before if you can just sit there on the field longer than your opponent you'll likely win and having only one standard weakness all but ensures that will be the case number four worst dark and ice so we just saw the good side of the dark type combo what's the flip side to that well ice only resists itself so not a lot to add to dark's resistant ghost itself and being immune to psychic that leaves the other side to be hammered by fire steel bug fairy rock and quad week to fighting that's right that is a grand total of nothing cancelling out all prior weaknesses are present and accounted for that's not great and of course having a quad weakness alone isn't a death sentence but on top of five other types it makes you all the more fragile now the bright side of the story is that offensively ice and dark isn't all that bad with decent stab moves that provide coverage against a lot of pokemon and perhaps even better the only pokemon we've seen with this combination are highly offensively capable but if you think about it that's probably on purpose as well since a speedy glass cannon is about the only way this specific type pairing would be useful it's not like you're going to try and make a defensive wall with it after all so hopefully sneasel and weavile may remain the only dark and ice type pokemon since as powerful as you might make them if a single mock punch can knock you out cold well colder then that's going to ruin your day number four best electric and steel this type pairing is one that i've taken for granted over the years since it's been around for so long ever since steel was a thing they went back and made sure that magnemite was properly represented and it remained one of the very few electric type combinations for generations so it did stand out all the more against the sea of pure electric pokemon but let's look at what the type pairing creates electric and steel together leaves weaknesses to fire fighting and a four times weakness to ground however this combination resists dragons psychic grass normal electric ice flying bug fairy steel rock and is immune to poison so yes while steel and electric may have multiple vulnerabilities it has four times as many strengths that only leaves three types to hit the thing neutrally one of which it can obliterate since offensively these two cover water flying ice rock and very super effectively with their stab moves right now the only pokemon with this typing as we said are the magnemite line and token maru so while the magnet family do not naturally float as far as mechanics go anyway they can use magnet rise to avoid its quad weakness don't ask me how it makes sense but the little spike ball can also magnet rise too so game on after all any typing that resists two-thirds of the game has got to be taken seriously even if it were weak to all of the rest of the types but that's not even the case here so electric and steel might be somewhat underrated as a tight pairing since it doesn't usually come up but if you're not prepared or you don't have a ground type move you'll probably struggle to take it down number three worst grass and psychic honestly it's kind of surprising we haven't seen the grass type yet but it was inevitable that it would show up at some point so when put together with psychic which we've already seen these types resist water psychic electric grass ground and fighting we've seen worse but the problem is with fire flying ice poison dark ghost and quad weakness to bug none of the weaknesses cancel out all of the many weaknesses of the grass type still remain only added more on top offensively isn't super great either while grass does hit the common types of water ground and rock it's resisted by seven other types and psychic only has power over fighting and poison but this combination is still weak to poison so that's up to you whether you risk that speed war however if we look at the pokemon that are actually grass and psychic type we see that it's only the execute line and celebi so if you can get a hold of a mythical time travel sprite you'll do okay but otherwise you'll usually be stuck with a slow coconut tree and get hammered by all of its many downsides and it's pretty telling that the last grass psychic type was in gen 2 and the more recent generations have been more focused on outnumbering it with the likes of dark or ghost combinations instead so that they can put the previous mistakes out of their misery what's that oh yeah i guess calorics is this typing too ah that's such a shame caloric seemed cool number three best bug and steal what happens when you put one of the weakest types with one of the strongest well it gets dragged up to a much higher level whether they like it or not never really paying attention to what bug might resist when i was younger i wasn't sure how a bug and steel type wasn't still weak to ground or fighting but bug resists them both this leaves the pairing with resistances to normal fairy ice dragon psychic bug steel quad resist grass and is immune to poison with only one solitary weakness to fire now this is a quad weakness to fire so many teams will pack coverage just to try and take down the strong but also not uncommon pokemon they might face even a moderately strong hidden power fire could knock one of these metallic insects to the ground but still if that's the only thing you have to worry about that's not so bad it's just always impressive when types can complement each other so perfectly that they cancel out almost everything so i will gladly take a single glaring weakness that's easily predictable and even with ok stab coverage pokemon with this mixture can usually survive long enough to put in some serious work for your team especially if it's an ancient cyborg with a cannon number two worst grass and bug we've seen grass we've seen bug put them together and they're worse than ever there are really no upsides here i mean okay there are resistances to water electric fighting and quad resistances to ground and grass itself but all that is well in the shadow of being weak to ice poison rock bug and being quad weak to fire and flying there are some other pokemon typings that can have multiple quad weaknesses but at least those generally have better stats and largely have more useful offensive coverage capabilities again this is another combination that does make sense whenever it's used but the fact that they keep making pokemon of this particular pairing seems almost cruel i've spoken before