Top 50 Tesla Tips & Tricks for Model 3/Y

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one of the funnest things about owning a Tesla is all the different things that you probably don't know about that it can do so let's get right into this ultimate Tesla tips and tricks for model 3 and model y owners in 2023 a great thing about driving an electric vehicle is the lack of brake pedal use and especially convenient when you can switch between drive and reverse without pressing the brake pedal as long as you're going five miles an hour or under you can switch between both so I'm going in reverse going four miles an hour and then quickly going to drive and then same with I'm going in drive and I want to go in reverse I'll just hit reverse and just quickly go between both so speaking of breaking you know one of the biggest adjustments that you'll make if you're coming from a gasoline car to an electric vehicle is the regenerative braking meaning when you let off the accelerator pedal with an electric vehicle it actually slows the car down and comes to a complete stop without you ever having to press the brake this is cool because it not only negates you from having to use the brake pedal it simplifies driving in that sense of using one pedal driving for the most part but it also uses it feeds energy back into the battery but there are some different settings that you can set for regen braking that you should know about I always tell people to set your stopping mode which is in the pedals and steering section of your settings to hold and what that does is it maximizes range by extending the region breaking to lower speeds and automatically Blends and breaks to hold the vehicle at a stop even if you're on an incline or decline it holds the vehicle there for you and the good thing about having hold enabled is that it saves your brake so extends the lifetime of your brake pad ads and hopefully your brakes and then there is another setting that you should know about in this section apply brakes when regenerative braking is limited what this does is whenever the car is charged to closer to 100 percent or if it's really cold the battery is really cold it limits your region braking power so instead of when you when you set up let off the accelerator and instead of having the normal strength and the quickness of stopping uh when the when the region is limited it's going to take longer for the car to come to a stop so what that does if you have the setting set it actually applies the real brakes and and mimics what the region braking would be in a normal situation if you are the type of person who just wants that same region breaking feel at all times definitely have that set I like to vent my window sometimes whenever it's really hot outside and the cool thing about this is you can actually vent the windows from the Tesla App instead of leaving cabin overheat protection on which will use the climate and use a little bit of the battery I like to conserve the battery as much as possible and just kind of use that vent feature from the app whenever it's a little hot if you want to maximize your range set your tire PSI to the maximum allowed this will give you a better range and better Energy Efficiency however it will result in a slightly bumpier ride so if you're okay with that I try to leave my PSI to the maximum that is allowed on my tires just check the side of your tires for that max PSI now this happens all the time for me and it's probably happened to you if you walk up to the car with your phone in your pocket it's supposed to unlock the door based on your Bluetooth proximity from your phone well sometimes it doesn't do that to fix that all you have to do is pull out your phone and just quickly open the Tesla app you put the phone back in your pocket and you can open the door usually just opening the app will kind of wake the car up another useful feature of the Tesla app is you can unlatch the door if you find yourself in a situation where maybe the door handles are frozen shut you just pull out your app and as long as you're standing next to the car press the unlatch button and you can add it from your control section and it will pop up out the door and now you can get in so it's another way of alternative way of opening the door if you can't access the handle for some reason another cool feature if you have this available to you on your car is the view life camera so you can actually use the app to view live camera feeds from the exterior cameras but also from the interior camera as well the remote start feature in the Tesla app will actually give anyone access to your car and it starts a two minute timer so this is the best example I can think of this if you're on vacation and maybe you forgot to park your car in the garage and maybe you want to have your neighbor come and park your car you can tap on the remote start button on your teslap and it gives that person two minutes to enter the car and the car will be unlocked and ready to drive if you ever find yourself needing to back in or pull into a very tight spot with with things that are on either side of the car and that's basically if you don't have enough room to open the door after you park this secret Auto Park might help so when you come up to your parking spot whether you need a back again or go forward just double press in on the park button on the right stalk so double press and you'll see auto part pop up and then you can choose which direction you want the car to go after you exit the car so let's say I need to go forward into a tight spot I'll hit the forward and it went forward without me in the car to park the car one of my biggest fears is going to my car while it's charging needing to go somewhere but the charger is locked so if you ever find yourself in that situation just know there is a manual charge port release behind the charging port on the inside of the trunk so just find that manual release give it a nice tug and that will unlock the charging cable now it's currently April and I