Top 5 Scary Abandoned Amusement Parks YOU'D NEVER WANT TO VISIT!

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mutant parks aren't supposed to be creepy after all the whole point is to have a fun experience and enjoy yourself what happens after they shut down well it gets creepy from broken rides to busted locks people love to visit abandoned amusement park so today we're looking at the scariest wait no wrong image scariest if we could get five thousand likes on this video we'll go visit our own abandoned amusement park anyways let's get right into it number five Dottie Park old theme parks are seriously creepy so it makes sense that the older they are the more frightening they become we're starting this list with the first in oldest theme park in all of europe which if i'm right should be the scariest of all this theme park was created by a local priest in 1950 to give belgian children a safe place to play it was actually pretty popular at first and drew in a crowd of 1 million in its first year which is huge for the time period there were all sorts of slides carousels bumper cars as well as huge swings but the main attraction was actually the bridge sounds weird I know but at the time the 800 meter long path was the longest suspended walkway in Europe so it was a pretty big deal everything was fine for decades but as the equipment got older things got more and more dangerous everything came to an awful halt when in 2000 50 years after the parks opening a nine-year-old boy had his arm ripped off but one of the spinning jet rides after that the place was shut down and never successfully reopened and the rides stayed there abandoned until even too dangerous for urban explorers to go there and the place was demolished permanently number 4 Six Flags New Orleans like I've said already most of the abandoned theme parks on this list are scary because they're so old and no one has dared to ride the rides for decades however this one is so recent that some of you watching this might have even been there and if you have let us know in the comments I'm talking about Six Flags New Orleans which was once part of a huge chain of popular theme parks but was destroyed in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina struck the area I mean it's over 10 years later now and many homes and even neighborhoods haven't recovered from the flooding so it makes sense that fixing up a theme park wouldn't be at the top of their list still leaving the park they're abandoned has created some pretty creepy scenes as well some downright dangerous ones alligators now swim through the dirty swimming pools and flooded attractions and the colorful show buildings are rotting and filled with debris on the inside aside from the graffiti the play seems totally empty and Hollow but the slides and rollercoasters are still standing as if someone might ride them again one day number three Lake Shawnee now I'm gonna be honest here if I were you I'd take this next story with a pinch of salt because it sounds like something straight out of a horror movie after all the research I've done I don't know how much of this is real but either way the abandoned park rides are creepy all by themselves Lake Shawnee amusement park was built in the 1920s after businessman bought the land from an early settler family little did he know not only was a site a Native American burial ground but it was also the spot where the old settlers had murdered their children obviously that's not a great place for a theme park and it didn't take long for other people to agree since accident after accident happened at the site one mother left her son at the park and returned to see him drown in the pool and another girl died on the swings when a van reversed into her after that the place shut down for years and when it was reopened under new management guests reported seeing a toddler dripping wet among the trees and a little girl in a pink dress crying I'm not saying any of this is true but it does are in Lake Shawnee a place on this list since anywhere with this many stories must have a seriously creepy vibe number 2 to khaki no Numa so I'm guessing some of you watching this list are planning on visiting these spots for yourselves but as far as this next one goes you're gonna have a tough time dekakin onuma Greenland is a widely known part of japan's history but as far as the exact location goes the government have done a pretty good job of keeping info under wraps even if you do manage to find the coordinates going there might not be the best idea now only is the park in the Fukushima province but the park itself is a deathtrap full of rusting tracks ride cars and exposed metal that could be deadly in the dark not only that but the place is constantly foggy making it easy to lose your way between the ferris wheels and roller coasters it also has a pretty terrifying story attached to it about a British tourist who apparently snuck in years after the DEM lish indeed he took a ton of pictures of the rides the show buildings and even the snack vendors but when he got home all the pictures had been mysteriously deleted only one remained showing the gateway into the park covered in fog but if you find the picture zooming in will give you a whole other side of the story okay here's our first honorable mention it's kind of hard to make a place called Joyland scary I mean the name itself is about as happy and non-threatening as it gets if you were to go there now you'd have a hard time finding anything that inspired that name there's no creepy mystery here and no accidental deaths due to the rides the story simple the park opened in 1949 and ran until 2003 but as more and more people flocked to the bigger and more well-known parks Joyland made less and less money eventually it just had to close and even the townspeople around it didn't have the heart to try and bring it back go there now and it's a pretty interesting look into the past reels of tickets lay on the floor with a banded vintage rollerskates and there are all sorts of old-timey stalls and games to play like skee-ball and knock out the stars there's even a huge wooden roller coaster that's one of the last of its kind although looking at the state it's in I wouldn't expect it to last much longer our second honorable mention I know the goal of this list is to show you some truly scary abandoned theme parks but the pictures we have of this one are actually more beautiful than frightening the story of Nera dreamland in Japan is actually pretty interesting since it was originally supposed to be Japan's version of Disney Walt Disney even consulted on the park and there are plans to integrate some famous Disney characters into the rides in the end though the two park makers just couldn't agree and dreamland ended up a successful part that was eventually destroyed by people's interest in the famous Mouse now it's it's abandoned but the trees and plants growing over the past all rides and roller coasters actually look pretty awesome in fact the teacup ride which isn't really cool unless you're 5 years old or younger looks better now than it ever did before if you ask me number one goal averse Kingdom what do you get when you combine a creepy concept for a theme park Nexxus some of the country's biggest atrocities and a couple of years of bad financial decisions turns out you get an abandoned theme park that's guaranteed to haunt your dreams for months this park is inspired by the book Gulliver's Travels which is already a weird story about a human landing at an island with a bunch of tiny people the park made that concept even creepier by building a giant model man and showing him being tied to the ground by the mini civilization the park is right next to Japan's famous suicide forest so it's maybe not surprising that families didn't think it was a place to take their kids but hey at least Logan Paul's a huge fan of the park because of that or maybe because the parks also next to the base of a famous cult who killed 13 people and a nerve gas attack the park just didn't make much money leaving it to rot now all that remains are some creepy candy colored buildings and shaky looking rides as well as a giant man staring out into the park as he's tied to the ground it's a nightmare but that about wraps up our list of the 5 scariest abandoned amusement parks you won't believe exist if you enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like and subscribe it's completely free and it really helps us out also if you want to check out our last video feel free to click on-screen in a second it's really awesome with that said thank you for watching hope you enjoyed and keep it here on top 5 central [Music]
Channel: Top5Central
Views: 6,495,780
Rating: 4.8749275 out of 5
Keywords: top 5, top 5 scariest abandoned amusement parks, scariest abandoned amusement parks, scariest amusement parks, abandoned amusment parks, abandoned parks, scariest parks, top 5 abandoned amusement parks, amusement parks, abandoned, amusement, parks, top, top5central, new
Id: sI2ls9oZzPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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