about using a parasect and it letting me down because even though it had tricks like spore to make it useful for gimmicks like shiny hunting and the like it just couldn't last especially if it had dry skin which means that it's times for weakness to fire was even worse i did use a levanny once and that was pretty good but honestly i forget that wormadam even exists most of the time so as the british might say swings and roundabouts which basically means grass and bug both having been worst before somehow managed to bring out the worst in each other number two best fairy and steel in all honesty i often forget about this typing and how good it actually is fairy and steel were both added to the franchise later but slapping them together is better than most gen 1 pokemon could ever hope for this pairing makes weaknesses to fire and ground and resistances to normal ice fairy grass flying dark rock psychic a quad resistance to bug and immunities to poison and dragon that's nearly six times as many strengths as weaknesses not to mention it's the worst nightmare for multiple toxic dragon types we've seen a lot of weaknesses to ground and fire already largely because the steel type seems to have a serious advantage at least in sitting around for longer than your opponent and a recurring argument i hear is that these are fairly common types that will often be used against you but canceling out three other weaknesses these types usually have is a pretty good consolation and when you look at all of the other resistances it gets an answer and the decent enough offensive spread not to mention the fact that you've got a highly sought after mega evolution a master of stall tactics and a couple of legendaries all under this typing and you start to see just how versatile and scary barry and steel can actually be number one worst psychic and ice once again ice and psychic have both appeared on the worst list already so maybe it was inevitable but let's see what they've got ice and psychic is weak to fire ghost dark steel rock and bug and it resists psychic and ice huh apparently the only thing a jinx can stand up against is another jinx and as much as i am all for the same pokemon fights whenever the opportunity comes when that's your best chance at survival it is not good the jinx line was the only one with this combination for decades which is a bit odd because it seems like the concept could be expounded upon believably in other designs but instead they slap it on a mr mime for a new form and then his new charlie chaplin evolution but i guess they didn't want to curse any better pokemon with such a disadvantaged typing that it has six weaknesses and only resists itself i could sit here and rag on jinx and mr mime all day and believe me i have but i think most importantly is that i never realized how bad psychic was on resistances only having one canceled out fighting buff besides itself only slightly less worse than the frail ice type even though ice is pretty good for offenses psychic hits very little super effectively which just leaves this tight pairing to flounder and have no way to stand up to anything besides itself so we can only hope that they get wise and never use this typing again number one best water and ground [Music] this one might be considered a bit controversial but to me it seems inevitable that these two would take the top spot straight up front water and ground leads to resisting fire poison rock steel and an immunity to electric far from the most impressive list that we've seen today but on the other side we have one times four weakness to grass again we've already seen a single quad weakness on pokemon with more resistances so why should this combination get the crown well as we've said ground is a massively destructive force offensively despite having numerous immunities against it it is still tied for the most types hit super effectively including a bunch of these other typings to appear on the list and water is scarcely resisted offensively as well leaving once again only the grass type that resists them both however i have never once seen a water type worth their shoal salt that couldn't learn ice beam or any number of other coverage moves that could exploit the numerous weaknesses of the grass type so really if you're going to have a single crippling achilles heel you would want it to be a type that has as many flaws as possible water and ground also reign supreme to me because they are far more common than most of the rest of these types on the list fairy and steel are pretty rare and only after gen 6 only to be outdone by steel and dragon and let's not forget how hard it was to find a spirit tomb but picking up a water and ground type early on will see them be useful even at the base level since you can pretty well spot when the problem areas will come and it is truly a testament to the intricacies of the type web and that it's so rare to find types that mesh so perfectly say you couldn't find any ground so you opted for water and rock instead close enough right well not really water and rock results in three additional weaknesses while still having the quad grass to worry about so while single weaknesses aren't completely uncommon the availability of water and ground from early on and their continued usefulness throughout any game and the numerous generations in which we've seen them says to me that this type pairing may not be the flashiest out there but it can be used by world champions or first-time players alike and still be one of the most valuable members of any team and in large thanks to the luck of the draw for its outstanding type combination so those are what i believe to be the best and worst type pairings in pokemon a big thanks to everyone out there for engaging with the video however if this is your 10th 20th or even 50th time coming back to the channel what are you waiting for why not go ahead and subscribe so that you too can become an imperial today also be sure to leave a like share this video and leave your own thoughts down in the comments and we'll see you around next time [Music] you
Channel: Emperor Cubone
Views: 481,494
Rating: 4.8853259 out of 5
Keywords: Unused Types, Sinnoh Remakes, Gen 8, New Type Combo, Best and Worst, Missing Types, Switch, Galar, Pokemon DLC, Crown Tundra, Nintendo, Pokemon Snap, Legendary Pokemon, Video Games, Digimon
Id: 3WoghQEdwZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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