love this time of year because the warmer weather brings better driving efficiency but do you know what else starts back up with spring lawn care and today's sponsor Sunday helps you achieve a lush and healthy lawn with minimal effort because all you have to do is answer a few simple questions about your yard and send them a soil sample using their prepaid shipping box and then Sunday provides a custom lawn care plan that includes carefully selected fertilizers and treatments based on your specific Lawns needs with their convenient subscription you'll receive all the necessary lawn care products right to your door and the best part is Sunday uses powerful ingredients backed by Nature with no harsh chemicals making them better for family pets and the environment which are all super important things to me and hopefully you I'm only on the first stage of my Sunday plan but I'm already loving their convenience personalization and eco-friendly approach to lawn care I highly encourage you to try this out yourself so click the link in the description below or visit Sly and use promo code sly20 to get 20 off all full year long plans today if you're a stickler for range and Energy Efficiency like me this is the energy graph so if you go into your apps here and tap on energy this gives you some really useful information about your current driving in your energy that's being consumed by the battery and since you can change it from since last charge or current drive and you can see that it shows you how much battery it's consumed since my last charge and it says 5.5 more than estimated vehicle consumption and you can see what is all using the battery of course driving is the most climate and it shows you the percentage that it's using which is really cool but over here gives you range tips it just gives you all some all kinds of useful information about range and Battery consumption energy consumption and then you can go in here and just see what the energy consumption has been since you've been in park I highly recommend using that energy graph to see and to see what you can improve on as you're driving if you want to really maximize the range did you know there are five different ways that you can open the charge port the first one is from the touchscreen here just tap on that lightning bolt icon and it will automatically open your charge port and you can tap on it again to close it you can also do this from the app under the controls section you can open and close your charge port basically the same way lightning bolt icon open and closed you can also use your voice command open charge port finally you'll probably do it most likely from the charge port door itself and you can actually tap on the charge port door to open it and you can give it a little nudge down to close it but most of the time you can just use the button on your mobile Tesla mobile connector charging cable and this works for your mobile connector charger cable or a supercharger cable as well so that button on the charging cable that will open up the charge port door and it'll also close it as well whenever autopilot or full self-driving is engaged you need to let the car know that you're still paying attention periodically you'll see a an alert saying to put some force on the steering wheel if it doesn't recognize your hand in a while but instead of moving the wheel you can dismiss that request by scrolling up on either scroll wheel or even turning on the turn signal right here it's saying apply slight turning force is steering wheel well I'm just going to scroll up on the volume button and see that alert went away if you're ever driving on autopilot and it kicks you out sometimes if you're not paying attention or if you don't move the wheel in time it'll beep at you and then it'll say autopilot is unavailable for the rest of the drive because you basically haven't paid attention so if that ever happens to you you can quickly reset that by coming to a stop and then opening your door lifting your butt out of the seat close the door while your butt is lifted out of the seat and then you sit back down and it kind of resets it as a new Drive I highly recommend turning on the blind spot camera setting it'll automatically enable a your blind spot camera to pop up whenever you are changing lanes so for example I'm in the right lane if I want to quickly change over to the left lane without looking in my blind spot I could turn on certain turn signal and when that setting is enabled it automatically shows a visual of my blind spot camera and now I can easily see that nobody's in my blind spot and I can easily change lanes while we're talking about turn signals there is an easy way to cancel turn signals so if your turn signal isn't enabled and you want to cancel it just press in the same direction halfway and another great new feature that came with a recent software update is the automatic turn signal if you when you enable that it'll automatically turn your turn signal off and normally with that before that the setting came when you half press a turn signal it would go on three blinks and then if you fully press the turn signal it stays on indefinitely well with the new setting if you turn the new setting on it doesn't matter if you do half press or full press it'll automatically just keep your turn signal on until you make the lane change or complete the turn and then once you do that it automatically turns off so if you're the type of person who forgets to turn off the certain signal this is a lifesaver feature for you when you're on autopilot or traffic or where cruise control you can quickly adjust your set speed limit by doing a quick scroll on the right scroll wheel up or down in five mile an hour increments however if you are wanting to go more than five mile an hour quickly you can actually press the accelerator pedal without disengaging autopilot so I'm on 60 Max Speed I'm on autopilot I'm going to press my accelerator pedal to 70 mile an hour and quickly do a scroll up and that automatically raises