$150 Million Dollar Treasure Found On A Beach By Accident

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the beach it's usually seen as a place to relax and remove oneself from the stresses of life yet sometimes the beach can be far more exciting than peaceful every so often people and in one case two dogs can find some treasure buried in the sand and some of those treasures can be worth millions while some are priceless due to their historical importance today we're going to look at some of the best beach and sea discoveries across the globe so grab your metal detectors and let's get started diamonds are formed by billions of years of extreme pressure and temperature Pearl's must be the same right nope pearls are actually created by mollusks in particular the oyster when the oyster is irritated by a foreign substance say a grain of sand they immediately go into protection mode the oyster will cover the substance with nara it's the same substance that their shells are made from as a result a pearl is formed the odds of finding pearls are said to be 1 in 12,000 so looking inside every mollusk you find on the beach will likely not grant you any riches however it can happen in 2016 a fisherman from the Philippines found one that broke all the pearl records it was a massive 26 inches long and weighed 75 pounds for the past 10 years he kept it hidden under his bed as a lucky charm the lowest estimation of the pearls value was a staggering 100 million dollars in February of this year the UK was battered by storm kyra turbulent winds and rain caused varying degrees of destruction across the country yet in Sandown Bay on the Isle of Wight the storm would actually uncover a lost piece of history a dinosaur footprint dating back 130 million years the sand that covered it for the millions of years was blown away by the 60 mile per hour storm the footprint is just under 20 inches long and it's believed that it belongs to a clade of dinosaurs known as theropods they are dinosaurs that have hollow bones and three-toed limbs the exact species belonging to the footprint is unknown however some theories point to a dinosaur called a neova nater these beasts could grow up to 25 feet in length and weigh 4,000 400 pounds another suggestion could be that it's from a spinosaurus baron --ax they were 33 feet in length and nearly 4,200 pounds however due to exposure to the elements the footprint is likely to be washed away as the tide reaches the soft clay formation in 2019 the beach in Harlech Gwynedd in wales saw a priceless piece of human history a world war ii fighter plane yet it's not the first time that the plane has made an appearance since the plane crashed in the sand in 1942 it's been visible three other times once in the 70s once in 2007 and again in 2014 the plane is an american-made Lockheed p-38 lightning fighter it was buried under six and a half feet of sand the discovery has been described as one of the most significant World War two ERA finds in recent history the plane has even been given the name the made of Harlech in fact the discovery was so important that the historic Environment Agency in Wales has taken measure to legally protect the plan it's the first time a crashed military airplane has been given such a status if anybody interferes with the wreckage they can be punished with heavy fines however since it's been found the plane has had its weaponry removed by the government the plane crashed landed in Harlech during a practice mission with second lieutenant Robert F Elliott at the controls Elliott was able to walk away from the wreck of the plane in 2012 kathleen Cheney and her son Patrick went for a walk along a beach in Atlantic Highlands New Jersey after the destruction of Hurricane sandy a lot of debris was scattered about as the two walked they spotted a collection of envelopes wraps together with a pale pink ribbon Cheney took the package home and warmed up the 57 damp letters by her fireplace then she took a read through them the letters were dated between 1942 and 1943 a between Dorothy Fallon and Lynn Farnham the last letter was sent a week before they married Cheney decided to pop on a Sherlock Holmes hat and return the letters to their authors however she found that Farnum had passed away in 1991 but Fallon was still around however she wasn't very well so Cheney ended up contacting the knee of the couple she was delighted to receive these treasured messages it's believed that the letters were in the Rumson area and yet once the hurricane hit they floated down the Sandy Hook Bay and arrived on the beach for Cheney and her son to find known as the 17-15 treasure fleet these twelve ships were carrying a collection of valuable items during you guessed it 1715 however on the way back to Spain eleven of the twelve ships sank off the coast of Vero Beach Florida in a hurricane all the treasure was lost to the bottom of the sea since then many people have looked for the mysterious goods in 2010 brent brisbin's company purchased exclusive salvage rights to search for the broken fleet he had a number of successes but on July 13 2015 exactly 300 years after the fleet sank Brisbane would make his biggest discovery armed with scuba diving equipment and metal detectors brisbin's crew found 350 coins in the wreckage they found that coin stash in water just six feet deep nine of the coins are called Royals these coins were made specifically for King Phillip v of Spain each one of the royal coins was valued at $300,000 all together their cache of coins came to 4.5 million Brisbane estimates that there is a treasure trove of an estimated 400 million from the fleet's cargo still to be found whale vomit doesn't sound like something that's worth a fortune but if we use its other name ambergris perhaps that would sound more worthy of being incredibly pricey ambergris is an exactly whale vomit either it's a waxy substance that's secreted from a sperm whale's intestines it takes years for the substance to form it is sought after by high-priced fragrance manufacturers it helps scent to last longer due to its rarity finds of it can be worth a lot of money and that's how ambergris got its