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hey everybody it's brian christopher from vcsloth.com and we're here at angel of the winds in washington for my biggest win of all time come on inside with me to the high limit room and have a look [Music] all right this is the magical game itself the cannonball express is the first time i've ever played this game ever we played a lot today and we win even more have a look cannonball express here we go we have a thousand dollars in there let's see how we can do let me get this nice and settled all right there we go a thousand dollars in and we'll do i think we'll try the ten dollar bet let's see how that works out for us we almost got the bonus we need three of these symbols for the bonus those are the train tracks and then those ones are wild some of them pay for two of a kind some of them don't two bonus symbols again [Music] a couple nines a couple nines all right we're good at getting a couple nines can we do something better than a couple nines please and thank yous [Music] give us that bonus [Music] and we're down a hundred dollars there we go three of a kind gold bars pays 40 bucks [Music] oh four of a kind queens for 50. up to 974. this is a five-line game one off of the bonus so we have three horizontal lines and two v-shaped lines like that and upside down v those are all the five lines right there [Music] eighteen let's find out where these train tracks lead us come on as a reminder guys if you're new to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button and hit that like button as well we love the love oh three bells 100 for that wow all right well now we're only down eight dollars in the game we were down over a hundred nice whoo and now we're up in profit beautiful crazy how that works sorry i'm shaking my camera oh the ground's moving oh it's on it's on my chair hold on [Laughter] i'm like why does it keep moving every time i move there we go four of a kind jacks thirty dollars back up on top let's try and find that bonus now one three queens money back [Music] three aces i'll put our money back this game you can either do five dollars a bit uh 10 15 or 20. so far i've only done 10 bats and it's working out for us a couple nines four dollars [Music] yes three of a kind for 30. back at 9.50 oh i missed the nines in there too and the all right all right only three of a kind miss those wilds darn it [Music] all right i think we spun it enough that we are due for bonus please we are playing here at angel of the winds in washington first time here one more one more one more oh just went by darn it we are down 100 now so close to that bonus there my gosh i almost got it again there only takes one spin to win as you guys know do it oh my gosh uh at times like that i wish it was more than a five lion game you know like if i could just go up there and somewhere else you know [Music] [Music] three nods for our money back if you guys want to find out when oh we're going to be in a casino near you next make sure you go over to bcslots.com we do a lot of events and post them on there and that's also working these delicious delicious masks they're so good and easy to breathe in nice three of a kind of thirty dollars a couple tenths money back oh my goodness look at that three wild cymbals they look so pretty but they didn't line up there we go 30 bucks again [Music] [Laughter] we are down 200 one more got it we got it all right guys time for that delicious bonus in this bonus you can get some re-triggers and you can also get some uh the wilds to be multipliers if they're golden they multiply it and if you get a mixture of wilds and train tracks well they can pay you lots of money here we go i think it's up for every for two of them it pays 40 bucks uh 20 bucks here it is line it up all right we got two of them like i said 20 bucks got a couple signs there for 10. we're at 64. a couple nines in there too come on retrigger three train tracks for every trigger 20 now if that was gold then it would have been 40 or 60 depending on the multiplier it came with oh there's that multiplier in gold four nines 30 bucks we only have enough for it three more spins come on line it up line it up oh dear lesbian all right 114 dollars back at the 904. we're only down 100 bucks now beautiful [Music] oh hello 150 line it and gold bars just like that we are back up in profit territory love it all right we're up to 1048 that's a that's a that's really good backup spin after a bonus all right we need a redemption bonus i [Music] think a couple signs [Music] come on train tracks oh my gosh [Music] nice oh five of a kind i was i was just about to say well it took that last 150 really fast when banza wait is it three hundred dollars [Music] fans up and now we're up to 1200 bucks we're up 200 on the game now what a great game this is oh my gosh one wasted wild now if that was in a bonus at five of a kind with some multipliers oh nelly that could be really good oh two bonus symbols [Music] tens tens and tens nice twenty dollars 14 we're up 150 dollars on the game oh my gosh [Music] not bad 34 if there was one more uh nine or uh over there that would have been a little nicer but hey all good all good in the hood we're still up 170 [Music] aces i wonder if this game pays uh just as nice on a higher bet i think i'll stick to ten dollars though because i did ten dollars last night when i was playing had a good run at it don't wanna jinx it right now four bucks come on [Music] ten dollars one come on cannonballs express we are back at even we are up four dollars come on oh my gosh one more oh my goodness i thought we're gonna get there oh my goodness come on girl and just like that we are down almost 100 big shout out to all my rudy's in the house what's up rudy's how are you guys do you guys want to find out more about the rudy's well they get extra private live streams special