my autopilot set speed limit to whatever speed I was going at if you're on autopilot and you are wondering why it has too much of a follow distance between you and the car in front of you or it's not taking Lane changes quick enough for your liking you can always change the style of driving by pressing right on the right scroll wheel just press it to the right it'll give you your autopilot settings you can switch between chill average and a serve if you're on autopilot and your max set speed is over the speed limit and you want to quickly go back to the speed limit just tap on the speed limit sign and it'll take you back to your speed limit settings whatever you have set in there now when it comes to this this is another tip I have for you when you enable autopilot or cruise control by default it'll set it to the speed limit whatever speed limit you're currently at unless you're going above it but if you don't want it to automatically set it if you want to set it higher than the speed limit you go into your autopilot settings to the offset setting and change it to whatever you want the offset to be so for example if you want the cruise control or Auto Parts you automatically set the max speed to five miles an hour over whatever speed limit is you can set the offset to fixed five miles an hour the even better way to do that is set that to percentage I think 12 is a very good balance and that seems to have worked pretty well for me now there are a few different ways to disengage autopilot whenever it's engaged so right now I have autopilot engaged first you can press the brake pedal if you press the brake pedal at any time it's going to disengage autopilot the second way to disengage autopilot is to press up on the right stalk however there is a third way to disengage autopilot sort of if you steer hard enough you know of course autopilot requires you to keep Hands On Wheels so it takes a lot of force to disengage it with the steering wheel but if you if you happen to do that so let's say if you do it enough right autopilot disk age but cruise control is still engaged just know that if you disengage autopilot with a steering wheel the car is still going to be going forward as long as there's nothing in its way because it's going to be still on cruise control if you ever have an issue with your touchscreen or if it freezes up buggy you can always reboot the touchscreen by pressing down on both scroll wheels at the same time you can also do this while driving so I'm driving I have autopilot engaged right now I'm going to reboot my screen press and hold so just know that if you ever need to reboot your screen you can you can do that while you're driving and your turn signals and everything still will work you just won't be able to see or hear them if you do not want to rely on voice commands for windshield wipers let's say a downpour comes out of nowhere and you quickly need to turn your wipers on press in on the left stalk where the wiper is pressing once to bring up the wiper settings on the touchscreen and then you from here you can just turn on the wipers right there so essentially it becomes a quick move so you're getting ready to to turn the setting on so watch me do it so press and Bam one of the most underrated features of enhanced autopilot or full self-driving is the green Traffic Light chime it's listed under the autopilot settings at the very bottom turn that on this is so helpful because whenever you come to a stoplight you don't have to worry about paying attention to the stoplight and and wondering when it turns green the cameras will see the light whenever it turns green it will give you a little chime letting you know that hey it has turned green you can you can go now so it's been such a convenient feature to have turned on so make sure you enable that now speaking of Chimes Tesla is is great in the sense of their safety they're very safe cars but with that comes very loud alerts especially if you have a kid so if you go into the safety section and go down down down to Joe mode turn that on what that does is lowers the volume slightly of all the audible alerts that the card does when I first got my Tesla I always had my estimated mileage set to display in Miles next to my battery however in the past year or so I've kind of been converted to the other side of the dark side with I'm I prefer the percentage now just because it's just simpler to see just the percentage and I kind of know based on my David drives it makes sense for daily driving however when you're on a trip I do kind of like to go to the mile so whenever you want to quickly switch between percentage and Miles you just tap on that on the touchscreen and you can switch back and forth between estimated mileage remaining or percentage of your battery remaining speaking of battery percentage it's been long known in the Tesla community that charging over 90 is bad for the battery for your daily drive you want to avoid charging past 90 percent only when you absolutely need it if you're going on a road trip every now and then however with the recent introduction of the lfp batteries such as on the standard Range model 3 you can charge to 100 for your daily driving it's actually recommended by Tesla to do do that but if you are on any other long range battery with the NCA batteries the long range models you're going to want to limit your daily driving to 90 and you can tell which battery you have in the charging section of your car if you see daily and trip that means you have an NCA battery and you want to stay below 90 or below for your in your for your daily driving if you see anything other than that you probably have a standard Range model and you can charge to 100 if you have a passenger in the car and you park somewhere and you actually leave them in the car most likely the climate control is going to turn off but you can keep that on by opening up opening up your climb control setting and enabling the keep feature and what that's going to do it's going to keep the climate on after