nickname floating gold in 2016 3 Omani fishermen came across perhaps the biggest piece of ambergris of all time as they were fishing they noticed a horrible smell so they looked around to see where it was coming from as they checked their nets they spotted the cause of the aroma the chunk of ambergris the hunk came to 100 76 pounds in weight soon after the find was advertised the group received an offer of around 2.8 million dollars in yet they rejected it they're looking for significantly more it's expected that they can get around 3 million dollars for their ambergris one day in 2012 Vincent's thurkettle was walking along the beach in an Lizzy whales for the past seven summers he had walked along the beach looking for buried goods but he hadn't had much luck in 1859 the royal charter ship sank off the coast of anga sea due to a powerful hurricane along with the passengers lost many treasures were swallowed up by the ocean since then people have flocked to the British islands to search for shipwreck gold that's been swept onto the beach on this particular day in 2012 circuital was shallow diving in 6 feet deep water he then saw something gleaming on the seabed he found one of the biggest gold nuggets in British history it came to 3.4 ounces in weight the value is said to be 62 thousand dollars after he went public with his discovery four years later in 2016 many treasure hunters arrived in Angliss II to look for more lost gold the value of the missing ships treasure is said to be worth almost a hundred and fifty million dollars all together during 2018 tonya Illman and her friend grace ricardo took a walk out on the sand dunes their car had gotten stuck in sand at wedge island in Australia as her husband Kym Illman tried to get the car on stock the two friends wanted to get some air Tania Illman spotted a gin bottle on the ground that she thought would look nice on her bookshelf so she picked it up then they saw something inside the bottle when they took it out it was a piece of rolled paper with string wrapped around it however there wasn't a lid on the bottle as a result the note was damp so they took the note home and warmed it carefully in the oven they discovered afterwards that the letter was written in 1886 making this the oldest letter in a bottle found in history at 132 years it was written by an officer on a German ship called Paula the note was an experiment conducted by the crew it stated that whoever finds the note should contact the German Consulate which the Illman x' did among other organizations in 1622 hurricanes sank a Spanish fleet of ships in the Florida Keys since then many divers have searched the waters to track down any of the treasure lost in those shipwrecks in 2008 Michael Tamar was diving the area for the company blue water ventures he was in a section of water that was 18 feet deep armed with a metal detector he went to work soon after his detector began to register something Tamar assumed that it had found a beer can but he looked anyway what he found instead of a worthless tin can was a golden chalice it was splattered with white marine crust yet it was easy to see that it was made of solid gold it was also edged with scrollwork and decorative handles the five inch tall chalice could be part of the Santa Margarita ship that was one of the vessels that sank decades earlier immediately there were estimations that the chalice could be sold for a million dollars however it wouldn't be sold until a 2015 auction and that's where it went for four hundred and thirteen thousand dollars while it's less than half of the early estimations it's still worth a small fortune friendly floatees is a collection of bath toys made by the first-years in 1992 a container ship was braving a storm in the North Pacific Ocean however one of the shipping containers fell overboard and opened 29,000 bath toys were lost to the ocean many of which were classic yellow rubber ducks yet the accident was not a complete waste the floaties have been arriving on Shores all over the world such as Scotland Hawaii and Newfoundland among others there are websites where people can upload pictures of their duck discoveries the accident has shown scientists how the currents of various oceans work which can provide them with better understanding of environmental issues in the North Pacific Gyre 2,000 ducks can be seen circulating the currents in 2019 John Goffe CIL's was walking his dogs poppy and Sam on a beach in Bridgewater in Somerset England cops'll noticed that his dogs were excited by something in the sand exposed by the low tide being an amateur fossil hunter cops'll had high hopes of what it might be the two pups had found an ichthyosaur fossil was five feet five inches long if the asuras Greek for fish lizard they were marine reptiles that when extinct 90 million years ago they could get as big as forty six feet immediately cops'll called the authorities they calculated that they had a four-hour window to extract the fossils safely otherwise strong tide could watch the discovery away as they excavate however they managed to dig out the 350 pound block containing the fossil with no issues this particular fossil was named papi after one of ghazals fossil hunting dogs after further tests the papi fossil was found to be 197 million years old and that's it well next time we go on a beach holiday we'll be taking our metal detector just in case which treasure impressed you the most have you ever gone hunting with a metal detector and found something pop your comments below if you enjoyed this video please give us a like and share it on social media those actions really help us out if you haven't already subscribe and click that little bell that way you'll be notified whenever we post any new content finally thanks for joining us at the richest ten we'll see you next time
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 899,168
Rating: 4.8060985 out of 5
Keywords: TheRichest, Metal Detector, Shipwrecks, Gold Nugget, found, treasure, most expensive, whale, beach, ocean
Id: ekHymQWco08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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