events and a whole lot more depending on what tier level you got you get lots of fun stuff head on over to rudy's for life.com hello wow this game just keeps on paying [Music] 150 line hits and a 50 line hit 200 and just like that up 100 bucks again amazing 1100 even wowza oh can we get one more bonus that's my goal right now get one more bonus take that money and run oh three a wasted wild four bucks and we're back at even 1000 this is crazy talk oh that's good fifty dollar line huh thank you thank you thank you [Music] and back at even for like the ninth time i don't even know it's just crazy talk train tracks [Music] one [Music] one more all right three of a kind for 30 dollars and carriages back to the 950 [Music] four dollars money back let's see if we can recoup that lost money now we're only down ninety dollars but not but we're not doing so bad you guys been playing 15 minutes down only a hundred dollars on 10 bets that's unheard of that's really great [Music] just got to figure out when the right time is to cash out come on can we get lucky we need a big win here we need a big win to get us back up on top it only takes one spin to win dollars oh my gosh i think i'm in love i think i'm in love right now this game is amazing two hundred dollars we're back up to a thousand wow man crazy crazy crazy when do i get off never never oh wow that's a first [Music] if we get one bonus we're getting off taking it and running three nines [Music] come on [Music] can we get back up to a thousands please all right three percent if we get back up to a thousand guys i think it's a good time to cash out let's see if we can do it come on [Music] dare i say it again it only takes one spin to win i would love one more bonus though my goodness bells and queens 20 bucks and some knives three four fifty dollars okay we're back up to 982. let's do one more of those spins right now [Music] right now oh right now all rude all right back down to 9.50 [Music] got it we got it oh my gosh yes yes yes bowser schnauzer look at that nice one all right guys we have 40 there let's see how we can do in this bonus we are cashing out after this here we go four bucks four bucks fourteen dollars we got our money back we're over the thousand this is all profit now come on when you get two of those guys pays twenty dollars you can throw in a wild with that and it'll pay you as well come on do it do it do it all right so we got two again so twenty dollars and a ten dollar line hit we have four more spins one two oh we almost retriggered we got 20 bucks out of the deal though three two more and last spin all right you guys dollars we did it we got back up over that thousand dollar mic let me do one backup spin and i'm sure i'll be back cashing out 1076 on cannonball express cannonball express here we go 503 dollars in there we're gonna max bet this puppy at twenty dollars a spin we gotta find three of these railroad tracks for the bonus let's all right this guy is wild so we like him a couple nines couple bars of gold 28. again five line games with three horizontal lines and then two v shaped lines eight dollars a couple triple sevens money back and we have a five of a kind 10 in there it's a 200 line head nice one 220 a dollar hit nice one all right we're up to 567. now let's get that bonus in get off one more we got it we got the bonus oh my gosh we are exactly at even to 503 dollars we get paid 60 just for that so the great thing about this bonus you guys is that you can re-trigger very easily and also the wild symbols uh substitute for the bonus symbol too so if you get a single wild and one of those it pays you 20 bucks then there's also wild are multipliers of two or three x as well so let's try and get lots of those here we go bonus time we got three of them we re-triggered on the first spin all three sixty dollars shut the front door wow nicely done yes there's that wild symbol that's the multiplier when it's gold a couple nines come on choo choo choose me for the winner there's 20 bucks three nines money back oh we got two of them so they pay scatter pay that's 80 because it multiplies by two normally it's just 40 bucks for two of them keep going one two got it again and we got five of a kind all the way across times two that's a four hundred dollar line hit and then two of those times two is 80 bucks that's 480 my gosh incredible oh nelly a couple sevens 40 bucks and we got those sorry 20 and then two of those for 40. [Music] we need some re-triggers nice hundred dollars for three triple sevens and another 80 for those two puppies we still have six more spins remaining [Music] wow schnauzer eight dollars and nines come on let's get another retrigger we're on oh all right eighty dollars for scatter pay there we're over a thousand dollar bonus now i think there's only one more spin left let's see not two more oh nelly that's a re-trigger look at that we got five what does that pay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on oh my gosh is right [Music] six thousand dollars shot the front door and a retrigger of five more spins yes you saw it you saw it girl i had to max bet this one we just we just tried it on the ten dollar bet and i started filming this one i'm like we're going all out brett do it again another 80 there holy shoot cannonball express i have loved this game ever since i tried it for the very first time two nines eight dollars come on girl three more spins can we get some more choo choo choo choo five four thousand more dollars oh my gosh this this might be my biggest win of all time oh my gosh oh my gosh oh freaking hot bread oh we still have six more spins i'm so glad you're here with me brad that makes it extra special oh my gosh we just passed it ten thousand dollars i can't believe we just did that oh yeah yeah eleven thousand two twenty eight oh my gosh keep going keep going keep going we got sevens in