Titanic Survivor Claims an Iceberg Didn't Destroy the Ship

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[Music] have you ever met a person who hasn't ever heard the story of Titanic unlikely even if you ask a ten-year-old they'll tell you exactly what took down the gigantic ship however some survivors of the sinking legend would beg to differ here's one of their stories and surprise it has nothing to do with an iceberg our mean Ian publicist vodka knocked by 8 was 25 years old in the spring of 1912 he described what happened on his journey to America on the most famous ship in the world in his memoirs quick history quiz do you remember when the Titanic left the southampton dock did I hear April 10th 1912 yeah that's right now back to the story in 1912 vodka nock published some books together with his father a famous armenian writer his task was to take the books to America he had some health problems so he was denied at the consulate at first but he got the papers he needed to enter the US after his father pulled some strings for him vodka not caught the legendary Orient Express from Istanbul till aha and from there he made it to Southampton he learned that the nearest ship departing for the new world was the Titanic which everyone was talking about he was pretty excited about the journey and arrived at the port neatly shaven and smartly dressed with a trendy cap and massive glasses that were popular in the US at that time the writer met three men with whom he shared Kevin 804 they were two Englishmen and a French guy from Alison's name more n because Moran and vodka nock were around the same age and vodka na could speak excellent French they quickly became friends they would hang out on the deck at the onboard the bar in the library none of them could possibly imagine what would become of the unsinkable ship just days later they went to bed rather late on April 14th just like on the other nights shortly after midnight something that sounded like a big explosion woke everyone up BAM the night lights went out and the Englishmen were jolted from their bunks by a strong push one of them injured his head and another one his arm the two new friends helped them up took a few belongings with them and left the cabin not knowing that they would never step back in it vodka knock only took his passport and all the cash he had about fifty four dollars it was clear that something was wrong yet it was quiet in the corridor the young men tried to find out what was going on none of the crew members wanted to say anything but a few minutes later it was impossible to deny that the Titanic was going underwater vodka nock noticed the sailors were getting the lifeboats out and commanded they were only for women and kids some men tried to sneak in any way but gunshots were fired off to prevent them from doing so vodka nock and Moran looked at each other understanding they had two choices stay on the sinking ship and say goodbye to their futures or at least try to save themselves by jumping in the water both wanted to live and both knew they could swim well so the choice was obvious Moran managed to get them to life vests vodka not put his passport and money in a little bag and tied it around his neck the Titanic's bow was already underwater by that time it must have taken them real courage imagine you're in the middle of the high seas on a sinking ship and you know no one will save you right away a lot of people in this situation wouldn't have dared to take it to the open water so vodka knock and Morin jumped and got instantly separated by a sudden way it only made things worse because braving this catastrophe with a friend was one thing but doing it alone was way scarier the water in the North Atlantic that night was just below freezing at a scary 28 degrees Fahrenheit the young writer felt his arms and legs go numb and he was understandably getting weaker and weaker every second he lost the life vest and now his only hope for survival was a lifeboat he was about to faint and it wasn't getting any warmer in the water just then he bumped into something it was a lifeboat but if you're hoping for a happy end at this point I'll have to disappoint you the boat was so overcrowded they pushed the young man with a paddle when he tried to stick to the boat he begged for help but they refused to show mercy their logic was simple one extra man in that boat could have made it sink and no one in it would have had a chance for survival he had to let go of the boat and what happened after is a miracle vodka nak woke up alive on board another ship that ship was the Carpathia and it was enroute to New York with lucky survivors on board the writer had a terrible headache and he saw double but what mattered most is that he escaped from the freezing ocean how did he do it he couldn't remember anything the next evening the ship made it to New York without his passport and money which he must have lost at some point during the rescue vodka NOK was taken to the hospital 12 days later a woman came into the room and all she could say through tears was oh my dear boy she turned out to be the person who save what cannot mrs. Astor was in her 50s and she told the young man a lifeboat he tried to get into didn't actually leave without him mrs. Astor told the sailors that the man was her son and she wouldn't let them go without him since she'd already lost her husband on the Titanic it turned out she kept vodka knots passport and money and invited him to visit her when he felt better after he recovered the writer was reunited with his family in Boston he even received all the books he planned to sell in America since they were travelling on a different ship vodka NOK lived a long and happy life and as a great storyteller he shared what happened to him many times interestingly he's never mentioned in iceberg hitting the Titanic and always spoke about an explosion if what he said was true something must have caused that huge explosion it could have been a fire and quite a lot of people actually believe that theory saying that coal was burning in the ship's Hall that fire would have started long before the ship's departure and there was simply no way to put it out Titanic must have left with the fire still ongoing and the flames weakening the hull so much it couldn't survive its meeting with the iceberg supporters of this theory used pictures of the Titanic leaving the docks for evidence pointing to a huge dark mark on the hall even if that's true though it's still not obvious whether the fire led to an explosion and supporters of this theory don't deny there was an iceberg another theory that explained the explosion claimed that there was a German u-boat involved in the sinking of the Titanic the Armenian writer was in fact not the only survivor who mentioned they heard explosion sounds coming from somewhere deep in the bowels of the ship and they'd also claimed they'd seen a search light coming from some ship shortly after Titanic had some it wasn't a vessel hurrying to the rescue so it could have actually been a submarine that surfaced to see what it had done to the legendary ship this theory is highly unlikely though for several reasons first of all as you know the Titanic sank in 1912 which was still a time of peace no country in the world would dare to kill thousands of people and provoke other countries for no reason secondly a u-boat from Europe couldn't have gone that far in those times and it couldn't have been stationed in that region either it simply wouldn't have survived there for a long time finally hitting a target that's moving quickly at nighttime is still a challenge for submariners even today and it was basically impossible in 1912 it's hard to tell what could have made a man who survived such a tragedy remember things that did or didn't happen let's hope that in the future scientists will be able to explain all the mysteries surrounding the Titanic so do you believe an explosion might have killed Titanic and there was no iceberg at all let me know down in the comments if you learned something new today then give this video a like and share it with a friend but hey don't go anywhere just yet we have over 2,000 cool videos for you to check out all you have to do is pick the left or right video click on it and enjoy stay on the bright side of life
Views: 9,643,310
Rating: 4.5964208 out of 5
Keywords: titanic, titanic wreck, titanic story, titanic truth, facts about titanic, ship crash, titanic iceberg, titanic explosion, titanic mystery, titanic sinking, titanic survivors, Vaghinak Byurat, mysterious videos, interesting videos, ship crashing, titanic theories, titanic secrets, titanic theory
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
Reddit Comments

(for jeffy fans or sml fans) Cody’s mom hit the titanic

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
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