you exit and leave the car this may be obvious to some people but may not be for others there are a few different ways you can manipulate the touchscreen so for example if you are trying to turn on the the climate control you can tap on it once right and it turns on the climate control if you tap on again it brings up the climate control settings and you can turn it off from there however you can also just press and hold to turn it off and you can also swipe up from any uh anywhere on the bottom bar swipe quickly swipe up to bring up the climate control and when you do that it automatically turns it on if it was off you have the mini media player here you can swipe up to see more and then you can also swipe to the left to see your current Drive settings your your trip settings and then swipe again to see your tire pressure you can also use Swipe gestures for navigation so if you have your home and work address saved into your your navigation you can actually swipe left or swipe down on the navigation bar to go to home or to work so it'll base It Whatever wherever you are you swipe down like that it'll automatically start routing you home or you can swipe right and it kind of does the same thing you can also use Swipe gestures to delete recent addresses that you've navigated to so in your list of recent addresses you can just swipe to the right to delete them now if you have an address entered into your navigation and you want to quickly switch back and forth between the actual route or the turn-by-turn directions you can just tap on the very top Direction and it's going to show you the overview of your entire route and then you can switch back and forth by just tapping it again you can actually send any address to your car and it'll automatically route you there the next time you get in so let's say you're at home and you're browsing somewhere that you want to go and you find it on Google Maps app just scroll down to share and then you can just choose your Tesla app from the list of apps here and now look it automatically sent to the car so that's a pretty cool way to automatically route you to wherever you're going if you have your calendar synced to your car you tap on the time at the very top and you can see if you you have your calendar synced and it'll show you your events and it will give you an option to go to wherever you're going to if you have an actual location saved for that event in your phone matches up to the time it'll automatically route you to wherever you're going based on that event and that location in that event so that's a pretty cool thing to have as well now Tesla offers a lot of really good media apps such as Netflix and YouTube If you go into the theater option you can see he's got Netflix Hulu Disney plus YouTube however it is still limited so if you want to access even more go to your browser and there is a website called a and here it gives you full screen options for all of these tap Go full screen and now you have options for all of these different media sites now the built-in navigation in the Tesla is really good it's based on Google Maps it's going to work for 95 of people but there are people who love the Waze app and they swear by it whenever they're traveling so if you there's actually a site that works if you went up your browser in your Tesla you can actually save this to your favorites and this sort of gives you Waze functionality on your touchscreen and you can navigate to places and pretty much have ways on your touchscreen in your Tesla which is nice Sentry mode is one of the best Tesla features and if you go to safety section in your settings you definitely want to make sure that you have on Honk enabled so your dash cam is going to record at all times from your external cameras while you're driving however when you find yourself in a situation like an emergency situation or if something happens and you want footage of that incident and whenever you press the horn you heard that alert that means it saved the clip to your dash cam footage based on when I honked now you probably know that in your climate control you can use your touch screen to control the direction of the air that's coming out of the vents but not many people know that you can actually use two fingers to split that into two different directions split it like that and you can also bring it back into one single direction from your vents so that's pretty cool a really unique feature about having a Tesla if you're driving in the winter time is to create an actual profile called winter so with this you can quickly switch to a winter Centric profile and what you want to do here is set some settings that you want that will maximize your safety in very snowy conditions so for the winter profile you want to set your acceleration to chill you want to set your regen braking to low you want to set your disk follow distance to the maximum which is seven so if you the right scroll well if you push it to the left and finally make sure your lane departure avoidance is set to warning so if you're driving in so many snowy conditions definitely have a winner profile that way you can easily if you're driving along and it starts snowing you can easily just tap on here and switch to your winter profile and all of your settings will be set for you if you want to absolutely maximize your range you know that having Sentry mode turned on from right up here that will eat your battery if it's just sitting there and not plugged in to charger so what you want to do is go into your safety into Sentry mode and exclude all of your home your work and your favorites and you'll be surprised about how much battery Sentry mode can actually use when it's just sitting there not plugged into a charge and if you're the type of person who is a stickler for security if you want to absolutely Harden and secure your Tesla you can turn on a glove box pin so that way anybody who's trying to get into your glove box it'll require a PIN to get into same with pinned drive you can set a PIN to drive