there we got nines in there [Music] do it do it do it come on two two two four more spins four more spins come on girl where's all my trains come on girl two more spins there's one last spin all right you guys 11 296. what an amazing bonus that was your angel of the winds on this beautiful game cannonball express on a 20 bet and don't forget when we hit that bonus we were 100 even so we are up 11 to 96. that was cannonball express hand sanitizer oh my god this is fine yeah all right just trying to stick it is that mine that's an envelope the envelope is it big enough all right if not i can get five more three things get a signature right here all right perfect you're going to pen you can use that for all the others oh yeah all right so katie's gonna pay you out and count it out in 2500 chucks and then once it's all laid out then you go out and take it [Music] okay 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. [Music] 40 41 42 43 44 [Music] [Music] [Music] 10. [Music] thank you guys so much appreciate it and then the last few things since you had your card in when you won the jackpot you get a promotion where you need to get double points for 24 hours or a free hotel stay since it was over 10 we like to celebrate so we did both yeah it's already taking care of the hotel stay for you nice and then your double points are going beautiful thank you there's a card in there if you do want an thank you guys you're awesome thank you we got it you guys my biggest jackpot of all time well guys that was pretty darn delicious we were exactly where we started and we added that to our little bank account not a bad uh job at all oh my gosh so so so hot uh let's see if we can do it again we'll try a few more spins let's not get crazy about it but you never know all right 20 dollars a spin what else you got for us there cannonball express [Music] choo choo choo another 20 back five or three of a kind aces wow man oh nice one sixty dollar line hit this game is by ainsworth by the way in case you're wondering that's us did you hear that i don't know if you guys can hear that said congratulations to our recent jackpot winner and they actually put them on the screens too uh so it'll say the name of the game oh how much it was couple nines eight dollars [Music] that was the very first time i ever bet 20 on this machine too every other time was 10 spins down a hundred eight dollars three of a kind for our money back [Music] oh come on three more train tracks please and thank yous line those up [Music] three nines money back do it three jacks and a couple of triple sevens a couple nines oh it's a four jack sorry sixty dollar line hit for jacks so they call these ones signs as opposed to triple sevens there's called signs all right oh man come on wild line it up do it oh my gosh i want those train tracks again so bad 600 line hit five of a kind this game we might never leave it brett you know that i i don't know if we will holy shoot 608 dollars we're up to 9 11 now the winning does not stop the hardest thing though is when do you stop you know i'm getting i'm getting conditioned to think that you can only win on this game all right couple bells in there money back come on i wonder how many spins you get for five train tracks that would be probably insane all right three kings couple tens 28 dollars you know when you're betting 20 to spin that 800 can be is gone and the 40 spins you know it can go very very fast so you got to be smart about this i think we'll go down to 500 that's where we started right 503. oh four of a kinds almost got that fifth one sixty dollars thank you [Music] cannonball express [Music] [Applause] carriages for eight bucks one back for queens do it ah money back for two signs five line game we have enough for 10 more spins [Music] money back plus some tens oh four of a kinds for a hundred dollars on queens a couple bells for 20 bucks i'm like in love it was for this game and me it was love at first sight it literally left i was like i was with heidi and i'm like we got to play this game and we did really well in it as well we did a 10 bet we we made a thousand on it i might cash out before that 500 i don't know it seems a waste to give it all back if we go back down again but we are up ten thousand dollars eleven thousand dollars yes three of a kind 60. [Music] back at 7.50 come on choo choo nines for 20 jacks for 20. that pays nothing brad oh my gosh in my head i'm like we're rich if that was a bonus that could have been huge i don't know what it pays for for them because we only got five you know juan come on bonus you can do it again all right we have enough for 10 more spins do we do it i tell you what let's cash out at 600 okay yeah yeah yeah a little more profit oh three more couple nines and three more spins again one rude and last spin it was right there at the top i really really really want to keep spinning but i'm not going to valuable lessons for everybody know when to stop take your money and run we got our hand paint on top of an extra 100 in there for our biggest win ever oh my gosh so much fun here angel of the winds that was cannonball express
Channel: Brian Christopher Slots
Views: 865,214
Rating: 4.7939425 out of 5
Keywords: Brian Christopher slots, slot machine win, big win, huge win, gambling, how to win on slots, how to play slot machines, gambler, casino, pokies, brain Christopher, bcslots, gambles, rudies, brian christopher, slot machine, bonus, free slots, free slot games, slots of vegas, slots lv, bryan christopher, how to beat slots, big jackpot, biggest jackpot, massive jackpot, cannonball express, high limit slots, high limit room, high limit cannonball express, angel of the winds casino
Id: BEr5KVd35oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 4sec (2164 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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