and uh so we'll have to know what that pin is in order to drive the car and or get into the glove box that's a way to maximize your security if you've ever accidentally left your windows down uh and it rained you might want to turn this setting on it's under your lock section in your settings you want to turn on a close Windows on locket that'll automatically close your windows whenever you walk away especially if you have your walk away door lock enabled make sure you have that enabled now with a touch screen that has a lot of the controls for the car it can get a little overwhelming or you can get kind of scary if you're driving pretty fast and you need to do something on the touch screen which is why you should definitely try to utilize the voice command feature as much as possible press the right scroll wheel if you press down on it once it does the voice command feature and you can just tell it to do all kinds of stuff a few of my personal favorite voice commands are turn on defogger and it turns on my defogger this is very helpful when you're driving along and you see that your windshield is quickly fogging up another useful command is turning on the windshield wipers turn on windshield wipers just things like that that are very time critical like if you are uh needing to pay attention to the road as much as possible try to definitely utilize the voice command features as much as you can now if you never want to worry about autopilot nagging you um you want to First make sure your seat position in your steering wheel position are in an ideal location for you to be able to put your arm on the armrest on either side your left or right and have your hand be on the bottom part of the steering wheel either left or right and I always prefer to just kind of do this this pretty much satisfies autopilot on very long drives I mean for the most part if I just put my leave my hand in this position autopilot doesn't really nag me and alert me because it kind of recognizes my hand there and same with my left side I can kind of do this so that's the best way I've found to kind of satisfy autopilot here are some supercharger tips when you're on a road trip if you tap on the screen and bring up the superchargers by tapping on that lightning bolt icon over there you're going to see a list of superchargers that are nearby but you can also filter these in a way to where you can show destination charging the slower Chargers by enabling the one or two lightning bolts or you can disable those and only show the fast charging superchargers these are divided into two different kinds of superchargers if you look at the kilowatt Max that's listed underneath you'll see that some say 250 kilowatt Max and some say 150 kilowatt max if you want to try to go to the 250 kilowatt Max those are V3 superchargers and those will charge relatively faster for the most part compared to the 150. now sometimes you don't have a choice and you can also tap on these on the map and see how many stalls are available the the charging rate and then it shows you the price as well usually you know if you have a destination entered into your navigation the car will automatically route you to the supercharger that you need to go to based on the most convenient route for you and it does a really good job at that but if you ever need to manually go to superchargers you can always do that as well now with the V2 superchargers if you're going to a V2 supercharger which is the 150 kilowatts they actually share charging in between stalls so you'll see that they are numbered you want to avoid going on to the same number that somebody's already charging at so for example if somebody's charging on a stall 3A you don't want to charge on 3B unless you absolutely have to unless that's the only one left because those stalls will actually share power so if you're at a V2 supercharger just keep that in mind so that you can maximize the charging between not only you but your peers as well so the car automatically does this for you for the most part but just so you know the lower state of charge that you have when you arrive at a supercharger the faster you're going to charge and it's going to make better use of your time so you want to arrive at a supercharger ideally with less than 20 battery remaining it's going to charge faster than pulling up and charging if you're at 50 for example just know that the lower the state of charge the faster you're going to charge a supercharger and it's going to make the best use of your time and finally a good range tip if you are on are very low on battery and there are no charging stops along your way and you're getting a little bit of rain anxiety try drifting behind a semi truck first I would recommend having paint protection film on your car in the front that'll help a lot for the semi kicking up rocks but if you do have PBF uh then I think you probably won't have to worry about it just kind of drift kind of get close to the behind of a semi the drag can be a big hit on it on Range so if you are absolutely desperate and you need to maximize the most range on a trip and you're worried that you're not going to get there in time you if you find a semi truck just kind of get behind them and coast and just stay behind that semi truck to to to reduce the drag amount that's on your vehicle so that you can get to where you're going
Channel: Andy Slye
Views: 149,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, tesla tips, tesla tips and tricks, tesla model 3, tesla model y, tesla model 3 tips and tricks, tesla model y tips and tricks, model 3 tips, model y tips, model 3 tips and tricks, model y tips and tricks, tesla tips 2023, tesla model 3 tips 2023, tesla model y tips 2023, tesla tips and tricks 2023, new tesla tips, tesla hidden features, tesla secrets, model y tips and tricks 2023, model 3 tips and tricks 2023, tesla easter eggs, tesla settings, model 3, model y
Id: jXAp5onfgfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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